class TestSmoothing(unittest.TestCase): ACCURACY = 5 # The number of decimal places to value accuracy for - needed due to floating point inaccuracies DELTA = 0.5 def setUp(self): """Runs before each unit test. Sets up the AmpObject object using "stl_file.stl". """ from AmpScan.core import AmpObject stl_path = get_path("stl_file_5.stl") self.amp = AmpObject(stl_path) def test_smoothing_nans(self): """Tests that NaNs are properly dealt with by smooth method""" # Test that smoothing runs self.amp.smoothValues() # TODO add test with NaNs def test_smoothing_volume(self): """Tests that smoothing affects the volume within given acceptable range""" # TODO check this is actually working properly poly1 = analyse.create_slices(self.amp, [0.001, 0.999], 0.001, typ='norm_intervals', axis=2) print(analyse.est_volume(poly1)) self.amp.lp_smooth(1) poly2 = analyse.create_slices(self.amp, [0.001, 0.999], 0.001, typ='norm_intervals', axis=2) print(analyse.est_volume(poly2)) self.assertAlmostEqual(analyse.est_volume(poly1), analyse.est_volume(poly2), delta=TestSmoothing.DELTA)
def setUp(self): """Runs before each unit test. Sets up the AmpObject object using "stl_file.stl". """ from AmpScan.core import AmpObject stl_path = get_path("stl_file.stl") self.amp = AmpObject(stl_path)
def setUp(self): """Runs before each unit test. Sets up AmpObject object using "stl_file_4.stl" "stl_file_5.stl". """ from AmpScan.core import AmpObject # Load 2 spheres with radius 1, and 1.2 stl_path = get_path("stl_file_5.stl") # R=1 self.amp1 = AmpObject(stl_path) stl_path = get_path("stl_file_4.stl") # R=1.2 self.amp2 = AmpObject(stl_path)
def __init__(self, moving, static, method='linPoint2Plane', *args, **kwargs): mData = dict( zip(['vert', 'faces', 'values'], [moving.vert, moving.faces, moving.values])) alData = copy.deepcopy(mData) self.m = AmpObject(alData, stype='reg') self.s = static self.runICP(method=method, *args, **kwargs)
def test_centre_static(self): with self.assertRaises(TypeError): self.amp.centreStatic(1) with self.assertRaises(TypeError): self.amp.centreStatic([]) # Import second shape from AmpScan.core import AmpObject stl_path = get_path("stl_file_2.stl") amp2 = AmpObject(stl_path) self.amp.centreStatic(amp2) for i in range(3): # This method has a large degree of error so, it's only testing to 2 dp self.assertAlmostEqual( self.amp.vert.mean(axis=0)[i], amp2.vert.mean(axis=0)[i], 2)
class TestCore(unittest.TestCase): ACCURACY = 5 # The number of decimal places to value accuracy for - needed due to floating point inaccuracies def setUp(self): """Runs before each unit test. Sets up the AmpObject object using "stl_file.stl". """ from AmpScan.core import AmpObject stl_path = get_path("stl_file.stl") self.amp = AmpObject(stl_path) def test_centre(self): """Test the centre method of AmpObject""" # Translate the mesh self.amp.translate([1, 0, 0]) # Recenter the mesh self.amp.centre() centre = self.amp.vert.mean(axis=0) # Check that the mesh is centred correctly (to at least the number of decimal places of ACCURACY) self.assertTrue( all(centre[i] < (10**-TestCore.ACCURACY) for i in range(3))) def test_centre_static(self): with self.assertRaises(TypeError): self.amp.centreStatic(1) with self.assertRaises(TypeError): self.amp.centreStatic([]) # Import second shape from AmpScan.core import AmpObject stl_path = get_path("stl_file_2.stl") amp2 = AmpObject(stl_path) self.amp.centreStatic(amp2) for i in range(3): # This method has a large degree of error so, it's only testing to 2 dp self.assertAlmostEqual( self.amp.vert.mean(axis=0)[i], amp2.vert.mean(axis=0)[i], 2) def test_rotate_ang(self): """Tests the rotateAng method of AmpObject""" # Test rotation on random node n = randrange(len(self.amp.vert)) rot = [0, 0, np.pi / 3] before = self.amp.vert[n].copy() self.amp.rotateAng(rot) after_vert_pos = self.amp.vert[n].copy() # Use 2D rotation matrix formula to test