def drawPoints(self, glyph, scale): save() _onCurveSize = self._onCurvePointsSize * scale _offCurveSize = self._offCurvePointsSize * scale _strokeWidth = self._strokeWidth * scale self._pointsColor.set() path = NSBezierPath.bezierPath() offCurveHandlesPath = NSBezierPath.bezierPath() pointsData = glyph.getRepresentation("doodle.OutlineInformation") for point1, point2 in pointsData["bezierHandles"]: offCurveHandlesPath.moveToPoint_(point1) offCurveHandlesPath.lineToPoint_(point2) for point in pointsData.get("offCurvePoints"): (x, y) = point["point"] path.appendBezierPathWithOvalInRect_(NSMakeRect(x - _offCurveSize, y - _offCurveSize, _offCurveSize * 2, _offCurveSize * 2)) for point in pointsData.get("onCurvePoints"): (x, y) = point["point"] path.appendBezierPathWithRect_(NSMakeRect(x - _onCurveSize, y - _onCurveSize, _onCurveSize * 2, _onCurveSize * 2)) path.fill() offCurveHandlesPath.setLineWidth_(_strokeWidth) strokePixelPath(offCurveHandlesPath) restore()
def background(self, layer): # Check if the drawing should be shown currentController = self.controller.view().window().windowController() if currentController: tool = currentController.toolDrawDelegate() if tool.isKindOfClass_(NSClassFromString("GlyphsToolText")) \ or tool.isKindOfClass_(NSClassFromString("GlyphsToolHand")) \ or tool.isKindOfClass_(NSClassFromString("ScrawlTool")): return # draw pixels data = layer.userData["" % plugin_id] if data is None: return try: data = NSImage.alloc().initWithData_(data) except: print("Error in image data of layer %s" % layer) return rect = layer.userData["%s.rect" % plugin_id] if rect is None: # The drawing rect was not stored in user data. # Deduce it from the layer/font metrics. font = layer.parent.parent pad = int(round(font.upm / 10)) # find master for image positioning (descender) try: descender = layer.parent.parent.masters[ layer.layerId].descender except KeyError: descender = int(round(font.upm / 5)) rect = NSMakeRect(-pad, descender - pad, 2 * pad + layer.width, 2 * pad + font.upm) else: # Use the rect from user data rect = NSMakeRect(*rect) NSGraphicsContext.saveGraphicsState() NSGraphicsContext.currentContext().setImageInterpolation_( NSImageInterpolationNone) if len(layer.paths) == 0: data.drawInRect_(rect) else: data.drawInRect_fromRect_operation_fraction_( rect, NSZeroRect, NSCompositeSourceOver, 0.2) NSGraphicsContext.restoreGraphicsState()
def saveScrawlToBackground(self, layer): font = layer.parent.parent if font.filepath is None: print( "You must save the Glyphs file before a Scrawl background image can be added." ) return data = layer.userData["" % plugin_id] pixel_size = layer.userData["%s.unit" % plugin_id] pixel_ratio = layer.master.customParameters['ScrawlPenRatio'] if pixel_ratio is None: pixel_ratio = default_pixel_ratio else: pixel_ratio = float(pixel_ratio) rect = NSMakeRect(*layer.userData["%s.rect" % plugin_id]) if data is not None: image_path = join(dirname(font.filepath), "%s-%s.png" % (layer.layerId, try: imgdata = NSBitmapImageRep.alloc().initWithData_(data) except: print("Error saving the image file.") return pngdata = imgdata.representationUsingType_properties_( NSPNGFileType, None) pngdata.writeToFile_atomically_(image_path, False) layer.backgroundImage = GSBackgroundImage(image_path) layer.backgroundImage.position = NSPoint(rect.origin.x, rect.origin.y) layer.backgroundImage.scale = (float(pixel_size), float(pixel_size * pixel_ratio))
