# I/O stuff
ServiceMgr.EventSelector.InputCollections = [

# Set up for seeking.
ServiceMgr.EventSelector.CollectionType = "SeekableROOT"

from AthenaPoolCnvSvc.WriteAthenaPool import AthenaPoolOutputStream

Stream1 = AthenaPoolOutputStream("Stream1")
Stream1.OutputFile = "MultiplePassFile.root"
# ** mandatory parameter ** // The output file name
Stream1.ForceRead = TRUE  #force read of output data objs
Stream1.ItemList = ["EventInfo#*", "McEventCollection#*"]

#--- Monitoring and Debug printouts

MessageSvc.OutputLevel = INFO
Stream1.OutputLevel = DEBUG

from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import theAuditorSvc
from GaudiAud.GaudiAudConf import ChronoAuditor

theAuditorSvc += ChronoAuditor()
# Perfmon

from PerfMonComps.PerfMonFlags import jobproperties
jobproperties.PerfMonFlags.doMonitoring = True
from PerfMonComps.JobOptCfg import PerfMonSvc
svcMgr += PerfMonSvc()
jobproperties.PerfMonFlags.doDetailedMonitoring = True

# Event related parameters
# Number of events to be processed (default is 10)
theApp.EvtMax = 10
theApp.EvtSel = "EventSelector"

#Create output StreamESD
from AthenaPoolCnvSvc.WriteAthenaPool import AthenaPoolOutputStream
StreamESD = AthenaPoolOutputStream("StreamESD",
                                   athenaCommonFlags.PoolESDOutput(), True)
StreamESD.ForceRead = True
# Put MetaData in ESD stream via StreamESD_FH.
StreamESD.MetadataItemList += ["LumiBlockCollection#*"]

StreamESD.ItemList += fullItemList

#David, instruction to get all the info in the DetectorStore
ServiceMgr.DetectorStore.Dump = True
예제 #3
파일: Tag2DPD.py 프로젝트: akanevm/HCCRAB3
StreamDPD.ItemList += ['egDetailContainer#egDetailAOD']
StreamDPD.ItemList += ['MissingET#MET_RefFinal']
StreamDPD.ItemList += ['MissingET#MET_LocHadObj']
StreamDPD.ItemList += ['CaloClusterContainer#CaloCalTopoCluster']
StreamDPD.ItemList += ['Analysis::MuonContainer#StacoMuonCollection']
StreamDPD.ItemList += ['JetCollection#Kt4LCTopoJets']
StreamDPD.ItemList += ['JetKeyDescriptor#JetKeyMap']
StreamDPD.ItemList += ['JetCollection#Kt4TruthJets']
StreamDPD.ItemList += ['Rec::TrackParticleContainer#TrackParticleCandidate']
StreamDPD.ItemList += ['Rec::TrackParticleContainer#StacoTrackParticles']
StreamDPD.ItemList += ['TruthParticleContainer#SpclMC']
StreamDPD.ItemList += ['McEventCollection#GEN_AOD']

StreamDPD.OutputFile = "SkimmedThin.AOD.pool.root"
#StreamDPD.OutputFile = outFileName
StreamDPD.ForceRead=TRUE;  #force read of output data objs

ChronoStatSvc = Service( "ChronoStatSvc" )
ChronoStatSvc.ChronoDestinationCout = True

ChronoStatSvc.PrintUserTime     = True
ChronoStatSvc.PrintSystemTime   = True
ChronoStatSvc.PrintEllapsedTime = True
AthenaPoolCnvSvc = Service( "AthenaPoolCnvSvc" )
AthenaPoolCnvSvc.UseDetailChronoStat = True

