def get_setup(): optinfo = CLIENT_COMMON_OPTIONS optinfo['nouids'] = Option("Do not include UID numbers for users", default=False, cmd='--no-uids', long_arg=True, cook=get_bool) optinfo['nogids'] = Option("Do not include GID numbers for groups", default=False, cmd='--no-gids', long_arg=True, cook=get_bool) setup = OptionParser(optinfo) setup.parse(sys.argv[1:]) if setup['args']: print("posixuser_[ takes no arguments, only options") print(setup.buildHelpMessage()) raise SystemExit(1) level = 30 if setup['verbose']: level = 20 if setup['debug']: level = 0 Bcfg2.Logger.setup_logging('', to_syslog=False, level=level, to_file=setup['logging']) return setup
def __init__(self, setup): super(RedisTransport, self).__init__(setup) self._redis = None self._commands = None self.logger.error("Warning: RedisTransport is experimental") if not HAS_REDIS: self.logger.error("redis python module is not available") raise TransportError setup.update( dict( reporting_redis_host=Option('Redis Host', default='', cf=('reporting', 'redis_host')), reporting_redis_port=Option('Redis Port', default=6379, cf=('reporting', 'redis_port')), reporting_redis_db=Option('Redis DB', default=0, cf=('reporting', 'redis_db')), )) setup.reparse() self._redis_host = setup.get('reporting_redis_host', '') try: self._redis_port = int(setup.get('reporting_redis_port', 6379)) except ValueError: self.logger.error("Redis port must be an integer") raise TransportError self._redis_db = setup.get('reporting_redis_db', 0) self._redis = redis.Redis(host=self._redis_host, port=self._redis_port, db=self._redis_db)
def setUp(self): self.options = [ Option("--cls", cf=("config", "cls"), action=ImportComponentAction), Option("--module", action=ImportModuleAction) ] self.result = argparse.Namespace() new_parser() self.parser = get_parser(components=[self], namespace=self.result)
def setUp(self): # parsing options can modify the Option objects themselves. # that's probably bad -- and it's definitely bad if we ever # want to do real on-the-fly config changes -- but it's easier # to leave it as is and set the options on each test. self.options = [ Option(cf=("foo", "*"), dest="all"), Option(cf=("foo", "test*"), dest="test"), Option(cf=("foo", "bogus*"), dest="unmatched"), Option(cf=("bar", "*"), dest="no_section"), Option(cf=("foo", "foo"))]
def setUp(self): self.options = [ PathOption(cf=("test", "config2"), action=ConfigFileAction), PathOption(cf=("test", "config3"), action=ConfigFileAction), Option(cf=("test", "foo")), Option(cf=("test", "bar")), Option(cf=("test", "baz")) ] self.results = argparse.Namespace() new_parser() self.parser = get_parser(components=[self], namespace=self.results)
def setUp(self): self.options = [ WildcardSectionGroup(Option(cf=("four:*", "foo")), Option(cf=("four:*", "bar"))), WildcardSectionGroup(Option(cf=("five:*", "foo")), Option(cf=("five:*", "bar")), prefix="", dest="sections") ] self.results = argparse.Namespace() new_parser() self.parser = get_parser(components=[self], namespace=self.results)
def test_anchored_regex_list(self): """parse regex lists.""" self.options = [Option("--test", type=Types.anchored_regex_list)] self.assertItemsEqual( [r.pattern for r in self._test_options(["--test", r'\d+ \s*'])], [r'^\d+$', r'^\s*$']) self.assertRaises(SystemExit, self._test_options, ["--test", '(]'])
def setUp(self): # parsing options can modify the Option objects themselves. # that's probably bad -- and it's definitely bad if we ever # want to do real on-the-fly config changes -- but it's easier # to leave it as is and set the options on each test. OptionTestCase.setUp(self) self.options = [ BooleanOption("--test-true-boolean", env="TEST_TRUE_BOOLEAN", cf=("test", "true_boolean"), default=True), BooleanOption("--test-false-boolean", env="TEST_FALSE_BOOLEAN", cf=("test", "false_boolean"), default=False), BooleanOption(cf=("test", "true_config_boolean"), default=True), BooleanOption(cf=("test", "false_config_boolean"), default=False), Option("--test-option", env="TEST_OPTION", cf=("test", "option"), default="foo"), PathOption("--test-path-option", env="TEST_PATH_OPTION", cf=("test", "path"), default="/test") ]
