def __initialize_DB(self): """ Create and initialize a new DB, including the downloading and \ uploading of two lists from Open Food Facts: the stores and the\ categories. Arguments: NIL Returns: NIL """ self.queries = sql.ORMConnection() self.queries.create_database() self.itf.right_display_info(cfg.DB_CREATE_LOCAL_DB) self.queries = sql.ORMConnection() # Open the connection to the local DB self.queries.open_session() # Import categories from Open Food Facts OFF_categories = self.OFF.import_static_data(coff.URL_STATIC_CAT) # Configure the data and upload categories into the local DB self.queries.upload_categories(OFF_categories) self.itf.right_display_info(cfg.DB_CATEGORIES_FETCHED) # Import stores from Open Food Facts OFF_stores = self.OFF.import_static_data(coff.URL_STATIC_STORES) # Configure the data and upload stores into the local DB self.queries.upload_stores(OFF_stores) self.itf.right_display_info(cfg.DB_STORES_FETCHED) # Informs the user that the DB is empty. self.itf.right_display_info(cfg.EMPTY_DB, "warning")
def __create_cnx_parameters(self): """ This method is activated if no DB has been created. \ All the parameters are asked and the script for the creation is run Arguments: NIL Returns: NIL """ self.itf.clear_window("left") self.itf.display_guide(cfg.USER_GUIDE) y = 0 while True: # Ask for the connection parameters. Default value in password, y = self.itf.display_string_textpad(y, 1, 20, cfg.DB_PASSWORD_INVITE) password = self.__ascii_to_string(password) if password != '': cfg.DB_PASSWORD = password connection_string = cfg.DB_CONNEXION_STRING.format( cfg.DB_USER, cfg.DB_PASSWORD, "") with open(cfg.DB_PARAMETERS, "w") as file: file.write(connection_string) try: # Test parameters before recording. self.queries = sql.ORMConnection() break except Exception: self.itf.right_display_info(cfg.WARNING_MSG_5, "warning") y = 0
def step_select_action(self): """ Represent the main menu to navigate in the application. This is where the connection with the class MySQLQueries is instantiated. Arguments: self.queries: instanciate the class sql.ORMConnection iot manage the relation with the model. Returns: decision: used to give the main function the order to quit the app. """ # Check whether a local DB has already been created. while True: try: # Check whether a connection with an existing local DB is OK. self.queries = sql.ORMConnection() break except Exception: # Creation of a connexion, iot prepare the DB creation self.itf.clear_window("right") self.itf.right_display_info(cfg.WARNING_MESSAGE_4, "warning") self.__create_cnx_parameters() # Creation of the DB through a method hosted in this module self.__initialize_DB() self.itf.title_bar(cfg.TITLE_2) # Display a drop down menu to navigate in the application self.itf.clear_window() self.itf.left_display_string(0, cfg.INFO_LINE_1) self.itf.display_result(cfg.INFO_DISPLAY_RESULTS) answer = self.itf.set_up_drop_down(cfg.OPERATE_ON_DB, cfg.SELECT_ANSWER) # Here start the work on the DB to find, select and record a product y = 0 while True: # Open a session with the ORM iot work with the DB. self.queries.open_session() result = self.queries.total_items() # check that the DB is not empty if result == 0: self.itf.right_display_info(cfg.EMPTY_DB, "warning") answer = cfg.OPERATE_ON_DB[2] # Look for a product !! if answer == cfg.OPERATE_ON_DB[0]: self.itf.title_bar(cfg.TITLE_3) self.itf.clear_window() # list of recorded categories is displayed on the right window. top_categories = self.queries.get_categories() rank_categories_dict = \ self.__display_top_categories(top_categories) self.itf.display_guide(cfg.USER_GUIDE) # Avoid that a too narrow request leads to an empty selection. while True: y = 0 self.itf.left_display_string(y, cfg.KEYPAD_INSTRUCTION_1) y += 1 answer_category, y = self.__check_valid_answer(y, 1, 3, cfg.SELECT_CATEGORY, rank_categories_dict) # Input the parameters to search for a food item. answer_name, y = self.itf.display_string_textpad( y, 1, 25, cfg.ITEM_NAME) # Launch the query in the local DB. brand_name, y = self.itf.display_string_textpad( y, 1, 25, cfg.ITEM_BRAND) item_search = [answer_category, answer_name, brand_name] refer_products = self.queries.refer_products(item_search) # If the criterion are too specific, avoid a null outcome. if len(refer_products) > 0: break else: self.itf.right_display_info(cfg.WARNING_MESSAGE_2, "warning") # Display a selection of products. rank_item_dict = dict() rank_counter = 0 self.itf.clear_window("right") self.itf.display_result(cfg.ITEM_SEARCH_OUTCOME) for product in refer_products: rank_counter += 1 self.itf.display_result( cfg.PRODUCT_RANK_NAME.format(rank_counter, self.itf.display_result( cfg.PRODUCT_BRAND_NUTR_GR. format(product.brand, product.nutrition_grade)) self.itf.display_result(cfg.EMPTY_LINE) # Create key_value of rank and product for further check rank_item_dict[rank_counter] = product.code # Requests the user to select a food item to be compared with. while True: code_ref_prod, y = self.