def test_combine_layer_net_construct(): with make_scope() as session: net_dict = { "lstm0_fw": { "class": "rec", "unit": "lstmp", "n_out": 5, "dropout": 0.0, "L2": 0.01, "direction": 1 }, "lstm0_bw": { "class": "rec", "unit": "lstmp", "n_out": 5, "dropout": 0.0, "L2": 0.01, "direction": -1 }, "lstm0_avg": { "class": "combine", "kind": "average", "from": ["lstm0_fw", "lstm0_bw"], "trainable": False }, "output": { "class": "softmax", "loss": "ce", "from": ["lstm0_avg"] } } config = Config() config.update(dict(num_inputs=4, num_outputs=9)) network = TFNetwork(config=config, train_flag=True) network.construct_from_dict(net_dict)
def test_stftConfig_single_res_01(): with make_scope() as session: layer_name = "stft_layer" fft_sizes = [400] frame_sizes = [400] frame_shift = 160 window = "hanning" test_input = np.ones((1, 32000, 2), dtype=np.float32) num_outputs = (int(fft_sizes[0] / 2) + 1) * test_input.shape[2] config = Config() config.update({ "num_outputs": num_outputs, "num_inputs": test_input.shape[2], "network": { layer_name: { "class": "multichannel_multiresolution_stft_layer", "frame_shift": frame_shift, "frame_sizes": frame_sizes, "window": window, "fft_sizes": fft_sizes, "use_rfft": True, "nr_of_channels": 2, "is_output_layer": True} }}) network = TFNetwork(config=config, train_flag=True) network.construct_from_dict(config.typed_value("network")) layer = network.layers[layer_name] test_output =, {network.get_extern_data('data').placeholder: test_input}) ref0 = _get_ref_output_single_res(test_input, fft_sizes[0], frame_sizes[0], frame_shift, window, 0, 0) resultDiff = np.abs(test_output[0, 0, 0:(int(fft_sizes[0] / 2) + 1)] - ref0) assert test_output.shape[2] == num_outputs assert np.mean(resultDiff) < 0.02 assert np.max(resultDiff) < 1
def test_melFilterbankLayer(): with make_scope() as session: n_in, n_out = 257, 3 layer_name = "mel_filterbank_layer" config = Config() config.update({ "num_outputs": n_out, "num_inputs": n_in, "network": { layer_name: { "class": "mel_filterbank", "fft_size": 512, "nr_of_filters": n_out, "n_out": n_out, "is_output_layer": True } } }) network = TFNetwork(config=config, train_flag=True) network.construct_from_dict(config.typed_value("network")) layer = network.layers[layer_name] test_out =, feed_dict={ network.get_extern_data('data').placeholder: np.ones((1, 1, 257)) }) assert np.sum(test_out - np.asarray( [28.27923584, 53.10634232, 99.71585846], dtype=np.float32)) < 1e-5
def test_rfftStftConfig_01(): with make_scope() as session: layer_name = "stft_layer" fft_size = 400 frame_size = 400 frame_shift = 160 window = "hanning" test_input = np.ones((1, 32000, 2), dtype=np.float32) config = Config() config.update({ "num_outputs": int(fft_size / 2) + 1 * test_input.shape[2], "num_inputs": test_input.shape[2], "network": { layer_name: { "class": "multichannel_stft_layer", "frame_shift": frame_shift, "frame_size": frame_size, "window": window, "fft_size": fft_size, "use_rfft": True, "nr_of_channels": 2, "is_output_layer": True} }}) network = TFNetwork(config=config, train_flag=True) network.construct_from_dict(config.typed_value("network")) layer = network.layers[layer_name] test_output =, {network.get_extern_data('data').placeholder: test_input}) ref0 = _get_ref_output(test_input, fft_size, frame_size, frame_shift, window, 0, 0) # np.fft.rfft and tensorflow.python.ops.rfft differ a little bit in their # results, thus an error margin is allowed in the result resultDiff = np.abs(test_output[0, 0, 0:(int(fft_size / 2) + 1)] - ref0) assert np.mean(resultDiff) < 0.02 assert np.max(resultDiff) < 1 pass
def test_complexLinearProjectionLayer(): with make_scope() as session: n_in, n_out = 514, 128 layer_name = "clp_layer" config = Config() config.update({ "num_outputs": n_out, "num_inputs": n_in, "network": { layer_name: { "class": "complex_linear_projection", "nr_of_filters": n_out, "n_out": n_out, "is_output_layer": True} }}) network = TFNetwork(config=config, train_flag=True) network.construct_from_dict(config.typed_value("network")) layer = network.layers[layer_name] assert isinstance(layer, ComplexLinearProjectionLayer) i_r = np.ones((1, n_in // 2)) i_i = np.ones((1, n_in // 2)) * 0.5 test_input = np.expand_dims(np.reshape(np.transpose( np.reshape(np.concatenate([i_r, i_i], axis=1), (1, 2, 257)), [0, 2, 1]), (1, 514)), 0) test_clp_kernel = np.ones((2, n_in // 2, 128)) test_clp_output = layer.output.placeholder, feed_dict={network.get_extern_data('data').placeholder: test_input, layer._clp_kernel: test_clp_kernel}) assert test_clp_output[0, 0, 0] - 6.00722122 < 1e-5