def test_username(self, mock_getpwnam): """parse username options.""" self.options = [Option("--test", type=Types.username)] mock_getpwnam.return_value = ("test", '********', 1001, 1001, "Test user", "/home/test", "/bin/bash") self.assertEqual(self._test_options(["--test", "1001"]), 1001) self.assertEqual(self._test_options(["--test", "test"]), 1001)
def reporting_storage(cls): """ Load a Reporting storage backend """ if cls._reporting_storage is None: cls._reporting_storage = Option(cf=('reporting', 'storage'), dest="reporting_storage", help='Reporting storage engine', action=ReportingStorageAction, default='DjangoORM') return cls._reporting_storage
def reporting_transport(cls): """ Load a Reporting transport backend """ if cls._reporting_transport is None: cls._reporting_transport = Option(cf=('reporting', 'transport'), dest="reporting_transport", help='Reporting transport', action=ReportingTransportAction, default='DirectStore') return cls._reporting_transport
def __init__(self, *items, **kwargs): r""" :param \*args: Child options :type \*args: Bcfg2.Options.Option :param prefix: The prefix to use for options generated by this option group. By default this is generated automatically from the config glob; see above for details. :type prefix: string :param dest: The destination for the list of known sections that match the glob. :param dest: string """ OptionContainer.__init__(self, []) self._section_glob = items[0].cf[0] # get a default destination self._prefix = kwargs.get("prefix", self._dest_re.sub('_', self._section_glob)) Option.__init__(self, dest=kwargs.get('dest', self._prefix + "sections")) self._options = items
def plugins(cls): """ Load a list of Bcfg2 server plugins """ if cls._plugins is None: cls._plugins = Option(cf=('server', 'plugins'), type=Types.comma_list, help="Server plugin list", action=PluginsAction, default=[ 'Bundler', 'Cfg', 'Metadata', 'Pkgmgr', 'Rules', 'SSHbase' ]) return cls._plugins
def __init__(self, *items, **kwargs): r""" :param \*args: Child options :type \*args: Bcfg2.Options.Option :param prefix: The prefix to use for options generated by this option group. By default this is generated automatically from the config glob; see above for details. :type prefix: string :param dest: The destination for the list of known sections that match the glob. :param dest: string """ _OptionContainer.__init__(self, []) self._section_glob = items[0].cf[0] # get a default destination self._prefix = kwargs.get("prefix", self._dest_re.sub('_', self._section_glob)) Option.__init__(self, dest=kwargs.get('dest', self._prefix + "sections")) self.option_templates = items
def test_comma_list(self): """parse comma-list values.""" self.options = [Option("--test", type=Types.comma_list)] expected = ["one", "two", "three"] self.assertItemsEqual(self._test_options(["--test", "one,two,three"]), expected) self.assertItemsEqual( self._test_options(["--test", "one, two, three"]), expected) self.assertItemsEqual( self._test_options(["--test", "one , two ,three"]), expected) self.assertItemsEqual(self._test_options(["--test", "one two, three"]), ["one two", "three"])
def setUp(self): OptionTestCase.setUp(self) self.options = [ Option("--parent", type=Types.comma_list, default=["one", "two"], action=ParentComponentAction) ] self.result = argparse.Namespace() new_parser() self.parser = get_parser(components=[self], namespace=self.result, description="component testing parser")
def _test_dest(self, *args, **kwargs): """helper to test that ``dest`` is set properly.""" args = list(args) expected = args.pop(0) config_file = args.pop() sentinel = object() kwargs["default"] = sentinel result = argparse.Namespace() parser = Parser(namespace=result) parser.add_options([Option(*args, **kwargs)]) parser.parse(["-C", config_file]) self.assertTrue(hasattr(result, expected)) self.assertEqual(getattr(result, expected), sentinel)
def filemonitor(cls): """ Load a single Bcfg2 file monitor (from :attr:`Bcfg2.Server.FileMonitor.available`) """ if cls._filemonitor is None: import Bcfg2.Server.FileMonitor class FileMonitorAction(ComponentAction): """ ComponentAction for loading a single FAM backend class """ islist = False mapping = Bcfg2.Server.FileMonitor.available cls._filemonitor = Option(cf=('server', 'filemonitor'), action=FileMonitorAction, default='default', help='Server file monitoring driver') return cls._filemonitor
