예제 #1
 def analyse_test_list(self, testList):
     tests = []
     testchain = AbstractClasses.Helper.testchain.parse_test_list(testList)
     test = testchain.next()
     Testnames = []
     while test:
         env = AbstractClasses.Helper.environment.environment(test.test_str, self.initParser)
         test.environment = env
         test.testname = test.test_str.split("@")[0]
         test = test.next()
     index = 0
     test = testchain.next()
     if not ('HREfficiency' in Testnames):
         tests, test, index = self.appendTemperatureGraph(tests, test, index)
     HRTestAdded = False
     while test:
         if 'fulltest' in test.testname.lower():
             print '\t-> appendFulltest'
             tests, test, index = self.appendFulltest(tests, test, index)
         elif 'powercycle' in test.testname:
             test = test.next()
         elif 'fpixtest' in test.testname.lower():
             print '\t-> appendFPIXTest'
             tests, test, index = self.appendFPIXTest(tests, test, index)
         elif 'purduetest' in test.testname.lower():
             print '\t-> appendPurduetest'
             tests, test, index = self.appendPurduetest(tests, test, index)
         elif 'pretest' in test.testname.lower():
             print '\t-> appendPretest'
             # skips the pretest, not a high priority to parse
             test = test.next()
         elif 'cycle' in test.testname.lower():
             print '\t-> appendTemperatureCycle'
             tests, test, index = self.appendTemperatureCycle(tests, test, index)
         elif 'xrayspectrum' in test.testname.lower() or 'xraypxar' in test.testname.lower():
             print '\t-> appendXraySpectrum'
             tests, test, index = self.appendXrayCalibration(tests, test, index)
         elif (
                 ('hrefficiency' in test.testname.lower()
                     or 'hrdata' in test.testname.lower()
                     or 'hrscurves' in test.testname.lower()
                 and not HRTestAdded
             # Accept all tests with names 'HREfficiency'
             print '\t-> appendXRayHighRateTest'
             tests, test, index = self.appendXRayHighRateTest(tests, test, index)
             HRTestAdded = True
         elif 'leakagecurrentpon' in test.testname.lower():
             print '\t-> appendLeakageCurrentPON'
             tests, test, index = self.appendLeakageCurrentPON(tests, test, index)
             if self.verbose:
                 print '\t-> cannot convert ', test.testname
             index += 1
             test = test.next()
     return tests
예제 #2
 def analyse_test_list(self, testList):
     print 'analyse_test_list'
     tests = []
     testchain = AbstractClasses.Helper.testchain.parse_test_list(testList)
     test = testchain.next()
     while test:
         env = AbstractClasses.Helper.environment.environment(test.test_str, self.initParser)
         test.environment = env
         test.testname = test.test_str.split("@")[0]
         test = test.next()
     index = 0
     test = testchain.next()
     tests, test, index = self.appendTemperatureGraph(tests, test, index)
     while test:
         if 'fulltest' in test.testname.lower():
             print '\t-> appendFulltest'
             tests, test, index = self.appendFulltest(tests, test, index)
         elif 'cycle' in test.testname.lower():
             print '\t-> appendTemperatureCycle'
             tests, test, index = self.appendTemperatureCycle(tests, test, index)
         elif 'xrayspectrum' in test.testname.lower() or 'xraypxar' in test.testname.lower():
             print '\t-> appendXraySpectrum'
             tests, test, index = self.appendXrayCalibration(tests, test, index)
         elif 'highratetest' in test.testname.lower() or \
              'highratepixelmap' in test.testname.lower() or \
              'highrateefficiency' in test.testname.lower():
             # Accept all tests with names 'HighRateTest', 'HighRatePixelMap', and 'HighRateEfficiency' as high rate tests
             # The distinction of the tests is made within the 'appendHighRateTest' function.
             print '\t-> appendHighRateTest'
             tests, test, index = self.appendHighRateTest(tests, test, index)
         elif 'powercycle' in test.testname:
             test = test.next()
             if self.verbose:
                 print '\t-> cannot convert ', test.testname
             index += 1
             test = test.next()
     return tests
예제 #3
    def analyse_test_list(self, testList):
        tests = []
        testchain = AbstractClasses.Helper.testchain.parse_test_list(testList)