rotate method on z axis expected = [ np.cos(rot[2]) * before[0] - np.sin(rot[2]) * before[1], np.sin(rot[2]) * before[0] + np.cos(rot[2]) * before[1], before[2] ] # Check all coordinate dimensions are correct all( self.assertAlmostEqual(expected[i], after_vert_pos[i], TestCore.ACCURACY) for i in range(3)) # Check single floats cause TypeError with self.assertRaises(TypeError): self.amp.rotateAng(7) # Check dictionaries cause TypeError with self.assertRaises(TypeError): self.amp.rotateAng(dict()) # Tests that incorrect number of elements causes ValueError with self.assertRaises(ValueError): self.amp.rotateAng(rot, "test") with self.assertRaises(ValueError): self.amp.rotateAng(rot, []) def test_rotate(self): """Tests the rotate method of AmpObject""" # A test rotation and translation using list m = [[1, 0, 0], [0, np.sqrt(3) / 2, 1 / 2], [0, -1 / 2, np.sqrt(3) / 2]] self.amp.rotate(m) # Check single floats cause TypeError with self.assertRaises(TypeError): self.amp.rotate(7) # Check dictionaries cause TypeError with self.assertRaises(TypeError): self.amp.rotate(dict()) # Check invalid dimensions cause ValueError with self.assertRaises(ValueError): self.amp.rotate([]) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): self.amp.rotate([[0, 0, 1]]) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): self.amp.rotate([[], [], []]) def test_translate(self): """Test translating method of AmpObject""" # Check that everything has been translated correctly to a certain accuracy start = self.amp.vert.mean(axis=0).copy() self.amp.translate([1, -1, 0]) end = self.amp.vert.mean(axis=0).copy() self.assertAlmostEqual(start[0] + 1, end[0], places=TestCore.ACCURACY) self.assertAlmostEqual(start[1] - 1, end[1], places=TestCore.ACCURACY) self.assertAlmostEqual(start[2], end[2], places=TestCore.ACCURACY) # Check that translating raises TypeError when translating with an invalid type with self.assertRaises(TypeError): self.amp.translate("") # Check that translating raises ValueError when translating with 2 dimensions with self.assertRaises(ValueError): self.amp.translate([0, 0]) # Check that translating raises ValueError when translating with 4 dimensions with self.assertRaises(ValueError): self.amp.translate([0, 0, 0, 0]) def test_rigid_transform(self): """Test the rigid transform method of AmpObject""" # Test if no transform is applied, vertices aren't affected before_vert = self.amp.vert.copy() self.amp.rigidTransform(R=None, T=None) all( self.assertEqual(self.amp.vert[y][x], before_vert[y][x]) for y in range(len(self.amp.vert)) for x in range(len(self.amp.vert[0]))) # A test rotation and translation m = [[1, 0, 0], [0, np.sqrt(3) / 2, 1 / 2], [0, -1 / 2, np.sqrt(3) / 2]] self.amp.rigidTransform(R=m, T=[1, 0, -1]) # Check that translating raises TypeError when translating with an invalid type with self.assertRaises(TypeError): self.amp.rigidTransform(T=dict()) # Check that rotating raises TypeError when translating with an invalid type with self.assertRaises(TypeError): self.amp.rigidTransform(R=7) def test_rot_matrix(self): """Tests the rotMatrix method in AmpObject""" # Tests that a transformation by 0 in all axis is 0 matrix all( self.amp.rotMatrix([0, 0, 0])[y][x] == 0 for x in range(3) for y in range(3)) expected = [[1, 0, 0], [0, np.sqrt(3) / 2, 1 / 2], [0, -1 / 2, np.sqrt(3) / 2]] all( self.amp.rotMatrix([np.pi / 6, 0, 0])[y][x] == expected[y][x] for x in range(3) for y in range(3)) # Tests that string passed into rot causes TypeError with self.assertRaises(TypeError): self.amp.rotMatrix(" ") with self.assertRaises(TypeError): self.amp.rotMatrix(dict()) # Tests that incorrect number of elements causes ValueError with self.assertRaises(ValueError): self.amp.rotMatrix([0, 1]) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): self.amp.rotMatrix([0, 1, 3, 0]) def test_flip(self): """Tests the flip method in AmpObject""" # Check invalid axis types cause TypeError with self.assertRaises(TypeError): self.amp.flip(" ") with self.assertRaises(TypeError): self.amp.flip(dict()) # Check invalid axis values cause ValueError with self.assertRaises(ValueError): self.amp.flip(-1) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): self.amp.flip(3)