def setPixel(self, event, dragging=False): if is None: return False try: editView = self.editViewController().graphicView() except: return False layer = editView.activeLayer() try: master = layer.parent.parent.masters[layer.layerId] except KeyError: return False if master is None: return False # Get location of click in font coordinates Loc = editView.getActiveLocation_(event) loc_pixel = ((Loc.x - self.rect.origin.x) / self.pixel_size, (Loc.y - self.rect.origin.y) / self.pixel_size / self.pixel_ratio) if self.prev_location != loc_pixel: x, y = loc_pixel current = NSGraphicsContext.currentContext() context = NSGraphicsContext.graphicsContextWithBitmapImageRep_( if context is None: self.prev_location = loc_pixel print("Could not get context in setPixel") return False NSGraphicsContext.saveGraphicsState() NSGraphicsContext.setCurrentContext_(context) if self.erase: NSColor.whiteColor().set() else: NSColor.blackColor().set() effective_size = self.pen_size / self.pixel_size if dragging and self.prev_location is not None: px, py = self.prev_location path = NSBezierPath.alloc().init() path.setLineCapStyle_(NSRoundLineCapStyle) path.setLineWidth_(effective_size) # path.strokeLineFromPoint_toPoint_(x, y, x + self.pen_size, y + self.pen_size) path.moveToPoint_((px, py)) path.lineToPoint_((x, y)) path.stroke() self.needs_save = True else: half = effective_size / 2 rect = NSMakeRect(x - half, y - half, effective_size, effective_size) path = NSBezierPath.bezierPathWithOvalInRect_(rect) path.fill() self.needs_save = True # For rectangular pens: # NSBezierPath.fillRect_(rect) NSGraphicsContext.setCurrentContext_(current) NSGraphicsContext.restoreGraphicsState() self.prev_location = loc_pixel return True
def __init__(self, message, title, default_text='', dimensions=(320, 160)): super(SecureRumpsWindow, self).__init__(message, title) self._textfield = NSSecureTextField.alloc().initWithFrame_( NSMakeRect(0, 0, *dimensions)) self._textfield.setSelectable_(True) self._alert.setAccessoryView_(self._textfield) self._textfield.setStringValue_(unicode(default_text))
def _drawUnspecified(self, position, kind, size, vector=(-1, 1)): if vector is None: vector = (-1, 1) angle = atan2(vector[1], vector[0]) circle_size = size * 1.3 x, y = position NSColor.colorWithCalibratedRed_green_blue_alpha_(0.9, 0.1, 0.0, 0.85).set() t = NSAffineTransform.transform() t.translateXBy_yBy_(x, y) t.rotateByRadians_(angle) myPath = NSBezierPath.alloc().init() myPath.setLineWidth_(0) myPath.appendBezierPathWithOvalInRect_( NSMakeRect(x - 0.5 * circle_size, y - 0.5 * circle_size, circle_size, circle_size)) myPath.stroke() if self.show_labels or distance_between_points(self.mouse_position, position) < size: self._drawTextLabel( transform=t, text=kind, size=size, angle=angle, )
def draw(self, rect): #NSColor.redColor().set() yellowColor.set() for n in range(50): rgba(random(), random(), random()) rect = NSMakeRect(n * 400 + M, n * 400 + M, M, M) path = NSBezierPath.bezierPathWithRect_(rect) path.fill()
def loadScrawl(self): if self.current_layer is None: return pen_size = self.current_layer.userData["%s.size" % plugin_id] if pen_size is not None: self.pen_size = pen_size # scrawl pixels # Otherwise, keep the previous size self.pixel_size = self.current_layer.userData["%s.unit" % plugin_id] if self.pixel_size is None: self.pixel_size = default_pixel_size # font units self.pixel_ratio = self.current_layer.master.customParameters[ 'ScrawlPenRatio' ] if self.pixel_ratio is None: self.pixel_ratio = default_pixel_ratio else: self.pixel_ratio = float(self.pixel_ratio) # Drawing rect rect = self.current_layer.userData["%s.rect" % plugin_id] if rect is None: self.loadDefaultRect() else: self.rect = NSMakeRect(*rect) # Image data data = self.current_layer.userData["" % plugin_id] if data is None: = initImage( self.current_layer, self.rect.size.width, self.rect.size.height, self.pixel_size, self.pixel_ratio ) else: try: = NSBitmapImageRep.alloc().initWithData_(data) NSImageColorSyncProfileData, None ) except: print("Error in image data of layer %s" % self.current_layer) = initImage( self.current_layer, self.rect.size.width, self.rect.size.height, self.pixel_size, self.pixel_ratio ) self.needs_save = False
