def get_ingest(self, options=dict()): """Does a GET request to /ws/admin/ingest. A webservice to ingest all or a CSV list of data resources into the biocache. An ingest will perform all the steps required to publish a data resource to the biocache. Args: options (dict, optional): Key-value pairs for any of the parameters to this API Endpoint. All parameters to the endpoint are supplied through the dictionary with their names being the key and their desired values being the value. A list of parameters that can be used are:: api_key -- string -- An apiKey to use to perform the task. Only validated api keys will be allowed to perform this action. dr -- string -- An optional CSV param that supports a list of one of more data resources to ingest Returns: void: Response from the API. Raises: APIException: When an error occurs while fetching the data from the remote API. This exception includes the HTTP Response code, an error message, and the HTTP body that was received in the request. """ # The base uri for api requests query_builder = Configuration.BASE_URI # Prepare query string for API call query_builder += "/ws/admin/ingest" # Process optional query parameters query_builder = APIHelper.append_url_with_query_parameters(query_builder, { "apiKey": options.get('api_key', None), "dr": options.get('dr', None) }) # Validate and preprocess url query_url = APIHelper.clean_url(query_builder) # Prepare headers headers = { "user-agent": "APIMATIC 2.0" } # Prepare and invoke the API call request to fetch the response response = unirest.get(query_url, headers=headers) # Error handling using HTTP status codes if response.code < 200 or response.code > 206: # 200 = HTTP OK raise APIException("HTTP Response Not OK", response.code, response.body)
def get_deleted_occurrences(self, date): """Does a GET request to /ws/occurrence/deleted. Returns the records uuids that have been deleted since the supplied date inclusive. Records will be deleted if they have been erroneously added as duplicates, or for datasets that require a full reload due to a lack of consistent identifiers within the dataset. Args: date (string): Date in "yyyy-MM-dd" format Returns: mixed: Response from the API. Raises: APIException: When an error occurs while fetching the data from the remote API. This exception includes the HTTP Response code, an error message, and the HTTP body that was received in the request. """ # The base uri for api requests query_builder = Configuration.BASE_URI # Prepare query string for API call query_builder += "/ws/occurrence/deleted" # Process optional query parameters query_builder = APIHelper.append_url_with_query_parameters(query_builder, { "date": date }) # Validate and preprocess url query_url = APIHelper.clean_url(query_builder) # Prepare headers headers = { "user-agent": "APIMATIC 2.0", "accept": "application/json" } # Prepare and invoke the API call request to fetch the response response = unirest.get(query_url, headers=headers) # Error handling using HTTP status codes if response.code < 200 or response.code > 206: # 200 = HTTP OK raise APIException("HTTP Response Not OK", response.code, response.body) return response.body
def get_endemic_species_list(self, options=dict()): """Does a GET request to /ws/explore/endemic/species. List endemic species within an area Args: options (dict, optional): Key-value pairs for any of the parameters to this API Endpoint. All parameters to the endpoint are supplied through the dictionary with their names being the key and their desired values being the value. A list of parameters that can be used are:: facets -- string -- The field on which to based the species list. This can be taxon_concept_lsid or species_guid fq -- string -- Filters to be applied to the original query. These are additional params of the form fq=INDEXEDFIELD:VALUE e.g. fq=kingdom:Fungi. See for all the fields that a queryable. q -- string -- The initial query. q=: will query anything, q=macropus will do a free text search for macropus, q=kingdom:Fungi will search for records with a kingdom of Fungi. For a listing of the fields that can be queried in a q=INDEXEDFIELD:VALUE fashion, see /index/fields. This will restrict the records that are considered in then region. For example this could allow people to restrict the service to endemic birds. wkt -- string -- The Well Known Text Area in which to provide the endemic species. Returns: mixed: Response from the API. Raises: APIException: When an error occurs while fetching the data from the remote API. This exception includes the HTTP Response code, an error message, and the HTTP body that was received in the request. """ # The base uri for api requests query_builder = Configuration.BASE_URI # Prepare query string for API call query_builder += "/ws/explore/endemic/species" # Process optional query parameters