예제 #1
    def mergeProfiles(self, p0, p1, maxOverlap=3):
        Merge profile p0 with profile p1, as long as they overlap in
        at most maxOverlap positions

        @param p0: profile
        @type  p0: [float]
        @param p1: profile
        @type  p1: [float]
        @param maxOverlap: maximal allowed overlap between profiles
        @type  maxOverlap: int
        @return: array
        p0 = self.__list2array(p0)
        p1 = self.__list2array(p1)

        overlap = N0.greater(N0.greater(p0, 0) + N0.greater(p1, 0), 1)

        if N0.sum(overlap) <= maxOverlap:
            ## one of the two profiles will in most cases not belong to these
            ## positions. We can't decide which one is wrong, let's eliminate
            ## both values. Alternatively we could keep one, or the average, ..
            N0.put(p1, N0.nonzero(overlap), 0)
            N0.put(p0, N0.nonzero(overlap), 0)

            p0 = p0 + p1

        return p0
예제 #2
파일: Hmmer.py 프로젝트: graik/biskit
    def mergeProfiles( self, p0, p1, maxOverlap=3 ):
        Merge profile p0 with profile p1, as long as they overlap in
        at most maxOverlap positions

        @param p0: profile
        @type  p0: [float]
        @param p1: profile
        @type  p1: [float]
        @param maxOverlap: maximal allowed overlap between profiles
        @type  maxOverlap: int
        @return: array
        p0 = self.__list2array( p0 )
        p1 = self.__list2array( p1 )

        overlap = N0.greater( N0.greater(p0,0) + N0.greater(p1,0), 1 )

        if N0.sum( overlap ) <= maxOverlap:
            ## one of the two profiles will in most cases not belong to these
            ## positions. We can't decide which one is wrong, let's eliminate
            ## both values. Alternatively we could keep one, or the average, ..
            N0.put( p1, N0.nonzero( overlap ), 0 )
            N0.put( p0, N0.nonzero( overlap ), 0 )

            p0 = p0 + p1

        return p0
예제 #3
파일: Complex.py 프로젝트: tybiot/biskit
    def compress(self, rec_mask, lig_mask):
        Compress complex using a rec and lig mask.
        @param rec_mask: atom mask 
        @type  rec_mask: [1|0]
        @param lig_mask: atom mask 
        @type  lig_mask: [1|0]

        @return: compressed complex
        @rtype: Complex
        return self.take(N0.nonzero(rec_mask), N0.nonzero(lig_mask))
예제 #4
    def __resWindow( self, res, n_neighbores, rchainMap=None,
                     left_allowed=None, right_allowed=None ):
        Get indices of all atoms of a residue and some atoms of its
        neighboring residues (if they belong to the same chain).

        @param res: residue index
        @type  res: int
        @param n_neighbores: number of residues to include right and left
        @type  n_neighbores: int
        @param right_allowed: array 1 x N_atoms of 1|0, possible neighbore
        @type  right_allowed: array
        @param left_allowed: array 1 x N_atoms of 1|0, possible neighbore atoms
        @type  left_allowed: array 
        @param rchainMap: array 1 x N_residues of int, chain id of each res
        @type  rchainMap: array

        @return: atoms of res, atoms of neighbores
        @rtype: [ int ], [ int ]
        ## some defaults.. time-consuming..
        if rchainMap is None:
            rchainMap = N0.take( self.chainMap(), self.resIndex() )

        if left_allowed  is None: left_allowed = N0.nonzero( self.ref.maskBB() )
        if right_allowed is None: right_allowed= N0.nonzero( self.ref.maskBB() )

        ## atom indices of center residue
        result = self.ref.res2atomIndices( [ res ] ).tolist()

        ## get indices of neighbore residues that still belong to same chain
        l = self.ref.lenResidues()
        chain = rchainMap[res]

        outer_left = range( res-n_neighbores, res )
        outer_right= range( res+1, res+n_neighbores+1 )

        outer_left = [ i for i in outer_left  if i > 0 and rchainMap[i]==chain]
        outer_right= [ i for i in outer_right if i < l and rchainMap[i]==chain]

