def channel_fidelity(chi_error,B_choi, n): ''' Returns the channel fidelity as <Om|Choi_error| ''' choi_error = tomoself.chi_to_choi(chi_error, B_choi, n) maxent = tomoself.get_max_ent_2n(n) return complex(maxent.H @ choi_error @ maxent)
def fit_tomodata_multiple(meas_data_all, tomo_set, B_chi, B_choi, n,stddv=True): ''' Fit the measurement tomography data from multiple datasets in meas_data_all specified by tomo_set to a chi and a corresponding choi matrix. There are 3 different methods: -'own' (standard): This method used the _fit_tomodata_own_ function, which is specified in that docstring. This method uses the _fit_tomodata_own() function. It provides a CP and TP chi and choi matrix. Furthermore, it calculates the standard deviation on chi (and choi) if stddv==True (standard) For details, see the docstring of that function. The other two methods use the interal qiskit function Both these methods use the wrapper function _fit_tomodata_qiskit_(). For details, see that docstring. -'wizard' : This method gives a CP choi and chi matrix but has problems with trace preservation. -'leastsq': This method is a straightforward least squares fit that does not promise CP, but has less problems with TP. The process matrices are returned as: ((chi,chi_stddv),(choi,choi_stddv)) ''' B_chi = tomoself.get_pauli_basis(n, normalise=False) # Get the basis in which chi is expressed B_prep = tomoself.get_pauli_basis(n, normalise=False) # Get the basis in which the experiments are prepared B_meas = tomoself.get_pauli_basis(n, normalise=False) # Get the basis in which the measurements are done lam, lampau, lamstddv = tomoself.get_lambda_from_meas_multiple(tomo_set, # Get the vectors lambda and lambda_stddv from the tomography data meas_data_all, n) A = tomoself.get_A_mat(B_prep, B_meas, B_chi) # Calculate the A matrix from the prep, meas and chi basis chivect = np.linalg.solve(A, lam) # Invert to calculate chi in vectorform Ainv = np.linalg.inv(A) # Calculate the inverse of A for error calculations (A is full rank) Ainvsq = np.abs(Ainv)*np.abs(Ainv); # Calculate the elementwise square of Ainv lamstddvsq = lamstddv*lamstddv; # Calculate the elementwise square of l_stddv chistddvvect = np.sqrt(Ainvsq @ lamstddvsq) # Calculate the standard deviation on chi using the method from the description chi = np.reshape(chivect, ((2*n)**2, (2*n)**2)) # Reshape into a square matrix print('Minimum eigenvalue before: ', np.min(np.linalg.eigvals(chi))) chi_stddv = np.reshape(chistddvvect, ((2*n)**2, (2*n)**2)) # Reshape into a square matrix print('largest eigenvalue before: ',np.max(np.linalg.eigvals(chi))) num = np.max(np.linalg.eigvals(chi)) + np.abs(np.min(np.linalg.eigvals(chi))) den = 1+16*np.abs(np.min(np.linalg.eigvals(chi))) print('test: ',num/den,'times 4:',4*num/den) #chi = make_CP(chi,n) print('Minimum eigenvalue after: ', np.min(np.linalg.eigvals(chi))) print('largest eigenvalue after: ',np.max(np.linalg.eigvals(chi))) choi = tomoself.chi_to_choi(chi,B_choi, n) choi_stddv = tomoself.chi_to_choi(chi_stddv, B_choi, n) return ((chi,chi_stddv),(choi,choi_stddv))