def test_ConvLayer_feature_dim_unspecified(): n_in = 1 n_out = 13 net_dict = { 'output': { 'activation': 'abs', 'class': 'conv', 'filter_size': (4, ), 'n_out': 64, 'padding': 'valid', 'strides': 10 } } config = Config({ "num_outputs": n_out, "num_inputs": n_in, "debug_print_layer_output_template": True }) with make_scope() as session: net = TFNetwork(config=config) print("extern data:") print(net.extern_data) net.construct_from_dict(net_dict) out = net.get_default_output_layer() # Maybe this will not be the case in the future anymore; # however, if this test runs on CPU, currently the feature_dim_axis should always stay the default. assert out.output.feature_dim_axis_or_unspecified is NotSpecified
def test_batch_norm_vars(): with make_scope() as session: n_in, n_out = 2, 3 config = Config() layer_name = "layer1" config.update({ "num_outputs": n_out, "num_inputs": n_in, "network": { layer_name: { "class": "linear", "activation": "relu", "batch_norm": True, "n_out": n_out, "is_output_layer": True} }}) network = TFNetwork(config=config, train_flag=True) network.construct_from_dict(config.typed_value("network")) layer = network.layers[layer_name] print("layer:", layer) print("layer vars:") pprint(layer.params) assert layer.use_batch_norm bn_prefix = "batch_norm/%s_%s_output_" % (layer_name, layer_name) assert_equal(set(layer.params.keys()), { "W", "b", bn_prefix + "beta", bn_prefix + "mean", bn_prefix + "gamma", bn_prefix + "variance"}) assert_equal(layer.params["W"].get_shape().as_list(), [n_in, n_out]) assert_equal(layer.params["b"].get_shape().as_list(), [n_out]) assert_equal(layer.params[bn_prefix + "beta"].get_shape().as_list(), [1, 1, n_out]) assert_equal(layer.params[bn_prefix + "gamma"].get_shape().as_list(), [1, 1, n_out]) assert_equal(layer.params[bn_prefix + "mean"].get_shape().as_list(), [1, 1, n_out]) assert_equal(layer.params[bn_prefix + "variance"].get_shape().as_list(), [1, 1, n_out])
def test_subnetwork_layer_net_construct(): with make_scope() as session: net_dict = { "ff0": { "class": "forward", "activation": "tanh", "n_out": 3 }, "sub": { "class": "subnetwork", "from": ["ff0"], "subnetwork": { "ff1": { "class": "forward", "activation": "relu", "n_out": 2 }, "output": { "class": "forward", "activation": "relu", "n_out": 2 } } }, "output": { "class": "softmax", "loss": "ce", "from": ["sub"] } } config = Config() config.update(dict(num_inputs=4, num_outputs=3)) network = TFNetwork(config=config, train_flag=True) network.construct_from_dict(net_dict) assert_equal(network.layers["sub"].output.dim, 2)
def test_rec_subnet_with_choice(): with tf.Session(): config = Config() config.update({ "num_outputs": 3, "num_inputs": 4, "network": { "output": { "class": "rec", "target": "classes", "unit": { "prob": { "class": "softmax", "from": ["prev:output"], "loss": "ce", "target": "classes" }, "output": { "class": "choice", "beam_size": 4, "from": ["prob"], "target": "classes", "initial_output": 0 } } }, } }) network = TFNetwork(config=config, train_flag=True) network.construct_from_dict(config.typed_dict["network"])
def test_compare_layer(): with make_scope() as session: config = Config() config.update({ "model": "/tmp/model", "num_outputs": 3, "num_inputs": 2, "network": { "const": { "class": "constant", "value": 3, "from": [] }, "output": { "class": "compare", "from": ["const"], "value": 3 } } }) network = TFNetwork(config=config, train_flag=True) network.construct_from_dict(config.typed_dict["network"]) out = network.get_default_output_layer(must_exist=True) v = assert_equal(v.shape, (1, )) # (batch,), where batch==1 for broadcasting assert_equal(v.dtype, numpy.dtype("bool")) assert_equal(v[0], True)
def test_reuse_params_map_custom_rev(): with make_scope() as session: config = Config() n_in, n_out = 2, 3 config.update({ "num_outputs": n_out, "num_inputs": n_in, "network": { "output": {"class": "linear", "activation": "tanh", "with_bias": False, "from": ["l1"], "n_out": n_in}, "l1": { "class": "linear", "activation": None, "n_out": 5, "from": ["data"], "target": "data", "reuse_params": { "map": { "W": { "reuse_layer": "output", "custom": (lambda reuse_layer, **kwargs: tf.transpose(reuse_layer.params["W"]))}, "b": None} }, } } }) network = TFNetwork(config=config, train_flag=True) network.construct_from_dict(config.typed_dict["network"]) l1 = network.layers["l1"] l2 = network.layers["output"] assert_equal(set(l1.params.keys()), {"b"}) assert_equal(set(l2.params.keys()), {"W"}) assert_equal(set(network.get_trainable_params()), {l2.params["W"], l1.params["b"]})
