class Prediction_Data_validation: """ This class shall be used for handling all the validation done on the Raw Prediction Data!!. Written By: iNeuron Intelligence Version: 1.0 Revisions: None """ def __init__(self, path, execution_id): self.Batch_Directory = path self.execution_id = execution_id self.collection_name = "strength_schema_prediction" #code added by Avnish yadav self.database_name = "Wafer-sys" #code added by Avnish yadav self.logger_db_writer = App_LoggerDB( execution_id=execution_id) #code added by Avnish yadav self.mongdb = MongodbOperation() self.az_blob_mgt = AzureBlobManagement() self.good_directory_path = "good-raw-file-prediction-validated" self.bad_directory_path = "bad-raw-file-prediction-validated" def valuesFromSchema(self): """ Method Name: valuesFromSchema Description: This method extracts all the relevant information from the pre-defined "Schema" file. Output: LengthOfDateStampInFile, LengthOfTimeStampInFile, column_names, Number of Columns On Failure: Raise ValueError,KeyError,Exception Written By: iNeuron Intelligence Version: 1.0 Revisions: None """ log_database = "strength_prediction_log" log_collection = "values_from_schema_validation" try: log_database = "wafer_prediction_log" log_collection = "values_from_schema_validation" df_schema_training = self.mongdb.getDataFrameofCollection( self.database_name, self.collection_name) dic = {} [ dic.update({i: df_schema_training.loc[0, i]}) for i in df_schema_training.columns ] del df_schema_training #with open(self.schema_path, 'r') as f: # dic = json.load(f) # f.close() pattern = dic['SampleFileName'] LengthOfDateStampInFile = dic['LengthOfDateStampInFile'] LengthOfTimeStampInFile = dic['LengthOfTimeStampInFile'] column_names = dic['ColName'] NumberofColumns = dic['NumberofColumns'] #file = open("Training_Logs/valuesfromSchemaValidationLog.txt", 'a+') message = "LengthOfDateStampInFile:: %s" % LengthOfDateStampInFile + "\t" + "LengthOfTimeStampInFile:: %s" % LengthOfTimeStampInFile + "\t " + "NumberofColumns:: %s" % NumberofColumns + "\n" self.logger_db_writer.log(log_database, log_collection, message) #file.close() except ValueError: self.logger_db_writer.log( log_database, log_collection, "KeyError:Key value error incorrect key passed") raise ValueError except KeyError: self.logger_db_writer.log( log_database, log_collection, "KeyError:Key value error incorrect key passed") raise KeyError except Exception as e: self.logger_db_writer.log(log_database, log_collection, str(e)) raise e return LengthOfDateStampInFile, LengthOfTimeStampInFile, column_names, NumberofColumns def manualRegexCreation(self): """ Method Name: manualRegexCreation Description: This method contains a manually defined regex based on the "FileName" given in "Schema" file. This Regex is used to validate the filename of the prediction data. Output: Regex pattern On Failure: None Written By: iNeuron Intelligence Version: 1.0 Revisions: None """ regex = "['cement_strength']+['\_'']+[\d_]+[\d]+\.csv" return regex def createDirectoryForGoodBadRawData(self): """ Method Name: createDirectoryForGoodBadRawData Description: This method creates directories to store the Good Data and Bad Data after validating the prediction data. Output: None On Failure: OSError Written By: iNeuron Intelligence Version: 1.0 Revisions: None """ log_database = "strength_prediction_log" log_collection = "general_log" try: log_database = "strength_prediction_log" log_collection = "general_log" self.az_blob_mgt.createDir(self.good_directory_path, is_replace=True) self.az_blob_mgt.createDir(self.bad_directory_path, is_replace=True) msg = self.good_directory_path + " and " + self.bad_directory_path + " created successfully." self.logger_db_writer.log(log_database, log_collection, msg) except Exception as e: msg = "Error Occured in class Prediction_Data_validation method:createDirectoryForGoodBadRawData error: Failed to create directory " + self.good_directory_path + " and " + self.bad_directory_path