def datacoll(num_games): wins = 0 pushes = 0 loses = 0 blackjack = Blackjack() Data_coll = [] #initialize the data set for my bayes method for _ in range(num_games): finished, result, dealer_cards, player_cards = blackjack.play_game(Blackjack.ACTION["start"]) #I can name these output variables differently and create my output data differently hit_count = 0 game_data = [Blackjack.get_card_value(player_cards),Blackjack.get_card_value([dealer_cards[0]]),result,hit_count,_+1] Data_coll.append(game_data) while not finished: action = random.choice([Blackjack.ACTION["hit"], Blackjack.ACTION["hold"]]) finished, result, dealer_cards, player_cards = blackjack.play_game(action) if action == Blackjack.ACTION["hit"]: hit_count += 1 Data_coll.append([Blackjack.get_card_value(player_cards),Blackjack.get_card_value([dealer_cards[0]]),result,hit_count,_+1]) else: Data_coll.append([Blackjack.get_card_value(player_cards),Blackjack.get_card_value([dealer_cards[0]]),result,hit_count,_+1]) wins += 1 if result == Blackjack.RESULT["win"] else 0 pushes += 1 if result == Blackjack.RESULT["push"] else 0 loses += 1 if result == Blackjack.RESULT["lose"] else 0 return (Data_coll)
def cards_to_state(dealer_cards, player_cards, revealed_cards, only_one_dealer_card=True): dealer_cards_interested_in = [dealer_cards[0]] if only_one_dealer_card else dealer_cards player_value = Blackjack.get_card_value(player_cards) dealer_value = Blackjack.get_card_value(dealer_cards_interested_in) assert player_value >= 4 assert dealer_value >= 2 return player_value - 1, dealer_value - 1
def main(): env = Blackjack() policy = init_policy(env) v = init_state_map(env) visits_map = init_state_map(env) for _ in xrange(20000): episode = generate_episode(env, policy) on_policy_state_evaluation(episode, v, visits_map) env.visualize_state_value(v)
def main(): env = Blackjack() target_policy = init_policy(env) behavior_policy = init_equiprobable_random_policy(env) q = init_state_action_map(env) c = init_state_action_map(env) for _ in xrange(20000): episode = generate_episode(env, behavior_policy) off_policy_evaluation(episode, q, c, target_policy, behavior_policy) env.visualize_action_value(q)
def cards_to_state(dealer_cards, player_cards, revealed_cards, only_one_dealer_card=True): dealer_cards_interested_in = [dealer_cards[0]] if only_one_dealer_card else dealer_cards counts = count_cards(revealed_cards) s = np.zeros([1, 15]) s[0, 0] = Blackjack.get_card_value(player_cards) s[0, 1] = Blackjack.get_card_value(dealer_cards_interested_in) for number in range(13): s[0, 2 + number] = counts[number] return s
def test_dealer_deals_cards(self): blackjack = Blackjack([Player()]) blackjack._dealer_deals_cards() player_hand = blackjack._holders[0].get_hand() dealer_hand = blackjack._holders[1].get_hand() self.assertEqual(2, len(player_hand)) self.assertEqual(2, len(dealer_hand)) self.assertEqual(48, len(blackjack._deck._cards))
def Off_policy_MC_Control(env,episode_nums,discount_factor=1.0): env = Blackjack() Q = defaultdict(lambda:np.zeros(env.nA)) target_policy = defaultdict(float) return_count=defaultdict(float) for i_episode in range(1,1+episode_nums): env._reset() state = env.observation() episode=[] prob_b=[] if i_episode % 1000 == 0: print("\rEpisode {}/{}.".format(i_episode, episode_nums)) sys.stdout.flush() for i in range(100): A = sample_policy(Q,state,env.nA) probs = A action = np.random.choice(np.arange(env.nA),p=probs) next_state,reward,done = env._step(action) episode.append((state,action,reward)) prob_b.append(probs[action]) if done: break else: state = next_state seperate_episode = set([(tuple(x[0]), x[1]) for x in episode]) G =0.0 W =1 prob_b=prob_b[::-1] for idx,eps in enumerate(episode[::-1]): state,action,reward = eps pair=(state,action) G = discount_factor*G+reward return_count[pair]+=W Q[state][action]+=W*1.0/return_count[pair]*(G-Q[state][action]) target_policy[state] = np.argmax(Q[state]) if target_policy[state]!=action: break W = W*1.0/prob_b[idx] return Q