MessageSvc = Service("MessageSvc")
#MessageSvc.OutputLevel = DEBUG
#MessageSvc.OutputLevel = ERROR
예제 #4
  if doWriteESD:
    # --- create stream
    StreamESD            = AthenaPoolOutputStream ( "StreamESD" )
    StreamESD.OutputFile = "InDetRecESD.root"
    # --- save MC collection if truth turned on
    if InDetFlags.doTruth():
      StreamESD.ItemList += ["McEventCollection#*"]
    # ---- load list of objects
    include ( "InDetRecExample/WriteInDetESD.py" )
  if doWriteAOD:
    # --- create stream
    StreamAOD            = AthenaPoolOutputStream ( "StreamAOD" )
    StreamAOD.OutputFile = "InDetRecAOD.root"
    # --- save MC collection if truth turned on
    if InDetFlags.doTruth():
      StreamAOD.ItemList += ["McEventCollection#*"]
    # --- load list of objects
    include ( "InDetRecExample/WriteInDetAOD.py" )
  if 'doCopyRDO' in dir() and doCopyRDO:
    # --- create stream
    StreamRDO            = AthenaPoolOutputStream ( "StreamRDO" )
    StreamRDO.OutputFile = "InDetRecRDO.root"
    # --- add output to list
    StreamRDO.ItemList   +=  ['TRT_RDO_Container#*','SCT_RDO_Container#*','PixelRDO_Container#*']
    StreamRDO.ItemList   +=  ['InDetSimDataCollection#*','McEventCollection#*']
    # --- Force read
    StreamRDO.ForceRead  = TRUE;  #force read of output data objs
  theApp.TopAlg = [ e for e in theApp.TopAlg if e not in ['JetTagNtupleBuilder/JTNtBuilder'] ]
  theApp.TopAlg += ['JetTagNtupleBuilder/JTNtBuilder']
if BTaggingFlags.doJetTagSlimNtuple:
  theApp.TopAlg = [ e for e in theApp.TopAlg if e not in ['JetTagNtupleBuilder/JTNtSlimBuilder'] ]
  theApp.TopAlg += ['JetTagNtupleBuilder/JTNtSlimBuilder']

# override DB: to have the worst case for pixel dead modules
if OverridePixMapOverlay != "":
  print '#BTAG# Overriding PixMapOverlay with ',OverridePixMapOverlay
  conddb.addOverride('/PIXEL/PixMapOverlay', OverridePixMapOverlay)

# --- output a new AOD file if requested (not fully validated ! strange behavior for re-tagged collections !)
if WriteNewAODFile:
  from AthenaPoolCnvSvc.WriteAthenaPool import AthenaPoolOutputStream
  StreamAOD = AthenaPoolOutputStream( "StreamAOD", "newAOD.pool.root", True )
  StreamAOD.ForceRead = True 
  StreamAOD.ExtendProvenanceRecord = False 
  taggedJetList = []
  for key in BTaggingFlags.Jets:
    if key in BTaggingFlags.RetagJets:
#      newJetColl = "JetCollection#"+key+"JetsAOD"
      newJetColl = "JetCollection#"+key+"JetsReTagged"
      newJetColl = "JetCollection#"+key+"Jets"
    print '#BTAG# jet collection: ',newJetColl
    taggedJetList +=  [ newJetColl ]
  StreamAOD.ItemList += taggedJetList
  print '#BTAG# writing out :',StreamAOD.ItemList

# --- Filter on GRL first:
예제 #6
    def hits_persistency():
        """ HITS POOL file persistency
        from G4AtlasApps.SimFlags import simFlags
        from AthenaCommon.DetFlags import DetFlags
        from AthenaCommon.AthenaCommonFlags import athenaCommonFlags
        from AthenaPoolCnvSvc.WriteAthenaPool import AthenaPoolOutputStream

        ## Not yet understood, but need to treat StreamHITS as alg in Hive.
        ## Seems to also work fine outside of Hive, but to be extra safe I'm
        ## only changing it in Hive.
        from AthenaCommon.ConcurrencyFlags import jobproperties as concurrencyProps
        if concurrencyProps.ConcurrencyFlags.NumThreads() > 0:
            as_alg = True
            as_alg = False
        ## NB. Two-arg constructor is needed, since otherwise metadata writing fails!
        stream1 = AthenaPoolOutputStream("StreamHITS",