def point2plane(self, steps=1, neigh=10, inside=True, subset=None, scale=None, smooth=1, fixBrim=False, error='norm'): r""" Point to Plane method for registration between the two meshes Parameters ---------- steps: int, default 1 Number of iterations int, default 10 Number of nearest neighbours to interrogate for each baseline point inside: bool, default True If True, a barycentric centre check is made to ensure the registered point lines within the target triangle subset: array_like, default None Indicies of the baseline nodes to include in the registration, default is none so all are used scale: float, default None If not None scale the baseline mesh to match the target mesh in the z-direction, the value of scale will be used as a plane from which the nodes are scaled. Nodes with a higher z value will not be scaled. smooth: int, default 1 Indicate number of laplacian smooth steps in between the steps fixBrim: bool, default False If True, the nodes on the brim line will not be included in the smooth error: bool, default False If True, the polarity will be included when calculating the distance between the target and baseline mesh """ # Calc FaceCentroids fC = self.t.vert[self.t.faces].mean(axis=1) # Construct knn tree tTree = spatial.cKDTree(fC) bData = dict( zip(['vert', 'faces', 'values'], [self.b.vert, self.b.faces, self.b.values])) regData = copy.deepcopy(bData) self.reg = AmpObject(regData, stype='reg') self.disp = AmpObject({ 'vert': np.zeros(self.reg.vert.shape), 'faces': self.reg.faces, 'values': self.reg.values }) if scale is not None: tmin = self.t.vert.min(axis=0)[2] rmin = self.reg.vert.min(axis=0)[2] SF = ((tmin - scale) / (rmin - scale)) - 1 logic = self.reg.vert[:, 2] < scale d = (self.reg.vert[logic, 2] - scale) * SF self.disp.vert[logic, 2] += d self.reg.vert = self.b.vert + self.disp.vert normals = np.cross( self.t.vert[self.t.faces[:, 1]] - self.t.vert[self.t.faces[:, 0]], self.t.vert[self.t.faces[:, 2]] - self.t.vert[self.t.faces[:, 0]]) mag = (normals**2).sum(axis=1) for step in np.arange(steps, 0, -1, dtype=float): # Index of 10 centroids nearest to each baseline vertex ind = tTree.query(self.reg.vert, neigh)[1] # Define normals for faces of nearest faces norms = normals[ind] # Get a point on each face fPoints = self.t.vert[self.t.faces[ind, 0]] # Calculate dot product between point on face and normals d = np.einsum('ijk, ijk->ij', norms, fPoints) t = (d - np.einsum('ijk, ik->ij', norms, self.reg.vert)) / mag[ind] # Calculate the vector from old point to new point G = self.reg.vert[:, None, :] + np.einsum('ijk, ij->ijk', norms, t) # Ensure new points lie inside points otherwise set to 99999 # Find smallest distance from old to new point if inside is False: G = G - self.reg.vert[:, None, :] GMag = np.sqrt(np.einsum('ijk, ijk->ij', G, G)) GInd = GMag.argmin(axis=1) else: G, GInd = self.__calcBarycentric(self.reg.vert, G, ind) # Define vector from baseline point to intersect point D = G[np.arange(len(G)), GInd, :] # rVert += D/step self.disp.vert += D / step if smooth > 0 and step > 1: self.disp.lp_smooth(smooth, brim=fixBrim) self.reg.vert = self.b.vert + self.disp.vert else: self.reg.vert = self.b.vert + self.disp.vert self.reg.calcNorm() self.reg.calcStruct() self.reg.values[:] = self.calcError(error)