        if testchain:
            test = testchain.next()
            Testnames = []
            while test:
                env = AbstractClasses.Helper.environment.environment(test.test_str, self.initParser)
                test.environment = env
                test.testname = test.test_str.split("@")[0]
                test = test.next()
            index = 0
            test = testchain.next()
            if not ('HREfficiency' in Testnames):
                tests, test, index = self.appendTemperatureGraph(tests, test, index)
                tests, test, index = self.appendHumidityGraph(tests, test, index)
            tests, test, index = self.appendCurrentGraph(tests, test, index)
            HRTestAdded = False
            test = None

        self.TestResultEnvironmentObject.IVCurveFiles = {}

        # qualifications
        QualificationAdded = False
        while test:
            if 'fulltest' in test.testname.lower():
                print '\t-> appendFulltest'
                tests, test, index = self.appendFulltest(tests, test, index)
                QualificationAdded = True
            elif test.testname.lower().startswith('reception'):
                print '\t-> appendReception'
                tests, test, index = self.appendReception(tests, test, index)
                QualificationAdded = True
            elif 'powercycle' in test.testname:
                test = test.next()
            elif 'cycle' in test.testname.lower():
                print '\t-> appendTemperatureCycle'
                tests, test, index = self.appendTemperatureCycle(tests, test, index)
            elif 'xrayspectrum' in test.testname.lower() or 'xraypxar' in test.testname.lower():
                print '\t-> appendXraySpectrum'
                tests, test, index = self.appendXrayCalibration(tests, test, index)
                QualificationAdded = True
            elif (
                    ('hrefficiency' in test.testname.lower()
                        or 'hrdata' in test.testname.lower()
                        or 'hrscurves' in test.testname.lower()
                    and not HRTestAdded
                # Accept all tests with names 'HREfficiency'
                print '\t-> appendXRayHighRateTest'
                tests, test, index = self.appendXRayHighRateTest(tests, test, index)
                HRTestAdded = True
                QualificationAdded = True
            elif 'leakagecurrentpon' in test.testname.lower():
                print '\t-> appendLeakageCurrentPON'
                tests, test, index = self.appendLeakageCurrentPON(tests, test, index)
                if self.verbose:
                    print '\t-> cannot convert ', test.testname
                index += 1
                test = test.next()

        # single tests
        singleTestsList = ['PixelAlive', 'ReadbackCal', 'BumpBonding', 'Scurves', 'Trim', 'GainPedestal', 'Hitmap', 'PhOptimization']

        # try to find tests from test list in ini file
        if not QualificationAdded:
            print "no qualifications found, looking for single tests"
            #testchain = AbstractClasses.Helper.testchain.parse_test_list(testList)
            if testchain:
                test = testchain.next()
                index = 0
                while test:
                    if test.testname.lower() in [x.lower() for x in singleTestsList]:
                        print '\t-> appendSingleTest %s'%test.testname
                        tests, test, index = self.appendSingleTest(tests, test, index)
                        QualificationAdded = True
                        if self.verbose:
                            print '\t-> cannot convert ', test.testname
                        index += 1
                        test = test.next()

        # check root files in subfolders directly and try to find something...
        if not QualificationAdded:
            SubtestfoldersPath = "%s/*_*_*/*.root"%self.TestResultEnvironmentObject.ModuleDataDirectory
            SubtestfolderRootFiles = glob.glob(SubtestfoldersPath)
            print "found at least some .root files:", SubtestfolderRootFiles

            # these defines the histograms which are checked for existence in the .root file
            # if found, the single test is added
            SingleTestsDicts = [
                {'HistoDictSection': 'PixelMap',
                 'HistoDictEntry': 'Calibrate',
                 'SingleTestName': 'PixelAlive'},
                {'HistoDictSection': 'VcalThresholdUntrimmed',
                 'HistoDictEntry': 'ThresholdMap',
                 'SingleTestName': 'Scurves'},
                {'HistoDictSection': 'TrimBitMap',
                 'HistoDictEntry': 'TrimBitMap',
                 'SingleTestName': 'Trim'},
                {'HistoDictSection': 'GainPedestal',
                 'HistoDictEntry': 'GainPedestalP0',
                 'SingleTestName': 'GainPedestal'},
                {'HistoDictSection': 'PHMap',
                 'HistoDictEntry': 'MaxPHMap',
                 'SingleTestName': 'PhOptimization'},
            for RootFileName in SubtestfolderRootFiles:
                RootFile = ROOT.TFile.Open(RootFileName)
                if RootFile:
                    print "file: %s =>"%RootFileName

