예제 #1
    def use_table(self, tabletype, spacing=0.002):
        """Turn on the xvg table option, and generate a user-defined table 
    defined in self.xvg_lines, generated by the TableMaker object, with the specifications:showParams

        tabletype =  a TableMaker.Dielectric derived class:
                     'Switch_Shift'	(default) GROMACS-style tapered cutoffs
                     'SF3'		ShenFreed 3 table
                     'ReactionField'    rxn field dielectric solvent model

    TableMaker examples:
    # table=TableMaker(spacing=0.002)

    # tabletype=SF3(length_scale=4.0)
    # tabletype=Switch_Shift()
    # tabletype=ReactionField(rc=1.0)

    # settings for eps->Infinity
    # tabletype.krf = 1.0 / ( 2.0 * tabletype.rc )
    # tabletype.crf = 3.0 / ( 2.0 * tabletype.rc ) 

    # table=table.make(tabletype)

    # print table

        self.use_xvg = True
        self.tabletype = tabletype
        self.tablemaker = TableMaker(spacing=spacing)
        self.tabletxt = self.tablemaker.make(self.tabletype)

        # set the user-table flags in the the mdp file
        self.setParameter('coulombtype', 'user')
        self.setParameter('vdwtype', 'user')
예제 #2
# the command line option. If the file doesn't exist, execution will stop
net = kicad_netlist_reader.netlist(sys.argv[1])
Components = net.getInterestingComponents()

# Create the NetList and componentList lists
NetList = getNetList(net)
componentList = getComponentList(net)

# printNetList(NetList);
# printComponentList(componentList);

# Get an Anchor component and start Paths
Tables = []
tableCount = 0
while (len(componentList) > 0):
    table = Tables[tableCount]
    Paths = CablePaths()
    for component in componentList:
        if (component['isAnchor'] == True):
            # start Paths
            for i, connection in enumerate(component['connections']):
                position = connection['pin']
                pathName = Paths.addPath(position, component['ref'],
            # Add Headers
            for path in Paths.getPaths():
                table.addComponent(component, path, Components,
                                   Paths.getPaths(), NetList)
예제 #3
# printNetList(NetList)
# printComponentList(componentList)

# Get an Anchor component and start Paths
Tables = []
tableCount = 0

# if componentList does not change between consecutive iterations, terminate Pathing
previousComponentList = []
while (len(componentList) > 0 and previousComponentList != componentList):
    import copy
    previousComponentList = copy.deepcopy(componentList)

    Paths = CablePaths()

    Tables.append(TableMaker(componentList, Paths, NetList))
    table = Tables[tableCount]
    tableCount += 1

    for component in componentList:
        if (component['isAnchor'] == True):
            # start Paths
            for i, connection in enumerate(component['connections']):
                position = connection['pin']
                pathName = Paths.addPath(position, component['ref'],
            # Add Headers
            for path in Paths.getPaths():
                table.addComponent(component, path)