def run(params): #cols = 80 def disp_exception(text): print text h = HeadlessDisplayer() while 1: configdir = ConfigDir('downloadheadless') defaultsToIgnore = ['responsefile', 'url', 'priority'] configdir.setDefaults(defaults, defaultsToIgnore) configdefaults = configdir.loadConfig() defaults.append(('save_options', 0, "whether to save the current " "options as the new default configuration " "(only for")) try: config = parse_params(params, configdefaults) except ValueError, e: print 'error: %s \nrun with no args for parameter explanations' % e break if not config: print get_usage(defaults, 80, configdefaults) break if config['save_options']: configdir.saveConfig(config) configdir.deleteOldCacheData(config['expire_cache_data']) myid = createPeerID() seed(myid) global doneFlag doneFlag = Event() rawserver = RawServer(doneFlag, config['timeout_check_interval'], config['timeout'], ipv6_enable=config['ipv6_enabled'], failfunc=h.failed, errorfunc=disp_exception) upnp_type = UPnP_test(config['upnp_nat_access']) while True: try: listen_port = rawserver.find_and_bind( config['minport'], config['maxport'], config['bind'], ipv6_socket_style=config['ipv6_binds_v4'], upnp=upnp_type, randomizer=config['random_port']) break except socketerror, e: if upnp_type and e == UPnP_ERROR: print 'WARNING: COULD NOT FORWARD VIA UPnP' upnp_type = 0 continue print "error: Couldn't listen - " + str(e) h.failed() return
('display_path', 1, 'whether to display the full path or the torrent ' 'contents for each torrent'), ]) try: configdir = ConfigDir('launchmany') defaultsToIgnore = ['responsefile', 'url', 'priority'] configdir.setDefaults(defaults, defaultsToIgnore) configdefaults = configdir.loadConfig() defaults.append( ('save_options', 0, 'whether to save the current options as the ' 'new default configuration (only for')) if len(sys.argv) < 2: print "Usage: <directory> <global options>\n" print "<directory> - directory to look for .torrent files " \ "(semi-recursive)" print get_usage(defaults, 80, configdefaults) sys.exit(1) config, args = parseargs(sys.argv[1:], defaults, 1, 1, configdefaults) if config['save_options']: configdir.saveConfig(config) configdir.deleteOldCacheData(config['expire_cache_data']) if not os.path.isdir(args[0]): raise ValueError("Warning: " + args[0] + " is not a directory") config['torrent_dir'] = args[0] except ValueError as e: print 'error: {}\nrun with no args for parameter explanations' \ ''.format(e) sys.exit(1) LaunchMany(config, HeadlessDisplayer()) if Exceptions:
def run(scrwin, errlist, params): doneflag = Event() d = CursesDisplayer(scrwin, errlist, doneflag) try: while 1: configdir = ConfigDir('downloadcurses') defaultsToIgnore = ['responsefile', 'url', 'priority'] configdir.setDefaults(defaults,defaultsToIgnore) configdefaults = configdir.loadConfig() defaults.append(('save_options',0, "whether to save the current options as the new default configuration " + "(only for")) try: config = parse_params(params, configdefaults) except ValueError, e: d.error('error: ' + str(e) + '\nrun with no args for parameter explanations') break if not config: d.error(get_usage(defaults, d.fieldw, configdefaults)) break if config['save_options']: configdir.saveConfig(config) configdir.deleteOldCacheData(config['expire_cache_data']) myid = createPeerID() seed(myid) rawserver = RawServer(doneflag, config['timeout_check_interval'], config['timeout'], ipv6_enable = config['ipv6_enabled'], failfunc = d.failed, errorfunc = d.error) upnp_type = UPnP_test(config['upnp_nat_access']) while True: try: listen_port = rawserver.find_and_bind(config['minport'], config['maxport'], config['bind'], ipv6_socket_style = config['ipv6_binds_v4'], upnp = upnp_type, randomizer = config['random_port']) break except socketerror, e: if upnp_type and e == UPnP_ERROR: d.error('WARNING: COULD NOT FORWARD VIA UPnP') upnp_type = 0 continue d.error("Couldn't listen - " + str(e)) d.failed() return response = get_response(config['responsefile'], config['url'], d.error) if not response: break infohash = sha(bencode(response['info'])).digest() dow = BT1Download(d.display, d.finished, d.error, d.error, doneflag, config, response, infohash, myid, rawserver, listen_port, configdir) if not dow.saveAs(d.chooseFile): break if not dow.initFiles(old_style = True): break if not dow.startEngine(): dow.shutdown() break dow.startRerequester() dow.autoStats() if not dow.am_I_finished(): d.display(activity = 'connecting to peers') rawserver.listen_forever(dow.getPortHandler()) d.display(activity = 'shutting down') dow.shutdown() break
