def m3u(xml): m3u = xml regex = re.findall('#EXTINF.*,(.*\\s)\\s*(.*)', m3u) if not len(regex) > 0: regex = re.findall('((.*.+)(.*))', m3u) for text in regex: img_src = '' description = '' YaID = '' id = '' title = text[0].strip() id = VseTV.get_ch_id(title) title = "[COLOR FFFFB77D00]" + title + "[/COLOR]" img_src = fanart if id != None: img_src = '' % id else: img_src = '' url = text[1].strip() listitem=xbmcgui.ListItem(title, iconImage = img_src, thumbnailImage = img_src) if Addon.getSetting('fanart') == '0': listitem.setProperty('fanart_image', fanart) listitem.setInfo(type = 'video', infoLabels={'title': title, 'plot': description}) uri = construct_request({ 'func': 'Play', 'title': title, 'img': img_src, 'stream': url, 'epgid': id }) xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem(hos, uri, listitem, True)
def Play(params): try: url = urllib.unquote(params['stream']).replace('&', '&').replace(';', '') except: url = '' try: title = params['title'] except: title = '' try: epgid = params['epgid'] except: epgid = None try: img = params['img'] except: img = None if epgid != '' and epgid != None: epg = VseTV.get_ch_epg(epgid) if epg != '' and epg != None: title = epg try: Parser = makemodule(url='', modname='loadparsers') except: Parser = makemodule(url='', modname='loadparsers') url = Parser.parse_play_url(url) if url == 'youtube': pass elif url != '' and url != None and url.find('.html') < 0 and url.find( 'md5hash') < 0: i = xbmcgui.ListItem(title, url, img, img) xbmc.Player().play(url, i) else: showMessage('Not playable stream', url, 2000)
def Play(params): try: url = urllib.unquote(params['stream']).replace('&', '&').replace(';', '') except: url = '' try: title = params['title'] except: title = '' try: epgid = params['epgid'] except: epgid = None try: img = params['img'] except: img = None if epgid != '' and epgid != None: epg = VseTV.get_ch_epg(epgid) if epg != '' and epg != None: title = epg try: Parser = makemodule(url = '', modname = 'loadparsers') except: Parser = makemodule(url = '', modname = 'loadparsers') url = Parser.parse_play_url(url) if url == 'youtube': pass elif url != '' and url != None and url.find('.html') < 0 and url.find('md5hash') < 0: i = xbmcgui.ListItem(title, url, img, img) xbmc.Player().play(url, i) else: showMessage('Not playable stram', url, 2000)
def playlist(xml): n = 0 link = None stream = None prev_title = '' next_title = '' construkt = {} prev_page_element = xml.find('prev_page_url') if prev_page_element: prev_url = prev_page_element.text.encode('utf-8') prev_page_text = prev_page_element.get('text') if prev_page_text: prev_page_text = prev_page_text.encode('utf-8') prev_title = "[COLOR FFFFFF00]<-" + prev_page_text +'[/COLOR]' uri = construct_request({ 'func': 'Categories', 'link':prev_url }) listitem=xbmcgui.ListItem(prev_title, left, left) if Addon.getSetting('fanart') == '0': listitem.setProperty('Fanart_Image', left) xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem(hos, uri, listitem, True) next_page_element = xml.find('next_page_url') if next_page_element: next_url = next_page_element.text.encode('utf-8') next_page_text = next_page_element.get('text') if next_page_text: next_page_text = next_page_text.encode('utf-8') next_title = "[COLOR FFFFFF00]->" + next_page_text +'[/COLOR]' uri = construct_request({ 'func': 'Categories', 'link':next_url }) listitem=xbmcgui.ListItem(next_title, right, right) if Addon.getSetting('fanart') == '0': listitem.setProperty('fanart_image', right) xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem(hos, uri, listitem, True) for channel in xml.findAll('channel'): img_src = '' img_logo = '' description = '' titl = '' YaID = '' title = channel.find('title').text.encode('utf-8') title = title.replace('&', ' and ') title = re.compile('<[\\/\\!]*?[^<>]*?>').sub('', title) description = channel.find('description') if description: description = description.text.encode('utf-8') img_src_list = re.findall('src="(.*?)"', description) or re.findall("src='(.*?)'", description) if len(img_src_list) > 0: img_src = img_src_list[0] if img_src == None or img_src == '' or img_src.find('http') < 0 : img_src = fanart description = description.replace('<br>', '\n') description = description.replace('<br/>', '\n') description = description.replace('</h1>', '</h1>\n') description = description.replace('</h2>', '</h2>\n') description = description.replace(' ', ' ') description = re.compile('<[\\/\\!]*?[^<>]*?>').sub('', description) else: description = title if description == '': description = title piconname = channel.find('logo_30x30') or channel.find('logo') if piconname: img_logo = piconname.text if img_src == None or img_src == '' or img_src == fanart : img_src = img_logo n = n+1 searchon = channel.find('search_on') search = None if searchon: search = searchon.text.encode('utf-8') parser = channel.find('parser') stream_url = channel.find('stream_url') playlist_url = channel.find('playlist_url') if parser: parser = parser.text.encode('utf-8') if stream_url: strUrl = Pars(parser) if stream_url.find('md5hash') > -1 and strUrl: stream_url = stream_url.replace('md5hash', strUrl) if playlist_url: link = playlist_url.text.encode('utf-8') titl = "[COLOR FFFFFFFF]" + title + "[/COLOR]" construkt = { 'func': 'Categories', 'link': link, 'search': search, 'parser': parser } if stream_url: stream = stream_url.text.encode('utf-8') titl = "[COLOR FFB77D00]" + title + "[/COLOR]" id = VseTV.get_ch_id(title) if id != None: img_src = '' % id construkt = { 'func': 'Play', 'stream': stream, 'img': img_src, 'title': title, 'epgid': id } listitem=xbmcgui.ListItem(titl, iconImage = img_src, thumbnailImage = img_src) if Addon.getSetting('fanart') == '0': listitem.setProperty('fanart_image', img_src) listitem.setInfo(type = 'video', infoLabels={'title': titl, 'plot': description}) uri = construct_request(construkt) xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem(hos, uri, listitem, True)