def delete(args, appURL): tmp = appURL.split(":") appid = tmp[0] if len(tmp) > 1: appversion = tmp[1] else: appversion = 1 # default value if db.checkToken(args["x-token-id"]): if args["x-unpublish-on-delete"] == None: app = db.getLocalApplication(appid) if app == None: return "", 200 # Yes, it returns 200 even if the application doesn't exists if app["published"]: return """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <error> <code>1303</code> <description>App %s is in use: Unable to delete apps with name %s As app with name %s and version%d is in published state</description> </error>""" % (app["name"], app["name"], app["name"], app["name"]), 400, { "Content-Type": "application/xml" } # TODO: customize returned error name db.deleteLocalApplication(appid) return "", 200 else: return invalidToken()
def post(args, data): if db.checkToken(args["x-token-id"]): try: appname = data["name"] sourceAppName = data["sourceAppName"] version = data["version"] appType = data["appSourceType"] except KeyError: return { "code": 1001, "description": "Given request is not valid: {0}" }, 400, {"Content-Type": "application/json"} if db.myAppExists(appname): return { "code": 1304, "description": "An app with name %s already exists." % appname # Cisco does not return the name but the identifier }, 409, {"content-type": "application/json"} if appType != "LOCAL_APPSTORE": { "code": -1, "description": "This simulator is not able to manage not LOCAL_APPSTORE applications" }, 400, {"Content-Type": "application/json"} if args["minjobs"] != None: minjob = int(args["minjobs"]) myapp = db.createMyApp(appname, sourceAppName, version, appType, minjobs=minjob) else: myapp = db.createMyApp(appname, sourceAppName, version, appType) del myapp["_id"] return {"myappId": myapp["myappId"], "name": myapp["name"]}, 201, {"content-type": "application/json"} else: return invalidToken()
def post(args, data, tagid): tag = db.getTag(tagid) if db.checkToken(args["x-token-id"]): try: deviceIds = data["devices"] except KeyError: deviceIds = [] for deviceid in deviceIds: db.tagDevice(int(deviceid), tagid) else: return invalidToken() # You can destroy the server but the only information returned is the tag itself. Cisco, REALLY?? return { "_links": { "device": { "href": "/api/v1/appmgr/tags/%s/devices" % tagid }, "self": { "href": "/api/v1/appmgr/tags/%s" % tagid } }, "tagId": tagid, "name": tag["name"], "description": tag["description"] }, 200, { "ContentType": "application/json" }
def get(args): if db.checkToken(args["x-token-id"]): data = {"data": []} devices = db.getDevices( args["limit"] if args["limit"] != None else 1000, args["offset"] if args["offset"] != None else 0, args["searchByTags"], args["searchByAnyMatch"]) for device in devices: del device[ "password"] # removing password from the returned HTTP API object del device["_id"] # formatting tags as API expects tags = [] for tagid in device["tags"]: tag = db.getTag(tagid) tag["tagId"] = str(tag["_id"]) del tag["_id"] if tag["description"] == "": del tag["description"] tags.append(tag) device["tags"] = tags data["data"].append(formatDeviceOutput(device)) return data, 200, {'ContentType': 'application/json'} else: return invalidToken()
def delete(deviceid, args): if db.checkToken(args["x-token-id"]): dev = db.getDevice(deviceid) db.deleteDevice(deviceid) del dev["_id"] return dev, 200, [("content-type", "application/json")] else: return invalidToken()
def get(self, devid): parser = reqparse.RequestParser() parser.add_argument('x-token-id', location='headers') args = parser.parse_args() if db.checkToken(args["x-token-id"]): return "Not Implemented Yet" # TODO Implement this else: return invalidToken()
def get(args): if db.checkToken(args["x-token-id"]): data = {"data": []} apps = db.getLocalApplications() for app in apps: del app[ "_id"] # removing internal ID, not JSON serializable object data["data"].append(app) return data, 200, {"Content-Type": "application/json"} else: return invalidToken()
def get(args): if db.checkToken(args["x-token-id"]): alerts = db.getAlerts() data = [] for alert in alerts: data.append(alert) data.sort(key=cmp_to_key(lambda x, y: -1 if x["time"] < y["time"] else (0 if x["time"] == y["time"] else 1))) return {"data": data}, 200, {"content-type": "application/json"} else: return invalidToken()
def get(args): if db.checkToken(args["x-token-id"]): jobs = db.getJobs() data = [] for job in jobs: job["id"] = str(job["_id"]) del job["_id"] data.append(job) return {"data": data}, 200, {"content-type": "application/json"} else: return invalidToken()
def get(args): if db.checkToken(args["x-token-id"]): data = {"data": []} myapps = db.getMyApps(args["searchByName"]) for myapp in myapps: del myapp["_id"] data["data"].append(myapp) if args["searchByName"] != None: return myapp, 200, {'ContentType':'application/json'} return data, 200, {'ContentType':'application/json'} else: return invalidToken()
