def show(self): endStates = [ "DONE", "ABORTED", "SCHEDULER_ERROR", "COMPILER_ERROR", "WORKSTATION_ERROR", "PERMISSION_DENIED", "ERROR", ] print print "Getting Job results..." print "================================================" print Tables.showJobTable(self.pySchedUI, stateList=endStates) jobId = CommonUI.getTextInput("Please enter the job id") path = CommonUI.getPathInput( "Please select a path where the results should be stored") if not FileUtils.pathExists(path): print "Path {} does not exists! Would you like to create it? (y/n)".format( path) if CommonUI.showYesNo("> "): FileUtils.createDirectory(path) else: return if self.pySchedUI.getResultsByJobId([jobId], path): print "Results stored in {}".format(path) else: print "Could not retrieve the results of job {}".format(jobId)
def define_template_tables(file_path: Path, sheet_name: str, \ tmpl_title: str, tmpl_offset='A1', tmpl_columns=2, \ struc_title='Template Structures', struc_offset='D1', struc_columns=5): '''Create Table definitions for the template table and it's companion structure list required to build a structure template. ''' #TODO define_template_tables is getting messy probably should get rid of it # values for all tables tmp_index = 'Attribute' str_index = 'ID' # Rows is not yet implemented not using template_table = tb.Table(file_path, sheet_name, tmpl_title, tmp_index, tmpl_offset, columns=tmpl_columns) structures_dfn = define_structure_attributes() structures_table = tb.Table(file_path, sheet_name, struc_title, str_index, struc_offset, struc_columns, variables=structures_dfn) return (template_table, structures_table)
def show(self): endStates = [ "DONE", "ABORTED", "SCHEDULER_ERROR", "COMPILER_ERROR", "WORKSTATION_ERROR", "PERMISSION_DENIED", "ERROR", ] print print "Getting Job results..." print "================================================" print Tables.showJobTable(self.pySchedUI, stateList=endStates) jobId = CommonUI.getTextInput("Please enter the job id") path = CommonUI.getPathInput("Please select a path where the results should be stored") if not FileUtils.pathExists(path): print "Path {} does not exists! Would you like to create it? (y/n)".format(path) if CommonUI.showYesNo("> "): FileUtils.createDirectory(path) else: return if self.pySchedUI.getResultsByJobId([jobId], path): print "Results stored in {}".format(path) else: print "Could not retrieve the results of job {}".format(jobId)
def show(self): print print "Pausing Job..." print "================================================" print Tables.showJobTable(self.pySchedUI, stateList=["PAUSED"]) jobId = CommonUI.getTextInput("") self.pySchedUI.resumeJobs([jobId])
def callback_inline(call): if == "mainmenu": keyboard_main = types.InlineKeyboardMarkup(row_width=2) # Buttons set tables_button = types.InlineKeyboardButton(text="Tables", callback_data="tables") calc_button = types.InlineKeyboardButton(text="Calculations", callback_data="calculations") generator_button = types.InlineKeyboardButton( text="Noize Generator", callback_data="generator") keyboard_main.add(tables_button, calc_button, generator_button) bot.edit_message_text(, message_id=call.message.message_id, text="Choose your destiny...", reply_markup=keyboard_main) call_log(call, "Main menu") elif == "generator": Generator.call_handler(call, bot) call_log(call, "Generator") elif == "tables": keyboard = types.InlineKeyboardMarkup() # Buttons set external_button = types.InlineKeyboardButton(text="External wall", callback_data="external") partitions_button = types.InlineKeyboardButton( text="Wall partitions", callback_data="partitions") floor_button = types.InlineKeyboardButton(text="Floor", callback_data="floor") ceiling_button = types.InlineKeyboardButton(text="Сeiling", callback_data="ceiling") windows_button = types.InlineKeyboardButton(text="Windows", callback_data="windows") doors_button = types.InlineKeyboardButton(text="Doors", callback_data="doors") main_button = types.InlineKeyboardButton( text="\U0001F3E0 To main menu", callback_data="mainmenu") keyboard.add(external_button, partitions_button, floor_button, ceiling_button, windows_button, doors_button, main_button) bot.edit_message_text(, message_id=call.message.message_id, text="There are such tables:", reply_markup=keyboard) call_log(call, "Tables") elif == "calculations": Calculations.call_handler(call, bot) call_log(call, "Calculations") ##################################### ADDITIONAL LEVEL: Tables ################################################ elif == "external" or == "partitions" or == "floor" or == "ceiling" or == "windows" or == "doors": Tables.parse(call, bot) call_log(call, "Tables:{0}".format(
