def __init__(self, hub, port, username, password, udpip = '', udpport = 5005): """ Initialise thread, and create a TCP socket which connects to hub:port with specified username and password. """ threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.s.connect((hub, port)) self.s.settimeout(1.5) self.username = username self.password = password self.ip = udpip self.udpport = 5005 # The buffer which holds all commands we receive. self.buff = "" # Mutex lock for the buffer self.mutex = threading.Lock() # UDP socket for active searches self.udp = UDPConnection(udpip, udpport, self) self.udp.daemon = True self.udp.start() # last set of search results = '' self.searchResults = dict() self.searchMutex = threading.Lock()
# # Server import time import UDPConnection udp_connection = UDPConnection() print udp_connection while True: data = udp_connection.poll() if data in [udp_connection.CONNECT, udp_connection.UNCONNECT]: print time.time(), data print udp_connection elif data == udp_connection.PING: print time.time(), data elif data is not None: udp_connection.send(data)
class HubConnection(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, hub, port, username, password, udpip = '', udpport = 5005): """ Initialise thread, and create a TCP socket which connects to hub:port with specified username and password. """ threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.s.connect((hub, port)) self.s.settimeout(1.5) self.username = username self.password = password self.ip = udpip self.udpport = 5005 # The buffer which holds all commands we receive. self.buff = "" # Mutex lock for the buffer self.mutex = threading.Lock() # UDP socket for active searches self.udp = UDPConnection(udpip, udpport, self) self.udp.daemon = True self.udp.start() # last set of search results = '' self.searchResults = dict() self.searchMutex = threading.Lock() def run(self): """ The main function to run when this thread is started. """ print ("" if not hasColor else Fore.YELLOW) + "Starting DC SERVER TCP Port" + ("" if not hasColor else Style.RESET_ALL) print ("" if not hasColor else Fore.YELLOW) + "Exiting TCP" + ("" if not hasColor else Style.RESET_ALL) def auth(self): """ Authorise the HubConnection by sending password. """ # first get the lock i = self.nbrecv(log = True) j = i[0].split("|") lock = i[0].split()[1] # send key and validate request self.send('Supports UserCommand UserIP2', log = True) self.send('Key '+lock, log = True) self.send('ValidateNick '+self.username, log = True) # get the GetPass request (TODO:add an assert here) self.nbrecv(log = True) # send the password self.send('MyPass '+self.password) print "MyPass ***" # get Hello self.nbrecv(log = True) # send some info about yourself self.send('Version 1,0091', log = True) self.send('GetNickList', log = True) self.send('MyINFO '+self.username, log = True) # get other stuff self.nbrecv(log = True) def talk(self): """ Start talking with the Hub by authorising and interactively going in a send receive loop. """ self.auth() while True: try: self.isend() self.nbrecv() except KeyboardInterrupt: print "Coming out..." break except: print "Something went wrong" else: pass def send(self, msg, log = False): """ Send a message using socket s, and log it. """ if len(msg) <= 0: return msgs = [i for i in msg.split() if len(i) > 0] if len(msgs) > 0 and msgs[0] == 'ShowCommands': self.send('ShowCommands') for extra in EXTRA: print (Fore.YELLOW if hasColor else "")+EXTRA[extra]+(Style.RESET_ALL if hasColor else "") elif len(msgs) > 0 and msgs[0] == 'Command': if msgs[1] in EXTRA: print (Fore.YELLOW if hasColor else "")+EXTRA[msgs[1]]+(Style.RESET_ALL if hasColor else "") else: self.send('Command '+msgs[1]) elif len(msgs) > 0 and msgs[0] == 'Find': self.send('Search '+self.ip+' '+str(self.udpport)+' F?T?0?1?'+'$'.join(msgs[1:])) elif len(msgs) > 0 and msgs[0] == 'DownloadById': num = int(msgs[1]) self.searchMutex.acquire() cc = ClientConnection(self.username, self.ip, -1, True, dict(self.searchResults[num])) self.searchMutex.release() cc.start() self.searchMutex.acquire() self.s.send(FUNCTIONS['ConnectToMe'](*((self.searchResults[num]['nick'], self.ip, cc.port)))) self.searchMutex.release() cc.join() elif len(msgs) > 0 and msgs[0] == 'ConnectToMe': cc = ClientConnection(self.username, msgs[2], -1, True) cc.start() self.s.send(FUNCTIONS[msgs[0]](*((msgs[1], msgs[2], cc.port)))) cc.join() elif len(msgs) > 0 and msgs[0] in FUNCTIONS: resp = FUNCTIONS[msgs[0]](*(tuple(msgs[1:]))) if resp: self.s.send(resp) # if a search, clear search results, they're going to be repopulated !! if 'Search' in msgs[0]: = msgs[3].strip() self.searchMutex.acquire() self.searchResults = dict() self.searchMutex.release() elif len(msgs) > 0 and msgs[0] == 'Show': elif len(msgs) > 0 and msgs[0] == 'ShowSearchResults': self.showSearchResults() elif len(msgs) > 0 and msgs[0] == 'ClientConnection': # This is the part where the main loop halts and we enter a client connection loop (passive) cc = ClientConnection(self.username, msgs[1], int(msgs[2])) cc.start() cc.join() else: self.s.send('$'+msg+'|') if log: print (SENT if not hasColor else Fore.GREEN) + msg + ("" if not hasColor else Style.RESET_ALL) def isend(self): """ interactive send """ msg = raw_input(SENT if not hasColor else "").strip() self.send(msg) def recv(self, log = False): """ Receive a message from socket s, and log it. """ msg = self.s.recv(BUFLEN) self.mutex.acquire() self.buff += msg self.mutex.release() if log: return msg def nbrecv(self, log = False): """ Non Blocking Receive """ ret = [] while True: try: msg = self.s.recv(BUFLEN) if len(msg) <= 0: raise Exception self.mutex.acquire() self.buff += msg self.mutex.release() ret.append(msg) except: break if log: return ret def show(self): """ Show previous commands and messages. """ self.mutex.acquire() self.buff = Utility.formatAndShowBuff(self) self.mutex.release() def showSearchResults(self): self.searchMutex.acquire() for key in self.searchResults: print str(key)+': '+' ( around '+Utility.toMB(self.searchResults[key]['size'])+' MB - '+self.searchResults[key]['nick']+')\n'+self.searchResults[key]['filename'] self.searchMutex.release()