class BlackjackEnv(Environment): # the number of action values the environment accepts #indim = 2 # the number of sensor values the environment produces #outdim = 21 def __init__(self, GameDeck): self.gameDeck = GameDeck self.indim = 2 self.outdim = 32 def createHand(self): self.hand = BlackjackHand(self.gameDeck) self.hand.getHand() def getSensors(self): handValue = self.hand.getValue()-1 return [float(handValue),] def performAction(self, action): if action == 0.: self.hand.hit() return action def reset(self): self.gameDeck.shuffleDeck() self.hand.getHand()
class BlackjackEnv(Environment): # the number of action values the environment accepts #indim = 2 # the number of sensor values the environment produces #outdim = 21 def __init__(self, GameDeck): self.gameDeck = GameDeck self.indim = 2 self.outdim = 32 def createHand(self): self.hand = BlackjackHand(self.gameDeck) self.hand.getHand() def getSensors(self): handValue = self.hand.getValue() - 1 return [ float(handValue), ] def performAction(self, action): if action == 0.: self.hand.hit() return action def reset(self): self.gameDeck.shuffleDeck() self.hand.getHand()
class BlackjackDealer(): def __init__(self,gameDeck): self.gameDeck = gameDeck def createHand(self): self.hand = BlackjackHand(self.gameDeck) self.hand.getHand() def getHand(self): return self.hand.Hand def getHandValue(self): return self.hand.getValue() def playHand(self): while self.hand.getValue() < 17: self.hand.hit()
def createHand(self): self.hand = BlackjackHand(self.gameDeck) self.hand.getHand()