        ## convert to atom indices, filter them against allowed neighbore atoms
        if outer_left:
            outer_left = self.ref.res2atomIndices( outer_left )
            outer_left = MU.intersection( left_allowed,  outer_left )

        if outer_right:
            outer_right= self.ref.res2atomIndices( outer_right)
            outer_right= MU.intersection( right_allowed, outer_right)

        return result, outer_left + outer_right
예제 #5
파일: Analyzer.py 프로젝트: suliat16/biskit
    def shuffledLists( self, n, lst, mask=None ):
        shuffle order of a list n times, leaving masked(0) elements untouched

        @param n: number of times to shuffle the list
        @type  n: int
        @param lst: list to shuffle
        @type  lst: [any]
        @param mask: mask to be applied to lst
        @type  mask: [1|0]

        @return: list of shuffeled lists
        @rtype: [[any]]        
        if not mask:
            mask = N0.ones( len(lst)  )

        if type( lst ) == list:
            lst = N0.array( lst )
        pos = N0.nonzero( mask )

        rand_pos = N0.array( [ self.__shuffleList( pos ) for i in range(n) ] )

        result = []
        for p in rand_pos:

            r = copy.copy( lst )
            N0.put( r, p, N0.take( lst, pos ) )
            result += [r]

        return result
예제 #6
파일: Complex.py 프로젝트: tybiot/biskit
    def __unmaskedMatrix(self, contacts, rec_mask, lig_mask):
        Map contacts between selected rec and lig atoms back to all atoms
        @param contacts: contact matrix, array sum_rec_mask x sum_lig_mask
        @type  contacts: array
        @param rec_mask: atom mask
        @type  rec_mask: [1|0]
        @param lig_mask: atom mask
        @type  lig_mask: [1|0]

        @return: atom contact matrix, array N_atoms_rec x N_atoms_lig
        @rtype: array
        l_rec = len(self.rec_model)
        l_lig = len(self.lig_model)

        ## map contacts back to all atoms matrix
        r = N0.zeros(l_rec * l_lig)
        rMask = N0.ravel(N0.outerproduct(rec_mask, lig_mask))

        ## (Optimization: nonzero is time consuming step)
        N0.put(r, N0.nonzero(rMask), N0.ravel(contacts))

        return N0.resize(r, (l_rec, l_lig))
예제 #7
    def removeAtoms( self, what ):
        Remove atoms from all frames of trajectory and from reference

        @param what: Specify what atoms to remove::
                      - function( atom_dict ) -> 1 || 0    or (1..remove)
                      - list of int [4, 5, 6, 200, 201..], indices of atoms
                          to remove
                      - list of int [11111100001101011100..N_atoms], mask
                      - int, remove atom with this index
        @type  what: any

        @return: N0.array(1 x N_atoms_old) of 0||1, mask used to compress the
                 atoms and xyz arrays. This mask can be used to apply the
                 same change to another array of same dimension as the
                 old(!) xyz and atoms.
        @rtype: array
        ## pass what on to PDBModel, collect resulting mask
        mask = N0.logical_not( self.atomMask( what ) )

        self.keepAtoms( N0.nonzero( mask ) )

        return mask
예제 #8
    def __checkProfileIntegrity( self, profile, upperLimit=1.0,
        In some cases SurfaceRacer generates incorrect curvature
        values for some atoms. This function sets values outside
        a given range to 0

        @param profile: profile name
        @type  profile: str
        @param upperLimit: upper limit for a valid value (default: 1.0)
        @type  upperLimit: float
        @param lowerLimit: lower limit for a valid value (default: -1.0)
        @type  lowerLimit: float

        @return: profile with inspected values
        @rtype: [float]
        mask = N0.greater( profile, upperLimit )
        mask += N0.less( profile, lowerLimit )

        for i in  N0.nonzero(mask):
            print 'WARNING! Profile value %.2f set to O\n'%profile[i]
            profile[i] = 0

        return profile
예제 #9
    def memberFrames(self, threshold=0.):
        Get indices of all frames belonging to each cluster. Each frame
        is guaranteed to belong, at least, to the cluster for which it has
        its maximum membership. If threshold > 0, it can additionally pop
        up in other clusters.