def fit_tomodata(tomo_data, tomo_set, B_chi, B_choi, n, method='own',stddv=True): ''' Fit the tomography data from tomo_data specified by tomo_set to a chi and a corresponding choi matrix. There are 3 different methods: -'own' (standard): This method used the _fit_tomodata_own_ function, which is specified in that docstring. This method uses the _fit_tomodata_own() function. It provides a CP and TP chi and choi matrix. Furthermore, it calculates the standard deviation on chi (and choi) if stddv==True (standard) For details, see the docstring of that function. The other two methods use the interal qiskit function Both these methods use the wrapper function _fit_tomodata_qiskit_(). For details, see that docstring. -'wizard' : This method gives a CP choi and chi matrix but has problems with trace preservation. -'leastsq': This method is a straightforward least squares fit that does not promise CP, but has less problems with TP. The process matrices are returned as: ((chi,chi_stddv),(choi,choi_stddv)) ''' if method == 'own': chi, chi_stddv = _fit_tomodata_own_(tomo_data, tomo_set, n, stddv) chi = make_CP(chi,n) choi = tomoself.chi_to_choi(chi,B_choi, n) choi_stddv = tomoself.chi_to_choi(chi_stddv, B_choi, n) elif method == 'wizard': choi = _fit_tomodata_qiskit_(tomo_data, method='wizard') chi = tomoself.choi_to_chi(choi, B_choi, n) chi_stddv = np.zeros_like(chi) choi_stddv = np.zeros_like(chi) print('Warning: no standard deviation calculated!') elif method == 'leastsq': choi = _fit_tomodata_qiskit_(tomo_data, method='leastsq') choi = make_CP(choi,n) chi = tomoself.choi_to_chi(choi, B_choi, n) chi_stddv = np.zeros_like(chi) choi_stddv = np.zeros_like(chi) print('Warning: no standard deviation calculated!') else: print('Wrong method supplied: %s is not a valid option.' %(method)) return None return ((chi,chi_stddv),(choi,choi_stddv))
B_choi = tomoself.get_choi_basis(n, B_chi) ((chi,chistddv),(choi,choistddv)) = an.fit_tomodata_multiple(meas_data_all, tomo_set, B_chi, B_choi, n, stddv=True) print('CP:', an.check_CP(chi)) print('TP:', an.check_TP(chi, B_chi, n)) #%% Filter meas errors out chi_filtered = chi choi_filtered = choi if run_type == 'r' and n == 2: Bfilter = store.load_chi_meas_last()['B_filter'] chi_filtered = an.filter_chi_meas(chi, Bfilter, n) choi_filtered = tomoself.chi_to_choi(chi_filtered, B_choi, n) del Bfilter #%% Calculate error matrices chi_perror = an.get_chi_error(chi_filtered, B_chi, Unitary) chi_unfiltered_perror = an.get_chi_error(chi, B_chi, Unitary) chi_perror_stddv = an.get_chi_error(chistddv, B_chi, Unitary) #%% Calculate traces and fidelities process_fidelity = an.process_fidelity(chi_perror, n) process_fidelity_unfiltered = an.process_fidelity(chi_unfiltered_perror, n) channel_fidelity = an.channel_fidelity(chi_perror, B_choi, n) print('Process fidelity from error matrix:', np.around(np.abs(process_fidelity),3)) print('Process fidelity from error matrix unr:', np.abs(process_fidelity))
import Functions.Data_storage as store import Analysis.tomography_functions as tomoself import Analysis.Analysefunc as an import Functions.Plotting as pt import time import datetime #%% chidict_FTSWAP = store.load_chi_last('FTSWAP') chidict_NFTSWAP = store.load_chi_last('NFTSWAP') chiFT = chidict_FTSWAP['chi_filtered'] chiNFT = chidict_NFTSWAP['chi_filtered'] B_chi = tomoself.get_pauli_basis(2) B_choi = tomoself.get_choi_basis(2, B_chi) choi_FT = tomoself.chi_to_choi(chiFT, B_choi, 2) choi_NFT = tomoself.chi_to_choi(chiNFT, B_choi, 2) chi_tot_meas = np.kron(chiNFT, chiFT) Fidft_meas = an.get_chi_error(chiFT, B_chi, sef.SWAP)[0, 0] / 4 Fidnft_meas = an.get_chi_error(chiNFT, B_chi, sef.SWAP)[0, 0] / 4 Fidtot_meas = an.get_chi_error(chi_tot_meas, tomoself.get_pauli_basis(4, normalise=False), np.kron(sef.SWAP, sef.SWAP))[0, 0] / 16 gridnr = 20 pslist = np.linspace(0, 0.05, num=gridnr) pmlist = np.linspace(0, 0.10, num=gridnr)