def unsubscribeThread(users_email, id): cursor = connection.cursor() try: cursor.execute( "INSERT INTO subscribers (user_id, thread_id, subscribed) " "VALUES ((SELECT id FROM users WHERE email = %s), %s, FALSE) " "ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE subscribed=FALSE ", (users_email, int(id)), ) connection.commit() cursor.execute( "SELECT " " AS thread, " " AS user " "FROM threads JOIN subscribers ON = subscribers.thread_id " "JOIN users ON subscribers.user_id = " "WHERE = %s AND = %s AND subscribers.subscribed = FALSE ", (users_email, id), ) thread = dictfetchone(cursor) cursor.close() except Exception: raise else: return thread finally: cursor.close()
def getAddedPost(forums_short_name, threads_id, users_email, date): cursor = connection.cursor() try: cursor.execute( "SELECT " " AS date, " "forums.short_name AS forum, " " AS id, " "posts.isApproved AS isApproved, " "posts.isDeleted AS isDeleted, " "posts.isEdited AS isEdited, " "posts.isHighlighted AS isHighlighted, " "posts.isSpam AS isSpam, " "posts.message AS message, " " AS thread, " " AS user " "FROM posts RIGHT JOIN threads ON posts.thread_id = " "RIGHT JOIN forums ON threads.forum_id = " "JOIN users ON posts.user_id = " "WHERE forums.short_name = %s AND = %s AND AND""", (forums_short_name, threads_id, users_email, date)) post = dictfetchone(cursor) cursor.close() post['date'] = post['date'].strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") post['isApproved'] = bool(post['isApproved']) post['isEdited'] = bool(post['isEdited']) post['isHighlighted'] = bool(post['isHighlighted']) post['isSpam'] = bool(post['isSpam']) post['isDeleted'] = bool(post['isDeleted']) except Exception: raise else: return post finally: cursor.close()
def getAddedThread(forums_short_name, threads_slug): cursor = connection.cursor() try: cursor.execute( "SELECT " " AS date, " "forums.short_name AS forum, " " AS id, " "threads.isClosed AS isClosed, " "threads.isDeleted AS isDeleted, " "threads.message AS message, " "threads.slug AS slug, " "threads.title AS title, " " AS user " "FROM threads JOIN forums ON threads.forum_id = " "JOIN users ON threads.user_id = " "WHERE forums.short_name = %s AND threads.slug = %s ", (forums_short_name, threads_slug), ) thread = dictfetchone(cursor) cursor.close() if not thread: raise Exception("Thread doesn't exist") thread["isClosed"] = bool(thread["isClosed"]) thread["isDeleted"] = bool(thread["isDeleted"]) thread["date"] = thread["date"].strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") except Exception: raise else: return thread finally: cursor.close()
def getDetailedForum(short_name, related): cursor = connection.cursor() try: cursor.execute( "SELECT " " AS id, " " AS name, " "forums.short_name AS short_name, " " AS user " "FROM forums JOIN users ON forums.user_id = " "WHERE forums.short_name = %s """, (short_name,) ) forum = dictfetchone(cursor) cursor.close() if not forum: raise Exception("Forum doesn't exists") if 'user' in related: from API.requests import user_requests forum['user'] = user_requests.getDetailedUser(forum['user']) except Exception: raise else: return forum finally: cursor.close()
def getDetailedPost(id, related): cursor = connection.cursor() try: cursor.execute( "SELECT " " AS date, " "posts.dislikes AS dislikes, " "forums.short_name AS forum, " " AS id, " "posts.isApproved AS isApproved, " "posts.isDeleted AS isDeleted, " "posts.isEdited AS isEdited, " "posts.isHighlighted AS isHighlighted, " "posts.isSpam AS isSpam, " "posts.likes AS likes, " "posts.message AS message, " "posts.post_id AS parent, " "posts.likes - posts.dislikes AS points, " "posts.thread_id AS thread, " " AS user " "FROM posts RIGHT JOIN threads ON posts.thread_id = " "RIGHT JOIN forums ON threads.forum_id = " "JOIN users ON posts.user_id = " "WHERE = %s """, (id,)) post = dictfetchone(cursor) cursor.close() if not post: raise Exception("Post doesn't exist") if 'user' in related: from API.requests import user_requests post['user'] = user_requests.getDetailedUser(post['user']) if 'thread' in related: from API.requests import thread_requests post['thread'] = thread_requests.getDetailedThread(post['thread'],[]) if 'forum' in related: from API.requests import forum_requests post['forum'] = forum_requests.getDetailedForum(post['forum'], []) post['isApproved'] = bool(post['isApproved']) post['isDeleted'] = bool(post['isDeleted']) post['isEdited'] = bool(post['isEdited']) post['isHighlighted'] = bool(post['isHighlighted']) post['isSpam'] = bool(post['isSpam']) post['date'] = post['date'].strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") except Exception: raise else: return post finally: cursor.close()