def test_literal_dict(self): """parse literal-dict values.""" self.options = [Option("--test", type=Types.literal_dict)] expected = { "one": True, "two": 2, "three": "three", "four": False, "five": { "a": 1, "b": 2 } } self.assertDictEqual( self._test_options([ "--test", '''{ "one": True, "two": 2, "three": "three", "four": False, "five": { "a": 1, "b": 2 }}''' ]), expected)
def test_duplicate_env_option(self): """add duplicate environment option.""" parser = Parser(components=[self]) self.assertRaises(OptionParserException, parser.add_options, [Option(env="TEST_OPTION")])
def test_duplicate_cf_option(self): """add duplicate config file option.""" parser = Parser(components=[self]) self.assertRaises(OptionParserException, parser.add_options, [Option(cf=("test", "option"))])
class Two(object): """Test class for component loading.""" options = [ Option('--test', cf=("config", "test"), dest="test", default="bar") ]
class Common(object): """ Common options used in multiple different contexts. """ _plugins = None _filemonitor = None _reporting_storage = None _reporting_transport = None @classproperty def plugins(cls): """ Load a list of Bcfg2 server plugins """ if cls._plugins is None: cls._plugins = Option(cf=('server', 'plugins'), type=Types.comma_list, help="Server plugin list", action=PluginsAction, default=[ 'Bundler', 'Cfg', 'Metadata', 'Pkgmgr', 'Rules', 'SSHbase' ]) return cls._plugins @classproperty def filemonitor(cls): """ Load a single Bcfg2 file monitor (from :attr:`Bcfg2.Server.FileMonitor.available`) """ if cls._filemonitor is None: import Bcfg2.Server.FileMonitor class FileMonitorAction(ComponentAction): """ ComponentAction for loading a single FAM backend class """ islist = False mapping = Bcfg2.Server.FileMonitor.available cls._filemonitor = Option(cf=('server', 'filemonitor'), action=FileMonitorAction, default='default', help='Server file monitoring driver') return cls._filemonitor @classproperty def reporting_storage(cls): """ Load a Reporting storage backend """ if cls._reporting_storage is None: cls._reporting_storage = Option(cf=('reporting', 'storage'), dest="reporting_storage", help='Reporting storage engine', action=ReportingStorageAction, default='DjangoORM') return cls._reporting_storage @classproperty def reporting_transport(cls): """ Load a Reporting transport backend """ if cls._reporting_transport is None: cls._reporting_transport = Option(cf=('reporting', 'transport'), dest="reporting_transport", help='Reporting transport', action=ReportingTransportAction, default='DirectStore') return cls._reporting_transport #: Set the path to the Bcfg2 repository repository = _repository_option #: Daemonize process, storing PID daemon = PathOption('-D', '--daemon', help="Daemonize process, storing PID") #: Run interactively, prompting the user for each change interactive = BooleanOption( "-I", "--interactive", help='Run interactively, prompting the user for each change') #: Log to syslog syslog = BooleanOption(cf=('logging', 'syslog'), help="Log to syslog", default=True) #: Server location location = Option('-S', '--server', cf=('components', 'bcfg2'), default='https://localhost:6789', metavar='<https://server:port>', help="Server location") #: Communication password password = Option('-x', '--password', cf=('communication', 'password'), metavar='<password>', help="Communication Password") #: Path to SSL key ssl_key = PathOption('--ssl-key', cf=('communication', 'key'), dest="key", help='Path to SSL key', default="/etc/pki/tls/private/bcfg2.key") #: Path to SSL certificate ssl_cert = PathOption(cf=('communication', 'certificate'), dest="cert", help='Path to SSL certificate', default="/etc/pki/tls/certs/bcfg2.crt") #: Path to SSL CA certificate ssl_ca = PathOption(cf=('communication', 'ca'), help='Path to SSL CA Cert') #: Default Path paranoid setting default_paranoid = Option(cf=('mdata', 'paranoid'), dest="default_paranoid", default='true', choices=['true', 'false'], help='Default Path paranoid setting') #: Client timeout client_timeout = Option("-t", "--timeout", type=float, default=90.0, dest="client_timeout", cf=('communication', 'timeout'), help='Set the client XML-RPC timeout')
