예제 #1
 def move(self, prev, current, duration=0, block=False):
     dx, dy = self.__dx__(prev, current), self.__dy__(prev, current)
     GLog.d("dx= {}, dy= {}".format(dx, dy), tag=self.TAG)
     pya.moveRel(xOffset=dx, yOffset=dy,
                 duration=duration) if block else pya.moveRel(xOffset=dx *
                                                              duration * 50,
                                                              yOffset=dy *
                                                              duration * 50,
예제 #2
    def control(self, gesture, center=(0, 0), dt=0.2):
        if (not self.__shouldConsidered__(gesture)):
                "gesture '{}' found but didn't considered due to sensitivity option"
        self.__track__(gesture, center)
        g_config = self.config[gesture]  # config of this gesture

        e1 = getTickCount()
        # to detect:
        #   'key down': config[gesture] == action and lastGesture != gesture
        #   'key up': config[lastGesture] == action and lastGesture != gesture
        #   'hold': config[gesture] == action
        if (g_config["control"] == MOVE):
                                  block=not self.feeding)
            GLog.o(timeMessage("controlling", e1), tag="TIME")

        elif (g_config["control"] == RIGHT_CLICK and self.lastGesture !=
              gesture):  # for first time only [press when 'key down']
            GLog.o("right mouse click", tag=self.TAG)
            GLog.o(timeMessage("controlling", e1), tag="TIME")

        elif (g_config["control"] == LEFT_CLICK
              and self.lastGesture != gesture):
            GLog.o("left mouse click", tag=self.TAG)
            GLog.o(timeMessage("controlling", e1), tag="TIME")

        elif (g_config["control"] == DRAG_RIGHT_CLICK):
            GLog.o("dragging with right click", tag=self.TAG)
            self.inputFeeder.dragRightClick(g_config["prev"], g_config["curr"])
            GLog.o(timeMessage("controlling", e1), tag="TIME")

        elif (g_config["control"] == DRAG_LEFT_CLICK):
            GLog.o("dragging with left click", tag=self.TAG)
            self.inputFeeder.dragLeftClick(g_config["prev"], g_config["curr"])
            GLog.o(timeMessage("controlling", e1), tag="TIME")

        elif (g_config["control"] == ESCAPE and self.lastGesture != gesture):
            GLog.o("escape press", tag=self.TAG)
            GLog.o(timeMessage("controlling", e1), tag="TIME")

                "gesture '{}' is not found in config file or already pressed".
        self.lastGesture = gesture
예제 #3
    def control(self):
        q = Queue()
        q.get(block=True, timeout=0.01)
        GLog.d("control started", tag=self.TAG)
        while not self.stopped:
            if (False and len(self.gestures) == 1):
                gesture1, center1 = self.last
                gesture2, center2 = self.gestures[-1]
                center = []
                if (gesture1 == gesture2):
                    #TODO c1 is always last center sent
                    #TODO c2 is constant, it is last value in the queue -> we here want to send the value that always evaluate to be
                    #TODO dx at the end same as in first time c2 - c1
                    #TODO To achieve it -> always set last as prev value sent to gc
                    #TODO so what we have now is c2 and lastVale (c1 in scd time)
                    #TODO we need to get what we will send to achieve this equation '? - lastValue = c2 - c1'
                    # for now only know the dir and send a small shift
                    smallShiftingX = 1 if center2[0] - center1[0] > 0 else -1
                    smallShiftingY = 1 if center2[1] - center1[1] > 0 else -1
                    center = center1[0] + smallShiftingX, center1[
                        1] + smallShiftingY  #\? - c1
                GLog.d("len is 1", tag=self.TAG)
                self.gc.control(gesture1, center)
                self.last = gesture1, center

            if (len(self.gestures) == 0):
                #todo: make it blocks instead of busy waiting --> Thread.join()
                current = self.gestures.pop()
                self.last = current
                GLog.d("handling", tag=self.TAG)
                self.gc.control(current['GST'], current['POS'],
                                current['duration'] / 2)
        GLog.d("control end", tag=self.TAG)
예제 #4
 def addGstRecognition(self, gst, center):
         Add new gesture recognition to the buffer of game controller
         newGstRecognition: is a tuple of gst and center
     currTick = getTickCount()
     timeElapsed = (currTick - self.prevTick) / getTickFrequency()
     GLog.d(timeElapsed, tag='addGstRecognition: time elapsed')
     self.prevTick = currTick
     if (len(self.gestures) >= self.MAX_BUFFER_SIZE):
         return False
     inserted = {'GST': gst, 'POS': center, 'duration': timeElapsed}
     self.gestures.insert(0, inserted)
     return True
 def fromFeatures(self, numDefects, lengthRatio, hullCntRatio, maxTwoCntRatio):
     GLog.d("defects={}".format(numDefects), tag=self.TAG)
     GLog.d("lengthRatio={}".format(lengthRatio), tag=self.TAG)
     GLog.d("hullCntRatio={}".format(hullCntRatio), tag=self.TAG)
     GLog.d("maxTwoCntRatio={}".format(maxTwoCntRatio), tag=self.TAG)
     if numDefects >= 2:
         return PALM
     elif lengthRatio > 2:
         return KNIFE
     elif lengthRatio < 1.45 and lengthRatio > 0.8 and hullCntRatio > 0.8 and hullCntRatio < 1.2: # square like
         return FIST
     elif maxTwoCntRatio < 250 :
         return ZERO
         return NO_GST
    def recognize(self, roi, handMask):
            handMask = cv2.erode(handMask,np.ones((3,3)),iterations=3)
            handMask = cv2.dilate(handMask,np.ones((3,3)),iterations=3)
            handMask = roi * handMask
            hand = handMask