d.display(activity = 'shutting down') dow.shutdown() break except KeyboardInterrupt: # ^C to exit.. pass try: rawserver.shutdown() except: pass if not d.done: d.failed() if __name__ == '__main__': if argv[1:] == ['--version']: print version exit(0) if len(argv) <= 1: print "Usage: <global options>\n" print get_usage(defaults) exit(1) errlist = [] curses_wrapper(run, errlist, argv[1:]) if errlist: print "These errors occurred during execution:" for error in errlist: print error
def download(self, params): role = params[0] if role == 'download': self.isDownloader = True self.logger = logging.getLogger(role) params.remove(role) while True: configdir = ConfigDir('downloadheadless') defaultsToIgnore = ['responsefile', 'url', 'priority'] configdir.setDefaults(defaults,defaultsToIgnore) configdefaults = configdir.loadConfig() defaults.append(('save_options',0, "whether to save the current options as the new default configuration " + "(only for")) try: config = parse_params(params, configdefaults) except ValueError, e: print 'error: ' + str(e) + '\nrun with no args for parameter explanations' break if not config: print get_usage(defaults, 80, configdefaults) break if config['save_options']: configdir.saveConfig(config) configdir.deleteOldCacheData(config['expire_cache_data']) if config['url']: self.torrent = config['url'] elif config['responsefile']: self.torrent = config['responsefile'] for k in adjustDownloader: config[k] = adjustDownloader[k] myid = createPeerID() seed(myid) def disp_exception(text): text) rawserver = RawServer(self.doneflag, config['timeout_check_interval'], config['timeout'], ipv6_enable = config['ipv6_enabled'], failfunc = self.failed, errorfunc = disp_exception) upnp_type = UPnP_test(config['upnp_nat_access']) while True: try: listen_port = rawserver.find_and_bind(config['minport'], config['maxport'], config['bind'], ipv6_socket_style = config['ipv6_binds_v4'], upnp = upnp_type, randomizer = config['random_port']) break except socketerror, e: if upnp_type and e == UPnP_ERROR: 'WARNING: COULD NOT FORWARD VIA UPnP') upnp_type = 0 continue "error: Couldn't listen - " + str(e)) self.failed() return "error: Couldn't listen - " + str(e)
def run(autoDie, shareKill, userName, params): try: h = HeadlessDisplayer() h.autoShutdown = autoDie h.shareKill = shareKill h.user = userName while 1: try: config = parse_params(params) except ValueError, e: print 'error: ' + str(e) + '\nrun with no args for parameter explanations' break if not config: print get_usage() break # log what we are starting up transferLog("tornado starting up :\n", True) transferLog(" - torrentfile : " + config['responsefile'] + "\n", True) transferLog(" - userName : "******"\n", True) transferLog(" - transferStatFile : " + transferStatFile + "\n", True) transferLog(" - transferCommandFile : " + transferCommandFile + "\n", True) transferLog(" - transferLogFile : " + transferLogFile + "\n", True) transferLog(" - transferPidFile : " + transferPidFile + "\n", True) transferLog(" - autoDie : " + autoDie + "\n", True) transferLog(" - shareKill : " + shareKill + "\n", True) transferLog(" - minport : " + str(config['minport']) + "\n", True) transferLog(" - maxport : " + str(config['maxport']) + "\n", True) transferLog(" - max_upload_rate : " + str(config['max_upload_rate']) + "\n", True) transferLog(" - max_download_rate : " + str(config['max_download_rate']) + "\n", True) transferLog(" - min_uploads : " + str(config['min_uploads']) + "\n", True) transferLog(" - max_uploads : " + str(config['max_uploads']) + "\n", True) transferLog(" - min_peers : " + str(config['min_peers']) + "\n", True) transferLog(" - max_initiate : " + str(config['max_initiate']) + "\n", True) transferLog(" - max_connections : " + str(config['max_connections']) + "\n", True) transferLog(" - super_seeder : " + str(config['super_seeder']) + "\n", True) transferLog(" - security : " + str(config['security']) + "\n", True) transferLog(" - auto_kick : " + str(config['auto_kick']) + "\n", True) if 'crypto_allowed' in config: transferLog(" - crypto_allowed : " + str(config['crypto_allowed']) + "\n", True) if 'crypto_only' in config: transferLog(" - crypto_only : " + str(config['crypto_only']) + "\n", True) if 'crypto_stealth' in config: transferLog(" - crypto_stealth : " + str(config['crypto_stealth']) + "\n", True) transferLog(" - priority : " + str(config['priority']) + "\n", True) transferLog(" - alloc_type : " + str(config['alloc_type']) + "\n", True) transferLog(" - alloc_rate : " + str(config['alloc_rate']) + "\n", True) transferLog(" - buffer_reads : " + str(config['buffer_reads']) + "\n", True) transferLog(" - write_buffer_size : " + str(config['write_buffer_size']) + "\n", True) transferLog(" - check_hashes : " + str(config['check_hashes']) + "\n", True) transferLog(" - max_files_open : " + str(config['max_files_open']) + "\n", True) transferLog(" - upnp_nat_access : " + str(config['upnp_nat_access']) + "\n", True) # remove command-file if exists if isfile(transferCommandFile): try: transferLog("removing command-file " + transferCommandFile + "...\n", True) remove(transferCommandFile) except: pass # write pid-file currentPid = (str(getpid())).strip() transferLog("writing pid-file : " + transferPidFile + " (" + currentPid + ")\n", True) try: pidFile = open(transferPidFile, 'w') pidFile.write(currentPid + "\n") pidFile.flush() pidFile.close() except Exception, e: transferLog("Failed to write pid-file, shutting down : " + transferPidFile + " (" + currentPid + ")" + "\n", True) break myid = createPeerID() seed(myid) doneflag = Event() def disp_exception(text): print text rawserver = RawServer(doneflag, config['timeout_check_interval'], config['timeout'], ipv6_enable = config['ipv6_enabled'], failfunc = h.failed, errorfunc = disp_exception) upnp_type = UPnP_test(config['upnp_nat_access']) while True: try: listen_port = rawserver.find_and_bind(config['minport'], config['maxport'], config['bind'], ipv6_socket_style = config['ipv6_binds_v4'], upnp = upnp_type, randomizer = config['random_port']) break except socketerror, e: if upnp_type and e == UPnP_ERROR: print 'WARNING: COULD NOT FORWARD VIA UPnP' upnp_type = 0 continue print "error: Couldn't listen - " + str(e) h.failed() return
def run(autoDie,shareKill,statusFile,userName,params): if __debug__: traceMsg('run - begin') try: f=open(statusFile+".pid",'w') f.write(str(getpid()).strip() + "\n") f.flush() f.close() except: if __debug__: traceMsg('run - Failed to Create PID file') pass try: h = HeadlessDisplayer() h.statFile = statusFile h.autoShutdown = autoDie h.shareKill = shareKill h.user = userName while 1: try: config = parse_params(params) except ValueError, e: print 'error: ' + str(e) + '\nrun with no args for parameter explanations' break if not config: print get_usage() break myid = createPeerID() seed(myid) doneflag = Event() def disp_exception(text): print text rawserver = RawServer(doneflag, config['timeout_check_interval'], config['timeout'], ipv6_enable = config['ipv6_enabled'], failfunc = h.failed, errorfunc = disp_exception) upnp_type = UPnP_test(config['upnp_nat_access']) while True: try: listen_port = rawserver.find_and_bind(config['minport'], config['maxport'], config['bind'], ipv6_socket_style = config['ipv6_binds_v4'], upnp = upnp_type, randomizer = config['random_port']) break except socketerror, e: if upnp_type and e == UPnP_ERROR: print 'WARNING: COULD NOT FORWARD VIA UPnP' upnp_type = 0 continue print "error: Couldn't listen - " + str(e) h.failed() return response = get_response(config['responsefile'], config['url'], h.error) if not response: break infohash = sha(bencode(response['info'])).digest() dow = BT1Download(h.display, h.finished, h.error, disp_exception, doneflag, config, response, infohash, myid, rawserver, listen_port) if not dow.saveAs(h.chooseFile, h.newpath): break if not dow.initFiles(old_style = True): break if not dow.startEngine(): dow.shutdown() break dow.startRerequester() dow.autoStats() if not dow.am_I_finished(): h.display(activity = 'connecting to peers') rawserver.listen_forever(dow.getPortHandler()) h.display(activity = 'shutting down') dow.shutdown() break
