예제 #1
    def next(self):
            line = self._header
            del self._header
        except AttributeError:
            line = self.handle.readline()
        if not line:
            # Empty file - just give up.
        if not line.strip() == "# STOCKHOLM 1.0":
            raise ValueError("Did not find STOCKHOLM header")
            # import sys
            # print >> sys.stderr, 'Warning file does not start with STOCKHOLM 1.0'

        # Note: If this file follows the PFAM conventions, there should be
        # a line containing the number of sequences, e.g. "#=GF SQ 67"
        # We do not check for this - perhaps we should, and verify that
        # if present it agrees with our parsing.

        seqs = {}
        ids = []
        gs = {}
        gr = {}
        gf = {}
        passed_end_alignment = False
        while 1:
            line = self.handle.readline()
            if not line:
                break  # end of file
            line = line.strip()  # remove trailing \n
            if line == "# STOCKHOLM 1.0":
                self._header = line
            elif line == "//":
                # The "//" line indicates the end of the alignment.
                # There may still be more meta-data
                passed_end_alignment = True
            elif line == "":
                # blank line, ignore
            elif line[0] != "#":
                # Sequence
                # Format: "<seqname> <sequence>"
                assert not passed_end_alignment
                parts = [x.strip() for x in line.split(" ", 1)]
                if len(parts) != 2:
                    # This might be someone attempting to store a zero length sequence?
                    raise ValueError("Could not split line into identifier " + "and sequence:\n" + line)
                id, seq = parts
                if id not in ids:
                seqs.setdefault(id, "")
                seqs[id] += seq.replace(".", "-")
            elif len(line) >= 5:
                # Comment line or meta-data
                if line[:5] == "#=GF ":
                    # Generic per-File annotation, free text
                    # Format: #=GF <feature> <free text>
                    feature, text = line[5:].strip().split(None, 1)
                    # Each feature key could be used more than once,
                    # so store the entries as a list of strings.
                    if feature not in gf:
                        gf[feature] = [text]
                elif line[:5] == "#=GC ":
                    # Generic per-Column annotation, exactly 1 char per column
                    # Format: "#=GC <feature> <exactly 1 char per column>"
                elif line[:5] == "#=GS ":
                    # Generic per-Sequence annotation, free text
                    # Format: "#=GS <seqname> <feature> <free text>"
                    id, feature, text = line[5:].strip().split(None, 2)
                    # if id not in ids :
                    #    ids.append(id)
                    if id not in gs:
                        gs[id] = {}
                    if feature not in gs[id]:
                        gs[id][feature] = [text]
                elif line[:5] == "#=GR ":
                    # Generic per-Sequence AND per-Column markup
                    # Format: "#=GR <seqname> <feature> <exactly 1 char per column>"
                    id, feature, text = line[5:].strip().split(None, 2)
                    # if id not in ids :
                    #    ids.append(id)
                    if id not in gr:
                        gr[id] = {}
                    if feature not in gr[id]:
                        gr[id][feature] = ""
                    gr[id][feature] += text.strip()  # append to any previous entry
                    # TODO - Should we check the length matches the alignment length?
                    #       For iterlaced sequences the GR data can be split over
                    #       multiple lines
            # Next line...

        assert len(seqs) <= len(ids)
        # assert len(gs)   <= len(ids)
        # assert len(gr)   <= len(ids)

        self.ids = ids
        self.sequences = seqs
        self.seq_annotation = gs
        self.seq_col_annotation = gr

        if ids and seqs:

            if self.records_per_alignment is not None and self.records_per_alignment != len(ids):
                raise ValueError(
                    "Found %i records in this alignment, told to expect %i" % (len(ids), self.records_per_alignment)

            alignment = Alignment(self.alphabet)

            # TODO - Introduce an annotated alignment class?
            # For now, store the annotation a new private property:
            alignment._annotations = gr

            alignment_length = len(seqs.values()[0])
            for id in ids:
                seq = seqs[id]
                if alignment_length != len(seq):
                    raise ValueError("Sequences have different lengths, or repeated identifier")
                name, start, end = self._identifier_split(id)
                alignment.add_sequence(id, seq, start=start, end=end)

                record = alignment.get_all_seqs()[-1]

                assert record.id == id or record.description == id

                record.id = id
                record.name = name
                record.description = id

                # will be overridden by _populate_meta_data if an explicit
                # accession is provided:
                record.annotations["accession"] = name

                self._populate_meta_data(id, record)
            return alignment
            return None
예제 #2
    def next(self) :
        """Reads from the handle to construct and return the next alignment.

