def generateInDetSensitiveDetectorList():
    SensitiveDetectorList = []

    from AtlasGeoModel.InDetGMJobProperties import GeometryFlags as geoFlags
    isUpgrade = geoFlags.Run() == "RUN3" or geoFlags.Run() == "RUN4" or (
        geoFlags.Run() == "UNDEFINED" and geoFlags.isSLHC())
    isRUN2 = geoFlags.Run() == "RUN2" or (geoFlags.Run() == "UNDEFINED"
                                          and geoFlags.isIBL())
    isRUN1 = not (isRUN2 or isUpgrade)

    from AthenaCommon.DetFlags import DetFlags
    if (isRUN1 or isRUN2) and DetFlags.simulate.BCM_on():
        SensitiveDetectorList += ['BCMSensorSD']
    #if isRUN2 and DetFlags.simulation.DBM_on():
    #    SensitiveDetectorList += [ 'DBMSensorSD' ]
    if DetFlags.simulate.pixel_on():
        if isRUN1 or isRUN2:
            SensitiveDetectorList += ['BLMSensorSD']
        SensitiveDetectorList += ['PixelSensorSD']
    if DetFlags.simulate.SCT_on():
        if isUpgrade:
            SensitiveDetectorList += ['SLHC_SctSensorSD']
            SensitiveDetectorList += ['SctSensorSD']
    if DetFlags.simulate.TRT_on() and not isUpgrade:
        SensitiveDetectorList += ['TRTSensitiveDetector']
    return SensitiveDetectorList
예제 #2
    def __init__(self, name="L1MuctpiTool"):

        LVL1MUCTPI__L1MuctpiTool.__init__(self, name)

        # Create a logger:
        from AthenaCommon.Logging import logging
        logger = logging.getLogger("L1MuctpiTool")

        # Set properties of the LUT overlap handling:
        self.OverlapStrategyName = "LUT"
        self.DumpLUT = False
        self.LUTXMLFile = "UNDEFINED"
        self.RunPeriod = "UNDEFINED"
        self.FlaggingMode = False
        self.MultiplicityStrategyName = "INCLUSIVE"

        # Decide which LUT to use, based on which run we are simulating:
        from AtlasGeoModel.InDetGMJobProperties import GeometryFlags as geoFlags
        if (geoFlags.Run() == "RUN1") or ((geoFlags.Run() == "UNDEFINED") and
                                          (geoFlags.isIBL() == False)):
            self.LUTXMLFile = "TrigConfMuctpi/data10_7TeV.periodI.physics_Muons.MuCTPI_LUT.NoBEOverlaps_composedEF.v002.xml"
            self.RunPeriod = "RUN1"
                "Configuring MuCTPI simulation with Run 1 configuration file:")
                "  TrigConfMuctpi/data10_7TeV.periodI.physics_Muons.MuCTPI_LUT.NoBEOverlaps_composedEF.v002.xml"
  "  with a RunPeriod=RUN1")
        elif (geoFlags.Run() == "RUN2") or ((geoFlags.Run() == "UNDEFINED") and
                                            (geoFlags.isIBL() == True)):
            self.LUTXMLFile = "TrigConfMuctpi/data10_7TeV.periodI.physics_Muons.MuCTPI_LUT.NoBEOverlaps_composedEF.v002_modifiedBB.xml"
            self.RunPeriod = "RUN2"
                "Configuring MuCTPI simulation with Run 2 configuration file:")
                "  TrigConfMuctpi/data10_7TeV.periodI.physics_Muons.MuCTPI_LUT.NoBEOverlaps_composedEF.v002_modifiedBB.xml"
  "  with a RunPeriod=RUN2")
            self.LUTXMLFile = "TrigConfMuctpi/data10_7TeV.periodI.physics_Muons.MuCTPI_LUT.NoBEOverlaps_composedEF.v002_modifiedBB.xml"
            self.RunPeriod = "RUN2"
                "Couldn't determine which run to simulate, using Run 2 configuration file:"
                "  TrigConfMuctpi/data10_7TeV.periodI.physics_Muons.MuCTPI_LUT.NoBEOverlaps_composedEF.v002_modifiedBB.xml"
            logger.warning("  with a RunPeriod=RUN2")