def test_stftConfig_multi_res_02(): with make_scope() as session: layer_name = "stft_layer" fft_sizes = [400, 200, 800] frame_sizes = [400, 200, 800] frame_shift = 160 window = "hanning" test_input = np.random.normal(0, 0.6, (1, 3200, 2)) num_outputs = int(np.sum([(int(fft_size / 2) + 1) * test_input.shape[2] for fft_size in fft_sizes])) config = Config() config.update({ "num_outputs": num_outputs, "num_inputs": test_input.shape[2], "network": { layer_name: { "class": "multichannel_multiresolution_stft_layer", "frame_shift": frame_shift, "frame_sizes": frame_sizes, "window": window, "fft_sizes": fft_sizes, "use_rfft": True, "nr_of_channels": 2, "is_output_layer": True} }}) network = TFNetwork(config=config, train_flag=True) network.construct_from_dict(config.typed_value("network")) layer = network.layers[layer_name] test_output =, {network.get_extern_data('data').placeholder: test_input}) assert test_output.shape[2] == num_outputs comparison_frame = 6 ref00 = _get_ref_output_single_res(test_input, fft_sizes[0], frame_sizes[0], frame_shift, window, comparison_frame, 0) ref01 = _get_ref_output_single_res(test_input, fft_sizes[0], frame_sizes[0], frame_shift, window, comparison_frame, 1) ref10 = _get_ref_output_single_res(test_input, fft_sizes[1], frame_sizes[1], frame_shift, window, comparison_frame, 0) ref11 = _get_ref_output_single_res(test_input, fft_sizes[1], frame_sizes[1], frame_shift, window, comparison_frame, 1) ref20 = _get_ref_output_single_res(test_input, fft_sizes[2], frame_sizes[2], frame_shift, window, comparison_frame, 0) ref21 = _get_ref_output_single_res(test_input, fft_sizes[2], frame_sizes[2], frame_shift, window, comparison_frame, 1) ref = np.concatenate([ref00, ref01, ref10, ref11, ref20, ref21], axis=0) resultDiff = np.abs(test_output[0, comparison_frame, :] - ref) assert np.mean(resultDiff) < 0.06 assert np.max(resultDiff) < 1
def test_activation_layer_net_construct(): with make_scope() as session: num_inputs = 2 config = Config() config.update({ "num_outputs": 3, "num_inputs": num_inputs, "network": { "output": { "class": "activation", "activation": "relu", "from": ["data"] } } }) network = TFNetwork(config=config, train_flag=True) network.construct_from_dict(config.typed_value("network")) out = network.get_default_output_layer().output.placeholder n_batch = 1 seq_len = 3 feed = { network.extern_data.get_default_input_data().placeholder: numpy.array([[[0, 0], [-1, -1], [2, 2]]], dtype="float32") } assert_equal( feed[network.extern_data.get_default_input_data().placeholder]. shape, (n_batch, seq_len, num_inputs)) v =, feed_dict=feed) assert_equal(v.shape, (n_batch, seq_len, num_inputs)) assert_equal(v.tolist(), [[[0, 0], [0, 0], [2, 2]]])
def test_shift_layer(): with make_scope() as session: import numpy as np batch_size = 8 time_size = 20 feat_size = 10 shift_amount = 5 # right-shift of 5 elements config = Config() config.update({ "num_outputs": feat_size, "num_inputs": feat_size, "network": { "output": { "class": "shift_axis", "from": ["data"], "amount": shift_amount, "pad": True, "axis": "T" } } }) network = TFNetwork(config=config, train_flag=True) network.construct_from_dict(config.typed_dict["network"]) out = network.get_default_output_layer(must_exist=True) input_data = np.ones(shape=(batch_size, time_size, feat_size)) input_data[0, :, 0] = np.arange(time_size) # 0..time_size in time-axis feed_dict = {network.layers['data'].output.placeholder: input_data} v =, feed_dict) assert_equal(v.shape, (batch_size, time_size, feat_size)) assert_equal( np.equal(v[0, shift_amount:, 0], np.arange(time_size - shift_amount)).all(), True) assert_equal((v[:, :shift_amount, :] == 0).all(), True) # padding assert_equal((v[1:, shift_amount:, :] == 1).all(), True)
def test_reuse_params(): with make_scope() as session: config = Config() n_in, n_out = 2, 3 config.update({ "num_outputs": n_out, "num_inputs": n_in, "network": { "l1": { "class": "linear", "activation": None, "n_out": n_out }, "output": { "class": "linear", "activation": None, "n_out": n_out, "reuse_params": "l1" } } }) network = TFNetwork(config=config, train_flag=True) network.construct_from_dict(config.typed_dict["network"]) l1 = network.layers["l1"] l2 = network.layers["output"] assert_equal(set(l1.params.keys()), {"W", "b"}) assert_equal(set(l2.params.keys()), {"W", "b"}) assert l1.params["W"] is l2.params["W"] assert l1.params["b"] is l2.params["b"] assert_equal(set(network.get_trainable_params()), {l1.params["W"], l1.params["b"]})
