def trim_point_test(): flightLimits = FlightLimits() ctrlLimits = CtrlLimits() llc = LowLevelController(ctrlLimits) ap = GcasAutopilot(llc.xequil, llc.uequil, flightLimits, ctrlLimits) pass_fail = FlightLimitsPFA(flightLimits) pass_fail.break_on_error = False # ### Initial Conditions ### # initialState = [Vt, alpha, beta, phi, theta, psi, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, alt, power] initialState = [ 502.0, 0.03887505597600522, 0.0, 0.0, 0.03887505597600522, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1000.0, 9.05666543872074 ] # if not None will do animation. Try a filename ending in .gif or .mp4 (slow). Using '' will plot to the screen. animFilename = 'gcas_stable.gif' # Select Desired F-16 Plant f16_plant = 'morelli' # 'stevens' or 'morelli' tMax = 15 # simulation time xcg_mult = 1.0 # center of gravity multiplier val = 1.0 # other aerodynmic coefficient multipliers cxt_mult = val cyt_mult = val czt_mult = val clt_mult = val cmt_mult = val cnt_mult = val multipliers = (xcg_mult, cxt_mult, cyt_mult, czt_mult, clt_mult, cmt_mult, cnt_mult) der_func = lambda t, y: controlledF16( t, y, f16_plant, ap, llc, multipliers=multipliers)[0] passed, times, states, modes, ps_list, Nz_list, u_list = RunF16Sim(\ initialState, tMax, der_func, f16_plant, ap, llc, pass_fail, multipliers=multipliers) print("Simulation Conditions Passed: {}".format(passed)) if animFilename is not None: plot3d_anim(times, states, modes, ps_list, Nz_list, filename=animFilename)
def main(): 'main function' flightLimits = FlightLimits() ctrlLimits = CtrlLimits() llc = LowLevelController(ctrlLimits) ap = GcasAutopilot(llc.xequil, llc.uequil, flightLimits, ctrlLimits) pass_fail = FlightLimitsPFA(flightLimits) pass_fail.break_on_error = False ### Initial Conditions ### power = 9 # Power # Default alpha & beta alpha = deg2rad(2.1215) # Trim Angle of Attack (rad) beta = 0 # Side slip angle (rad) # Initial Attitude alt = 3600 Vt = 540 # Pass at Vtg = 540; Fail at Vtg = 550; phi = (pi / 2) * 0.5 # Roll angle from wings level (rad) theta = (-pi / 2) * 0.8 # Pitch angle from nose level (rad) psi = -pi / 4 # Yaw angle from North (rad) # Build Initial Condition Vectors # state = [VT, alpha, beta, phi, theta, psi, P, Q, R, pn, pe, h, pow] initialState = [ Vt, alpha, beta, phi, theta, psi, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, alt, power ] # if not None will do animation. Try a filename ending in .gif or .mp4 (slow). Using '' will plot to the screen. animFilename = 'gcas.gif' # Select Desired F-16 Plant f16_plant = 'morelli' # 'stevens' or 'morelli' tMax = 15 # simulation time xcg_mult = 1.0 # center of gravity multiplier val = 1.0 # other aerodynmic coefficient multipliers cxt_mult = val cyt_mult = val czt_mult = val clt_mult = val cmt_mult = val cnt_mult = val multipliers = (xcg_mult, cxt_mult, cyt_mult, czt_mult, clt_mult, cmt_mult, cnt_mult) der_func = lambda t, y: controlledF16( t, y, f16_plant, ap, llc, multipliers=multipliers)[0] passed, times, states, modes, ps_list, Nz_list, u_list = RunF16Sim(\ initialState, tMax, der_func, f16_plant, ap, llc, pass_fail, multipliers=multipliers) print("Simulation Conditions Passed: {}".format(passed)) if animFilename is not None: plot3d_anim(times, states, modes, ps_list, Nz_list, filename=animFilename)
