예제 #1
def run_paml(infile, treefile):
    cml = codeml.Codeml(alignment = infile, tree = treefile, \
    out_file = "results.out", working_dir = "./temp")
    fore = cml.run()
    fore_dat = ((fore.get('NSsites')).get(2))
    fore_lnL = fore_dat.get('lnL')
    fore_omegas = (fore_dat.get('parameters')).get('site classes')
    fore_omega = ((fore_omegas.get(2)).get('branch types')).get('foreground')
    null = cml.run()
    null_lnL = ((null.get('NSsites')).get(2)).get('lnL')

    df = 1
    chisq = 2 * (fore_lnL - null_lnL)
        pval = cdf_chi2(df, chisq)
        pval = 1.000
    return fore_omega, chisq, pval
예제 #2
 def testCdfChi2(self):
     self.assertRaises(ValueError, chi2.cdf_chi2, df = 0, stat = 3.84)
     self.assertRaises(ValueError, chi2.cdf_chi2, df = 1, stat = -3.84)
     self.assertRaises(TypeError, chi2.cdf_chi2, df = "d", stat ="stat")
     self.assertAlmostEqual(chi2.cdf_chi2(2, 3.84), 0.1466070, places=5)
예제 #3
print "\nThe sum of all posterior probabilities should equal unity.  The actual sum is:", (sum(posterior))
if sum(posterior) == 1:
	print "\nSummation checks out!\n"
	print "Sum does not equal 1.  Something went wrong...or maybe not.  Remember that these are high-precision libraries, and 0.99999... is acceptable.\n"

print "Traditional likelihood ratio tests:\n"

#teststat = -2 * log ( likelihood1 / likelihood 0)

print "M1a vs. M2a\n"
df = 2
print "The two likelihoods are:", round(floatlike[1], 2), round(floatlike[2], 2)
teststat = abs(2 * (-1 * round(floatlike[2], 2) - -1 * round(floatlike[1], 2)))
print "The test statistic is:", teststat
m12_p = cdf_chi2(df, float(teststat))
print "p-value:", cdf_chi2(df, float(teststat))

print "\nM7 vs. M8\n"
df = 2
print "The two likelihoods are:", round(floatlike[7], 2), round(floatlike[8], 2)
teststat = abs(2 * (-1 * round(floatlike[8], 2) - -1 * round(floatlike[7], 2)))
print "The test statistic is:", teststat
m78_p = cdf_chi2(df, float(teststat))
print "p-value:", cdf_chi2(df, float(teststat))

if args.M8a_test:
	print "\nM8a vs. M8\n"
	df = 1
예제 #4
#!/usr/bin/env python

import sys
from Bio.Phylo.PAML.chi2 import cdf_chi2

# This script calculates the p-value for the likelihood ratio test give two
# likelihoods and degrees of freedom.

def usage():
    print "LRT.py <Likelihood 1> <Likelihood 2> <degrees of freedom>"

if len(sys.argv) != 4:

lnL1 = float(sys.argv[1])
lnL2 = float(sys.argv[2])
degrees = int(sys.argv[3])
LRTstat = 2*(lnL1 - lnL2)
print LRTstat
p = cdf_chi2(degrees, LRTstat)
print p
예제 #5
    tree, loglk = wrappers.phyml(a)
    return (a, tree)

