def Bootratiofit2(fitfnc,fitfncratio,p0,p1,x,xr,ydata,yratio,bounds=None,bounds2=None): """Fitting the correlator first and then the ratio with two energy shifts""" data = np.array([y.values for y in ydata]) yerr = bstd(data) cv = np.diag(yerr**(-2)) nboot = np.shape(data)[1] result = np.zeros((fitfnc.npar,nboot)) exppar = np.zeros((len(fitfncratio.q),nboot)) datar = np.array([y.values for y in yratio]) yerrr = bstd(datar) cvr = np.diag(yerrr**(-2)) resultratio = np.zeros((fitfncratio.npar,nboot)) for iboot in range(nboot): #Fit the correlator to get amplitudes and energies, and set the variables for the ratio fit yboot=data[:,iboot] #res = syopt.minimize(ff.chisqfn,p0,args=(fitfnc.eval,x,yboot,cv),method='L-BFGS-B',bounds=bounds,options={'gtol': 1e-9, 'maxcor': 20, 'maxls': 50, 'disp': False}) #res = syopt.minimize(ff.chisqfn,p0,args=(fitfnc.eval,x,yboot,cv),method='Nelder-Mead',options={'disp': False}) res = syopt.minimize(ff.chisqfn,p0,args=(fitfnc.eval,x,yboot,cv),method='L-BFGS-B',bounds=bounds,options={'disp': False}) #res = syopt.minimize(ff.chisqfn,p0,args=(fitfnc.eval,x,yboot,cv),method='BFGS',options={'disp': False}) #res = syopt.basinhopping(ff.chisqfn,p0,niter=5,stepsize=3,T=5,minimizer_kwargs={'args':(fitfnc.eval,x,yboot,cv),'method':'L-BFGS-B','bounds':bounds}, disp=False) #res = syopt.minimize(ff.chisqfn,p0,args=(fitfnc.eval,x,yboot,cv),method='Nelder-Mead',options={'disp': False}) #res = syopt.minimize(ff.chisqfn,p0,args=(fitfnc.eval,x,yboot,cv),method='BFGS',options={'gtol': 1e-9, 'disp': False}) if res.x[3]<res.x[1]: sortres = np.array([*res.x[-2:],*res.x[:2]]) else: sortres = res.x.copy() result[:,iboot]=sortres.copy() fitfncratio.q = sortres.copy() # fitfncratio.q[0] = sortres[0] # fitfncratio.q[1] = sortres[2] # fitfncratio.q[2] = sortres[3]-sortres[1] # p1[0] = sortres[0] # p1[2] = sortres[2] #print(f"{p1=}") exppar[:,iboot]=np.array([fitfncratio.q[0],fitfncratio.q[1],fitfncratio.q[2], fitfncratio.q[3]]) ybootr=datar[:,iboot] #res2 = syopt.minimize(ff.chisqfn,p1,args=(fitfncratio.eval,xr,ybootr,cvr),method='L-BFGS-B',bounds=bounds2,options={'gtol': 1e-7, 'disp': False}) #res2 = syopt.minimize(ff.chisqfn,p1,args=(fitfncratio.eval,xr,ybootr,cvr),method='BFGS',options={'gtol': 1e-7, 'disp': False}) #res2 = syopt.minimize(ff.chisqfn,p1,args=(fitfncratio.eval,xr,ybootr,cvr),method='Nelder-Mead',options={'disp': False}) res2 = syopt.minimize(ff.chisqfn,p1,args=(fitfncratio.eval,xr,ybootr,cvr),method='L-BFGS-B',bounds=bounds2,options={'disp': False}) #print(f"{res2.x=}") # if res2.x[3]<res2.x[1]: ratiores = np.array([*res2.x[-2:],*res2.x[:2]]) # else: ratiores = res2.x.copy() # resultratio[:,iboot]=ratiores.copy() resultratio[:,iboot] = res2.x.copy() #print(f"{np.average(resultratio,axis=1)=}") energies = np.array([result[2*i+1][:] for i in range(int(fitfnc.npar/2))]) energyshift = np.array([resultratio[2*i+1][:] for i in range(int(fitfncratio.npar/2))]) #energyshiftsort = np.sort(energyshift, axis=0) BSen = [] BSen2 = [] for i in range(len(energies)): BSen.append( BootStrap(len(energies[0]),68)) BSen[i].values = energies[i] BSen[i].Stats() BSen2.append(BootStrap(len(energyshift[0]),68)) BSen2[i].values = energyshift[i] BSen2[i].Stats() return result, exppar, resultratio, BSen, BSen2