        This returns the pairwise alignment of query and match/library
        sequences as an Alignment object containing two rows."""

        handle = self.handle
        try :
            #Header we saved from when we were parsing
            #the previous alignment.
            line = self._header
            print self._header.strip(), '--> self_header'
            del self._header
        except AttributeError:      
            line = handle.readline()
        if not line:
            return None

        if line.startswith('#-') :
            #Reached the end of the alignments, no need to read the footer...
            return None
        if line.startswith("##") :
            #Skip the file header before the alignments.  e.g.
#            print line.strip()
            line = self._skip_file_header(line)
#        print 'Back from file header skip'
        assert line.startswith('#'), line

        while not line.startswith('#=') :
            line = self.handle.readline()

        if line.startswith('#='):
            #Moved onto the next query sequence!
            self._query_descr = ""
            self._query_header_annotation = {}
            #Read in the query header
            line = self._parse_query_header(line)
        if not line :
            #End of file
            return None

        assert line.startswith(">>") and not line.startswith(">>>"), line

        query_seq_parts, match_seq_parts = [], []
        query_annotation, match_annotation = {}, {}
        match_descr = ""
        alignment_annotation = {}

        #This should be followed by the target match numbering line, then more tags.
        ; sw_score: 41.0
        ; sw_ident: 0.846
        ; sw_overlap: 13
        if not line.startswith(">>") and not line.startswith(">>>") :
            raise ValueError("Expected target line starting '>>'")
        match_descr = line[2:].strip()
        #print match_descr, 'match'
        #Handle the following "alignment hit" tagged data, e.g.
        line = handle.readline()
        line = self._parse_tag_section(line, alignment_annotation)
        assert not line.startswith("; ")

        #Then we have the alignment numbers and sequence for the query
        >gi|10955265| ..
        ; sq_len: 346
        ; sq_offset: 1
        ; sq_type: p
        ; al_start: 197
        ; al_stop: 238
        ; al_display_start: 167
        if not (line.startswith(">") and line.strip().endswith("..")):
            raise ValueError("Expected line starting '>' and ending '..'")
        assert self._query_descr.startswith(line[1:].split()[0])
        #Handle the following "query alignment" tagged data
        line = handle.readline()
        line = self._parse_tag_section(line, query_annotation)
        assert not line.startswith("; ")

        #Now should have the aligned query sequence (with leading flanking region)
        while not line.startswith(">") :
            line = handle.readline()
#            print 'queryseq', line.strip()
        #Handle the following "match alignment" data
        >gi|152973545|ref|YP_001338596.1| ..
        ; sq_len: 242
        ; sq_type: p
        ; al_start: 52
        ; al_stop: 94
        ; al_display_start: 22
        #Match identifier
        if not (line.startswith(">") and line.strip().endswith("..")):
            raise ValueError("Expected line starting '>' and ending '..', got '%s'" % repr(line))
        #print '----->', line.strip(), match_descr
        match_descr = line[1:].split()[0] + match_descr
        #assert match_descr.startswith(line[1:].split()[0])
#        assert self._match_descr.startswith(line[1:].split()[0])

        #Tagged data,
        line = handle.readline()
        line = self._parse_tag_section(line, match_annotation)
        assert not line.startswith("; ")
        #Now should have the aligned query sequence with flanking region...
        while not (line.startswith(">") or ">>>" in line) and not line.startswith('#'):
            line = handle.readline()

        if line.startswith('>') or '>>>' in line:
            self._header = line

        #We built a list of strings and then joined them because
        #its faster than appending to a string.
        query_seq = "".join(query_seq_parts)
        match_seq = "".join(match_seq_parts)
        del query_seq_parts, match_seq_parts
        #Note, query_seq and match_seq will usually be of different lengths, apparently
        #because in the m10 format leading gaps are added but not trailing gaps!

        #Remove the flanking regions,
        query_align_seq = self._extract_alignment_region(query_seq, query_annotation)
        match_align_seq = self._extract_alignment_region(match_seq, match_annotation)

        #The "sq_offset" values can be specified with the -X command line option.
        #The appear to just shift the origin used in the calculation of the coordinates.
        if ("sq_offset" in query_annotation and query_annotation["sq_offset"] != "1") \
        or ("sq_offset" in match_annotation and match_annotation["sq_offset"] != "1") :
            #Note that until some point in the v35 series, FASTA always recorded one
            #for the query offset, and ommitted the match offset (even when these were
            #query_seq the -X command line option).
            #TODO - Work out how exactly the use of -X offsets changes things.
            #raise ValueError("Offsets from the -X command line option are not (yet) supported")

# this is not useful when using stretcher
#        if len(query_align_seq) != len(match_align_seq) :
#            raise ValueError("Problem parsing the alignment sequence coordinates")
        if "sw_overlap" in alignment_annotation :
            if int(alignment_annotation["sw_overlap"]) != len(query_align_seq) :
                raise ValueError("Specified sw_overlap = %s does not match expected value %i" \
                                 % (alignment_annotation["sw_overlap"],

        #TODO - Look at the "sq_type" to assign a sensible alphabet?
        alignment = Alignment(self.alphabet)

