예제 #1
    def addWire(self, wire, type):
        "add all the edges of a wire. They will be connected together."
        "type is the node type for each edge"

        #for finding an edge node
        wr = Wrappers.Wire(wire)
        self.edgeSeq = wr.edgesAsSequence()
        firstNode = None
        lastNode = None
        last = None
        for i in range(1, self.edgeSeq.Length() + 1):

            edge = Wrappers.cast(self.edgeSeq.Value(i))
            te = Wrappers.Edge(edge)

            newnode = EdgeNode(edge, te.firstParameter, te.lastParameter, type)

            if last:

            last = newnode

            if i == 1:
                firstNode = newnode
            if i == self.edgeSeq.Length():
                lastNode = newnode

        #link last and first edge if the wire is closed
        if wire.Closed():
예제 #2
def splitPerfTest():
	"make a long wire of lots of edges"
		performance of the wire split routine is surprisingly bad!
	edges = [];
	#trick here. after building a wire, the edges change identity.
	#evidently, BRepBuilder_MakeWire makes copies of the underliying edges.
	h = hexagonlib.Hexagon(2.0,0 );
	wirelist = h.makeHexForBoundingBox((0,0,0), (100,100,0));
	w = wirelist[0];
	ee = Wrappers.Wire(w).edgesAsList();

	#compute two intersections
	e1 = Wrappers.Edge(ee[5]);
	e2 = Wrappers.Edge(ee[55]);
	e1p = (e1.lastParameter - e1.firstParameter )/ 2;
	e2p = (e2.lastParameter - e2.firstParameter )/ 2;
	p1 = PointOnAnEdge(e1.edge,e1p ,e1.pointAtParameter(e1p));
	p2 = PointOnAnEdge(e2.edge,e2p ,e2.pointAtParameter(e2p));

	t = Util.Timer();
	ee = [];
	for i in range(1,1000):
		ee = splitWire(w,[p2,p1]);
		assert len(ee) == 1;
	print "Elapsed for 1000splits:",t.finishedString();
예제 #3
def findIntersectionsUsingCurvesWithBoundingBoxes(wire, lines):
		find all of the intersections points between the wire and the lines, 
		no fancy sorting
    points = []
    count = 0
    rejected = 0
    w = Wrappers.Wire(wire)
    for boundaryEdge in w.edges2():
        #get the curve from the 2d edge
        curve = get2dCurveFrom3dEdge(boundaryEdge)
        #make bounding box for the test curve
        box = boundingBoxForCurve(curve)

        for l in lines:
            #the line is already a geom-curve--
            count += 1

            box2 = boundingBoxForCurve(l)
            if box2.IsOut(box):
                rejected += 1
            isector = Geom2dAPI.Geom2dAPI_InterCurveCurve(curve, l)
            if isector.NbPoints() > 0:
                for k in range(1, isector.NbPoints() + 1):
    print "Rejected %d intersections." % rejected
    return (count, points)
예제 #4
def testSplitWire2():
	"intersections on different edges. one edge completely inside"
	e1 = Wrappers.edgeFromTwoPoints(gp.gp_Pnt(0,0,0),gp.gp_Pnt(2,0,0));
	e2 = Wrappers.edgeFromTwoPoints(gp.gp_Pnt(2,0,0),gp.gp_Pnt(5,0,0));
	e3 = Wrappers.edgeFromTwoPoints(gp.gp_Pnt(5,0,0),gp.gp_Pnt(6,0,0));
	#trick here. after building a wire, the edges change identity.
	#evidently, BRepBuilder_MakeWire makes copies of the underliying edges.
	w = Wrappers.wireFromEdges([e1,e2,e3]);
	ee = Wrappers.Wire(w).edgesAsList();
	#print "Original Edges: %d %d %d " % ( ee[0].__hash__(),ee[1].__hash__(),ee[2].__hash__());
	p1 = PointOnAnEdge(ee[0],1.0,gp.gp_Pnt(1.0,0,0));
	p2 = PointOnAnEdge(ee[2],0.5,gp.gp_Pnt(5.0,0,0));
	ee = splitWire(w,[p2,p1]);
	assert len(ee) == 1;
	length = 0;
	for e in ee[0]:
		ew = Wrappers.Edge(e);
		length += ew.distanceBetweenEnds();
	#print "length=%0.3f" % length;
	assert length == 4.5;
예제 #5
def intersectWiresUsingDistShapeShape(wire, edges):
    "intersect a wire with a series of edges. naive algorithm without bounding box sorting "
    ipoints = []
    w = Wrappers.Wire(wire)