def __init__(self): # Initial condition self.power_low = 9 self.power_high = 9 # Default alpha & beta self.alpha_low = deg2rad(21.215) self.alpha_high = deg2rad(2.1215) self.beta_low = 0 self.beta_high = 0 # Initial Attitude self.alt_low = 3600 self.alt_high = 3600 self.Vt_low = 540 self.Vt_high = 540 # Pass at Vtg = 540; Fail at Vtg = 550; self.phi_low = (pi / 2) * 0.5 self.phi_high = (pi / 2) * 0.5 # Roll angle from wings level (rad) self.theta_low = (-pi / 2) * 0.8 self.theta_high = (-pi / 2) * 0.8 # Pitch angle from nose level (rad) self.psi_low = -pi / 4 self.psi_high = -pi / 4 # Yaw angle from North (rad) # state = [VT, alpha, beta, phi, theta, psi, P, Q, R, pn, pe, h, pow, Nz, Ps, Ny] self.state_low = np.array([ self.Vt_low, self.alpha_low, self.beta_low, self.phi_low, self.theta_low, self.psi_low, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, self.alt_low, self.power_low, 0, 0, 0 ]) self.state_high = np.array([ self.Vt_high, self.alpha_high, self.beta_high, self.phi_high, self.theta_high, self.psi_high, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, self.alt_high, self.power_high, 0, 0, 0 ]) self.initial_space = spaces.Box(self.state_low, self.state_high, dtype=float) # Safety Constrains self.flightLimits = FlightLimits() state_high = np.full(len(self.state_low), np.inf) state_low = np.full(len(self.state_low), np.NINF) state_low[0] = self.flightLimits.vMin state_low[1] = self.flightLimits.alphaMinDeg state_low[2] = -self.flightLimits.betaMaxDeg state_low[11] = self.flightLimits.altitudeMin state_high[0] = self.flightLimits.vMax state_high[1] = self.flightLimits.alphaMaxDeg state_high[2] = self.flightLimits.betaMaxDeg state_high[11] = self.flightLimits.altitudeMax self.observation_space = spaces.Box( state_low, state_high, dtype=float) # Yaw angle from North (rad) # control limits self.ctrlLimits = CtrlLimits() self.u_low = np.array([ self.ctrlLimits.ThrottleMin, self.ctrlLimits.ElevatorMinDeg, self.ctrlLimits.AileronMinDeg, self.ctrlLimits.RudderMinDeg ]) self.u_high = np.array([ self.ctrlLimits.ThrottleMax, self.ctrlLimits.ElevatorMaxDeg, self.ctrlLimits.AileronMaxDeg, self.ctrlLimits.RudderMaxDeg ]) # Stable states self.xequil = np.array([502.0, 0.03887505597600522, 0.0, 0.0, 0.03887505597600522, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, \ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1000.0, 9.05666543872074], dtype=float).transpose() self.uequil = np.array( [0.13946204864060271, -0.7495784725828754, 0.0, 0.0], dtype=float).transpose() self.stable_state = np.concatenate((self.xequil, [0.0, 0.0, 0.0])) self.stable_action = np.concatenate((self.uequil, [0.0, 0.0, 0.0])) # Select Desired F-16 Plant self.f16_plant = 'morelli' # 'stevens' or 'morelli' xcg_mult = 1.0 # center of gravity multiplier val = 1.0 # other aerodynmic coefficient multipliers cxt_mult = val cyt_mult = val czt_mult = val clt_mult = val cmt_mult = val cnt_mult = val self.multipliers = (xcg_mult, cxt_mult, cyt_mult, czt_mult, clt_mult, cmt_mult, cnt_mult) self.ap = GcasAutopilot(self.xequil, self.uequil, self.flightLimits, self.ctrlLimits) self.pass_fail = FlightLimitsPFA(self.flightLimits) self.sim_step = 0.01 # Q: Penalty on State Error in LQR controller # These were chosen to try to achieve a natural frequency of 3 rad/sec and a damping ratio (zeta) of 0.707 # see the matlab code for more analysis of the resultant controllers # state = [VT, alpha, beta, phi, theta, psi, P, Q, R, pn, pe, h, pow, Nz, Ps, Ny] q_alpha = 1000 q_q = 0 q_Nz = 1500 q_beta = 0 q_p = 0 q_r = 0 q_ps_i = 1200 q_Ny_r_i = 3000 q_list = [ 0, q_alpha, q_beta, 0, 0, 0, q_p, q_q, q_r, 0, 0, 0, 0, q_Nz, q_ps_i, q_Ny_r_i ] self.Q = np.diag(q_list) # R: Penalty on Control Effort in LRQ controller r_elevator = 1 r_aileron = 1 r_rudder = 1 r_list = [0, r_elevator, r_aileron, r_rudder, 0, 0, 0] self.R = np.diag(r_list) self.viewer = None
class GymInterface: def __init__(self): # Initial condition self.power_low = 9 self.power_high = 9 # Default alpha & beta self.alpha_low = deg2rad(21.215) self.alpha_high = deg2rad(2.1215) self.beta_low = 0 self.beta_high = 0 # Initial Attitude self.alt_low = 3600 self.alt_high = 3600 self.Vt_low = 540 self.Vt_high = 540 # Pass at Vtg = 540; Fail at Vtg = 550; self.phi_low = (pi / 2) * 0.5 self.phi_high = (pi / 2) * 0.5 # Roll angle from wings level (rad) self.theta_low = (-pi / 2) * 0.8 self.theta_high = (-pi / 2) * 0.8 # Pitch angle from nose level (rad) self.psi_low = -pi / 4 self.psi_high = -pi / 4 # Yaw angle from North (rad) # state = [VT, alpha, beta, phi, theta, psi, P, Q, R, pn, pe, h, pow, Nz, Ps, Ny] self.state_low = np.array([ self.Vt_low, self.alpha_low, self.beta_low, self.phi_low, self.theta_low, self.psi_low, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, self.alt_low, self.power_low, 0, 0, 0 ]) self.state_high = np.array([ self.Vt_high, self.alpha_high, self.beta_high, self.phi_high, self.theta_high, self.psi_high, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, self.alt_high, self.power_high, 0, 0, 0 ]) self.initial_space = spaces.Box(self.state_low, self.state_high, dtype=float) # Safety Constrains self.flightLimits = FlightLimits() state_high = np.full(len(self.state_low), np.inf) state_low = np.full(len(self.state_low), np.NINF) state_low[0] = self.flightLimits.vMin state_low[1] = self.flightLimits.alphaMinDeg state_low[2] = -self.flightLimits.betaMaxDeg state_low[11] = self.flightLimits.altitudeMin state_high[0] = self.flightLimits.vMax state_high[1] = self.flightLimits.alphaMaxDeg state_high[2] = self.flightLimits.betaMaxDeg state_high[11] = self.flightLimits.altitudeMax self.observation_space = spaces.Box( state_low, state_high, dtype=float) # Yaw angle from North (rad) # control limits self.ctrlLimits = CtrlLimits() self.u_low = np.array([ self.ctrlLimits.ThrottleMin, self.ctrlLimits.ElevatorMinDeg, self.ctrlLimits.AileronMinDeg, self.ctrlLimits.RudderMinDeg ]) self.u_high = np.array([ self.ctrlLimits.ThrottleMax, self.ctrlLimits.ElevatorMaxDeg, self.ctrlLimits.AileronMaxDeg, self.ctrlLimits.RudderMaxDeg ]) # Stable states self.xequil = np.array([502.0, 0.03887505597600522, 0.0, 0.0, 0.03887505597600522, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, \ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1000.0, 