def main(): logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) print("Hello World!") deck = Deck() deck.shuffle() initial_money = UserInputUtils.get_positive_int_with_default( 600, "How much should be initial money?") croupier = APlayer(100000) players = [APlayer(initial_money)] blackjack = Blackjack(croupier, players, 100) winners = blackjack.new_game() for winner in winners: print("A winner is: \n{}".format(winner))
def test_finish_round(self): player = Player("Jill", 100) # (case name, expected prints, player cards, dealer cards) cases = [ ( "player_loss", ["loss"], [Card(Card.HEART, Card.TEN), Card(Card.HEART, Card.NINE)], [Card(Card.SPADE, Card.TEN), Card(Card.DIAMOND, Card.TEN)] ), ( "player_tie", ["tie"], [Card(Card.HEART, Card.TEN), Card(Card.CLUB, Card.TEN)], [Card(Card.SPADE, Card.TEN), Card(Card.DIAMOND, Card.TEN)] ), ( "player_win", ["win"], [Card(Card.SPADE, Card.TEN), Card(Card.DIAMOND, Card.TEN)], [Card(Card.HEART, Card.TEN), Card(Card.HEART, Card.NINE)] ), ( "player_blackjack_dealer_blackjack", ["tie"], [Card(Card.HEART, Card.TEN), Card(Card.HEART, Card.ACE)], [Card(Card.SPADE, Card.JACK), Card(Card.SPADE, Card.ACE)] ), ( "player_blackjack_dealer_non_blackjack", ["Blackjack"], [Card(Card.HEART, Card.TEN), Card(Card.HEART, Card.ACE)], [Card(Card.HEART, Card.TEN), Card(Card.HEART, Card.NINE)] ), ] for case in cases: expected_prints = list(reversed(case[1])) def test_print(statement): self.assertTrue(expected_prints.pop() in statement) blackjack = Blackjack([player], test_print) blackjack._holders[0].set_hand(case[2]) blackjack._holders[1].set_hand(case[3]) blackjack._finish_round()
class BlackjackEnv(): def __init__(self): self._seed = None self._blackjack = None self.reset() def seed(self, seed=None): self._seed = seed def reset(self): self._blackjack = Blackjack(self._seed) def deal(self): _, _, dealer_cards, player_cards, revealed_cards = self._blackjack.play_game(Blackjack.ACTION["start"]) return dealer_cards, player_cards, revealed_cards def step(self, action): assert action in Blackjack.ACTION.values() action = Blackjack.ACTION["hold"] if action == 0 else Blackjack.ACTION["hit"] finished, result, dealer_cards, player_cards, revealed_cards = self._blackjack.play_game(action) reward = BlackjackEnv._calculate_reward(finished, result, player_cards) return [dealer_cards, player_cards, revealed_cards], reward, finished, [result] @staticmethod def _calculate_reward(finished, result, player_cards): if finished and result == Blackjack.RESULT["lose"]: # Player lost return -100 elif finished and result == Blackjack.RESULT["win"]: # Player won return 100 elif finished and result == Blackjack.RESULT["push"]: # Push return -25 elif not finished: # Still in the middle of a hand return 0
def blackjackChanceTesting(CI, testIters): CCAI_Hand = Hand("CC_AI") players = {"CC_AI": CCAI_Hand, "dealer": Dealer_Hand("dealer")} blackjack = Blackjack(players) CCAI_Interface = Counting_Interface(blackjack, CI, CCAI_Hand) # Get the game state then calc chances for x in range(testIters): print() blackjack.display_game() gameState = CCAI_Interface.getGameState() hand = gameState[0] handValue = gameState[1] dealer_hand = gameState[2] dealerValue = gameState[3] AI_Winning = hand == dealer_hand CI.decrement_cards(hand, dealer_hand) CI.displayCardRecord() chances = CI.calcChances(hand, handValue, dealer_hand, dealerValue, AI_Winning) for key in chances.keys(): print(key, chances[key]) blackjack.reset()
