def main(): marvin_clips = GetSoundClips("clips") accel = Accelerometer(reactor, "/dev/ttyACM0") accelPlayer = AccelPlayer(Player(), marvin_clips) accel.setCallback(accelPlayer.getData)
def create_wrist_obj(self): """Creates wrist accelerometer data object. Scales accelerometer cutpoints from Powell et al. (2017) to selected epoch length. :returns -wrist object -cutpoints: dictionary """ print("\n--------------------------------------------- Wrist file --------------------------------------------") if self.wrist_filepath is not None: wrist = Accelerometer(raw_filepath=self.wrist_filepath, load_raw=self.load_raw, start_offset=self.wrist_offset) fs = wrist.sample_rate if self.wrist_filepath is None: wrist = None fs = 1 # Scales Powell et al. 2017 cutpoints to correct epoch length and sample rate (SVMs) if self.cutpoints.capitalize() == "Powell": print("\nSetting cutpoints to cutpoints from Powell et al. 2017.") cutpoint_dict = {"Light": 47 * fs / 30 * self.epoch_len / 15, "Moderate": 64 * fs / 30 * self.epoch_len / 15, "Vigorous": 157 * fs / 30 * self.epoch_len / 15} # Cutpoints use AVM and are independent of sample rates and epoch lengths if self.cutpoints.capitalize() == "Fraysse": print("\nSetting cutpoints to cutpoints from Fraysse et al. 2021.") cutpoint_dict = {"Light": 42.5, "Moderate": 62.5, "Vigorous": 10000} return wrist, cutpoint_dict
def init(): rest = None if (USE_REST): print('Start REST server') rest = RESTThread() rest.start() bin = None if (USE_BINLOG): bin = BinaryFileController(2) bin.start() acc = Accelerometer(0.250, bin) acc.start() log = None if (USE_TEXTLOG): log = FileController(20) log.start() dsp = Display(acc, log, rest) dsp.start() print('at sleep') time.sleep(60 * 30) acc.stopit() acc.join() print("Accelorometer stopped") dsp.stopit() dsp.join() print("Display stopped") if (USE_BINLOG): bin.stopit() bin.join() print("BinLogger stopped") if (USE_TEXTLOG): log.stopit() log.join() print("FileController stopped") if (USE_REST): rest.stopit() rest.join() print("REST server stopped") time.sleep(2) print("End")
class Orientation(): def __init__(self): self.accel = Accelerometer() self.mag = Magnetometer() def magTiltCompensation(self, acceleration, magnetic): accel_X = acceleration.x accel_Y = acceleration.y accel_Z = acceleration.z mag_X = magnetic.x mag_Y = magnetic.y mag_Z = magnetic.z t_roll = accel_X * accel_X + accel_Z * accel_Z rollRadians = math.atan2(accel_Y, math.sqrt(t_roll)) t_pitch = accel_Y * accel_Y + accel_Z * accel_Z pitchRadians = math.atan2(accel_X, math.sqrt(t_pitch)) cosRoll = math.cos(rollRadians) sinRoll = math.sin(rollRadians) cosPitch = math.cos(-1*pitchRadians) sinPitch = math.sin(-1*pitchRadians) mag_X = (mag_X * cosPitch) + (mag_Z * sinPitch) mag_Y = (mag_X * sinRoll * sinPitch) + (mag_Y * cosRoll) - (mag_Z * sinRoll * cosPitch) return Vector([mag_X, mag_Y, mag_Z]) def getOrientation(self): acceleration = Vector( magnetic = Vector( roll = 0 pitch = 0 heading = 0 PI_F = 3.14159265 roll = math.atan2(acceleration.x, acceleration.z) if acceleration.x * math.sin(roll) + acceleration.z * math.cos(roll) == 0: pitch = (PI_F / 2) if acceleration.y > 0 else (-PI_F / 2) else: pitch = math.atan(-acceleration.y / (acceleration.x * math.sin(roll) + acceleration.z * math.cos(roll))) magCompensated = self.magTiltCompensation(acceleration, magnetic) heading = math.atan2(magCompensated.x, magCompensated.z) return [math.degrees(roll), math.degrees(pitch), math.degrees(heading)]
