class _ApplicationManagementKeywords(KeywordGroup):

    def __init__(self):
        self._cache = ApplicationCache()

    # Public, open and close

    def close_application(self):
        """Closes the current application."""
        if self._cache.current:
            self._debug('Closing application with session id %s'
                        % self._cache.current.session_id)

    def open_application(self, remote_url, device, app, app_package, app_activity, alias=None):
        """Opens a new application to given Appium server.

        | Option     | Man. | Description |
        | remote_url | Yes  | Appium server url |
        | device     | Yes  | Device id |
        | app        | Yes  | Android application |
        | app_package | Yes | Android application package name |
        | app_activity | Yes | Android application activity name |

        | Open Application | http://localhost:4723/wd/hub | emulator:5554 | OrangeDemoApp.apk | com.test.orangedemo | .MainActivity |
        desired_caps = {}
        desired_caps['device'] = device
        desired_caps['version'] = '4.2'
        desired_caps['app'] = app
        desired_caps['app-package'] = app_package
        desired_caps['app-activity'] = app_activity
        desired_caps['takesScreenshot'] = 'true'
        application = webdriver.Remote(str(remote_url), desired_caps)
        self._debug('Opened application with session id %s' % application.session_id)
        return self._cache.register(application, alias)

    def _go_back(self):
        """Simulates the user clicking the "back" button on their browser."""

    def _current_application(self):
        if not self._cache.current:
            raise RuntimeError('No application is open')
        return self._cache.current

    def _parse_capabilities_string(self, capabilities_string):
        '''parses the string based desired_capabilities which should be in the form
        desired_capabilities = {}

        if not capabilities_string:
            return desired_capabilities

        for cap in capabilities_string.split(","):
            (key, value) = cap.split(":")
            desired_capabilities[key.strip()] = value.strip()

        return desired_capabilities