예제 #1
 def Find( attribute ):
     """ Search for methods and attributes """
     print( "\nSearching for attribute '{}'...".format( attribute ) )
     found = False
     AA = attribute.upper()
     for thing in dir(Sword):
         BB = thing.upper()
         if BB.startswith(AA): print( "  Have {} in Sword".format( thing ) ); found = True
     for thing in dir(Sword.SWVersion()):
         BB = thing.upper()
         if BB.startswith(AA): print( "  Have {} in SWVersion".format( thing ) ); found = True
     for thing in dir(Sword.SWMgr()):
         BB = thing.upper()
         if BB.startswith(AA): print( "  Have {} in SWMgr".format( thing ) ); found = True
     module = library.getModule( "KJV" )
     for thing in dir(module):
         BB = thing.upper()
         if BB.startswith(AA): print( "  Have {} in SWModule".format( thing ) ); found = True
     for thing in dir(Sword.SWKey()):
         BB = thing.upper()
         if BB.startswith(AA): print( "  Have {} in SWKey".format( thing ) ); found = True
     for thing in dir(Sword.VerseKey()):
         BB = thing.upper()
         if BB.startswith(AA): print( "  Have {} in VerseKey".format( thing ) ); found = True
     #for thing in dir(Sword.InstallMgr()):
         #BB = thing.upper()
         #if BB.startswith(AA): print( "  Have {} in InstallMgr".format( thing ) ); found = True
     for thing in dir(Sword.LocaleMgr()):
         BB = thing.upper()
         if BB.startswith(AA): print( "  Have {} in LocaleMgr".format( thing ) ); found = True
     for thing in dir(Sword.SWFilterMgr()):
         BB = thing.upper()
         if BB.startswith(AA): print( "  Have {} in SWFilterMgr".format( thing ) ); found = True
     if not found: print( " Sorry, '{}' not found.".format( attribute ) )
예제 #2
def demo():
    if Globals.verbosityLevel > 0: print( ProgNameVersion )

    #print( "\ndir Sword", dir(Sword) )

    if SwordType == "CrosswireLibrary":
        print( "\ndir Sword.SWVersion()", dir(Sword.SWVersion()) )
        print( "Version", Sword.SWVersion().getText() )
        print( "Versions", Sword.SWVersion().major, Sword.SWVersion().minor, Sword.SWVersion().minor2, Sword.SWVersion().minor3 ) # ints

        library = Sword.SWMgr()
        #print( "\ndir library", dir(library) )
        #print( "\nlibrary getHomeDir", library.getHomeDir().getRawData() )

    def Find( attribute ):
        """ Search for methods and attributes """
        print( "\nSearching for attribute '{}'...".format( attribute ) )
        found = False
        AA = attribute.upper()
        for thing in dir(Sword):
            BB = thing.upper()
            if BB.startswith(AA): print( "  Have {} in Sword".format( thing ) ); found = True
        for thing in dir(Sword.SWVersion()):
            BB = thing.upper()
            if BB.startswith(AA): print( "  Have {} in SWVersion".format( thing ) ); found = True
        for thing in dir(Sword.SWMgr()):
            BB = thing.upper()
            if BB.startswith(AA): print( "  Have {} in SWMgr".format( thing ) ); found = True
        module = library.getModule( "KJV" )
        for thing in dir(module):
            BB = thing.upper()
            if BB.startswith(AA): print( "  Have {} in SWModule".format( thing ) ); found = True
        for thing in dir(Sword.SWKey()):
            BB = thing.upper()
            if BB.startswith(AA): print( "  Have {} in SWKey".format( thing ) ); found = True
        for thing in dir(Sword.VerseKey()):
            BB = thing.upper()
            if BB.startswith(AA): print( "  Have {} in VerseKey".format( thing ) ); found = True
        #for thing in dir(Sword.InstallMgr()):
            #BB = thing.upper()
            #if BB.startswith(AA): print( "  Have {} in InstallMgr".format( thing ) ); found = True
        for thing in dir(Sword.LocaleMgr()):
            BB = thing.upper()
            if BB.startswith(AA): print( "  Have {} in LocaleMgr".format( thing ) ); found = True
        for thing in dir(Sword.SWFilterMgr()):
            BB = thing.upper()
            if BB.startswith(AA): print( "  Have {} in SWFilterMgr".format( thing ) ); found = True
        if not found: print( " Sorry, '{}' not found.".format( attribute ) )
    # end of Find

    if 0: # Install manager
        print( "\nINSTALL MANAGER" )
        im = Sword.InstallMgr() # FAILS
        print( "\ndir im", im, dir(im) )

    if 0: # Locale manager
        print( "\nLOCALE MANAGER" )
        lm = Sword.LocaleMgr()
        print( "dir lm", lm, dir(lm) )
        print( "default {}".format( lm.getDefaultLocaleName() ) )
        print( "available {}".format( lm.getAvailableLocales() ) ) # Gives weird result: "available ()"
        print( "locale {}".format( lm.getLocale( "en" ) ) ) # Needs a string parameter but why does it return None?