def run_paml(a, tree, alignName, outfile, nonsignificantFile, neutralFile):
        codemlInstance = wrappers.Codeml(a, tree)
        neutral = codemlInstance.fit("M1a")
        positive = codemlInstance.fit("M2a")
    except ValueError, e:
        print (alignName, e)
    fitDict = {}
    n = True
    LRTstat = 2*(positive["lnL"] - neutral["lnL"])
    if LRTstat > 0:
        p = cdf_chi2(2, LRTstat)
        if p < 0.05:
            n = False
        if not n:
            outfile.write("%s\t%f\n" % (alignName, p))
            nonsignificantFile.write("%s\t%f\n" % (alignName, p))
        p = cdf_chi2(2, LRTstat*-1)
        neutralFile.write("%s\t%f\n" % (alignName, p))
alignment, directory = get_arguments(sys.argv[1:])
alignDict = {}
# Check if alignment or directory was given and calculate stats accordingly
예제 #6
 def testCdfChi2(self):
     self.assertRaises(ValueError, chi2.cdf_chi2, df=0, stat=3.84)
     self.assertRaises(ValueError, chi2.cdf_chi2, df=1, stat=-3.84)
     self.assertRaises(TypeError, chi2.cdf_chi2, df="d", stat="stat")
     self.assertAlmostEqual(chi2.cdf_chi2(2, 3.84), 0.1466070, places=5)
예제 #7
# This script returns the p-value from chi2 distributions
# for likelihood ratio tests

# Imports
from Bio.Phylo.PAML.chi2 import cdf_chi2

df = 1
statistic = 24.26
chi2 = cdf_chi2(df, statistic)
print ("Chi2:",chi2)
예제 #8
    expansion_sfs_file.write(str(expansion_sfs[i]) + '\n')

# Output SFS for growth model
growth_sfs = dadi.Inference.optimally_scaled_sfs(growth_model, data)
growth_sfs_file = open("growthModelSFS.txt", 'w')
for i in range(1,len(growth_sfs)-1):
    growth_sfs_file.write(str(growth_sfs[i]) + '\n')

if expansion_ll_opt > growth_ll_opt:
    print "Testing significance of expansion..."
    LRTstat_neutral = 2*(expansion_ll_opt - neutral_ll)
    degrees = len(expansion_params)
    print "LRT Statistic- Neutral:", LRTstat_neutral
    p_neutral = cdf_chi2(degrees, LRTstat_neutral)
    print "p-value neutral =",p_neutral
    LRTstat_growth = 2*(expansion_ll_opt - growth_ll_opt)
    print "LRT Statistic- Exponential Growth:", LRTstat_growth
    p_growth = cdf_chi2(degrees, LRTstat_growth)
    print "p-value growth =",p_growth
    if p_neutral < 0.05:
        print "Working on likelihood surface..."
        likelihood_grid(expansion_func_ex, data, ns, pts_l, "expansion")
        if p_growth > 0.05:
            likelihood_grid(growth_func_ex, data, ns, pts_l, "growth")

    print "Testing significance of exponential growth..."
    LRTstat_neutral = 2*(growth_ll_opt - neutral_ll)
    degrees = len(growth_params)
예제 #9
#!/usr/bin/env python

import sys
from Bio.Phylo.PAML.chi2 import cdf_chi2

# This script calculates the p-value for the likelihood ratio test give two
# likelihoods and degrees of freedom.

def usage():
    print "LRT.py <Likelihood 1> <Likelihood 2> <degrees of freedom>"

if len(sys.argv) != 4:

lnL1 = float(sys.argv[1])
lnL2 = float(sys.argv[2])
degrees = int(sys.argv[3])
LRTstat = 2 * (lnL1 - lnL2)
print LRTstat
p = cdf_chi2(degrees, LRTstat)
print p
예제 #10
# 1.4 Results

results = .read()
dict.get(key)  #returns a specific dictionary result, based on desired key

# 2.0 CodeML
cml = codeml.Codeml()

cml.alignment = "align.phylip"  #tells codeML the alignment name
cml.tree = "species.tree"       #tells codeML the tree name
cml.out_file = "results.out"    #sets output file name
cml.working_dir = "./scratch"   #sets working directory to store output files


# 3.0 BaseML
bml = baseml.Baseml()
#	>Note: use same methods/attributes as CodeML, just replace with 'bml'

# 4.0 yn00
yn = yn00.Yn00()
#	>Note: use same methods/attributes as CodeML, replace with 'yn' 
#	>Note: you do not need a tree file

# 5.0 Chi-Squared
df = 2	#sets degrees of freedom
statistic = 7.21  #sets chi2 test statistic
cdf_chi2(df, statistic)   #returns chi2 value