def Bootratiofit(fitfnc,fitfncratio,p0,p1,x,ydata,yratio,bounds=None,bounds2=None): """Fitting the correlator first and then the ratio with two energy shifts""" data = np.array([y.values for y in ydata]) yerr = bstd(data) cv = np.diag(yerr**(-2)) nboot=np.shape(data)[1] result=np.zeros((fitfnc.npar,nboot)) exppar=np.zeros((2,nboot)) datar = np.array([y.values for y in yratio]) yerrr = bstd(datar) cvr = np.diag(yerrr**(-2)) resultratio=np.zeros((fitfncratio.npar,nboot)) for iboot in range(nboot): #Fit the correlator to get amplitudes and energies, and set the variables for the ratio fit yboot=data[:,iboot] fitfnc.initparfnc(yboot) res = syopt.minimize(ff.chisqfn,p0,args=(fitfnc.eval,x,yboot,cv),method='L-BFGS-B',bounds=bounds,options={'gtol': 1e-9, 'disp': False}) #res = syopt.minimize(ff.chisqfn,p0,args=(fitfnc.eval,x,yboot,cv),method='nelder-mead',options={'disp': False}) #res = syopt.minimize(ff.chisqfn,p0,args=(fitfnc.eval,x,yboot,cv),method='BFGS',bounds=bounds,options={'gtol': 1e-9, 'disp': False}) fitfncratio.q[0] = (res.x[2]/res.x[0])**(np.sign(res.x[3]-res.x[1])) fitfncratio.q[1] = np.abs(res.x[3]-res.x[1]) #print(fitfncratio.q[1]) result[:,iboot]=res.x exppar[:,iboot]=np.array([fitfncratio.q[0],fitfncratio.q[1]]) ybootr=datar[:,iboot] fitfnc.initparfnc(ybootr) res2 = syopt.minimize(ff.chisqfn,p1,args=(fitfncratio.eval,x,ybootr,cvr),method='L-BFGS-B',bounds=bounds2,options={'gtol': 1e-7, 'disp': False}) resultratio[:,iboot]=res2.x energies = np.array([result[2*i+1][:] for i in range(int(fitfnc.npar/2))]) energiessort = np.sort(energies, axis=0) energyshift = np.array([resultratio[i][:] for i in range(int(fitfncratio.npar))]) energyshiftsort = np.sort(energyshift, axis=0) if np.any(energies != energiessort): print("Energies Sorted") BSen = [] BSen2 = [] for i in range(len(energiessort)): BSen.append( BootStrap(len(energiessort[0]),68)) BSen[i].values = energiessort[i] BSen[i].Stats() BSen2.append(BootStrap(len(energiessort[0]),68)) BSen2[i].values = energyshiftsort[i] BSen2[i].Stats() return result, exppar, resultratio, BSen, BSen2
def ReadEvxptdump(file, par, boots, confs=0, times=64, number=0, bin=1): # par should be 0 or 1 depending on whether the real or imaginary part is chosen (0=R,1=I) # number defines which result you want, if there are multiple in the same file f = open(file) FF = [] for line in f: strpln = line.rstrip() if len(strpln) > 0: if strpln[0] == "+" and strpln[1] == "E" and strpln[2] == "N": tmp = f.readline() tmp = f.readline() tmp = f.readline().split() times = int(tmp[5]) if strpln[0] == "+" and strpln[1] == "R" and strpln[ 2] == "P" and int(strpln[4:6]) == number: tmp = f.readline().split() while tmp[0] != "nmeas": tmp = f.readline().split() confs = int(tmp[2]) G = zeros(shape=(confs, times, 2)) if strpln[0] == "+" and strpln[1] == "R" and strpln[ 2] == "D" and int(strpln[4:6]) == number: for iff in range(confs): for nt in range(times): tmp = f.readline().split() G[iff, nt, 0] = tmp[1] G[iff, nt, 1] = tmp[2] f.close() for j in range(times): FF.append(BootStrap(boots, 68)) FF[-1].Import(G[:, j, par], bin=bin) FF[-1].Stats() return FF
