def _IncTool(name, cand, threshold, sel): possibleSel = L2CaloCutMaps( threshold ).MapsHADETthr.keys() from AthenaConfiguration.ComponentFactory import CompFactory tool = CompFactory.TrigEgammaFastCaloHypoToolInc( name ) tool.AcceptAll = False tool.UseRinger = False if 'Validation' in TriggerFlags.enableMonitoring() or 'Online' in TriggerFlags.enableMonitoring(): monTool = GenericMonitoringTool("MonTool_"+name) monTool.defineHistogram('dEta', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="L2Calo Hypo #Delta#eta_{L2 L1}; #Delta#eta_{L2 L1}", xbins=80, xmin=-0.01, xmax=0.01) monTool.defineHistogram('dPhi', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="L2Calo Hypo #Delta#phi_{L2 L1}; #Delta#phi_{L2 L1}", xbins=80, xmin=-0.01, xmax=0.01) monTool.defineHistogram('Et_em', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="L2Calo Hypo cluster E_{T}^{EM};E_{T}^{EM} [MeV]", xbins=50, xmin=-2000, xmax=100000) monTool.defineHistogram('Eta', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="L2Calo Hypo entries per Eta;Eta", xbins=100, xmin=-2.5, xmax=2.5) monTool.defineHistogram('Phi', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="L2Calo Hypo entries per Phi;Phi", xbins=128, xmin=-3.2, xmax=3.2) cuts=['Input','has one TrigEMCluster', '#Delta #eta L2-L1', '#Delta #phi L2-L1','eta','rCore', 'eRatio','E_{T}^{EM}', 'E_{T}^{Had}','f_{1}','Weta2','Wstot','F3'] monTool.defineHistogram('CutCounter', type='TH1I', path='EXPERT', title="L2Calo Hypo Passed Cuts;Cut", xbins=13, xmin=-1.5, xmax=12.5, opt="kCumulative", xlabels=cuts) if 'Validation' in TriggerFlags.enableMonitoring(): monTool.defineHistogram('Et_had', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="L2Calo Hypo E_{T}^{had} in first layer;E_{T}^{had} [MeV]", xbins=50, xmin=-2000, xmax=100000) monTool.defineHistogram('Rcore', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="L2Calo Hypo R_{core};E^{3x3}/E^{3x7} in sampling 2", xbins=48, xmin=-0.1, xmax=1.1) monTool.defineHistogram('Eratio', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="L2Calo Hypo E_{ratio};E^{max1}-E^{max2}/E^{max1}+E^{max2} in sampling 1 (excl.crack)", xbins=64, xmin=-0.1, xmax=1.5) monTool.defineHistogram('EtaBin', type='TH1I', path='EXPERT', title="L2Calo Hypo entries per Eta bin;Eta bin no.", xbins=11, xmin=-0.5, xmax=10.5) monTool.defineHistogram('F1', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="L2Calo Hypo f_{1};f_{1}", xbins=34, xmin=-0.5, xmax=1.2) monTool.defineHistogram('Weta2', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="L2Calo Hypo Weta2; E Width in sampling 2", xbins=96, xmin=-0.1, xmax=0.61) monTool.defineHistogram('Wstot', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="L2Calo Hypo Wstot; E Width in sampling 1", xbins=48, xmin=-0.1, xmax=11.) monTool.defineHistogram('F3', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="L2Calo Hypo F3; E3/(E0+E1+E2+E3)", xbins=96, xmin=-0.1, xmax=1.1) monTool.HistPath = 'L2CaloHypo/'+tool.getName() tool.MonTool = monTool tool.EtaBins = [0.0, 0.6, 0.8, 1.15, 1.37, 1.52, 1.81, 2.01, 2.37, 2.47] def same( val ): return [val]*( len( tool.EtaBins ) - 1 ) tool.ETthr = same( float(threshold) ) tool.dETACLUSTERthr = 0.1 tool.dPHICLUSTERthr = 0.1 tool.F1thr = same( 0.005 ) tool.ET2thr = same( 90.0*GeV ) tool.HADET2thr = same( 999.0 ) tool.HADETthr = same( 0.058 ) tool.WETA2thr = same( 99999. ) tool.WSTOTthr = same( 99999. ) tool.F3thr = same( 99999. ) tool.CARCOREthr = same( -9999. ) tool.CAERATIOthr = same( -9999. ) if sel == 'nocut' or 'idperf' in name: tool.AcceptAll = True tool.UseRinger = False tool.ETthr = same( float( threshold )*GeV ) tool.dETACLUSTERthr = 9999. tool.dPHICLUSTERthr = 9999. tool.F1thr = same( 0.0 ) tool.HADETthr = same( 9999. ) tool.CARCOREthr = same( -9999. ) tool.CAERATIOthr = same( -9999. ) elif sel == "etcut": # stcut is part of the name, it can as well be etcut1step (test chains) tool.UseRinger = False tool.ETthr = same( ( float( threshold ) - 3 )*GeV ) # No other cuts applied tool.dETACLUSTERthr = 9999. tool.dPHICLUSTERthr = 9999. tool.F1thr = same( 0.0 ) tool.HADETthr = same( 9999. ) tool.CARCOREthr = same( -9999. ) tool.CAERATIOthr = same( -9999. ) elif sel in possibleSel and "noringer" in name: # real selection tool.UseRinger = False tool.ETthr = same( ( float( threshold ) - 3 )*GeV ) tool.HADETthr = L2CaloCutMaps( threshold ).MapsHADETthr[sel] tool.CARCOREthr = L2CaloCutMaps( threshold ).MapsCARCOREthr[sel] tool.CAERATIOthr = L2CaloCutMaps( threshold ).MapsCAERATIOthr[sel] elif sel in possibleSel and cand=="g": # real selection tool.UseRinger = False tool.ETthr = same( ( float( threshold ) - 3 )*GeV ) tool.HADETthr = L2CaloCutMaps( threshold ).MapsHADETthr[sel] tool.CARCOREthr = L2CaloCutMaps( threshold ).MapsCARCOREthr[sel] tool.CAERATIOthr = L2CaloCutMaps( threshold ).MapsCAERATIOthr[sel] elif sel in _possibleSel.keys() and not "noringer" in name and cand=="e": tool.UseRinger = True pconstants, pthresholds = _GetPath( cand, sel ) tool.ConstantsCalibPath = pconstants tool.ThresholdsCalibPath = pthresholds tool.MonTool = "" tool.EtCut = (float(threshold)-3.)*GeV # monitoring part if (('Validation' in TriggerFlags.enableMonitoring()) or ('Online' in TriggerFlags.enableMonitoring()) or (athenaCommonFlags.isOnline)): monTool = GenericMonitoringTool('MonTool'+name) monTool.Histograms = [ defineHistogram( "TIME_total", path='EXPERT',title="Total Time;time[ms]",xbins=50, xmin=0,xmax=5,type='TH1F'), defineHistogram( "TIME_preproc", path='EXPERT',title="Total Time;time[ms]",xbins=50, xmin=0,xmax=5,type='TH1F'), defineHistogram( "TIME_propagate",path='EXPERT', title="Total Time;time[ms]",xbins=50, xmin=0,xmax=5,type='TH1F'), defineHistogram('Eta', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT',title="#eta of Clusters; #eta; number of RoIs", xbins=50,xmin=-2.5,xmax=2.5), defineHistogram('Phi',type='TH1F', path='EXPERT',title="#phi of Clusters; #phi; number of RoIs", xbins=64,xmin=-3.2,xmax=3.2), defineHistogram('Et',type='TH1F', path='EXPERT',title="E_{T} of Clusters; E_{T} [MeV]; number of RoIs", xbins=60,xmin=0,xmax=5e4), defineHistogram('RnnOut',type='TH1F', path='EXPERT',title="Neural Network output; NN output; number of RoIs", xbins=100,xmin=-10,xmax=10), ] monTool.HistPath='L2CaloHypo_Ringer/' tool.MonTool=monTool etaBinsLen = len( tool.EtaBins ) - 1 for prop in "ETthr HADETthr CARCOREthr CARCOREthr F1thr F3thr WSTOTthr WETA2thr HADETthr HADETthr ET2thr".split(): propLen = len( getattr( tool, prop ) ) assert propLen == etaBinsLen , "In " + name + " " + prop + " has length " + str( propLen ) + " which is different from EtaBins which has length " + str( etaBinsLen ) return tool
def _IncTool(name, cand, threshold, sel): from TrigMultiVarHypo.TrigMultiVarHypoConf import TrigL2CaloRingerHypoToolMT tool = TrigL2CaloRingerHypoToolMT(name) tool.AcceptAll = False tool.MonTool = "" tool.EtCut = (float(threshold) - 3.) * GeV # monitoring part from TriggerJobOpts.TriggerFlags import TriggerFlags if (('Validation' in TriggerFlags.enableMonitoring()) or ('Online' in TriggerFlags.enableMonitoring()) or (athenaCommonFlags.isOnline)): from AthenaMonitoringKernel.GenericMonitoringTool import GenericMonitoringTool, defineHistogram monTool = GenericMonitoringTool('MonTool' + name) monTool.Histograms = [ defineHistogram("TIME_total", path='EXPERT', title="Total Time;time[ms]", xbins=50, xmin=0, xmax=5, type='TH1F'), defineHistogram("TIME_preproc", path='EXPERT', title="Total Time;time[ms]", xbins=50, xmin=0, xmax=5, type='TH1F'), defineHistogram("TIME_propagate", path='EXPERT', title="Total Time;time[ms]", xbins=50, xmin=0, xmax=5, type='TH1F'), defineHistogram('Eta', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="#eta of Clusters; #eta; number of RoIs", xbins=50, xmin=-2.5, xmax=2.5), defineHistogram('Phi', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="#phi of Clusters; #phi; number of RoIs", xbins=64, xmin=-3.2, xmax=3.2), defineHistogram( 'Et', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="E_{T} of Clusters; E_{T} [MeV]; number of RoIs", xbins=60, xmin=0, xmax=5e4), defineHistogram( 'RnnOut', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="Neural Network output; NN output; number of RoIs", xbins=100, xmin=-10, xmax=10), ] monTool.HistPath = 'L2CaloHypo_Ringer/' + tool.MonTool = monTool if sel == 'nocut': tool.AcceptAll = True elif sel == "etcut": tool.EtCut = (float(threshold) - 3.) * GeV elif sel in _possibleSel.keys(): # real selection pconstants, pthresholds = _GetPath(cand, sel) tool.ConstantsCalibPath = pconstants tool.ThresholdsCalibPath = pthresholds return tool