def test_dropout_layer_net_construct(): with make_scope() as session: net_dict = { "drop": {"class": "dropout", "dropout": 0.3, "dropout_noise_shape": {"*": None}}, "output": {"class": "softmax", "loss": "ce", "from": ["drop"]} } config = Config({"num_inputs": 4, "num_outputs": 9, "debug_print_layer_output_template": True}) network = TFNetwork(config=config, train_flag=True) network.construct_from_dict(net_dict)
def test_conv_window_merge_dims(): n_in = 1 n_out = 13 net_dict = { 'conv_1': {'activation': 'abs', 'class': 'conv', 'filter_size': (4,), 'n_out': 64, 'padding': 'valid', 'strides': 10}, 'pad_conv_1_time_dim': {'axes': 'time', 'class': 'pad', 'from': ['conv_1'], 'padding': 20}, 'conv_2': {'activation': 'abs', 'class': 'conv', 'filter_size': (2, 6), 'from': ['pad_conv_1_time_dim'], 'input_add_feature_dim': True, 'n_out': 12, 'padding': 'valid', 'strides': 16}, 'flatten_conv': {'axes': 'except_time', 'class': 'merge_dims', 'from': ['conv_2'], 'n_out': 12}, 'window_1': {'class': 'window', 'from': ['flatten_conv'], 'window_size': 17}, 'flatten_window': {'axes': 'except_time', 'class': 'merge_dims', 'from': ['window_1']}, 'output': {'activation': None, 'class': 'linear', 'from': ['flatten_window'], 'n_out': n_out}, } config = Config({ "num_outputs": n_out, "num_inputs": n_in, "debug_print_layer_output_template": True }) with make_scope() as session: net = TFNetwork(config=config) print("extern data:") print(net.extern_data) # The construction itself is also the test. net.construct_from_dict(net_dict) out = net.get_default_output_layer() # Maybe this will not be the case in the future anymore; # however, if this test runs on CPU, currently the feature_dim_axis should always stay the default. # See also test_ConvLayer_feature_dim_unspecified. assert out.output.feature_dim_axis_or_unspecified is NotSpecified
def test_MergeDimsLayer(): with make_scope() as session: net = TFNetwork(extern_data=ExternData()) rnd = numpy.random.RandomState(42) def check(in_data_opts, in_static_shape, opts, out_data_shape, out_static_shape): """ :param dict[str] in_data_opts: :param tuple[int] in_static_shape: :param dict[str] opts: :param tuple[int|None] out_data_shape: :param tuple[int] out_static_shape: """ src = InternalLayer(name="src", network=net, out_type=in_data_opts) print("input:", src.output) src.output.placeholder = tf.constant(rnd.normal(size=in_static_shape).astype("float32"), dtype=tf.float32) src.output.size_placeholder = {} # not sure if enough... opts = opts.copy() opts.update({"network": net, "name": "merge_dims_test", "sources": [src]}) out_data = MergeDimsLayer.get_out_data_from_opts(**opts) print("output:", out_data) assert_equal(out_data.shape, out_data_shape) layer = MergeDimsLayer(output=out_data, **opts) assert_equal(layer.output.shape, out_data_shape) out_np = assert_equal(out_np.shape, out_static_shape) check({"shape": (4, 7), "time_dim_axis": None}, (2, 4, 7), {"axes": "except_batch"}, (4 * 7,), (2, 4 * 7)) check({"shape": (4, None, 7), "time_dim_axis": None}, (2, 4, 3, 7), {"axes": "static"}, (None, 4 * 7), (2, 3, 4 * 7)) check({"shape": (4, None, 7), "time_dim_axis": 2}, (2, 4, 3, 7), {"axes": "static"}, (None, 4 * 7), (2, 3, 4 * 7))
def test_ReduceLayer_reduce4d(): config = Config() config.update({ "num_inputs": 4, "num_outputs": 3, "debug_print_layer_output_template": True }) network = TFNetwork(config=config) src_layer = InternalLayer(name="src", network=network, output=Data(name="src", shape=(None, 4, 512), auto_create_placeholders=True)) print("src:", src_layer) opts = { 'axes': "s:1", 'keep_dims': True, 'mode': 'mean', 'name': 'c_out_reduce', 'network': network, 'sources': [src_layer] } out = ReduceLayer.get_out_data_from_opts(**opts) layer = ReduceLayer(output=out, **opts) print("layer:", layer)