        # Set properties for NIM outputs ot L1Topo conversion from RoI to eta/phi
        self.GeometryXMLFile = "TrigConfMuctpi/TestMioctGeometry_2016_05_30_CS_2600573263.xml"

        # Turn on the NIM output creation by default:
        self.DoNIMOutput = True
        # The bit settings were extracted from here:
        self.NIMBarrelBit = 29
        self.NIMEndcapBit = 30
예제 #3
def getIDETEnvelope(name="IDET", **kwargs):
    from AtlasGeoModel.InDetGMJobProperties import GeometryFlags as geoFlags
    isUpgrade = geoFlags.Run() == "RUN3" or geoFlags.Run() == "RUN4" or (
        geoFlags.Run() == "UNDEFINED" and geoFlags.isSLHC())
    isRUN2 = geoFlags.Run() == "RUN2" or (geoFlags.Run() == "UNDEFINED"
                                          and geoFlags.isIBL())
    isRUN1 = not (isRUN2 or isUpgrade)

    kwargs.setdefault("DetectorName", "IDET")
    innerRadius = 37. * mm  # RUN1 default
    if isRUN2:
        innerRadius = 28.9 * mm  #29.15*mm
    if isUpgrade:
        innerRadius = 32.15 * mm
    kwargs.setdefault("InnerRadius", innerRadius)
    kwargs.setdefault("OuterRadius", 1.148 * m)
    kwargs.setdefault("dZ", 347.5 * cm)
    SubDetectorList = []
    from AthenaCommon.DetFlags import DetFlags
    if DetFlags.geometry.pixel_on():
        SubDetectorList += ['Pixel']
    if DetFlags.geometry.SCT_on():
        SubDetectorList += ['SCT']
    if DetFlags.geometry.TRT_on() and not isUpgrade:
        SubDetectorList += ['TRT']
    SubDetectorList += ['IDetServicesMat']
    kwargs.setdefault("SubDetectors", SubDetectorList)
    return CfgMgr.CylindricalEnvelope(name, **kwargs)
예제 #4
def getPixelPhysicsRegionTool(name='PixelPhysicsRegionTool', **kwargs):
    kwargs.setdefault("RegionName", 'Pixel')
    volumeList = ['Pixel::siLog', 'Pixel::siBLayLog']
    from AtlasGeoModel.InDetGMJobProperties import GeometryFlags as geoFlags
    if geoFlags.Run() == "RUN2" or (geoFlags.Run() == "UNDEFINED"
                                    and geoFlags.isIBL()):
        volumeList += ['Pixel::dbmDiamondLog']
    kwargs.setdefault("VolumeList", volumeList)
    kwargs.setdefault("ElectronCut", 0.05)
    kwargs.setdefault("PositronCut", 0.05)
    kwargs.setdefault("GammaCut", 0.05)
    return CfgMgr.RegionCreator(name, **kwargs)
예제 #5
def getTRTSensitiveDetector(name="TRTSensitiveDetector", **kwargs):
    bare_collection_name = "TRTUncompressedHits"
    mergeable_collection_suffix = "_G4"
    merger_input_property = "TRTUncompressedHits"
    hits_collection_name = generate_mergeable_collection_name(
        bare_collection_name, mergeable_collection_suffix,
    logicalVolumeNames = ["TRT::Gas", "TRT::GasMA"]
    from AtlasGeoModel.InDetGMJobProperties import GeometryFlags as geoFlags
    if geoFlags.Run() == "RUN2":
        ## RUN2 configuration
        logicalVolumeNames += [
            "TRT::Gas_Ar", "TRT::GasMA_Ar", "TRT::Gas_Kr", "TRT::GasMA_Kr"
    kwargs.setdefault("LogicalVolumeNames", logicalVolumeNames)

    kwargs.setdefault("OutputCollectionNames", [hits_collection_name])
    return CfgMgr.TRTSensitiveDetectorTool(name, **kwargs)


from AthenaCommon.AlgSequence import AlgSequence

algSeq = AlgSequence()