class One(MockSubcommand): """fake subcommand for testing.""" options = [Option("--test-one")]
class Parser(argparse.ArgumentParser): """ The Bcfg2 option parser. Most interfaces should not need to instantiate a parser, but should instead use :func:`Bcfg2.Options.get_parser` to get the parser that already exists.""" #: Option for specifying the path to the Bcfg2 config file configfile = PathOption('-C', '--config', env="BCFG2_CONFIG_FILE", help="Path to configuration file", default="/etc/bcfg2.conf") #: Verbose version string that is printed if executed with --version _version_string = "%s %s on Python %s" % (os.path.basename( sys.argv[0]), __version__, ".".join( str(v) for v in sys.version_info[0:3])) #: Builtin options that apply to all commands options = [ configfile, Option('--version', help="Print the version and exit", action="version", version=_version_string), Option('-E', '--encoding', metavar='<encoding>', default='UTF-8', help="Encoding of config files", cf=('components', 'encoding')) ] #: Flag used in unit tests to disable actual config file reads unit_test = False def __init__(self, **kwargs): """ See :class:`argparse.ArgumentParser` for a full list of accepted parameters. In addition to supporting all arguments and keyword arguments from :class:`argparse.ArgumentParser`, several additional keyword arguments are allowed. :param components: A list of components to add to the parser. :type components: list :param namespace: The namespace to store options in. Default is :attr:`Bcfg2.Options.setup`. :type namespace: argparse.Namespace :param add_base_options: Whether or not to add the options in :attr:`Bcfg2.Options.Parser.options` to the parser. Setting this to False is default for subparsers. Default is True. :type add_base_options: bool """ self._cfp = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() components = kwargs.pop('components', []) #: The namespace options will be stored in. self.namespace = kwargs.pop('namespace', setup) if self.namespace is None: self.namespace = setup add_base_options = kwargs.pop('add_base_options', True) #: Flag to indicate that this is the pre-parsing 'early' run #: for important options like database settings that must be #: loaded before other components can be. self._early = kwargs.pop('early', False) if 'add_help' not in kwargs: kwargs['add_help'] = add_base_options argparse.ArgumentParser.__init__(self, **kwargs) #: Whether or not parsing has completed on all current options. self.parsed = False #: The argument list that was parsed. self.argv = None #: Components that have been added to the parser self.components = [] #: Options that have been added to the parser self.option_list = [] self._defaults_set = [] self._config_files = [] if add_base_options: self.add_component(self) if components: for component in components: self.add_component(component) def _check_duplicate_cf(self, option): """Check for a duplicate config file option.""" def add_options(self, options): """ Add an explicit list of options to the parser. When possible, prefer :func:`Bcfg2.Options.Parser.add_component` to add a whole component instead.""" _debug("Adding options: %s" % options) self.parsed = False for option in options: if option not in self.option_list: # check for duplicates if (hasattr(option, "env") and option.env and option.env in [o.env for o in self.option_list]): raise OptionParserException( "Duplicate environment variable option: %s" % option.env) if (hasattr(option, "cf") and and in [ for o in self.option_list]): raise OptionParserException( "Duplicate config file option: %s" % (, )) self.option_list.extend(option.list_options()) option.add_to_parser(self) for opt in option.list_options(): opt.default_from_config(self._cfp) self._defaults_set.append(opt) def add_component(self, component): """ Add a component (and all of its options) to the parser. """ if component not in self.components: _debug("Adding