def run(scrwin, errlist, params): doneflag = threading.Event() d = CursesDisplayer(scrwin, errlist, doneflag) try: while 1: configdir = ConfigDir('downloadcurses') defaultsToIgnore = ['responsefile', 'url', 'priority'] configdir.setDefaults(defaults, defaultsToIgnore) configdefaults = configdir.loadConfig() defaults.append( ('save_options', 0, 'whether to save the current options as ' 'the new default configuration (only for' )) try: config = parse_params(params, configdefaults) except ValueError as e: d.error('error: {}\nrun with no args for parameter ' 'explanations'.format(e)) break if not config: d.error(get_usage(defaults, d.fieldw, configdefaults)) break if config['save_options']: configdir.saveConfig(config) configdir.deleteOldCacheData(config['expire_cache_data']) myid = createPeerID() random.seed(myid) rawserver = RawServer(doneflag, config['timeout_check_interval'], config['timeout'], ipv6_enable=config['ipv6_enabled'], failfunc=d.failed, errorfunc=d.error) upnp_type = UPnP_test(config['upnp_nat_access']) while True: try: listen_port = rawserver.find_and_bind( config['minport'], config['maxport'], config['bind'], ipv6_socket_style=config['ipv6_binds_v4'], upnp=upnp_type, randomizer=config['random_port']) break except socket.error as e: if upnp_type and e == UPnP_ERROR: d.error('WARNING: COULD NOT FORWARD VIA UPnP') upnp_type = 0 continue d.error("Couldn't listen - " + str(e)) d.failed() return response = get_response(config['responsefile'], config['url'], d.error) if not response: break infohash = hashlib.sha1(bencode(response['info'])).digest() dow = BT1Download(d.display, d.finished, d.error, d.error, doneflag, config, response, infohash, myid, rawserver, listen_port, configdir) if not dow.saveAs(d.chooseFile): break if not dow.initFiles(old_style=True): break if not dow.startEngine(): dow.shutdown() break dow.startRerequester() dow.autoStats() if not dow.am_I_finished(): d.display(activity='connecting to peers') rawserver.listen_forever(dow.getPortHandler()) d.display(activity='shutting down') dow.shutdown() break except KeyboardInterrupt: # ^C to exit... pass try: rawserver.shutdown() except: pass if not d.done: d.failed()
dow.shutdown() break except KeyboardInterrupt: # ^C to exit... pass try: rawserver.shutdown() except: pass if not d.done: d.failed() if __name__ == '__main__': if sys.argv[1:] == ['--version']: print version sys.exit(0) if len(sys.argv) <= 1: print "Usage: <global options>\n" print get_usage(defaults) sys.exit(1) errlist = [] curses_wrapper(run, errlist, sys.argv[1:]) if errlist: print "These errors occurred during execution:" for error in errlist: print error
def run(params): h = HeadlessDisplayer() while 1: configdir = ConfigDir('downloadheadless') defaultsToIgnore = ['responsefile', 'url', 'priority'] configdir.setDefaults(defaults, defaultsToIgnore) configdefaults = configdir.loadConfig() defaults.append( ('save_options', 0, 'whether to save the current options as the ' 'new default configuration (only for')) try: config = parse_params(params, configdefaults) except ValueError as e: print 'error: {}\nrun with no args for parameter explanations' \ ''.format(e) break if not config: print get_usage(defaults, 80, configdefaults) break if config['save_options']: configdir.saveConfig(config) configdir.deleteOldCacheData(config['expire_cache_data']) myid = createPeerID() random.seed(myid) doneflag = threading.Event() def disp_exception(text): print text rawserver = RawServer( doneflag, config['timeout_check_interval'], config['timeout'], ipv6_enable=config['ipv6_enabled'], failfunc=h.failed, errorfunc=disp_exception) upnp_type = UPnP_test(config['upnp_nat_access']) while True: try: listen_port = rawserver.find_and_bind( config['minport'], config['maxport'], config['bind'], ipv6_socket_style=config['ipv6_binds_v4'], upnp=upnp_type, randomizer=config['random_port']) break except socket.error as e: if upnp_type and e == UPnP_ERROR: print 'WARNING: COULD NOT FORWARD VIA UPnP' upnp_type = 0 continue print "error: Couldn't listen - " + str(e) h.failed() return response = get_response(config['responsefile'], config['url'], h.error) if not response: break infohash = hashlib.sha1(bencode(response['info'])).digest() dow = BT1Download( h.display, h.finished, h.error, disp_exception, doneflag, config, response, infohash, myid, rawserver, listen_port, configdir) if not dow.saveAs(h.chooseFile, h.newpath): break if not dow.initFiles(old_style=True): break if not dow.startEngine(): dow.shutdown() break dow.startRerequester() dow.autoStats() if not dow.am_I_finished(): h.display(activity='connecting to peers') rawserver.listen_forever(dow.getPortHandler()) h.display(activity='shutting down') dow.shutdown() break try: rawserver.shutdown() except: pass if not h.done: h.failed()
