def homepage(): win = GraphWin("Chess", 400, 400) win.setCoords(0, 0, 400, 400) win.setBackground("systemhighlight") ext = exitbutton(win) game = Button(win, Point(325, 75), 100, 50, "TBD") game1 = Button(win, Point(325, 135), 100, 50, "Checkers") game2 = Button(win, Point(325, 195), 100, 50, "Chess") game3 = Button(win, Point(325, 255), 100, 50, "Tictactoe") game4 = Button(win, Point(325, 315), 100, 50, "Hangman") game4.activate("red") game3.activate("orange") game2.deactivate() game1.deactivate() game.deactivate() buttonlist = [game, game1, game2, game3, game4, ext] while 1 == 1: p = win.getMouse() if buttonlist[5].clicked(p) == True: win.close() quit() elif buttonlist[4].clicked(p) == True: win.close() hangman.main() elif buttonlist[3].clicked(p) == True: win.close() Tictactoe.ticmain() elif buttonlist[2].clicked(p) == True: win.close() elif buttonlist[1].clicked(p) == True: win.close() elif buttonlist[0].clicked(p) == True: win.close()
def win_draw_counter(grid, player): win_counter = 0 draw_counter = 0 ct = comp_gametree(grid, player) flatten_ct = ttt.chop(3, (ttt.chop(3, flat(ct)))) for i in range(len(flatten_ct)): if ttt.won(flatten_ct[i]): win_counter += 1 elif ttt.full(flatten_ct[i]): draw_counter += 1 return (win_counter, draw_counter)
def comp_gametree(grid, player): if ttt.full(grid): possible_moves = [] elif ttt.won(grid): possible_moves = [] else: if player == 'O': possible_moves = ttt.moves(grid, player) elif player == 'X': possible_moves = [ ttt.move(grid, (ttt.show_diff_pos(grid)) - 1, player) ] leave = list( map(lambda x: comp_gametree(x,, possible_moves)) result = [grid] + [leave] return result
def play(b, X_def, O_def, number): victory = 0 p = 0 for i in range(1, number + 1): p += 1 r = genericGame(Tictactoe.Board(), X_def, O_def, False) victory += r if (p % 1 == 0 or i == number): os.system("clear") print(17 * '*') if (r == 1): print("%.2f" % (i / number * 100) + " % -> " + bcolors.OKGREEN + "%.2f" % (victory / i * 100) + bcolors.ENDC) elif (r == 0): print("%.2f" % (i / number * 100) + " % -> " + bcolors.OKBLUE + "%.2f" % (victory / i * 100) + bcolors.ENDC) else: print("%.2f" % (i / number * 100) + " % -> " + bcolors.FAIL + "%.2f" % (victory / i * 100) + bcolors.ENDC) print(17 * '*')
# Import all files from # tkinter and overwrite # all the tkinter files # by tkinter.ttk from tkinter import * from tkinter.ttk import * import Tictactoe Tic = Tictactoe.Tictactoe() peice = ' ' # function to be called when # keyboard buttons are pressed def show(event): Tic.printArr() def place1(event):, 0) def place2(event):, 0) def place3(event):, 0)
def on_message(message): if == client.user: return if message.content.startswith('#test'): yield from client.send_message(, "This is a f*****g test") if message.content.startswith('#frank'): yield from client.send_message(, "Hey I'm Frank. Would you like to know my opinion?") opinions = ["Hey, I agree with your opinion.", "I'm f*****g triggered!", "Hey, your opinion's stupid"] msg = yield from client.wait_for_message(timeout = 10, author = if msg is None: yield from client.send_message(, "Wow... I really wanted to share my opinion") return if msg.content == "yes": num = random.randint(0,2) yield from client.send_message(, opinions[num]) elif msg.content == "no": yield from client.send_message(, "Um. Wu") elif msg.content == "wu": while True: yield from client.send_message(, "Yo. Wu") msg = yield from client.wait_for_message(timeout = 10, author =,content = "wu") if msg is None: yield from client.send_message(, "Wu!") return if message.content.startswith('#choose '): msg = message.content[len('#choose'):].strip() if msg == "": yield from client.send_message(, "Give me some choices man!") return choices = msg.split(",") xs = len(choices) if xs == 1: yield from client.send_message(, "You only gave me one choice, c**t.") return num = random.randint(0,xs) yield from client.send_message(, "I choose {0}".format(choices[num])) if message.content.startswith('#kierannudes'): yield from client.send_file(, "C://bananabot//kieran.jpg", filename = "kieran.jpg", content = "I don't have nudes but I have...") if message.content.startswith('#shutdown'): yield from client.send_message(, "Shutting down...") yield from client.logout() if message.content.startswith('#tictactoe'): t = Tictactoe.Tictactoe() yield from client.send_message(, t) while True: message = yield from client.wait_for_message() if message.content.startswith('#killttc'): yield from client.send_message(, "Tictactoe game is dead.") return if message.content.startswith('#naught'): coord = message.content.strip("#naught ") row = int(coord[2]) column = int(coord[0]) yield from client.send_message(, t.naught(column,row)) yield from client.send_message(, t.check()) elif message.content.startswith('#cross'): coord = message.content[len('#cross'):].strip() row = int(coord[2]) column = int(coord[0]) yield from client.send_message(, t.cross(column,row)) yield from client.send_message(, t.check()) if != 0: return if message.content.startswith('#bb'): question = message.content.strip('#bb ') answer = cleverbot_client.ask(question) yield from client.send_message(, answer) if "harambe" in message.content.lower(): yield from client.send_message(, "RIP") if "banana" in message.content.lower(): yield from client.send_message(, ":Banana:") if message.content.startswith("#psr"): msg = message.content.strip("psr# ") psr = [":fist:", ":v:", ":raised_hand:"] num = random.randint(0,2) ans = psr[num] if num - 1 == -1: win = psr[2] else: win = psr[num - 1] if num + 1 == 3: lose = psr[0] else: lose = psr[num + 1] yield from client.send_message(, ans) if ans in msg: yield from client.send_message(, "It's a draw!") return elif win in msg: yield from client.send_message(, "You win!") return elif lose in msg: yield from client.send_message(, "You lose!") return
from time import sleep import Tictactoe import Tablero import Jugador import QLearning ai = QLearning.QLearning() ai2 = QLearning.QLearning() jugador1 = Jugador.Jugador("player1", 'X', ai) jugador2 = Jugador.Jugador("player2", 'O', None) jugadores = [] jugadores.append(jugador1) jugadores.append(jugador2) tablero = Tablero.Tablero() game = Tictactoe.tictactoe(tablero, jugadores) game.encender() #while True: # game.new_game() # if game.iterations == 3: # game.new_game(t="q") # break
break elif( niveau ==1): tmp = rechercheStrategieGagnanteAmelioree(b,1-niveau) if(tmp == 1): break if(tmp == -1 or tmp == 0): res = res or False b.pop() return res board = Tictactoe.Board() # print(board) ### Deroulement d'une partie aléatoire # deroulementRandom(board) # print("Apres le match, chaque coup est défait (grâce aux pop()): on retrouve le plateau de départ :") # print(board) print(rechercheStrategieGagnante(board,0)) print(nbNoeuds)