query_builder = APIHelper.append_url_with_query_parameters(query_builder, { "facets": options.get('facets', None), "fq": options.get('fq', None), "q": options.get('q', None), "wkt": options.get('wkt', None) if options.get('wkt', None) is not None else "POLYGON((160 -60,160 -25,180 -25,180 -60,160 -60))" }) # Validate and preprocess url query_url = APIHelper.clean_url(query_builder) # Prepare headers headers = { "user-agent": "APIMATIC 2.0", "accept": "application/json" } # Prepare and invoke the API call request to fetch the response response = unirest.get(query_url, headers=headers) # Error handling using HTTP status codes if response.code < 200 or response.code > 206: # 200 = HTTP OK raise APIException("HTTP Response Not OK", response.code, response.body) return response.body
def get_occurrence_facet_search(self, options=dict()): """Does a GET request to /ws/occurrence/facets. Use this service to retrieve counts for facets e.g. the number of taxa matching a query. Note: fq is ignore for this web service. If required, include any fq query into the q param with an AND clause. Args: options (dict, optional): Key-value pairs for any of the parameters to this API Endpoint. All parameters to the endpoint are supplied through the dictionary with their names being the key and their desired values being the value. A list of parameters that can be used are:: facets -- string -- Comma separated list of the fields to create facets on e.g. facets=basis_of_record. dir -- string -- Supports "asc" or "desc" flimit -- int -- Maximum number of facet values to return foffset -- int -- Facet offset, to enable paging fprefix -- string -- Limits facets to values that start with the supplied value fsort -- string -- Method in which to sort the facets either "count" or "index" lat -- double -- The decimal latitude to limit records to. Use with lon and radius to specify a "search" circle lon -- double -- The decimal latitude to limit records to. Use with lon and radius to specify a "search" circle lookup -- bool -- Only suitable for facets that are returning taxon GUIDs (e.g.species_guid) If set to true this will try to perform a taxon lookup against the guid and will return additional taxon information q -- string -- Query of the form field:value e.g. q=genus:Macropus or a free text search e.g. q=Macropus radius -- double -- The radius in which to limit records (relative to the lat, lon point). Use with lat and lon to specify a "search" circle. sort -- string -- The indexed field to sort by start_index -- int -- Record offset, to enable paging wkt -- string -- The polygon area in which to limit records. Returns: mixed: Response from the API. Raises: APIException: When an error occurs while fetching the data from the remote API. This exception includes the HTTP Response code, an error message, and the HTTP body that was received in the request. """ # The base uri for api requests query_builder = Configuration.BASE_URI # Prepare query string for API call query_builder += "/ws/occurrence/facets" # Process optional query parameters query_builder = APIHelper.append_url_with_query_parameters(query_builder, { "facets": options.get('facets', None), "dir": options.get('dir', None), "flimit": options.get('flimit', None), "foffset": options.get('foffset', None), "fprefix": options.get('fprefix', None), "fsort": options.get('fsort', None), "lat": options.get('lat', None) if options.get('lat', None) is not None else -41.290817, "lon": options.get('lon', None) if options.get('lon', None) is not None else 174.753377, "lookup": options.get('lookup', None), "q": options.get('q', None), "radius": options.get('radius', None) if options.get('radius', None) is not None else 20, "sort": options.get('sort', None), "startIndex": options.get('start_index', None), "wkt": options.get('wkt', None) if options.get('wkt', None) is not None else "POLYGON((160 -60,160 -25,180 -25,180 -60,160 -60))" }) # Validate and preprocess url query_url = APIHelper.clean_url(query_builder) # Prepare headers headers = { "user-agent": "APIMATIC 2.0", "accept": "application/json" } # Prepare and invoke the API call request to fetch the response response = unirest.get(query_url, headers=headers) # Error handling using HTTP status codes if response.code < 200 or response.code > 206: # 200 = HTTP OK raise APIException("HTTP Response Not OK", response.code, response.body) return response.body