    circle = gp.gp_Circ2d(gp.gp_Ax2d(tP(2, 4),
                                     gp.gp().DX2d()), 2)
    e2 = BRepBuilderAPI.BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge2d(circle, tP(4, 4),
                                                  tP(0, 4)).Edge()
    e4 = edgeFromTwoPoints((-4, 4), (0, 0))
    brp = BRepExtrema.BRepExtrema_DistShapeShape(e2, e4)
    print "runing"
    print "done"
    if brp.Value() < 0.001:
        print "intersection found!"
        #TODO need to handle the somewhat unusual cases that the intersection is
        #on a vertex
        for k in range(1, brp.NbSolution() + 1):
            p1 = brp.PointOnShape1(k)
            ipoints.append(p1.X(), p1.Y())

    return (count, ipoints)
예제 #6
def testProjectingPointInaccurately():
		test projecting a point onto a curve
    h = makeHeartWire()

    #convert to twod curves
    curves = []
    for e in Wrappers.Wire(h).edges2():

    #project a point onto the wire. we want to see if slight inaccurcies will project.
    #this simulates trying to find points on a curve that were put there via pixels
    DISTANCE = 0.004
    p = gp.gp_Pnt2d(2.0 + DISTANCE, 2.0 - DISTANCE)
    display.DisplayShape(Wrappers.make_vertex(gp.gp_Pnt(p.X(), p.Y(), 0)))
    for c in curves:
        r = projectPointOnCurve2d(c, p, 0.005)
        if r is not None:
            (param, pnt) = r
            print "found point: parmater-%0.3f, point-(%0.3f,%0.3f)" % (
                param, pnt.X(), pnt.Y())
                Wrappers.make_vertex(gp.gp_Pnt(pnt.X(), pnt.Y(), 0)))
예제 #7
def findIntersectionsUsingCurvesNoSorting(wire, lines):
		find all of the intersections points between the wire and the lines, 
		no fancy sorting
    points = []
    count = 0
    w = Wrappers.Wire(wire)
    for boundaryEdge in w.edges2():
        #use this code if the supplied wire is a 3d wire
        #get the curve from the 2d edge
        #hCurve = get2dCurveFrom3dEdge(boundaryEdge)
        #lp = curve.FirstParameter();
        #up = curve.LastParameter();

        #use this code if the supplied wire is a wire of 2d edges
        r = brt.Curve(boundaryEdge)
        hCurve = r[0]
        lp = r[1]
        up = r[2]
        print hCurve

        for l in lines:
            #the line is already a geom-curve
            count += 1
            isector = Geom2dAPI.Geom2dAPI_InterCurveCurve(hCurve, l)
            if isector.NbPoints() > 0:
                for k in range(1, isector.NbPoints() + 1):
                    #make sure the point is actually within the parameter boundaries on the curve.
                    (a, b) = projectPointOnCurve2d(hCurve, isector.Point(k),
                    if a >= lp and a <= up:
    return (count, points)
예제 #8
	def addBoundaryWire(self,wire):
		#for finding an edge node
		wr = Wrappers.Wire(wire);
		eS = wr.edgesAsSequence();

		for i in range(1,eS.Length()+1):
			e = Wrappers.cast(eS.Value(i));
예제 #9
def tuplesFromWire(wire, deflection):
    "return a list of tuples from a wire"
    list = []
    ww = Wrappers.Wire(wire)
    for e in ww.edges2():