def BootFitcomb3(chifunc,fitfnc,x1,x2,ydata,p0,bounds=None,time=False): """Fit to every bootstrap ensemble and use multiprocessing to split up the task over two processors""" if time: start1 = tm.time() yval = np.array([y.values for y in ydata]).T yerr = np.std(yval,axis=0) cvinv = np.diag(yerr**(-2)) nboot = ydata[0].nboot args = [(chifunc,p0,fitfnc,x1,x2,yval[iboot,:],cvinv,bounds) for iboot in range(nboot)] p = Pool(2) #Use two processors for the calculation result = np.array(,args)).T #Use the pool to map the arguments to the minimiser function. if np.average(result[0])>np.average(result[1]): result = np.array([ result[1], result[0], result[3], result[2], result[5], result[4]]) print('sorting') parBS=[] #Save resulting parameters as Bootstrap objects for i in range(len(p0)): parBS.append(BootStrap(nboot,68)) parBS[i].values = result[i][:] parBS[i].Stats() if time: print('BootFitcomb3 time: \t', tm.time()-start1) return result, parBS
def BootFitclass2(fitfnc,p0,x,ydata,bounds=None,time=False): if time: start1 = tm.time() data = np.array([y.values for y in ydata]).T yerr = np.std(data,axis=0) cv = np.diag(yerr**(-2)) nboot=ydata[0].nboot result=np.zeros((len(p0),nboot)) start2=tm.time() sorttime = 0 for iboot in range(nboot): yboot=data[iboot,:] res=syopt.minimize(ff.chisqfn,p0,args=(fitfnc,x,yboot,cv),method='L-BFGS-B',bounds=bounds,options={'disp': False}) amplitudes = res.x[::2] energies = res.x[1::2] sortinglist = [x for _,x in sorted(zip(energies, np.arange(len(energies)) ))] sortedlist = np.array([ [amplitudes[i], energies[i]] for i in sortinglist ]).flatten() if any(sortedlist!=res.x): print("Sorted!") result[:,iboot]=sortedlist print('----Loop time: \t', tm.time()-start2) parBS=[] for i in range(len(p0)): parBS.append(BootStrap(nboot,68)) parBS[i].values = result[i][:] parBS[i].Stats() if time: end1 = tm.time() print('BootFitclass2 time: \t', end1-start1) return result, parBS
def feynhellratioshort(G1, G2, a=0.074, alambda=0.0001, m=1, Ep=1): ratio=[] for gi, gj in zip(G1, G2): ratio.append(BootStrap(G1[0].nboot, 68)) ratio[-1] = np.abs((gi)*(gj**(-1))) ratio[-1].Stats() return ratio
def feynhellratio5(G0, Gl, a=0.074, alambda=0.0001, m=1, Ep=1): ratio=[] for i in range(len(G0[0])): ratio.append(BootStrap(G0[0][0].nboot, 68)) ratio[-1] = np.abs( ((Gl[2][i]+Gl[4][i])*(G0[6][i]+G0[8][i])*(G0[3][i]+G0[5][i])*(Gl[7][i]+Gl[9][i])) * ((G0[2][i]+G0[4][i])*(Gl[6][i]+Gl[8][i])*(Gl[3][i]+Gl[5][i])*(G0[7][i]+G0[9][i]))**(-1) )**(1/2) ratio[-1].Stats() return ratio
def feynhellratio2(G1, G2, G3, G4, a=0.074, alambda=0.0001, m=1, Ep=1): ratio=[] for gi, gj, gk, gl in zip(G1, G2, G3, G4): ratio.append(BootStrap(G1[0].nboot, 68)) ratio[-1] = np.abs((gi*gj)*(gk*gl)**(-1)) ratio[-1].Stats() return ratio
def read_data(pars): """Read data files in pickle format with Bootstrap ensembles""" BSdata_dir = pars.workdir + 'pandapickle/' + pars.momfold[ pars.momentum][:7] + '/data_' + str(pars.nboot) + '/' qval = np.array2string(pars.qval[pars.momentum], separator='')[1:-1] bsfile = BSdata_dir + 'TwoptBS_q' + qval + '.pkl' bsfile1 = BSdata_dir + 'TwoptBS_q' + qval + '_quark1_' + pars.lmbstring + '.pkl' bsfile2 = BSdata_dir + 'TwoptBS_q' + qval + '_quark2_' + pars.lmbstring + '.pkl' with open(bsfile, 'rb') as fileout: nucleon = pickle.load(fileout) with open(bsfile1, 'rb') as fileout: nucleon_q1 = pickle.load(fileout) with open(bsfile2, 'rb') as fileout: nucleon_q2 = pickle.load(fileout) nucleons_raw = [nucleon, nucleon_q1, nucleon_q2] nucleons = [[], [], []] for num in range(len(nucleons_raw[0])): for type, nu in enumerate(nucleons): nu.append([]) for t in range(len(nucleons_raw[type][num])): nu[num].append( BootStrap(len(nucleons_raw[type][num][t]), pars.confidence)) nu[num][-1].values = nucleons_raw[type][num][t] nu[num][-1].Stats() return nucleons
def ReadEvxpt(file, par): FF = [] f = open(file) for line in f: strpln = line.rstrip() if len(strpln) > 0: if strpln[0] == "+" and strpln[1] == "F" and strpln[ 2] == "I" and strpln[5] == "0": tmp = f.readline() tmp = f.readline() tmp = f.readline() tmp = f.readline() tmp = f.readline() tmp = f.readline() tmp = f.readline() tmp = f.readline().split() boots = int(tmp[3]) tmp = f.readline() FF.append(BootStrap(boots, 68)) for iff in range(par + 1): tmp = f.readline().split() if par == iff: FF[-1].Avg = float(tmp[2]) FF[-1].Std = float(tmp[3]) # if iff==(nff-1): # baddata=append(baddata,float(tmp[2])) tmp = f.readline().split() while tmp[0] != "+NUmbers=" + str(boots): tmp = f.readline().split() if tmp[0] == "+NUmbers=" + str(boots): for iboot in range(boots): tmp = f.readline().split() FF[-1].values[iboot] = float(tmp[2 * par + 4]) f.close() return FF
def EnergyFit(tdata,nucleon,initialg,bounds,btbounds,evalfnc,pars,plot=True,cov=True,niter=400,stepsize=500,T=7000,name="test"): """Fit to the data using the combined sinks fit and plot the effective mass with the energy fit to the bootstraps""" normdata = np.array([ normcorr(np.array(nucleon[sink]), nucleon[sink][tdata[sink][0]].Avg) for sink in range(3) ]) ydata0 = np.array([ normdata[i][tdata[i]] for i in range(3) ]) ydata = np.array([ *ydata0[0], *ydata0[1], *ydata0[2] ]) fitparam,redchisq=minimize_comb2(evalfnc, tdata[0], tdata[1], tdata[2], ydata, p0=initialg, cov=cov, pinv=False,bounds=bounds,niter=niter,stepsize=stepsize,T=T) print(f"{fitparam=}") print(f"{redchisq=}") energies=np.sort(np.abs(fitparam[:2])) print(f"{energies=}") fitbt = BootFittComb(evalfnc,tdata[0],tdata[1],tdata[2],ydata,p0=fitparam,cov=cov,bounds=btbounds) energiessort = np.sort(np.abs(np.array([fitbt[i][:] for i in range(2)])), axis=1) energieserr = np.array([i.std(axis=0, ddof=1) for i in energiessort]) energiesval = np.array([np.average(i, axis=0) for i in energiessort]) fitavg = np.array([*energiesval, *[np.average(fitbt[i,:]) for i in range(2,8)] ]) print(f"{energiesval=}") print(f"{fitavg=}") #TODO: Import into BS elements E0 = BootStrap(len(energiessort[0]),68) E0.values = energiessort[0] E0.Stats() E1 = BootStrap(len(energiessort[1]),68) E1.values = energiessort[1] E1.Stats() if plot: pypl.figure("energycombfit", figsize=(16,9)) time = np.arange(0,64) efftime = time+0.5 momfold = ['p+0+0+0/q+0+0+0/', 'p+1+0+0/q+0+0+0/', 'p+1+1+1/q+0+0+0/', 'p+2+1+0/q+0+0+0/', 'p+2+2+0/q+0+0+0/'] snkfold = ['ptsnk/', 'smsnk30/', 'smsnk60/'] colors = ['b', 'r', 'y'] markers=['s','o','^','*', 'v', '>', '<'] for sink in range(3): yeffavg = np.array([y.Avg for y in effectivemass(nucleon[sink])]) yefferr = np.array([y.Std