            hand = self.__preProcessing__(hand)
            contours = self.__findContoursSorted__(hand, roi)

            maxCnt = contours[0]
            x,y,w,h = cv2.boundingRect(maxCnt)
            croppedHand = hand[y:y+h, x:x+w]

            contours = self.__findContoursSorted__(croppedHand, roi)
            #maxCnt = contours[0]

            maxCntArea = cv2.contourArea(maxCnt)
            maxCnt2Area = cv2.contourArea(contours[1]) if len(contours) >=2 else 0.0001
            f_maxTwoCntRatio = (maxCntArea - maxCnt2Area) / maxCnt2Area
            hull = cv2.convexHull(maxCnt)
            areahull = cv2.contourArea(hull)
            f_hullCntRatio = areahull / maxCntArea

            x,y,w,h = cv2.boundingRect(maxCnt)
            cv2.rectangle(hand,(x,y),(x+w,y+h),(100),5)  # * [debug]
            f_lengthRatio =  h / float(w)

            f_defects = self.__findDefects__(roi, maxCnt)
            ILog.o(croppedHand,'cropped hand')
            ILog.d(hand,'hand in gesture recognizer')
            return self.fromFeatures(f_defects, f_lengthRatio, f_hullCntRatio, f_maxTwoCntRatio), (x + int(w / 2), y + int(h / 2))#self.__contourCenter__(maxCnt)
        except Exception as e:
            GLog.d(e, tag=self.TAG)
            return NO_GST, (0,0)
예제 #7
 def scrollV(self, prev, current):
     dy = self.__dy__(prev, current)
     GLog.d("dy= {}".format(dy), tag=self.TAG)
예제 #8
 def scrollH(self, prev, current):
     dx = self.__dx__(prev, current)
     GLog.d("dx= {}".format(dx), tag=self.TAG)
예제 #9
 def dragRightClick(self, prev, current):
     dx, dy = self.__dx__(prev, current), self.__dy__(prev, current)
     GLog.d("dx= {}, dy= {}".format(dx, dy), tag=self.TAG)
     pya.dragRel(xOffset=dx, yOffset=dy, duration=0.001, button='right')
예제 #10
 def dragLeftClick(self, prev, current):
     dx, dy = self.__dx__(prev, current), self.__dy__(prev, current)
     GLog.d("dx= {}, dy= {}".format(dx, dy), tag=self.TAG)
     pya.dragRel(xOffset=dx * 3, yOffset=dy * 3, duration=0.001)
예제 #11
 def move(self, prev, current, duration = 0):
     dx, dy = self.__dx__(prev, current), self.__dy__(prev, current)
     GLog.d("dx= {}, dy= {}".format(dx, dy), tag=self.TAG)
     pya.moveRel(xOffset=dx*3, yOffset=dy*3, duration=duration)
예제 #12
    def detect(self, frames_gray, currFrame_rgb):
        e1 = cv2.getTickCount()
        self.updateSkinBackgroundModel()  # optimize
        GLog.d(timeMessage('updateSkinBackgroundModel', e1), tag=self.TAG)

        e1 = cv2.getTickCount()
        roi, backgroundSubtraction = self.__motionDetection__.detect(
            frames_gray, currFrame_rgb, self.getSkinBackgroundModel())
        GLog.d(timeMessage('motionDetection', e1), tag=self.TAG)

        #multiply by background or not (important)
        e1 = cv2.getTickCount()
        skinColorDetection = self.__skinModel__.detect(
            currFrame_rgb)  #* backgroundSubtraction
        GLog.d(timeMessage('skinModel', e1), tag=self.TAG)

        #Omar Trial
        skinBackgroundModel = self.getSkinBackgroundModel()
        #backgroundSubtraction += roi * skinBackgroundModel

        #// morphologyWeight = calcMorphology(backgroundSubtraction) #* 0.1

        e1 = cv2.getTickCount()
        handOnly = self.handWithoutFace(currFrame_rgb, roi)
        GLog.d(timeMessage('handWithoutFace', e1), tag=self.TAG)

        e1 = cv2.getTickCount()
        finalOut = self.__combine__(backgroundSubtraction, skinColorDetection,
                                    None, skinBackgroundModel, handOnly)
        GLog.d(timeMessage('combine', e1), tag=self.TAG)

        e1 = cv2.getTickCount()
        self.roi = roi
        self.finalOut = finalOut
        self.backgroundSubtraction = backgroundSubtraction
        #// self.morphologyWeight = morphologyWeight
        self.skinColorDetection = skinColorDetection
        images, titles = self.getState()
        ILog.d(images, titles)
        GLog.d(timeMessage('detecthanddepyector', e1), tag=self.TAG)
        return images, titles