def get_occurrence_facet_download(self, options=dict()): """Does a GET request to /ws/occurrences/facets/download. CSV download of a facet. In addition to the parameters listed, range based faceting is supported by using the SOLR parameters. The facets, q and fq values support the stored & indexed fields Args: options (dict, optional): Key-value pairs for any of the parameters to this API Endpoint. All parameters to the endpoint are supplied through the dictionary with their names being the key and their desired values being the value. A list of parameters that can be used are:: facets -- string -- eg. species_guid fq -- list of string -- additional filters. eg. fq=state_conservation:Endangered q -- string -- Query of the form field:value e.g. q=genus:Macropus or a free text search e.g. q=Macropus Returns: binary: Response from the API. Raises: APIException: When an error occurs while fetching the data from the remote API. This exception includes the HTTP Response code, an error message, and the HTTP body that was received in the request. """ # The base uri for api requests query_builder = Configuration.BASE_URI # Prepare query string for API call query_builder += "/ws/occurrences/facets/download" # Process optional query parameters query_builder = APIHelper.append_url_with_query_parameters(query_builder, { "facets": options.get('facets', None), "fq": options.get('fq', None), "q": options.get('q', None) }) # Validate and preprocess url query_url = APIHelper.clean_url(query_builder) # Prepare headers headers = { "user-agent": "APIMATIC 2.0" } # Prepare and invoke the API call request to fetch the response response = unirest.get(query_url, headers=headers) # Error handling using HTTP status codes if response.code < 200 or response.code > 206: # 200 = HTTP OK raise APIException("HTTP Response Not OK", response.code, response.body) return response.body
def retrieve_geojson_cluster_for_group(self, options=dict()): """Does a GET request to /ws/geojson/radius-points. Supports the additional parameters pageSize, start, sort, dir - to allow paging through the results Args: options (dict, optional): Key-value pairs for any of the parameters to this API Endpoint. All parameters to the endpoint are supplied through the dictionary with their names being the key and their desired values being the value. A list of parameters that can be used are:: dir -- string -- dir fq -- list of string -- The filter query group -- string -- Species group lat -- double -- The latitude to limit the query by (must be used with lon and radius) lon -- double -- The longitude to limit the query by (must be used with lat and radius) page_size -- int -- Number of records to return q -- string -- The query which defaults to : when not supplied radius -- string -- The radius in km to limit the search to. must be used with lat and lon. sort -- string -- sort start -- int -- Record offset, to enable paging Returns: mixed: Response from the API. Raises: APIException: When an error occurs while fetching the data from the remote API. This exception includes the HTTP Response code, an error message, and the HTTP body that was received in the request. """ # The base uri for api requests query_builder = Configuration.BASE_URI # Prepare query string for API call query_builder += "/ws/geojson/radius-points" # Process optional query parameters query_builder = APIHelper.append_url_with_query_parameters(query_builder, { "dir": options.get('dir', None), "fq": options.get('fq', None), "group": options.get('group', None), "lat": options.get('lat', None) if options.get('lat', None) is not None else -41.290817, "lon": options.get('lon', None) if options.get('lon', None) is not None else 174.753377, "pageSize": options.get('page_size', None), "q": options.get('q', None), "radius": options.get('radius', None) if options.get('radius', None) is not None else "20", "sort": options.get('sort', None), "start": options.get('start', None) }) # Validate and preprocess url query_url = APIHelper.clean_url(query_builder) # Prepare headers headers = { "user-agent": "APIMATIC 2.0", "accept": "application/json" } # Prepare and invoke the API call request to fetch the response response = unirest.get(query_url, headers=headers) # Error handling using HTTP status codes if response.code < 200 or response.code > 206: # 200 = HTTP OK raise APIException("HTTP Response Not OK", response.code, response.body) return response.body
def get_occurrence_download(self, options=dict()): """Does a GET request to /ws/occurrences/index/download. Occurrence download. Downloads of the following formats are supported: CSV SHAPE The output format is determined based on the fileType param. The download will return a ZIP file that contains the data in the requested format and a Readme and citataion.csv. Please be aware that a shape file download will be large. Each of the fields is included as a feature. It is advised to select a subset of information to be included. Args: options (dict, optional): Key-value pairs for any of the parameters to this API Endpoint. All parameters to the endpoint are supplied through the dictionary with their names being the key and their desired values being the value. A list of parameters that can be used are:: reason_type_id -- int -- A