예제 #1
def get_gyration_radius(struct: Structure) -> float:
    Calculate radius of gyration protein
    :param struct: structure of protein
    :return: radius of gyration
    mass_center = get_mass_center(struct)

    coords = [a.get_coord() for a in struct.get_atoms()]
    masses = [_get_atom_mass(a) for a in struct.get_atoms()]

    mr2_sum = 0
    for r, m in zip(coords, masses):
        mr2_sum += m * (math.dist(r, mass_center))**2
    return math.sqrt(mr2_sum / sum(masses))
예제 #2
def get_molecular_mass(struct: Structure) -> float:
    Calculate molecular mass of protein structure
    :param struct: structure of protein
    :return: molecular mass
    mass = 0
    for atom in struct.get_atoms():
        mass += _get_atom_mass(atom)
    return mass
예제 #3
def get_mass_center(struct: Structure) -> tuple:
    Calculate mass center of protein structure
    :param struct: structure of protein
    :return: coordinates of mass center
    x_sum, y_sum, z_sum = 0, 0, 0
    mass = get_molecular_mass(struct)
    for atom in struct.get_atoms():
        atom_mass = _get_atom_mass(atom)
        x_sum += atom.get_coord()[0] * atom_mass
        y_sum += atom.get_coord()[1] * atom_mass
        z_sum += atom.get_coord()[2] * atom_mass
    return x_sum / mass, y_sum / mass, z_sum / mass
예제 #4
def get_geometric_center(struct: Structure) -> tuple:
    Calculate center of protein structure by arithmetic mean of all atoms coordinates
    :param struct: structure of protein
    :return: coordinates of center
    x_sum, y_sum, z_sum = 0, 0, 0
    n = 0
    for atom in struct.get_atoms():
        n += 1
        x_sum += atom.get_coord()[0]
        y_sum += atom.get_coord()[1]
        z_sum += atom.get_coord()[2]
    return x_sum / n, y_sum / n, z_sum / n