        ## Write geometry tag info - move to main method
        #import EventInfoMgt.EventInfoMgtInit

        ## EventInfo & TruthEvent always written by default
        stream1.ForceRead = True
        stream1.ItemList = [
            "EventInfo#*", "McEventCollection#TruthEvent", "JetCollection#*"

        ## If we are running quasi-stable particle simulation, include the original event record
        if hasattr(
                simFlags, 'IncludeParentsInG4Event'
        ) and simFlags.IncludeParentsInG4Event.statusOn and simFlags.IncludeParentsInG4Event(
            stream1.ItemList += ["McEventCollection#GEN_EVENT"]

        stream1.ItemList += ["xAOD::JetContainer#*", "xAOD::JetAuxContainer#*"]

        ## Make stream aware of aborted events
        stream1.AcceptAlgs = ["G4AtlasAlg"]

        ## Detectors

        ## Inner Detector
        if DetFlags.ID_on():
            stream1.ItemList += [
                "SiHitCollection#*", "TRTUncompressedHitCollection#*",
        ## Calo
        if DetFlags.Calo_on():
            stream1.ItemList += [
        ## Muon
        if DetFlags.Muon_on():
            stream1.ItemList += [
                "RPCSimHitCollection#*", "TGCSimHitCollection#*",
                "CSCSimHitCollection#*", "MDTSimHitCollection#*",
            if hasattr(simFlags, 'SimulateNewSmallWheel'):
                if simFlags.SimulateNewSmallWheel():
                    stream1.ItemList += ["GenericMuonSimHitCollection#*"]
        ## Lucid
        if DetFlags.Lucid_on():
            stream1.ItemList += ["LUCID_SimHitCollection#*"]

        ## FwdRegion
        if DetFlags.FwdRegion_on():
            stream1.ItemList += ["SimulationHitCollection#*"]

        ## ZDC
        if DetFlags.ZDC_on():
            stream1.ItemList += [
                "ZDC_SimPixelHit_Collection#*", "ZDC_SimStripHit_Collection#*"
        ## ALFA
        if DetFlags.ALFA_on():
            stream1.ItemList += [
                "ALFA_HitCollection#*", "ALFA_ODHitCollection#*"

        ## AFP
        if DetFlags.AFP_on():
            stream1.ItemList += [
                "AFP_TDSimHitCollection#*", "AFP_SIDSimHitCollection#*"

        ### Ancillary scintillators
        #stream1.ItemList += ["ScintillatorHitCollection#*"]

        ## TimingAlg
        stream1.ItemList += ["RecoTimingObj#EVNTtoHITS_timings"]

        ## Add cosmics and test beam configuration hit persistency if required cf. geom tag
        layout = simFlags.SimLayout.get_Value()
        if "tb" not in layout:
            from AthenaCommon.BeamFlags import jobproperties
            if jobproperties.Beam.beamType() == 'cosmics' or \
                    (hasattr(simFlags, "WriteTR") and simFlags.WriteTR.statusOn) or \
                    (hasattr(simFlags, "ReadTR") and simFlags.ReadTR.statusOn):
                stream1.ItemList += [
            ## CTB-specific
            if layout.startswith("ctb"):
                if simFlags.LArFarUpstreamMaterial.statusOn and simFlags.LArFarUpstreamMaterial.get_Value(
            ## Persistency of test-beam layout
            if layout.startswith('ctb') or layout.startswith('tb_Tile2000_'):
                stream1.ItemList += ["TBElementContainer#*"]
예제 #7
SkipEvents = 0
ServiceMgr.EventSelector.SkipEvents = SkipEvents

# Setup Output
if hasattr(runArgs, "outputRDO_MRGFile"): Out = runArgs.outputRDO_MRGFile

from AthenaPoolCnvSvc.WriteAthenaPool import AthenaPoolOutputStream
    StreamRDO = AthenaPoolOutputStream("StreamRDO", Out, True)
    StreamRDO = AthenaPoolOutputStream("StreamRDO", "DidNotSetOutputName.root",
StreamRDO.TakeItemsFromInput = TRUE
StreamRDO.ForceRead = TRUE
#force read of output data objs
# The next line is an example on how to exclude clid's if they are causing a  problem
#StreamRDO.ExcludeList = ['6421#*']