def run(autoDie, shareKill, userName, params): try: h = HeadlessDisplayer() h.autoShutdown = autoDie h.shareKill = shareKill h.user = userName while 1: try: config = parse_params(params) except ValueError, e: print 'error: ' + str( e) + '\nrun with no args for parameter explanations' break if not config: print get_usage() break # log what we are starting up transferLog("tornado starting up :\n", True) transferLog(" - torrentfile : " + config['responsefile'] + "\n", True) transferLog(" - userName : "******"\n", True) transferLog(" - transferStatFile : " + transferStatFile + "\n", True) transferLog( " - transferCommandFile : " + transferCommandFile + "\n", True) transferLog(" - transferLogFile : " + transferLogFile + "\n", True) transferLog(" - transferPidFile : " + transferPidFile + "\n", True) transferLog(" - autoDie : " + autoDie + "\n", True) transferLog(" - shareKill : " + shareKill + "\n", True) transferLog(" - minport : " + str(config['minport']) + "\n", True) transferLog(" - maxport : " + str(config['maxport']) + "\n", True) transferLog( " - max_upload_rate : " + str(config['max_upload_rate']) + "\n", True) transferLog( " - max_download_rate : " + str(config['max_download_rate']) + "\n", True) transferLog( " - min_uploads : " + str(config['min_uploads']) + "\n", True) transferLog( " - max_uploads : " + str(config['max_uploads']) + "\n", True) transferLog(" - min_peers : " + str(config['min_peers']) + "\n", True) transferLog( " - max_initiate : " + str(config['max_initiate']) + "\n", True) transferLog( " - max_connections : " + str(config['max_connections']) + "\n", True) transferLog( " - super_seeder : " + str(config['super_seeder']) + "\n", True) transferLog(" - security : " + str(config['security']) + "\n", True) transferLog(" - auto_kick : " + str(config['auto_kick']) + "\n", True) if 'crypto_allowed' in config: transferLog( " - crypto_allowed : " + str(config['crypto_allowed']) + "\n", True) if 'crypto_only' in config: transferLog( " - crypto_only : " + str(config['crypto_only']) + "\n", True) if 'crypto_stealth' in config: transferLog( " - crypto_stealth : " + str(config['crypto_stealth']) + "\n", True) transferLog(" - priority : " + str(config['priority']) + "\n", True) transferLog(" - alloc_type : " + str(config['alloc_type']) + "\n", True) transferLog(" - alloc_rate : " + str(config['alloc_rate']) + "\n", True) transferLog( " - buffer_reads : " + str(config['buffer_reads']) + "\n", True) transferLog( " - write_buffer_size : " + str(config['write_buffer_size']) + "\n", True) transferLog( " - check_hashes : " + str(config['check_hashes']) + "\n", True) transferLog( " - max_files_open : " + str(config['max_files_open']) + "\n", True) transferLog( " - upnp_nat_access : " + str(config['upnp_nat_access']) + "\n", True) # remove command-file if exists if isfile(transferCommandFile): try: transferLog( "removing command-file " + transferCommandFile + "...\n", True) remove(transferCommandFile) except: pass # write pid-file currentPid = (str(getpid())).strip() transferLog( "writing pid-file : " + transferPidFile + " (" + currentPid + ")\n", True) try: pidFile = open(transferPidFile, 'w') pidFile.write(currentPid + "\n") pidFile.flush() pidFile.close() except Exception, e: transferLog( "Failed to write pid-file, shutting down : " + transferPidFile + " (" + currentPid + ")" + "\n", True) break myid = createPeerID() seed(myid) doneflag = Event() def disp_exception(text): print text rawserver = RawServer(doneflag, config['timeout_check_interval'], config['timeout'], ipv6_enable=config['ipv6_enabled'], failfunc=h.failed, errorfunc=disp_exception) upnp_type = UPnP_test(config['upnp_nat_access']) while True: try: listen_port = rawserver.find_and_bind( config['minport'], config['maxport'], config['bind'], ipv6_socket_style=config['ipv6_binds_v4'], upnp=upnp_type, randomizer=config['random_port']) break except socketerror, e: if upnp_type and e == UPnP_ERROR: print 'WARNING: COULD NOT FORWARD VIA UPnP' upnp_type = 0 continue print "error: Couldn't listen - " + str(e) h.failed() return