def show(self): print print "Pausing Job..." print "================================================" print Tables.showJobTable(self.pySchedUI, stateList=["RUNNING"]) jobId = CommonUI.getTextInput("Please enter the job id") self.pySchedUI.pauseJobs([jobId])
def insert_into_table(command): # if not Database.use_new_database_name.has_been_called: # print("No database selected") # get_command("") # else: # Tables.insert_table_info(command) if is_use_database(): Tables.insert_table_info(command) else: get_command("")
def show(self): print print "Getting job informations..." print "================================================" archived = CommonUI.showYesNo("Show all jobs (including Archived) (y/n)? ") adminMode = False if self.pySchedUI.isAdmin: adminMode = CommonUI.showYesNo("(Administrator) Show Jobs of all Users (y/n)? ") Tables.showJobTable(self.pySchedUI, showArchived=archived, showAllUser=adminMode)
def show(self): print print "Aborting Job..." print "================================================" print Tables.showJobTable(self.pySchedUI) print jobId = CommonUI.getTextInput("Please enter the job id") if self.pySchedUI.abortJobs([jobId]): print "Job {} aborted.".format(jobId) else: print "Could not abort the job."
def show(self): print print "Getting job log file..." print "================================================" showAll = False if self.pySchedUI.isAdmin: showAll = CommonUI.showYesNo( "(Administrator) Show Jobs of all Users (y/n)? ") Tables.showJobTable(self.pySchedUI, showAllUser=showAll) jobId = CommonUI.getTextInput("Please enter the job id") print self.pySchedUI.getJobLog(jobId)
def build_template_data(template_table: tb.Table): '''Create a dictionary of template data from template_table and the default template_attributes. ''' template_attributes = define_template_attributes() template_data = template_table.read_table() # Transpose table so that each attribute becomes a column template_data = template_data.T.reset_index(drop=True) #TODO Select and validate attributes in this table template_data = tb.insert_defaults(template_data, template_attributes) template_data = tb.insert_missing_variables(template_data, template_attributes) #Only one template definition per table, so select the first row from the DataFrame return dict(template_data.iloc[0, :])
def show(self): ''' @summary: Sends a update command to the server. @result: ''' print print "Restart Workstation..." print "================================================" Tables.showWSTable(self.pySchedUI) print "Which workstation (name or 'server') should be restarted?" workstation = CommonUI.getTextInput("", "", "Please type the name of the workstation or 'server' to restart the server") if not workstation == "": self.pySchedUI.restart([workstation])
def predict_length(self,vector,course_list): tb = Tables() tb.read_data("grade2.csv", "student.csv") vector=self.courses_to_numeric(vector,True) lst = np.empty(tb.studyTable.shape[1]) lst[:] = np.nan for i in range(len(course_list)): if course_list[i] in tb.courseList: lst[tb.courseList.index(course_list[i])] = vector[i] lst = lst.reshape(1,-1) lst = tb.study_imp.transform(lst) result = self.study_length.predict(lst) return np.round(result[0])
def show(self): print print "Deleting Job..." print "================================================" print Tables.showJobTable(self.pySchedUI) print "Please enter the jobId" jobId = CommonUI.getTextInput("") if CommonUI.showYesNo("Are you sure that you want to delete job {}?".format(jobId)): if self.pySchedUI.deleteJobs([jobId]): print "Job deleted." else: print "Could not delete Job!"