# Look for lists of filter algorithms
    StreamRDO.AcceptAlgs = AcceptList
    print "No accept algs indicated in AcceptList"
    StreamRDO.RequireAlgs = RequireList
    print "No accept algs indicated in RequireList"
    StreamRDO.VetoAlgs = VetoList
#services that need to be reinit
ServiceMgr.MultipleEventLoopMgr.ToBeReinitialized = ["StoreGateSvc", "DetectorStore"]

# I/O stuff
ServiceMgr.EventSelector.InputCollections = [
    "root://eosatlas//eos/atlas/atlascerngroupdisk/proj-sit/digitization/RTT/mc10/mc10_7TeV.005008.CavernInput.merge.HITS.e4_e607_s951_s952_tid170551_00/HITS.170551._000011.pool.root.1" ]
# Set up for seeking.
ServiceMgr.EventSelector.CollectionType = "SeekableROOT"

include( "AthenaPoolCnvSvc/WriteAthenaPool_jobOptions.py" )
from AthenaPoolCnvSvc.WriteAthenaPool import AthenaPoolOutputStream
Stream1 = AthenaPoolOutputStream( "Stream1" )
Stream1.OutputFile = "MultiplePassFile.root"; # ** mandatory parameter ** // The output file name
Stream1.ForceRead=TRUE  #force read of output data objs
Stream1.ItemList=["EventInfo#*", "McEventCollection#*"]

#--- Monitoring and Debug printouts

MessageSvc.OutputLevel      = INFO
Stream1.OutputLevel = DEBUG

from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import theAuditorSvc
from GaudiAud.GaudiAudConf import ChronoAuditor
theAuditorSvc += ChronoAuditor()
예제 #9
# Write Digitization MetaData
from Digitization.DigitizationWriteMetaData import writeDigitizationMetadata


# Pool Output (Change this to use a different file)
if DetFlags.writeRDOPool.any_on():
    from AthenaCommon.AthenaCommonFlags import athenaCommonFlags
    from AthenaPoolCnvSvc.WriteAthenaPool import AthenaPoolOutputStream
    streamRDO = AthenaPoolOutputStream(
        "StreamRDO", athenaCommonFlags.PoolRDOOutput.get_Value(), asAlg=True)
    streamRDO.ForceRead = True
    from Digitization.DigiOutput import getStreamRDO_ItemList
    streamRDO.ItemList = getStreamRDO_ItemList(logDigitization_flags)
    streamRDO.AcceptAlgs += [digitizationFlags.digiSteeringConf.get_Value()]
    streamRDO.OutputFile = athenaCommonFlags.PoolRDOOutput()
    if athenaCommonFlags.UseLZMA():
        ServiceMgr.AthenaPoolCnvSvc.PoolAttributes += [
            "DatabaseName = '" + athenaCommonFlags.PoolRDOOutput() +
            "'; COMPRESSION_ALGORITHM = '2'"
        ServiceMgr.AthenaPoolCnvSvc.PoolAttributes += [
            "DatabaseName = '" + athenaCommonFlags.PoolRDOOutput() +
            "'; COMPRESSION_LEVEL = '1'"
        ServiceMgr.AthenaPoolCnvSvc.PoolAttributes += [
예제 #10
ServiceMgr.EventSelector.SkipEvents = SkipEvents

# Setup Output
if not hasattr(runArgs, "outputHitsFile"):
    raise RuntimeError("No outputHitsFile provided.")
Out = runArgs.outputHitsFile
from AthenaPoolCnvSvc.WriteAthenaPool import AthenaPoolOutputStream
    StreamHITS = AthenaPoolOutputStream("StreamHITS", Out, True)
    StreamHITS = AthenaPoolOutputStream("StreamHITS",
                                        "DidNotSetOutputName.root", True)
StreamHITS.TakeItemsFromInput = TRUE
StreamHITS.ForceRead = TRUE
#force read of output data objs
# The next line is an example on how to exclude clid's if they are causing a  problem
#StreamHITS.ExcludeList = ['6421#*']