def getDetailedThread(id, related): cursor = connection.cursor() try: cursor.execute( "SELECT " " AS date, " "threads.dislikes AS dislikes, " "forums.short_name AS forum, " " AS id, " "threads.isClosed AS isClosed, " "threads.isDeleted AS isDeleted, " "threads.likes AS likes, " "threads.message AS message, " "threads.likes - threads.dislikes AS points, " "COUNT( AS posts, " "threads.slug AS slug, " "threads.title AS title, " " AS user " "FROM forums JOIN threads ON = threads.forum_id " "JOIN users ON threads.user_id = " "JOIN posts ON posts.thread_id = " "WHERE = %s" "", (id,), ) thread = dictfetchone(cursor) cursor.close() thread["isClosed"] = bool(thread["isClosed"]) thread["isDeleted"] = bool(thread["isDeleted"]) thread["date"] = thread["date"].strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") if "user" in related: from API.requests import user_requests thread["user"] = user_requests.getDetailedUser(thread["user"]) if "forum" in related: from API.requests import forum_requests thread["forum"] = forum_requests.getDetailedForum(thread["forum"], []) except Exception: raise else: return thread finally: cursor.close()
def removePost(id): cursor = connection.cursor() try: cursor.execute("UPDATE posts SET isDeleted = TRUE WHERE id = %s", (id,)) connection.commit() cursor.execute("SELECT id AS post FROM posts WHERE id = %s AND isDeleted = TRUE", (id,)) thread = dictfetchone(cursor) cursor.close() if not thread: raise Exception("Post doesn't exist") except Exception: raise else: return thread finally: cursor.close()
def restorePost(id): cursor = connection.cursor() try: cursor.execute("UPDATE posts SET isDeleted = FALSE WHERE id = %s", (id,)) connection.commit() cursor.execute("SELECT id AS post FROM posts WHERE id = %s AND isDeleted = FALSE", (id,)) post = dictfetchone(cursor) cursor.close() if not post: raise Exception("Post doesn't exist") except Exception: raise else: return post finally: cursor.close()
def restoreThread(id): cursor = connection.cursor() try: cursor.execute("UPDATE threads SET isDeleted = FALSE WHERE id = %s", (id,)) connection.commit() cursor.execute("SELECT id AS thread FROM threads WHERE id = %s AND isDeleted = FALSE", (id,)) thread = dictfetchone(cursor) cursor.close() if not thread: raise Exception("Thread doesn't exist") except Exception: raise else: return thread finally: cursor.close()
def votePost(id, vote): cursor = connection.cursor() try: if vote == 1: cursor.execute("UPDATE posts SET likes = likes + 1 WHERE id = %s ", (id,)) elif vote == -1: cursor.execute("UPDATE posts SET dislikes = dislikes + 1 WHERE id = %s ", (id,)) else: raise Exception("Wrong vote value") cursor.execute("SELECT id AS post FROM posts WHERE id = %s ", (id,)) post = dictfetchone(cursor) cursor.close() except Exception: raise else: return post finally: cursor.close()
def voteThread(id, vote): cursor = connection.cursor() try: if vote == 1: cursor.execute("UPDATE threads SET likes = likes + 1 WHERE id = %s ", (id,)) elif vote == -1: cursor.execute("UPDATE threads SET dislikes = dislikes + 1 WHERE id = %s ", (id,)) else: raise Exception("Wrong vote value") cursor.execute("SELECT id AS thread FROM threads WHERE id = %s ", (id,)) thread = dictfetchone(cursor) cursor.close() except Exception: raise else: return thread finally: cursor.close()
def getAddedForum(short_name): cursor = connection.cursor() try: cursor.execute( "SELECT " " AS id, " " AS name, " "forums.short_name as short_name, " " AS user " "FROM forums JOIN users ON forums.user_id = " "WHERE forums.short_name = %s """, (short_name,)) forum = dictfetchone(cursor) cursor.close() if not forum: raise Exception("Forum doesn't exist") except Exception: raise else: return forum finally: cursor.close()