self.logger_db_writer.log(log_database, log_collection, msg) raise e def deleteExistingGoodDataTrainingFolder(self): """ Method Name: deleteExistingGoodDataTrainingFolder Description: This method deletes the directory made to store the Good Data after loading the data in the table. Once the good files are loaded in the DB,deleting the directory ensures space optimization. Output: None On Failure: OSError Written By: iNeuron Intelligence Version: 1.0 Revisions: None """ log_database = "strength_prediction_log" log_collection = "general_log" try: log_database = "strength_prediction_log" log_collection = "general_log" self.az_blob_mgt.deleteDir(self.good_directory_path) self.logger_db_writer.log( log_database, log_collection, self.good_directory_path + " deleted successfully!!") except Exception as e: msg = "Error Occured in class Raw_Data_validation method:deleteExistingGoodDataTrainingFolder Error occured while deleting :" + self.good_directory_path self.logger_db_writer.log(log_database, log_collection, msg) raise e def deleteExistingBadDataTrainingFolder(self): """ Method Name: deleteExistingBadDataTrainingFolder Description: This method deletes the directory made to store the bad Data. Output: None On Failure: OSError Written By: iNeuron Intelligence Version: 1.0 Revisions: None """ log_database = "strength_prediction_log" log_collection = "general_log" try: log_database = "strength_prediction_log" log_collection = "general_log" self.az_blob_mgt.deleteDir(self.bad_directory_path) self.logger_db_writer.log( log_database, log_collection, self.bad_directory_path + " deleted successfully!!") except Exception as e: msg = "Error Occured in class Raw_Data_validation method:deleteExistingGoodDataTrainingFolder Error occured while deleting :" + self.good_directory_path self.logger_db_writer.log(log_database, log_collection, msg) raise e def moveBadFilesToArchiveBad(self): """ Method Name: moveBadFilesToArchiveBad Description: This method deletes the directory made to store the Bad Data after moving the data in an archive folder. We archive the bad files to send them back to the client for invalid data issue. Output: None On Failure: OSError Written By: iNeuron Intelligence Version: 1.0 Revisions: None """ now = date = time = now.strftime("%H%M%S") log_database = "strength_prediction_log" log_collection = "general_log" try: log_database = "strength_prediction_log" log_collection = "general_log" # source = 'Training_Raw_files_validated/Bad_Raw/' source = self.bad_directory_path destination = "lap-" + self.execution_id self.logger_db_writer.log(log_database, log_collection, "Started moving bad raw data..") for file in self.az_blob_mgt.getAllFileNameFromDirectory(source): self.az_blob_mgt.moveFileinDir(source, destination, file) self.logger_db_writer.log( log_database, log_collection, "File:" + file + " moved to directory:" + destination + " successfully.") self.logger_db_writer.log( log_database, log_collection, "All bad raw file moved to directory:" + destination) self.az_blob_mgt.deleteDir(source) self.logger_db_writer.log(log_database, log_collection, "Deleting bad raw directory:" + source) except Exception as e: self.logger_db_writer.log( log_database, log_collection, "class Raw_Data_validation method:moveBadFilesToArchiveBad Error while moving bad files to archive:" + str(e)) raise e def validationFileNameRaw(self, regex, LengthOfDateStampInFile, LengthOfTimeStampInFile): """ Method Name: validationFileNameRaw Description: This function validates the name of the prediction csv file as per given name in the schema! Regex pattern is used to do the validation.If name format do not match the file is moved to Bad Raw Data folder else in Good raw data. Output: None On Failure: Exception Written By: iNeuron Intelligence Version: 1.0 Revisions: None """ # delete the directories for good and bad data in case last run was unsuccessful and folders were not deleted. self.createDirectoryForGoodBadRawData() onlyfiles = self.az_blob_mgt.getAllFileNameFromDirectory( self.Batch_Directory) try: log_database = "strength_prediction_log" log_collection = "name_validation_log" for filename in onlyfiles: if (re.match(regex, filename)): splitAtDot = re.split('.csv', filename) splitAtDot = (re.split('_', splitAtDot[0])) if len(splitAtDot[2]) == LengthOfDateStampInFile: if len(splitAtDot[3]) == LengthOfTimeStampInFile: self.az_blob_mgt.CopyFileinDir( self.Batch_Directory, self.good_directory_path, filename) self.logger_db_writer.log( log_database, log_collection, "Valid File name!! File moved to " + self.good_directory_path + filename) else: self.az_blob_mgt.CopyFileinDir( self.Batch_Directory, self.bad_directory_path, filename) msg = "Invalid File Name !! File moved to " + self.bad_directory_path + filename self.logger_db_writer.log(log_database, log_collection, msg) else: self.az_blob_mgt.CopyFileinDir(self.Batch_Directory, self.bad_directory_path, filename) msg = "Invalid File Name !! File moved to " + self.bad_directory_path + filename self.logger_db_writer.log(log_database, log_collection, msg) else: self.az_blob_mgt.CopyFileinDir(self.Batch_Directory, self.bad_directory_path, filename) msg = "Invalid File Name !! File moved to " + self.bad_directory_path + filename self.logger_db_writer.log(log_database, log_collection, msg) except Exception as e: msg = "Error occured while validating FileName " + str(e) self.logger_db_writer.log(log_database, log_collection, msg) raise e def validateColumnLength(self, NumberofColumns): """ Method Name: validateColumnLength Description: This function validates the number of columns in the csv files. It is should be same as given in the schema file. If not same file is not suitable for processing and thus is moved to Bad Raw Data folder. If the column number matches, file is kept in Good Raw Data for processing. The csv file is missing the first column name, this function changes the missing name to "Wafer". Output: None On Failure: Exception Written By: iNeuron Intelligence Version: 1.0 Revisions: None """ try: log_database = "strength_prediction_log" log_collection = "column_validation_log" self.logger_db_writer.log(log_database, log_collection, "Column length validation Started!!") #for file in listdir('Prediction_Raw_Files_Validated/Good_Raw/'): for file in self.az_blob_mgt.getAllFileNameFromDirectory( self.good_directory_path): #csv = pd.read_csv("Prediction_Raw_Files_Validated/Good_Raw/" + file) csv = self.az_blob_mgt.readCSVFilefromDir( self.good_directory_path, file) print(csv.shape) if csv.shape[1] == NumberofColumns: #csv.rename(columns={"Unnamed: 0": "Wafer"}, inplace=True) print(csv) #csv.to_csv("Prediction_Raw_Files_Validated/Good_Raw/" + file, index=None, header=True) self.az_blob_mgt.saveDataFrametoCSV( self.good_directory_path, file, csv, index=None, header=True) else: self.az_blob_mgt.moveFileinDir(self.good_directory_path, self.bad_directory_path, file) self.logger_db_writer.log( log_database, log_collection, "Invalid Column Length for the file!! " "File moved to Bad Raw Folder :: %s" % file) self.logger_db_writer.log(log_database, log_collection, "Column Length Validation Completed!!") except Exception as e: self.logger_db_writer.log(log_database, log_collection, 'Error Occured::' + str(e)) raise e def deletePredictionFile(self): try: log_database = "strenth_prediction_log" log_collection = "general_log" directory = "prediction-file" filename = "Prediction.csv" if directory in self.az_blob_mgt.dir_list: filenames = self.az_blob_mgt.getAllFileNameFromDirectory( directory_name=directory) if filename in filenames: self.az_blob_mgt.deleteFilefromDir( directory_name=directory, filename=filename) self.logger_db_writer.log( log_database, log_collection, filename + " is deleted from dir:" + directory + " successfully") except Exception as e: self.logger_db_writer.log( log_database, log_collection, "Error occure while deleting prediction file from prediction-file directory" + str(e)) raise e def