# Look for lists of filter algorithms
    StreamHITS.AcceptAlgs = AcceptList
    print "No accept algs indicated in AcceptList"
    StreamHITS.RequireAlgs = RequireList
    print "No accept algs indicated in RequireList"
    StreamHITS.VetoAlgs = VetoList
예제 #11
        # --- save MC collections if truth turned on
        if InDetFlags.doTruth():
            StreamESD.ItemList += truthList
        # ---- load list of objects
        StreamESD.ItemList += InDetESDList
        StreamESD.ItemList += [
            'xAOD::EventInfo#EventInfo', 'xAOD::EventAuxInfo#EventInfoAux.'
        # --- add trigger to IDRE standalone ESD
        StreamESD.ItemList += ["TrigDec::TrigDecision#TrigDecision"]
        StreamESD.ItemList += ["HLT::HLTResult#HLTResult_L2"]
        StreamESD.ItemList += ["HLT::HLTResult#HLTResult_EF"]
        StreamESD.ForceRead = True  # otherwise unread stuff is not copied
        if InDetFlags.doDBMstandalone():
            topSequence.StreamESD.ItemList += [

    if doWriteAOD:
        from OutputStreamAthenaPool.MultipleStreamManager import MSMgr
        # --- create *augmented* stream; this makes ROOT happy
        StreamAOD_Augmented = MSMgr.NewPoolRootStream(
            "StreamAOD", InDetKeys.OutputAODFileName())
        # --- here is the old, backward-compatible event stream
        StreamAOD = StreamAOD_Augmented.GetEventStream()
        # --- save MC collections if truth turned on
        if InDetFlags.doTruth():
            StreamAOD.ItemList += truthList
StreamDPD = AthenaPoolOutputStream("StreamDPD")

## configure the thinning service
from AthenaServices.Configurables import ThinningSvc

svcMgr += ThinningSvc(Streams=['StreamDPD'])

######################Write Item List##########################################
StreamDPD.ItemList = ['EventInfo#*', 'TrackRecordCollection#*']
StreamDPD.ItemList += ['ElectronContainer#ElectronAODCollection']
StreamDPD.ItemList += ['egDetailContainer#egDetailAOD']
StreamDPD.ItemList += ['Analysis::MuonContainer#StacoMuonCollection']
StreamDPD.ItemList += ['JetKeyDescriptor#JetKeyMap']
StreamDPD.ItemList += ['JetCollection#Cone4H1TowerJets']
StreamDPD.ItemList += ['JetCollection#Cone4TruthJets']
StreamDPD.ItemList += ['Rec::TrackParticleContainer#TrackParticleCandidate']
StreamDPD.ItemList += ['Rec::TrackParticleContainer#StacoTrackParticles']
StreamDPD.ItemList += ['VxContainer#*']

StreamDPD.ForceRead = TRUE
#force read of output data objs

#electron Filter
StreamDPD.AcceptAlgs = ["ElectronFilter"]

# End of job options file
예제 #13
    from McParticleAlgs.McParticleAlgsConf import McAodTupleWriter
    topSequence += McAodTupleWriter(McWriter=McAodTupleWriterTool(
        TruthParticles="SpclMC", Output=TUPLEFILENAME),

# Output options
from AthenaPoolCnvSvc.WriteAthenaPool import AthenaPoolOutputStream
outStream = AthenaPoolOutputStream("StreamAOD")
import os
outStream.OutputFile = os.path.join( \
    "reaccessed.%s" % os.path.basename(INPUT[0]) )
outStream.ForceRead = True

outStream.ItemList += ["EventInfo#McEventInfo"]
outStream.ItemList += ["McEventCollection#GEN_EVENT"]
outStream.ItemList += ["McEventCollection#GEN_AOD"]
outStream.ItemList += ["TruthParticleContainer#SpclMC"]
outStream.ItemList += ["TruthEtIsolationsContainer#TruthEtIsol_GEN_EVENT"]
outStream.ItemList += ["TruthEtIsolationsContainer#TruthEtIsol_GEN_AOD"]

