def __init__(self, dataTransfer): if (isinstance(dataTransfer, IDataTransfer) != True): raise ValueError( "@DataReader : expecting parameter one to be IDataTransfer object" ) self.__dataTransfer = dataTransfer self.__rxQueue = ByteBuffer() self.__rxThread = threading.Thread(target=self.__RunInBackground, name="mxDataReader", args=(self.__rxQueue, )) self.__rxThread.daemon = True self.__waitEvent = threading.Event() self.__waitTaskCompleted = threading.Event() self.__isAlive = False self.__mutex = threading.Lock()
def playerLeft(self,packetData): try: buffer = ByteBuffer(packetData) buffer.setEndian(ByteBuffer.BIG_ENDIAN) id = buffer.nextByte() unk1 = buffer.nextDword() unk2 = buffer.nextByte() player_name_len = buffer.nextByte() playername = buffer.getString(player_name_len) print Fore.WHITE + str.format('Player left the area: {0}',playername) return except:pass
def playerChat(self, packetData): try: buffer = ByteBuffer(packetData) buffer.setEndian(ByteBuffer.BIG_ENDIAN) id = buffer.nextByte() unk1 = buffer.nextByte() player_name_len = buffer.nextByte() playername = buffer.getString(player_name_len) #print Fore.WHITE + str.format('Player is chatting: {0}',playername) return except: pass
class DataReader(IDataReader, IErrorMessage, IStartableObject, Publisher): def __init__(self, dataTransfer): if (isinstance(dataTransfer, IDataTransfer) != True): raise ValueError( "@DataReader : expecting parameter one to be IDataTransfer object" ) self.__dataTransfer = dataTransfer self.__rxQueue = ByteBuffer() self.__rxThread = threading.Thread(target=self.__RunInBackground, name="mxDataReader", args=(self.__rxQueue, )) self.__rxThread.daemon = True self.__waitEvent = threading.Event() self.__waitTaskCompleted = threading.Event() self.__isAlive = False self.__mutex = threading.Lock() def IsRunning(self): return ((self.__dataTransfer != None) and (self.__dataTransfer.IsConnected()) and self.__isAlive) def __del__(self): if (self.__rxThread != None): self.__rxThread.join(READ_THREAD_DELAY_TIMEOUT) pass self.__rxThread = None self.__waitEvent = None def GetLastError(self): return self.__errorCode def Start(self): if (self.IsRunning() != True): if (self.__rxThread.isAlive() != True): self.__rxThread.daemon = True self.__waitTaskCompleted.clear() self.__waitEvent.clear() self.__rxThread.start() def __RunInBackground(self, SeqQueue): if (self.__isAlive != True): self.__error = None if (self.__waitEvent.is_set != True): self.__waitEvent.set() self.__isAlive = True while (self.IsRunning()): time.sleep( 0.003 ) #put a delay on the read thread, lets not blow the pi up try: if (self.__error != None): break if ((self.__dataTransfer != None) and (self.__dataTransfer.IsDataAvailable())): self.__rxQueue.put(self.__dataTransfer.Read()) except Exception as err: self.__error = err print(self.__error) self.__isAlive = False self.__waitTaskCompleted.set() def IsDataAvailable(self): return (self.__rxQueue.empty() != True) def __isStartByte(self, byte): sbyte = ord(byte) return ((sbyte == ACK) or (sbyte == SOH)) """ The function will handle an event packet errors. """ def _GetInvalidBytes(self, argbytes): bytes = bytearray() for byte in argbytes: bytes.append(byte) while (self.__rxQueue.empty() != True): byte = self.__rxQueue.peek(0) if (byte != None): if (self.__isStartByte(byte)): break byte = self.__rxQueue.get() bytes.append(byte) return bytes def Stop(self): if (self.IsRunning()): try: self.__isAlive = False if (self.__waitTaskCompleted != None): self.__waitTaskCompleted.wait() if (self.__rxThread != None): self.__rxThread.join(READ_THREAD_DELAY_TIMEOUT) except Exception as err: print(err) finally: self.__rxThread = None return (self.__rxThread == True) """********************************************* *@brief * The function will read the current packet bytes from * The queue , return ACK if * throw an exception if invalid packet is read. * throw an exception for incompleted bytes. *********************************************""" def Read(self): bytes = bytearray() with self.__mutex: if (self.IsDataAvailable()): continueWith = True try: if (self.IsRunning() == True): byte = self.__rxQueue.get() #if(self.__isStartByte(byte)): bytes.append(byte) if (ord(byte) == SOH): byte = self.__rxQueue.get( True, READ_THREAD_DELAY_TIMEOUT) bytes.append(byte) byte = self.__rxQueue.get( True, READ_THREAD_DELAY_TIMEOUT) pLength = ord(byte) bytes.append(byte) for index in range(0, pLength): byte = self.__rxQueue.get( True, READ_THREAD_DELAY_TIMEOUT) bytes.append(byte) #else: # bytes = self._GetInvalidBytes(byte); # raise (BadPacketReadError("Invalid start byte read.",bytes,INVALID_PACKET_START_BYTE)); except Exception as err: bytes = self._GetInvalidBytes(bytes) raise BadPacketReadError(err.message, bytes, TRANSPORT_READ_TIMEOUT) return bytes