validateMissingValuesInWholeColumn(self): """ Method Name: validateMissingValuesInWholeColumn Description: This function validates if any column in the csv file has all values missing. If all the values are missing, the file is not suitable for processing. SUch files are moved to bad raw data. Output: None On Failure: Exception Written By: iNeuron Intelligence Version: 1.0 Revisions: None """ try: log_database = "strength_prediction_log" log_collection = "missing_values_in_column" #f = open("Prediction_Logs/missingValuesInColumn.txt", 'a+') #self.logger.log(f, "Missing Values Validation Started!!") self.logger_db_writer.log(log_database, log_collection, "Missing Values Validation Started!!") #for file in listdir('Prediction_Raw_Files_Validated/Good_Raw/'): for file in self.az_blob_mgt.getAllFileNameFromDirectory( self.good_directory_path): #csv = pd.read_csv("Prediction_Raw_Files_Validated/Good_Raw/" + file) csv = self.az_blob_mgt.readCSVFilefromDir( self.good_directory_path, file) print(csv) count = 0 for columns in csv: if (len(csv[columns]) - csv[columns].count()) == len( csv[columns]): count += 1 #shutil.move("Prediction_Raw_Files_Validated/Good_Raw/" + file, # "Prediction_Raw_Files_Validated/Bad_Raw") self.az_blob_mgt.moveFileinDir( self.good_directory_path, self.bad_directory_path, file) #self.logger.log(f,"Invalid Column Length for the file!! File moved to Bad Raw Folder :: %s" % file) self.logger_db_writer.log( log_database, log_collection, "Invalid Column Length for the file!! File moved to Bad Raw Folder :: %s" % file) break if count == 0: csv.rename(columns={"Unnamed: 0": "Wafer"}, inplace=True) print("column unnamed may not be present") self.az_blob_mgt.saveDataFrametoCSV( self.good_directory_path, file, csv, index=None, header=True) #csv.to_csv("Prediction_Raw_Files_Validated/Good_Raw/" + file, index=None, header=True) except Exception as e: self.logger_db_writer.log(log_database, log_collection, "Error occured:" + str(e)) raise e
class Raw_Data_validation: """ This class shall be used for handling all the validation done on the Raw Training Data!!. Written By: iNeuron Intelligence Version: 1.0 Revisions: None """ def __init__(self, path, execution_id): self.Batch_Directory = path self.execution_id = execution_id #self.schema_path = 'schema_training.json' self.collection_name = "schema-training" #code added by Avnish yadav self.database_name = "Wafer-sys" #code added by Avnish yadav self.logger_db_writer = App_LoggerDB(execution_id=execution_id) self.mongdb = MongodbOperation() self.az_blob_mgt = AzureBlobManagement() self.good_directory_path = "good-raw-file-train-validated" self.bad_directory_path = "bad-raw-file-train-validated" def valuesFromSchema(self): """ Method Name: valuesFromSchema Description: This method extracts all the relevant information from the pre-defined "Schema" file. Output: LengthOfDateStampInFile, LengthOfTimeStampInFile, column_names, Number of Columns On Failure: Raise ValueError,KeyError,Exception Written By: iNeuron Intelligence Version: 1.0 Revisions: None """ log_database = "wafer_training_log" log_collection = "values_from_schema_validation" try: #with open(self.schema_path, 'r') as f: # dic = json.load(f) # f.close() log_database = "wafer_training_log" log_collection = "values_from_schema_validation" df_schema_training = self.mongdb.getDataFrameofCollection( self.database_name, self.collection_name) dic = {} for i in df_schema_training.columns: dic.update({i: df_schema_training.loc[0, i]}) #[dic.update({i: df_schema_training.loc[0, i]}) for i in df_schema_training.columns] print(dic) del df_schema_training pattern = dic['SampleFileName'] LengthOfDateStampInFile = dic['LengthOfDateStampInFile'] LengthOfTimeStampInFile = dic['LengthOfTimeStampInFile'] column_names = dic['ColName'] NumberofColumns = dic['NumberofColumns'] #file = open("Training_Logs/valuesfromSchemaValidationLog.txt", 'a+') message = "LengthOfDateStampInFile:: %s" % LengthOfDateStampInFile + "\t" + "LengthOfTimeStampInFile:: %s" % LengthOfTimeStampInFile + "\t " + "NumberofColumns:: %s" % NumberofColumns + "\n" self.logger_db_writer.log(log_database, log_collection, message) #file.close() except ValueError: file = open("Training_Logs/valuesfromSchemaValidationLog.txt", 'a+') self.logger_db_writer.log( log_database, log_collection, "ValueError:Value not found inside schema_training.json") file.close() raise ValueError except KeyError: file = open("Training_Logs/valuesfromSchemaValidationLog.txt", 'a+') self.logger_db_writer.log( log_database, log_collection, "KeyError:Key value error incorrect key passed") file.close() raise KeyError except Exception as e: file = open("Training_Logs/valuesfromSchemaValidationLog.txt", 'a+') self.logger_db_writer.log(log_database, log_collection, str(e)) file.close() raise e return LengthOfDateStampInFile, LengthOfTimeStampInFile, column_names, NumberofColumns def manualRegexCreation(self): """ Method Name: manualRegexCreation Description: This method contains a manually defined regex based on the "FileName" given in "Schema" file. This Regex is used to validate the filename of the training data. Output: Regex pattern On Failure: None Written By: iNeuron Intelligence Version: 1.0 Revisions: None """ regex = "['wafer']+['\_'']+[\d_]+[\d]+\.csv" return regex def createDirectoryForGoodBadRawData(self): """ Method Name: createDirectoryForGoodBadRawData Description: This method creates directories to store the Good Data and Bad Data after validating the training data. Output: None On Failure: OSError Written By: iNeuron Intelligence Version: 1.0 Revisions: None """ """try: path = os.path.join("Training_Raw_files_validated/", "Good_Raw/") if not os.path.isdir(path): os.makedirs(path) path = os.path.join("Training_Raw_files_validated/", "Bad_Raw/") if not os.path.isdir(path): os.makedirs(path)""" log_database = "wafer_training_log" log_collection = "general_log" try: log_database = "wafer_training_log" log_collection = "general_log" self.az_blob_mgt.createDir(self.good_directory_path, is_replace=True) self.az_blob_mgt.createDir(self.bad_directory_path, is_replace=True) msg = self.good_directory_path + " and " + self.bad_directory_path + " created successfully." print(msg) self.logger_db_writer.log(log_database, log_collection, msg) except Exception as e: msg = "Error Occured in class Raw_Data_validation method:createDirectoryForGoodBadRawData error: Failed to create directory " + self.good_directory_path + " and " + self.bad_directory_path self.logger_db_writer.log(log_database, log_collection, msg) raise e def deleteExistingGoodDataTrainingFolder(self): """ Method Name: deleteExistingGoodDataTrainingFolder Description: This method deletes the directory made to store the Good Data after loading the data in the table. Once the good files are loaded in the DB,deleting the directory ensures space optimization. Output: None On Failure: OSError Written By: iNeuron Intelligence Version: 1.0 Revisions: None """ #try: #path = 'Training_Raw_files_validated/' ### if os.path.isdir("ids/" + userName): ## if os.path.isdir(path + 'Bad_Raw/'): ## shutil.rmtree(path + 'Bad_Raw/') #if os.path.isdir(path + 'Good_Raw/'): # shutil.rmtree(path + 'Good_Raw/') # file = open("Training_Logs/GeneralLog.txt", 'a+') # self.logger.log(file,"GoodRaw directory deleted successfully!!!") # file.close() log_database = "wafer_training_log" log_collection = "general_log" try: log_database = "wafer_training_log" log_collection = "general_log" self.az_blob_mgt.deleteDir(self.good_directory_path) self.logger_db_writer.log( log_database, log_collection, self.good_directory_path + " deleted successfully!!") except Exception as e: msg = "Error Occured in class Raw_Data_validation method:deleteExistingGoodDataTrainingFolder Error occured while deleting :" + self.good_directory_path self.logger_db_writer.log(log_database, log_collection, msg) raise e def deleteExistingBadDataTrainingFolder(self): """ Method Name: deleteExistingBadDataTrainingFolder