def build_structures_lookup(structures_file_path: Path): structure_attributes = define_structure_attributes() structures_table_list = define_structure_tables(structures_file_path, structure_attributes) structures_lookup = tb.merge_tables(structures_file_path, \ structures_table_list, \ structure_attributes) structure_attributes = tb.process_defaults(structures_lookup, \ structure_attributes) structures_lookup = tb.insert_defaults(structures_lookup, \ structure_attributes) structures_lookup = tb.insert_missing_variables(structures_lookup, \ structure_attributes) return structures_lookup
def show(self): print print "Getting job informations..." print "================================================" archived = CommonUI.showYesNo( "Show all jobs (including Archived) (y/n)? ") adminMode = False if self.pySchedUI.isAdmin: adminMode = CommonUI.showYesNo( "(Administrator) Show Jobs of all Users (y/n)? ") Tables.showJobTable(self.pySchedUI, showArchived=archived, showAllUser=adminMode)
def predict_dropout(self,vector,course_list): tb = Tables() tb.read_data("grade2.csv", "student.csv") vector=self.courses_to_numeric(vector,True) lst = np.empty(tb.dropoutTable.shape[1]) lst[:] = np.nan for i in range(len(course_list)): if course_list[i] in tb.courseList: lst[tb.courseList.index(course_list[i])] = vector[i] lst = lst.reshape(1,-1) lst = tb.dropout_imp.transform(lst) result = self.dropout.predict(lst) if result[0] == 1: return True else: return False
def show(self): print print "Deleting Job..." print "================================================" print Tables.showJobTable(self.pySchedUI) print "Please enter the jobId" jobId = CommonUI.getTextInput("") if CommonUI.showYesNo( "Are you sure that you want to delete job {}?".format(jobId)): if self.pySchedUI.deleteJobs([jobId]): print "Job deleted." else: print "Could not delete Job!"
def predict_gpa(self,vector,course_list): tb = Tables() tb.read_data("grade2.csv", "student.csv") vector=self.courses_to_numeric(vector,True) lst = np.empty(tb.graduationTable.shape[1]) lst[:] = np.nan for i in range(len(course_list)): if course_list[i] in tb.courseList: lst[tb.courseList.index(course_list[i])] = vector[i] lst = lst.reshape(1,-1) lst = tb.graduation_imp.transform(lst) result = self.gpa.predict(lst) if result<0: result=result*-1 return "%.2f"%result
def refreshBars(): setMainTable(Tables.Tables(getMainWindow()).Table) getMainWindow().SpecialTools = SpecialTools.SpecialTools(getMainWindow()) if uni.tableType in ["2", "6", "8", "9"]: from Bars import PlayerBar getMainWindow().PlayerBar = PlayerBar.PlayerBar(getMainWindow()) getMainWindow().addToolBar(Mt.TopToolBarArea, getMainWindow().PlayerBar) getMainWindow().Menu.refreshForTableType()
def show(self): ''' @summary: Shows the add Job dialog with template supoort @result: ''' inp = UIDict() print print "Adding a new job..." print "================================================" print print "Please enter the path to the PySched-Config file or nothing if you want to create a new template:" temp = CommonUI.getPathInput("") if temp != "": inp.addInfo("Template-File", "template", os.path.normpath(temp)) else: inp = self.createTemplate(inp) if CommonUI.showValidatingInput(inp): if self.pySchedUI.addJob(inp.getInfos()): Tables.showJobTable(self.pySchedUI)