reason code for the download. See reasons for valid values. email -- string -- The email address of the user performing the download. esc -- string -- The Escape character to use for a CSV file. This will default to " in order to produce an Excel compliant CSV file. extra -- string -- a CSV list of fields in include in addition to the "fields". This is useful if you would like to make use of the default fields and include extra fields. fields -- string -- A CSV list of fields to include in the download. This can be an index field name OR a Darwin Core Field name. There is a default list that is included if no value is supplied. file -- string -- The name of the file to produce. This will default to data. file_type -- string -- The file format for the download. Either csv or shp. When no value is supplied csv is assumed. fq -- list of string -- Filters to be applied to the original query. These are additional params of the form fq=INDEXEDFIELD:VALUE e.g. fq=kingdom:Fungi. See for all the fields that a queryable. lat -- double -- The decimal latitude to limit records to. Use with lon and radius to specify a "search" circle lon -- double -- The decimal latitude to limit records to. Use with lon and radius to specify a "search" circle q -- string -- Query of the form field:value e.g. q=genus:Macropus or a free text search e.g. q=Macropus qa -- string -- A CSV list of record issues to include in the download. See assertions for possible values to include. When no value is supplied all the record issues are included. To include NO record issues set this value to none. radius -- double -- The radius in which to limit records (relative to the lat, lon point). Use with lat and lon to specify a "search" circle. reason -- string -- A user supplied description of the reason for the download sep -- string -- The separator character to use for a CSV file. This will default to , . source_type_id -- OccurrenceDownloadSourceTypeIdTypeEnum -- A source type code for the download. This indicates which system requested the download. See sources for valid values. wkt -- string -- The polygon area in which to limit records. Returns: binary: Response from the API. Raises: APIException: When an error occurs while fetching the data from the remote API. This exception includes the HTTP Response code, an error message, and the HTTP body that was received in the request. """ # The base uri for api requests query_builder = Configuration.BASE_URI # Prepare query string for API call query_builder += "/ws/occurrences/index/download" # Process optional query parameters query_builder = APIHelper.append_url_with_query_parameters(query_builder, { "reasonTypeId": options.get('reason_type_id', None), "email": options.get('email', None), "esc": options.get('esc', None), "extra": options.get('extra', None), "fields": options.get('fields', None), "file": options.get('file', None), "fileType": options.get('file_type', None), "fq": options.get('fq', None), "lat": options.get('lat', None) if options.get('lat', None) is not None else -41.290817, "lon": options.get('lon', None) if options.get('lon', None) is not None else 174.753377, "q": options.get('q', None), "qa": options.get('qa', None), "radius": options.get('radius', None) if options.get('radius', None) is not None else 20, "reason": options.get('reason', None), "sep": options.get('sep', None), "sourceTypeId": options.get('source_type_id', None).to_string() if options.get('source_type_id', None) is not None else None, "wkt": options.get('wkt', None) if options.get('wkt', None) is not None else "POLYGON((160 -60,160 -25,180 -25,180 -60,160 -60))" }) # Validate and preprocess url query_url = APIHelper.clean_url(query_builder) # Prepare headers headers = { "user-agent": "APIMATIC 2.0" } # Prepare and invoke the API call request to fetch the response response = unirest.get(query_url, headers=headers) # Error handling using HTTP status codes if response.code < 200 or response.code > 206: # 200 = HTTP OK raise APIException("HTTP Response Not OK", response.code, response.body) return response.body
def get_download_list_of_species_in_group(self, options=dict()): """Does a GET request to /ws/explore/group/{group}/download. Retrieve all species groups and counts. The first count is total number of occurrence, the second is the number of distinct species Args: options (dict, optional): Key-value pairs for any of the parameters to this API Endpoint. All parameters to the endpoint are supplied through the dictionary with their names being the key and their desired values being the value. A list of parameters that can be used are:: group -- string -- group fq -- list of string -- The filter query lat -- double -- The latitude to limit the query by (must be used with lon and radius) lon -- double -- The longitude to limit the query by (must be used