                    for SingleTestsDict in SingleTestsDicts:
                        if self.HistoDict.has_option(SingleTestsDict['HistoDictSection'], SingleTestsDict['HistoDictEntry']):
                            histname = self.HistoDict.get(SingleTestsDict['HistoDictSection'], SingleTestsDict['HistoDictEntry'])
                            object = HistoGetter.get_histo(RootFile, histname, rocNo = 0)
                            if object:
                                SubfolderName = RootFileName.split('/')[-2]
                                print '\t-> appendSingleTest %s'%test
                                index = int(SubfolderName.split('_')[0])
                                Environment = SubfolderName.split('_')[-1]
                                Temperature = Environment.replace('p','').replace('m', '-')
                                Directory = SubfolderName
                                tests, test, index = self.appendSingleTestFromRootfile(tests, SingleTestsDict['SingleTestName'], index, Directory, Environment, Temperature)
                                QualificationAdded = True

                    print "cannot open root file '%s'"%RootFileName

        if not QualificationAdded:
            print "Could not find anything to analyze, check if:"
            print "  - there is either a correct .ini file in configfiles subfolder containing the test list"
            print "  - or a .root file in the test subfolder containing histograms with the correct naming convention (eg. like in pxar.cfg)"


        return tests
예제 #4
    def analyse_test_list(self, testList):
        tests = []
        testchain = AbstractClasses.Helper.testchain.parse_test_list(testList)
        test = testchain.next()
        Testnames = []
        while test:
            env = AbstractClasses.Helper.environment.environment(
                test.test_str, self.initParser)
            test.environment = env
            test.testname = test.test_str.split("@")[0]
            test = test.next()
        index = 0
        test = testchain.next()
        if not ('HREfficiency' in Testnames):
            tests, test, index = self.appendTemperatureGraph(
                tests, test, index)
            tests, test, index = self.appendHumidityGraph(tests, test, index)
        HRTestAdded = False
        self.TestResultEnvironmentObject.IVCurveFiles = {}
        while test:
            if 'fulltest' in test.testname.lower():
                print '\t-> appendFulltest'
                tests, test, index = self.appendFulltest(tests, test, index)
            elif test.testname.lower().startswith('reception'):
                print '\t-> appendReception'
                tests, test, index = self.appendReception(tests, test, index)
            elif 'powercycle' in test.testname:
                test = test.next()
            elif 'fpixtest' in test.testname.lower():
                print '\t-> appendFulltest'
                tests, test, index = self.appendFulltest(tests, test, index)
            elif 'purduetest' in test.testname.lower():
                print '\t-> appendFulltest'
                tests, test, index = self.appendFulltest(tests, test, index)
            elif 'quicktest' in test.testname.lower():
                print '\t-> appendFulltest'
                tests, test, index = self.appendFulltest(tests, test, index)
            elif 'pretest' in test.testname.lower():
                print '\t-> appendPretest'
                # skips the pretest, not a high priority to parse
                test = test.next()
            elif 'cycle' in test.testname.lower():
                print '\t-> appendTemperatureCycle'
                tests, test, index = self.appendTemperatureCycle(
                    tests, test, index)
            elif 'xrayspectrum' in test.testname.lower(
            ) or 'xraypxar' in test.testname.lower():
                print '\t-> appendXraySpectrum'
                tests, test, index = self.appendXrayCalibration(
                    tests, test, index)
            elif (('hrefficiency' in test.testname.lower()
                   or 'hrdata' in test.testname.lower()
                   or 'hrscurves' in test.testname.lower())
                  and not HRTestAdded):
                # Accept all tests with names 'HREfficiency'
                print '\t-> appendXRayHighRateTest'
                tests, test, index = self.appendXRayHighRateTest(
                    tests, test, index)
                HRTestAdded = True
            elif 'leakagecurrentpon' in test.testname.lower():
                print '\t-> appendLeakageCurrentPON'
                tests, test, index = self.appendLeakageCurrentPON(
                    tests, test, index)
                if self.verbose:
                    print '\t-> cannot convert ', test.testname
                index += 1
                test = test.next()

        return tests