class BlackjackTest(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): = Blackjack() def test_setNumOfDecks(self): self.assertEquals(3, def test_setNumOfPlayers(self): self.assertEquals(3, def test_removePlayer(self): self.assertEquals(False,'XYZ')) self.assertEquals(True,'Player1'))
def game_start(self): print("Welcome to the Game Center!") print("Please select a game and type its hotkey to begin:") print("Blackjack: <b>") game_choice = input() while game_choice not in self.gamelist: print("This game does not exist, please input a valid hotkey:") game_choice = input() self.player_list = self.spawn_players(game_choice) if game_choice == 'b': Blackjack(self.player_list, BlackjackPlayer()) self.play_again()
def test_get_player_hit(self): player = Player("Jill", 100) # (case name, expected prints, expected inputs) cases = [ ("ask_twice_to_stand", ["has score", "has score"], [("Hit or stand", "b"), ("Hit or stand", "n")]), ] for case in cases: expected_prints = list(reversed(case[1])) expected_inputs = list(reversed(case[2])) def test_print(statement): self.assertTrue(expected_prints.pop() in statement) def test_input(prompt): expected_input = expected_inputs.pop() self.assertTrue(expected_input[0] in prompt) return expected_input[1] blackjack = Blackjack([player], test_print, test_input) blackjack._dealer_deals_cards() blackjack._get_player_hit(player)
def test_player_makes_bet(self): player = Player("Jill", 100) # (case name, bet, expected prints, expected inputs) cases = [ ( "legal_bet", [10], ["Dealer has", "has hand", "has pot"], [("give bet", 10)] ), ( "noninteger_bet", [10.10, 10], ["Dealer has", "has hand", "has pot", "Illegal bet", "Dealer has", "has hand", "has pot"], [("give bet", 10.10), ("give bet", 10)] ), ( "below_zero_bet", [-10, 10], ["Dealer has", "has hand", "has pot", "Illegal bet", "Dealer has", "has hand", "has pot"], [("give bet", -10), ("give bet", 10)] ), ( "over_pot_bet", [110, 10], ["Dealer has", "has hand", "has pot", "Illegal bet", "Dealer has", "has hand", "has pot"], [("give bet", 110), ("give bet", 10)] ), ] for case in cases: expected_prints = list(reversed(case[2])) expected_inputs = list(reversed(case[3])) def test_print(statement): self.assertTrue(expected_prints.pop() in statement) def test_input(prompt): expected_input = expected_inputs.pop() self.assertTrue(expected_input[0] in prompt) return expected_input[1] blackjack = Blackjack([player], test_print, test_input) blackjack._dealer_deals_cards() blackjack._player_makes_bet(player)
def MC_Control_with_epsilon_greedy(env,episode_nums,discount_factor=1.0, epsilon=0.1): env = Blackjack() Q = defaultdict(lambda:np.zeros(env.nA)) return_sum=defaultdict(float) return_count=defaultdict(float) for i_episode in range(1,1+episode_nums): env._reset() state = env.observation() episode=[] if i_episode % 1000 == 0: print("\rEpisode {}/{}.".format(i_episode, episode_nums)) sys.stdout.flush() for i in range(100): A = epsilon_greedy_policy(Q,state,env.nA,epsilon) probs = A action = np.random.choice(np.arange(env.nA),p=probs) next_state,reward,done = env._step(action) episode.append((state,action,reward)) if done: break else: state = next_state seperate_episode = set([(tuple(x[0]), x[1]) for x in episode]) for state,action in seperate_episode: for idx,e in enumerate(episode): if e[0]==state and e[1]==action: first_visit_idx = idx break pair = (state,action) G = sum([e[2]*(discount_factor**i) for i,e in enumerate(episode[first_visit_idx:])]) return_sum[pair]+=G return_count[pair]+=1.0 Q[state][action]=return_sum[pair]*1.0/return_count[pair] return Q
def main(): Blackjack()
