예제 #1
 def updateWindow(self, win, cm, cvscores, Y, title):
     f = win.gcf()
     ax = f.add_subplot(111)
     DataGuru.plot_confusion_matrix(cm, np.unique(Y), ax, title="confusion matrix")
예제 #2
    def evaluate(self, data_frame, classifier_model):
        Run a trained classifier on multiple arrays

        result_object = ResultObject(None, None, None, CommandStatus.Error)

        # Get the data frame
        #command_status, df, kl1, _ = DataGuru.transformArray_to_dataFrame(array_datas)
        df = data_frame.data
        # if command_status == CommandStatus.Error:
        #    return ResultObject(None, None, None, CommandStatus.Error)

        if StatContainer.ground_truth is None:
            Printer.Print("Please set a feature vector to ground truth by",
                          "typing set ground truth to",
                          "to get the prediction accuracy")
            result_object = ResultObject(None, None, None, CommandStatus.Error)
            return result_object
            df = DataGuru.removeGT(df, StatContainer.ground_truth)
            Y = StatContainer.ground_truth.data

        # Remove nans:
        df, Y = DataGuru.removenan(df, Y)
        X = df.values

        # Get the classifier model
        trained_model = classifier_model.data
        model = trained_model['Model']
        scaler = trained_model['Scaler']

        # Scale the values based on the training standardizer
        X = scaler.transform(X)

        # Code to run the classifier
        # Plot the classification result
        win = Window.window()
        f = win.gcf()
        ax = f.add_subplot(111)
        Printer.Print('Running the trained classifier...')

        predictions = model.predict(X)
        accuracy = metrics.accuracy_score(predictions, Y)
        Printer.Print("Accuracy : %s" % "{0:.3%}".format(accuracy))
        cm = metrics.confusion_matrix(Y, predictions)
                                       title="confusion matrix")

        # TODO Need to save the result
        result_object = ResultObject(None, None, None, CommandStatus.Success)

        return result_object
예제 #3
    def evaluate(self, data_frame, classifier_algos):
        Train a classifier on multiple arrays

        result_object = ResultObject(None, None, None, CommandStatus.Error)

        # Get the data frame
        df = data_frame.data
        #command_status, df, kl1, _ = DataGuru.transformArray_to_dataFrame(array_datas)
        # if command_status == CommandStatus.Error:
        #    return ResultObject(None, None, None, CommandStatus.Error)

        # Get the ground truth array
        if StatContainer.ground_truth is None:
            Printer.Print("Please set a feature vector to ground truth by",
                          "typing set ground truth before using this command")
            result_object = ResultObject(None, None, None, CommandStatus.Error)
            return result_object
            df = DataGuru.removeGT(df, StatContainer.ground_truth)
            Y = StatContainer.ground_truth.data

        # Remove nans:
        df, Y = DataGuru.removenan(df, Y)

        Printer.Print("Training classifier using the following features:")

        # Get all the classifier models to test against each other
        modelList = []
        Printer.Print("Testing the following classifiers: ")
        for classifier_algo in classifier_algos:
            model = (classifier_algo.data[0])
            modelList.append({'Name': classifier_algo.name, 'Model': model})

        # Code to run the classifier
        X = df.values

        # Get a standard scaler for the extracted data X
        scaler = preprocessing.StandardScaler().fit(X)
        X = scaler.transform(X)

        Printer.Print('Finding the best classifier using',
                      'k fold cross validation...')

        all_cv_scores, all_mean_cv_scores, all_confusion_matrices = DataGuru.FindBestClassifier(X, Y, modelList, 10)

        Printer.Print('\n\nPlotting the confusion matrices...\n')
        for iter in range(len(modelList)):
            win = Window.window()
            f = win.gcf()
            ax = f.add_subplot(111)
            DataGuru.plot_confusion_matrix(all_confusion_matrices[iter], np.unique(Y), ax, title=modelList[iter]['Name'])

        Printer.Print("\n\nBest classifier is " + modelList[np.argmax(all_mean_cv_scores)]['Name'] + " with an accuracy of -  %.2f%% " % max(all_mean_cv_scores))
        # TODO Need to save the model
        # Ask user for a name for the model
        result_object = ResultObject(None, None, None, CommandStatus.Success)

        return result_object