예제 #1
	from AdobeFontLabUtils import Reporter, setFDKToolsPath, checkControlKeyPress, checkShiftKeyPress
except ImportError,e:
	print "Failed to find the Adobe FDK support scripts AdobeFontLabUtils.py and BezChar.py."
	print "Please run the script FDK/Tools/FontLab/installFontLabMacros.py script, and try again." 
	print " Current directory:", os.path.abspath(os.getcwd())
	print "Current list of search paths for modules:"
	import pprint
	raise e
import warnings
warnings.simplefilter("ignore", RuntimeWarning) # supress waring about use of os.tempnam().

if os.name == "nt":
	haveAC = setFDKToolsPath("autohintexe.exe")
	haveAC = setFDKToolsPath("autohintexe")

# Test settings. Edit as needed.
# To check that the new hints match exactly the existing hints in the font, to compare the current calculations against previous calculations,
# just set the following four values to the opposite Boolean values.
verifyhints=0		# compare the new hints against the old ones.
verifyhintsubs=0	# compare the new hint substitution table against the old one.
changeglyphs=1		# if 0, keeps the script from changing any glyph data.
compatibleMode = 1	# this forces AClib to always put the dominant set of hints at the start of the
					#charstring, even if this means it is immediately replaced by the hint layer for the first part
					# of the glyph. We set this true only when comparing output to the original Unix AC tool.

# Global constants.
예제 #2
    import BezChar
    from AdobeFontLabUtils import Reporter, setFDKToolsPath, checkControlKeyPress, checkShiftKeyPress
except ImportError, e:
    print "Failed to find the Adobe FDK support scripts AdobeFontLabUtils.py and BezChar.py."
    print "Please run the script FDK/Tools/FontLab/installFontLabMacros.py script, and try again."
    print " Current directory:", os.path.abspath(os.getcwd())
    print "Current list of search paths for modules:"
    import pprint
    raise e
import warnings
    "ignore", RuntimeWarning)  # supress waring about use of os.tempnam().

if os.name == "nt":
    coPath = setFDKToolsPath("checkoutlinesexe.exe")
    if not coPath:
        coPath = setFDKToolsPath("outlineCheck.exe")

    coPath = setFDKToolsPath("checkoutlinesexe")
    if not coPath:
        coPath = setFDKToolsPath("outlineCheck")

gLogReporter = None  # log file class instance.
debug = 0
kProgressBarThreshold = 8  # I bother witha progress bar just so the user can easily cancel without using CTRL-C
kProgressBarTickStep = 4
logFileName = "CheckOutlines.log"  #  Is written to "log" subdirectory from current font.
kPrefsName = "CheckOutline.prefs"
예제 #3
	import BezChar
	from AdobeFontLabUtils import Reporter, setFDKToolsPath, checkControlKeyPress, checkShiftKeyPress
except ImportError,e:
	print "Failed to find the Adobe FDK support scripts AdobeFontLabUtils.py and BezChar.py."
	print "Please run the script FDK/Tools/FontLab/installFontLabMacros.py script, and try again." 
	print " Current directory:", os.path.abspath(os.getcwd())
	print "Current list of search paths for modules:"
	import pprint
	raise e
import warnings
warnings.simplefilter("ignore", RuntimeWarning) # supress waring about use of os.tempnam().

if os.name == "nt":
	coPath = setFDKToolsPath("checkoutlinesexe.exe")
	if not coPath:
		coPath = setFDKToolsPath("outlineCheck.exe")
	coPath = setFDKToolsPath("checkoutlinesexe")
	if not coPath:
		coPath = setFDKToolsPath("outlineCheck")

gLogReporter = None # log file class instance.
debug = 0
kProgressBarThreshold = 8 # I bother witha progress bar just so the user can easily cancel without using CTRL-C
kProgressBarTickStep = 4
logFileName = "CheckOutlines.log" #  Is written to "log" subdirectory from current font.
예제 #4
    from AdobeFontLabUtils import Reporter, setFDKToolsPath, checkControlKeyPress, checkShiftKeyPress
except ImportError, e:
    print "Failed to find the Adobe FDK support scripts AdobeFontLabUtils.py and BezChar.py."
    print "Please run the script FDK/Tools/FontLab/installFontLabMacros.py script, and try again."
    print " Current directory:", os.path.abspath(os.getcwd())
    print "Current list of search paths for modules:"
    import pprint
    raise e
import warnings

    "ignore", RuntimeWarning)  # supress waring about use of os.tempnam().

if os.name == "nt":
    haveAC = setFDKToolsPath("autohintexe.exe")
    haveAC = setFDKToolsPath("autohintexe")

# Test settings. Edit as needed.
# To check that the new hints match exactly the existing hints in the font, to compare the current calculations against previous calculations,
# just set the following four values to the opposite Boolean values.
verifyhints = 0  # compare the new hints against the old ones.
verifyhintsubs = 0  # compare the new hint substitution table against the old one.
changeglyphs = 1  # if 0, keeps the script from changing any glyph data.
compatibleMode = 1  # this forces AClib to always put the dominant set of hints at the start of the
#charstring, even if this means it is immediately replaced by the hint layer for the first part
# of the glyph. We set this true only when comparing output to the original Unix AC tool.

# Global constants.
kFontPlistSuffix = ".plist"