class registration(object): r""" Registration methods between two AmpObject meshes. This function morphs the baseline vertices onto the surface of the target and returns a new AmpObject Parameters ---------- baseline: AmpObject The baseline AmpObject, the vertices from this will be morphed onto the target target: AmpObject The target AmpObject, the shape that the baseline attempts to morph onto method: str: default 'point2plane' A string of the method used for registration *args: The arguments used for the registration methods **kwargs: The keyword arguments used for the registration methods Returns ------- reg: AmpObject The registered AmpObject, the vertices of this are on the surface of the target and it has the same number of vertices and face array as the baseline AmpObject Access this accessing the registration.reg Examples -------- >>> from AmpScan.core import AmpObject >>> baseline = AmpObject(basefh) >>> target = AmpObject(targfh) >>> reg = registration(baseline, target, steps=10, neigh=10, smooth=1).reg """ def __init__(self, baseline, target, method='point2plane', *args, **kwargs): self.b = baseline self.t = target if method is not None: getattr(self, method)(*args, **kwargs) def point2plane(self, steps=1, neigh=10, inside=True, subset=None, scale=None, smooth=1, fixBrim=False, error='norm'): r""" Point to Plane method for registration between the two meshes Parameters ---------- steps: int, default 1 Number of iterations int, default 10 Number of nearest neighbours to interrogate for each baseline point inside: bool, default True If True, a barycentric centre check is made to ensure the registered point lines within the target triangle subset: array_like, default None Indicies of the baseline nodes to include in the registration, default is none so all are used scale: float, default None If not None scale the baseline mesh to match the target mesh in the z-direction, the value of scale will be used as a plane from which the nodes are scaled. Nodes with a higher z value will not be scaled. smooth: int, default 1 Indicate number of laplacian smooth steps in between the steps fixBrim: bool, default False If True, the nodes on the brim line will not be included in the smooth error: bool, default False If True, the polarity will be included when calculating the distance between the target and baseline mesh """ # Calc FaceCentroids fC = self.t.vert[self.t.faces].mean(axis=1) # Construct knn tree tTree = spatial.cKDTree(fC) bData = dict( zip(['vert', 'faces', 'values'], [self.b.vert, self.b.faces, self.b.values])) regData = copy.deepcopy(bData) self.reg = AmpObject(regData, stype='reg') self.disp = AmpObject({ 'vert': np.zeros(self.reg.vert.shape), 'faces': self.reg.faces, 'values': self.reg.values }) if scale is not None: tmin = self.t.vert.min(axis=0)[2] rmin = self.reg.vert.min(axis=0)[2] SF = ((tmin - scale) / (rmin - scale)) - 1 logic = self.reg.vert[:, 2] < scale d = (self.reg.vert[logic, 2] - scale) * SF self.disp.vert[logic, 2] += d self.reg.vert = self.b.vert + self.disp.vert normals = np.cross( self.t.vert[self.t.faces[:, 1]] - self.t.vert[self.t.faces[:, 0]], self.t.vert[self.t.faces[:, 2]] - self.t.vert[self.t.faces[:, 0]]) mag = (normals**2).sum(axis=1) for step in np.arange(steps, 0, -1, dtype=float): # Index of 10 centroids nearest to each baseline vertex ind = tTree.query(self.reg.vert, neigh)[1] # Define normals for faces of nearest faces norms = normals[ind] # Get a point on each face fPoints = self.t.vert[self.t.faces[ind, 0]] # Calculate dot product between point on face and normals d = np.einsum('ijk, ijk->ij', norms, fPoints) t = (d - np.einsum('ijk, ik->ij', norms, self.reg.vert)) / mag[ind] # Calculate the vector from old point to new point G = self.reg.vert[:, None, :] + np.einsum('ijk, ij->ijk', norms, t) # Ensure new points lie inside points otherwise set to 99999 # Find smallest distance from old to new point if inside is False: G = G - self.reg.vert[:, None, :] GMag = np.sqrt(np.einsum('ijk, ijk->ij', G, G)) GInd = GMag.argmin(axis=1) else: G, GInd = self.