        #for each edge, set vertices, and compute points on the edge
        ew = Wrappers.Edge(e)
        for pnt in ew.discretePoints(deflection):
    return list
예제 #10
	def addWire(self,wire,type):
		"add all the edges of a wire. They will be connected together."
		"each edge is added at its full length"
		#for finding an edge node
		wr = Wrappers.Wire(wire);
		eS = wr.edgesAsSequence();

		for i in range(1,eS.Length()+1):
			e = Wrappers.cast(eS.Value(i));
예제 #11
    def followWire(self, wire, finish=False):
			Follow the edges in a wire in order
        ww = Wrappers.Wire(wire)
        for e in ww.edges2():
            for m in self.followEdge(e, False):
                yield m

        #flush any last remaining move
        if finish:
            t = self._fetchPendingMove()
            if t:
                yield t
예제 #12
def makeHexEdges(xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax, zLevel):
    #this can be faster by avoiding 3d wires in the first place, for for now it is ok
    hex = hexagonlib.Hexagon(0.35, 0.01)

    wires = hex.makeHexForBoundingBox((xMin, yMin, zLevel),
                                      (xMax, yMax, zLevel))
    tt = []
    for w in wires:
        ww = Wrappers.Wire(w)
        for e in ww.edges2():
            ew = Wrappers.Edge(e)
            tt.append((tP(ew.firstPoint), tP(ew.lastPoint)))

    print "Made %d hex edges" % len(tt)
    return tt
예제 #13
def findIntersectionsUsingCurves(wire, lines):
    points = []
    count = 0
    w = Wrappers.Wire(wire)
    for boundaryEdge in w.edges2():
        #get the curve from the 2d edge
        hCurve = get2dCurveFrom3dEdge(boundaryEdge)
        curve = hCurve.GetObject()
        a = gp.gp_Pnt2d()
        b = gp.gp_Pnt2d()
        for l in lines:
            #the line is already a geom-curve
            lc = l.GetObject()
            count += 1
            isector = Geom2dAPI.Geom2dAPI_ExtremaCurveCurve(
                hCurve, l, curve.FirstParameter(), curve.LastParameter(),
                lc.FirstParameter(), lc.LastParameter())
            if isector.NbExtrema() > 0:
                isector.NearestPoints(a, b)
    return (count, points)
예제 #14
def splitPerfTest():
	"make a long wire of lots of edges"
		performance of the wire split routine is surprisingly bad!
	edges = [];

	#trick here. after building a wire, the edges change identity.
	#evidently, BRepBuilder_MakeWire makes copies of the underliying edges.
	h = hexagonlib.Hexagon(2.0,0 );
	wirelist = h.makeHexForBoundingBox((0,0,0), (100,100,0));
	w = wirelist[0];
	ee = Wrappers.Wire(w).edgesAsList();
	#compute two intersections
	e1 = Wrappers.Edge(ee[5]);
	e2 = Wrappers.Edge(ee[55]);
	e1p = (e1.lastParameter - e1.firstParameter )/ 2;
	e2p = (e2.lastParameter - e2.firstParameter )/ 2;
	p1 = PointOnAnEdge(e1.edge,e1p ,e1.pointAtParameter(e1p));
	p2 = PointOnAnEdge(e2.edge,e2p ,e2.pointAtParameter(e2p));
	TestDisplay.display.showShape( Wrappers.make_vertex(p1.point));
	TestDisplay.display.showShape( Wrappers.make_vertex(p2.point));
	#cProfile.runctx('for i in range(1,20): ee=splitWire(w,[p2,p1])', globals(), locals(), filename="slicer.prof")
	#p = pstats.Stats('slicer.prof')

	t = Wrappers.Timer();
	ee = [];
	for i in range(1,1000):
		ee = splitWire(w,[p2,p1]);
		assert len(ee) == 1;
	print "Elapsed for 1000splits:",t.finishedString();
예제 #15
def boundarypixmapFromFace(face):
		creates a pixel map containing only the boundaries of the object.
		the shape is approximated with straight lines, and vertices are marked
		with different values to help re-construct the lines later on.	
		Some c++ optimizaion woudl really speed this up.
    PIXEL = 0.02

    #get bounding box
    (xMin, yMin, zMin, xMax, yMax, zMax) = boundingBox([face])

    #make pixmap
    pixmap = pixmaptest.pixmap((xMin, yMin), (xMax, yMax), PIXEL)