for y in effectivemass(nucleon[sink])]) pypl.errorbar(efftime[:pars.xlim]+sink/12, yeffavg[:pars.xlim], yefferr[:pars.xlim], fmt='.', capsize=4, elinewidth=1, color=colors[sink], marker=markers[sink], markerfacecolor='none', label='effective energy of the correlator ' + snkfold[sink][:-1] + ' ' + momfold[pars.momentum][:7]) fitBS = np.array([ effmass(evalfnc(tdata[sink],[fitbt[sink*2+2,nbo],fitbt[0,nbo],fitbt[sink*2+3,nbo],fitbt[1,nbo]])) for nbo in range(len(fitbt[0][:])) ]) fitBSavg = np.average(fitBS,axis=0) fitBSstd = fitBS.std(axis=0, ddof=1) fitBSlower = fitBSavg - fitBSstd fitBShigher = fitBSavg + fitBSstd pypl.plot(tdata[sink][:-1]+0.5,effmass(evalfnc(tdata[sink], [fitparam[sink*2+2],fitparam[0],fitparam[sink*2+3],fitparam[1]])), linestyle='-', color='k',' fit effmass fullcov'+str(sink)) pypl.plot(tdata[sink][:-1]+0.5,fitBSavg, linestyle='-', color=colors[sink],' fit effmass '+str(sink)) pypl.fill_between(tdata[sink][:-1]+0.5, fitBSlower, fitBShigher, color=colors[sink], alpha=0.3, linewidth=0) pypl.legend(fontsize='small') pypl.xlabel(r'$t/a$',labelpad=14,fontsize=18) pypl.ylabel(r'$G_{eff}$',labelpad=5,fontsize=18) pypl.title(r'Effective energy correlator') pypl.grid(True, alpha=0.6) pypl.ylim(0,1.8) pypl.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.17) pypl.savefig('energy_effcorr_combfit_'+ name + momfold[pars.momentum][:7] + '_' + + '.pdf') #, bbox pypl.close() return energies,E0,E1
def BootFitclass3(fitfnc,p0,x,ydata,bounds=None,time=False,fullcov=False): """ Fit to every bootstrap ensemble and use multiprocessing to split up the task over two processors p0: initial guess for the parameters x: array of x values to fit over ydata: array/list of BootStrap objects """ if time: start1 = tm.time() #Start counting nboot=ydata[0].nboot data = np.array([y.values for y in ydata]).T yerr = np.std(data,axis=0) cv = Invcovmat(np.array([y.values for y in ydata]),fullcov=fullcov,pinv=False) #Fit to the data average to get a chi-squared value for this dataavg = np.array([y.Avg for y in ydata]).T # resavg=syopt.minimize(ff.chisqfn,p0,args=(fitfnc,x,dataavg,cv),method='L-BFGS-B',bounds=bounds,options={'disp': False}) niter=100 resavg = syopt.basinhopping(ff.chisqfn,p0,niter=niter,stepsize=8,T=150,minimizer_kwargs={'args':(fitfnc,x,dataavg,cv),'method':'L-BFGS-B','bounds':bounds}, disp=False)[0,:])-len(p0)) p0 = resavg.x args = [(ff.chisqfn,p0,fitfnc,x,data[iboot,:],cv,bounds) for iboot in range(nboot)] p = Pool(2) #Use two processors for the calculation result = np.array(,args)).T #Use the pool to map the arguments to the minimiser function. # minimized =,args) #Use the pool to map the arguments to the minimizer function. # result = np.array([i.x for i in minimized]).T # redchisq=np.array([ for i in minimized])/(len(data[0,:])-len(p0)) # print(f"{np.average(redchisq)=}") # print(f"{np.median(redchisq)=}") # resultvals=,args) #Use the pool to map the arguments to the minimizer function. # result = np.array([i[0] for i in resultvals]).T # redchisq=np.array([i[1] for i in resultvals])/(len(data[0,:])-len(p0)) # print(f"{resultvals=}") # print(f"{result=}") # print(f"{redchisq=}") # result = np.array(,args)).T #Use the pool to map the arguments to