def create_ankle_obj(self): """Creates ankle accelerometer data object. :returns -ankle object """ print("\n--------------------------------------------- Ankle file --------------------------------------------") ankle = Accelerometer(raw_filepath=self.ankle_filepath, load_raw=self.load_raw, start_offset=self.ankle_offset) return ankle
def calibrateAcc(self): [biasX, biasY, biasZ, OffX, OffY, OffZ] = Acc.calibrate(self) self.cb_Acc.setEnabled(True) self.cb_Acc.setChecked(True) self.tv_AccScaleX.setText(str(round(biasX, 4))) self.tv_AccScaleY.setText(str(round(biasY, 4))) self.tv_AccScaleZ.setText(str(round(biasZ, 4))) self.tv_AccOffX.setText(str(round(OffX, 4))) self.tv_AccOffY.setText(str(round(OffY, 4))) self.tv_AccOffZ.setText(str(round(OffZ, 4)))
def init(): rest = None if (USE_REST): print('Start REST server') rest = RESTThread() rest.start() bin = None if (USE_BINLOG): bin = BinaryFileController(2) bin.start() acc = Accelerometer(0.250, bin) acc.start() log = None if (USE_TEXTLOG): log = FileController(20) log.start() dsp = Display(acc, log, rest) dsp.start() print('at sleep') time.sleep(60*30) acc.stopit() acc.join() print("Accelorometer stopped") dsp.stopit() dsp.join() print("Display stopped") if (USE_BINLOG): bin.stopit() bin.join() print("BinLogger stopped") if (USE_TEXTLOG): log.stopit() log.join() print("FileController stopped") if (USE_REST): rest.stopit() rest.join() print("REST server stopped") time.sleep(2) print("End")
def __init__(self): self.accel = Accelerometer() self.mag = Magnetometer()
class Orientation(): def __init__(self): self.accel = Accelerometer() self.mag = Magnetometer() def magTiltCompensation(self, acceleration, magnetic): accel_X = acceleration.x accel_Y = acceleration.y accel_Z = acceleration.z mag_X = magnetic.x mag_Y = magnetic.y mag_Z = magnetic.z t_roll = accel_X * accel_X + accel_Z * accel_Z rollRadians = math.atan2(accel_Y, math.sqrt(t_roll)) t_pitch = accel_Y * accel_Y + accel_Z * accel_Z pitchRadians = math.atan2(accel_X, math.sqrt(t_pitch)) cosRoll = math.cos(rollRadians) sinRoll = math.sin(rollRadians) cosPitch = math.cos(-1 * pitchRadians) sinPitch = math.sin(-1 * pitchRadians) mag_X = (mag_X * cosPitch) + (mag_Z * sinPitch) mag_Y = (mag_X * sinRoll * sinPitch) + (mag_Y * cosRoll) - (mag_Z * sinRoll * cosPitch) return Vector([mag_X, mag_Y, mag_Z]) def getOrientationOld(self): acceleration = Vector( magnetic = Vector( roll = 0 pitch = 0 heading = 0 PI_F = 3.14159265 roll = math.atan2(acceleration.y, acceleration.z) if acceleration.y * math.sin(roll) + acceleration.z * math.cos(roll) == 0: pitch = (PI_F / 2) if acceleration.x > 0 else (-PI_F / 2) else: pitch = math.atan(-acceleration.x / (acceleration.y * math.sin(roll) + acceleration.z * math.cos(roll))) magCompensated = self.magTiltCompensation(acceleration, magnetic) heading = math.atan2(magnetic.z, magnetic.x) return [math.degrees(roll), math.degrees(pitch), math.degrees(heading)] def getOrientation(self): acceleration = Vector( roll = 0 pitch = 0 heading = self.mag.readMagneticHeading() PI_F = 3.14159265 roll = math.atan2(acceleration.y, acceleration.z) if acceleration.y * math.sin(roll) + acceleration.z * math.cos(roll) == 0: pitch = (PI_F / 2) if acceleration.x > 0 else (-PI_F / 2) else: pitch = math.atan(-acceleration.x / (acceleration.y * math.sin(roll) + acceleration.z * math.cos(roll))) # m_max_x = 384 # m_max_y = 253 # m_max_z = 372 # m_min_x = -282 # m_min_y = -431 # m_min_z = -276 # x_error = (m_max_x + m_min_x) / 2 # y_error = (m_max_y + m_min_y) / 2 # # real_x = magnetic.x - x_error # real_y = magnetic.y - y_error # heading = math.atan2(real_y, real_x) return [math.degrees(roll), math.degrees(pitch), heading]