    #approximate each wire with a set of segments
    bb = TopExp.TopExp_Explorer()
    bb.Init(face, TopAbs.TopAbs_WIRE)
    while bb.More():
        #print "plotting wire"
        w = Wrappers.Wire(Wrappers.cast(bb.Current()))

        #divide the edge into discrete segments
        lastPnt = None
        for e in w.edges2():
            #for each edge, set vertices, and compute points on the edge
            ew = Wrappers.Edge(e)
            lastPnt = None
            for pnt in ew.discretePoints(DEFLECTION):
                pixmap.set(tP(pnt), 2)

                #plot the line
                if lastPnt != None: pixmap.drawLine(tP(lastPnt), tP(pnt))
                lastPnt = pnt

    return pixmap
예제 #16
def splitPerfTest():
	"make a long wire of lots of edges"
		performance of the wire split routine is surprisingly bad!
	edges = [];
	for i in range(1,50):
		e = Wrappers.edgeFromTwoPoints(gp.gp_Pnt(i*WIDTH,0,0),gp.gp_Pnt((i+1)*WIDTH,0,0))
	#trick here. after building a wire, the edges change identity.
	#evidently, BRepBuilder_MakeWire makes copies of the underliying edges.
	w = Wrappers.wireFromEdges(edges);
	ee = Wrappers.Wire(w).edgesAsList();
	#compute two intersections
	e1 = Wrappers.Edge(ee[5]);
	e2 = Wrappers.Edge(ee[30]);
	e1p = (e1.lastParameter - e1.firstParameter )/ 2;
	e2p = (e2.lastParameter - e2.firstParameter )/ 2;
	p1 = PointOnAnEdge(e1.edge,e1p ,e1.pointAtParameter(e1p));
	p2 = PointOnAnEdge(e2.edge,e2p ,e2.pointAtParameter(e2p));
	#cProfile.runctx('for i in range(1,100): ee=splitWire(w,[p2,p1])', globals(), locals(), filename="slicer.prof")
	#p = pstats.Stats('slicer.prof')

	t = Wrappers.Timer();
	for i in range(1,100):
		ee = splitWire(w,[p2,p1]);
	print "Elapsed for 100 splits:",t.finishedString();
예제 #17
def testDivideWire():
	w = TestDisplay.makeCircleWire();
	#w = TestDisplay.makeSquareWire();
	#w = TestDisplay.makeReversedWire();
	wr = Wrappers.Wire(w);
	eg = EdgeGraph();
	print eg.edges
	#the big test-- split one of the edges
	e = eg.firstNode().edge;

	[newEdge1,newEdge2] = eg.divideEdge(e,2.5);
	print eg.edges
	e2 = newEdge2.edge;
	[newEdge3,newEdge4] = eg.divideEdge(e2,0.2333 );

	for en in eg.allEdgesRandomOrder():
		e = en.newEdge();
		TestDisplay.display.showShape( TestDisplay.makeEdgeIndicator(e) );
		TestDisplay.display.showShape(e );	
예제 #18
def TestWireJoiner():
    heartWire = TestObjects.makeHeartWire()

    #man this is hard to test without resorting to graphical test.
    #this is sort of a semi-automatic method
    testPoints = []

    testPoints.append([gp.gp_Pnt(-1.0, 0, 0), 5])
    testPoints.append([gp.gp_Pnt(0, -1.0, 0), 5])
    testPoints.append([gp.gp_Pnt(-1.0, -1.0, 0), 5])
    testPoints.append([gp.gp_Pnt(1.0, 0, 0), 5])
    testPoints.append([gp.gp_Pnt(1.6, 1.8, 0), 6])
    testPoints.append([gp.gp_Pnt(4.15, 4.4, 0), 5])
    testPoints.append([gp.gp_Pnt(0.5, 3.5, 0), 5])
    testPoints.append([gp.gp_Pnt(4.0, 4.7, 0), 6])

    for tp in testPoints:
        display.DisplayColoredShape(heartWire, 'GREEN')
        wj = WireJoiner(heartWire, tp[0], 0.08)
        result = wj.build()
        assert len(Wrappers.Wire(result).edgesAsList()) == tp[1]
        display.DisplayColoredShape(result, 'RED')
예제 #19
    print "%d Intervals(C3)" % curve.NbIntervals(3)

    nB = curve.NbIntervals(2)

    resultEdge = TopoDS.TopoDS_Edge()
    #try to get edge from paramter
    p = 0.5
    eP = curve.Edge(p, resultEdge)
    print "CompCurve Parameter %0.2f = edge parameter %0.2f" % (p, eP)

    #show the selected point also
    point = curve.Value(p)

    #get all of the intervals for the wire
    print "Getting %d Intervals" % nB
    array = TColStd.TColStd_Array1OfReal(1, nB + 2)

    curve.Intervals(array, 2)
    print "Bounding Parameters: ", listFromArray(array)

    wr = Wrappers.Wire(testWire)
    edgeList = []
    for e in wr.edges2():

    print "Edges:", edgeList

예제 #20
def splitWire(wire, ipoints):
		ipoints is a list of intersection points.
	#load original wire
	#we make an important assumption that the wire is organized from
	#left to right or from right to left, and starts outside the boundaries.
	#this allows the scanline algorithm to define which segments are 'inside'
	wr = Wrappers.Wire(wire);
	#assume edges are in ascending x order also
	eS = wr.edgesAsList();

	#sort intersection points by ascending X location
	ix = sorted(ipoints,key = lambda p: p.point.X() );
	inside = False;		
	edges = []; #a list of edges for the current wire.	
	iEdge = 0;
	#TODO: handle odd number of intersections
	#the last parameter on the current edge.
	#it is either the first parameter on the current edge,
	#or the last intersection point on the edge.
	currentEdge = eS[iEdge];
	#currentEdgeWrapper = Wrappers.Edge(currentEdge);
	currentEdgeBounds = brepTool.Range(currentEdge);
	startParam = currentEdgeBounds[0];
	while iIntersection < len(ix) and ( iEdge < len(eS)  ) :
		currentIntersection = ix[iIntersection];

		if hashE(currentEdge) == hashE(currentIntersection.edge):
			#current edge matches intersection point
			if inside:
				#transition to outside: add this part edge
				#currentEdgeWrapper = Wrappers.Edge(currentEdge);
				currentEdgeBounds = brepTool.Range(currentEdge);
				#startParam = currentEdgeWrapper.firstParameter;
				newEdge = Wrappers.trimmedEdge(currentEdge,startParam,currentIntersection.param);
				#newEdge = currentEdgeWrapper.trimmedEdge(startParam, currentIntersection.param);
			#move to next point, store last intersection
			iIntersection += 1;
			startParam = currentIntersection.param;			
			inside = not inside;
			#edges do not match		
			if inside:
				currentEdgeBounds = brepTool.Range(currentEdge);
				#currentEdgeWrapper = Wrappers.Edge(currentEdge);
				if startParam == currentEdgeBounds[0]:
					newEdge = Wrappers.trimmedEdge(currentEdge,startParam, currentEdgeBounds[1] );
					#newEdge = currentEdgeWrapper.trimmedEdge(startParam, currentEdgeWrapper.lastParameter);
			#move to next edge
			iEdge += 1;
			currentEdge = eS[iEdge];
			#currentEdgeWrapper = Wrappers.Edge(currentEdge);
			startParam = currentEdgeBounds[0];			

	#done. return the edges
	return edges;
예제 #21

def tP(point):
    "return a tuple for a point"
    return (point.X(), point.Y(), point.Z())

if __name__ == '__main__':
    print "Basic Wrappers and Utilities Module"
    w = TestDisplay.makeCircleWire()
    w = TestDisplay.makeSquareWire()
    #w = TestDisplay.makeReversedWire();

    wr = Wrappers.Wire(w)

    g = networkx.Graph()

    for e in wr.edges():
        ew = Wrappers.Edge(e)
        g.add_edge(tP(ew.firstPoint), tP(ew.lastPoint), {'ew': ew})

    #print g.nodes();
    #print g.edges();
    print g.get_edge_data((5.0, 0.0, 0.0), (5.0, 5.0, 0.0))

    #eg = EdgeGraph();