the minimizer function. # redchisq=1.0 # This checks whether the energies are sorted from small to large for multiple exponential functions for i, pars in enumerate(result.T): if len(pars)>=4: if pars[1]>pars[3]: #This really only checks for 2 exponential functions #print("Not sorted") temp = sortmompar(pars) for j in range(len(temp)): result[j][i]=temp[j] parBS=[] #Save resulting parameters as Bootstrap objects for i in range(len(p0)): parBS.append(BootStrap(nboot,68)) parBS[i].values = result[i][:] parBS[i].Stats() if time: print('BootFitclass3 time: \t', tm.time()-start1) #Stop counting and print time return result, parBS, redchisq1
def effectivemass(G, a=0.074,factor=1.): effmass =[] for time in range(len(G)-1): effmass.append(BootStrap(G[0].nboot, 68)) effmass[-1] = G[time]*(G[time+1]**(-1)) effmass[-1].Avg = factor*np.log(np.abs(effmass[-1].Avg))#/a effmass[-1].values = factor*np.log(np.abs(effmass[-1].values))#/a effmass[-1].Stats() return effmass
def Bootratiofit3(fitfnc,fitfncratio,p0,p1,x,xr,ydata,yratio,bounds=None,bounds2=None,time=False): """Fitting the correlator first and then the ratio with two energy shifts. This function will return all parameters as Bootstrap objects""" if time: start1 = tm.time() #Start counting data = np.array([y.values for y in ydata]) data_err = bstd(data) cv = np.diag(data_err**(-2)) nboot = np.shape(data)[1] result = np.zeros((fitfnc.npar,nboot)) data_ratio = np.array([y.values for y in yratio]) data_err_ratio = bstd(data_ratio) cv_ratio = np.diag(data_err_ratio**(-2)) resultratio = np.zeros((fitfncratio.npar,nboot)) for iboot in range(nboot): #Fit the unperturbed 2-point function to get amplitudes and energies, and set the variables for the ratio fit yboot=data[:,iboot] res = syopt.minimize(ff.chisqfn,p0,args=(fitfnc.eval,x,yboot,cv),method='L-BFGS-B',bounds=bounds,options={'disp': False}) sortres = sortmompar(res.x) result[:,iboot]=sortres.copy() fitfncratio.q = sortres.copy() #Fit the ratio of 2-point functions to get the shift in the amplitudes and energies ybootr=data_ratio[:,iboot] res2 = syopt.minimize(ff.chisqfn,p1,args=(fitfncratio.eval,xr,ybootr,cv_ratio),method='L-BFGS-B',bounds=bounds2,options={'disp': False}) resultratio[:,iboot] = res2.x.copy() parBS=[] #Save resulting parameters as Bootstrap objects parBS_ratio=[] for i in range(len(p0)): parBS.append(BootStrap(nboot,68)) parBS[i].values = result[i][:] parBS[i].Stats() for i in range(len(p1)): parBS_ratio.append(BootStrap(nboot,68)) parBS_ratio[i].values = resultratio[i][:] parBS_ratio[i].Stats() if time: print('Bootratiofit3 time: \t', tm.time()-start1) #Stop counting and print time return parBS, parBS_ratio
def makeratio(nclns, opnum): """Construct the ratio of correlators""" ratiou = stats.feynhellratio(nclns[1][0], nclns[0][1], nclns[0][0], nclns[1][1]) ratiod = stats.feynhellratio(nclns[2][0], nclns[0][1], nclns[0][0], nclns[2][1]) # ratiou = stats.feynhellratioshort(nclns[1][0], nclns[0][0]) # ratiod = stats.feynhellratioshort(nclns[2][0], nclns[0][0]) ratios = [ratiou, ratiod] # Take the average of the (pos. parity, trev=0) and (neg parity, trev=1) two-point functions to get an energy value unpert_2p = [] for i in range(len(nclns[0][0])): #64 unpert_2p.append(BootStrap(nclns[0][0][i].nboot, 68)) unpert_2p[-1] = (nclns[0][0][i] + nclns[0][1][i]) * 0.5 unpert_2p[-1].Stats() return ratios, unpert_2p