def blackjack_manager(): """Simple game of blackjack""" blackjack = Blackjack() blackjack.new_game() finished_game = False while finished_game == False: blackjack.print_turn() move = click.prompt('Hit(1) or stand?(2)', type=str) if move == '1': blackjack.player_hit() if move == '2': blackjack.player_stand() if blackjack.winner: blackjack.print_turn() finished_game = True
import random import sys from Blackjack import Blackjack num_games = int(float(sys.argv[1])) wins = 0 pushes = 0 loses = 0 blackjack = Blackjack() for _ in range(num_games): finished, result, dealer_cards, player_cards = blackjack.play_game( Blackjack.ACTION["start"]) while not finished: action = random.choice( [Blackjack.ACTION["hit"], Blackjack.ACTION["hold"]]) finished, result, dealer_cards, player_cards = blackjack.play_game( action) wins += 1 if result == Blackjack.RESULT["win"] else 0 pushes += 1 if result == Blackjack.RESULT["push"] else 0 loses += 1 if result == Blackjack.RESULT["lose"] else 0 print("wins:\t{}".format(wins)) print("pushes\t{}".format(pushes)) print("loses:\t{}".format(loses)) #This is the file used to start the game of Blackjack and debug different classes from Blackjack import Blackjack from Card import Card from Deck import Deck from Player import Player p = Player("Dean") b = Blackjack(p) inp = "yes" while "yes" in inp.lower(): inp = raw_input("Do you want to keep playing?: ")
def main(): blackjackgame = Blackjack()
for i in range(len(Gamemove)): Gamemove[i].pop(0) Data = np.array(Gamemove) # Initialize our classifier mnb = MultinomialNB() # Train our classifier model =, outcome) # Playing With NB.Multinomial Classifier num_games_test = 1000 wins = 0 pushes = 0 loses = 0 blackjack = Blackjack() for _ in range(num_games_test): finished, result, dealer_cards, player_cards = blackjack.play_game(Blackjack.ACTION["start"]) #I can name these output variables differently and create my output data differently while not finished: outc_W_hit = [Blackjack.get_card_value(player_cards),Blackjack.get_card_value([dealer_cards[0]]),1] outc_Wout_hit = [Blackjack.get_card_value(player_cards),Blackjack.get_card_value([dealer_cards[0]]),0] preds_W_hit = mnb.predict_proba([outc_W_hit]) #order of this output is [-1 0 1] thanks to mnb.classes_ attribute output preds_Wout_hit = mnb.predict_proba([outc_Wout_hit]) if preds_W_hit[0][2] > preds_Wout_hit[0][2]: finished, result, dealer_cards, player_cards = blackjack.play_game(Blackjack.ACTION["hit"]) else: finished, result, dealer_cards, player_cards = blackjack.play_game(Blackjack.ACTION["hold"]) wins += 1 if result == Blackjack.RESULT["win"] else 0 pushes += 1 if result == Blackjack.RESULT["push"] else 0
def start(self): bj = (Blackjack("armond", 500.00)) bj.renew_deck() is_play_again = (True) amount = (0) while (is_play_again == (True)): self.refresh_screen(bj) self.is_play_again = (True) if (bj.balance < (5)): print("\nNo more funds. Thanks for playing!") is_play_again = (False) break self.amount = (input("\n\nWager Amount? (0 to quit): $")) self.amount = (self.amount.strip()) while (match("^([0-9]{1,5})(\.{0,1})([0-9]{0,2})$", str(self.amount)) == (None)): self.amount = (input("\nWager Amount? (0 to quit): $")) self.amount = (self.amount.strip()) self.amount = (float(self.amount)) if (self.amount <= (0.0)): is_play_again = (False) break if (self.amount > (bj.balance)): print("\nCannot wager beyond your available balance!") sleep(2) continue bj.balance -= (self.amount) self.refresh_screen(bj) if (bj.deck_card_count() <= (12)): bj.renew_deck() bj.reset_hands() bj.deal_cards(who="all", amount=2) is_done = (False) while (is_done == (False)): self.refresh_screen(bj) action = (bj.perform_action(who=("human"))) if (action == ('S')): is_done = (True) break elif (action == ('H')): bj.deal_cards(who=("human"), amount=(1)) count = (bj.calculate_hand("human")) if (count > (21)): action = ('S') is_done = (True) break self.refresh_screen(bj) if (bj.calculate_hand("human") <= (21)): is_done = (False) while (is_done == (False)): self.refresh_screen(bj) action = (bj.perform_action(who=("computer"))) if (action == ('S')): is_done = (True) break elif (action == ('H')): bj.deal_cards(who=("computer"), amount=(1)) count = (bj.calculate_hand("computer")) if (count > (21)): action = ('S') is_done = (True) break self.refresh_screen(bj) winner = (self.determine_winner(bj)) print() if (self.winner == ("human")): print("\nCongratulations. You won ${0:.2f}!".format( self.amount)) bj.balance += (self.amount * (2)) bj.my_is_player_lose = (False) bj.my_is_player_tie = (False) elif (self.winner == ("computer")): print("\nSorry, you lose!") bj.my_is_player_lose = (True) bj.my_is_player_tie = (False) elif (self.winner == ("tie")): print("Tie game!") bj.balance += (self.amount) bj.my_is_player_tie = (True) bj.my_is_player_lose = (False) else: raise Exception("Error: Invalid winning scenario!") print() sleep(3) self.refresh_screen(bj) print("\nFinal Player Balance: ${0:.2f}\n".format(bj.balance)) return
else: state = next_state seperate_episode = set([tuple(eps[0]) for eps in episode]) for s_eps in seperate_episode: #find the first visit state for i, x in enumerate(episode): if x[0] == s_eps: first_visit_pos = i G = sum([ e[2] * discount**idx for idx, e in enumerate(episode[first_visit_pos:]) ]) return_sum[s_eps] += G return_count[s_eps] += 1.0 V[s_eps] = return_sum[s_eps] * 1.0 / return_count[s_eps] return V env = Blackjack() V_10k = mc_prediction(sample_policy, env, num_episodes=10000) plotting.plot_value_function(V_10k, title="10,000 Steps") V_500k = mc_prediction(sample_policy, env, num_episodes=500000) plotting.plot_value_function(V_500k, title="500,000 Steps")
from Deck import Deck from Player import Player from Blackjack import Blackjack ######################################################################################################################## #Standard Deck suits = ["Clubs", "Diamonds", "Hearts", "Spades"] rankings = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13] # Ace(Low) -> King deckStandard = Deck(suits, rankings) # deckStandard.shuffle() # p1 = Player("JamFries") p2 = Player("Guest") b1 = Blackjack(deckStandard) b1.startGame([p1, p2])
def play_game(self): cc = Card_Counter() self.blackjack = Blackjack(self.hands) # local instance of blackjack game_ids = [] move_q = cQ(100) cc_q = cQ(100) game_q = cQ(100) game_id = self.db_wrapper.get_next_game_id() continue_playing = True while continue_playing: while self.blackjack.continue_game: turn_num = self.blackjack.turnNumber ID_current_player = self.blackjack.get_current_player() all_hands = self.blackjack.get_all_hands() current_hand = self.hands[ID_current_player] hand_val_before = current_hand.get_value() next_best_hand = self.get_next_best_hand( ID_current_player, all_hands) next_move = self.get_move( ID_current_player) # pass in all player's hands if next_move == Moves.HIT: self.blackjack.hit() elif next_move == Moves.STAND: self.blackjack.stand() # calculate the required information to the databases and push to the query queues hand_val_after = current_hand.get_value() move_info = (ID_current_player, game_id, turn_num, next_move, next_best_hand, hand_val_before, hand_val_after) move_q.push(move_info) chances = cc.calcChances(handValue=hand_val_before, winning_value=next_best_hand) cc_info = (game_id, turn_num, chances["bust"], chances["blackjack"], chances["exceedWinningPlayer"], chances["alreadyExceedingWinningPlayer"], next_move) cc_q.push(cc_info) if move_q.isFull(): self.empty_queue_push(move_q, "move") if cc_q.isFull(): self.empty_queue_push(cc_q, "cc") # PROCESS END