예제 #1
    def testPostUpdateWithNewFields(self):
        Try to update an existing item with new columns
        Should fail with a 400
        # Put (Create) an item
        name = self.testData._testData[7]['name']
        pk = self.testData._testData[7]['pk']
        category = self.testData._testData[7]['category']
        createdBy = self.testData._testData[7]['createdBy']
        address = self.testData._testData[7]['address']
        jsonInput = '{\"name\":\"%s\", \"category\":\"%s\", \"createdBy\":\"%s\", \"address\":\"%s\"}' \
                    % (name, category, createdBy, address)
        Shared.dbMock.write.return_value = None
        Shared.dbMock.read.return_value = None
        url = '/t2d/'
        response = t2dApp.request(url, method='PUT', data=jsonInput)
        self.assertEqual(response.status, '200 OK', 'PUT failed')

        # now update it
        Shared.dbMock.read.return_value = self.testJsonRtn[7]
        jsonInput = '{\"pk\":\"%s\", \"ARandomKey\":\"%s\"}' % (pk, 'random key value data')
        response = t2dApp.request(url, method='POST', data=jsonInput)
        self.assertEqual(response.status, '400 Bad Request', 'POST failed (received %s)' % response.status)
예제 #2
 def testDelete(self):
     Try to delete an existing resource. Do we get back a 200?
     If so, try to do a get - do we get a 404?
     pk = self.testData._testData[0]['pk']
     Shared.dbMock.read.return_value = None
     Shared.dbMock.delete.return_value = None
     url = '/t2d/%s' % pk
     response = t2dApp.request(url, method='DELETE')
     self.assertEquals(response.status, '200 OK')      
     response = t2dApp.request(url)  # GET
     self.assertEquals(response.status, '404 Not Found')
예제 #3
 def testDeleteWithMissingResource(self):
     Try to delete an item that doesnt exist
     Do we get a 404 back?
     pk = self.testData._testData[0]['pk']
     Shared.dbMock.delete.return_value = None
     url = '/t2d/%s' % pk
     response = t2dApp.request(url, method='DELETE')
     self.assertEquals(response.status, '200 OK')      
     # Now try to delete it again. Should get a 404
     Shared.dbMock.delete.side_effect = AttributeError('Key Not Found')
     response = t2dApp.request(url, method='DELETE')
     self.assertEquals(response.status, '404 Not Found')
예제 #4
    def testGetItemByKey(self):
        Provide a known good key. Do I get the right item values back?
        name = self.testData._testData[0]['name']
        pk = self.testData._testData[0]['pk']
        category = self.testData._testData[0]['category']
        createdBy = self.testData._testData[0]['createdBy']
        address = self.testData._testData[0]['address']
        phone = self.testData._testData[0]['phone']    

        Shared.dbMock.read.return_value = self.testJsonRtn[0]
        url = '/t2d/%s' % pk
        response = t2dApp.request(url) 
        rtnJson = response.data
        self.assertEquals(response.status, '200 OK')      
        self.assertEquals(response.headers['Content-Type'], 'text/plain')
        rtn = json.JSONDecoder().decode(rtnJson)
        self.assertEqual(rtn['pk'],        pk, "PK mismatch")
        self.assertEqual(rtn['name'],      name, "name mismatch")
        self.assertEqual(rtn['category'],  category, "category mismatch")
        self.assertEqual(rtn['createdBy'], createdBy, "createdBy mismatch")
        self.assertEqual(rtn['phone'],     phone, "phone mismatch")
        self.assertEqual(rtn['address'],   address, "address mismatch")
예제 #5
 def testDeleteMultipleItems(self):
     invalid to try to delete more than 1 item
     response = t2dApp.request('/t2dList', method='DELETE', data="anythinggoeshere")
     self.assertEquals(response.status, '405 Method Not Allowed')
예제 #6
 def testGetMultipleItemsBogusCategory(self):
     Must pass in a valid category to search
     url = '/t2dList?category=foobar'
     response = t2dApp.request(url)
     self.assertEquals(response.status, '404 Not Found')
예제 #7
 def testGetItemWithInvalidlyFormatedKey(self):
     try to get an item with a bogus key (one that is not of the right format)
     Do we get the proper status code back?
     url = '/t2d/#^%$@*&^!'
     response = t2dApp.request(url)
     self.assertEquals(response.status, '400 Bad Request')   
예제 #8
 def testGetMultipleItemsNoAddrLatLon(self):
     Gotta pass a category plus either lat/lon or address.