def test_concat_sources_missing_dim(): with make_scope() as session: network = TFNetwork(train_flag=True, extern_data=ExternData()) n_batch = 5 n_time = 3 size_placeholder = {0: tf.constant(n_time, dtype=tf.int32, shape=(n_batch,))} src1 = InternalLayer( name="src1", network=network, output=Data( name="src1_output", shape=(None, 11), placeholder=tf.zeros((n_batch, n_time, 11)), size_placeholder=size_placeholder)) print("src1 output:", src1.output) src2 = InternalLayer( name="src2", network=network, output=Data( name="src2_output", shape=(13,), time_dim_axis=None, batch_dim_axis=0, placeholder=tf.zeros((n_batch, 13)), size_placeholder={})) print("src2 output:", src2.output) out_kwargs = dict(name="out", sources=[src1, src2], network=network) out_output = CopyLayer.get_out_data_from_opts(**out_kwargs) print("out output:", out_output) assert out_output.dim == 11 + 13 assert out_output.batch_dim_axis == 0 and out_output.time_dim_axis == 1 out = CopyLayer(output=out_output, **out_kwargs)
def test_melFilterbankLayer(): with make_scope() as session: n_in, n_out = 257, 3 layer_name = "mel_filterbank_layer" config = Config() config.update({ "num_outputs": n_out, "num_inputs": n_in, "network": { layer_name: { "class": "mel_filterbank", "fft_size": 512, "nr_of_filters": n_out, "n_out": n_out, "is_output_layer": True} }}) network = TFNetwork(config=config, train_flag=True) network.construct_from_dict(config.typed_value("network")) layer = network.layers[layer_name] test_out = layer.output.placeholder, feed_dict={network.get_extern_data('data').placeholder: np.ones((1, 1, 257))}) assert np.sum(test_out - np.asarray([28.27923584, 53.10634232, 99.71585846], dtype=np.float32)) < 1e-5
def test_constant_layer(): config = Config() config.update({ "num_outputs": 3, "num_inputs": 2, "network": { "output": { "class": "constant", "value": 42, "from": [] } } }) network = TFNetwork(config=config, train_flag=True) network.construct_from_dict(config.typed_dict["network"]) out = network.get_default_output_layer(must_exist=True) with tf.Session() as session: v = assert_equal(v.shape, (1, )) # (batch,), where batch==1 for broadcasting assert_equal(v[0], 42)
def test_DotLayer(): with make_scope() as session: B = 2 H = 3 D = H * 5 net = TFNetwork(extern_data=ExternData()) a = InternalLayer(name="A", network=net, out_type={"shape": (None, H, D // H)}) assert a.output.batch_dim_axis == 0 assert a.output.time_dim_axis == 1 assert a.output.shape == (None, H, D // H) assert a.output.dim == D // H a_seq_lens = [7, 3] assert len(a_seq_lens) == B a.output.placeholder = tf.reshape( tf.range(B * max(a_seq_lens) * D, dtype=tf.float32), (B, max(a_seq_lens), H, D // H)) a.output.size_placeholder = { 0: tf.constant(a_seq_lens, dtype=tf.int32) } b = InternalLayer(name="B", network=net, out_type={"shape": (H, D // H)}) assert b.output.batch_dim_axis == 0 assert b.output.shape == (H, D // H) assert b.output.dim == D // H b.output.placeholder = tf.reshape( tf.add(tf.range(B * D, dtype=tf.float32), 0.5), (B, H, D // H)) kwargs = dict(name="dot", network=net, sources=[a, b], debug=True, red1=-1, red2=-1, var1="T", var2=None) layer = DotLayer(output=DotLayer.get_out_data_from_opts(**kwargs), **kwargs) print(layer, layer.output) assert layer.output.batch_dim_axis == 0 assert layer.output.time_dim_axis == 2 assert layer.output.shape == (H, None, 1) assert layer.output.dim == 1 out, seq_lens = [layer.output.placeholder, layer.output.size_placeholder[1]]) print(out) print(seq_lens) assert isinstance(out, numpy.ndarray) assert isinstance(seq_lens, numpy.ndarray) assert_equal(seq_lens.tolist(), a_seq_lens) assert_equal(out.shape, (B, H, max(a_seq_lens), 1))
def test_activation_layer_net_construct_two_out(): with make_scope() as session: num_inputs = 2 config = Config() config.update({ "num_outputs": 3, "num_inputs": num_inputs, "network": { "0out": { "class": "linear", "n_out": 1, "activation": "relu", "from": ["data"], "is_output_layer": True }, "output": { "class": "activation", "activation": "relu", "from": ["data"] } } }) network = TFNetwork(config=config, train_flag=True) network.construct_from_dict(config.typed_value("network")) out = network.layers["output"].output.placeholder out2 = network.layers["0out"].output.placeholder n_batch = 1 seq_len = 3 feed = { network.extern_data.get_default_input_data().placeholder: numpy.array([[[0, 0], [-1, -1], [2, 2]]], dtype="float32") } assert_equal( feed[network.extern_data.get_default_input_data().placeholder]. shape, (n_batch, seq_len, num_inputs)) v, v2 =[out, out2], feed_dict=feed) assert_equal(v.shape, (n_batch, seq_len, num_inputs)) assert_equal(v.tolist(), [[[0, 0], [0, 0], [2, 2]]])