OF GAME # get the winners, increment their wins, update the agents self.blackjack.end_game() # push winners to db winners = winning_hands = [] for winner_id in winners: winning_hands.append(self.hands[winner_id]) self.display_winners(winning_hands) game_info = (game_id, winners, winning_hands, self.blackjack.turnNumber, self.hands) game_q.push(game_info) if game_q.isFull(): self.empty_queue_push(game_q, "game") # update agents and card counter then reset and increment game_id cc.decrement_cards(self.blackjack.new_cards) self.blackjack.reset() game_ids.append(game_id) game_id += 1 continue_playing = self.get_continue_playing() self.empty_queue_push(move_q, "move") self.empty_queue_push(game_q, "game") self.empty_queue_push(cc_q, "cc") return game_ids
class Console_Env(): def __init__(self, users): self.db_wrapper = CT_Wrapper("DB/Blackjack.sqlite") self.usernames = users self.hands = self.construct_hands() # builds the hands for each user def construct_hands(self): hands = {} for name in self.usernames: hands[name] = Hand(name) return hands # executes teh environemnt def play_game(self): cc = Card_Counter() self.blackjack = Blackjack(self.hands) # local instance of blackjack game_ids = [] move_q = cQ(100) cc_q = cQ(100) game_q = cQ(100) game_id = self.db_wrapper.get_next_game_id() continue_playing = True while continue_playing: while self.blackjack.continue_game: turn_num = self.blackjack.turnNumber ID_current_player = self.blackjack.get_current_player() all_hands = self.blackjack.get_all_hands() current_hand = self.hands[ID_current_player] hand_val_before = current_hand.get_value() next_best_hand = self.get_next_best_hand( ID_current_player, all_hands) next_move = self.get_move( ID_current_player) # pass in all player's hands if next_move == Moves.HIT: self.blackjack.hit() elif next_move == Moves.STAND: self.blackjack.stand() # calculate the required information to the databases and push to the query queues hand_val_after = current_hand.get_value() move_info = (ID_current_player, game_id, turn_num, next_move, next_best_hand, hand_val_before, hand_val_after) move_q.push(move_info) chances = cc.calcChances(handValue=hand_val_before, winning_value=next_best_hand) cc_info = (game_id, turn_num, chances["bust"], chances["blackjack"], chances["exceedWinningPlayer"], chances["alreadyExceedingWinningPlayer"], next_move) cc_q.push(cc_info) if move_q.isFull(): self.empty_queue_push(move_q, "move") if cc_q.isFull(): self.empty_queue_push(cc_q, "cc") # PROCESS END OF GAME # get the winners, increment their wins, update the agents self.blackjack.end_game() # push winners to db winners = winning_hands = [] for winner_id in winners: winning_hands.append(self.hands[winner_id]) self.display_winners(winning_hands) game_info = (game_id, winners, winning_hands, self.blackjack.turnNumber, self.hands) game_q.push(game_info) if game_q.isFull(): self.empty_queue_push(game_q, "game") # update agents and card counter then reset and increment game_id cc.decrement_cards(self.blackjack.new_cards) self.blackjack.reset() game_ids.append(game_id) game_id += 1 continue_playing = self.get_continue_playing() self.empty_queue_push(move_q, "move") self.empty_queue_push(game_q, "game") self.empty_queue_push(cc_q, "cc") return game_ids # gets input from the console to get user's current move def get_move(self, currPlayerID): self.blackjack.display_game() inp = "" move = None while inp != "h" and inp != "s": inp = input("\n" + currPlayerID + ": would you like to hit (h) or (s) ") if inp != "h" and inp != "s": print("please input h or s") print() if inp == "h": move = Moves.HIT elif inp == "s": move = Moves.STAND return move # pass in agent id # returns the hand value of the next best agent # will