component %s to %s" % (component, self)) self.components.append(component) if hasattr(component, "options"): self.add_options(getattr(component, "options")) def _set_defaults_from_config(self): """ Set defaults from the config file for all options that can come from the config file, but haven't yet had their default set """ _debug("Setting defaults on all options") for opt in self.option_list: if opt not in self._defaults_set: opt.default_from_config(self._cfp) self._defaults_set.append(opt) def _parse_config_options(self): """ populate the namespace with default values for any options that aren't already in the namespace (i.e., options without CLI arguments) """ _debug("Parsing config file-only options") for opt in self.option_list[:]: if not opt.args and opt.dest not in self.namespace: value = opt.default if value: for _, action in opt.actions.items(): _debug("Setting config file-only option %s to %s" % (opt, value)) action(self, self.namespace, value) else: _debug("Setting config file-only option %s to %s" % (opt, value)) setattr(self.namespace, opt.dest, value) def _finalize(self): """ Finalize the value of any options that require that additional post-processing step. (Mostly :class:`Bcfg2.Options.Actions.ComponentAction` subclasses.) """ _debug("Finalizing options") for opt in self.option_list[:]: opt.finalize(self.namespace) def _reset_namespace(self): """ Delete all options from the namespace except for a few predefined values and config file options. """ self.parsed = False _debug("Resetting namespace") for attr in dir(self.namespace): if (not attr.startswith("_") and attr not in ['uri', 'version', 'name'] and attr not in self._config_files): _debug("Deleting %s" % attr) delattr(self.namespace, attr) def _parse_early_options(self): """Parse early options. Early options are options that need to be parsed before other options for some reason. These fall into two basic cases: 1. Database options, which need to be parsed so that Django modules can be imported, since Django configuration is all done at import-time; 2. The repository (``-Q``) option, so that ``<repository>`` macros in other options can be resolved. """ _debug("Option parsing phase 2: Parse early options") early_opts = argparse.Namespace() early_parser = Parser(add_help=False, namespace=early_opts, early=True) # add the repo option so we can resolve <repository> # macros early_parser.add_options([repository]) early_components = [] for component in self.components: if getattr(component, "parse_first", False): early_components.append(component) early_parser.add_component(component) early_parser.parse(self.argv) _debug("Fixing up <repository> macros in early options") for attr_name in dir(early_opts): if not attr_name.startswith("_"): attr = getattr(early_opts, attr_name) if hasattr(attr, "replace"): setattr( early_opts, attr_name, attr.replace("<repository>", early_opts.repository)) _debug("Early parsing complete, calling hooks") for component in early_components: if hasattr(component, "component_parsed_hook"): _debug("Calling component_parsed_hook on %s" % component) getattr(component, "component_parsed_hook")(early_opts) _debug("Calling early parsing hooks; early options: %s" % early_opts) for option in self.option_list: option.early_parsing_hook(early_opts) def add_config_file(self, dest, cfile, reparse=True): """ Add a config file, which triggers a full reparse of all options. """ if dest not in self._config_files: _debug("Adding new config file %s for %s" % (cfile, dest)) self._reset_namespace()[cfile]) self._defaults_set = [] self._set_defaults_from_config() if reparse: self._parse_config_options() self._config_files.append(dest) def reparse(self, argv=None): """ Reparse options after they have already been parsed. :param argv: The argument list to parse. By default, :attr:`Bcfg2.Options.Parser.argv` is reused. (I.e., the argument list that was initially parsed.) :type argv: list """ _debug("Reparsing all options") self._reset_namespace() self.parse(argv or self.argv) def parse(self, argv=None): """ Parse options. :param argv: The argument list to parse. By default, ``sys.argv[1:]`` is used. This is stored in :attr:`Bcfg2.Options.Parser.argv` for reuse by :func:`Bcfg2.Options.Parser.reparse`. :type argv: list """ _debug("Parsing options") if argv is None: argv = sys.argv[1:] # pragma: nocover if self.parsed and self.argv == argv: _debug("Returning already parsed namespace") return self.namespace self.argv = argv # phase 1: get and read config file _debug("Option parsing phase 1: Get and read main config file") bootstrap_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False) self.configfile.add_to_parser(bootstrap_parser) self.configfile.default_from_config(self._cfp) bootstrap = bootstrap_parser.parse_known_args(args=self.argv)[0] # check whether the specified bcfg2.conf exists if not self.unit_test and not os.path.exists(bootstrap.config): sys.stderr.write("Could not read %s\n" % bootstrap.config) self.add_config_file(self.configfile.dest, bootstrap.config, reparse=False) # phase 2: re-parse command line for early options; currently, # that's database options if not self._early: self._parse_early_options() else: _debug("Skipping parsing phase 2 in early mode") # phase 3: re-parse command line, loading additional # components, until all components have been loaded. On each # iteration, set defaults from config file/environment # variables _debug("Option parsing phase 3: Main parser loop") # _set_defaults_from_config must be called before _parse_config_options # This is due to a tricky interaction between the two methods: # # (1) _set_defaults_from_config does what its name implies, it updates # the "default" property of each Option based on the value that exists # in the config. # # (2) _parse_config_options will look at each option and set it to the # default value that is _currently_ defined. If the option does not # exist in the namespace, it will be added. The method carefully # avoids overwriting the value of an option that is already defined in # the namespace. # # Thus, if _set_defaults_from_config has not been called yet when # _parse_config_options is called, all config file options will get set # to their hardcoded defaults. This process defines the options in the # namespace and _parse_config_options will never look at them again. # # we have to do the parsing in two loops: first, we squeeze as # much data out of the config file as we can to ensure that # all config file settings are read before we use any default # values. then we can start looking at the command line. while not self.parsed: self.parsed = True self._set_defaults_from_config() self._parse_config_options() self.parsed = False remaining = [] while not self.parsed: self.parsed = True _debug("Parsing known arguments") try: _, remaining = self.parse_known_args(args=self.argv, namespace=self.namespace) except OptionParserException: self.error(sys.exc_info()[1]) self._set_defaults_from_config() self._parse_config_options() self._finalize() if len(remaining) and not self._early: self.error("Unknown options: %s" % " ".join(remaining)) # phase 4: call post-parsing hooks if not self._early: _debug("Option parsing phase 4: Call hooks") for component in self.components: if hasattr(component, "options_parsed_hook"): _debug("Calling post-parsing hook on %s" % component) getattr(component, "options_parsed_hook")() return self.namespace
class ConfigFileComponent(object): """fake component for testing component loading.""" options = [ Option("--config2", action=ConfigFileAction), Option(cf=("config", "test"), dest="config2_test", default="bar") ]
class ComponentTwo(object): """fake component for testing component loading.""" options = [Option("--child", default="one", action=ChildComponentAction)]
class Two(MockSubcommand): """fake subcommand for testing.""" options = [Option("--test-two")]
def add_to_parser(self, parser): Option.add_to_parser(self, parser) _OptionContainer.add_to_parser(self, parser)
def add_to_parser(self, parser): Option.add_to_parser(self, parser) OptionContainer.add_to_parser(self, parser)
class ChildTwo(object): """fake component for testing component loading.""" options = [Option("--child-two")]
class ChildOne(object): """fake component for testing component loading.""" options = [Option("--child-one")]