Description: This method deletes the directory made to store the bad Data. Output: None On Failure: OSError Written By: iNeuron Intelligence Version: 1.0 Revisions: None """ #try: # # path = 'Training_Raw_files_validated/' # if os.path.isdir(path + 'Bad_Raw/'): # shutil.rmtree(path + 'Bad_Raw/') # file = open("Training_Logs/GeneralLog.txt", 'a+') # self.logger.log(file,"BadRaw directory deleted before starting validation!!!") # file.close() #except OSError as s: # file = open("Training_Logs/GeneralLog.txt", 'a+') # self.logger.log(file,"Error while Deleting Directory : %s" %s) # file.close() # raise OSError log_database = "wafer_training_log" log_collection = "general_log" try: log_database = "wafer_training_log" log_collection = "general_log" self.az_blob_mgt.deleteDir(self.bad_directory_path) self.logger_db_writer.log( log_database, log_collection, self.bad_directory_path + " deleted successfully!!") except Exception as e: msg = "Error Occured in class Raw_Data_validation method:deleteExistingGoodDataTrainingFolder Error occured while deleting :" + self.good_directory_path self.logger_db_writer.log(log_database, log_collection, msg) raise e def moveBadFilesToArchiveBad(self): """ Method Name: moveBadFilesToArchiveBad Description: This method deletes the directory made to store the Bad Data after moving the data in an archive folder. We archive the bad files to send them back to the client for invalid data issue. Output: None On Failure: OSError Written By: iNeuron Intelligence Version: 1.0 Revisions: None """ now = date = time = now.strftime("%H%M%S") #try: #source = 'Training_Raw_files_validated/Bad_Raw/' #if os.path.isdir(source): # path = "TrainingArchiveBadData" # if not os.path.isdir(path): # os.makedirs(path) # dest = 'TrainingArchiveBadData/BadData_' + str(date)+"_"+str(time) # if not os.path.isdir(dest): # os.makedirs(dest) # files = os.listdir(source) # for f in files: # if f not in os.listdir(dest): # shutil.move(source + f, dest) # file = open("Training_Logs/GeneralLog.txt", 'a+') # self.logger.log(file,"Bad files moved to archive") # path = 'Training_Raw_files_validated/' # if os.path.isdir(path + 'Bad_Raw/'): # shutil.rmtree(path + 'Bad_Raw/') # self.logger.log(file,"Bad Raw Data Folder Deleted successfully!!") # file.close() # log_database = "wafer_training_log" log_collection = "general_log" try: log_database = "wafer_training_log" log_collection = "general_log" # source = 'Training_Raw_files_validated/Bad_Raw/' source = self.bad_directory_path destination = "lat-" + self.execution_id self.logger_db_writer.log(log_database, log_collection, "Started moving bad raw data..") for file in self.az_blob_mgt.getAllFileNameFromDirectory(source): self.az_blob_mgt.moveFileinDir(source, destination, file) self.logger_db_writer.log( log_database, log_collection, "File:" + file + " moved to directory:" + destination + " successfully.") self.logger_db_writer.log( log_database, log_collection, "All bad raw file moved to directory:" + destination) self.az_blob_mgt.deleteDir(source) self.logger_db_writer.log(log_database, log_collection, "Deleting bad raw directory:" + source) except Exception as e: self.logger_db_writer.log( log_database, log_collection, "class Raw_Data_validation method:moveBadFilesToArchiveBad " "Error while moving bad files to archive:" + str(e)) raise e def validationFileNameRaw(self, regex, LengthOfDateStampInFile, LengthOfTimeStampInFile): """ Method Name: validationFileNameRaw Description: This function validates the name of the training csv files as per given name in the schema! Regex pattern is used to do the validation.If name format do not match the file is moved to Bad Raw Data folder else in Good raw data. Output: None On Failure: Exception Written By: iNeuron Intelligence Version: 1.0 Revisions: None """ #pattern = "['Wafer']+['\_'']+[\d_]+[\d]+\.csv" # delete the directories for good and bad data in case last run was unsuccessful and folders were not