def create_new_model(self, grade_file, student_file, predict_function, algorithm_name, parameters, course_name, semester): tb = Tables() tb.read_data(grade_file, student_file) if predict_function=='gpa': if algorithm_name=='linear': return ML.linear_regression(tb.graduationTable, tb.graduationLabel, parameters) elif predict_function=='dropout': if algorithm_name=='logistic': return ML.logistic_regression(tb.dropoutTable, tb.dropoutLabel, parameters) elif algorithm_name=='svm': return ML.svm(tb.dropoutTable, tb.dropoutLabel, parameters) elif algorithm_name=='mlp': return ML.mlp(tb.dropoutTable, tb.dropoutLabel, parameters) elif predict_function=='course_grade': ##get required table without target label c = [0,0.5,1,1.5,2,2.5,3,3.5,4] x = tb.courseTable.copy() class_index = tb.courseList.index(course_name.lower()) y = x[:,class_index] ## class label x = np.delete(x,class_index,1) ## remove class column from input data ## change y label with class value (eg. if y[0] = 3.5 then it become 7th class) for i in range(y.size): index = c.index(y[i]) y[i] = index if algorithm_name=='logistic': return ML.logistic_regression(x,y,parameters) elif algorithm_name=='svm': return ML.svm(x,y,parameters) elif algorithm_name=='mlp': return ML.mlp(x,y,parameters) elif predict_function=='study_length': if algorithm_name=='linear': return ML.linear_regression(tb.studyTable, tb.studyLabel, parameters) elif algorithm_name=='mlp_regressor': return ML.mlp_regressor(tb.studyTable, tb.studyLabel, parameters)
def show(self): newInp = UIDict() updateableStates = ["RUNNING", "PAUSED"] print print "Updating Job data..." print "================================================" print Tables.showJobTable(self.pySchedUI, stateList=updateableStates) jobId = CommonUI.getTextInput("Please enter the job id") print print "Please specify which files should be transferred to the server." print "Enter nothing to to move on, '?' for help" paths = [] tmp = CommonUI.getPathInput("", "", help=PATH_HELP) while tmp != "": paths.append(tmp) newInp.addInfo("Copy Paths", "paths", paths) tmp = CommonUI.getTextInput("", "", help=PATH_HELP) self.pySchedUI.updateJobData(jobId, paths)
def loadSinks(self): self.sink_list.add(Info.init()) self.sink_list.add(Buttons.init()) self.sink_list.add(Menus.init()) self.sink_list.add(Images.init()) self.sink_list.add(Layouts.init()) self.sink_list.add(Lists.init()) self.sink_list.add(Popups.init()) self.sink_list.add(Tables.init()) self.sink_list.add(Text.init()) self.sink_list.add(Trees.init()) self.sink_list.add(Frames.init()) self.sink_list.add(Tabs.init())
def predict_course_grade(self,vector,course_list,pcourse_name): tb = Tables() tb.read_data("grade2.csv", "student.csv") if (pcourse_name not in tb.courseList): return (pcourse_name+" is not available anymore") model=None q_course = "SELECT path \ FROM models \ WHERE gradeFile='%s' AND studentFile='%s' AND function='%s' AND course='%s' AND isDefault='%d'" % ("grade2.csv","student.csv","course_grade",pcourse_name,1) db = MySQLdb.connect("localhost",mysql_user,password,"gpa_db_4" ) cursor = db.cursor() try: cursor.execute(q_course) path = cursor.fetchone() model = joblib.load(path[0]) except IOError as e: print("Model file doesn't exist.") db.close() if model==None: return ("There is no available model file for" + pcourse_name) vector=self.courses_to_numeric(vector,True) ##convert course grades to numeric ones(eg. AA=4, CB = 2.5) lst = np.empty(tb.courseTable.shape[1]) lst[:] = np.nan for i in range(len(course_list)): if course_list[i] in tb.courseList: lst[tb.courseList.index(course_list[i])] = vector[i] lst = lst.reshape(1,-1) lst = tb.course_imp.transform(lst) class_index = tb.courseList.index(pcourse_name) lst = np.delete(lst,class_index,1) ## remove class column from input data result = model.predict(lst) result = self.courses_to_numeric(result,False) return result[0]
def loadSinks(self): self.sink_list.addSink(Info.init()) self.sink_list.addSink(Buttons.init()) self.sink_list.addSink(Menus.init()) self.sink_list.addSink(Images.init()) self.sink_list.addSink(Layouts.init()) self.sink_list.addSink(Lists.init()) self.sink_list.addSink(Popups.init()) self.sink_list.addSink(Tables.init()) self.sink_list.addSink(Text.init()) self.sink_list.addSink(Trees.init()) self.sink_list.addSink(Frames.init()) self.sink_list.addSink(Tabs.init())