def setTrackingArea(self, x, y, w, h, active): if active == 'always': a = NSTrackingActiveAlways else: a = NSTrackingActiveWhenFirstResponder rect = NSMakeRect(x, y, w, h) self.setFrame_(rect) opts = NSTrackingMouseEnteredAndExited | a | NSTrackingMouseMoved | \ NSTrackingInVisibleRect trackingArea = NSTrackingArea.alloc().initWithRect_options_owner_userInfo_(rect, opts, self, None) self.addTrackingArea_(trackingArea)
def loadDefaultRect(self): # Make the default drawing rect based on master and layer dimensions font = self.current_layer.parent.parent upm = font.upm pad = int(round(upm / 10)) try: descender = font.masters[self.current_layer.layerId].descender except (AttributeError, KeyError): descender = int(round(-upm / 5)) self.rect = NSMakeRect(-pad, descender - pad, 2 * pad + self.current_layer.width, 2 * pad + upm)
def createWindow(self) -> NSWindow: style = (NSWindowStyleMaskTitled | NSWindowStyleMaskClosable | NSWindowStyleMaskMiniaturizable | NSWindowStyleMaskResizable) window = NSWindow.alloc().initWithContentRect_styleMask_backing_defer_( NSMakeRect(10, 10, 800, 600), # Initial style, NSBackingStoreBuffered, False) window.setTitle_("My App") window.setLevel_(NSStatusWindowLevel) window.setFrameAutosaveName_("main-window") return window
def imagecapture(self, window_name=None, x=0, y=0, width=None, height=None): """ Captures screenshot of the whole desktop or given window @param window_name: Window name to look for, either full name, LDTP's name convention, or a Unix glob. @type window_name: string @param x: x co-ordinate value @type x: int @param y: y co-ordinate value @type y: int @param width: width co-ordinate value @type width: int @param height: height co-ordinate value @type height: int @return: screenshot with base64 encoded for the client @rtype: string """ if x or y or (width and width != -1) or (height and height != -1): raise LdtpServerException("Not implemented") if window_name: handle, name, app = self._get_window_handle(window_name) try: self._grabfocus(handle) except: pass rect = self._getobjectsize(handle) screenshot = CGWindowListCreateImage( NSMakeRect(rect[0], rect[1], rect[2], rect[3]), 1, 0, 0) else: screenshot = CGWindowListCreateImage(CGRectInfinite, 1, 0, 0) image = CIImage.imageWithCGImage_(screenshot) bitmapRep = NSBitmapImageRep.alloc().initWithCIImage_(image) blob = bitmapRep.representationUsingType_properties_( NSPNGFileType, None) tmpFile = tempfile.mktemp('.png', 'ldtpd_') blob.writeToFile_atomically_(tmpFile, False) rv = b64encode(open(tmpFile).read()) os.remove(tmpFile) return rv
def __init__(self, dimensions): super(DashedRectangle, self).__init__(dimensions, scale="none") box_width = self.getPosSize()[2] box_height = self.getPosSize()[3] line_image = NSImage.alloc().initWithSize_((box_width, box_height)) line_image.lockFocus() path = NSBezierPath.bezierPathWithRoundedRect_xRadius_yRadius_( NSMakeRect(.5, .5, box_width - 1, box_height - 1), 5, 5) path.setLineWidth_(1.0) path.setLineDash_count_phase_((5, 5), 2, 0) NSColor.colorWithCalibratedWhite_alpha_(0, 0.1).set() path.stroke() line_image.unlockFocus() self.setImage(imageObject=line_image)