def test_ResizeLayer_fill_value(): with make_scope() as session: net = TFNetwork(extern_data=ExternData()) src = InternalLayer(name="src", network=net, out_type={ "dim": 20, "sparse": True }) src.output.placeholder = tf.constant( [[1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [6, 7, 8, 9, 10]], dtype=tf.int32) src.output.size_placeholder = {0: tf.constant([5, 3], dtype=tf.int32)} layer = ResizeLayer(name="resize", network=net, factor=3, axis="T", kind="fill", fill_value=19, sources=[src], output=ResizeLayer.get_out_data_from_opts( name="resize", network=net, factor=3, axis="T", kind="fill", sources=[src])) out, seq_lens = [layer.output.placeholder, layer.output.size_placeholder[0]]) print(out) print(seq_lens) assert isinstance(out, numpy.ndarray) assert isinstance(seq_lens, numpy.ndarray) assert_equal(out.tolist(), [[ 1, 19, 19, 2, 19, 19, 3, 19, 19, 4, 19, 19, 5, 19, 19, ], [6, 19, 19, 7, 19, 19, 8, 19, 19, 9, 19, 19, 10, 19, 19]]) assert_equal(seq_lens.tolist(), [15, 9])
def test_ResizeLayer_fill_dropout(): with make_scope() as session: net = TFNetwork(extern_data=ExternData()) src = InternalLayer(name="src", network=net, out_type={ "dim": 20, "sparse": True }) src_seqs = [[1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [6, 7, 8, 9, 10]] src_seq_lens = [5, 3] factor = 3 fill_value = 19 src.output.placeholder = tf.constant(src_seqs, dtype=tf.int32) src.output.size_placeholder = { 0: tf.constant(src_seq_lens, dtype=tf.int32) } layer = ResizeLayer(name="resize", network=net, factor=factor, axis="T", kind="fill", fill_value=fill_value, fill_dropout=0.5, sources=[src], output=ResizeLayer.get_out_data_from_opts( name="resize", network=net, factor=factor, axis="T", kind="fill", sources=[src])) out, seq_lens = [layer.output.placeholder, layer.output.size_placeholder[0]]) print(out) print(seq_lens) assert isinstance(out, numpy.ndarray) assert isinstance(seq_lens, numpy.ndarray) # Non-deterministic output. But we can check some constraints. for i in range(len(src_seq_lens)): assert src_seq_lens[i] <= seq_lens[i] <= src_seq_lens[i] * factor assert_equal([s for s in out[i] if s != fill_value], src_seqs[i])
def test_WindowLayer_output_placeholder(): with make_scope() as session: net = TFNetwork(extern_data=ExternData()) src = InternalLayer(name="src", network=net, out_type={"dim": 20, "sparse": True}) src.output.placeholder = tf.constant([[1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [6, 7, 8, 9, 10], [11, 12, 13, 14, 15]], dtype=tf.int32) src.output.size_placeholder = {0: tf.constant([5, 3, 1], dtype=tf.int32)} layer = WindowLayer( name="window", network=net, axis="T", window_size=3, padding='valid', sources=[src], output=WindowLayer.get_out_data_from_opts( name="window", network=net, axis="T", window_size=3, padding='valid', sources=[src])) out, seq_lens =[layer.output.placeholder, layer.output.size_placeholder[0]]) print(out) print(seq_lens) assert isinstance(out, numpy.ndarray) assert isinstance(seq_lens, numpy.ndarray) assert_equal( out.tolist(), [[[1, 2, 3], [2, 3, 4], [3, 4, 5]], [[6, 7, 8], [7, 8, 9], [8, 9, 10]], [[11, 12, 13], [12, 13, 14], [13, 14, 15]]]) assert_equal(seq_lens.tolist(), [3, 1, 0])
def test_layer_base_get_out_data_from_opts(): with make_scope() as session: config = Config() config.update({"num_inputs": 4, "num_outputs": 3}) network = TFNetwork(config=config) input_data =["data"] target_data =["classes"] assert input_data.dim == 4 assert input_data.shape == (None, 4) assert not input_data.sparse assert input_data.dtype == "float32" assert target_data.dim == 3 assert target_data.shape == (None, ) assert target_data.sparse assert target_data.dtype == "int32" out = LayerBase._base_get_out_data_from_opts(network=network, name="output", target="classes") # Output data type is a non-sparse version of the targets by default. assert out.dim == target_data.dim assert out.shape == target_data.shape_dense assert not out.sparse assert out.dtype == "float32"
def test_ReuseParams_rec(): print("test_ReuseParams_rec()") numpy.set_printoptions(precision=15) num_inputs = 100 num_outputs = 15 config = Config() config.update({ "num_inputs": num_inputs, "num_outputs": {"data": [num_inputs, 2], "classes": [num_outputs, 1]}, # dense output "network": { "out1": {"class": "softmax", "from": ["rec_fwd"], "loss": "ce", "n_out": num_outputs}, "out2": {"class": "softmax", "from": ["rec_fwd_copy"], "loss": "ce", "n_out": num_outputs}, "rec_fwd": {"class": "rec", "direction": 1, "from": ["data"], "n_out": 300, "unit": "lstmp"}, "rec_fwd_copy": {"class": "rec", "direction": 1, "from": ["data"], "n_out": 