with lat and radius) q -- string -- The query which defaults to : when not supplied radius -- int -- The radius in km of the circle to limit to (must be used with lat and lon) Returns: binary: Response from the API. Raises: APIException: When an error occurs while fetching the data from the remote API. This exception includes the HTTP Response code, an error message, and the HTTP body that was received in the request. """ # The base uri for api requests query_builder = Configuration.BASE_URI # Prepare query string for API call query_builder += "/ws/explore/group/{group}/download" # Process optional template parameters query_builder = APIHelper.append_url_with_template_parameters(query_builder, { "group": options.get('group', None) }) # Process optional query parameters query_builder = APIHelper.append_url_with_query_parameters(query_builder, { "fq": options.get('fq', None), "lat": options.get('lat', None) if options.get('lat', None) is not None else -41.290817, "lon": options.get('lon', None) if options.get('lon', None) is not None else 174.753377, "q": options.get('q', None), "radius": options.get('radius', None) if options.get('radius', None) is not None else 20 }) # Validate and preprocess url query_url = APIHelper.clean_url(query_builder) # Prepare headers headers = { "user-agent": "APIMATIC 2.0" } # Prepare and invoke the API call request to fetch the response response = unirest.get(query_url, headers=headers) # Error handling using HTTP status codes if response.code < 200 or response.code > 206: # 200 = HTTP OK raise APIException("HTTP Response Not OK", response.code, response.body) return response.body
def get_occurrence_search(self, options=dict()): """Does a GET request to /ws/occurrences/search. JSON occurrence search. In addition to the parameters listed, range based faceting is supported by using the SOLR parameters. Args: options (dict, optional): Key-value pairs for any of the parameters to this API Endpoint. All parameters to the endpoint are supplied through the dictionary with their names being the key and their desired values being the value. A list of parameters that can be used are:: dir -- string -- Supports "asc" or "desc" facet -- string -- Supported values are "off" or "on". By default, its "on". This is worth switching off if facetting is not required, to reduce the JSON being sent. facets -- string -- Comma separated list of the fields to create facets on e.g. facets=basis_of_record. flimit -- int -- Maximum number of facet values to return foffset -- int -- Facet offset, to enable paging fprefix -- string -- Limits facets to values that start with the supplied value fq -- list of string -- Filters to be applied to the original query. These are additional params of the form fq=INDEXEDFIELD:VALUE e.g. fq=kingdom:Fungi. See for all the fields that a queryable. fsort -- string -- Method in which to sort the facets either "count" or "index" lat -- double -- The decimal latitude to limit records to. Use with lon and radius to specify a "search" circle lon -- double -- The decimal latitude to limit records to. Use with lon and radius to specify a "search" circle page_size -- int -- Number of records to return q -- string -- Query of the form field:value e.g. q=genus:Macropus or a free text search e.g. q=Macropus radius -- double -- The radius in which to limit records (relative to the lat, lon point). Use with lat and lon to specify a "search" circle. sort -- string -- The indexed field to sort by start_index -- int -- Record offset, to enable paging wkt -- string -- The polygon area in which to limit records. Returns: mixed: Response from the API. Raises: APIException: When an error occurs while fetching the data from the remote API. This exception includes the HTTP Response code, an error message, and the HTTP body that was received in the request. """ # The base uri for api requests query_builder = Configuration.BASE_URI # Prepare query string for API call query_builder += "/ws/occurrences/search" # Process optional query parameters query_builder = APIHelper.append_url_with_query_parameters(query_builder, { "dir": options.get('dir', None), "facet": options.get('facet', None) if options.get('facet', None) is not None else "on", "facets": options.get('facets', None), "flimit": options.get('flimit', None), "foffset": options.get('foffset', None), "fprefix": options.get('fprefix', None), "fq": options.get('fq', None), "fsort": options.get('fsort', None), "lat": options.get('lat', None) if options.get('lat', None) is not None else -41.290817, "lon": options.get('lon', None) if options.get('lon', None) is not None else 174.753377, "pageSize": options.get('page_size', None), "q": options.get('q', None), "radius": options.get('radius', None) if options.get('radius', None) is not None else 20, "sort": options.get('sort', None), "startIndex": options.get('start_index', None), "wkt": options.get('wkt', None) if options.get('wkt', None) is not None else "POLYGON((160 -60,160 -25,180 -25,180 -60,160 -60))" }) # Validate and preprocess url query_url = APIHelper.clean_url(query_builder) # Prepare headers headers = { "user-agent": "APIMATIC 2.0", "accept": "application/json" } # Prepare and invoke the API call request to fetch the response response = unirest.get(query_url, headers=headers) # Error handling using HTTP status codes if response.code < 200 or response.code > 206: # 200 = HTTP OK raise APIException("HTTP Response Not OK", response.code, response.body) return response.body