def __init__(self): ''' initializes an alert with custom view containing username and password fields with a save to keychain checkbox''' # Create an dialog with ok and cancel buttons self.alert = NSAlert.alloc().init() self.alert.setMessageText_('Please enter your username and password!') self.alert.addButtonWithTitle_('Ok') self.alert.addButtonWithTitle_('Cancel') # create the view for username and password fields accessory_view = NSView.alloc().initWithFrame_( NSMakeRect(0, 114, 250, 110)) # setup username field and label self.username_field = NSTextField.alloc().initWithFrame_( NSMakeRect(0, 70, 250, 22)) username_label = NSTextField.alloc().initWithFrame_( NSMakeRect(0, 94, 250, 20)) username_label.setStringValue_('Username:'******'Password:'******'Save to Keychain') self.keychain_checkbox.cell().setBordered_(False) self.keychain_checkbox.cell().setEnabled_(True) self.keychain_checkbox.cell().setState_(True) # add various objects as subviews accessory_view.addSubview_(self.keychain_checkbox) accessory_view.addSubview_(username_label) accessory_view.addSubview_(self.username_field) accessory_view.addSubview_(password_label) accessory_view.addSubview_(self.password_field) # add custom view to alert dialog self.alert.setAccessoryView_(accessory_view)
def open_license(_): print(0) alert = NSAlert.alertWithMessageText_defaultButton_alternateButton_otherButton_informativeTextWithFormat_( 'License', None, None, None, 'GNU General Public License, version 3') alert.setAlertStyle_(0) textview = NSTextView.alloc().initWithFrame_(NSMakeRect(0, 0, 420, 180)) textview.setEditable_(False) if getattr(sys, 'frozen', False): # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences textview.setString_('\n' + open(sys._MEIPASS[:len(sys._MEIPASS) - 5] + 'Resources/LICENSE').read()) else: textview.setString_('\n' + open('LICENSE').read()) sv = NSScrollView.alloc().initWithFrame_(textview.frame()) sv.setBorderType_(1) sv.setHasVerticalScroller_(True) sv.setAutoresizingMask_(2 | 16) sv.setDocumentView_(textview) alert.setAccessoryView_(sv) alert.runModal()
def average_color_from_screenshot(path=None, path2=None, region=None): if region is None: region = CG.CGRectInfinite # Create screenshot as CGImage image = CG.CGDisplayCreateImage(get_widest_display()) height = CG.CGImageGetHeight(image) width = CG.CGImageGetWidth(image) if path: drawImageToFile(image, path) # Create smaller image2 from captured image width2 = 1 height2 = 1 context = CG.CGBitmapContextCreate(None, width2, height2, 8, width2 * 4, CG.CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB(), 1) CG.CGContextScaleCTM(context, float(width2) / width, float(height2) / height) CG.CGContextSetInterpolationQuality(context, CG.kCGInterpolationHigh) CG.CGContextDrawImage(context, NSMakeRect(0, 0, width, height), image) image2 = CG.CGBitmapContextCreateImage(context) if path2: drawImageToFile(image2, path2) # Extract pixel value prov2 = CG.CGImageGetDataProvider(image2) data2 = CG.CGDataProviderCopyData(prov2) c1 = struct.unpack_from("BBBB", data2, offset=0) c2 = NSColor.colorWithCalibratedRed_green_blue_alpha_( c1[0] / 255.0, c1[1] / 255.0, c1[2] / 255.0, c1[3] / 255.0) result = (c2.hueComponent(), c2.saturationComponent(), c2.brightnessComponent()) return result
def _drawUnspecified(self, position, kind, size, vector=(-1, 1), level="e"): if vector is None: vector = (-1, 1) angle = atan2(vector[1], vector[0]) circle_size = size * 1.3 x, y = position if level == "e": arrow_color = error_color else: arrow_color = warning_color NSColor.colorWithCalibratedRed_green_blue_alpha_(*arrow_color).set() t = NSAffineTransform.transform() t.translateXBy_yBy_(x, y) t.rotateByRadians_(angle) myPath = NSBezierPath.alloc().init() myPath.setLineWidth_(0) myPath.appendBezierPathWithOvalInRect_( NSMakeRect( x - 0.5 * circle_size, y - 0.5 * circle_size, circle_size, circle_size, )) myPath.stroke() percent = (-distance_between_points(self.mouse_position, position) / size * 2 + 2) if self.show_labels or percent > 0.2: self._drawTextLabel( transform=t, text=kind, size=size, vector=vector, percent=percent, )