def delete(args, myappId): if db.checkToken(args["x-token-id"]): try: app = db.deleteMyApp(myappId) del app["_id"] return app except MyAppInstalledOnDeviceError as e: return {"Error": str(e)}, 400, {"Content-type": "application/json"} # TODO: this response is not compared with FogDirector return {"Simulation Internal Server Error in MyApps_executor delete", 500} else: return invalidToken()
def post(args, data): if db.checkToken(args["x-token-id"]): try: tagname = data["name"] except KeyError: return { "code": 1000, "description": "An unexpected error happened. Validation failed for classes [] during persist time for groups [javax.validation.groups.Default, ]\nList of constraint violations:[\n\tConstraintViolationImpl{interpolatedMessage='may not be null', propertyPath=name, rootBeanClass=class, messageTemplate='{javax.validation.constraints.NotNull.message}'}\n]" }, 500, { "ContentType": "application/json" } try: tagdescription = data["description"] except KeyError: tagdescription = "" if db.tagExists(tagname): return { "code": 1402, "description": "Tag with name new_tag, already exist." }, 409, { "ContentType": "application/json" } tagid = str(db.addTag(tagname, tagdescription)) return { "_links": { "device": { "href": "/api/v1/appmgr/tags/%s/devices" % tagid }, "self": { "href": "/api/v1/appmgr/tags/%s" % tagid } }, "tagId": tagid, "name": "newtag" }, 201, { 'ContentType': 'application/json' } else: return invalidToken()
def post(args, data, devices=None): if db.checkToken(args["x-token-id"]): if data == None or\ data["ipAddress"] == None or\ data["port"] == None or\ data["username"] == None or\ data["password"] == None: return { "description": "ipAddress, port, username or password not defined" }, 401, { "ContentType": "application/json" } if db.deviceExists(data["ipAddress"], data["port"]): return { "code": 1101, "description": "A device with IP address, %s, already exists in the inventory." % data["ipAddress"] }, 409, { "ContentType": "application/json" } try: devSpecs = db.addDevice(data["ipAddress"], data["port"], data["username"], data["password"]) except LookupError: return { "error": "LookupError: The device you are adding is not present in the RealDatabase" }, 400, { 'ContentType': 'application/json' } del devSpecs["_id"] return formatDeviceOutput(devSpecs), 201, { 'ContentType': 'application/json' } else: return invalidToken()
def get(args): if db.checkToken(args["x-token-id"]): tags = db.getTags() data = [] for tag in tags: data.append({ "_links": { "device": { "href": "/api/v1/appmgr/tags/%s/devices" % str(tag["_id"]) }, "self": { "href": "/api/v1/appmgr/%s/2714" % str(tag["_id"]) } }, "tagId": str(tag["_id"]), "name": tag["name"], "description": tag["description"] }) return {"data": data}, 200, {'ContentType': 'application/json'} else: return invalidToken()
def put(args, data, appURL): if db.checkToken(args["x-token-id"]): tmp = appURL.split(":") appid = tmp[0] if len(tmp) > 1: appversion = tmp[1] else: appversion = 1 # default value if (not db.localApplicationExists(appid, appversion)): return notFoundApp(appid) if (appversion == None): return notFoundApp( appid ) # this error is returned even if the application exists, but no version is specified db.updateLocalApplication(appid, data) # Another error should be returned if the data passed is not completed as stored in DB. All the field # have to be passed, also the unchanged ones. I ignore this error. app = db.getLocalApplication(appid) del app["_id"] return app, 200, {"Content-Type": "application/json"} else: return invalidToken()
def post(args, request, uploadDir, filename): if db.checkToken(args["x-token-id"]): # Extracting file os.chdir(uploadDir) tmpDir = str(hash(filename)) if not os.path.exists(tmpDir): os.makedirs(tmpDir) if (filename.endswith("tar.gz")): tar =, "r:gz") os.chdir(tmpDir) tar.extractall() tar.close() elif (filename.endswith("tar")): tar =, "r:") os.chdir(tmpDir) tar.extractall() tar.close() # Opening YAML Description of the application try: with open("package.yaml", 'r') as stream: app_data = yaml.load(stream) except IOError: return file_error_string, 400, {"Content-Type": "application/xml"} os.chdir("../") if db.getMyApps(searchByName=app_data["info"]["name"]).count() != 0: return '''<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <error> <code>1316</code> <description>An app with the same deployId already exists. Please make sure that the characters of the app do not match with any of the existing apps.