9.05666543872074], dtype=float).transpose() self.uequil = np.array( [0.13946204864060271, -0.7495784725828754, 0.0, 0.0], dtype=float).transpose() self.stable_state = np.concatenate((self.xequil, [0.0, 0.0, 0.0])) self.stable_action = np.concatenate((self.uequil, [0.0, 0.0, 0.0])) # Select Desired F-16 Plant self.f16_plant = 'morelli' # 'stevens' or 'morelli' xcg_mult = 1.0 # center of gravity multiplier val = 1.0 # other aerodynmic coefficient multipliers cxt_mult = val cyt_mult = val czt_mult = val clt_mult = val cmt_mult = val cnt_mult = val self.multipliers = (xcg_mult, cxt_mult, cyt_mult, czt_mult, clt_mult, cmt_mult, cnt_mult) self.ap = GcasAutopilot(self.xequil, self.uequil, self.flightLimits, self.ctrlLimits) self.pass_fail = FlightLimitsPFA(self.flightLimits) self.sim_step = 0.01 # Q: Penalty on State Error in LQR controller # These were chosen to try to achieve a natural frequency of 3 rad/sec and a damping ratio (zeta) of 0.707 # see the matlab code for more analysis of the resultant controllers # state = [VT, alpha, beta, phi, theta, psi, P, Q, R, pn, pe, h, pow, Nz, Ps, Ny] q_alpha = 1000 q_q = 0 q_Nz = 1500 q_beta = 0 q_p = 0 q_r = 0 q_ps_i = 1200 q_Ny_r_i = 3000 q_list = [ 0, q_alpha, q_beta, 0, 0, 0, q_p, q_q, q_r, 0, 0, 0, 0, q_Nz, q_ps_i, q_Ny_r_i ] self.Q = np.diag(q_list) # R: Penalty on Control Effort in LRQ controller r_elevator = 1 r_aileron = 1 r_rudder = 1 r_list = [0, r_elevator, r_aileron, r_rudder, 0, 0, 0] self.R = np.diag(r_list) self.viewer = None def step(self, ut): u_ref = self.ap.get_u_ref(self.times[-1], self.states[-1]) u_deg = np.zeros((4, )) u_deg[1:4] = ut u_deg[0] = u_ref[3] u_deg[0:4] += self.uequil u_deg = np.clip(u_deg, self.u_low, self.u_high) xd, u, Nz, ps, Ny_r = F16ManullyControl(self.times[-1], self.states[-1], self.f16_plant, self.ap, \ self.x_ctrl, u_deg, multipliers=self.multipliers) self.pass_fail.advance(self.times[-1], self.states[-1], self.ap.state, xd, u, Nz, ps, Ny_r) self.Nz_list.append(Nz) self.ps_list.append(ps) self.u_list.append(u) t = self.times[-1] + self.sim_step state = self.states[-1] + self.sim_step * xd self.times.append(t) self.states.append(state) updated = self.ap.advance_discrete_state(self.times[-1], self.states[-1]) self.modes.append(self.ap.state) if updated: print("at time {}, state changes to {}".format( self.times[-1], self.ap.state)) done = (not self.pass_fail.result()) and self.pass_fail.break_on_error if not done: reward = self.reward_func(self.states[-1], self.u_list[-1]) else: reward = -1.0 return self.states[-1], reward, done, {} def reward_func(self, state, action): return -(np.sum(, np.abs(state-self.stable_state)))\ +np.sum(, np.abs(action-self.stable_action))))*1e-7 @property def x_ctrl(self): # Calculate perturbation from trim state x_delta = self.states[-1].copy() x_delta[:len(self.xequil)] -= self.xequil return np.array([x_delta[i] for i in [1, 7, 13, 2, 6, 8, 14, 15]], dtype=float) def reset(self, x0=None): if x0 is None: x0 = self.initial_space.sample() assert type(x0) is np.ndarray # run the numerical simulation self.times = [0.0] self.states = [x0] self.modes = [self.ap.state] self.Nz_list = [] self.ps_list = [] self.u_list = [] return x0