예제 #1
def main():
    import sys
    import time
    import StockFunctions as gsf

    #First we get some data.  This function returns an array of times and prices.
    #First set the length of time to get.
    numHours = 6
    numSec = numHours * 360

    #The variable sleepTime is the number of seconds to sleep before getting
    #another stock price.
    sleepTime = 10

    #Let us get the data and time.
    dt = time.localtime()
    yearStr = str('{0:02d}'.format(dt.tm_year))
    monthStr = str('{0:02d}'.format(dt.tm_mon))
    dayStr = str('{0:02d}'.format(dt.tm_mday))
    hourStr = str('{0:02d}'.format(dt.tm_hour))
    minuteStr = str('{0:02d}'.format(dt.tm_min))

    dateTime = (yearStr + monthStr + dayStr + hourStr + minuteStr)

    #The name of the stock we are looking at.
    stockAbbrev = 'tsla'  #Tesla

    #Now get the data from the IEX server.
    data = gsf.query(numSec, sleepTime, stockAbbrev, dateTime)

    #Now plot the data.
    succeed = gsf.visualizeDailyStockPrice(data, stockAbbrev, dateTime)
예제 #2
def writeFile(LST, LSP, tag):
    #    breakpoint()
    import csv, time
    import numpy as np
    import os.path
    from os import path
    import sys
    import StockFunctions as sf

    timeNonzero = np.nonzero(LST)
    t_vals = time.localtime(LST[timeNonzero[0][0]] / 1000.0)

    #Convert the integers to strings and prepend 0's to those values which
    #are less than 10.
    year = str('{0:04d}'.format(t_vals[0]))
    month = str('{0:02d}'.format(t_vals[1]))
    day = str('{0:02d}'.format(t_vals[2]))
    hour = str('{0:02d}'.format(t_vals[3]))
    minute = str('{0:02d}'.format(t_vals[4]))

    #Create a string for the date and time that the data were collected.
    dateTime = year + month + day + hour + minute

    stockDir = sf.GetStockNames(tag)
    dirpath = '/home/jdw/UM2020Spring/M567/Data/' + stockDir + '/'
    fname = 'StockPrice_' + str(tag) + dateTime + '.txt'
    filename = dirpath + fname

    #Write the data to a file.
    if (path.exists(filename)):
        #Append to the file.
        with open(filename, mode='a') as f:
            stock_writer = csv.writer(f, delimiter=',')
            for i in range(len(LST)):
                stock_writer.writerow([LST[i], LSP[i]])

        #Write the file.
        with open(filename, mode='w') as f:
            stock_writer = csv.writer(f, delimiter=',')
            for i in range(len(LST)):
                stock_writer.writerow([LST[i], LSP[i]])

    return True
def main() :
  import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
  import numpy as np
  from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages
  import math
  import argparse #A parser for command line options.
  import sys
  import csv
  import glob
  #Since python cannot figure out my path I append my function directory to the path.

  #Now import StockFunctions.py.
  import StockFunctions as sf

  #Create an argparse object.
#  parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()

  #Add some optional arguments.
  #Get the name of the company for which the stock prices were obtained.
#  stockNameHelp = 'Input the name of a company whose stock prices you want to visualize.'
#  parser.add_argument('-s','--stockName', help = stockNameHelp, default = 'Google')

  #Get the year the stock prices were obtained.
#  yearHelp = 'Input the year the stock price was obtained. Value is integer.'
#  parser.add_argument('-y', '--year', help = yearHelp, default = 2020, type = int)

  #Get the month the stock prices were obtained.
#  monthHelp = 'Input the month the stock price was obtained. Value is integer.'
#  parser.add_argument('-m', '--month', help = monthHelp, default = 3, type = int)

  #Get the day the stock prices were obtained.
#  dayHelp = 'Input the day the stock price was obtained.  Value is integer.'
#  parser.add_argument('-d', '--day', help = dayHelp, default = 2, type = int)

  #Get the input directory for the plot.
#  inputHelp = 'Input the full path of the directory in which the data is found.'
#  defaultInputDir = '/home/jdw/UM2020Spring/M567/Data/Google/'
#  parser.add_argument('-D','--Directory', help = inputHelp, default = defaultInputDir)

  #Get the output directory for the plot.
#  outputHelp = 'Input the full path of the directory in which to place the output file.'
#  defaultOutputDir = '/home/jdw/UM2020Spring/M567/Plots/'
#  parser.add_argument('-P','--Plots', help = outputHelp, default = defaultOutputDir)
  #Set the input arguments to the args object.
#  args = parser.parse_args()

  #Make up the input and output file names.
#  stockAbbrev = sf.GetStockAbbrev(args.stockName)
#  datetime = str(args.year) + str('{0:02d}'.format(args.month)) + str('{0:02d}'.format(args.day))

  #Choose a company whose stock price you want to visualize.
  stockName = 'Verizon'
  stockAbbrev = sf.GetStockAbbrev(stockName)

  directory = ('/home/jdw/UM2020Spring/M567/Data/' + stockName +
               '/StockPrice_' + stockAbbrev + '*.txt')
  infiles = glob.glob(directory)

  for filename in infiles :
    if(filename[-4:] == '.txt') :

      datetime = filename[-16 : -4]
      month = filename[-12 : -10]
      month = month.lstrip('0')
      day = filename[-10 : -8]
      day = day.lstrip('0')
      year = filename[-16 : -12]
      #Create a output file name to where the plot will be saved.
      outfilepath = '/home/jdw/UM2020Spring/M567/Data/' + stockName + '/'
      outfilename = stockName + 'DailyStockPrice' + datetime + '.pdf'
      outfile = outfilepath + outfilename

      #Open and read in the saved data.  We need to use infile[0] because glob returns a list.
      with open(filename) as csv_file :
        csv_reader = csv.reader(csv_file, delimiter = ',')
        line_count = 0
        dateTime = []
        price = []
        for row in csv_reader :
        #End of the for loop - for row in csv_reader:
      #End of the with/open loop.

      numHalfHours = 13
      dpperhalfhour = math.ceil(len(price)/numHalfHours)
      tickval = np.zeros(8)
      for i in range(1, 8) :
        tickval[i] = dpperhalfhour*(2*i - 1)
      #End of the for loop - for i in range(1, 8) :

      #Create a time vector.
      t = np.arange(1, len(price) + 1)
      #Get the date for the data.
      monthNameStr = sf.convertMonthNumToMonthName(int(month))
      dateStr = (monthNameStr + ' ' + day + ' ' + year)
      #Create a title string.
      titlestr = ('Stock Price vs Time for ' + dateStr + ' - ' + stockName)

      #Lets make sure we have a clean canvas.

      plt.plot(t, price, 'b')
      plt.title(titlestr, fontsize = 9)
      plt.ylabel('Stock Price(Dollars)')
      plt.xticks(tickval, ('7:30 ',
             fontsize = 7)
      #Save the plot to a file.
      pp = PdfPages(outfile)