def import_template_list(base_path: Path): '''Import the list of active templates. ''' template_list_path = base_path / TEMPLATE_LIST_FILE variables = define_template_list() template_list_table = tb.Table(template_list_path, 'templates', variables=variables) template_list = template_list_table.read_table() active_templates = template_list[template_list.in_use == 'True'] active_templates['name'] = active_templates['title'] active_templates.set_index('name', inplace=True) active_templates['columns'] = active_templates['columns'].astype('int64') return active_templates
def show(self): newInp = UIDict() updateableStates = [ "RUNNING", "PAUSED" ] print print "Updating Job data..." print "================================================" print Tables.showJobTable(self.pySchedUI, stateList=updateableStates) jobId = CommonUI.getTextInput("Please enter the job id") print print "Please specify which files should be transferred to the server." print "Enter nothing to to move on, '?' for help" paths = [] tmp = CommonUI.getPathInput("", "", help=PATH_HELP) while tmp != "": paths.append(tmp) newInp.addInfo("Copy Paths", "paths", paths) tmp = CommonUI.getTextInput("", "", help=PATH_HELP) self.pySchedUI.updateJobData(jobId, paths)
def Output(): db.create_all() if request.method == 'POST': userdata = Tables(request.form["Username"], request.form["psw"]) users = Tables.query.filter_by( Username=request.form["Username"]).first() if users is not None: message = "User name is already existing.Register with new user name" return render_template("Registration.html", message1=message) db.session.add(userdata) db.session.commit() message = "Registartion is successful" return render_template("Registration.html", message=message) # result = request.form # print(result['Username']) else: return render_template("Registration.html")
def define_structure_tables(file_path: Path, structures: list): '''Create a list of Type Table values that define all of the structure tables required to build a complete structures data lookup. ''' # Define the tables tables_def = [ ['Structure Dictionary Assignment', 'Structure Dictionary', 6], ['Volume Types', 'Volume Type', 3], ['Structure colors', 'Structure Colors', 6], ['CT Search', 'HU Values', 3], ['DVH Lines', 'DVH',4]] # values for all tables offset = 'A1' index = 'Structure' # Rows is not yet implemented not using table_list = [tb.Table(file_path, sheet_name=sheet_name, title=title, \ index=index, offset=offset, columns=columns, \ variables=structures) for (sheet_name, title, columns) in tables_def] return table_list
def define_structure_attributes(): '''Create a dictionary with Type Variable values that define all of the structure attributes. The attributes: EUDAlpha TCPAlpha TCPBeta and TCPGamma Are supplied but not used, the add_structure method forces them to be: 'xsi:nil="true"' ''' var_type = 'Structure' is_string = lambda x: isinstance(x, str) id_check = lambda x: is_string(x) and len(x) < 13 # TODO Merge with define_structure_table from update_template_list # TODO more attribute checks should be added to the attribute definitions structure_def = [('StructureID', id_check, None), \ ('Name', is_string, ''), \ ('StructureCategory', is_string, ''), \ ('VolumeID', None, ''), \ ('VolumeType', is_string, ''), \ ('VolumeCode', is_string, ''), \ ('VolumeCodeTable', is_string, ''), \ ('Label', is_string, None), \ ('StructureCode', None, None), \ ('CodeScheme', is_string, None), \ ('CodeSchemeVersion', None, None), \ ('TypeIndex', None, 2), \ ('ColorAndStyle', is_string, 'Blue'), \ ('SearchCTLow', None, 'Missing'), \ ('SearchCTHigh', None, 'Missing'), \ ('DVHLineColor', None, -16777216), \ ('DVHLineWidth', None, 1), \ ('DVHLineStyle', None, 0), \ ('EUDAlpha', None, 'xsi:nil="true"'), \ ('TCPAlpha', None, 'xsi:nil="true"'), \ ('TCPBeta', None, 'xsi:nil="true"'), \ ('TCPGamma', None, 'xsi:nil="true"')] return { ID: tb.Variable(ID, var_type, validate=val, default=dflt) for (ID, val, dflt) in structure_def }