def get_wms_get_map(self, options=dict()): """Does a GET request to /ws/ogc/wms/reflect. WMS services for point occurrence data Args: options (dict, optional): Key-value pairs for any of the parameters to this API Endpoint. All parameters to the endpoint are supplied through the dictionary with their names being the key and their desired values being the value. A list of parameters that can be used are:: dir -- int -- Supports "asc" or "desc" env -- string -- Additional parameters. e.g. ENV=color%3Acd3844%3Bsize%3A3%3Bopacity%3A0.8. color - hex RGB values. e.g. colour:cd3844. size - radius of points in pixels. opacity - opacity value 0 - 1. sel - fq parameter applied to CQL_FILTER. Matching occurrences will be highlighted on the map in a Red circle. uncertainty - presence of the uncertainty parameter draws uncertainty circles to a fixed maximum of 30km. colormode - facet colouring type. -1 (default) use color value. grid map as density grid. Grid cells drawn are not restricted to within any query WKT parameters. facetname colour as categories in a facet. facetname,cutpoints colour as range in a facet using the supplied comma separated cutpoints. 4 to 10 values are required. Include minimum and maximum. Minimum and maximum values do not need to be accurate. e.g. colormode:year,1800,1900,1950,1970,1990,2010 facet -- string -- Supported values are "off" or "on". By default, its "on". This is worth switching off if facetting is not required, to reduce the JSON being sent. facets -- string -- Comma separated list of the fields to create facets on e.g. facets=basis_of_record. flimit -- int -- Maximum number of facet values to return foffset -- int -- Facet offset, to enable paging fprefix -- int -- Limits facets to values that start with the supplied value fq -- list of string -- Filters to be applied to the original query. These are additional params of the form fq=INDEXEDFIELD:VALUE e.g. fq=kingdom:Fungi. See for all the fields that a queryable. fsort -- int -- Method in which to sort the facets either "count" or "index" lat -- double -- The decimal latitude to limit records to. Use with lon and radius to specify a "search" circle lon -- double -- The decimal latitude to limit records to. Use with lon and radius to specify a "search" circle page_size -- int -- Number of records to return q -- string -- Query of the form field:value e.g. q=genus:Macropus or a free text search e.g. q=Macropus radius -- double -- The radius in which to limit records (relative to the lat, lon point). Use with lat and lon to specify a "search" circle. sort -- int -- The indexed field to sort by start_index -- int -- Record offset, to enable paging wkt -- string -- The polygon area in which to limit records. For information on Well known text Returns: binary: Response from the API. Raises: APIException: When an error occurs while fetching the data from the remote API. This exception includes the HTTP Response code, an error message, and the HTTP body that was received in the request. """ # The base uri for api requests query_builder = Configuration.BASE_URI # Prepare query string for API call query_builder += "/ws/ogc/wms/reflect" # Process optional query parameters query_builder = APIHelper.append_url_with_query_parameters( query_builder, { "dir": options.get("dir", None), "ENV": options.get("env", None), "facet": options.get("facet", None), "facets": options.get("facets", None), "flimit": options.get("flimit", None), "foffset": options.get("foffset", None), "fprefix": options.get("fprefix", None), "fq": options.get("fq", None), "fsort": options.get("fsort", None), "lat": options.get("lat", None) if options.get("lat", None) is not None else -41.290817, "lon": options.get("lon", None) if options.get("lon", None) is not None else 174.753377, "pageSize": options.get("page_size", None), "q": options.get("q", None), "radius": options.get("radius", None) if options.get("radius", None) is not None else 20, "sort": options.get("sort", None), "startIndex": options.get("start_index", None), "wkt": options.get("wkt", None) if options.get("wkt", None) is not None else "POLYGON((160 -60,160 -25,180 -25,180 -60,160 -60))", }, ) # Validate and preprocess url query_url = APIHelper.clean_url(query_builder) # Prepare headers headers = {"user-agent": "APIMATIC 2.0"} # Prepare and invoke the API call request to fetch the response response = unirest.get(query_url, headers=headers) # Error handling using HTTP status codes if response.code < 200 or response.code > 206: # 200 = HTTP OK raise APIException("HTTP Response Not OK", response.code, response.body) return response.body