### GEO Business
from AthenaCommon.GlobalFlags import globalflags

print "detDescr from global flags= " + str(globalflags.DetDescrVersion)
from AtlasGeoModel.InDetGMJobProperties import GeometryFlags as geoFlags

print "geoFlags.Run()   = " + geoFlags.Run()
print "geoFlags.isIBL() = " + str(geoFlags.isIBL())

### THIS is the full retagging configuration
### this is if you want to re-tag with another calibration file
from BTagging.BTaggingConfiguration import getConfiguration
from BTagging.BTaggingFlags import BTaggingFlags

#### if the new file is already in the datatbase: simple edit the name
#BTaggingFlags.CalibrationTag = 'BTagCalibRUN12-08-18'
#### if you want to use your own calibration file use this part below
if RETAG & (LocalCalibSuffix != 'WHATEVER'):
    BTaggingFlags.CalibrationFromLocalReplica = True
    BTaggingFlags.TrigCalibrationFolderRoot = '/GLOBAL/TrigBTagCalib/'
    BTaggingFlags.TrigCalibrationTag = LocalCalibSuffix
예제 #7
# Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration

# Configuration functions for IP2DNegTag
# Author: Wouter van den Wollenberg (2013-2014)
from BTagging.BTaggingFlags import BTaggingFlags
from AtlasGeoModel.InDetGMJobProperties import GeometryFlags as geoFlags
from IOVDbSvc.CondDB import conddb
btagrun1 = False
if conddb.dbdata == 'COMP200':
    btagrun1 = True
elif conddb.isMC:
    btagrun1 = (geoFlags.Run() == "RUN1" or
                (geoFlags.Run() == "UNDEFINED" and geoFlags.isIBL() == False))

metaIP2DNegTag = {
    'DependsOn': [
        'AtlasExtrapolator', 'BTagTrackToVertexTool', 'InDetVKalVxInJetTool',
        'BTagFullLinearizedTrackFactory', 'BTagTrackToVertexIPEstimator',
        'IP2DNegNewLikelihoodTool', 'IP2DNegTrackSelector',
        'SVForIPTool_IP2DNeg', 'IP2DNegBasicTrackGradeFactory',
    'PassByPointer': {
        'SVForIPTool': 'SVForIPTool_IP2DNeg',
        'trackSelectorTool': 'IP2DNegTrackSelector',
        'trackGradeFactory': 'IP2DNegDetailedTrackGradeFactory',
        #                                          'trackToVertexTool'          : 'BTagTrackToVertexTool',
            if not conddb.folderRequested('/PIXEL/DCS/TEMPERATURE'):
                conddb.addFolder("DCS_OFL", "/PIXEL/DCS/TEMPERATURE")
            if not conddb.folderRequested('/PIXEL/DCS/HV'):
                conddb.addFolder("DCS_OFL", "/PIXEL/DCS/HV")
            if not conddb.folderRequested('/PIXEL/DCS/FSMSTATUS'):
                conddb.addFolder("DCS_OFL", "/PIXEL/DCS/FSMSTATUS")
            if not conddb.folderRequested('/PIXEL/DCS/FSMSTATE'):
                conddb.addFolder("DCS_OFL", "/PIXEL/DCS/FSMSTATE")
            from AtlasGeoModel.InDetGMJobProperties import GeometryFlags as geoFlags
            if (rec.doMonitoring() and globalflags.DataSource() == 'data'
                    and geoFlags.Run() == "RUN2"
                    and conddb.dbdata == "CONDBR2"):
                # geoFlags.isIBL() == True may work too instead of geoFlags.Run() == "RUN2"
                if not conddb.folderRequested('/PIXEL/DCS/PIPES'):
                    conddb.addFolder("DCS_OFL", "/PIXEL/DCS/PIPES")
                if not conddb.folderRequested('/PIXEL/DCS/LV'):
                    conddb.addFolder("DCS_OFL", "/PIXEL/DCS/LV")
                if not conddb.folderRequested('/PIXEL/DCS/HVCURRENT'):
                    conddb.addFolder("DCS_OFL", "/PIXEL/DCS/HVCURRENT")
                # not used anymore
                # if not conddb.folderRequested('/PIXEL/DCS/PLANTS'):
                #    conddb.addFolder("DCS_OFL","/PIXEL/DCS/PLANTS")