deleted. #self.deleteExistingBadDataTrainingFolder() #self.deleteExistingGoodDataTrainingFolder() #create new directories self.createDirectoryForGoodBadRawData() onlyfiles = self.az_blob_mgt.getAllFileNameFromDirectory( self.Batch_Directory) #onlyfiles = [f for f in listdir(self.Batch_Directory)] log_database = "wafer_training_log" log_collection = "name_validation_log" try: log_database = "wafer_training_log" log_collection = "name_validation_log" #f = open("Training_Logs/nameValidationLog.txt", 'a+') for filename in onlyfiles: if (re.match(regex, filename)): splitAtDot = re.split('.csv', filename) splitAtDot = (re.split('_', splitAtDot[0])) if len(splitAtDot[1]) == LengthOfDateStampInFile: if len(splitAtDot[2]) == LengthOfTimeStampInFile: #shutil.copy("Training_Batch_Files/" + filename, "Training_Raw_files_validated/Good_Raw") #self.logger.log(f,"Valid File name!! File moved to GoodRaw Folder :: %s" % filename) self.az_blob_mgt.CopyFileinDir( self.Batch_Directory, self.good_directory_path, filename) self.logger_db_writer.log( log_database, log_collection, "Valid File name!! File moved to " + self.good_directory_path + filename) else: #shutil.copy("Training_Batch_Files/" + filename, "Training_Raw_files_validated/Bad_Raw") #self.logger.log(f,"Invalid File Name!! File moved to Bad Raw Folder :: %s" % filename) self.az_blob_mgt.CopyFileinDir( self.Batch_Directory, self.bad_directory_path, filename) msg = "Invalid File Name !! File moved to " + self.bad_directory_path + filename self.logger_db_writer.log(log_database, log_collection, msg) else: #shutil.copy("Training_Batch_Files/" + filename, "Training_Raw_files_validated/Bad_Raw") #self.logger.log(f,"Invalid File Name!! File moved to Bad Raw Folder :: %s" % filename) self.az_blob_mgt.CopyFileinDir(self.Batch_Directory, self.bad_directory_path, filename) msg = "Invalid File Name !! File moved to " + self.bad_directory_path + filename self.logger_db_writer.log(log_database, log_collection, msg) else: #shutil.copy("Training_Batch_Files/" + filename, "Training_Raw_files_validated/Bad_Raw") #self.logger.log(f, "Invalid File Name!! File moved to Bad Raw Folder :: %s" % filename) self.az_blob_mgt.CopyFileinDir(self.Batch_Directory, self.bad_directory_path, filename) msg = "Invalid File Name !! File moved to " + self.bad_directory_path + filename self.logger_db_writer.log(log_database, log_collection, msg) # f.close() except Exception as e: msg = "Error occured while validating FileName " + str(e) self.logger_db_writer.log(log_database, log_collection, msg) raise e #f = open("Training_Logs/nameValidationLog.txt", 'a+') #self.logger.log(f, "Error occured while validating FileName %s" % e) #f.close() #raise e def validateColumnLength(self, NumberofColumns): """ Method Name: validateColumnLength Description: This function validates the number of columns in the csv files. It is should be same as given in the schema file. If not same file is not suitable for processing and thus is moved to Bad Raw Data folder. If the column number matches, file is kept in Good Raw Data for processing. The csv file is missing the first column name, this function changes the missing name to "Wafer". Output: None On Failure: Exception Written By: iNeuron Intelligence Version: 1.0 Revisions: None """ log_collection = "column_validation_log" log_database = "wafer_training_log" try: log_collection = "column_validation_log" log_database = "wafer_training_log" #f = open("Training_Logs/columnValidationLog.txt", 'a+') #self.logger.log(f,"Column Length Validation Started!!") self.logger_db_writer.log(log_database, log_collection, "Column Length Validation Started!!") print("column lenght validation started") for file in self.az_blob_mgt.getAllFileNameFromDirectory( self.good_directory_path): #csv = pd.read_csv("Training_Raw_files_validated/Good_Raw/" + file) print(file) csv = self.az_blob_mgt.readCSVFilefromDir( self.good_directory_path, file) print(csv.shape) if csv.shape[1] == NumberofColumns: csv.rename(columns={"Unnamed: 