예제 #1
import Tracking_Visuals as vis
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

current_dir = os.path.dirname(os.getcwd())
fpath = os.path.join(current_dir, 'TrackingSample') # path to directory of Tracab data

# config

#fname_dict = tracab.get_filename_dict()
# fname = 'SouthamptonManchester City2018-11-04T15,00,00Z.txt.g987698'# filename of Tracab match
fname = '984628'

# read frames, match meta data, and data for individual players
frames_tb, match_tb, team1_players, team0_players = tracab.read_tracab_match_data(LEAGUE,fpath,fname,verbose=True)# frames is a list of the individual match snapshots (positions, velocities)
# match contains some metadata (pitch dimensions, etc)
# team1_players is a dictionary of the home team players (containing arrays of their positions/velocities over the match)
# team0_players is a dictionary of the away team players (containing arrays of their positions/velocities over the match)

# EXAMPLE: plot the pitch, players and ball in a single frame. 
# the co-ordinate system has the origin in the center of the pitch. x-axis is left-right, y-axis is up-down. Distances are in cm by default.
fig,ax = vis.plot_frame(frames_tb[1000],match_tb,include_player_velocities=True,include_ball_velocities=False)

# EXAMPLE: get all frames between the 19th and 21st minute in the first half
tstart = (1,19)
tend = (1,21)
frames_in_segment = vis.get_frames_between_timestamps(frames_tb,match_tb,tstart,tend)

# EXAMPLE: get the x,y,z positions and velocities of the ball throughout the first half
frames_in_first_half = frames_tb[ 0:match_tb.period_attributes[1]['iEnd'] ]
예제 #2
fpath = '/Path/To/Directory/of/Tracking/Data/'  # path to directory of Tracab data

match_ids = range(984455, 984634 + 1)
# data problems in these three matches, so remove them
missing = [984474, 984488, 984616]
[match_ids.remove(m) for m in missing]

all_formations = []
formation_stats = []

for match in match_ids[0:1]:
    fname = str(match)
    # read frames, match meta data, and data for individual players
    frames_tb, match_tb, team1_players, team0_players = tracab.read_tracab_match_data(
        'DSL', fpath, fname, verbose=False)

    # get goalkeeper ids
    team1_exclude = match_tb.team1_exclude
    team0_exclude = match_tb.team0_exclude

    # get all possessions
    posessions = tracab.get_tracab_posessions(frames_tb,

    # get home and away possessions, remove possessions less than 5 seconds (unless they start with a dead ball) and those in the defensive quarter of the field
    posH = [
        p for p in posessions
        if p.team == 'H' and p.pos_type in ['A', 'N'] and (
            p.pos_duration > 5 or p.pos_start_type == 'DeadBall')
예제 #3
for path in games:
#     match_id, _ = path.replace(os.path.dirname(path) + '/', '').split('_') # local Aalborg
    match_id = path.split('/')[-1] # cluster
    print('Starting energy expenditure calculcation for game {} at location {}'.format(match_id, path))

    # skip games which are not in player id mapping with player info
    if int(match_id) not in game_ids_w_player_mapping:
        print('skipped match {}'.format(match_id))
    # save data
    game_data = {'data_path': path}
    # read 
    fpath, fname = path, str(match_id)
    frames_tb, match_tb, team1_players, team0_players = tracab.read_tracab_match_data(LEAGUE, fpath,
                                                                                      fname, verbose=True)
    # players info
    players_info = helpers.map_playerids_positions(team1_players, team0_players, 
                                                    match_id, loc_mapping=PLAYER_ID_to_JERSEY_NUM_LOC)
    # get stats
    time_series_mat = get_time_series(players_info)
    # store 
    game_data['player_info'] = players_info.drop('obj', axis=1)
    game_data['energy_x'] = time_series_mat
    # save
    OUTFILE_NAME = 'EX_time_series_game_{}.pkl'.format(match_id)
    with open(os.path.join('../saved', OUTFILE_NAME), 'wb') as outfile:
@author: laurieshaw

import Tracab as tracab
import Tracking_Visuals as vis
import numpy as np
import Pitch_Control as pc
import matplotlib.colors as mcol

fpath = '/Path/To/Directory/of/Tracking/Data/'  # path to directory of Tracab data
match_id = 984455  # example

print match_id
fname = str(match_id)
# read frames, match meta data, and data for individual players
frames_tb, match_tb, team1_players, team0_players = tracab.read_tracab_match_data(
    'DSL', fpath, fname, verbose=False)

params = pc.default_model_params()
    'lambda_def'] = 3.99  # reset this so it's the same as the defending team

frame = frames_tb[
    7995]  # plot at randome frame. need to start from at least the 5th frame as velocities are uninitialised until then
ball_pos = np.array([frame.ball_pos_x, frame.ball_pos_y]) / 100.

# if you want to actually take into acount the time taken for the ball to get to any given area of the pitch, you'll need to uncomment the lines below.
# NB: calc_trajectory_grid, which generates a library of trajectories, takes a while to run (but you only need to generate it once)
# dgrid just calculates the shortest flight time for the ball to travel a certain distance.
rgrid = pc.calc_trajectory_grid()
dgrid = pc.calc_shortest_flighttimes_array(np.arange(0,100,0.5),rgrid,dr=0.5,ball_vmax=40.)