def ADAMS_setup_INP(myAsm, key, asminfo, instRef, instAssemblyRef, myModel, parallelCores, ramAllocated): """ Manipulates Abaqus model to provide correctly formatted INP file. """ try: lodFileID = instRef[key]['ComponentID'] except KeyError: try: lodFileID = instAssemblyRef[key]['ComponentID'] except KeyError: cad_library.exitwitherror('LOD file not found for ' + str(key), -1, '') lodFileName = 'LT_' + lodFileID + '.lod' lodFilePath = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), lodFileName) # Constrain every vertice of the part in x, y and z directions with soft-springs constrainWithSoftSprings(key, myAsm) # Read the markers from the LOD files and define them in the Abaqus assembly as reference points refPointRef = readAndDefineMarkers(myAsm, lodFilePath) # Get the nodes inside the bounding box of the part which is connected to the current part (refPntOtherComp, sortedOtherComp) = getBoundingNodes(asminfo, key, instRef, myModel, myAsm) # Define MPCs between the reference points (markers) and the corresponding surfaces on the part defineMPCs(sortedOtherComp, refPntOtherComp, refPointRef, instRef, myAsm, myModel, key) inpName = createINP(myAsm, key, myModel, parallelCores, ramAllocated) # Create an INP file of the current part # Clean the current model of the Abaqus/CAE from the previous part itself and its constraints cleanModel(myModel, myAsm) # Define the previously created INP file of the current part as the temporary INP file inpTempFileName = inpName + '.inp' # Define the location of the temporary INP file and store it inpTempFilePath = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), inpTempFileName) with open(inpTempFilePath, 'r') as inpTempFile: # Determine upto which point the temporary INP file needs to be merged with the final INP file stopLine = parseInpTemp(inpTempFile) with open(lodFilePath, 'r') as lodFile: # Determine from which point the LOD file generated by Adams needs to be merged with the final INP file startLine = parseLOD(lodFile) with open(inpTempFilePath, 'r') as inpTempFile: with open(lodFilePath, 'r') as lodFile: # Define the name of the final INP file by using the name of the current part inpFileName = key + '.inp' # Define the location of the final INP file and store it inpFilePath = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), inpFileName) # Create the final INP file by opening and closing it open(inpFilePath, 'a').close() # Merge temporary INP file and LOD file to create the final INP file createFinalInp(inpFilePath, inpTempFile, lodFile, stopLine, startLine) os.remove(inpTempFilePath)
def ADAMS_setup_INP(myAsm,key,jointsMBDXML,instRef,myModel,parallelCores,ramAllocated): logger = logging.getLogger() constrainWithSoftSprings(key, myAsm) # Constrain every vertice of the part in x, y and z directions with soft-springs refPointRef = readAndDefineMarkers(key, os.getcwd(), myAsm) # Read the markers from the LOD files and define them in the Abaqus assembly as reference points (refPntOtherComp, sortedOtherComp) = getBoundingNodes(jointsMBDXML, key, instRef,myModel, myAsm) # Get the nodes inside the bounding box of the part which is connected to the current part defineMPCs(sortedOtherComp, refPntOtherComp, refPointRef, instRef, myAsm, myModel, key) # Define MPCs between the reference points (markers) and the corresponding surfaces on the part inpName = createINP(myAsm, key, myModel, parallelCores, ramAllocated) # Create an INP file of the current part cleanModel(myModel, myAsm) # Clean the current model of the Abaqus/CAE from the previous part itself and its constraints inpTempFileName = inpName + '.inp' # Define the previously created INP file of the current part as the temporary INP file inpTempFilePath = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), inpTempFileName) # Define the location of the temporary INP file and store it inpTempFile = open(inpTempFilePath, 'r') # Open the temporary INP file stopLine = parseInpTemp(inpTempFile) # Determine upto which point the temporary INP file needs to be merged with the final INP file if '_ASM__Z' in key: lodFileName = 'LT_' + key.rsplit('_ASM__Z',1)[0] + '.lod' else: lodFileName = 'LT_' + key.rsplit('__',1)[0] + '.lod' # Define the name of the LOD file by using the name of the current part lodFilePath = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), lodFileName) # Define the location of the LOD file and store it lodFile = open(lodFilePath, 'r') # Open the LOD file startLine = parseLOD(lodFile) # Determine from which point the LOD file generated by Adams needs... # be merged with the final INP file inpTempFile.close() # Close the temporary INP file (essential) lodFile.close() # Close the LOD file (essential) inpTempFile = open(inpTempFilePath, 'r') # Open the temporary INP file again (essential) lodFile = open(lodFilePath, 'r') # Open the LOD file again (essential) inpFileName = key + '.inp' # Define the name of the final INP file by using the name of the current part inpFilePath = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), inpFileName) # Define the location of the final INP file and store it open(inpFilePath, 'a').close() # Create the final INP file by opening and closing it inpFile = createFinalInp(inpFilePath, inpTempFile, lodFile, stopLine, startLine) # Merge temporary INP file and LOD file to create the final INP file inpFile.close() # Close the final INP file inpTempFile.close() # Close the temporary INP file os.remove(inpTempFilePath)
def ADAMS_setup_INP(myAsm,key,jointsMBDXML,instRef, instAssemblyRef, myModel,parallelCores,ramAllocated): logger = logging.getLogger() try: lodFileID = instRef[key]['ComponentID'] except KeyError: try: lodFileID = instAssemblyRef[key]['ComponentID'] except KeyError: logger.error('LOD file not found for ' + str(key)) raise Exception('LOD file not found. Please check log.') lodFileName = 'LT_' + lodFileID + '.lod' lodFilePath = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), lodFileName) constrainWithSoftSprings(key, myAsm) # Constrain every vertice of the part in x, y and z directions with soft-springs refPointRef = readAndDefineMarkers(key, os.getcwd(), myAsm, lodFilePath) # Read the markers from the LOD files and define them in the Abaqus assembly as reference points (refPntOtherComp, sortedOtherComp) = getBoundingNodes(jointsMBDXML, key, instRef,myModel, myAsm) # Get the nodes inside the bounding box of the part which is connected to the current part defineMPCs(sortedOtherComp, refPntOtherComp, refPointRef, instRef, myAsm, myModel, key) # Define MPCs between the reference points (markers) and the corresponding surfaces on the part inpName = createINP(myAsm, key, myModel, parallelCores, ramAllocated) # Create an INP file of the current part cleanModel(myModel, myAsm) # Clean the current model of the Abaqus/CAE from the previous part itself and its constraints inpTempFileName = inpName + '.inp' # Define the previously created INP file of the current part as the temporary INP file inpTempFilePath = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), inpTempFileName) # Define the location of the temporary INP file and store it with open(inpTempFilePath, 'r') as inpTempFile: stopLine = parseInpTemp(inpTempFile) # Determine upto which point the temporary INP file needs to be merged with the final INP file with open(lodFilePath, 'r') as lodFile: startLine = parseLOD(lodFile) # Determine from which point the LOD file generated by Adams needs... # be merged with the final INP file with open(inpTempFilePath, 'r') as inpTempFile: with open(lodFilePath, 'r') as lodFile: inpFileName = key + '.inp' # Define the name of the final INP file by using the name of the current part inpFilePath = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), inpFileName) # Define the location of the final INP file and store it open(inpFilePath, 'a').close() # Create the final INP file by opening and closing it createFinalInp(inpFilePath, inpTempFile, lodFile, stopLine, startLine) # Merge temporary INP file and LOD file to create the final INP file os.remove(inpTempFilePath)