def Bootratiofit4(fitfncratio,p0,xr,yratio,energyBS,bounds=None,time=False,fullcov=False): """Fitting the correlator first and then the ratio with two energy shifts. This function will return all parameters as Bootstrap objects""" if time: start1 = tm.time() #Start counting nboot = yratio[0].nboot data_ratio = np.array([y.values for y in yratio]) data_err_ratio = bstd(data_ratio) # cv_ratio = np.diag(data_err_ratio**(-2)) cv_ratio = Invcovmat(data_ratio,fullcov=fullcov) cv_ratio_diag = Invcovmat(data_ratio,fullcov=False) resultratio = np.zeros((fitfncratio.npar,nboot)) #INFO: Fit to the average of the ratio data to get a chi-square value fitfncratio.q = [i.Avg for i in energyBS] #Set the energyfit parameters ydata=np.average(data_ratio,axis=1) niter=50 res = syopt.basinhopping(ff.chisqfn,p0,niter=niter,stepsize=8,T=150,minimizer_kwargs={'args':(fitfncratio.eval,xr,ydata,cv_ratio),'method':'L-BFGS-B','bounds':bounds}, disp=False) #res = syopt.minimize(ff.chisqfn,p0,args=(fitfncratio.eval,xr,ydata,cv_ratio),method='L-BFGS-B',bounds=bounds,options={'disp': False}) redchisq = - len(p0)) for iboot in range(nboot): #Set the energyfit parameters fitfncratio.q = [i.values[iboot] for i in energyBS] #Fit the ratio of 2-point functions to get the shift in the amplitudes and energies ybootr=data_ratio[:,iboot] # res2 = syopt.minimize(ff.chisqfn,p0,args=(fitfncratio.eval,xr,ybootr,cv_ratio),method='L-BFGS-B',bounds=bounds,options={'disp': False}) # THIS NOW USES THE RESULT OF THE FIT TO THE AVG AS INITAL GUESS. res2 = syopt.minimize(ff.chisqfn,res.x,args=(fitfncratio.eval,xr,ybootr,cv_ratio),method='L-BFGS-B',bounds=bounds,options={'disp': False}) resultratio[:,iboot] = res2.x.copy() parBS_ratio=[] #Save resulting parameters as Bootstrap objects for i in range(len(p0)): parBS_ratio.append(BootStrap(nboot,68)) parBS_ratio[i].values = resultratio[i][:] parBS_ratio[i].Stats() if time: print('Bootratiofit4 time: \t', tm.time()-start1) #Stop counting and print time return parBS_ratio, redchisq
def BootFitclass(fitfnc, p0,x,ydata,bounds=None): data = np.array([y.values for y in ydata]) yerr = bstd(data) cv = np.diag(yerr**(-2)) nboot=np.shape(data)[1] result=np.zeros((fitfnc.npar,nboot)) for iboot in range(nboot): yboot=data[:,iboot] #res=syopt.minimize(ff.chisqfn,p0,args=(fitfnc.eval,x,yboot,cv),method='L-BFGS-B',bounds=bounds,options={'gtol': 1e-7, 'disp': False}) res=syopt.minimize(ff.chisqfn,p0,args=(fitfnc.eval,x,yboot,cv),method='L-BFGS-B',bounds=bounds,options={'disp': False}) #res=syopt.minimize(ff.chisqfn,p0,args=(fitfnc.eval,x,yboot,cv),method='BFGS',options={'gtol': 1e-7, 'disp': False}) result[:,iboot]=res.x energies = np.array([result[2*i+1][:] for i in range(int(fitfnc.npar/2))]) if fitfnc.label==r"TwoexpRatio2": energies = np.array(result[-2:][:]) energiessort = np.sort(energies, axis=0) if np.any(energies != energiessort): print("Energies Sorted") BSen=[] for i in range(len(energiessort)): BSen.append(BootStrap(len(energiessort[0]),68)) BSen[i].values = energiessort[i] BSen[i].Stats() return result, BSen