def run_oo_dvr(oh_pots, desired_energies=None, num_pts=None, plot=False): """Runs the secondary DVR (over the OO coordinate) using the potentials created by some treatment of the OH. (then uses wfn_flipper to rephase wavefunctions whatever the ground state wavefunctions look like.) :param oh_pots: Potential curves of the OH=0 and OH=1. (col0: roo, col1: OH=0, col2: OH=1) :type oh_pots: np.ndarray :param desired_energies: number of energies/wavefunctions of the DVR to be saved to results objects :type desired_energies: int :param num_pts: number of points to cut the grid into. :type num_pts: int :param plot: If true, plots the potentials with the wavefunctions overlaid at their appropriate energies. :type plot: bool :return: energies_array (col0-?: energies, row0: OH=0, row1: OH=0), wavefunctions_array (col0-?: wavefunction values, 3rd dimension: OH=0 or 1) :rtype: 2 np.ndarrays """ from PotentialHandlers import Potentials1D from Analysis2D import wfn_flipper dvr_1D = DVR("ColbertMiller1D") energies_array = np.zeros((2, desired_energies)) wavefunctions_array = np.zeros((2, num_pts, desired_energies)) mO = O / amutome muOO = mO / 2 x = oh_pots[:, 0] * angtobohr mini = min(x) - 0.3 maxi = max(x) + 0.15 for j in np.arange(2): en = oh_pots[:, j + 1] / hartowave res =, en), mass=muOO, divs=num_pts, domain=(mini, maxi), num_wfns=desired_energies) potential = res.potential_energy.diagonal() ens = res.wavefunctions.energies * hartowave energies_array[j, :] = ens wavefunctions_array[j, :, :] = res.wavefunctions.wavefunctions if plot: forreal_potential = potential * hartowave ang_grid = res.grid / angtobohr plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 22}) plt.plot(ang_grid, forreal_potential, '-k', linewidth=6.0) plt.ylim(0, 8000) plt.xlim(2, 3.5) colors = ["purple", "violet", "orchid", "plum", "hotpink"] for i, wf in enumerate(res.wavefunctions): wfn = * 1000 wfn += ens[i] plt.plot(ang_grid, wfn, colors[i], linewidth=6.0) plt.title("OH = %s" % j) # plt.savefig(os.path.join( # os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)), 'figures', 'cut DVR', 'rigid_OH_%s.png' % j)) plt.close() wavefunctions_array = wfn_flipper(wavefunctions_array) return energies_array, wavefunctions_array
def run_harmonic(mass_hd8o4, reference_xyz, log_data): finitedict = log_data.finite_dict(midpoint=True) ohHARpots, HARwfnarray = run_harmonic_dvr(finitedict, desired_energies=4, num_pts=500) HARwfnarray = wfn_flipper(HARwfnarray) # harmon = transition_moment(log_data, reference_xyz, mass_hd8o4, HARwfnarray) ooHARenergies, ooHARwavefunctions = run_oo_dvr(ohHARpots, desired_energies=3, num_pts=500, plot=False) # har_trans_mom = calculate_intensities(ooHARwavefunctions, trans_mom=harmon) # har_notm = calculate_intensities(ooHARwavefunctions) make_adiabatplots(log_data.minimum_pot(), ohHARpots, ooHARenergies)
def run_og(mass_hd8o4, reference_xyz, log_data): cut_dict = log_data.cut_dictionary(midpoint=True) ohpots, wfnarray = run_oh_dvr(cut_dict, mass='H', desired_energies=4, num_pts=500) wfnarray = wfn_flipper(wfnarray) ooh_energies, ooh_wavefunctions = run_oo_dvr(ohpots, desired_energies=3, num_pts=500, plot=False) # original = transition_moment(log_data, reference_xyz, mass_hd8o4, wfnarray, plot=False) # # og_intensities = calculate_intensities(ooh_wavefunctions, trans_mom=original) make_adiabatplots(log_data.minimum_pot(), ohpots, ooh_energies)
def run_allh(mass_h9o4, reference_xyz, log_data): cut_dict = log_data.cut_dictionary(midpoint=True) ohpots, wfnarray = run_oh_dvr(cut_dict, mass='H', desired_energies=4, num_pts=500) wfnarray = wfn_flipper(wfnarray) ooh_energies, ooh_wavefunctions = run_oo_dvr(ohpots, desired_energies=4, num_pts=500, plot=False) allh_trans_mom = transition_moment(log_data, reference_xyz, mass_h9o4, wfnarray) allh_intensities = calculate_intensities(ooh_wavefunctions, trans_mom=allh_trans_mom) make_spect(ooh_energies, allh_intensities, line_type='g-', label_name="All H - Transition moment", freq_shift=0)
def run_lintrans(mass_hd8o4, reference_xyz, log_data): cut_dict = log_data.cut_dictionary(midpoint=True) ohpots, wfnarray = run_oh_dvr(cut_dict, mass='H', desired_energies=4, num_pts=500) wfnarray = wfn_flipper(wfnarray) ooh_energies, ooh_wavefunctions = run_oo_dvr(ohpots, desired_energies=3, num_pts=500, plot=False) lin_trans_mom = linear_tm(log_data, reference_xyz, mass_hd8o4, wfnarray, plot=False) lin_intensities = calculate_intensities(ooh_wavefunctions, trans_mom=lin_trans_mom) make_spect(ooh_energies, lin_intensities, line_type='C1-', label_name=" Anharmonic - Linear Transition moment", freq_shift=15)
def run_relax(mass_hd8o4, reference_xyz, log_data): cut_dict = log_data.cut_dictionary(midpoint=True) ohpots, wfnarray = run_oh_dvr(cut_dict, mass='H', desired_energies=4, num_pts=500) wfnarray = wfn_flipper(wfnarray) ooh_energies, ooh_wavefunctions = run_oo_dvr(ohpots, desired_energies=3, num_pts=500, plot=False) original = transition_moment(log_data, reference_xyz, mass_hd8o4, wfnarray, plot=False) # og_intensities = calculate_intensities(ooh_wavefunctions, trans_mom=original) make_spect(ooh_energies, og_intensities, line_type='C3-', label_name="Relaxed Scan", freq_shift=0)
plt.xlabel("OO distance") plt.ylabel("Transition Moment") # plt.ylim(-1, 1) plt.legend() return mus main_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)) scan_dir = os.path.join(main_dir, "2D Scans", "logs") VAA_dir = os.path.join(main_dir, 'VAA') if __name__ == '__main__': from GaussianHandler import LogInterpreter from Analysis2D import run_dvr, wfn_flipper from MakeSpectra import to_eck_struct_new ref_xyz = os.path.join(main_dir, "structures", "") all_scans = list( sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(scan_dir, "2Dtet_rig*.log")))) cut_dict = LogInterpreter(*all_scans).cut_dictionary(midpoint=True) ohpots, wfnarray = run_dvr(cut_dict, desired_energies=4, num_pts=100) wfnarray = wfn_flipper(wfnarray) tet = (np.array((15.999, 15.999, 1.008, 2.014, 2.014, 15.999, 2.014, 2.014, 15.999, 2.014, 2.014, 2.014, 2.014)) / amutome) results = to_eck_struct_new(ref_xyz, all_scans, tet) dipadedodas = interp_dipoles(results, len(wfnarray[0])) derivies = deriv_dipoles(dipadedodas) mus = psi_trans(dipadedodas, wfnarray, plot=True) lin_mus = lin_psi_trans(dipadedodas, derivies, wfnarray, plot=True)