def send_a_word(book_id, word):
    if book_id == '1' or book_id == '2' or book_id == '3' or book_id == '4':

        stemmer = SnowballStemmer('english')  #intializing the stemmer
        base_word = stemmer.stem(word)  #stem the word that is comming
        query = db.processed_text.find_one(
            {'book_id': book_id})  #query if data present against the book_id

        if query:  #if something come in the response
            if query[
                    "stemmed_words_count"]:  # if stemmed_words_count dictionary is present in database
                stemmed_words_count = json.loads(
                )  #load the json of stemmed_words in the stemmed_words_count variable
                return base_word + ":" + str(
                    stemmed_words_count.get(base_word, "Word not exists")
                )  #return the stemmed_word with its count
            else:  # if words_count is not present ,id database crashes so not create the collection again just update it
                stemmed_words_count, stemmed_words = Task2.stemming(
                )  # calling function written in to calculate the word_count with respect to book_id
                    book_id, stemmed_words, stemmed_words_count
                )  # updating words against book_id in the database so that next time no need to call the main function again
                return base_word + ":" + str(
                    stemmed_words_count.get(base_word, "Word not exists")
                )  #return the stemmed_word with its count
        else:  #if the query is empty no document is present relative to the book id
            stemmed_words_count, stemmed_words = Task2.stemming(
            )  #trigger the function in the task2 to get the stemmed words and stemmed words count
                book_id, stemmed_words,
                stemmed_words_count)  #inset the document in the database
            return base_word + ":" + str(
                stemmed_words_count.get(base_word, "Word not exists")
            )  #return the stemmed_word with its count

    return "Books only from 1 to 4"
def stemmed_lemmatized(book_id='all'):
    if book_id == '1' or book_id == '2' or book_id == '3' or book_id == '4':
        query = db.processed_text.find_one(
            {'book_id': book_id})  #query if data present against the book_id
        if query:  #if something come in the response
            if query[
                    "stemmed_words_count"]:  # if the response contains  the count of every stemmed_word
                stemmed_words_count = query[
                    "stemmed_words_count"]  #load the json of stemmed_words in the stemmed_words_count variable
                return stemmed_words_count  #return the stemmed_word_count json which has the words
            else:  # if document is present but there is value against words key
                stemmed_words_count, stemmed_words = Task2.stemming(
                )  #trigger the function of to get the stemmed_words and stemmed words count
                    book_id, stemmed_words, stemmed_words_count
                )  # as the document present so just update the value against the book id words
                return json.dumps(
                    stemmed_words_count)  #return the json words json
        else:  #if the query is empty no document is present relative to the book id
            stemmed_words_count, stemmed_words = Task2.stemming(
            )  #trigger the function in the task2 to get the stemmed words and stemmed words count
                book_id, stemmed_words,
                stemmed_words_count)  #inset the document in the database
            return json.dumps(
                stemmed_words_count)  #return the json of stemmed words count
    elif book_id == 'all' or book_id == 'ALL':
        my_dict = {
        }  #create the dictionary that will contain count all stemmed words
        list_of_all_books = ['1', '2', '3', '4']  #list of all books ids
        for book_no in list_of_all_books:  #one by one iterating each book
            query = db.processed_text.find_one(
                 book_no})  #query if data present against the book_id
            if query:  #if something come in the response
                if query[
                        "stemmed_words_count"]:  # if the response contains  the count of every stemmed_word
                    stemmed_words_count = json.loads(
                    )  #load the json of stemmed_words in the stemmed_words_count variable
                else:  #if the query is empty no document is present relative to the book id
                    stemmed_words_count, stemmed_words = Task2.stemming(
                    )  #trigger the function of to get the stemmed_words and stemmed words count
                        book_no, stemmed_words, stemmed_words_count
                    )  # as the document present so just update the value against the book id words
            else:  #if the query is empty no document is present relative to the book id
                stemmed_words_count, stemmed_words = Task2.stemming(
                )  #trigger the function in the task2 to get the stemmed words and stemmed words count
                    book_no, stemmed_words,
                    stemmed_words_count)  #inset the document in the database
            my_dict = Counter(my_dict) + Counter(
            )  #Counter will take the intersection of the keys that common and its values otherwise union
        return json.dumps(my_dict)  #return the json of stemmed words count
    return "Books only from 1 to 4"
def part_of_speech(book_id='all'):
    if book_id == '1' or book_id == '2' or book_id == '3' or book_id == '4':
        query = db.processed_text.find_one(
            {'book_id': book_id})  #query if data present against the book_id
        if query:  #if something come in the response
            if query["nouns"]:  # if the response contains  nouns
                return query['total_verbs_nouns'] + " " + query[
                    'nouns'] + "verbs :" + query[
                        "verbs"]  #the return the json of total nouns and verbs in the book and the nouns and the verbs
            else:  #if the query is empty no document is present relative to the book id
                if query[
                        "stemmed_words_count"]:  # if the stemmed words and count is present but the noun  and verbs are not
                    stemmed_words_count = json.loads(
                    )  #just load the json into the dictionaries
                    stemmed_words = json.loads(
                    )  #just load the json into the dictionaries
                    nouns, verbs = Task3.part_of_speech(
                        stemmed_words, stemmed_words_count
                    )  #trigger the function to find the nouns and verbs with the present stemmed words
                    total_noun_verbs = {
                        'total_nouns': len(nouns),
                        'total_verbs': len(verbs)
                    }  #store the total nouns and total verbs in the seprate dictionary
                        book_id, nouns, verbs, total_noun_verbs, stemmed_words,
                    )  #update the document which already present with respective val
                    return json.dumps(total_noun_verbs) + json.dumps(
                    ) + "verbs : " + json.dumps(
                    )  #return  the json of total nouns verbs, verbs and nouns