__calcBarycentric(self.reg.vert, G, ind) # Define vector from baseline point to intersect point D = G[np.arange(len(G)), GInd, :] # rVert += D/step self.disp.vert += D / step if smooth > 0 and step > 1: self.disp.lp_smooth(smooth, brim=fixBrim) self.reg.vert = self.b.vert + self.disp.vert else: self.reg.vert = self.b.vert + self.disp.vert self.reg.calcNorm() self.reg.calcStruct() self.reg.values[:] = self.calcError(error) def calcError(self, method='norm'): r""" Calculate the magnitude of distances between the baseline and registered array Parameters ---------- method: str, default 'norm' The method used to calculate the distances. 'abs' returns the absolute distance. 'cent'calculates polarity based upon distance from centroid. 'norm' calculates dot product between baseline vertex normal and distance normal Returns ------- values: array_like Magnitude of distances """ method = '_registration__' + method + 'Dist' try: values = getattr(self, method)() return values except: ValueError('"%s" is not a method, try "abs", "cent" or "prod"' % method) def __absDist(self): r""" Return the error based upon the absolute distance Returns ------- values: array_like Magnitude of distances """ return np.linalg.norm(self.reg.vert - self.b.vert, axis=1) def __centDist(self): r""" Return the error based upon distance from centroid Returns ------- values: array_like Magnitude of distances """ values = np.linalg.norm(self.reg.vert - self.b.vert, axis=1) cent = self.b.vert.mean(axis=0) r = np.linalg.norm(self.reg.vert - cent, axis=1) b = np.linalg.norm(self.b.vert - cent, axis=1) polarity = np.ones([self.reg.vert.shape[0]]) polarity[r < b] = -1 return values * polarity def __normDist(self): r""" Returns error based upon scalar product of normal Returns ------- values: array_like Magnitude of distances """ self.b.calcVNorm() D = self.reg.vert - self.b.vert n = self.b.vNorm values = np.linalg.norm(D, axis=1) polarity = np.sum(n * D, axis=1) < 0 values[polarity] *= -1.0 return values def __calcBarycentric(self, vert, G, ind): r""" Calculate the barycentric co-ordinates of each target face and the registered vertex, this ensures that the registered vertex is within the bounds of the target face. If not the registered vertex is moved to the nearest vertex on the target face Parameters ---------- vert: array_like The array of baseline vertices G: array_like The array of candidates for registered vertices. If neigh>1 then axis 2 will correspond to the number of nearest neighbours selected ind: array_like The index of the nearest faces to the baseline vertices Returns ------- G: array_like The new array of candidates for registered vertices, from here, the one with smallest magnitude is selected. All these points will lie within the target face GInd: array_like The index of the shortest distance between each baseline vertex and the registered vertex """ P0 = self.t.vert[self.t.faces[ind, 0]] P1 = self.t.vert[self.t.faces[ind, 1]] P2 = self.t.vert[self.t.faces[ind, 2]] v0 = P2 - P0 v1 = P1 - P0 v2 = G - P0 d00 = np.einsum('ijk, ijk->ij', v0, v0) d01 = np.einsum('ijk, ijk->ij', v0, v1) d02 = np.einsum('ijk, ijk->ij', v0, v2) d11 = np.einsum('ijk, ijk->ij', v1, v1) d12 = np.einsum('ijk, ijk->ij', v1, v2) denom = d00 * d11 - d01 * d01 u = (d11 * d02 - d01 * d12) / denom v = (d00 * d12 - d01 * d02) / denom # Test if inside logic = (u >= 0) * (v >= 0) * (u + v < 1) P = np.stack([P0, P1, P2], axis=3) pg = G[:, :, :, None] - P pd = np.linalg.norm(pg, axis=2) pdx = pd.argmin(axis=2) i, j = np.meshgrid(np.arange(P.shape[0]), np.arange(P.shape[1])) nearP = P[i.T, j.T, :, pdx] G[~logic, :] = nearP[~logic, :] G = G - vert[:, None, :] GMag = np.sqrt(np.einsum('ijk, ijk->ij', G, G)) GInd = GMag.argmin(axis=1) return G, GInd def plotResults(self, name=None, xrange=None, color=None, alpha=None): r""" Function to generate a mpl figure. Includes a rendering of the AmpObject, a histogram of the registration values Returns ------- fig: mplfigure A matplot figure of the standard analysis """ fig, ax = plt.subplots(1) n, bins, _ = ax.hist(self.reg.values, 50, density=True, range=xrange, color=color, alpha=alpha) mean = self.reg.values.mean() stdev = self.reg.values.std() ax.set_title(r'Distribution of shape variance, ' '$\mu=%.2f$, $\sigma=%.2f$' % (mean, stdev)) ax.set_xlim(None) if name is not None: plt.savefig(name, dpi=300) return ax, n, bins