        #TODO - Introduce an annotated alignment class?
        #For now, store the annotation a new private property:
        alignment._annotations = {}
        #Want to record both the query header tags, and the alignment tags.
        for key, value in self._query_header_annotation.iteritems() :
            alignment._annotations[key] = value
        for key, value in alignment_annotation.iteritems() :
            alignment._annotations[key] = value

        #TODO - Once the alignment object gets an append method, use it.
        #(i.e. an add SeqRecord method)
        alignment.add_sequence(self._query_descr, query_align_seq)
        record = alignment.get_all_seqs()[-1]
        assert record.id == self._query_descr or record.description == self._query_descr
        assert record.seq.tostring() == query_align_seq
        record.id = self._query_descr.split()[0].strip(",")
        record.name = "query"
        record.annotations["original_length"] = int(query_annotation["sq_len"])
        # Roba mia
        for k in query_annotation.keys():
            record.annotations[k] = query_annotation[k]

        alignment.add_sequence(match_descr, match_align_seq)
        record = alignment.get_all_seqs()[-1]
        assert record.id == match_descr or record.description == match_descr
        assert record.seq.tostring() == match_align_seq
        record.id = match_descr.split()[0].strip(",")
        record.name = "match"
        record.annotations["original_length"] = int(match_annotation["sq_len"])
        # Roba mia
        for k in query_annotation.keys():
            record.annotations[k] = match_annotation[k]

        return alignment
예제 #3
파일: MarkxIO.py 프로젝트: nlhepler/shorah
    def next(self) :
        """Reads from the handle to construct and return the next alignment.

        This returns the pairwise alignment of query and match/library
        sequences as an Alignment object containing two rows."""

        handle = self.handle
        try :
            #Header we saved from when we were parsing
            #the previous alignment.
            line = self._header
            print self._header.strip(), '--> self_header'
            del self._header
        except AttributeError:      
            line = handle.readline()
        if not line:
            return None

        if line.startswith('#-') :
            #Reached the end of the alignments, no need to read the footer...
            return None
        if line.startswith("##") :
            #Skip the file header before the alignments.  e.g.
#            print line.strip()
            line = self._skip_file_header(line)
#        print 'Back from file header skip'
        assert line.startswith('#'), line

        while not line.startswith('#=') :
            line = self.handle.readline()

        if line.startswith('#='):
            #Moved onto the next query sequence!
            self._query_descr = ""
            self._query_header_annotation = {}
            #Read in the query header
            line = self._parse_query_header(line)
        if not line :
            #End of file
            return None

        assert line.startswith(">>") and not line.startswith(">>>"), line

        query_seq_parts, match_seq_parts = [], []
        query_annotation, match_annotation = {}, {}
        match_descr = ""
        alignment_annotation = {}

        #This should be followed by the target match numbering line, then more tags.
        ; sw_score: 41.0
        ; sw_ident: 0.846
        ; sw_overlap: 13
        if not line.startswith(">>") and not line.startswith(">>>") :
            raise ValueError("Expected target line starting '>>'")
        match_descr = line[2:].strip()
        #print match_descr, 'match'
        #Handle the following "alignment hit" tagged data, e.g.
        line = handle.readline()
        line = self._parse_tag_section(line, alignment_annotation)
        assert not line.startswith("; ")

        #Then we have the alignment numbers and sequence for the query
        >gi|10955265| ..
        ; sq_len: 346
        ; sq_offset: 1
        ; sq_type: p
        ; al_start: 197
        ; al_stop: 238
        ; al_display_start: 167
        if not (line.startswith(">") and line.strip().endswith("..")):
            raise ValueError("Expected line starting '>' and ending '..'")
        assert self._query_descr.startswith(line[1:].split()[0])
        #Handle the following "query alignment" tagged data
        line = handle.readline()
        line = self._parse_tag_section(line, query_annotation)
        assert not line.startswith("; ")

        #Now should have the aligned query sequence (with leading flanking region)
        while not line.startswith(">") :
            line = handle.readline()
#            print 'queryseq', line.strip()
        #Handle the following "match alignment" data
        >gi|152973545|ref|YP_001338596.1| ..
        ; sq_len: 242
        ; sq_type: p
        ; al_start: 52
        ; al_stop: 94
        ; al_display_start: 22
        #Match identifier
        if not (line.startswith(">") and line.strip().endswith("..")):
            raise ValueError("Expected line starting '>' and ending '..', got '%s'" % repr(line))
        #print '----->', line.strip(), match_descr
        match_descr = line[1:].split()[0] + match_descr
        #assert match_descr.startswith(line[1:].split()[0])
#        assert self._match_descr.startswith(line[1:].split()[0])

        #Tagged data,
        line = handle.readline()
        line = self._parse_tag_section(line, match_annotation)
        assert not line.startswith("; ")
        #Now should have the aligned query sequence with flanking region...
        while not (line.startswith(">") or ">>>" in line) and not line.startswith('#'):
            line = handle.readline()
            if not line:
                #End of file
                return None
        if line.startswith('>') or '>>>' in line:
            self._header = line

        #We built a list of strings and then joined them because
        #its faster than appending to a string.
        query_seq = "".join(query_seq_parts)
        match_seq = "".join(match_seq_parts)
        del query_seq_parts, match_seq_parts
        #Note, query_seq and match_seq will usually be of different lengths, apparently
        #because in the m10 format leading gaps are added but not trailing gaps!