            InDetPixelDCSSvc = PixelDCSSvc(
예제 #9
def getATLAS_RegionCreatorList():
    regionCreatorList = []
    from AtlasGeoModel.InDetGMJobProperties import GeometryFlags as geoFlags
    isUpgrade = geoFlags.Run() == "RUN3" or geoFlags.Run() == "RUN4" or (
        geoFlags.Run() == "UNDEFINED" and geoFlags.isSLHC())
    isRUN2 = geoFlags.Run() == "RUN2" or (geoFlags.Run() == "UNDEFINED"
                                          and geoFlags.isIBL())

    from G4AtlasApps.SimFlags import simFlags
    from AthenaCommon.DetFlags import DetFlags
    from AthenaCommon.BeamFlags import jobproperties
    if jobproperties.Beam.beamType() == 'cosmics' or \
           (simFlags.CavernBG.statusOn and not 'Signal' in simFlags.CavernBG.get_Value() ):
        regionCreatorList += [
            'SX1PhysicsRegionTool', 'BedrockPhysicsRegionTool',
        #regionCreatorList += ['CavernShaftsAirPhysicsRegionTool'] # Not used currently
    if DetFlags.ID_on():
        if DetFlags.pixel_on():
            regionCreatorList += ['PixelPhysicsRegionTool']
        if DetFlags.SCT_on():
            regionCreatorList += ['SCTPhysicsRegionTool']
        if DetFlags.TRT_on() and not isUpgrade:
            regionCreatorList += ['TRTPhysicsRegionTool']
            if isRUN2:
                regionCreatorList += ['TRT_ArPhysicsRegionTool'
                                      ]  #'TRT_KrPhysicsRegionTool'
        # FIXME dislike the ordering here, but try to maintain the same ordering as in the old configuration.
        if DetFlags.bpipe_on():
            if simFlags.BeamPipeSimMode.statusOn and simFlags.BeamPipeSimMode(
            ) != "Normal":
                regionCreatorList += ['BeampipeFwdCutPhysicsRegionTool']
            if simFlags.ForwardDetectors.statusOn and simFlags.ForwardDetectors(
            ) == 2:
                regionCreatorList += ['FWDBeamLinePhysicsRegionTool']
    if DetFlags.Calo_on():
        if DetFlags.geometry.LAr_on():
            ## Shower parameterization overrides the calibration hit flag
            if simFlags.LArParameterization.statusOn and simFlags.LArParameterization() > 0 \
                    and simFlags.CalibrationRun.statusOn and simFlags.CalibrationRun.get_Value() in ['LAr','LAr+Tile','DeadLAr']:
                print 'You requested both calibration hits and frozen showers / parameterization in the LAr.'
                print '  Such a configuration is not allowed, and would give junk calibration hits where the showers are modified.'
                print '  Please try again with a different value of either simFlags.LArParameterization (' + str(
                    )) + ') or simFlags.CalibrationRun (' + str(
                        simFlags.CalibrationRun.get_Value()) + ')'
                raise RuntimeError('Configuration not allowed')
            if simFlags.LArParameterization() > 0:
                regionCreatorList += [
                    'EMBPhysicsRegionTool', 'EMECPhysicsRegionTool',
                    'HECPhysicsRegionTool', 'FCALPhysicsRegionTool'
                # FIXME 'EMBPhysicsRegionTool' used for parametrization also - do we need a second instance??
                regionCreatorList += [
                    'EMECParaPhysicsRegionTool', 'FCALParaPhysicsRegionTool',
                if simFlags.LArParameterization.get_Value() > 1:
                    regionCreatorList += [
            elif simFlags.LArParameterization(
            ) is None or simFlags.LArParameterization() == 0:
                regionCreatorList += [
                    'EMBPhysicsRegionTool', 'EMECPhysicsRegionTool',
                    'HECPhysicsRegionTool', 'FCALPhysicsRegionTool'
    ## FIXME _initPR never called for FwdRegion??
    #if simFlags.ForwardDetectors.statusOn:
    #    if DetFlags.geometry.FwdRegion_on():
    #        regionCreatorList += ['FwdRegionPhysicsRegionTool']
    if DetFlags.Muon_on():
        regionCreatorList += [
            'DriftWallPhysicsRegionTool', 'DriftWall1PhysicsRegionTool',
        if simFlags.CavernBG.statusOn and simFlags.CavernBG.get_Value(
        ) != 'Read' and not (simFlags.RecordFlux.statusOn
                             and simFlags.RecordFlux()):
            regionCreatorList += ['MuonSystemFastPhysicsRegionTool']
    return regionCreatorList
예제 #10
# Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
# FLS: copied the original and rename every occurrence of IP2D -> IP2DTrighHybrid