## tweak the default commit interval
svcMgr.AthenaPoolCnvSvc.CommitInterval = 100

svcMgr.MessageSvc.defaultLimit = 4000000
svcMgr.MessageSvc.OutputLevel = ERROR

예제 #14
if ALGMODE == 'py':
    from McParticleTests.Lib import PyMcAodSymLinkTests as McAodSymLinkTests
    from McParticleTests.McParticleTestsConf import McAodSymLinkTests
topSequence += McAodSymLinkTests(OutputLevel=DEBUG)

# Pool Persistency
from AthenaPoolCnvSvc.WriteAthenaPool import AthenaPoolOutputStream
outStream = AthenaPoolOutputStream("OutStream")
outStream.ItemList = ["EventInfo#*"]
outStream.ItemList += ["McEventCollection#GEN_EVENT"]
outStream.ItemList += ["TruthParticleContainer#SpclMC"]

if 'OUTPUT' not in dir():
    OUTPUT = "mc.aod.symlinktests.pool"
outStream.OutputFile = OUTPUT
outStream.EvtConversionSvc = "AthenaPoolCnvSvc"
outStream.ForceRead = True  #force read of output data objs

svcMgr.MessageSvc.defaultLimit = 4000000
svcMgr.MessageSvc.OutputLevel = ERROR
# End of job options file
예제 #15
#Stream1.ItemList += ["CaloCalibrationHitContainer#LArCalibrationHitActive",
#                     "CaloCalibrationHitContainer#LArCalibrationHitDeadMaterial",
#                     "CaloCalibrationHitContainer#LArCalibrationHitInactive",
#                     "CaloCalibrationHitContainer#TileCalibHitActiveCell",
#                     "CaloCalibrationHitContainer#TileCalibHitInactiveCell",
#                     "CaloCalibrationHitContainer#TileCalibHitDeadMaterial" ]

Stream1.ForceRead = True

# the Tile, LAr and Calo detector description package
from AtlasGeoModel import SetGeometryVersion
from AtlasGeoModel import GeoModelInit

include( "CaloIdCnv/CaloIdCnv_joboptions.py" )
include( "TileIdCnv/TileIdCnv_jobOptions.py" )
include( "LArDetDescr/LArDetDescr_joboptions.py" )
    import MagFieldServices.SetupField
    filterHitLog.warning("C++ magnetic field not available in this release.")
    include( "BFieldAth/BFieldAth_jobOptions.py" )
예제 #16
#RootHistSvc = Service( "RootHistSvc" )
#HbookHistSvc.NPAWC = 1500000
#HistogramPersistencySvc = Service( "HistogramPersistencySvc" )
#HistogramPersistencySvc.OutputFile  = "histo.root"
svcMgr.NTupleSvc.Output = [
    "FILE1  DATAFILE='pythiaB.root'  OPT='NEW'  TYP='ROOT'"

# Add POOL persistency

from AthenaPoolCnvSvc.WriteAthenaPool import AthenaPoolOutputStream

Stream1 = AthenaPoolOutputStream("Stream1")
Stream1.ForceRead = TRUE
Stream1.OutputFile = "pythiaB.pool.root"
# 2101 = EventInfo
# 133273 = MCTruth (HepMC)
Stream1.ItemList += ["2101#*", "133273#*"]

AthenaSealSvc.CheckDictionary = TRUE

# End of job options file
elif hasattr(runArgs, "outputEVNT_PreFile"):
    poolFile = runArgs.outputEVNT_PreFile
    raise RuntimeError(
        "Output pool file, either EVNT or EVNT_Pre, is not known.")