def run(params): cols = 80 h = HeadlessDisplayer() while 1: configdir = ConfigDir("downloadheadless") defaultsToIgnore = ["responsefile", "url", "priority"] configdir.setDefaults(defaults, defaultsToIgnore) configdefaults = configdir.loadConfig() defaults.append( ( "save_options", 0, "whether to save the current options as the new default configuration " + "(only for", ) ) try: config = parse_params(params, configdefaults) except ValueError, e: print "error: " + str(e) + "\nrun with no args for parameter explanations" break if not config: print get_usage(defaults, 80, configdefaults) break if config["save_options"]: configdir.saveConfig(config) configdir.deleteOldCacheData(config["expire_cache_data"]) myid = createPeerID() seed(myid) global doneFlag doneFlag = Event() def disp_exception(text): print text rawserver = RawServer( doneFlag, config["timeout_check_interval"], config["timeout"], ipv6_enable=config["ipv6_enabled"], failfunc=h.failed, errorfunc=disp_exception, ) upnp_type = UPnP_test(config["upnp_nat_access"]) while True: try: listen_port = rawserver.find_and_bind( config["minport"], config["maxport"], config["bind"], ipv6_socket_style=config["ipv6_binds_v4"], upnp=upnp_type, randomizer=config["random_port"], ) break except socketerror, e: if upnp_type and e == UPnP_ERROR: print "WARNING: COULD NOT FORWARD VIA UPnP" upnp_type = 0 continue print "error: Couldn't listen - " + str(e) h.failed() return
def run(params): try: import curses curses.initscr() cols = curses.COLS curses.endwin() except: cols = 80 h = HeadlessDisplayer() while 1: configdir = ConfigDir('downloadheadless') defaultsToIgnore = ['responsefile', 'url', 'priority'] configdir.setDefaults(defaults, defaultsToIgnore) configdefaults = configdir.loadConfig() defaults.append(( 'save_options', 0, "whether to save the current options as the new default configuration " + "(only for")) try: config = parse_params(params, configdefaults) except ValueError, e: print 'error: ' + str( e) + '\nrun with no args for parameter explanations' break if not config: print get_usage(defaults, 80, configdefaults) break if config['save_options']: configdir.saveConfig(config) configdir.deleteOldCacheData(config['expire_cache_data']) if config['verbose']: h.verbose = 1 myid = createPeerID() seed(myid) doneflag = Event() def disp_exception(text): print text rawserver = RawServer(doneflag, config['timeout_check_interval'], config['timeout'], ipv6_enable=config['ipv6_enabled'], failfunc=h.failed, errorfunc=disp_exception) h.raw_server = rawserver upnp_type = UPnP_test(config['upnp_nat_access']) while True: try: listen_port = rawserver.find_and_bind( config['minport'], config['maxport'], config['bind'], ipv6_socket_style=config['ipv6_binds_v4'], upnp=upnp_type, randomizer=config['random_port']) break except socketerror, e: if upnp_type and e == UPnP_ERROR: print 'WARNING: COULD NOT FORWARD VIA UPnP' upnp_type = 0 continue print "error: Couldn't listen - " + str(e) h.failed() return
"whether to display the full path or the torrent contents for each torrent" ), ]) try: configdir = ConfigDir('launchmany') defaultsToIgnore = ['responsefile', 'url', 'priority'] configdir.setDefaults(defaults, defaultsToIgnore) configdefaults = configdir.loadConfig() defaults.append(( 'save_options', 0, "whether to save the current options as the new default configuration " + "(only for")) if len(argv) < 2: print "Usage: <directory> <global options>\n" print "<directory> - directory to look for .torrent files (semi-recursive)" print get_usage(defaults, 80, configdefaults) exit(1) config, args = parseargs(argv[1:], defaults, 1, 1, configdefaults) if config['save_options']: configdir.saveConfig(config) configdir.deleteOldCacheData(config['expire_cache_data']) if not os.path.isdir(args[0]): raise ValueError("Warning: " + args[0] + " is not a directory") config['torrent_dir'] = args[0] except ValueError, e: print 'error: ' + str( e) + '\nrun with no args for parameter explanations' exit(1) LaunchMany(config, HeadlessDisplayer()) if Exceptions: