예제 #1
def __getChainSequencers(stepsData, chainName):
    """ Finds the Filter which is responsible for this Chain in each Step.
        Return a list of the per-Step name() of the Sequencer which is unlocked by the Chain's Filter in the Step.
    sequencers = []
    counter = 0
    from DecisionHandling.TrigCompositeUtils import chainNameFromLegName
    for step in stepsData:
        counter += 1
        mySequencer = None
        endOfChain = False
        for sequencer in step:
            sequencerFilter = getSequenceChildren( sequencer )[0] # Always the first child in the step
            if any(chainName in chainNameFromLegName(fChain) for fChain in sequencerFilter.Chains):
                if mySequencer is not None:
                    __log.error( "Multiple Filters found (corresponding Sequencers %s, %s) for %s in Step %i!",
                        mySequencer.getName(), sequencer.getName(), chainName, counter)
                mySequencer = sequencer
        if mySequencer is None:
            endOfChain = True
            if counter == 1 and  'noalg' not in chainName:
                __log.warn("No Filter found for %s in Step 1", chainName)
            if endOfChain is True:
                __log.error( "Found another Step, (Step %i) for chain %s "
                    "which looked like it had already finished after %i Steps!", 
                    counter, chainName, sequencers.len())
    return sequencers
예제 #2
def collectHypos( steps ):
    Method iterating over the CF and picking all the Hypothesis algorithms

    Returned is a map with the step name and list of all instances of hypos in that step.
    Input is top HLT sequencer.
    __log.info("Collecting hypos from steps")
    from collections import defaultdict
    hypos = defaultdict( list )

    for stepSeq in getSequenceChildren( steps ):
        if not isSequence( stepSeq ):
        if "filter" in stepSeq.getName():
            __log.debug("Skipping filtering steps " +stepSeq.getName() )

        __log.debug( "collecting hypos from step " + stepSeq.getName() )
#        start = {}
        for seq,algs in six.iteritems (flatAlgorithmSequences( stepSeq )):
            for alg in algs:
                if isSequence( alg ):
                # will replace by function once dependencies are sorted
                if hasProp( alg, 'HypoInputDecisions'):
                    __log.debug( "found hypo " + alg.getName() + " in " +stepSeq.getName() )
                    if __isCombo( alg ) and len(alg.ComboHypoTools):
                        __log.debug( "    with %d comboHypoTools: %s", len(alg.ComboHypoTools), ' '.join(map(str, [tool.getName() for  tool in alg.ComboHypoTools])))
                    hypos[stepSeq.getName()].append( alg )
                    __log.verbose("Not a hypo" + alg.getName())

    return hypos
예제 #3
def collectFilters( steps ):
    Similarly to collectHypos but works for filter algorithms

    The logic is simpler as all filters are grouped in step filter sequences
    Returns map: step name -> list of all filters of that step
    __log.info("Collecting filters")
    from collections import defaultdict
    filters = defaultdict( list )

    for stepSeq in getSequenceChildren( steps ):
        if "filter" in stepSeq.getName():
            filters[stepSeq.getName()] = getSequenceChildren( stepSeq )
            __log.debug("Found Filters in Step {} : {}".format(stepSeq.getName(), getSequenceChildren( stepSeq )))

    return filters
예제 #4
def __getStepsDataFromAlgSequence(HLTAllSteps):
    """ Generates a list where the index corresponds to a Step number and the stored object is a list of Sequencers making up the Step 
    stepsData = []
    if HLTAllSteps is not None:
        for HLTStep in getSequenceChildren( HLTAllSteps ):
            if "_reco" not in HLTStep.getName(): # Avoid the pre-step Filter execution
                # Look for newJO reco
                for Step in getChildrenIfSequence( HLTStep ):
                    for View in getChildrenIfSequence( Step ):
                        for Reco in getChildrenIfSequence( View ):
                            if "_reco" in Reco.getName() and HLTStep.getName() not in stepsData:
                                stepsData.append( getSequenceChildren( HLTStep ) )

            stepsData.append( getSequenceChildren( HLTStep ) )
        __log.warn( "No HLTAllSteps sequencer, will not export per-Step data for chains.")
    return stepsData
예제 #5
 def _dump(seq, indent):
     o = list()
     if isSequence(seq):
         for c in getSequenceChildren(seq):
             if isSequence(c):
                     "%s[color=%s, shape=circle, width=.5, fixedsize=true ,style=filled]\n"
                     % (compName(c), _seqColor(c)), indent))
                 o.append(("%s[fillcolor=%s,style=filled]\n" %
                           (compName(c), algColor(c)), indent))
             o.append(("%s -> %s\n" % (compName(seq), compName(c)), indent))
             o.extend(_dump(c, indent + 1))
     return o
예제 #6
def getValuesProperties(node):
    Excluded = ["StoreGateSvc/DetectorStore", "StoreGateSvc"]
    values = []
    algs = []
    if isinstance(node.Alg, AthSequencer):
        seq = node.Alg
        algs = getSequenceChildren(seq)
        algs.pop(0)  # remove InputMaker

    for alg in algs:
        for k, cval in alg.getValuedProperties().items():
            if type(cval) is list:
                for val in cval:
                    if val == '':  # CAT type(val) is None ??
                        if val not in Excluded:
            elif cval == '':  # CAT type(val) is None ??
                if cval not in Excluded:
    return set(values)
예제 #7
def getChildrenIfSequence( s ):
    return  getSequenceChildren( s ) if isSequence( s ) else []
예제 #8
def __getSequenceChildrenIfIsSequence( s ):
    if isSequence( s ):
        return getSequenceChildren( s )
    return []