#StreamEVGEN = AthenaPoolOutputStream("StreamEVGEN", runArgs.outputEVNTFile)
StreamEVGEN = AthenaPoolOutputStream("StreamEVGEN", poolFile)
if hasattr(runArgs, "inputEVNT_PreFile"):
    #  import AthenaPoolCnvSvc.ReadAthenaPool
    #  from AthenaCommon.AthenaCommonFlags import athenaCommonFlags
    #  athenaCommonFlags.PoolEvgenInput.set_Value_and_Lock( runArgs.inputEVNT_PreFile )
    svcMgr.EventSelector.InputCollections = runArgs.inputEVNT_PreFile
    StreamEVGEN.TakeItemsFromInput = True

StreamEVGEN.ForceRead = True
StreamEVGEN.ItemList += ["EventInfo#*", "McEventCollection#*"]
StreamEVGEN.RequireAlgs += ["EvgenFilterSeq"]
## Used for pile-up (remove dynamic variables except flavour labels)
if evgenConfig.saveJets:
    StreamEVGEN.ItemList += ["xAOD::JetContainer_v1#*"]
    StreamEVGEN.ItemList += [

## Set the run numbers
svcMgr.EventSelector.RunNumber = runArgs.runNumber
# TODO: set EventType::mc_channel_number = runArgs.runNumber

## Handle beam info
import EventInfoMgt.EventInfoMgtInit
    SkipEvents = runArgs.skipEvents
ServiceMgr.EventSelector.SkipEvents = SkipEvents

# Setup Output
if not hasattr(runArgs,"outputHitsFile"):
    raise RuntimeError("No outputHitsFile provided.")
Out = runArgs.outputHitsFile 
from AthenaPoolCnvSvc.WriteAthenaPool import AthenaPoolOutputStream
  StreamHITS = AthenaPoolOutputStream( "StreamHITS", Out, True )
  StreamHITS = AthenaPoolOutputStream( "StreamHITS", "DidNotSetOutputName.root", True )
StreamHITS.ForceRead=TRUE;  #force read of output data objs
# The next line is an example on how to exclude clid's if they are causing a  problem
#StreamHITS.ExcludeList = ['6421#*']

# Look for lists of filter algorithms
  StreamHITS.AcceptAlgs = AcceptList
  print "No accept algs indicated in AcceptList"
  StreamHITS.RequireAlgs = RequireList
  print "No accept algs indicated in RequireList"
  StreamHITS.VetoAlgs = VetoList
예제 #19
  if doWriteESD:
    # --- create stream
    StreamESD            = AthenaPoolOutputStream ( "StreamESD", InDetKeys.OutputESDFileName(),asAlg=True) 
    # --- save MC collections if truth turned on
    if InDetFlags.doTruth():
      StreamESD.ItemList += truthList
    # ---- load list of objects
    include ( "InDetRecExample/WriteInDetESD.py" )
    StreamESD.ItemList  += InDetESDList
    StreamESD.ItemList  += [ 'xAOD::EventInfo#EventInfo' , 'xAOD::EventAuxInfo#EventInfoAux.' ]
    # --- add trigger to IDRE standalone ESD
    StreamESD.ItemList += [ "TrigDec::TrigDecision#TrigDecision" ]
    StreamESD.ItemList += [ "HLT::HLTResult#HLTResult_L2" ]
    StreamESD.ItemList += [ "HLT::HLTResult#HLTResult_EF" ]
    StreamESD.ForceRead = True # otherwise unread stuff is not copied
    if InDetFlags.doDBMstandalone(): 

  if doWriteAOD:
    from OutputStreamAthenaPool.MultipleStreamManager import MSMgr
    # --- create *augmented* stream; this makes ROOT happy
    StreamAOD_Augmented   = MSMgr.NewPoolRootStream ( "StreamAOD", InDetKeys.OutputAODFileName() )
    # --- here is the old, backward-compatible event stream
    StreamAOD = StreamAOD_Augmented.GetEventStream()
    # --- save MC collections if truth turned on
    if InDetFlags.doTruth():
      StreamAOD.ItemList += truthList

    # --- load list of objects
    include ( "InDetRecExample/WriteInDetAOD.py" )