예제 #1
def play(user: dict) -> None:
    """Get a dictionary(user's info) and play game.

    Until user input 'quit', keep playing game
    check if user's input is valid, if so move inside boundary
    if user encounters monster, ask whether fight or run away
    if user tries to run away, monster hits user as much as 1d4 by 10 percent chance
    if user fight, invoke combat() to death
    if user doesn't encounter monster and user's hp is below 10, up 1hp each move
    if user input invalid input for direction, print helpful message
    PARAM: user, a dictionary
    PRECONDITION: user, must be a dictionary has valid keys and values
    POSTCONDITION: Print helpful message when user input invalid string
    user_input = ""
    while user_input != "quit":
        user_input = input(
            "Which way do you want to go? (E/W/N/S) ").strip().lower()
        if moving.can_move(user_input, user['row'], user['column']):
            moving.move(user_input, user)
            if monster.encounter_monster():
                if combat.is_dead(user):
                        'Hp'], user_input = 10, "quit"  # Hp full up for the next game, and quit the game.
        elif user_input == "quit":
            print("Enter the direction again please.")
    def test_move_raises_key_error(self):
        """Test move with a dictionary doesn't have key 'row'.

        The result is expected to raise KeyError
        with self.assertRaises(KeyError):
            moving.move('n', self.no_row_dict)
    def test_move_third_condition_with_valid_arguments(self):
        """Test the third condition of move_first with valid arguments.
        user_input in ['north', 'n']

        The result is expected True
        moving.move('n', self.test_dict)
        self.assertTrue(self.test_dict['row'] == 3)
    def test_move_fourth_condition_with_valid_arguments(self):
        """Test the fourth condition of move_first with valid arguments.
        user_input in ['south', 's']

        The result is expected True
        moving.move('s', self.test_dict)
        self.assertTrue(self.test_dict['row'] == 5)
    def test_move_second_condition_with_valid_arguments(self):
        """Test the second condition of move_first with valid arguments.
        user_input in ['west', 'w']

        The result is expected True
        moving.move('w', self.test_dict)
        self.assertTrue(self.test_dict['column'] == 3)