def loadSinks(self): #self.sink_list.addSink(DataTree.init()) #self.sink_list.addSink(RecipeSystemIFACE.init()) self.sink_list.addSink(ADViewerIFACE.init()) self.sink_list.addSink(RecipeViewer.init()) self.sink_list.addSink(FITSStoreFACE.init()) self.sink_list.addSink(DisplayIFACE.init()) self.sink_list.addSink(Info.init()) if False: self.sink_list.addSink(Buttons.init()) self.sink_list.addSink(Menus.init()) self.sink_list.addSink(Images.init()) self.sink_list.addSink(Layouts.init()) self.sink_list.addSink(Lists.init()) self.sink_list.addSink(Popups.init()) self.sink_list.addSink(Tables.init()) self.sink_list.addSink(Text.init()) if False: #preserving originaly order self.sink_list.addSink(Frames.init()) self.sink_list.addSink(Tabs.init())
def define_template_attributes(): '''Create a dictionary with Type Variable values that define all of the template attributes. ''' var_type = 'Template' is_string = lambda x: isinstance(x, str) id_check = lambda x: is_string(x) and len(x) < 13 #TODO more attribute checks should be added to the attribute definitions template_def = [('Version', None, 1.0), \ ('Type', is_string, 'Structure'), \ ('ID', id_check, None), \ ('Diagnosis', is_string, ''), \ ('TreatmentSite', is_string, '.All'), \ ('AssignedUsersID', is_string, 'gsal;'), \ ('Description', is_string, ''), \ ('ApprovalStatus', is_string, 'Unapproved'), \ ('ApprovalHistory', is_string, ''), \ ('LastModified', is_string, '')] return { ID: tb.Variable(ID, var_type, validate=val, default=dflt) for (ID, val, dflt) in template_def }
def add_preview(template, template_data): '''Add a the preview element to the template tree using the data in template_data. ''' type = tb.get_value(template_data, 'Type') site = tb.get_value(template_data, 'TreatmentSite') diagnosis = tb.get_value(template_data, 'Diagnosis') description = tb.get_value(template_data, 'Description') users = tb.get_value(template_data, 'Author') status = tb.get_value(template_data, 'ApprovalStatus') history = tb.get_value(template_data, 'ApprovalHistory') modified = tb.get_value(template_data, 'LastModified') preview = ET.SubElement(template, 'Preview ', \ attrib={'ID':template_data['TemplateID'], \ 'Type':type, \ 'TreatmentSite':site, \ 'Diagnosis':diagnosis, \ 'Description':description, \ 'AssignedUsers':users, \ 'ApprovalStatus':status, \ 'ApprovalHistory':history, \ 'LastModified':modified}) return preview
def define_template_list(): '''Create a dictionary with Type Variable values that define the template list columns. ''' var_type = 'Template_List' def is_int(x): return isinstance(x, int) def is_string(x): return isinstance(x, str) # TODO more attribute checks should be added to the attribute definitions # TODO make attribute checks more tolerant ie. if type conversion works template_def = [('workbook_name', is_string, 'Structure Templates.xlsx'), \ ('sheet_name', is_string, None), \ ('title', is_string, None), \ ('columns', is_int, 3), \ ('output_file_name', is_string, 'template.xml'), \ ('in_use', None, True)] return { ID: tb.Variable(ID, var_type, validate=val, default=dflt) for (ID, val, dflt) in template_def }
def __init__(self, value): self.value = value self.tables= Tables(value) self.left = None self.right = None self.height = 0 #altura