# Configuration functions for IP2DTrigHybridTag
# Author: Wouter van den Wollenberg (2013-2014)
from BTagging.BTaggingFlags import BTaggingFlags
from AtlasGeoModel.InDetGMJobProperties import GeometryFlags as geoFlags
from IOVDbSvc.CondDB import conddb
btagrun1 = False
if conddb.dbdata == 'COMP200':
    btagrun1 = True
elif conddb.isMC:
    btagrun1 = (geoFlags.Run() == "RUN1" or (geoFlags.Run()
                                             == "UNDEFINED" and geoFlags.isIBL() == False))

metaIP2DTrigHybridTag = {'IsATagger': True,
                         'xAODBaseName': 'IP2DTrigHybrid',
                         'DependsOn': ['AtlasExtrapolator',
                         'PassByPointer': {'SVForIPTool': 'SVForIPTool_IP2DTrigHybrid',
                                           'trackSelectorTool': 'IP2DTrigHybridTrackSelector',
                                           'trackGradeFactory': 'IP2DTrigHybridDetailedTrackGradeFactory',
                                           #                                       'trackToVertexTool'          : 'BTagTrackToVertexTool',
예제 #11
    if rn is None:
            from G4AtlasApps.SimFlags import simFlags
            if simFlags.RunNumber.statusOn:
                rn = simFlags.RunNumber()
  "No SimFlags available - looks like HLT job")
    if rn is None:
            from RecExConfig.AutoConfiguration import GetRunNumber
            rn = GetRunNumber()
  "No Run Number available - assume latest cabling")

    from AtlasGeoModel.InDetGMJobProperties import GeometryFlags as geoFlags
    if geoFlags.Run() == "RUN1":
        if rn > 219651:  # choose RUN2 cabling for old geometry tags starting from 26-MAR-2013
            TileCablingType = 4
            msg.warning("Forcing RUN2 cabling for run %s with geometry %s" %
                        (rn, gbltg))
    elif geoFlags.Run() == "RUN2":
        if (
                globalflags.DataSource() != 'data' and rn >= 310000
        ) or rn >= 343000 or rn < 1:  # choose RUN2a cabling for R2 geometry tags starting from 31-Jan-2018
            TileCablingType = 5
                "Forcing RUN2a (2018) cabling for run %s with geometry %s" %
                (rn, gbltg))
            TileCablingType = 4