return 0 if all other agents are bust def get_next_best_hand(self, agent_id, all_hands): best_value = 0 for hand in all_hands: if == agent_id: continue hand_val = hand.get_value() if hand_val > best_value: best_value = hand_val return best_value # method for emptying a db queue and pushing all the queries # pass in the queue and a string showing the type of queue "move" or "game" def empty_queue_push(self, queue, q_type): print("Emptying q: " + q_type) if q_type == "move": # push all moves to db while not queue.isEmpty(): move_info = queue.pop() self.db_wrapper.push_move(agent_id=move_info[0], game_id=move_info[1], turn_num=move_info[2], move=move_info[3], next_best_val=move_info[4], hand_val_before=move_info[5], hand_val_after=move_info[6]) elif q_type == "game": while not queue.isEmpty(): game_info = queue.pop() self.db_wrapper.push_game(game_id=game_info[0], winners=game_info[1], winning_hands=game_info[2], num_of_turns=game_info[3], agents=game_info[4], table="users") elif q_type == "cc": while not queue.isEmpty(): cc_info = queue.pop() self.db_wrapper.push_cc( game_id=cc_info[0], turn_num=cc_info[1], bust=cc_info[2], blackjack=cc_info[3], exceedWinningPlayer=cc_info[4], alreadyExceedingWinningPlayer=cc_info[5], move=cc_info[6]) # returns true if the user enters that they want to continue playing def get_continue_playing(self): inp = "" res = None while inp != "y" and inp != "n": inp = input("Would you like play another? (y or n) ") if inp != "y" and inp != "n": print("please enter y or n") if inp == "y": res = True elif inp == "n": res = False return res # outputs the winners def display_winners(self, winning_hands): winning_val = winning_hands[0].get_value() print("Winners!!", winning_val) for hand in winning_hands: print( print()
print(f"[*] Waiting for connections...") while server.in_game is False: conn, addr = server.s.accept() if conn not in [player._connection for player in server.players]: data = conn.recv(1024) player = Player(data.decode()) player.set_connection(conn) server.players.append(player) server.broadcast(f'[*] {player} has joined the game') # Thread(target=client_thread, args=(player,)).start() if len(server.players) == player_count: server.in_game = True print('[*] Game start') game = Blackjack(server.players) while server.in_game is True: for player in server.players: # JSON format to send data => {"text": text, "active": True/False} try: player._connection.sendall( json.dumps({ "text": player.show_cards(), "active": player == game.active_player() }).encode()) except IndexError: if game.winner is None:
else : state = blackjack.stick () #print (state) states.append ([1 if state['usable_ace'] > 0 else 0, state['player_total']-1, state['dealer_total']-1]) if state['dealer_total'] > 21 or state['dealer_total'] < state['player_total'] : rewards.append (1) elif state['dealer_total'] == state['player_total'] : rewards.append (0) else : rewards.append (-1) break return states, actions, rewards blackjack = Blackjack () average_policy = np.zeros ((2, 21, 11), dtype=np.float) for k in range (1001) : policy = np.ones ((2, 21, 11)) policy[:, 18:21, :] = 0 q_values = np.zeros ((2, 21, 11, 2)) for i in range (5000) : initial_state = blackjack.new_state () states, actions, rewards = generate_episode (initial_state, policy) G = 0 for j in range (len(actions)-1, -1, -1) :
def main(): env = Blackjack() policy = init_deterministic_policy(env) q = policy_iteration(env, policy) env.visualize_action_value(q)
def reset(self): self._blackjack = Blackjack(self._seed)
def setUp(self): = Blackjack()
def main(): env = Blackjack() epsilon = 0.4 policy = init_epsilon_greedy_policy(env, epsilon) q = policy_iteration(env, policy, epsilon) env.visualize_action_value(q)