def add_structure(template, structure_data, version): '''Add a new structure to the template tree using the data in structure_data. The order of the elements is important The attributes: EUDAlpha TCPAlpha TCPBeta and TCPGamma Are forced to be: 'xsi:nil="true"' ''' name = tb.get_value(structure_data, 'Name') new_structure = ET.SubElement(template, 'Structure', \ attrib={'ID':structure_data['ID'], 'Name':name}) structure_id = ET.SubElement(new_structure, 'Identification') volume_id = ET.SubElement(structure_id, 'VolumeID') volume_id.text = tb.get_value(structure_data, 'VolumeID') volume_code = ET.SubElement(structure_id, 'VolumeCode') volume_code.text = tb.get_value(structure_data, 'VolumeCode') volume_type = ET.SubElement(structure_id, 'VolumeType') volume_type.text = tb.get_value(structure_data, 'VolumeType') volume_code_table = ET.SubElement(structure_id, 'VolumeCodeTable') volume_code_table.text = tb.get_value(structure_data, 'VolumeCodeTable') if version == 13.6: code = tb.get_value(structure_data, 'StructureCode') scheme = tb.get_value(structure_data, 'CodeScheme') version = tb.get_value(structure_data, 'CodeSchemeVersion') structure_code = ET.SubElement(structure_id, 'StructureCode', \ attrib={'Code':code, 'CodeScheme':scheme, 'CodeSchemeVersion':version}) type_index = ET.SubElement(new_structure, 'TypeIndex') type_index.text = tb.get_value(structure_data, 'TypeIndex') color_and_style = ET.SubElement(new_structure, 'ColorAndStyle', ) color_and_style.text = tb.get_value(structure_data, 'ColorAndStyle') # if SearchCT values are not given set a nil attribute SearchCTLow_value = tb.get_value(structure_data, 'SearchCTLow') if SearchCTLow_value == 'Missing': SearchCTLow = ET.SubElement(new_structure, 'SearchCTLow', attrib={'xsi:nil':"true"}) else: SearchCTLow = ET.SubElement(new_structure, 'SearchCTLow') SearchCTLow.text = SearchCTLow_value SearchCTHigh_value = tb.get_value(structure_data, 'SearchCTHigh') if SearchCTHigh_value == 'Missing': SearchCTHigh = ET.SubElement(new_structure, 'SearchCTHigh', attrib={'xsi:nil':"true"}) else: SearchCTHigh = ET.SubElement(new_structure, 'SearchCTHigh') SearchCTHigh.text = SearchCTHigh_value DVHLineStyle = ET.SubElement(new_structure, 'DVHLineStyle', ) DVHLineStyle.text = tb.get_value(structure_data, 'DVHLineStyle') DVHLineColor = ET.SubElement(new_structure, 'DVHLineColor', ) DVHLineColor.text = tb.get_value(structure_data, 'DVHLineColor') DVHLineWidth = ET.SubElement(new_structure, 'DVHLineWidth', ) DVHLineWidth.text = tb.get_value(structure_data, 'DVHLineWidth') #Currently not used so always set as Nil EUDAlpha = ET.SubElement(new_structure, 'EUDAlpha', attrib={'xsi:nil':"true"}) TCPAlpha = ET.SubElement(new_structure, 'TCPAlpha', attrib={'xsi:nil':"true"}) TCPBeta = ET.SubElement(new_structure, 'TCPBeta', attrib={'xsi:nil':"true"}) TCPGamma = ET.SubElement(new_structure, 'TCPGamma', attrib={'xsi:nil':"true"}) return new_structure
def __init__(self, data): self.magic = Tables.magic_item_table() die_table = data.split(";") self.die = die_table[0] self.table = die_table[1]
__author__ = 'Kris' import Tables from import * TT = Tables.individual_treasure_table() MiT = Tables.magic_item_table() HT1 = Tables.hoard_treasures(Hoard_Teir_1) HT2 = Tables.hoard_treasures(Hoard_Teir_2) HT3 = Tables.hoard_treasures(Hoard_Teir_3) HT4 = Tables.hoard_treasures(Hoard_Teir_4) #for i in range(10): # print HT1.generate_treasure() # print #for i in range(10): # print HT2.generate_treasure() # print #for i in range(10): # print HT3.generate_treasure() # print for i in range(10): print HT4.generate_treasure() print #for i in range(1, 100): # print TT.generate_treasure(2) #for i in range(1,10): # print MiT.generate_treasure("A") # print MiT.generate_treasure("B") # print MiT.generate_treasure("C") # print MiT.generate_treasure("D") # print MiT.generate_treasure("E") # print MiT.generate_treasure("F")
def show(self): print print "Getting Workstation informations..." print "================================================" Tables.showWSTable(self.pySchedUI)