def fitCurrentNoise(self, *args, **kwargs): fMax = 1E5 noises = tesModel.noiseComponents(*args, **kwargs) noiseTotal = np.sum(noises[component] for component in noises.keys()) betaI, tau, L = TesAdmittance.guessBetaTauL(R0, fmin=10E3, fmax=fMax) C = tau*G f = TesAdmittance.f iFit = f < fMax model = lmfit.Model(noiseTotal, independent_vars='f') params = model.make_params() params['alphaI'].vary = True; params['alphaI'].value = alphaI; params['betaI'].vary = True; params['betaI'].value = betaI; params['P'].vary = False; params['P'].value = P0 params['g_tesb'].vary = True; params['g_tesb'].value = 0.9*G; params['g_tesb'].min = 0 params['g_tes1'].vary = True; params['g_tes1'].value = 0.1*G; params['g_tes1'].min = 0 # Wild guess params['Ctes'].vary = True; params['Ctes'].value = 0.8*C; # params['Ctes'].min = 0 params['C1'].vary = True; params['C1'].value = 0.2*C; # params['C1'].min = 0 # Wild guess params['T'].vary = False; params['T'].value = T0 params['R'].vary = False; params['R'].value = R0 result =[iFit].view(dtype=np.float), f=np.hstack([f[iFit], f[iFit]]), params=params ) print(result.fit_report())
#axes = thevenin.plot(None) ss = SineSweep(pathTf + tfFileName) print('Sine sweep comment:', ss.comment) metaData = ast.literal_eval(ss.comment) Rfb = metaData['Rfb'] Cfb = metaData['Cfb'] Vbias = metaData['Vbias'] Vcoil = metaData['Vcoil'] print('Sine-sweep amplitudes: SC=', ssSc.amplitude, 'Normal=', ssNormal.amplitude, 'Bias=', ss.amplitude) #print('Normal sine-sweep amplitude), ssNormal.amplitude,ss.amplitude,np.mean(ss.Vdc), np.std(ss.Vdc)) tesAdmittance = TesAdmittance(ss, thevenin, Rsq) sweeps = IvSweepCollection(pathIv + ivFileName) print('IV sweep comment:', sweep = sweeps[1] print('IV sweep Rfb=', sweep.findTesBias(tes.Rbias, tes.Rshunt, tes.Rsquid( Tbase = sweep.Tadr sweep.applyThermalModel(tes.temperature, Tbase) I0, R0, T0, alphaIv = sweep.findAlphaIvCloseTo('Vbias', Vbias, n=10, order=3) P0 = I0**2 * R0 print('From IV sweep: R0=', R0 * 1E3, 'mOhm, I0=', 1E6 * I0, 'uA, P0=', P0 * 1E12, ' pW, T0=', T0 * 1E3, 'mK')
def fitTransferFunction(ss, thevenin, Rsq, sweeps, axes=None, fMax=1E5): metaData = ast.literal_eval(ss.comment) Rfb = metaData['Rfb'] try: Cfb = metaData['Cfb'] except KeyError: Cfb = 0 Vbias = metaData['Vbias'] Vcoil = metaData['Vcoil'] print('Sine-sweep amplitudes: SC=', ssSc.amplitude, 'Normal=', ssNormal.amplitude, 'Bias=', ss.amplitude) tesAdmittance = TesAdmittance(ss, thevenin, Rsq) print('IV sweep comment:', sweep = sweeps[1] print('IV sweep Rfb=', sweep.subtractSquidOffset(zeros=[1]) sweep.findTesBias(tes.Rbias, tes.Rshunt, tes.Rsquid( Tbase = sweep.Tadr sweep.applyThermalModel(tes.temperature, Tbase) I0, R0, T0, alphaIv = sweep.findAlphaIvCloseTo('Vbias', Vbias, n=10, order=3) P0 = I0**2 * R0 print('From IV sweep: R0=', R0 * 1E3, 'mOhm, I0=', 1E6 * I0, 'uA, P0=', P0 * 1E12, ' pW, T0=', T0 * 1E3, 