def plot_map(pdata): ''' Draw global map where dateline is on the center ''' abc = 'abcdefgh' ###--- Create a figure fig = plt.figure() fig.set_size_inches(7, 8.5) ## (xsize,ysize) ###--- Suptitle suptit = pdata['suptit'] fig.suptitle(suptit, fontsize=16, y=0.97, va='bottom', stretch='semi-condensed') ###--- Map Projection center = 180 # Want to draw a map where dateline is on the center proj = ccrs.PlateCarree(central_longitude=center) data_crs = ccrs.PlateCarree() map_extent = [0., 359.9, -60, 60] # Range to be shown img_range = pdata['img_bound'] ###--- Set range of values to be shown #val_min, val_max= 0,0.5 <-- it is unnecessary for BoundaryNorm p_val_levels = [0, 0.01, 0.02, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2] ###--- Color map colors = ['darkred', '#FA325A', 'darkorange', 'forestgreen', '#C9CD71'] cm = cls.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list("cm5", colors) cm.set_under('1.') cm.set_over('1.') cm.set_bad('0.8') # For the gridcell of NaN norm = cls.BoundaryNorm(p_val_levels, ncolors=cm.N, clip=False) left, right, top, bottom = 0.07, 0.97, 0.93, 0.12 npnx, gapx, npny, gapy = 1, 0.05, len(pdata['data']), 0.06 lx = (right - left - gapx * (npnx - 1)) / npnx ly = (top - bottom - gapy * (npny - 1)) / npny ix, iy = left, top props_imshow = dict(norm=norm, origin='lower', cmap=cm, extent=img_range, transform=data_crs) for i, (data, vnm) in enumerate(zip(pdata['data'], pdata['var_names'])): ax1 = fig.add_axes([ix, iy - ly, lx, ly], projection=proj) ax1.set_extent(map_extent, crs=data_crs) map1 = ax1.imshow(data, **props_imshow) subtit = '({}) {}'.format(abc[i], vnm) vf.map_common(ax1, subtit, data_crs, xloc=60, yloc=20) iy = iy - ly - gapy cb = vf.draw_colorbar(fig, ax1, map1, type='horizontal', size='panel', gap=0.06, extend='max') cb.set_label('Significance level', fontsize=11) ['{:.0f}%'.format((1 - val) * 100) for val in p_val_levels]) ##-- Seeing or Saving Pic --## outfnm = pdata['out_fnm'] print(outfnm) #fig.savefig(outfnm,dpi=100) # dpi: pixels per inch fig.savefig(outfnm, dpi=150, bbox_inches='tight') # dpi: pixels per inch # Defalut: facecolor='w', edgecolor='w', transparent=False return
def plot_map(pdata): ''' Draw PC time series on the top, and draw global map where dateline is on the center ''' ###--- Create a figure fig = plt.figure() fig.set_size_inches(6, 10) ## (xsize,ysize) ###--- Suptitle fig.suptitle(pdata['suptit'], fontsize=16, y=0.97, va='bottom', stretch='semi-condensed') ###--- Axes setting nk = len(pdata['tgt_nums']) # Number of data to show left, right, top, bottom = 0.07, 0.93, 0.925, 0.1 npnx, gapx, npny, gapy = 1, 0.05, nk + 1, 0.064 lx = (right - left - gapx * (npnx - 1)) / npnx ly = (top - bottom - gapy * (npny - 1)) / npny ix, iy = left, top ###--- Top panel: PC time series ax1 = fig.add_axes([ix, iy - ly, lx, ly]) colors =, 0.95, 10)) for i, k in enumerate(pdata['tgt_nums']): ax1.plot_date(pdata['mon_list'], pdata['pc'][:, k], fmt='-', c=colors[i], lw=2.5, alpha=0.85, label='PC{}'.format(k)) iy = iy - ly - gapy subtit = '(a) ' ax1.set_title(subtit, fontsize=12, ha='left', x=0.0) ax1.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(0.08, 1.02, .92, .10), loc='lower left', ncol=nk, mode="expand", borderaxespad=0., fontsize=10) ax1.axhline(y=0., c='k', lw=0.8, ls='--') ax1.grid(ls=':') ax1.xaxis.set_major_formatter(DateFormatter('%b%Y')) ax1.yaxis.set_minor_locator(AutoMinorLocator(2)) ax1.yaxis.set_ticks_position('both') ax1.tick_params(axis='both', labelsize=10) ###--- Next, draw global maps ###--- Map Projection center = 180 # Want to draw a map where dateline is on the center proj = ccrs.PlateCarree(central_longitude=center) data_crs = ccrs.PlateCarree() map_extent = [0., 359.9, -61, 61] # Range to be shown img_range = pdata['img_bound'] val_max = max(np.nanmin(pdata['ev_map']) * -1, np.nanmax(pdata['ev_map'])) val_min, val_max = val_max * -0.9, val_max * 0.9 abc = 'abcdefgh' ###--- Color map cm ='RdBu_r').copy() cm.set_bad('0.9') # For the gridcell of NaN props = dict(vmin=val_min, vmax=val_max, origin='lower', extent=img_range, cmap=cm, transform=data_crs) for i, (data, k) in enumerate(zip(pdata['ev_map'], pdata['tgt_nums'])): ax2 = fig.add_axes([ix, iy - ly, lx, ly], projection=proj) ax2.set_extent(map_extent, crs=data_crs) map1 = ax2.imshow(data, **props) subtit = '({}) EOF{}'.format(abc[i + 1], k) vf.map_common(ax2, subtit, data_crs, xloc=60, yloc=20, gl_lab_locator=[True, True, False, True]) iy = iy - ly - gapy vf.draw_colorbar(fig, ax2, map1, type='horizontal', size='panel', gap=0.06, extend='both', width=0.02) ##-- Seeing or Saving Pic --## outfnm = pdata['out_fnm'] print(outfnm) #fig.savefig(outfnm,dpi=100) # dpi: pixels per inch fig.savefig(outfnm, dpi=150, bbox_inches='tight') # dpi: pixels per inch # Defalut: facecolor='w', edgecolor='w', transparent=False return