0": "Wafer"}, inplace=True) print("pass statement ") pass #for file in listdir('Training_Raw_files_validated/Good_Raw/'): # csv = pd.read_csv("Training_Raw_files_validated/Good_Raw/" + file) # if csv.shape[1] == NumberofColumns: # # pass else: self.az_blob_mgt.moveFileinDir(self.good_directory_path, self.bad_directory_path, file) msg = "Invalid Column Length for the file!! File moved to " + self.bad_directory_path + "file:" + file self.logger_db_writer.log(log_database, log_collection, msg) self.logger_db_writer.log( log_database, log_collection, "Column Length Validation Completed!!") except Exception as e: self.logger_db_writer.log( log_database, log_collection, "Error Occured in class Raw_Data_validation method: validateColumnLength error:" + str(e)) raise e # shutil.move("Training_Raw_files_validated/Good_Raw/" + file, "Training_Raw_files_validated/Bad_Raw") # # self.logger.log(f, "Invalid Column Length for the file!! File moved to Bad Raw Folder :: %s" % file) #self.logger.log(f, "Column Length Validation Completed!!") #except OSError: # f = open("Training_Logs/columnValidationLog.txt", 'a+') # self.logger.log(f, "Error Occured while moving the file :: %s" % OSError) # f.close() # raise OSError #except Exception as e: # f = open("Training_Logs/columnValidationLog.txt", 'a+') # self.logger.log(f, "Error Occured:: %s" % e) # f.close() # # raise e #f.close() def validateMissingValuesInWholeColumn(self): """ Method Name: validateMissingValuesInWholeColumn Description: This function validates if any column in the csv file has all values missing. If all the values are missing, the file is not suitable for processing. SUch files are moved to bad raw data. Output: None On Failure: Exception Written By: iNeuron Intelligence Version: 1.0 Revisions: None """ log_database = "wafer_training_log" log_collection = "missing_values_in_column" try: log_database = "wafer_training_log" log_collection = "missing_values_in_column" self.logger_db_writer.log(log_database, log_collection, "Missing Values Validation Started!!") #f = open("Training_Logs/missingValuesInColumn.txt", 'a+') #self.logger.log(f,"Missing Values Validation Started!!") #for file in listdir('Training_Raw_files_validated/Good_Raw/'): # csv = pd.read_csv("Training_Raw_files_validated/Good_Raw/" + file) for file in self.az_blob_mgt.getAllFileNameFromDirectory( self.good_directory_path): csv = self.az_blob_mgt.readCSVFilefromDir( self.good_directory_path, file) print(csv) count = 0 for columns in csv: print(columns) if (len(csv[columns]) - csv[columns].count()) == len( csv[columns]): count += 1 #shutil.move("Training_Raw_files_validated/Good_Raw/" + file, # "Training_Raw_files_validated/Bad_Raw") #self.logger.log(f,"Invalid Column Length for the file!! File moved to Bad Raw Folder :: %s" % file) self.az_blob_mgt.moveFileinDir( self.good_directory_path, self.bad_directory_path, file) msg = "Invalid Column Length for the file!! File moved to " + self.bad_directory_path + ":: %s" % file self.logger_db_writer.log(log_database, log_collection, msg) break if count == 0: print("entering rename") csv.rename(columns={"Unnamed: 0": "Wafer"}, inplace=True) self.az_blob_mgt.saveDataFrametoCSV( self.good_directory_path, file, csv, index=None, header=True) #csv.to_csv("Training_Raw_files_validated/Good_Raw/" + file, index=None, header=True) #except OSError: # f = open("Training_Logs/missingValuesInColumn.txt", 'a+') # self.logger.log(f, "Error Occured while moving the file :: %s" % OSError) # f.close() # raise OSError except Exception as e: # f = open("Training_Logs/missingValuesInColumn.txt", 'a+') # # self.logger.log(f, "Error Occured:: %s" % e) # f.close() # raise e #f.close() self.logger_db_writer.log( log_database, log_collection, "Error Occured class:Raw_Data_validation method:validateMissingValuesInWholeColumn error:" + str(e)) raise e #path = 'training-batch-files' #noofcolumns=592 #a=Raw_Data_validation #res=a.validateMissingValuesInWholeColumn(a(path,333)) #print(res)