        @param threshold: minimal cluster membership or 0 to consider
                          only max membership (default: 0)
        @type  threshold: float

        @return: n_cluster, lst of lst of int, frame indices
        @rtype: [[int]]
        ## best cluster for each frame
        msm = self.memberships()
        maxMemb = N0.argmax(msm, 0)

        r = [
            N0.nonzero(N0.equal(maxMemb, i))
            for i in range(0, self.n_clusters)
        r = [x.tolist() for x in r]

        ## same thing but now taking all above threshold
        ## -> same frame can end up in several clusters
        if threshold > 0.:
            r2 = [N0.nonzero(N0.greater(l, threshold)) for l in msm]

            ## add only additional frames
            for i in range(0, len(r)):
                    frames = r[i].tolist()
                    frames = r[i]

                r[i] = frames + [fr for fr in r2[i] if fr not in r[i]]

        ## sort frames within each cluster by their membership
        r = [self.membershipSort(r[i], i) for i in range(0, len(r))]

        return r
예제 #10
def setChainID( m ):
    set chainID for Hex pdb files
    if options['id']:
        id = T.toList( options['id'] )
        cMap = m.chainMap()
        for chain in range( m.lenChains() ):
            idx = N0.nonzero( cMap == chain )
            for i in idx:
                m.atoms['chain_id'][i] = id[chain]
예제 #11
    def compressFrames( self, mask ):
        Compress trajectory with a frame mask. 

        @param mask: frame mask, 1 x N_frames
        @type  mask: [1|0]

        @return: copy of this Trajectory (fewer frames, semi-deep copy of ref)
        @rtype: Trajectory
        return self.takeFrames( N0.nonzero( mask ) )
예제 #12
    def __compressPca( self, fMask ):
        Compress PCA results using a frame mask.

        @param fMask: frame mask
        @type  fMask: [1|0]

        @return: list of pca values
        @rtype: [float]        
        return self.__takePca( N0.nonzero( fMask ) )
예제 #13
 def compressMembers(self, mask):
     Apply mask to member trajectories.
     @param mask: positions in trajectory list to keep or remove
     @type  mask: [1|0]
     @return: compressed EnsembleTraj 
     @rtype: EnsembleTraj
     return self.takeMembers(N0.nonzero(mask))
예제 #14
def setChainID(m):
    set chainID for Hex pdb files
    if options['id']:
        id = T.toList(options['id'])
        cMap = m.chainMap()
        for chain in range(m.lenChains()):
            idx = N0.nonzero(cMap == chain)
            for i in idx:
                m.atoms['chain_id'][i] = id[chain]
예제 #15
    def filterFunct(self, f):
        Get indices of items for which f( item ) == 1.

        @param f: f must take a single item as argument and return 1 or 0
        @type  f: function

        @return: array of int
        @rtype: array
        mask = [f(c) for c in self]
        return N0.nonzero(mask)
예제 #16
 def __inverseIndices(self, model, i_atoms):
     @param model: model
     @type  model: PDBMode
     @param i_atoms: atom index
     @type  i_atoms: [int]
     @return: remaining atom indices of m that are NOT in i_atoms
     @rtype: [int]
     mask = N0.zeros(len(model), N0.Int)
     N0.put(mask, i_atoms, 1)
     return N0.nonzero(N0.logical_not(mask))
예제 #17
    def compress(self, mask, deepcopy=0):
        Extract certain items.

        @param mask: mask of positions; len( mask ) == len( self )
        @type  mask: [ 1|0 ]
        @param deepcopy: deepcopy items (default: 0)
        @type  deepcopy: 1|0

        @return: new instance (or sub-class) with specified items
        @rtype: instance
        return self.take(N0.nonzero(mask), deepcopy=deepcopy)
예제 #18
    def compressAtoms( self, aMask, returnClass=None ):
        Get copy of this trajectory with only atoms marked 1 in aMask.

        @param aMask: atom mask [10011100101111...],
                      lst 1 x N_atoms of 1(keep) or 0
        @type  aMask: [1|0]
        @param returnClass: default: None, same class as this object
        @type  returnClass: class

        @return: copy of Trajectory with fewer atoms
        @rtype: Trajectory
        return self.takeAtoms( N0.nonzero( aMask ), returnClass )
예제 #19
    def filterEqual(self, key, lst):
        Get indices of items for which item[ key ] in lst.