        #Remove the flanking regions,
        query_align_seq = self._extract_alignment_region(query_seq, query_annotation)
        match_align_seq = self._extract_alignment_region(match_seq, match_annotation)

        #The "sq_offset" values can be specified with the -X command line option.
        #The appear to just shift the origin used in the calculation of the coordinates.
        if ("sq_offset" in query_annotation and query_annotation["sq_offset"] != "1") \
        or ("sq_offset" in match_annotation and match_annotation["sq_offset"] != "1") :
            #Note that until some point in the v35 series, FASTA always recorded one
            #for the query offset, and ommitted the match offset (even when these were
            #query_seq the -X command line option).
            #TODO - Work out how exactly the use of -X offsets changes things.
            #raise ValueError("Offsets from the -X command line option are not (yet) supported")

# this is not useful when using stretcher
#        if len(query_align_seq) != len(match_align_seq) :
#            raise ValueError("Problem parsing the alignment sequence coordinates")
        if "sw_overlap" in alignment_annotation :
            if int(alignment_annotation["sw_overlap"]) != len(query_align_seq) :
                raise ValueError("Specified sw_overlap = %s does not match expected value %i" \
                                 % (alignment_annotation["sw_overlap"],

        #TODO - Look at the "sq_type" to assign a sensible alphabet?
        alignment = Alignment(self.alphabet)

        #TODO - Introduce an annotated alignment class?
        #For now, store the annotation a new private property:
        alignment._annotations = {}
        #Want to record both the query header tags, and the alignment tags.
        for key, value in self._query_header_annotation.iteritems() :
            alignment._annotations[key] = value
        for key, value in alignment_annotation.iteritems() :
            alignment._annotations[key] = value

        #TODO - Once the alignment object gets an append method, use it.
        #(i.e. an add SeqRecord method)
        alignment.add_sequence(self._query_descr, query_align_seq)
        record = alignment.get_all_seqs()[-1]
        assert record.id == self._query_descr or record.description == self._query_descr
        assert record.seq.tostring() == query_align_seq
        record.id = self._query_descr.split()[0].strip(",")
        record.name = "query"
        record.annotations["original_length"] = int(query_annotation["sq_len"])
        # Roba mia
        for k in query_annotation.keys():
            record.annotations[k] = query_annotation[k]

        alignment.add_sequence(match_descr, match_align_seq)
        record = alignment.get_all_seqs()[-1]
        assert record.id == match_descr or record.description == match_descr
        assert record.seq.tostring() == match_align_seq
        record.id = match_descr.split()[0].strip(",")
        record.name = "match"
        record.annotations["original_length"] = int(match_annotation["sq_len"])
        # Roba mia
        for k in query_annotation.keys():
            record.annotations[k] = match_annotation[k]

        return alignment
예제 #4
    def next(self):
            line = self._header
            del self._header
        except AttributeError:
            line = self.handle.readline()
        if not line:
            #Empty file - just give up.
        if not line.strip() == '# STOCKHOLM 1.0':
            raise ValueError("Did not find STOCKHOLM header")
            #import sys
            #print >> sys.stderr, 'Warning file does not start with STOCKHOLM 1.0'

        # Note: If this file follows the PFAM conventions, there should be
        # a line containing the number of sequences, e.g. "#=GF SQ 67"
        # We do not check for this - perhaps we should, and verify that
        # if present it agrees with our parsing.