</description> </error>''', 409, { "Content-Type": "application/xml" } appJson = createApplicationJSON( creationDate=int(time.time()), lastupdateTime=int(time.time()), descriptorSchemaVersion=app_data["descriptor-schema-version"], info=app_data["info"], app=app_data["app"], signed=False, appid=-1, version=app_data["info"]["version"], name=app_data["info"]["name"], description=app_data["info"]["description"], apptype=app_data["app"]["type"], published=False, resources=app_data["app"]["resources"], cpuUsage=0, memoryUsage=0) if (args["x-publish-on-upload"] == "true" or args["x-publish-on-upload"] == "True" or args["x-publish-on-upload"] == True): appJson["published"] = True appID = str(db.addLocalApplication(appJson)) appJson["localAppId"] = appID appJson["sourceAppName"] = str(appID) + ":1" os.rename(tmpDir, appID) os.chdir("../") appReturn = db.getLocalApplication(appID) del appReturn["_id"] response = Response(json.dumps(appReturn), 201, mimetype="application/json;charset=UTF-8") return response # and finally yes, it returns also the charset here! else: return invalidToken()
def post(args, data, myappId): if db.checkToken(args["x-token-id"]): try: myapp = db.getMyApp(myappId) if "deploy" in data.keys(): action = "deploy" data = data["deploy"] devices = data["devices"] app = db.getLocalApplicationBySourceName(myapp["sourceAppName"]) if not app["published"]: # This is not checked in FogDirector, but in unpublished app it crash return {"error": "the app have to be published"}, 400, {"content-type": "application/json"} deviceSuccessful = [] profile = constants.MYAPP_PROFILE_NORMAL for device in devices: devid = device["deviceId"] resourceAsked = device["resourceAsk"]["resources"] if args["profile"] in [constants.MYAPP_PROFILE_LOW, constants.MYAPP_PROFILE_NORMAL, constants.MYAPP_PROFILE_HIGH]: profile = args["profile"] else: profile = constants.MYAPP_PROFILE_NORMAL try: if not db.deviceIsAlive(devid): return {"Error": "Device does not reachable"}, 400, {"content-type": "application/json"} try: db.checkAndAllocateResource(devid, resourceAsked["cpu"], resourceAsked["memory"]) except TypeError: return {"Error": "Device does not exist"}, 400, {"content-type": "application/json"} db.addMyAppToDevice(myappId, devid, profile) db.addMyAppLog({ "time": int(time.time()), "action": action, "deviceSerialNo": devid, "appName": myapp["name"], "appVersion": "1", "severity": "info", "profile": profile, "user": "******", "message": action+" operation succeeded" }) deviceSuccessful.append(device) except NoResourceError as e: db.addMyAppLog({ "time": int(time.time()), "action": action, "deviceSerialNo": devid, "appName": myapp["name"], "appVersion": "1", "severity": "info", "user": "******", "message": action+" operation failed, no sufficient resources" }) return { "code": 1000, "description": str(e) }, 400, {"content-type": "application/json"} # TODO: if la myapp è già sul device: ritorna errore jobid = db.addJobs(myappId, deviceSuccessful, profile=profile, payload=data) elif "start" in data.keys() or "stop" in data.keys(): action = "start" if "start" in data.keys() else "stop" db.addMyAppLog({ "time": int(time.time()), "action": action, "appName": myapp["name"], "appVersion": "1", "severity": "info", "user": "******", "message": action+" operation succeeded" }) jobid = db.updateJobsStatus(myappId, action) elif "undeploy" in data.keys(): action = "undeploy" data = data[action] devices_payload = data["devices"] myapp = db.getMyApp(myappId) # Taken for Name only myapp_jobs = db.getJobs(myappId) if myapp_jobs == 0: return {"Error": "no jobs are running"}, 400, {"content-type": "application/json"} for job in myapp_jobs: try: jobDescr = job["payload"] resourcesDevs = jobDescr["devices"] for device in resourcesDevs: if device["deviceId"] in devices_payload: cpu = 0 mem = 0 resourceAsked = device["resourceAsk"]["resources"] if device["deviceId"] in devices_payload: cpu = device["resourceAsk"]["resources"]["cpu"] mem = device["resourceAsk"]["resources"]["memory"] db.deallocateResource(device["deviceId"],cpu, mem) db.removeMyAppsFromDevice(myappId, device["deviceId"]) db.uninstallJob(myappId, device["deviceId"]) db.addMyAppLog({ "time": int(time.time()), "action": action, "deviceSerialNo": device["deviceId"], "appName": myapp["name"], "appVersion": "1", "severity": "info", "user": "******", "message": action+" operation succeeded" }) except TypeError: return {"Error": "Internal Error TypeError"}, 500, {"content-type": "application/json"} try: return { "jobId": str(jobid) }, 200, {"content-type": "application/json"} except UnboundLocalError: return {}, 200, {"content-type": "application/json"} except KeyError as e: traceback.print_exc() return { "code": 1001, "description": "Given request is not valid: "+str(e) }, 400, {"content-type": "application/json"} return { "code": 500, "description": "An unexpected error happened. {0}" }, 500, {"content-type": "application/json"} else: return invalidToken()