        @param key: item attribute
        @type  key: any
        @param lst: [ any ], list of allowed values
        @type  lst: list

        @return: array of int
        @rtype: array
        mask = [self.getValue(i, key) in lst for i in range(len(self))]
        return N0.nonzero(mask)
예제 #20
파일: a_ensemble.py 프로젝트: graik/biskit
def markOutliers( traj, z, page ):

    outliers = N0.nonzero( traj.outliers( z=z, mask=traj.ref.maskCA() ) )

    for o in outliers:
        t = traj.takeMember( o )

        ## cross out outliers in plot
        prof = N0.array( t.profiles['rmsCA_ref'] ).tolist()
        prof.extend( t.profiles['rmsCA_last'] )
        maxV = max( prof )
        line = biggles.Line( (0,0), (len(t),maxV) )

        page[ o / 2, o % 2 ].add( line )
예제 #21
    def centerPatch( self, patch_mask ):
        patch_mask - [ 1|0 ], mask of non-centered patch
        -> [ 1|0 ], mask of patch around geometric center of first patch
        c    = self.model.center( patch_mask )
        dist = self.__distances( c )

        n_atoms= len( N0.nonzero( patch_mask ) )
        i_dist = N0.argsort( dist )[:n_atoms]

        result = N0.zeros( len( patch_mask ) )
        N0.put( result, i_dist, 1 )

        return result
예제 #22
def markOutliers(traj, z, page):

    outliers = N0.nonzero(traj.outliers(z=z, mask=traj.ref.maskCA()))

    for o in outliers:
        t = traj.takeMember(o)

        ## cross out outliers in plot
        prof = N0.array(t.profiles['rmsCA_ref']).tolist()
        maxV = max(prof)

        line = biggles.Line((0, 0), (len(t), maxV))

        page[o / 2, o % 2].add(line)
예제 #23
    def centerPatch(self, patch_mask):
        patch_mask - [ 1|0 ], mask of non-centered patch
        -> [ 1|0 ], mask of patch around geometric center of first patch
        c = self.model.center(patch_mask)
        dist = self.__distances(c)

        n_atoms = len(N0.nonzero(patch_mask))
        i_dist = N0.argsort(dist)[:n_atoms]

        result = N0.zeros(len(patch_mask))
        N0.put(result, i_dist, 1)

        return result
예제 #24
    def filterFunct( self, f ):
        Get indices of Complexes where f( c ) == 1.

           filterFunct( f )

        @param f: filterFunct
        @type  f: function

        @return: array of int
        @rtype: [int]
        mask = [ f( c ) for c in self ]
        return N0.nonzero( mask )
예제 #25
    def __center_model( self, model ):
        translate PDBModel so that it's center is in 0,0,0

        @param model: model to center
        @type  model: PDBModel

        @return: PDBModel (clone of model)
        @rtype: PDBModel
        r = model.clone()
        r.keep( N0.nonzero( N0.logical_not( r.maskH2O() ) ) )
        center = r.centerOfMass()
        r.setXyz( r.getXyz() - center )

        return r
예제 #26
    def filterEqual( self, infoKey, lst ):
        Get indices of Complexes where c.info[ infoKey ] in lst.

           filterEqual( infoKey, lst )

        @param infoKey: key for info dict
        @type  infoKey: str
        @param lst: list of values to look for
        @type  lst: [any]

        @return: array of int
        @rtype: [int]
        mask = [ c.info.get( infoKey ) in lst for c in self ]
        return N0.nonzero( mask )
예제 #27
파일: Analyzer.py 프로젝트: suliat16/biskit
    def random_contacts( self, contMat, n, maskRec=None, maskLig=None ):
        Create randomized surface contact matrix with same number of
        contacts and same shape as given contact matrix.
        @param contMat: template contact matrix
        @type  contMat: matrix
        @param n: number of matrices to generate
        @type  n: int
        @param maskRec: surface masks (or something similar)
        @type  maskRec: [1|0]
        @param maskLig: surface masks (or something similar)
        @type  maskLig: [1|0]
        @return: list of [n] random contact matricies
        @rtype: [matrix]
        a,b = N0.shape( contMat )
        nContacts = N0.sum( N0.sum( contMat ))

        if not maskLig:
            r_size, l_size = N0.shape( contMat )
            maskLig = N0.ones( l_size )
            maskRec = N0.ones( r_size )

        c_mask = N0.ravel( N0.outerproduct( maskRec, maskLig ) )
        c_pos = N0.nonzero( c_mask )

        # get array with surface positions from complex
        cont = N0.take( N0.ravel(contMat), c_pos )
        length = len( cont )

        result = []

        for i in range( n ):
            # create random array
            ranCont = mathUtils.randomMask( nContacts,length )

            # blow up to size of original matrix
            r = N0.zeros(a*b)
            N0.put( r, c_pos, ranCont)

            result += [ N0.reshape( r, (a,b) ) ]

        return result
예제 #28
    def __setAll_1D(self, a):
        Replace content of this sparseArray with values from Numeric array
        or list of numbers -- only for 1-dimensional arrays.