     If min params not satisfied, its an error
     url = '/t2dList?category=Recreational'
     response = t2dApp.request(url)
     self.assertEquals(response.status, '400 Bad Request')
예제 #9
 def testGetMultipleItemsNoCategory(self):
     Gotta pass a category plus either lat/lon or address.
     If min params not satisfied, its an error
     url = '/t2dList?lat=42.7979&lon=-71.1278'
     response = t2dApp.request(url)
     self.assertEquals(response.status, '400 Bad Request')
예제 #10
 def testGetItemWithNonExistantResource(self):
     Provide a valid key where the resource doesnt exist. 
     Do I get the right status code?
     Shared.dbMock.read.return_value = None
     url = '/t2d/foobar'
     response = t2dApp.request(url)
     self.assertEquals(response.status, '404 Not Found')      
예제 #11
 def testPutAlreadyExistingItem(self):
     Cant create an item that already exists. Can only update (ie POST) it
     name = self.testData._testData[0]['name']
     category = self.testData._testData[0]['category']
     createdBy = self.testData._testData[0]['createdBy']
     address = self.testData._testData[0]['address']
     jsonInput = '{\"name\":\"%s\", \"category\":\"%s\", \"createdBy\":\"%s\", \"address\":\"%s\"}' \
                 % (name, category, createdBy, address)
     Shared.dbMock.read.return_value = None
     Shared.dbMock.write.return_value = None
     url = '/t2d/'
     response = t2dApp.request(url, method='PUT', data=jsonInput)
     self.assertEquals(response.status, '200 OK')
     # Now that its there, try putting it in again. This should fail
     Shared.dbMock.read.return_value = self.testJsonRtn[0]
     response = t2dApp.request(url, method='PUT', data=jsonInput)
     self.assertEquals(response.status, '409 Conflict')
예제 #12
 def testPostUpdateNonExistingItem(self):
     Try to update a non-existing item. It should get a 404
     pk = self.testData._testData[7]['pk']
     Shared.dbMock.read.return_value = None
     url = '/t2d/'
     jsonInput = '{\"pk\":\"%s\", \"review\":\"%s\"}' \
                 % (pk, self.testData._testData[7]['review'][0])
     response = t2dApp.request(url, method='POST', data=jsonInput)
     self.assertEqual(response.status, '404 Not Found', 'POST failed (received %s)' % response.status)
예제 #13
    def testPostUpdateExistingItem(self):
        As post updates an already existing item, there dont have to be checks on
        required args. Just update existing fields or add new ones
        In this case, add a new review and make sure that we get all the reviews back
        # Put (Create) an item
        name = self.testData._testData[7]['name']
        pk = self.testData._testData[7]['pk']
        category = self.testData._testData[7]['category']
        createdBy = self.testData._testData[7]['createdBy']
        address = self.testData._testData[7]['address']
        jsonInput = '{\"name\":\"%s\", \"category\":\"%s\", \"createdBy\":\"%s\", \"address\":\"%s\"}' \
                    % (name, category, createdBy, address)
        Shared.dbMock.write.return_value = None
        Shared.dbMock.read.return_value = None
        url = '/t2d/'
        response = t2dApp.request(url, method='PUT', data=jsonInput)
        self.assertEqual(response.status, '200 OK', 'PUT failed')

        # now update it
        Shared.dbMock.read.return_value = self.testJsonRtn[7]
        jsonInput = '{\"pk\":\"%s\", \"review\":\"%s\"}' \
                    % (pk, self.testData._testData[7]['review'][0])
        response = t2dApp.request(url, method='POST', data=jsonInput)
        self.assertEqual(response.status, '200 OK', 'POST failed (received %s)' % response.status)

