def offset_and_rotation_to_matrix(offset, rotation): """ Return 4x4 transform given offset and (3x3 or quaternion) rotation.""" if type(rotation).__name__ == 'quaternion': rotation = rotation.toMatrix() return rotation.resize4x4() * Mathutils.TranslationMatrix(offset)
def write_mesh(file, scn, exp_list, matTable, total): print "Write Geometric" for current_container in exp_list: TransTable = {'SizeX': 1, 'SizeY': 1, 'SizeZ': 1} nameMe = {'objName': 'obj', 'meName': 'me'} sGroups = {} hasTable = { 'hasMat': 0, 'hasSG': 0, 'hasUV': 0, 'hasVC': 0, 'matRef': 0 } count = {'face': 0, 'vert': 0, 'UVs': 0, 'cVert': 0} obj = current_container[0] #mat_ref = current_container[1] data = obj.getData(0, 1) nameMe['objName'] = nameMe['meName'] = mats_me = [ mat for mat in data.materials if mat ] #fix for 2.44, get rid of NoneType Objects in me.materials mats_ob = obj.getMaterials(0) materials = False if mats_me: materials = mats_me elif mats_ob: materials = mats_ob if guiTable['MTL'] and materials: hasTable['hasMat'] = 1 hasTable['matRef'] = current_container[1] if obj.getParent(): nameMe['parent'] = obj.getParent().name me = Mesh.New() # Create a new mesh if guiTable['MOD']: # Use modified mesh me.getFromObject(, 0) # Get the object's mesh data, cage 0 = apply mod else: me.getFromObject(, 1) me.transform(obj.matrix) # ASE stores transformed mesh data if guiTable['RECENTER']: # Recentre Objects to 0,0,0 feature rec_matrix = Mathutils.TranslationMatrix( obj.matrix.translationPart().negate()) me.transform(rec_matrix) tempObj = Blender.Object.New('Mesh', 'ASE_export_temp_obj') tempObj.setMatrix(obj.matrix) if guiTable['VG2SG']: VGNames = data.getVertGroupNames() for vg in VGNames: me.addVertGroup(vg) gverts = data.getVertsFromGroup(vg, 1) gverts_copy = [] for gv in gverts: gverts_copy.append(gv[0]) me.assignVertsToGroup(vg, gverts_copy, 1, 1) obj = tempObj faces = me.faces verts = me.verts count['vert'] = len(verts) total['Verts'] += count['vert'] if count['vert'] == 0: print 'Error: ' + nameMe['meName'] + 'has 0 Verts' continue vGroups = me.getVertGroupNames() if guiTable['VG2SG'] and len(vGroups) > 0: for current_VG in vGroups: if current_VG.lower().count("smooth."): hasTable['hasSG'] = 1 smooth_num = int(current_VG.lower().replace("smooth.", "")) gverts = me.getVertsFromGroup(current_VG) for vi in gverts: if not sGroups.has_key(vi): sGroups[vi] = [smooth_num] else: sGroups[vi].append(smooth_num) if guiTable['UV']: if me.faceUV == True or me.faceUV == 1: hasTable['hasUV'] = 1 if guiTable['VC']: if me.vertexColors: hasTable['hasVC'] = 1 elif hasTable['hasMat']: # Blender material for current_mat in materials: if current_mat.getMode() & Material.Modes['VCOL_PAINT']: hasTable['hasVC'] = 1 break for current_face in faces: if len(current_face.verts) is 3: count['face'] += 1 total['Tris'] += 1 total['Faces'] += 1 elif len(current_face.verts) is 4: count['face'] += 2 total['Tris'] += 2 total['Faces'] += 1 #Open Geomobject file.write("*GEOMOBJECT {\n") file.write("%s*NODE_NAME \"%s\"\n" % (Tab, nameMe['objName'])) if nameMe.has_key('parent'): file.write("%s*NODE_PARENT \"%s\"\n" % (Tab, nameMe['parent'])) idnt = 1 mesh_matrix(file, idnt, obj, nameMe, TransTable) #Open Mesh file.write("%s*MESH {\n" % (Tab)) idnt = 2 file.write("%s*TIMEVALUE 0\n" % (Tab * idnt)) file.write("%s*MESH_NUMVERTEX %i\n" % ((Tab * idnt), count['vert'])) file.write("%s*MESH_NUMFACES %i\n" % ((Tab * idnt), count['face'])) idnt = 2 mesh_vertexList(file, idnt, verts, count) idnt = 2 mesh_faceList(file, idnt, me, materials, sGroups, faces, matTable, hasTable, count) if hasTable['hasUV'] == 1: UVTable = {} active_map_channel = me.activeUVLayer map_channels = me.getUVLayerNames() idnt = 2 mesh_tVertList(file, idnt, faces, UVTable, count) #idnt = 2 mesh_tFaceList(file, idnt, faces, UVTable, count) UVTable = {} if len(map_channels) > 1: chan_index = 2 for map_chan in map_channels: if map_chan != active_map_channel: me.activeUVLayer = map_chan idnt = 2 file.write("%s*MESH_MAPPINGCHANNEL %i {\n" % ((Tab * idnt), chan_index)) idnt = 3 mesh_tVertList(file, idnt, faces, UVTable, count) mesh_tFaceList(file, idnt, faces, UVTable, count) UVTable = {} chan_index += 1 idnt = 2 file.write("%s}\n" % (Tab * idnt)) me.activeUVLayer = active_map_channel else: # dirty fix file.write("%s*MESH_NUMTVERTEX %i\n" % ((Tab * idnt), count['UVs'])) if hasTable['hasVC'] == 1: cVertTable = {} idnt = 2 mesh_cVertList(file, idnt, faces, cVertTable, count) #idnt = 2 mesh_cFaceList(file, idnt, faces, cVertTable, count) else: # dirty fix file.write("%s*MESH_NUMCVERTEX %i\n" % ((Tab * idnt), count['cVert'])) idnt = 2 mesh_normals(file, idnt, faces, verts, count) # Close *MESH idnt = 1 file.write("%s}\n" % (Tab * idnt)) idnt = 1 mesh_footer(file, idnt, hasTable) # Close *GEOMOBJECT file.write("}\n") #free some memory me.materials = [None] me.faces.delete(1, [(f.index) for f in me.faces]) me.verts.delete(me.verts) obj.fakeUser = False me.fakeUser = False scn.objects.unlink(obj)