        @param a: array OR list
        @type  a: array OR [ number ]
        if type(a) is list:
            a = N0.array(a, self.__typecode)

        if self.shape != a.shape:
            raise SparseArrayError, 'dimensions not aligned'

        self.indices = N0.nonzero(N0.logical_not(N0.equal(a, self.__default)))
        self.indices = self.indices.tolist()

        self.values = N0.take(a, self.indices)
        self.values = self.values.tolist()
예제 #29
    def __find_intervals(self, l):
        l = N0.array(l)
        l = N0.take(l, N0.argsort(l))


        break_points = N0.nonzero(N0.greater(l[1:] - l[:-1], 1))

        start = 0
        intervals = []

        for i in range(len(break_points)):
            index = break_points[i]
            intervals.append(tuple(N0.take(l, range(start, index + 1))))
            start = index + 1


        return intervals
예제 #30
파일: SparseArray.py 프로젝트: graik/biskit
    def __setAll_1D( self, a ):
        Replace content of this sparseArray with values from Numeric array
        or list of numbers -- only for 1-dimensional arrays.

        @param a: array OR list
        @type  a: array OR [ number ]
        if type( a ) is list:
            a = N0.array( a, self.__typecode )

        if self.shape != a.shape:
            raise SparseArrayError, 'dimensions not aligned'

        self.indices = N0.nonzero( N0.logical_not( N0.equal(a, self.__default) ) )
        self.indices = self.indices.tolist()

        self.values = N0.take( a, self.indices )
        self.values = self.values.tolist()
예제 #31
def test( model, center2center, nAtoms=10, exclude=None ):

    from Biskit import Pymoler, PDBModel

    g = PatchGeneratorFromOrbit( model, center2center )

    overlap = int( round( nAtoms / 4.0 ) )

    r = g.randomPatches( nAtoms, 500, max_overlap=overlap, exclude=exclude )

    profile = N0.sum( N0.array(r) )

    pm  = Pymoler()
    pm.addPdb( model, 'all' )

    ms = [ model.take( N0.nonzero(mask) ) for mask in r ]

    pm.addMovie( ms )

    return pm
예제 #32
파일: Docker.py 프로젝트: tybiot/biskit
    def __setChainID(self, m, ids):
        set chaiID for Hex pdb files

        @param m: model
        @type  m: PDBModel
        @param ids: chain id, len(ids) == m.lenChains
        @type  ids: [str]

        @return: m is changed directly
        @rtype: PDBModel
        if ids:
            ids = t.toList(ids)
            cMap = m.chainMap()

            for chain in range(m.lenChains()):
                idx = N0.nonzero(cMap == chain)
                for i in idx:
                    m.atoms['chain_id'][i] = ids[chain]
예제 #33
    def filterRange(self, key, vLow, vHigh):
        Get indices of items where vLow <= item[ key ] <= vHigh.

        @param key: item attribute
        @type  key: any
        @param vLow: lower bound
        @type  vLow: any
        @param vHigh: upper bound
        @type  vHigh: any

        @return: array of int
        @rtype: array
        vLst = self.valuesOf(key)

        maskL = N0.greater_equal(vLst, vLow)
        maskH = N0.less_equal(vLst, vHigh)

        return N0.nonzero(maskL * maskH)
예제 #34
def test(model, center2center, nAtoms=10, exclude=None):

    from Biskit import Pymoler, PDBModel

    g = PatchGeneratorFromOrbit(model, center2center)

    overlap = int(round(nAtoms / 4.0))

    r = g.randomPatches(nAtoms, 500, max_overlap=overlap, exclude=exclude)

    profile = N0.sum(N0.array(r))

    pm = Pymoler()
    pm.addPdb(model, 'all')

    ms = [model.take(N0.nonzero(mask)) for mask in r]


    return pm
예제 #35
def xyzOfNearestCovalentNeighbour(i, model):
    Closest atom in the same residue as atom with index i