def drawTextAtPoint(self, text, textPosition, textAlignment=3, fontSize=9.0, fontColor=NSColor.brownColor()): """ Use self.drawTextAtPoint("blabla", myNSPoint) to display left-aligned text at myNSPoint. """ try: glyphEditView = self.controller.graphicView() fontAttributes = { NSFontAttributeName: NSFont.labelFontOfSize_(fontSize), NSForegroundColorAttributeName: fontColor } displayText = NSAttributedString.alloc( ).initWithString_attributes_(text, fontAttributes) displayText.drawAtPoint_alignment_visibleInRect_( textPosition, textAlignment, NSMakeRect(NSNotFound, 0, 0, 0)) except Exception as e: self.logToConsole("drawTextAtPoint: %s" % str(e))
def foreground(self, layer): try: self.mouse_position = self.editViewController().graphicView( ).getActiveLocation_(Glyphs.currentEvent()) except: # self.logToConsole("foreground: mouse_position: %s" % str(e)) self.mouse_position = None return if self.mouse_position is not None: # Draw a preview circle at the mouse position x, y = self.mouse_position rect = NSMakeRect(x - self.pen_size / 2, y - self.pen_size * self.pixel_ratio / 2, self.pen_size, self.pen_size * self.pixel_ratio) path = NSBezierPath.bezierPathWithOvalInRect_(rect) path.setLineWidth_(1) if self.erase: NSColor.redColor().set() else: NSColor.lightGrayColor().set() path.stroke()
def initImage(layer, width, height, pixel_size=default_pixel_size, ratio=1): # See img = NSBitmapImageRep.alloc( ).initWithBitmapDataPlanes_pixelsWide_pixelsHigh_bitsPerSample_samplesPerPixel_hasAlpha_isPlanar_colorSpaceName_bitmapFormat_bytesPerRow_bitsPerPixel_( None, # BitmapDataPlanes int(round(width / pixel_size)), # pixelsWide int(round(height / pixel_size / ratio)), # pixelsHigh 8, # bitsPerSample: 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, or 16 1, # samplesPerPixel: 1 - 5 False, # hasAlpha False, # isPlanar NSDeviceWhiteColorSpace, # colorSpaceName # NSDeviceRGBColorSpace, 0, # bitmapFormat 0, # bytesPerRow 0, # bitsPerPixel ) """ NSCalibratedWhiteColorSpace NSCalibratedBlackColorSpace NSCalibratedRGBColorSpace NSDeviceWhiteColorSpace NSDeviceBlackColorSpace NSDeviceRGBColorSpace NSDeviceCMYKColorSpace NSNamedColorSpace NSCustomColorSpace """ # The image is filled black for some reason, make it white current = NSGraphicsContext.currentContext() context = NSGraphicsContext.graphicsContextWithBitmapImageRep_(img) NSGraphicsContext.setCurrentContext_(context) NSColor.whiteColor().set() # NSBezierPath.setLineWidth_(1) NSBezierPath.fillRect_(NSMakeRect(0, 0, width, int(round(height / ratio)))) NSGraphicsContext.setCurrentContext_(current) return img
def __init__(self): self.locations = [ 'User Agents', 'Global Agents', 'Global Daemons', 'System Agents', 'System Daemons' ] self.listItems = [] self.selected = {} # Preferences self.homedir = os.path.expanduser('~') self.prefsFolder = self.homedir + "/Library/Preferences/" self.prefsFile = "de.nelsonfritsch.unicron.plist" if os.path.isfile(self.prefsFolder + self.prefsFile): self.prefs = self._loadPrefs(self) else: self.prefs = dict(showSystemWarning=True, windowStyle='System') self._savePrefs(self) # Preferences Window self.prefsWindow = Window((300, 105), 'Preferences') self.styles = ['System', 'Light', 'Dark'] self.prefsWindow.styleTxt = TextBox((10, 10, -10, 20), "Window Style:") = PopUpButton((30, 35, -10, 20), self.styles, callback=self.prefsSetStyle) self.prefsWindow.restore = Button((10, 75, -10, 20), 'Restore Warnings', callback=self.prefsRestoreWarnings) # Main Window minsize = 285 self.w = Window((minsize, 400), 'Unicron', closable=True, fullSizeContentView=True, titleVisible=False, minSize=(minsize, minsize), maxSize=(600, 1200), autosaveName="UnicronMainWindow") self.pathList = NSPopUpButton.alloc().initWithFrame_( ((0, 0), (160, 20))) self.pathList.addItemsWithTitles_(self.locations) refreshIcon = NSImage.alloc().initWithSize_((32, 32)) sourceImage = NSImage.imageNamed_(NSImageNameRefreshTemplate) w, h = sourceImage.size() if w > h: diffx = 0 diffy = w - h else: diffx = h - w diffy = 0 maxSize = max([w, h]) refreshIcon.lockFocus() sourceImage.drawInRect_fromRect_operation_fraction_( NSMakeRect(diffx, diffy + 4, 22, 22), NSMakeRect(0, 0, maxSize, maxSize), NSCompositeSourceOver, 1) refreshIcon.unlockFocus() refreshIcon.setTemplate_(True) toolbarItems = [ dict(itemIdentifier="Daemons", label="Daemons", toolTip="Daemon Group", view=self.pathList, callback=self.populateList), dict(itemIdentifier="image", label="Image", imageObject=refreshIcon, callback=self.populateList), ] self.w.addToolbar("Unicron Toolbar", toolbarItems=toolbarItems, displayMode="icon") self.w.blend = Group((0, 0, 0, 0), blendingMode='behindWindow') self.listColumnDescriptions = [{ 'title': '', 'key': 'image', 'width': 25, 'typingSensitive': True, 'allowsSorting': True, 'cell': ImageListCell() }, { 'title': 'Name', 'key': 'name', 'typingSensitive': True, 'allowsSorting': True, }] self.rowHeight = 20 self.w.list = List((0, 37, -0, 0), items=self.listItems, columnDescriptions=self.listColumnDescriptions, showColumnTitles=True, allowsEmptySelection=True, allowsMultipleSelection=False, autohidesScrollers=True, drawFocusRing=False, rowHeight=self.rowHeight, selectionCallback=self._selectionCallback, menuCallback=self._menuCallback) self.w.list._nsObject.setBorderType_(NSNoBorder) self.w.statusbar = Group((0, -26, 0, 0), blendingMode='behindWindow') self.w.statusbar.border = HorizontalLine((0, 0, 0, 1)) self.w.counter = TextBox((16, -20, -16, 15), '', alignment='center', sizeStyle='small') self.populateList(self) self.w.rowIndicator = Group((0, 0, 0, 10)) self.prefsSetStyle(self)
def __init__(self, title, message, items, icon=None, hide_dock=True): super(SelectDialog, self).__init__(title, message, icon=icon, hide_dock=hide_dock) self.select_dropdown = NSPopUpButton.alloc().initWithFrame_(NSMakeRect(0, 0, 300, 24)) self.select_dropdown.addItemsWithTitles_(items) self.alert.setAccessoryView_(self.select_dropdown)
def drawGradient(self, originX, originY, width, height): gradient = gradients[self.curves] gradient.drawInRect_angle_(NSMakeRect(originX, originY, width, height), 0)
def __init__(self, title, message): InputDialog.__init__(self, title, message) self.input = NSSecureTextField.alloc().initWithFrame_( NSMakeRect(0, 0, 200, 24)) self.alert.setAccessoryView_(self.input)
def setupUI(self): self.statusbar = NSStatusBar.systemStatusBar() # Create the statusbar item self.statusitem = self.statusbar.statusItemWithLength_( NSVariableStatusItemLength) # Set initial image raw_data = base64.b64decode(''.join( GOAGENT_ICON_DATA.strip().splitlines())) self.image_data = NSData.dataWithBytes_length_(raw_data, len(raw_data)) self.image = NSImage.alloc().initWithData_(self.image_data) self.statusitem.setImage_(self.image) # Let it highlight upon clicking self.statusitem.setHighlightMode_(1) # Set a tooltip self.statusitem.setToolTip_(GOAGENT_TITLE) # Build a very simple menu = NSMenu.alloc().init() # Show Menu Item menuitem = NSMenuItem.alloc().initWithTitle_action_keyEquivalent_( 'Show', 'show:', '') # Hide Menu Item menuitem = NSMenuItem.alloc().initWithTitle_action_keyEquivalent_( 'Hide', 'hide2:', '') # Rest Menu Item menuitem = NSMenuItem.alloc().initWithTitle_action_keyEquivalent_( 'Reload', 'reset:', '') # Default event menuitem = NSMenuItem.alloc().initWithTitle_action_keyEquivalent_( 'Quit', 'exit:', '') # Bind it to the status item self.statusitem.setMenu_( # Console window frame = NSMakeRect(0, 0, 550, 350) self.console_window = NSWindow.alloc( ).initWithContentRect_styleMask_backing_defer_( frame, NSClosableWindowMask | NSTitledWindowMask, NSBackingStoreBuffered, False) self.console_window.setTitle_(GOAGENT_TITLE) self.console_window.setDelegate_(self) # Console