def get_generate_static_map(self, options=dict()): """Does a GET request to /ws/mapping/wms/image. Generate a static image with various formatting options. Args: options (dict, optional): Key-value pairs for any of the parameters to this API Endpoint. All parameters to the endpoint are supplied through the dictionary with their names being the key and their desired values being the value. A list of parameters that can be used are:: extents -- string -- minx,miny,maxx,maxy 160.0,-60.0,180.0,-25.0 baselayer -- string -- Base layer to use from baselayer_prefix -- string -- Default "ALA:" dpi -- string -- Dots per inch. Default is 300. file_name -- string -- File name to use format -- string -- Default 'jpg' fq -- string -- Filters to be applied to the original query. These are additional params of the form fq=INDEXEDFIELD:VALUE e.g. fq=kingdom:Fungi. See for all the fields that a queryable. outline -- string -- Point outline. Default is false outline_colour -- string -- Default #000000 pcolour -- string -- Point colour in hex. Default is FF0000 popacity -- string -- Point opacity. Default is 0.8 pradiusmm -- string -- Species point radius in mm, integer pradiuspx -- string -- Species point radius in pixels, integer. Only pradiuspx or pradiusmm need be supplied. If both supplied, pradiuspx takes precendence. q -- string -- Query of the form field:value e.g. q=genus:Macropus or a free text search e.g. q=Macropus scale -- string -- Include a scale. DefaultValue = "off". widthmm -- string -- Image width in mm Returns: binary: Response from the API. Raises: APIException: When an error occurs while fetching the data from the remote API. This exception includes the HTTP Response code, an error message, and the HTTP body that was received in the request. """ # The base uri for api requests query_builder = Configuration.BASE_URI # Prepare query string for API call query_builder += "/ws/mapping/wms/image" # Process optional query parameters query_builder = APIHelper.append_url_with_query_parameters( query_builder, { "extents": options.get("extents", None), "baselayer": options.get("baselayer", None), "baselayerPrefix": options.get("baselayer_prefix", None) if options.get("baselayer_prefix", None) is not None else "ALA", "dpi": options.get("dpi", None) if options.get("dpi", None) is not None else "300", "fileName": options.get("file_name", None), "format": options.get("format", None) if options.get("format", None) is not None else "jpg", "fq": options.get("fq", None), "outline": options.get("outline", None) if options.get("outline", None) is not None else "false", "outlineColour": options.get("outline_colour", None) if options.get("outline_colour", None) is not None else "0x000000", "pcolour": options.get("pcolour", None) if options.get("pcolour", None) is not None else "FF0000", "popacity": options.get("popacity", None) if options.get("popacity", None) is not None else "0.8", "pradiusmm": options.get("pradiusmm", None), "pradiuspx": options.get("pradiuspx", None), "q": options.get("q", None), "scale": options.get("scale", None) if options.get("scale", None) is not None else "off", "widthmm": options.get("widthmm", None), }, ) # Validate and preprocess url query_url = APIHelper.clean_url(query_builder) # Prepare headers headers = {"user-agent": "APIMATIC 2.0"} # Prepare and invoke the API call request to fetch the response response = unirest.get(query_url, headers=headers) # Error handling using HTTP status codes if response.code < 200 or response.code > 206: # 200 = HTTP OK raise APIException("HTTP Response Not OK", response.code, response.body) return response.body
def get_scatterplot_image(self, options=dict()): """Does a GET request to /ws/scatterplot. Return an image for occurrences and two environmental layers as a scatterplot. Args: options (dict, optional): Key-value pairs for any of the parameters to this API Endpoint. All parameters to the endpoint are supplied through the dictionary with their names being the key and their desired values being the value. A list of parameters that can be used are:: q -- string -- Query of the form field:value e.g. q=genus:Macropus or a free text search e.g. q=Macropus x -- string -- Environmental layer for the X dimension of the scatterplot. See fields at with dataType=double. y -- string -- Environmental layer for the Y dimension of the scatterplot. See fields at with dataType=double. fq -- list of string -- Filters to be applied to the original query. These are additional params of the form fq=INDEXEDFIELD:VALUE e.g. fq=kingdom:Fungi. See for all the fields that a queryable. height -- int -- Height of the returned image in pixels. The default value is 256. pointcolour -- string -- Colour of the occurrence points. The default value is 0000FF (blue). pointradius -- string -- Size of occurrence points. The default value is 3. width -- int -- Widith of the returned image in pixels. The default value is 256. Returns: binary: Response from the API. Raises: APIException: When an error occurs while fetching the data from the remote API. This exception includes the HTTP Response code, an error message, and the HTTP body that was received in the request. """ # The base uri for api requests query_builder = Configuration.BASE_URI # Prepare query string for API call query_builder += "/ws/scatterplot" # Process optional query parameters query_builder = APIHelper.append_url_with_query_parameters(query_builder, { "q": options.get('q', None), "x": options.get('x', None), "y": options.get('y', None), "fq": options.get('fq', None), "height": options.get('height', None), "pointcolour": options.get('pointcolour', None), "pointradius": options.get('pointradius', None), "width": options.get('width', None) }) # Validate and preprocess url query_url = APIHelper.clean_url(query_builder) # Prepare headers headers = { "user-agent": "APIMATIC 2.0" } # Prepare and invoke the API call request to fetch the response response = unirest.get(query_url, headers=headers) # Error handling using HTTP status codes if response.code < 200 or response.code > 206: # 200 = HTTP OK raise APIException("HTTP Response Not OK", response.code, response.body) return response.body
def get_scatterplot_query(self, options=dict()): """Does a GET request to /ws/scatterplot/point.json. Returns x and y axis co-ordinates corresponding to image pixel points (origin top left) for two pointspointx1 pointx2 pointy1 pointy2 s&x=el874&y=el871&height=512&width=512&pointx1=200&pointy1=200&pointx2= 500&pointy2=0 Args: options (dict, optional): Key-value pairs for any of the parameters to this API Endpoint. All parameters to the endpoint are supplied through the dictionary with their names being the key and their desired values being the value. A list of parameters that can be used are:: fq -- list of string -- Filters to be applied to the original query. These are additional params of the form fq=INDEXEDFIELD:VALUE e.g. fq=kingdom:Fungi. See for all the fields that a queryable. height -- int -- Height of the returned image in pixels. The default value is 256. pointx_1 -- int -- X coordinate for the first scatterplot image pixel. Origin is the top left corner. pointx_2 -- int -- X coordinate for the second scatterplot image pixel. Origin is the top left corner. pointy_1 -- int -- Y coordinate for the first scatterplot image pixel. Origin is the top left corner. pointy_2 -- int -- Y coordinate for the second scatterplot image pixel. Origin is the top left corner. q -- string -- Query of the form field:value e.g. q=genus:Macropus or a free text search e.g. q=Macropus width -- int -- Widith of the returned image in pixels. The default value is 256. x -- string -- Environmental layer for the X dimension of the scatterplot. See fields at with dataType=double. y -- string -- Environmental layer for the Y dimension of the scatterplot. See fields at with dataType=double. Returns: mixed: Response from the API. Raises: APIException: When an error occurs while fetching the data from the remote API. This exception includes the HTTP Response code, an error message, and the HTTP body that was received in the request. """ # The base uri for api requests query_builder = Configuration.BASE_URI # Prepare query string for API call query_builder += "/ws/scatterplot/point.json" # Process optional query parameters query_builder = APIHelper.append_url_with_query_parameters(query_builder, { "fq": options.get('fq', None), "height": options.get('height', None), "pointx1": options.get('pointx_1', None), "pointx2": options.get('pointx_2', None), "pointy1": options.get('pointy_1', None), "pointy2": options.get('pointy_2', None), "q": options.get('q', None), "width": options.get('width', None), "x": options.get('x', None), "y": options.get('y', None) }) # Validate and preprocess url query_url = APIHelper.clean_url(query_builder) # Prepare headers headers = { "user-agent": "APIMATIC 2.0", "accept": "application/json" } # Prepare and invoke the API call request to fetch the response response = unirest.get(query_url, headers=headers) # Error handling using HTTP status codes if response.code < 200 or response.code > 206: # 200 = HTTP OK raise APIException("HTTP Response Not OK", response.code, response.body) return response.body