    @param model: PDBModel 
    @type  model: PDBModel
    @param i: atom index 
    @type  i: int

    @return: coordinates of the nearest atom 
    @rtype: [float, float, float]
    resModel = model.filter(residue_number=model.atoms['residue_number'][i])
    dist = N0.sqrt(N0.sum((resModel.xyz - model.xyz[i])**2, 1))

    ## set distance to self to something high
    dist[N0.argmin(dist)] = 100.

    pos_shortest = N0.nonzero(dist == min(dist))[0]

    return resModel.xyz[pos_shortest]
예제 #36
파일: molTools.py 프로젝트: graik/biskit
def xyzOfNearestCovalentNeighbour( i, model ):
    Closest atom in the same residue as atom with index i

    @param model: PDBModel 
    @type  model: PDBModel
    @param i: atom index 
    @type  i: int

    @return: coordinates of the nearest atom 
    @rtype: [float, float, float]
    resModel = model.filter( residue_number=model.atoms['residue_number'][i] )
    dist = N0.sqrt( N0.sum( (resModel.xyz - model.xyz[i])**2 , 1) )

    ## set distance to self to something high
    dist[ N0.argmin(dist) ] = 100.
    pos_shortest =  N0.nonzero( dist == min(dist) )[0]
    return resModel.xyz[ pos_shortest ]
예제 #37
    def getOutliers(self, traj, outlaws=[]):
        Identify member trajectories that haved moved much further than normal.

        @param traj: Trajectory to analyze
        @type  traj: Trajectory
        @param outlaws: members already marked for exclusion
        @type  outlaws: [int]

        @return: member indices of outlyer trajectories (plus outlaws)
        @rtype: [int]
        if not self.zfilter:
            return outlaws

        outliers = N0.nonzero(
            traj.outliers(z=self.zfilter, mask=traj.ref.maskCA(), step=10))
        self.log.add('identified %i outliers with z-threshold %3.1f' %\
                     ( len(outliers), self.zfilter ) )

        return MU.union(outliers, outlaws)
예제 #38
    ref = PDBModel( T.absfile( ref ) )
    if 'prot' in o:
        ref = ref.compress( ref.maskProtein() )

result_xyz = []
result_frameNames = []
result_ref = None

T.flushPrint("Loading and appending trajectories...")
for i in range( len( inLst ) ):

    t = loadTraj( inLst[i], i, start, end, step )

    if 'prot' in o:
        t.keepAtoms( N0.nonzero(t.ref.maskProtein()) )

    result_ref = result_ref or ref or t.ref

    if t.ref.equals( result_ref ) != [1,1]:
        raise Exception( 'Incompatible reference structure.' )
    for xyz in t.frames:
        result_xyz.append( xyz.astype('f') )

    for fname in t.frameNames:
        result_frameNames.append( fname )
print " Done"
예제 #39
def filter_zero_contacts( cl ):
    s = [ len( c['c_ratom_10']['nonzero'] ) for c in cl ]

    return cl.take( N0.nonzero( s ) )
예제 #40
    surf_lig = lig.profile2mask( 'MS', 0.0001, 101 )

    ## kick out non-surface
    rec = rec.compress( surf_rec )
    lig = lig.compress( surf_lig )

    com = Complex( rec, lig )

    ## get interface patch
    cont = com.atomContacts( cutoff=6.0 )
    rec_if = N0.sum( cont, 1 )
    lig_if = N0.sum( cont, 0 )

    ## center distance
    c2c = N0.sqrt( N0.sum( (rec.center() - lig.center())**2, 0 ) )
    print "Center2Center: ", c2c

    ## get patches and put them into Pymoler for display
    print "Patching"
    excl = N0.compress( N0.ones( len( rec_if ) ), rec_if )
    pm = test( rec, c2c, nAtoms=len(N0.nonzero(rec_if)), exclude=rec_if )

    pm.addPdb( rec.compress( rec_if ), 'rec_interface' )
    pm.addPdb( lig.compress( lig_if ), 'lig_interface' )
    pm.addPdb( com.model(), 'complex')

    ## show everything
    ## the patches are as movie in 'model' 