    if 0: # try filters
        print( "\nFILTER MANAGER" )
        fm = Sword.SWFilterMgr()
        print( "\ndir filters", dir(fm) )

    if SwordType == "CrosswireLibrary":
        # Get a list of available module names and types
        print( "\n{} modules are installed.".format( len(library.getModules()) ) )
        for j,moduleBuffer in enumerate(library.getModules()):
            moduleID = moduleBuffer.getRawData()
            module = library.getModule( moduleID )
            if 0:
                print( "{} {} ({}) {} '{}'".format( j, module.getName(), module.getType(), module.getLanguage(), module.getEncoding() ) )
                try: print( "    {} '{}' {} {}".format( module.getDescription(), module.getMarkup(), module.getDirection(), "" ) )
                except UnicodeDecodeError: print( "   Description is not Unicode!" )
        #print( "\n", j, "dir module", dir(module) )

        # Try some modules
        mod1 = library.getModule( "KJV" )
        print( "\nmod1 {} ({}) '{}'".format( mod1.getName(), mod1.getType(), mod1.getDescription() ) )
        mod2 = library.getModule( "ASV" )
        print( "\nmod2 {} ({}) '{}'".format( mod2.getName(), mod2.getType(), mod2.getDescription() ) )
        mod3 = library.getModule( "WEB" )
        print( "\nmod3 {} ({}) '{}'".format( mod3.getName(), mod3.getType(), mod3.getDescription() ) )
        strongsGreek = library.getModule( "StrongsGreek" )
        print( "\nSG {} ({}) '{}'\n".format( strongsGreek.getName(), strongsGreek.getType(), strongsGreek.getDescription() ) )
        strongsHebrew = library.getModule( "StrongsHebrew" )
        print( "\nSH {} ({}) '{}'\n".format( strongsHebrew.getName(), strongsHebrew.getType(), strongsHebrew.getDescription() ) )

        # Try a sword key
        sk = Sword.SWKey( "H0430" )
        #print( "\ndir sk", dir(sk) )

        # Try a verse key
        vk = Sword.VerseKey( "Jn 3:16" )
        #print( "\ndir vk", dir(vk) )
        #print( "val", vk.validateCurrentLocale() ) # gives None
        print( "getInfo", vk.getLocale(), vk.getBookCount(), vk.getBookMax(), vk.getIndex(), vk.getVersificationSystem() )
        print( "getBCV {}({}/{}) {}/{}:{} in '{}'({})/{}".format( vk.getBookName(), vk.getBookAbbrev(), vk.getOSISBookName(), vk.getChapter(), vk.getChapterMax(), vk.getVerse(), repr(vk.getTestament()), vk.getTestamentIndex(), vk.getTestamentMax() ) )
        print( "getText {} {} {} {} '{}'".format( vk.getOSISRef(), vk.getText(), vk.getRangeText(), vk.getShortText(), vk.getSuffix() ) )
        #print( "bounds {} {}".format( vk.getLowerBound(), vk.getUpperBound() ) )

        if 0: # Set a filter HOW DO WE DO THIS???
            rFs = mod1.getRenderFilters()
            print( mod1.getRenderFilters() )

        print( "\n{} {}: {}".format( mod1.getName(), "Jonny 1:1", mod1.renderText( Sword.VerseKey("Jn 1:1") ) ) )
        print( "\n{} {}: {}".format( mod1.getName(), mod1.getKey().getText(), mod1.stripText(  ) ) )
        print( "\n{} {}: {}".format( mod1.getName(), mod1.getKey().getText(), mod1.renderText(  ) ) )
        print( "\n{} {}: {}".format( mod2.getName(), vk.getText(), mod2.renderText( vk ) ) )
        print( "\n{} {}: {}".format( mod3.getName(), vk.getText(), mod3.renderText( vk ) ) )
        print( "\n{} {}: {}".format( mod3.getName(), vk.getText(), mod3.renderText( vk ) ) )

        print( "\n{} {}: {}".format( strongsGreek.getName(), sk.getText(), strongsGreek.renderText( Sword.SWKey("G746") ) ) )
        print( "\n{} {}: {}".format( strongsHebrew.getName(), sk.getText(), strongsHebrew.renderText( sk ) ) )

        if 0: # Get all vernacular booknames
            # VerseKey vk; while (!vk.Error()) { cout << vk.getBookName(); vk.setBook(vk.getBook()+1); }
            vk = Sword.VerseKey()
            while vk.popError()=='\x00':
                print( "bookname", vk.getBookName() )
                booknumber = int( bytes( vk.getBook(),'utf-8' )[0] )
                vk.setBook( booknumber + 1 )

        if 0: # Get booknames by testament (from http://www.crosswire.org/wiki/DevTools:Code_Examples)
            vk = Sword.VerseKey()
            for t in range( 1, 2+1 ):
                vk.setTestament( t )
                for i in range( 1, vk.getBookMax()+1 ):
                    vk.setBook( i )
                    print( t, i, vk.getBookName() )

        # Try a tree key on a GenBook
        module = library.getModule( "Westminster" )
        print( "\nmodule {} ({}) '{}'".format( module.getName(), module.getType(), module.getDescription() ) )
        def getGenBookTOC( tk, parent ):
            if tk is None: # obtain one from the module
                tk = Sword.TreeKey_castTo( module.getKey() ) # Only works for gen books
            if tk and tk.firstChild():
                while True:
                    print( " ", tk.getText() )
                    # Keep track of the information for custom implementation
                    #Class *item = storeItemInfoForLaterUse(parent, text);
                    item = (parent) # temp ....................
                    if tk.hasChildren():
                        print( "  Getting children..." )
                        getGenBookTOC( tk, item )
                    if not tk.nextSibling(): break
        # end of getGenBookTOC
        getGenBookTOC( None, None )