        seqs = {}
        ids = []
        gs = {}
        gr = {}
        gf = {}
        passed_end_alignment = False
        while 1:
            line = self.handle.readline()
            if not line: break  #end of file
            line = line.strip()  #remove trailing \n
            if line == '# STOCKHOLM 1.0':
                self._header = line
            elif line == "//":
                #The "//" line indicates the end of the alignment.
                #There may still be more meta-data
                passed_end_alignment = True
            elif line == "":
                #blank line, ignore
            elif line[0] != "#":
                #Format: "<seqname> <sequence>"
                assert not passed_end_alignment
                parts = [x.strip() for x in line.split(" ", 1)]
                if len(parts) != 2:
                    #This might be someone attempting to store a zero length sequence?
                    raise ValueError("Could not split line into identifier " \
                                      + "and sequence:\n" + line)
                id, seq = parts
                if id not in ids:
                seqs.setdefault(id, '')
                seqs[id] += seq.replace(".", "-")
            elif len(line) >= 5:
                #Comment line or meta-data
                if line[:5] == "#=GF ":
                    #Generic per-File annotation, free text
                    #Format: #=GF <feature> <free text>
                    feature, text = line[5:].strip().split(None, 1)
                    #Each feature key could be used more than once,
                    #so store the entries as a list of strings.
                    if feature not in gf:
                        gf[feature] = [text]
                elif line[:5] == '#=GC ':
                    #Generic per-Column annotation, exactly 1 char per column
                    #Format: "#=GC <feature> <exactly 1 char per column>"
                elif line[:5] == '#=GS ':
                    #Generic per-Sequence annotation, free text
                    #Format: "#=GS <seqname> <feature> <free text>"
                    id, feature, text = line[5:].strip().split(None, 2)
                    #if id not in ids :
                    #    ids.append(id)
                    if id not in gs:
                        gs[id] = {}
                    if feature not in gs[id]:
                        gs[id][feature] = [text]
                elif line[:5] == "#=GR ":
                    #Generic per-Sequence AND per-Column markup
                    #Format: "#=GR <seqname> <feature> <exactly 1 char per column>"
                    id, feature, text = line[5:].strip().split(None, 2)
                    #if id not in ids :
                    #    ids.append(id)
                    if id not in gr:
                        gr[id] = {}
                    if feature not in gr[id]:
                        gr[id][feature] = ""
                    gr[id][feature] += text.strip(
                    )  # append to any previous entry
                    #TODO - Should we check the length matches the alignment length?
                    #       For iterlaced sequences the GR data can be split over
                    #       multiple lines
            #Next line...

        assert len(seqs) <= len(ids)
        #assert len(gs)   <= len(ids)
        #assert len(gr)   <= len(ids)

        self.ids = ids
        self.sequences = seqs
        self.seq_annotation = gs
        self.seq_col_annotation = gr

        if ids and seqs:

            if self.records_per_alignment is not None \
            and self.records_per_alignment != len(ids) :
                raise ValueError("Found %i records in this alignment, told to expect %i" \
                                 % (len(ids), self.records_per_alignment))

            alignment = Alignment(self.alphabet)

            #TODO - Introduce an annotated alignment class?
            #For now, store the annotation a new private property:
            alignment._annotations = gr

            alignment_length = len(seqs.values()[0])
            for id in ids:
                seq = seqs[id]
                if alignment_length != len(seq):
                    raise ValueError(
                        "Sequences have different lengths, or repeated identifier"
                name, start, end = self._identifier_split(id)
                alignment.add_sequence(id, seq, start=start, end=end)

                record = alignment.get_all_seqs()[-1]

                assert record.id == id or record.description == id

                record.id = id
                record.name = name
                record.description = id

                #will be overridden by _populate_meta_data if an explicit
                #accession is provided:
                record.annotations["accession"] = name

                self._populate_meta_data(id, record)
            return alignment
            return None
예제 #5
    def next(self) :
        """Reads from the handle to construct and return the next alignment.

        This returns the pairwise alignment of query and match/library
        sequences as an Alignment object containing two rows."""
        handle = self.handle

        try :
            #Header we saved from when we were parsing
            #the previous alignment.
            line = self._header
            del self._header
        except AttributeError:      
            line = handle.readline()
        if not line:
            return None

        if line.startswith("#") :
            #Skip the file header before the alignments.  e.g.
            line = self._skip_file_header(line)
        while ">>>" in line and not line.startswith(">>>") :
            #Moved onto the next query sequence!
            self._query_descr = ""
            self._query_header_annotation = {}
            #Read in the query header
            line = self._parse_query_header(line)
            #Now should be some alignments, but if not we move onto the next query
        if not line :
            #End of file
            return None
        if ">>><<<" in line :
            #Reached the end of the alignments, no need to read the footer...
            return None

        #Should start >>... and not >>>...
        assert line[0:2] == ">>" and not line[2] == ">", line

        query_seq_parts, match_seq_parts = [], []
        query_annotation, match_annotation = {}, {}
        match_descr = ""
        alignment_annotation = {}