view inside a scrollview self.scroll_view = NSScrollView.alloc().initWithFrame_(frame) self.scroll_view.setBorderType_(NSNoBorder) self.scroll_view.setHasVerticalScroller_(True) self.scroll_view.setHasHorizontalScroller_(False) self.scroll_view.setAutoresizingMask_(NSViewWidthSizable | NSViewHeightSizable) self.console_view = NSTextView.alloc().initWithFrame_(frame) self.console_view.setVerticallyResizable_(True) self.console_view.setHorizontallyResizable_(True) self.console_view.setAutoresizingMask_(NSViewWidthSizable) self.scroll_view.setDocumentView_(self.console_view) contentView = self.console_window.contentView() contentView.addSubview_(self.scroll_view) # Hide dock icon NSApp.setActivationPolicy_(NSApplicationActivationPolicyProhibited)
def setSize(self, w, h): self.setFrame_(NSMakeRect(0, 0, w, h))
def drawDot(self, point, colorDots): widthP = int(self.w.ptThickness.get()) / self.scale rect = NSMakeRect(point[0]-widthP, point[1]-widthP, widthP * 2, widthP * 2) path = NSBezierPath.bezierPathWithOvalInRect_(rect) colorDots.set() path.fill()
def settings(self): from vanilla import Group, Slider, TextBox, Window = 'Scrawl' self.slider_value = 1 # current slider value # Create Vanilla window and group with controls viewWidth = 266 viewHeight = 42 self.sliderMenuView = Window((viewWidth, viewHeight)) = Group((0, 0, viewWidth, viewHeight)) self.w = y = 0 self.w.text = TextBox((20, y, -20, 17), "%s Pen Size" % y += 18 self.w.pen_size = Slider( (20, y, -60, 24), minValue=1, maxValue=256, value=float(self.slider_value), tickMarkCount=0, # stopOnTickMarks = False, # continuuous = True, callback=self.slider_callback, sizeStyle="small", ) self.w.pen_size_text = TextBox((-50, y + 3, -20, 17), "%s" % default_pen_size) self.generalContextMenus = [ { "view": }, { "name": Glyphs.localize({ 'en': u'Delete Scrawl', 'de': u'Gekritzel löschen' }), "action": self.delete_data }, { "name": Glyphs.localize({ 'en': u'Save Scrawl To Background Image', 'de': u'Gekritzel als Hintergrundbild speichern' }), "action": self.save_background }, # { # "name": Glyphs.localize({ # 'en': u'Save current size as master default', # 'de': u'Aktuelle Größe als Master-Standard speichern' # }), # "action": self.save_background # }, ] self.keyboardShortcut = 'c' self.pen_size = default_pen_size self.pixel_size = default_pixel_size self.pixel_ratio = default_pixel_ratio self.rect = NSMakeRect(0, 0, 1000, 1000) = None self.prev_location = None self.erase = False self.mouse_position = None self.layer = None self.needs_save = False self.current_layer = self.get_current_layer()
color = r, g, b, a copy_to_clipboard({ "hex": color_to_hex, "uicolor": color_to_uicolor, "rgba": color_to_rgba, "rgb": color_to_rgb }.get(format, color_to_hex)(color)) self.close() def close(self): app.terminate_(None) cb = Callback.alloc().init() accessory = NSView.alloc().initWithFrame_(NSMakeRect(0, 0, 200, 34)) for i, name in enumerate(['Cancel', 'Copy']): button = NSButton.alloc().init() button.setBezelStyle_(NSRoundedBezelStyle) button.setTitle_(name) button.sizeToFit() x = (i + 0.5) / 2 * 200 - button.frame().size.width / 2 frame = NSMakeRect(x, (34 - button.frame().size.height) / 2, button.frame().size.width, button.frame().size.height) button.setFrame_(frame) button.setAutoresizingMask_(NSViewMaxXMargin | NSViewMinXMargin | NSViewMaxYMargin | NSViewMinYMargin) button.setTarget_(cb) button.setAction_({"Cancel": "close", "Copy": "copy"}[name]) accessory.addSubview_(button)
def draw(self, rect): # Drawing delegate from the Canvas drawing evening for n in range(50): rgba(random(), random(), random()).set() rect = NSMakeRect(random() * 400 + M, random() * 400 + M, M, M) path = NSBezierPath.bezierPathWithRect_(rect) path.fill()