class TestTrim(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): """Runs before each unit test Sets up the AmpObject object using "stl_file.stl" """ from AmpScan.core import AmpObject stl_path = get_path("stl_file.stl") self.amp = AmpObject(stl_path) def test_trim(self): """Tests the trim method of AmpObject for TypeErrors""" # Testing that the method runs self.amp.planarTrim(0.6, plane=2) # Testing invalid data types raise TypeErrors with self.assertRaises(TypeError): self.amp.planarTrim(0.6, plane=[]) with self.assertRaises(TypeError): self.amp.planarTrim(0.6, plane=0.9) with self.assertRaises(TypeError): self.amp.planarTrim([], plane=[]) def test_trim_2(self): """Tests the trim method of AmpObject by checking no vertices are above trim line""" # Test no points are above 10 h = 10 self.amp.planarTrim(h, plane=2) self.assertLessEqual(self.amp.vert[:, 2].max(), h) # Test no points are above 0 h = 0 self.amp.planarTrim(h, plane=2) self.assertLessEqual(self.amp.vert[:, 2].max(), h)
class align(object): r""" Automated alignment methods between two meshes Parameters ---------- moving: AmpObject The moving AmpObject that is to be aligned to the static object static: AmpObject The static AmpObject that the moving AmpObject that the moving object will be aligned to method: str, default 'linPoint2Plane' A string of the method used for alignment *args: The arguments used for the registration methods **kwargs: The keyword arguments used for the registration methods Returns ------- m: AmpObject The aligned AmpObject, it same number of vertices and face array as the moving AmpObject Access this using align.m Examples -------- >>> static = AmpObject(staticfh) >>> moving = AmpObject(movingfh) >>> al = align(moving, static).m """ def __init__(self, moving, static, method='linPoint2Plane', *args, **kwargs): mData = dict( zip(['vert', 'faces', 'values'], [moving.vert, moving.faces, moving.values])) alData = copy.deepcopy(mData) self.m = AmpObject(alData, stype='reg') self.s = static self.runICP(method=method, *args, **kwargs) def runICP(self, method='linPoint2Plane', maxiter=20, inlier=1.0, initTransform=None, *args, **kwargs): r""" The function to run the ICP algorithm, this function calls one of multiple methods to calculate the affine transformation Parameters ---------- method: str, default 'linPoint2Plane' A string of the method used for alignment maxiter: int, default 20 Maximum number of iterations to run the ICP algorithm inlier: float, default 1.0 The proportion of closest points to use to calculate the transformation, if < 1 then vertices with highest error are discounted *args: The arguments used for the registration methods **kwargs: The keyword arguments used for the registration methods """ # Define the rotation, translation, error and quaterion arrays Rs = np.zeros([3, 3, maxiter + 1]) Ts = np.zeros([3, maxiter + 1]) # qs = np.r_[np.ones([1, maxiter+1]), # np.zeros([6, maxiter+1])] # dq = np.zeros([7, maxiter+1]) # dTheta = np.zeros([maxiter+1]) err = np.zeros([maxiter + 1]) if initTransform is None: initTransform = np.eye(4) Rs[:, :, 0] = initTransform[:3, :3] Ts[:, 0] = initTransform[3, :3] # qs[:4, 0] = self.rot2quat(Rs[:, :, 0]) # qs[4:, 0] = Ts[:, 0] # Define fC = self.s.vert[self.s.faces].mean(axis=1) kdTree = spatial.cKDTree(fC) self.m.rigidTransform(Rs[:, :, 0], Ts[:, 0]) inlier = math.ceil(self.m.vert.shape[0] * inlier) [dist, idx] = kdTree.query(self.m.vert, 1) # Sort by distance sort = np.argsort(dist) # Keep only those within the inlier fraction [dist, idx] = [dist[sort], idx[sort]] [dist, idx, sort] = dist[:inlier], idx[:inlier], sort[:inlier] err[0] = math.sqrt(dist.mean()) for i in range(maxiter): if method == 'linPoint2Point': [R, T] = getattr(self, method)(self.m.vert[sort, :], fC[idx, :], *args, **kwargs) elif method == 'linPoint2Plane': [R, T] = getattr(self, method)(self.m.vert[sort, :], fC[idx, :], self.s.norm[idx, :], *args, **kwargs) elif method == 'optPoint2Point': [R, T] = getattr(self, method)(self.m.vert[sort, :], fC[idx, :], *args, **kwargs) else: KeyError('Not a supported alignment method') Rs[:, :, i + 1] =, Rs[:, :, i]) Ts[:, i + 1] =, Ts[:, i]) + T self.m.rigidTransform(R, T) [dist, idx] = kdTree.query(self.m.vert, 1) sort = np.argsort(dist) [dist, idx] = [dist[sort], idx[sort]] [dist, idx, sort] = dist[:inlier], idx[:inlier], sort[:inlier] err[i + 1] = math.sqrt(dist.mean()) # qs[:, i+1] = np.r_[self.rot2quat(R), T] R = Rs[:, :, -1] #Simpl [U, s, V] = np.linalg.svd(R) R =, V) self.tForm = np.r_[np.c_[R, np.zeros(3)], np.append(Ts[:, -1], 1)[:, None].T] self.R = R self.T = Ts[:, -1] self.rmse = err[-1] @staticmethod def linPoint2Plane(mv, sv, sn): r""" Iterative Closest Point algorithm which relies on using least squares method from converting the minimisation problem into a set of linear equations. This uses a Parameters ---------- mv: ndarray The array of vertices to be moved sv: ndarray The array of static vertices, these are the face centroids of the static mesh sn: ndarray The normals of the point in teh static array, these are derived from the normals of the faces for each centroid Returns ------- R: ndarray The optimal rotation array T: ndarray The optimal translation array References ---------- .. [1] Besl, Paul J.; N.D. McKay (1992). "A Method for Registration of 3-D Shapes". IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (Los Alamitos, CA, USA: IEEE Computer Society) 14 (2): 239-256. .. [2] Chen, Yang; Gerard Medioni (1991). "Object modelling by registration of multiple range images". Image Vision Comput. (Newton, MA, USA: Butterworth-Heinemann): 145-155 Examples -------- >>> static = AmpObject(staticfh) >>> moving = AmpObject(movingfh) >>> al = align(moving, static, method='linPoint2Plane').m """ cn = np.c_[np.cross(mv, sn), sn] C =, cn) v = sv - mv b = np.zeros([6]) for i, col in enumerate(cn.T): b[i] = (v * np.repeat(col[:, None], 3, axis=1) * sn).sum() X = np.linalg.lstsq(C, b, rcond=None)[0] [cx, cy, cz] = np.cos(X[:3]) [sx, sy, sz] = np.sin(X[:3]) R = np.array( [[cy * cz, sx * sy * cz - cx * sz, cx * sy * cz + sx * sz], [cy * sz, cx * cz + sx * sy * sz, cx * sy * sz - sx * cz], [-sy, sx * cy, cx * cy]]) T = X[3:] return (R, T) @staticmethod def linPoint2Point(mv, sv): r""" Point-to-Point Iterative Closest Point algorithm which relies on using singular value decomposition on the centered arrays. Parameters ---------- mv: ndarray The array of vertices to be moved sv: ndarray The array of static vertices, these are the face centroids of the static mesh Returns ------- R: ndarray The optimal rotation array T: ndarray The optimal translation array References ---------- .. [1] Besl, Paul J.; N.D. McKay (1992). "A Method for Registration of 3-D Shapes". IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (Los Alamitos, CA, USA: IEEE Computer Society) 14 (2): 239-256. .. [2] Chen, Yang; Gerard Medioni (1991). "Object modelling by registration of multiple range images". Image Vision Comput. (Newton, MA, USA: Butterworth-Heinemann): 145-155 Examples -------- >>> static = AmpObject(staticfh) >>> moving = AmpObject(movingfh) >>> al = align(moving, static, method='linPoint2Point').m """ mCent = mv - mv.mean(axis=0) sCent = sv - sv.mean(axis=0) C =, sCent) [U, _, V] = np.linalg.svd(C) det = np.linalg.det(, V)) sign = np.eye(3) sign[2, 2] = np.sign(det) R =, sign) R =, U.T) T = sv.mean(axis=0) -, mv.mean(axis=0)) return (R, T) @staticmethod def