300, "unit": "lstmp", "reuse_params": "rec_fwd"} }, "adam": True, "target": "classes", "debug_grad_summaries": True, "debug_save_updater_vars": True, "debug_add_check_numerics_ops": True, }) print("Creating network...") network = TFNetwork(config=config, train_flag=True) network.construct_from_dict(config.typed_dict["network"]) random = numpy.random.RandomState(seed=1) def make_feed_dict(seq_len=10): return {["data"].placeholder: random.uniform(-1, 1, (1, seq_len, num_inputs)),["data"].size_placeholder[0]: numpy.array([seq_len]),["classes"].placeholder: random.randint(low=0, high=num_outputs, size=(1, seq_len)),["classes"].size_placeholder[0]: numpy.array([seq_len]), } print("Creating session...") with tf.Session() as session: print("Init params...") network.initialize_params(session=session) print("Testing reuse_params ...") feed = make_feed_dict(10) fwd_out, fwd_out_copy =[network.layers["rec_fwd"].output.placeholder, network.layers["rec_fwd_copy"].output.placeholder], feed_dict=feed) numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(fwd_out, fwd_out_copy)
def test_ResNet(): """Test to compare Resnet convolving (window x frequency) vs (time x frequency). Batch_norm layers are turned off in oder to compare, since the statistics over the windowed input data is a bit different from the plain input (when convolving directing over the time dim). """ def sliding_window(seq, window_size): import numpy as np import copy it = iter(seq) win = [it.__next__() for cnt in range(window_size)] # First window res_arr = [] res_arr.append(copy.deepcopy(win)) for e in it: # Subsequent windows win[:-1] = win[1:] win[-1] = e res_arr.append(copy.deepcopy(win)) return np.array(res_arr) with make_scope() as session: import numpy as np import math from tensorflow.python.client import timeline net_dict_conv_td, window_size = build_resnet(conv_time_dim=True) net_dict_windowed, _ = build_resnet(conv_time_dim=False) # Making two time-steps time_size = window_size + 1 data_layer_win = Data(name='win', shape=(window_size, 64, 3), dim = 3, batch_dim_axis = 0, sparse = False) data_layer_win.placeholder = tf.placeholder(shape=(None, window_size, 64, 3), dtype=tf.float32) data_layer_nowin = Data(name='nowin', shape=(time_size, 64, 3), dim = 3, batch_dim_axis = 0, time_dim_axis = 1, sparse = False) data_layer_nowin.placeholder = tf.placeholder(shape=(None, time_size, 64, 3), dtype=tf.float32) extern_data_nowin = ExternData()['data'] = data_layer_nowin extern_data_win = ExternData()['data'] = data_layer_win net_conv_td = TFNetwork(extern_data=extern_data_nowin) net_conv_td.train_flag = True net_conv_td.construct_from_dict(net_dict_conv_td) net_conv_td.initialize_params(session) net_windowed = TFNetwork(extern_data=extern_data_win) net_windowed.train_flag = True net_windowed.construct_from_dict(net_dict_windowed) net_windowed.initialize_params(session) data = np.random.rand(time_size, 64, 3) data_win = sliding_window(data, window_size) data = np.array([data]) feed_dict = {data_layer_nowin.placeholder: data, data_layer_win.placeholder: data_win} res1, res2 =[net_conv_td.layers['output'].output.placeholder, net_windowed.layers['output'].output.placeholder], feed_dict=feed_dict) print(res1[0][0] - res2[0][0]) print(res1[0][1] - res2[1][0]) assert(math.isclose(np.sum(res1[0][0] - res2[0][0]), 0.0, abs_tol=1e-07)) assert(math.isclose(np.sum(res1[0][1] - res2[1][0]), 0.0, abs_tol=1e-07))
def test_subnet_load_on_init(): import tempfile model_tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp("tmp-checkpoint") model_filename = model_tmp_dir + "/model" with make_scope() as session: config = Config() n_in, n_hidden, n_out = 2, 5, 3 config.update({ "num_outputs": n_out, "num_inputs": n_in, "network": { "l1": { "class": "linear", "activation": None, "n_out": n_hidden }, "output": { "class": "linear", "activation": None, "n_out": n_out, "from": ["l1"] } } }) network = TFNetwork(config=config, train_flag=True) network.construct_from_dict(config.typed_dict["network"]) network.initialize_params(session) params_orig_dump = network.get_params_serialized(session) print("l1:") print(params_orig_dump.values_dict["l1"]["W"]) print("output:") print(params_orig_dump.values_dict["output"]["W"]) assert (params_orig_dump.values_dict["l1"]["W"].any()) assert (params_orig_dump.values_dict["output"]["W"].any()) network.save_params_to_file(filename=model_filename, session=session) with make_scope() as session: config = Config() config.update({ "num_outputs": n_out, "num_inputs": n_in, "network": { "l0": { "class": "linear", "activation": None, "n_out": n_in }, "subnet": { "class": "subnetwork", "from": ["l0"], "load_on_init": model_filename, "subnetwork": { "l1": { "class": "linear", "activation": None, "n_out": n_hidden }, "output": { "class": "linear", "activation": None, "n_out": n_out, "from": ["l1"] } } }, "output": { "class": "linear", "activation": None, "n_out": n_out, "from": ["subnet"] } } }) network = TFNetwork(config=config, train_flag=True) network.construct_from_dict(config.typed_dict["network"]) network.initialize_params(session) params_dump = network.get_params_serialized(session) params_dump_subnet = params_dump.values_dict["subnet"] for layer_name in ["l1", "output"]: layer_orig = params_orig_dump.values_dict[layer_name] for param_name in ["W", "b"]: param_orig = layer_orig[param_name] param_subnet = params_dump_subnet[layer_name + "/" + param_name] numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(param_orig, param_subnet)
def test_reuse_params_map_custom_dep_loop(): config = Config() n_in, n_out = 2, 3 config.update({ "num_outputs": n_out, "num_inputs": n_in, "network": { "encoder": { "class": "copy", "from": ["data"] }, "enc_ctx": { "class": "linear", "activation": None, "with_bias": True, "from": ["encoder"], "n_out": 10 }, "inv_fertility": { "class": "linear", "activation": "sigmoid", "with_bias": False, "from": ["encoder"], "n_out": 1 }, "output": { "class": "rec", "from": [], "unit": { 'output': { 'class': 'choice', 'target': 'classes', 'beam_size': 1, 'from': ["output_prob"], "initial_output": 0 }, "end": { "class": "compare", "from": ["output"], "value": 0 }, 'target_embed': { 'class': 'linear', 'activation': None, "with_bias": False, 'from': ['output'], "n_out": 6, "initial_output": 0 }, "weight_feedback": { "class": "linear", "activation": None, "with_bias": False, "from": ["prev:accum_att_weights"], "n_out": 10 }, "prev_s_state": { "class": "get_last_hidden_state", "from": ["prev:s"], "n_out": 20 }, "prev_s_transformed": { "class": "linear", "activation": None, "with_bias": False, "from": ["prev_s_state"], "n_out": 10 }, "energy_in": { "class": "combine", "kind": "add", "from": [ "base:enc_ctx", "weight_feedback", "prev_s_transformed" ], "n_out": 10 }, "energy_tanh": { "class": "activation", "activation": "tanh", "from": ["energy_in"] }, "energy": { "class": "linear", "activation": None, "with_bias": False, "from": ["energy_tanh"], "n_out": 1 }, "att_weights": { "class": "softmax_over_spatial", "from": ["energy"] }, "accum_att_weights": { "class": "eval", "from": [ "prev:accum_att_weights", "att_weights", "base:inv_fertility" ], "eval": "source(0) + source(1) * source(2) * 0.5", "out_type": { "dim": 1, "shape": (None, 1) } }, "att": { "class": "generic_attention", "weights": "att_weights", "base": "base:encoder" }, "s": { "class": "rnn_cell", "unit": "LSTMBlock", "from": ["target_embed", "att"], "n_out": 10 }, "readout_in": { "class": "linear", "from": ["prev:s", "prev:target_embed", "att"], "activation": None, "n_out": 2 * 6 }, "readout": { "class": "reduce_out", "mode": "max", "num_pieces": 2, "from": ["readout_in"] }, "output_prob": { "class": "softmax", "from": ["readout"], "dropout": 0.3, "reuse_params": { "map": { "W": { "reuse_layer": "target_embed", "custom": (lambda reuse_layer, **kwargs: tf. transpose(reuse_layer.params["W"])) }, "b": None } }, "target": "classes", "loss": "ce", "loss_opts": { "label_smoothing": 0.1 } } }, "target": "classes", "max_seq_len": "max_len_from('base:encoder')" }, } }) with make_scope() as session: from TFNetworkRecLayer import RecLayer, _SubnetworkRecCell train_net = TFNetwork(config=config, train_flag=True) train_net.construct_from_dict(config.typed_dict["network"]) train_rec_layer = train_net.layers["output"] assert isinstance(train_rec_layer, RecLayer) assert isinstance(train_rec_layer.cell, _SubnetworkRecCell) assert_equal(set(train_rec_layer.cell.input_layers_moved_out), {"output", "target_embed"}) assert_equal(set(train_rec_layer.cell.output_layers_moved_out), {"output_prob", "readout", "readout_in"}) assert isinstance(train_rec_layer.cell.output_layers_net, TFNetwork) assert_equal( set(train_rec_layer.cell.output_layers_net.layers["output_prob"]. params.keys()), {"b"}) with make_scope() as session: search_net = TFNetwork(config=config, train_flag=False, eval_flag=True, search_flag=True) search_net.construct_from_dict(config.typed_dict["network"])