__check_valid_answer(y, 1, 3, cfg.COMPARE_FOOD_ITEMS, rank_item_dict) # New keywords are demanded if to restrictive. while True: # The user to enter keywords iot broaden the search keywords_item, y = self.itf.display_string_textpad( y, 1, 25, cfg.ADD_KEYWORDS) # Create tuple with features of reference product selected_prod = answer_category, keywords_item, \ code_ref_prod selected_prod = tuple(selected_prod) list_top_products = self.queries.top_products( selected_prod) # Make sure that user's choice isn't too restrictive if len(list_top_products) > 0: break else: self.itf.right_display_info( cfg.WARNING_MESSAGE_1, "warning") y -= 4 break self.itf.clear_window() self.itf.display_guide(cfg.USER_GUIDE) # Display the products matching the best user's request. top_products_dict = self.__display_top_products( list_top_products) while True: y = 0 # The user can view the item in a browser and to record it. self.itf.left_display_string( y, cfg.CHECK_DETAILED_RESULT) answer, y = self.itf.display_string_textpad( y+1, 1, 2, cfg.SELECT_Y_N) answer = self.__ascii_to_string(answer).upper() if answer == "Y": code_best_prod, y = self.__check_valid_answer(y, 1, 3, cfg.USE_BROWSER, top_products_dict) self.OFF.open_product_file_OFF(code_best_prod) self.itf.right_display_info( cfg.RECORD_SELECTED_ITEM) date_time = self.__record_current_DTG() compared_prods = code_best_prod, date_time, \ code_ref_prod # Record automatically both selected and ref. products. self.queries.record_comparred_products(compared_prods) self.itf.right_display_info(cfg.PROCESSING_RECORD) break elif answer == "N": break else: answer = self.itf.left_error_input() y -= 4 # Used to quit this loop an return to the main menu self.itf.clear_window() answer = self.itf.set_up_drop_down( cfg.OPERATE_ON_DB, cfg.SELECT_ANSWER) # Step where the user looks into the best products he has recorded. elif answer == cfg.OPERATE_ON_DB[1]: self.itf.clear_window() last_compared_products = self.queries.get_compared_products() # Display the last compared product, reference and best. best_products_dict = self.__display_compared_products( last_compared_products) # The user can see a product in detail. if len(best_products_dict) > 0: self.itf.display_guide(cfg.USER_GUIDE) # User to confirm he wants to see the item in the browser. no_further_check = False while True: y = 0 answer, y = self.itf.display_string_textpad( y, 1, 2, cfg.CHECK_AGAIN_ITEMS_Y_N) answer = self.__ascii_to_string(answer).upper() if answer == "Y": # Display the product in the default browser code_product, y =\ self.__check_valid_answer(y, 1, 3, cfg.USE_BROWSER, best_products_dict) self.OFF.open_product_file_OFF(code_product) elif answer == "N": no_further_check = True break else: answer = self.itf.left_error_input() y -= 4 else: # Inform the user that he has no best product yet self.itf.right_display_info( cfg.WARNING_MESSAGE_3, "warning") no_further_check = True # Return to the main menu, end of this loop. if no_further_check: self.itf.clear_window() answer = self.itf.set_up_drop_down( cfg.OPERATE_ON_DB, cfg.SELECT_ANSWER) # Import products from one of the most popular categories. elif answer == cfg.OPERATE_ON_DB[2]: y = 0 self.itf.clear_window() # Import a short sample of OFF categories and displayed it. categories = self.queries.display_categories() categories_dict = dict() rank_counter = 0 for category in categories: rank_counter += 1 self.itf.display_result( cfg.CAT_RANK_NAME.format(rank_counter, categories_dict[rank_counter] = self.itf.display_guide(cfg.USER_GUIDE) # The user is requested to designate a category to be uploaded. y = 0 selected_category, y = \ self.__check_valid_answer(y, 1, 3, cfg.ADD_CATEGORY, categories_dict) display_chosen_category = cfg.NAME_IMPORTED_CATEGORY + \ selected_category self.itf.right_display_info(display_chosen_category) # This methods fetches a range of data from Open Food Facts. nb_imported, left_apart, list_items = \ self.OFF.import_products_list(selected_category) # Pieces of info from the downloaded data are given for info. self.itf.right_display_info( coff.NUMBER_REJECTED_ITEMS.format(left_apart)) self.itf.right_display_info( coff.NUMBER_DOWNLOADED_ITEMS.format(nb_imported)) self.itf.right_display_info(cfg.BE_PATIENT) # This is where the excerpt of OFF is uploaded in the local DB. self.queries.upload_products(list_items) nb_rows = self.queries.total_items() self.itf.right_display_info( cfg.ROWS_LOCAL_DB.format(nb_rows)) # Used to quit this step self.itf.clear_window() answer = self.itf.set_up_drop_down( cfg.OPERATE_ON_DB, cfg.SELECT_ANSWER) # Close properly the program and reinitialize the shell. elif answer == cfg.OPERATE_ON_DB[3]: self.itf.clear_window() self.queries.close_session() self.decision = "Quit" break return self.decision