        #This should be followed by the target match ID line, then more tags.
        >>gi|152973545|ref|YP_001338596.1| putative plasmid SOS inhibition protein A [Klebsiella pneumoniae subsp. pneumoniae MGH 78578]
        ; fa_frame: f
        ; fa_initn:  52
        ; fa_init1:  52
        ; fa_opt:  70
        ; fa_z-score: 105.5
        ; fa_bits: 27.5
        ; fa_expect:  0.082
        ; sw_score: 70
        ; sw_ident: 0.279
        ; sw_sim: 0.651
        ; sw_overlap: 43
        if (not line[0:2] == ">>") or line[0:3] == ">>>" :
            raise ValueError("Expected target line starting '>>'")
        match_descr = line[2:].strip()
        #Handle the following "alignment hit" tagged data, e.g.
        line = handle.readline()
        line = self._parse_tag_section(line, alignment_annotation)
        assert not line[0:2] == "; "
        #Then we have the alignment numbers and sequence for the query
        >gi|10955265| ..
        ; sq_len: 346
        ; sq_offset: 1
        ; sq_type: p
        ; al_start: 197
        ; al_stop: 238
        ; al_display_start: 167
        if not (line[0] == ">" and line.strip().endswith("..")):
            raise ValueError("Expected line starting '>' and ending '..'")
        assert self._query_descr.startswith(line[1:].split(None,1)[0])
        #Handle the following "query alignment" tagged data
        line = handle.readline()
        line = self._parse_tag_section(line, query_annotation)
        assert not line[0:2] == "; "

        #Now should have the aligned query sequence (with leading flanking region)
        while not line[0] == ">" :
            line = handle.readline()
        #Handle the following "match alignment" data
        >gi|152973545|ref|YP_001338596.1| ..
        ; sq_len: 242
        ; sq_type: p
        ; al_start: 52
        ; al_stop: 94
        ; al_display_start: 22
        #Match identifier
        if not (line[0] == ">" and line.strip().endswith("..")):
            raise ValueError("Expected line starting '>' and ending '..', got '%s'" % repr(line))
        assert match_descr.startswith(line[1:].split(None,1)[0])
        #Tagged data,
        line = handle.readline()
        line = self._parse_tag_section(line, match_annotation)
        assert not line[0:2] == "; "

        #Now should have the aligned query sequence with flanking region...
        #but before that, since FASTA 35.4.1 there can be an consensus here,
        ; al_cons:
        .::. : :. ---.  :: :. . :  ..-:::-:  :.:  ..:...: 
        while not (line[0:2] == "; " or line[0] == ">" or ">>>" in line):
            line = handle.readline()
        if line[0:2] == "; " :
            assert line.strip() == "; al_cons:"
            align_consensus_parts = []
            line = handle.readline()
            while not (line[0:2] == "; " or line[0] == ">" or ">>>" in line):
                line = handle.readline()
            #If we do anything with this in future, must remove any flanking region.
            align_consensus = "".join(align_consensus_parts)
            del align_consensus_parts
            assert not line[0:2] == "; "
        else :
            align_consensus = None
        assert (line[0] == ">" or ">>>" in line)
        self._header = line

        #We built a list of strings and then joined them because
        #its faster than appending to a string.
        query_seq = "".join(query_seq_parts)
        match_seq = "".join(match_seq_parts)
        del query_seq_parts, match_seq_parts
        #Note, query_seq and match_seq will usually be of different lengths, apparently
        #because in the m10 format leading gaps are added but not trailing gaps!

        #Remove the flanking regions,
        query_align_seq = self._extract_alignment_region(query_seq, query_annotation)
        match_align_seq = self._extract_alignment_region(match_seq, match_annotation)
        #How can we do this for the (optional) consensus?

        #The "sq_offset" values can be specified with the -X command line option.
        #They appear to just shift the origin used in the calculation of the coordinates.
        if len(query_align_seq) != len(match_align_seq) :
            raise ValueError("Problem parsing the alignment sequence coordinates, " 
                             "following should be the same length but are not:\n"
                             "%s - len %i\n%s - len %i" % (query_align_seq,
        if "sw_overlap" in alignment_annotation :
            if int(alignment_annotation["sw_overlap"]) != len(query_align_seq) :
                raise ValueError("Specified sw_overlap = %s does not match expected value %i" \
                                 % (alignment_annotation["sw_overlap"],

        #TODO - Look at the "sq_type" to assign a sensible alphabet?
        alphabet = self.alphabet
        alignment = Alignment(alphabet)

        #TODO - Introduce an annotated alignment class?
        #For now, store the annotation a new private property:
        alignment._annotations = {}
        #Want to record both the query header tags, and the alignment tags.
        for key, value in self._query_header_annotation.iteritems() :
            alignment._annotations[key] = value
        for key, value in alignment_annotation.iteritems() :
            alignment._annotations[key] = value

        #TODO - Once the alignment object gets an append method, use it.
        #(i.e. an add SeqRecord method)
        alignment.add_sequence(self._query_descr, query_align_seq)
        record = alignment.get_all_seqs()[-1]
        assert record.id == self._query_descr or record.description == self._query_descr
        #assert record.seq.tostring() == query_align_seq
        record.id = self._query_descr.split(None,1)[0].strip(",")
        record.name = "query"
        record.annotations["original_length"] = int(query_annotation["sq_len"])
        #TODO - handle start/end coordinates properly. Short term hack for now:
        record._al_start = int(query_annotation["al_start"])
        record._al_stop = int(query_annotation["al_stop"])