        # now read it back to be sure the update took.
        Shared.dbMock.read.return_value = self.testJsonRtn[7]
        url = '/t2d/%s' % pk
        response = t2dApp.request(url)
        rtnJson = response.data
        self.assertEqual(response.status, '200 OK', 'GET failed')
        self.assertEquals(response.headers['Content-Type'], 'text/plain')
        rtn = json.JSONDecoder().decode(rtnJson)
        self.assertEqual(rtn['review'][0], self.testData._testData[7]['review'][0], "mismatched review %s vs %s" % (rtn['review'][0], self.testData._testData[7]['review'][0]))
예제 #14
 def testGetMultipleItems(self):
     search criteria that will return multiple matches. Iterate over them to
     make sure what comes back is a list of items of the right category
     searchCriteria = '?category=Recreational&lat=42.7979&lon=-71.1278'
     url = '/t2dList%s' % searchCriteria
     Shared.dbMock.read.return_value = [self.testJsonRtn[0], self.testJsonRtn[1]]
     response = t2dApp.request(url)
     self.assertEquals(response.status, '200 OK')
     rtn = json.JSONDecoder().decode(response.data)
     for i in rtn:
         self.assertEqual(i['category'], "Recreational", "Categories don't match")
예제 #15
 def testPutItemMissingLocation(self):
     One of address or lat/lon is required in addition to name, category, createdBy
     name = 'Morse Parker House'
     category = 'Historical'
     createdBy = 'Mr Morse'
     jsonInput = '{\"name\":\"%s\", \"category\":\"%s\", \"createdBy\":\"%s\"}' \
                 % (name, category, createdBy)
     Shared.dbMock.write.return_value = None
     Shared.dbMock.read.return_value = None
     url = '/t2d/'
     response = t2dApp.request(url, method='PUT', data=jsonInput)
     self.assertEquals(response.status, '400 Bad Request')      
예제 #16
 def testPutItemMissingRequiredAttributes(self):
     Make sure that if we dont supply name, category and createdBy,
     that we get the right error code
     address = '104 Washington Street, Boxford, MA 01921'
     lat = 42.713 # 42-42.775
     lon = -71.053 # -71-03.208
     jsonInput = '{\"address\":\"%s\", \"lat\":%f, \"lon\":%f}' % (address, lat, lon)
     Shared.dbMock.write.return_value = None
     Shared.dbMock.read.return_value = None
     url = '/t2d/'
     response = t2dApp.request(url, method='PUT', data=jsonInput)
     self.assertEquals(response.status, '400 Bad Request')
예제 #17
 def testGetZeroItems(self):
     search criteria that matches no items. Should get back an empty list
     with a OK status
     addr = self.testData._testData[2]['address']
     # The URL has a category and address. But the item at the address isn't
     # in the category. Hence, should return zero items
     url = '/t2dList?category=Recreational&address=%s' % addr
     Shared.dbMock.read.return_value = []
     response = t2dApp.request(url)
     self.assertEquals(response.status, '200 OK')
     rtn = json.JSONDecoder().decode(response.data)
     self.assertEqual(len(rtn), 0, "Incorrect number of items returned")
예제 #18
 def testGetOneItem(self):
     search criteria that matches a single item. Should get back a 
     list with one element that matches the item in question
     addr = self.testData._testData[2]['address']
     cat = self.testData._testData[2]['category']
     url = '/t2dList?category=%s&address=%s' % (cat, addr)
     Shared.dbMock.read.return_value = [self.testJsonRtn[2]]
     response = t2dApp.request(url)
     self.assertEquals(response.status, '200 OK')
     rtn = json.JSONDecoder().decode(response.data)
     self.assertEqual(len(rtn), 1, "Incorrect number of items returned")
     self.assertEqual(rtn[0]['address'], addr, "Addresses do not match")
     self.assertEqual(rtn[0]['category'], cat, "Categories do not match")
예제 #19
 def testPutItemWithNoAddressAndMissingLon(self):
     If no address, and specifying a lat/lon, need to have both the lat and lon
     name = 'Morse Parker House'
     category = 'Historical'
     createdBy = 'Mr Morse'
     lat = 42.713 # 42-42.775
     jsonInput = '{\"name\":\"%s\", \"category\":\"%s\", \"createdBy\":\"%s\", \"lat\":%f}' \
                 % (name, category, createdBy, lat)