optPoint2Point(mv, sv, opt='L-BFGS-B'): r""" Direct minimisation of the rmse between the points of the two meshes. This method enables access to all of Scipy's minimisation algorithms Parameters ---------- mv: ndarray The array of vertices to be moved sv: ndarray The array of static vertices, these are the face centroids of the static mesh opt: str, default 'L_BFGS-B' The string of the scipy optimiser to use Returns ------- R: ndarray The optimal rotation array T: ndarray The optimal translation array Examples -------- >>> static = AmpObject(staticfh) >>> moving = AmpObject(movingfh) >>> al = align(moving, static, method='optPoint2Point', opt='SLSQP').m """ X = np.zeros(6) lim = [-np.pi / 4, np.pi / 4] * 3 + [-5, 5] * 3 lim = np.reshape(lim, [6, 2]) try: X = minimize(align.optDistError, X, args=(mv, sv), bounds=lim, method=opt) except: X = minimize(align.optDistError, X, args=(mv, sv), method=opt) [angx, angy, angz] = X.x[:3] Rx = np.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, np.cos(angx), -np.sin(angx)], [0, np.sin(angx), np.cos(angx)]]) Ry = np.array([[np.cos(angy), 0, np.sin(angy)], [0, 1, 0], [-np.sin(angy), 0, np.cos(angy)]]) Rz = np.array([[np.cos(angz), -np.sin(angz), 0], [np.sin(angz), np.cos(angz), 0], [0, 0, 1]]) R =, Ry), Rx) T = X.x[3:] return (R, T) @staticmethod def optDistError(X, mv, sv): r""" The function to minimise. It performs the affine transformation then returns the rmse between the two vertex sets Parameters ---------- X: ndarray The affine transformation corresponding to [Rx, Ry, Rz, Tx, Ty, Tz] mv: ndarray The array of vertices to be moved sv: ndarray The array of static vertices, these are the face centroids of the static mesh Returns ------- err: float The RMSE between the two meshes """ [angx, angy, angz] = X[:3] Rx = np.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, np.cos(angx), -np.sin(angx)], [0, np.sin(angx), np.cos(angx)]]) Ry = np.array([[np.cos(angy), 0, np.sin(angy)], [0, 1, 0], [-np.sin(angy), 0, np.cos(angy)]]) Rz = np.array([[np.cos(angz), -np.sin(angz), 0], [np.sin(angz), np.cos(angz), 0], [0, 0, 1]]) R =, Ry), Rx) moved =, R.T) moved += X[3:] dist = (moved - sv)**2 dist = dist.sum(axis=1) err = np.sqrt(dist.mean()) return err @staticmethod def rot2quat(R): """ Convert a rotation matrix to a quaternionic matrix Parameters ---------- R: array_like The 3x3 rotation array to be converted to a quaternionic matrix Returns ------- Q: ndarray The quaternionic matrix """ [[Qxx, Qxy, Qxz], [Qyx, Qyy, Qyz], [Qzx, Qzy, Qzz]] = R t = Qxx + Qyy + Qzz if t >= 0: r = math.sqrt(1 + t) s = 0.5 / r w = 0.5 * r x = (Qzy - Qyz) * s y = (Qxz - Qzx) * s z = (Qyx - Qxy) * s else: maxv = max([Qxx, Qyy, Qzz]) if maxv == Qxx: r = math.sqrt(1 + Qxx - Qyy - Qzz) s = 0.5 / r w = (Qzy - Qyz) * s x = 0.5 * r y = (Qyx + Qxy) * s z = (Qxz + Qzx) * s elif maxv == Qyy: r = math.sqrt(1 + Qyy - Qxx - Qzz) s = 0.5 / r w = (Qxz - Qzx) * s x = (Qyx + Qxy) * s y = 0.5 * r z = (Qzy + Qyz) * s else: r = math.sqrt(1 + Qzz - Qxx - Qyy) s = 0.5 / r w = (Qyx - Qxy) * s x = (Qxz + Qzx) * s y = (Qzy + Qyz) * s z = 0.5 * r return np.array([w, x, y, z]) def display(self): r""" Display the static mesh and the aligned within an interactive VTK window """ if not hasattr(self.s, 'actor'): self.s.addActor() if not hasattr(self.m, 'actor'): self.m.addActor() # Generate a renderer window win = vtkRenWin() # Set the number of viewports win.setnumViewports(1) # Set the background colour win.setBackground([1, 1, 1]) # Set camera projection renderWindowInteractor = vtk.vtkRenderWindowInteractor() renderWindowInteractor.SetRenderWindow(win) renderWindowInteractor.SetInteractorStyle( vtk.vtkInteractorStyleTrackballCamera()) # Set camera projection win.setView()[1.0, 0.0, 0.0])[0.0, 0.0, 1.0]) win.renderActors([,]) win.Render() win.rens[0].GetActiveCamera().Azimuth(180) win.rens[0].GetActiveCamera().SetParallelProjection(True) win.Render() return win