        #TODO - What if a specific alphabet has been requested?
        #TODO - Use an IUPAC alphabet?
        #TODO - Can FASTA output RNA?
        if alphabet == single_letter_alphabet and "sq_type" in query_annotation :
            if query_annotation["sq_type"] == "D" :
                record.seq.alphabet = generic_dna
            elif query_annotation["sq_type"] == "p" :
                record.seq.alphabet = generic_protein
        if "-" in query_align_seq :
            if not hasattr(record.seq.alphabet,"gap_char") :
                record.seq.alphabet = Gapped(record.seq.alphabet, "-")
        alignment.add_sequence(match_descr, match_align_seq)
        record = alignment.get_all_seqs()[-1]
        assert record.id == match_descr or record.description == match_descr
        #assert record.seq.tostring() == match_align_seq
        record.id = match_descr.split(None,1)[0].strip(",")
        record.name = "match"
        record.annotations["original_length"] = int(match_annotation["sq_len"])
        #TODO - handle start/end coordinates properly. Short term hack for now:
        record._al_start = int(query_annotation["al_start"])
        record._al_stop = int(query_annotation["al_stop"])

        #This is still a very crude way of dealing with the alphabet:
        if alphabet == single_letter_alphabet and "sq_type" in match_annotation :
            if match_annotation["sq_type"] == "D" :
                record.seq.alphabet = generic_dna
            elif match_annotation["sq_type"] == "p" :
                record.seq.alphabet = generic_protein
        if "-" in match_align_seq :
            if not hasattr(record.seq.alphabet,"gap_char") :
                record.seq.alphabet = Gapped(record.seq.alphabet, "-")

        return alignment
예제 #6
    def next(self) :
        """Reads from the handle to construct and return the next alignment.

        This returns the pairwise alignment of query and match/library
        sequences as an Alignment object containing two rows."""
        handle = self.handle

        try :
            #Header we saved from when we were parsing
            #the previous alignment.
            line = self._header
            del self._header
        except AttributeError:      
            line = handle.readline()
        if not line:
            return None

        if line.startswith("#") :
            #Skip the file header before the alignments.  e.g.
            line = self._skip_file_header(line)
        while ">>>" in line and not line.startswith(">>>") :
            #Moved onto the next query sequence!
            self._query_descr = ""
            self._query_header_annotation = {}
            #Read in the query header
            line = self._parse_query_header(line)
            #Now should be some alignments, but if not we move onto the next query
        if not line :
            #End of file
            return None
        if ">>><<<" in line :
            #Reached the end of the alignments, no need to read the footer...
            return None

        #Should start >>... and not >>>...
        assert line[0:2] == ">>" and not line[2] == ">", line

        query_seq_parts, match_seq_parts = [], []
        query_annotation, match_annotation = {}, {}
        match_descr = ""
        alignment_annotation = {}

        #This should be followed by the target match ID line, then more tags.
        >>gi|152973545|ref|YP_001338596.1| putative plasmid SOS inhibition protein A [Klebsiella pneumoniae subsp. pneumoniae MGH 78578]
        ; fa_frame: f
        ; fa_initn:  52
        ; fa_init1:  52
        ; fa_opt:  70
        ; fa_z-score: 105.5
        ; fa_bits: 27.5
        ; fa_expect:  0.082
        ; sw_score: 70
        ; sw_ident: 0.279
        ; sw_sim: 0.651
        ; sw_overlap: 43
        if (not line[0:2] == ">>") or line[0:3] == ">>>" :
            raise ValueError("Expected target line starting '>>'")
        match_descr = line[2:].strip()
        #Handle the following "alignment hit" tagged data, e.g.
        line = handle.readline()
        line = self._parse_tag_section(line, alignment_annotation)
        assert not line[0:2] == "; "
        #Then we have the alignment numbers and sequence for the query
        >gi|10955265| ..
        ; sq_len: 346
        ; sq_offset: 1
        ; sq_type: p
        ; al_start: 197
        ; al_stop: 238
        ; al_display_start: 167
        if not (line[0] == ">" and line.strip().endswith("..")):
            raise ValueError("Expected line starting '>' and ending '..'")
        assert self._query_descr.startswith(line[1:].split(None,1)[0])
        #Handle the following "query alignment" tagged data
        line = handle.readline()
        line = self._parse_tag_section(line, query_annotation)
        assert not line[0:2] == "; "

        #Now should have the aligned query sequence (with leading flanking region)
        while not line[0] == ">" :
            line = handle.readline()
        #Handle the following "match alignment" data
        >gi|152973545|ref|YP_001338596.1| ..
        ; sq_len: 242
        ; sq_type: p
        ; al_start: 52
        ; al_stop: 94
        ; al_display_start: 22
        #Match identifier
        if not (line[0] == ">" and line.strip().endswith("..")):
            raise ValueError("Expected line starting '>' and ending '..', got '%s'" % repr(line))
        assert match_descr.startswith(line[1:].split(None,1)[0])
        #Tagged data,
        line = handle.readline()
        line = self._parse_tag_section(line, match_annotation)
        assert not line[0:2] == "; "