     Shared.dbMock.write.return_value = None
     Shared.dbMock.read.return_value = None
     url = '/t2d/'
     response = t2dApp.request(url, method='PUT', data=jsonInput)
     self.assertEquals(response.status, '400 Bad Request')      
예제 #20
 def testPutItemInvalidCategory(self):
     Even if all required args are there, a valid category must be sent
     name = 'Morse Parker House'
     category = 'Nonsensical'
     createdBy = 'Mr Morse'
     address = '104 Washington Street, Boxford, MA 01921'
     jsonInput = '{\"name\":\"%s\", \"category\":\"%s\", \"createdBy\":\"%s\", \"address\":\"%s\"}' \
                 % (name, category, createdBy, address)
     Shared.dbMock.write.return_value = None
     Shared.dbMock.read.return_value = None
     url = '/t2d/'
     response = t2dApp.request(url, method='PUT', data=jsonInput)
     self.assertEquals(response.status, '400 Bad Request')      
예제 #21
 def testPutItemWithJustAddress(self):
     Should be able to create an item with only Address in addition to
     required name, category and createdBy
     name = 'Morse Parker House'
     category = 'Historical'
     createdBy = 'Mr Morse'
     address = '104 Washington Street, Boxford, MA 01921'
     jsonInput = '{\"name\":\"%s\", \"category\":\"%s\", \"createdBy\":\"%s\", \"address\":\"%s\"}' \
                 % (name, category, createdBy, address)
     Shared.dbMock.write.return_value = None
     Shared.dbMock.read.return_value = None
     url = '/t2d/'
     response = t2dApp.request(url, method='PUT', data=jsonInput)
     self.assertEquals(response.status, '200 OK')
예제 #22
 def testGetItemWithMultipleReviews(self):
     get an item that has multiple reviews
     Does the returned json have the right set of reviews?
     pk = self.testData._testData[0]['pk']
     Shared.dbMock.read.return_value = self.testJsonRtn[0]
     url = '/t2d/%s' % pk
     response = t2dApp.request(url)
     rtnJson = response.data
     self.assertEquals(response.status, '200 OK')      
     self.assertEquals(response.headers['Content-Type'], 'text/plain')
     rtn = json.JSONDecoder().decode(rtnJson)
     self.assertEqual(rtn['review'][0], self.testData._testData[0]['review'][0], "mismatched review %s vs %s" % (rtn['review'][0], self.testData._testData[0]['review'][0]))
     self.assertEqual(rtn['review'][1], self.testData._testData[0]['review'][1], "mismatched review %s vs %s" % (rtn['review'][1], self.testData._testData[0]['review'][1]))
예제 #23
 def testPutItemWithJustLatLon(self):
     Should be able to create an item with only Lat/Lon in addition to
     required name, category and createdBy
     name = 'Morse Parker House'
     category = 'Historical'
     createdBy = 'Mr Morse'
     lat = 42.713 # 42-42.775
     lon = -71.053 # -71-03.208
     jsonInput = '{\"name\":\"%s\", \"category\":\"%s\", \"createdBy\":\"%s\", \"lat\":%f, \"lon\":%f}' \
                 % (name, category, createdBy, lat, lon)
     Shared.dbMock.write.return_value = None
     Shared.dbMock.read.return_value = None
     url = '/t2d/'
     response = t2dApp.request(url, method='PUT', data=jsonInput)
     self.assertEquals(response.status, '200 OK')
예제 #24
 def testPutNewItem(self):
     PUT == Create
     Try to add a new item to the app.
     Expectation is that geocoding is done on client side so that
     both lat/lon and address are provided in the submission
     name = 'Morse Parker House'
     category = 'Historical'
     createdBy = 'Mr Morse'
     address = '104 Washington Street, Boxford, MA 01921'
     lat = 42.713 # 42-42.775
     lon = -71.053 # -71-03.208
     jsonInput = '{\"name\":\"%s\", \"category\":\"%s\", \"createdBy\":\"%s\", \"address\":\"%s\", \"lat\":%f, \"lon\":%f}' \
                 % (name, category, createdBy, address, lat, lon)
     Shared.dbMock.write.return_value = None
     Shared.dbMock.read.return_value = None
     url = '/t2d/'
     response = t2dApp.request(url, method='PUT', data=jsonInput)
     self.assertEquals(response.status, '200 OK')      
예제 #25
 def testPutEmptyItem(self):
     jsonInput = ''
     url = '/t2d/'
     response = t2dApp.request(url, method='PUT', data=jsonInput)
     self.assertEquals(response.status, '400 Bad Request')