'mK') #R,dRdVb = sweep.fitRtesCloseTo('Vbias', Vbias, n=30, order=3) beta, tau, L = tesAdmittance.guessBetaTauL(R0, fLowMax=20, fmin=30E3, fmax=120E3) print('Parameter guesses:') print('beta=', beta) print('tau=', tau) print('L=', L) acAmplitude = ss.amplitude / 20 f = tesAdmittance.f iFit = f < fMax model = lmfit.Model(fitFunction, independent_vars='f') params = model.make_params() params['tau'].value = tau params['tau'].min = 0.5 * tau params['tau'].max = 3 * tau params['beta'].value = beta params['L'].value = L params['L'].min = 0.5 * L params['L'].max = 3 * L params['R0'].value = R0 params['R0'].vary = False result =[iFit].view(dtype=np.float), f=np.hstack([f[iFit], f[iFit]]), params=params) print(result.fit_report()) beta = result.best_values['beta'] tau = result.best_values['tau'] L = result.best_values['L'] R0 = result.best_values['R0'] Afit = AdmittanceModel_Simple(tesAdmittance.f, tau, L, beta, R0) A = tesAdmittance.A #Rn = tes.Rnormal beta = result.params['beta'] L = result.params['L'] tau = result.params['tau'] G = tes.thermalConductance(Ttes=T0) C = tau.value * G R0 = result.params['R0'] alphaTf = L.value * G * T0 / P0 print(T0, R0, alphaIv, alphaTf, beta, tau, L) print('Tau type:', type(tau)) fitResults = dict(betaI=beta.value, L=L.value, tau=tau.value, R0=R0.value, betaIStd=beta.stderr, LStd=L.stderr, tauStd=tau.stderr, R0Std=R0.stderr, chired=result.redchi, aic=result.aic, bic=result.bic, alphaI=alphaTf) bias = dict(Vcoil=Vcoil, Vbias=Vbias, I0=I0, P0=P0, T0=T0, Tbase=Tbase, G=G, C=C) results = dict() results.update(fitResults) results.update(bias) #results.update(hkDict); if axes is None: gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 2, width_ratios=[3, 1]) # 2x2 ax1 = mpl.subplot(gs[0, 0]) # 1x3 ax2 = mpl.subplot(gs[1, 0]) # 1x3 ax3 = mpl.subplot(gs[0, 1]) # 1x2 ax4 = mpl.subplot(gs[1, 1]) # 1x2 for text axes = (ax1, ax2, ax3, ax4) else: ax1, ax2, ax3, ax4 = axes # Re(Y), Im(Y) if plotType == 'admittance': y = A yfit = Afit yReLabel = '$\\operatorname{Re}(Y)$' yImLabel = '$\\operatorname{Im}(Y)$' ax1.set_ylabel(u'TES admittance $Y(f)$ (S)') ax2.set_ylabel('$Y(f)$ residual (S)') ax2.set_ylim(-100, +100) elif plotType == 'impedance': y = 1. / A yfit = 1. / Afit yReLabel = '$\\operatorname{Re}(Z)$' yImLabel = '$\\operatorname{Im}(Z)$' ax1.set_ylabel(u'TES impedance $Z(f)$ ($\\Omega$)') ax2.set_ylabel('$Z(f)$ residual ($\\Omega$)') ax2.set_ylim(-3E-4, +3E-4) ax1.semilogx(f, np.real(yfit), '-k', label='fit') ax1.semilogx(f, np.real(y), 'ob', ms=2, label=yReLabel) ax1.semilogx(f, np.imag(yfit), '-k') ax1.semilogx(f, np.imag(y), 'or', ms=2, label=yImLabel) # Resdiuals residual = y - yfit ax2.semilogx(f, np.real(residual), '.r', ms=2) ax2.semilogx(f, np.imag(residual), '.b', ms=2) ax2.set_xlabel('$f$ (Hz)') ax2.grid() #ax1.set_ylabel(u'TES admittance $Y(f)$ (S)') #ax1.set_xlabel('$f$ (Hz)') ax1.legend(loc='best') ax1.grid() fitText = u'$R_0$ = %.4g m$\\Omega$ (%.2f%% $R_n$)\n' % (1E3 * R0, 100 * R0 / Rn) fitText += u'$P_0$ = %.3f pW\n' % ( 1E12 * P0) # Units used to be incorrect ("nW") -> fixed 2017-12-13 fitText += u'$I_0$ = %.3f $\\mu$A\n' % (1E6 * I0) fitText += u'$T_0$ = %.3f mK\n' % (1E3 * T0) fitText += u'$T_b$ = %.3f mK\n' % (1E3 * Tbase) fitText += u'$\\alpha = %.1f \\pm %.1f$\n' % (alphaTf, L.stderr / L.value * alphaTf) fitText += u'$\\beta_{I}$ = %.3f $\\pm$ %.3f\n' % (beta.value, beta.stderr) fitText += u'$\\mathcal{L} = %.3f \\pm %.3f$\n' % (L.value, L.stderr) fitText += u'$\\tau = %.3f \\pm %.3f$ ms\n' % (1E3 * tau.value, 1E3 * tau.stderr) fitText += u'$C = %.3f \\pm %.3f$ pJ/K' % (1E12 * C, 1E12 * tau.stderr / tau.value * C) props = dict(boxstyle='square', alpha=0.5, facecolor='w') ax4.text(0.02, 0.92, fitText, va='top', bbox=props, transform=ax4.transAxes) ax4.axis('off') #ax4.axes.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) #ax4.axes.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) bpTitle = '%.2fmK_Vc%.3f_Vb%.3f' % (1E3 * Tbase, Vcoil, Vbias) # Polar # ax3.plot(np.real(A), np.imag(A), '.') norm = colors.LogNorm(vmin=f.min(), vmax=f.max()) ax3.plot(np.real(yfit), np.imag(yfit), '-k', lw=1.0) ax3.scatter(np.real(y), np.imag(y), s=4, c=f, cmap=cmap, norm=norm) #ax3.set_yticklabels([]); ax3.tick_params(labelbottom='off') ax3.yaxis.tick_right() ax3.yaxis.set_label_position('right') ax3.set_xlabel(yReLabel) ax3.set_ylabel(yImLabel) #limits = ax1.get_ylim(); ax3.set_ylim(limits); ax3.set_xlim(limits) ax3.set_aspect('equal', adjustable='datalim', anchor='SW') ax3.grid() import time dateStr = time.strftime('%Y%m%d', time.localtime(ss.t[0])) fullDateStr = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(ss.t[0])) title = '%s/%s: %s - %s\n' % (cooldown, deviceId, tes.DeviceName, fullDateStr) title += '$V_{coil}$=%+06.4f V, Vbias=%.4fV, AC=%.4f Vp' % (Vcoil, Vbias, acAmplitude) fig.suptitle(title) plotFileName = '%s_TFFit_%s_A%.0fmV_%s' % (deviceId, bpTitle, 1E3 * acAmplitude, dateStr) mpl.savefig(plotFileName + '.png') #mpl.savefig('Plots\\pdf\\'+plotFileName+'.pdf') #mpl.close() return results, axes
def fitTransferFunction(ss, thevenin, Rsq, sweeps, axes=None, fMax=1E5): metaData = eval(ss.comment) Rfb = metaData['Rfb'] try: Cfb = metaData['Cfb'] except KeyError: Cfb = 0 Vbias = metaData['Vbias'] Vcoil = metaData['Vcoil'] print('Sine-sweep amplitudes: SC=', ssSc.amplitude, 'Normal=', ssNormal.amplitude, 'Bias=', ss.amplitude) tesAdmittance = TesAdmittance(ss, thevenin, Rsq) print('IV sweep comment:', sweep = sweeps[1] sweep.subtractSquidOffset(zeros=[1]) print('IV sweep Rfb=', sweep.findTesBias(tes.Rbias, tes.Rshunt, tes.Rsquid( Tbase = sweep.Tadr sweep.applyThermalModel(tes.temperature, Tbase) I0, R0, T0, alphaIv = sweep.findAlphaIvCloseTo('Vbias', Vbias, n=10, order=3) P0 = I0**2 * R0 print('From IV sweep: R0=', R0 * 1E3, 'mOhm, I0=', 1E6 * I0, 'uA, P0=', P0 * 1E12, ' pW, T0=', T0 * 1E3, 'mK') #R,dRdVb = sweep.fitRtesCloseTo('Vbias', Vbias, n=30, order=3) betaI, tau, L = tesAdmittance.guessBetaTauL(R0, fmin=10E3, fmax=100E3) G = tes.thermalConductance(Ttes=T0) alphaI = L * G * T0 / P0 C = tau * G print('Parameter guesses:') print('beta=', betaI) print('tau=', tau) print('L=', L) print('G=', G) print('C=', C) print('alphaI=', alphaI) acAmplitude = ss.amplitude / 20 f = tesAdmittance.f iFit = f < fMax model = lmfit.Model(fitFunction, independent_vars='f') params = model.make_params() params['alphaI'].vary = True params['alphaI'].value = alphaI params['alphaI'].min = 0 params['betaI'].vary = True params['betaI'].value = betaI params['betaI'].min = 0 params['P'].vary = False params['P'].value = P0 params['P'].min = 0 params['g_tes1'].vary = True params['g_tes1'].value = 0.8 * G params['g_tes1'].min = 0 params['g_tes2'].vary = True params['g_tes2'].value = 0.1 * G params['g_tes2'].min = 0 params['g_2b'].vary = True params['g_2b'].value = 0.1 * G params['g_2b'].min = 0 params['Ctes'].vary = True params['Ctes'].value = 0.8 * C params['Ctes'].min = 0 params['C1'].vary = True params['C1'].value = 0.1 * C params['C1'].min = 0 # Wild guess params['C2'].vary = True params['C2'].value = 0.1 * C params['C2'].min = 0 params['T'].vary = False params['T'].value = T0 params['T2'].vary = False params['T2'].value = T0 params['R'].vary = False params['R'].value = R0 params['betaThermal'].vary = False params['betaThermal'].value = 2.26 result =[iFit].view(dtype=np.float), f=np.hstack([f[iFit], f[iFit]]), params=params) print(result.fit_report()) alphaI = result.best_values['alphaI'] betaI = result.best_values['betaI'] P = result.best_values['P'] g_tes1 = result.best_values['g_tes1'] g_tes2 = result.best_values['g_tes2'] g_2b = result.best_values['g_2b'] Ctes = result.best_values['Ctes'] C1 = result.best_values['C1'] C2 = result.best_values['C2'] T = result.best_values['T'] T2 = result.best_values['T2'] R = result.best_values['R'] betaThermal = result.best_values['betaThermal'] omega = 2 * np.pi * tesAdmittance.f Zfit = tesModel.impedance(alphaI, betaI, P, g_tes1, g_tes2, g_2b, Ctes, C1, C2, T, T2, R, betaThermal, omega) Afit = 1. / Zfit A = tesAdmittance.A if axes is None: gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 2, width_ratios=[3, 1]) # 2x2 ax1 = mpl.subplot(gs[0, 0]) # 1x3 ax2 = mpl.subplot(gs[1, 0]) # 1x3 ax3 = mpl.subplot(gs[0, 1]) # 1x2 ax4 = mpl.subplot(gs[1, 1]) # 1x2 for text axes = (ax1, ax2, ax3, ax4) else: ax1, ax2, ax3, ax4 = axes if plotType == 'admittance': y = A yfit = Afit yReLabel = '$\\operatorname{Re}(Y)$' yImLabel = '$\\operatorname{Im}(Y)$' ax1.set_ylabel(u'TES admittance $Y(f)$ (S)') ax2.set_ylabel('$Y(f)$ residual (S)') ax2.set_ylim(-100, +100) elif plotType == 'impedance': y = 1. / A yfit = 1. / Afit yReLabel = '$\\operatorname{Re}(Z)$' yImLabel = '$\\operatorname{Im}(Z)$' ax1.set_ylabel(u'TES impedance $Z(f)$ ($\\Omega$)') ax2.set_ylabel('$Z(f)$ residual ($\\Omega$)') ax2.set_ylim(-3E-4, +3E-4) ax1.semilogx(f, np.real(yfit), '-k', label='fit') ax1.semilogx(f, np.real(y), 'ob', ms=2, label=yReLabel) ax1.semilogx(f, np.imag(yfit), '-k') ax1.semilogx(f, np.imag(y), 'or', ms=2, label=yImLabel) # Residuals residual = y - yfit ax2.semilogx(f, np.real(residual), '.r', ms=2) ax2.semilogx(f, np.imag(residual), '.b', ms=2) ax2.set_xlabel('$f$ (Hz)') ax2.grid() #ax1.set_ylabel(u'TES admittance $Y(f)$ (S)') #ax1.set_xlabel('$f$ (Hz)') ax1.legend(loc='best') ax1.grid() fitText = u'$R_0$ = %.4g m$\\Omega$ (%.2f%% $R_n$)\n' % (1E3 * R0, 100 * R0 / Rn) fitText += u'$P_0$ = %.3f pW\n' % ( 1E12 * P0) # Units used to be incorrect ("nW") -> fixed 2017-12-13 fitText += u'$I_0$ = %.3f $\\mu$A\n' % (1E6 * I0) fitText += u'$T_0$ = %.3f mK\n' % (1E3 * T0) fitText += u'$T_b$ = %.3f mK\n' % (1E3 * Tbase) #fitText += u'$\\alphaI = %.1f \\pm %.1f$\n' % (alphaI, alphaI.stderr) #fitText += u'$\\beta_{I}$ = %.3f $\\pm$ %.3f\n' % (betaI.value, betaI.stderr) #fitText += u'$\\mathcal{L} = %.3f \\pm %.3f$\n' % (L.value, L.stderr) #fitText += u'$\\tau = %.3f \\pm %.3f$ ms\n' % (1E3*tau.value, 1E3*tau.stderr) #fitText += u'$C = %.3f \\pm %.3f$ pJ/K' % (1E12*C, 1E12*tau.stderr/tau.value*C) #fitText += u'$C1 = %.3f \\pm %.3f$ pJ/K' % (1E12*C1, 1E12*tau.stderr/tau.value*C1) props = dict(boxstyle='square', alpha=0.5, facecolor='w') ax4.text(0.02, 0.92, fitText, va='top', bbox=props, transform=ax4.transAxes) ax4.axis('off') #ax4.axes.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) #ax4.axes.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) bpTitle = '%.2fmK_Vc%.3f_Vb%.3f' % (1E3 * Tbase, Vcoil, Vbias) # Polar # ax3.plot(np.real(A), np.imag(A), '.') norm = colors.LogNorm(vmin=f.min(), vmax=f.max()) ax3.plot(np.real(yfit), np.imag(yfit), '-k', lw=1.0) ax3.scatter(np.real(y), np.imag(y), s=4, c=f, cmap=cmap, norm=norm) #ax3.set_yticklabels([]); ax3.tick_params(labelbottom='off') ax3.yaxis.tick_right() ax3.yaxis.set_label_position('right') ax3.set_xlabel(yReLabel) ax3.set_ylabel(yImLabel) #limits = ax1.get_ylim(); ax3.set_ylim(limits); ax3.set_xlim(limits) ax3.set_aspect('equal', adjustable='datalim', anchor='SW') ax3.grid() import time dateStr = time.strftime('%Y%m%d', time.localtime(ss.t[0])) fullDateStr = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(ss.t[0])) title = '%s/%s: %s - %s\n' % (cooldown, deviceId, tes.DeviceName, fullDateStr) title += '$V_{coil}$=%+06.4f V, Vbias=%.4fV, AC=%.4f Vp' % (Vcoil, Vbias, acAmplitude) fig.suptitle(title) # plotFileName = '%s_TFFit_%s_A%.0fmV_%s' % (deviceId, bpTitle, 1E3*acAmplitude, dateStr) # #mpl.savefig(plotFileName+'.png') # pdf = PdfPages(outputPath+plotFileName+'.pdf') # pdf.savefig(fig) # pdf.close() return result, axes