        #Now should have the aligned query sequence with flanking region...
        #but before that, since FASTA 35.4.1 there can be an consensus here,
        ; al_cons:
        .::. : :. ---.  :: :. . :  ..-:::-:  :.:  ..:...: 
        while not (line[0:2] == "; " or line[0] == ">" or ">>>" in line):
            line = handle.readline()
        if line[0:2] == "; " :
            assert line.strip() == "; al_cons:"
            align_consensus_parts = []
            line = handle.readline()
            while not (line[0:2] == "; " or line[0] == ">" or ">>>" in line):
                line = handle.readline()
            #If we do anything with this in future, must remove any flanking region.
            align_consensus = "".join(align_consensus_parts)
            del align_consensus_parts
            assert not line[0:2] == "; "
        else :
            align_consensus = None
        assert (line[0] == ">" or ">>>" in line)
        self._header = line

        #We built a list of strings and then joined them because
        #its faster than appending to a string.
        query_seq = "".join(query_seq_parts)
        match_seq = "".join(match_seq_parts)
        del query_seq_parts, match_seq_parts
        #Note, query_seq and match_seq will usually be of different lengths, apparently
        #because in the m10 format leading gaps are added but not trailing gaps!

        #Remove the flanking regions,
        query_align_seq = self._extract_alignment_region(query_seq, query_annotation)
        match_align_seq = self._extract_alignment_region(match_seq, match_annotation)
        #How can we do this for the (optional) consensus?

        #The "sq_offset" values can be specified with the -X command line option.
        #They appear to just shift the origin used in the calculation of the coordinates.
        if len(query_align_seq) != len(match_align_seq) :
            raise ValueError("Problem parsing the alignment sequence coordinates, " 
                             "following should be the same length but are not:\n"
                             "%s - len %i\n%s - len %i" % (query_align_seq,
        if "sw_overlap" in alignment_annotation :
            if int(alignment_annotation["sw_overlap"]) != len(query_align_seq) :
                raise ValueError("Specified sw_overlap = %s does not match expected value %i" \
                                 % (alignment_annotation["sw_overlap"],

        #TODO - Look at the "sq_type" to assign a sensible alphabet?
        alphabet = self.alphabet
        alignment = Alignment(alphabet)

        #TODO - Introduce an annotated alignment class?
        #For now, store the annotation a new private property:
        alignment._annotations = {}
        #Want to record both the query header tags, and the alignment tags.
        for key, value in self._query_header_annotation.iteritems() :
            alignment._annotations[key] = value
        for key, value in alignment_annotation.iteritems() :
            alignment._annotations[key] = value

        #TODO - Once the alignment object gets an append method, use it.
        #(i.e. an add SeqRecord method)
        alignment.add_sequence(self._query_descr, query_align_seq)
        record = alignment.get_all_seqs()[-1]
        assert record.id == self._query_descr or record.description == self._query_descr
        #assert record.seq.tostring() == query_align_seq
        record.id = self._query_descr.split(None,1)[0].strip(",")
        record.name = "query"
        record.annotations["original_length"] = int(query_annotation["sq_len"])

        #TODO - What if a specific alphabet has been requested?
        #TODO - Use an IUPAC alphabet?
        #TODO - Can FASTA output RNA?
        if alphabet == single_letter_alphabet and "sq_type" in query_annotation :
            if query_annotation["sq_type"] == "D" :
                record.seq.alphabet = generic_dna
            elif query_annotation["sq_type"] == "p" :
                record.seq.alphabet = generic_protein
        if "-" in query_align_seq :
            if not hasattr(record.seq.alphabet,"gap_char") :
                record.seq.alphabet = Gapped(record.seq.alphabet, "-")
        alignment.add_sequence(match_descr, match_align_seq)
        record = alignment.get_all_seqs()[-1]
        assert record.id == match_descr or record.description == match_descr
        #assert record.seq.tostring() == match_align_seq
        record.id = match_descr.split(None,1)[0].strip(",")
        record.name = "match"
        record.annotations["original_length"] = int(match_annotation["sq_len"])

        #This is still a very crude way of dealing with the alphabet:
        if alphabet == single_letter_alphabet and "sq_type" in match_annotation :
            if match_annotation["sq_type"] == "D" :
                record.seq.alphabet = generic_dna
            elif match_annotation["sq_type"] == "p" :
                record.seq.alphabet = generic_protein
        if "-" in match_align_seq :
            if not hasattr(record.seq.alphabet,"gap_char") :
                record.seq.alphabet = Gapped(record.seq.alphabet, "-")

        return alignment