                else:  # when document is present but it neither contains nouns and verbs and stemmed word count and stemmed words
                    stemmed_words_count, stemmed_words = Task2.stemming(
                    )  #tringger the task2 function to get the stemmed words and stemmed words count
                    nouns, verbs = Task3.part_of_speech(
                        stemmed_words, stemmed_words_count
                    )  #tringger the task3 function to get the nouns ,verbs
                    total_noun_verbs = {
                        'total_nouns': len(nouns),
                        'total_verbs': len(verbs)
                    }  #dictionary of total noun and total verbs
                        book_id, nouns, verbs, total_noun_verbs, stemmed_words,
                    )  #update the document with nouns,verbs,total noun verbs,stemmed words,stemmed words count
                    return json.dumps(
                    ) + "nouns :" + json.dumps(nouns) + "verbs : " + json.dumps(
                    )  #return the json total_noun_verbs and nouns and verbs
        else:  # when no document present agains book_id
            stemmed_words_count, stemmed_words = Task2.stemming(
            )  # trigger function to get the stemmed words and stemmed words count
            # task3
            nouns, verbs = Task3.part_of_speech(
                stemmed_words, stemmed_words_count
            )  #trigger the function part of speech to get the nouns and verbs
            total_noun_verbs = {
                'total_nouns': len(nouns),
                'total_verbs': len(verbs)
            }  #total verbs and total verbs
                book_id, nouns, verbs, total_noun_verbs, stemmed_words,
                stemmed_words_count)  #insert and the data into the database

            return json.dumps(total_noun_verbs) + "nouns:" + json.dumps(
            ) + "verbs : " + json.dumps(
            )  #return the json of nouns and verbs and total verbs and total nouns
    elif book_id == 'all' or book_id == 'ALL':
        list_of_all_books = ['1', '2', '3', '4']  #list of all books
        my_dict_total_nv = {}  # dictionary for total verbs and nouns
        my_dict_total_n = {}  #dictionay for nouns in each book
        my_dict_total_v = {}  #dictiony of  verbs in each book
        for book_no in list_of_all_books:  #iterating through each book
            query = db.processed_text.find_one(
                 book_no})  #query if data present against the book_id
            if query:  #if something come in the response
                if query["nouns"]:  # if the response contains  nouns
                    nouns = json.loads(
                    )  #load the nouns in the nouns dictionary
                    verbs = json.loads(
                    )  #load the verbs in the verbs dictionary
                    total_noun_verbs = json.loads(
                    )  #load the toatl nouns and berbs in the total_noun_verbs dictionary
                else:  # when the stemmed words and count is present but the noun  and verbs are not
                    if query[
                            "stemmed_words_count"]:  # if the stemmed words and count is present but the noun  and verbs are not
                        stemmed_words_count = json.loads(
                        )  #just load the json into the dictionaries
                        stemmed_words = json.loads(
                        )  #just load the json into the dictionaries
                        nouns, verbs = Task3.part_of_speech(
                            stemmed_words, stemmed_words_count
                        )  #trigger the function to find the nouns and verbs with the present stemmed words
                        total_noun_verbs = {
                            'total_nouns': len(nouns),
                            'total_verbs': len(verbs)
                        }  #store the total nouns and total verbs in the seprate dictionary
                            book_no, nouns, verbs, total_noun_verbs,
                            stemmed_words, stemmed_words_count
                        )  #update the document which already present with respective val

                    else:  # when document is present but it neither contains nouns and verbs and stemmed word count and stemmed words
                        stemmed_words_count, stemmed_words = Task2.stemming(
                        )  #tringger the task2 function to get the stemmed words and stemmed words count
                        nouns, verbs = Task3.part_of_speech(
                            stemmed_words, stemmed_words_count
                        )  #tringger the task3 function to get the nouns ,verbs
                        total_noun_verbs = {
                            'total_nouns': len(nouns),
                            'total_verbs': len(verbs)
                        }  #dictionary of total noun and total verbs
                            book_no, nouns, verbs, total_noun_verbs,
                            stemmed_words, stemmed_words_count
                        )  #update the document with nouns,verbs,total noun verbs,stemmed words,stemmed words count

            else:  # when no document present agains book_id

                stemmed_words_count, stemmed_words = Task2.stemming(
                )  # trigger function to get the stemmed words and stemmed words count
                # task3
                nouns, verbs = Task3.part_of_speech(
                    stemmed_words, stemmed_words_count
                )  #trigger the function part of speech to get the nouns and verbs
                total_noun_verbs = {
                    'total_nouns': len(nouns),
                    'total_verbs': len(verbs)
                }  #total verbs and total verbs
                insetQueryTask3(book_no, nouns, verbs, total_noun_verbs,
                                stemmed_words, stemmed_words_count
                                )  #insert and the data into the database

            my_dict_total_nv = Counter(my_dict_total_nv) + Counter(
            )  #total_nouns and verbs in the all books will come in this dictionary
            my_dict_total_n = Counter(my_dict_total_n) + Counter(
                nouns)  #total nouns of all books dictionary
            my_dict_total_v = Counter(my_dict_total_v) + Counter(
                verbs)  #total verbs pf all books dictionary

        return json.dumps(my_dict_total_nv) + "nouns :" + json.dumps(
            my_dict_total_n) + " verbs " + json.dumps(
            )  #return the json of total nouns ,verbs and total verbs nouns
    return "task 3 Books only from 1 to 4"