def parseWorldItemPacket(self, packetData): try: buffer = ByteBuffer(packetData) buffer.setEndian(ByteBuffer.BIG_ENDIAN) id = buffer.nextByte() objectType = buffer.nextDword() unk1 = buffer.nextDword() unk2 = buffer.nextByte() if unk2 != 0: print >>self.logFile, 'The following packet has an odd unk2 field:' print >>self.logFile, self.dbg.hex_dump(map(lambda x: chr(x), packetData)) return x = buffer.nextDword() y = buffer.nextDword() rot = buffer.nextDword() unk3 = buffer.nextDword(ByteBuffer.LITTLE_ENDIAN) unk4 = buffer.nextDword() if unk3 >> 2 != 0: print >>self.logFile, 'The following packet has an odd unk3 field:' print >>self.logFile, self.dbg.hex_dump(map(lambda x: chr(x), packetData)) buffer.nextDword() buffer.nextDword() unk5 = buffer.nextByte() if unk5 != 0: print >>self.logFile, 'The following packet has an odd unk5 field:' print >>self.logFile, self.dbg.hex_dump(map(lambda x: chr(x), packetData)) return unk5 = buffer.nextDword() if unk5 != 0: buffer.nextDword() unk6 = buffer.nextByte() itemId = buffer.nextDword() itemName = getItemName(itemId) print >>self.logFile, str.format('Detected item drop: {0} (id=0x{1:08x})', itemName, itemId) if shouldNotify(itemName): print str.format('Detected item drop: {0}', itemName) worker = PlaySoundWorker() worker.start() except: pass
def parseWorldItemPacket(self, packetData): global number_of_uniques global number_of_rares global number_of_orbs global number_of_maps global RUN try: buffer = ByteBuffer(packetData) buffer.setEndian(ByteBuffer.BIG_ENDIAN) id = buffer.nextByte() #print >>self.logFile, str.format('id = {0}', id) objectType = buffer.nextDword() #print >>self.logFile, str.format('ObjectType = {0}', objectType) unk1 = buffer.nextDword() #print >>self.logFile, str.format('unk1 = {0}', unk1) unk2 = buffer.nextByte() #print >>self.logFile, str.format('unk2 = {0}', unk2) if unk2 != 0: print >>self.logFile, 'The following packet has an odd unk2 field:' print >>self.logFile, self.dbg.hex_dump(map(lambda x: chr(x), packetData)) return xcoord = buffer.nextDword() #print >>self.logFile, str.format('x coord = {0}', xcoord) ycoord = buffer.nextDword() #print >>self.logFile, str.format('y coord = {0}', ycoord) rot = buffer.nextDword() #print >>self.logFile, str.format('rot = {0}', rot) unk3 = buffer.nextDword(ByteBuffer.LITTLE_ENDIAN) #print >>self.logFile, str.format('unk3 = {0}', unk3) unk4 = buffer.nextDword() #print >>self.logFile, str.format('unk4 = {0}', unk4) if unk3 >> 2 != 0: print >>self.logFile, 'The following packet has an odd unk3 field:' print >>self.logFile, self.dbg.hex_dump(map(lambda x: chr(x), packetData)) buffer.nextDword() buffer.nextDword() unk5 = buffer.nextDword() #print >>self.logFile, str.format('unk5 = {0}', unk5) unk6 = buffer.nextDword() #print >>self.logFile, str.format('unk6 = {0}', unk6) unk7 = buffer.nextByte() #print >>self.logFile, str.format('unk7 = {0}', unk7) unk8 = buffer.nextDword() #print >>self.logFile, str.format('unk8 = {0}', unk8) if unk8 >= 2: unk8 = buffer.nextDword() dropped_by_entity = buffer.nextByte() if DEBUG: print >>self.logFile, str.format('dropped by player or mob : {0}', dropped_by_entity) itemId = buffer.nextDword() print >>self.logFile, 'itemId = ' + "0x%x"%(itemId&0xffffffff) #remaining = buffer.getRemainingBytes() itemName = getItemName(itemId) print >>self.logFile, str.format('itemName = {0}', itemName) if itemName == "unknown item": if DEBUG: print Style.BRIGHT + Fore.RED + 'UNKNOWN ITEM:' + "0x%x"%(itemId&0xffffffff) print >>self.logFile, '---------------------------------' return if isCurrencyItem(itemName): if itemId !=0x50880BAF and itemId != 0x4F2B00ED: print Fore.WHITE + str.format('CUR: {0}',itemName) number_of_orbs += 1 if itemId == 0x61B2F5ED and SOUND_eternal == True: # Eternal Orb crafting_drop = PlaySoundholy() crafting_drop.start() if itemId == 0xC04F5629 and SOUND_exalted == True: # Exalted Orb crafting_drop = PlaySoundCraftingItem() crafting_drop.start() if itemId == 0x80047CFD and SOUND_divine == True: # Divine Orb crafting_drop = PlaySoundCraftingItem() crafting_drop.start() if itemId == 0x07A992EB and SOUND_gcp == True: # Gemcutter's Prism crafting_drop = PlaySoundCraftingItem() crafting_drop.start() if itemId == 0xD8BD4F5D and SOUND_regal == True: # Regal Orb crafting_drop = PlaySoundCraftingItem() crafting_drop.start() if itemId == 0x9B4B42A5 and SOUND_regret == True: # Orb of Regret crafting_drop = PlaySoundCraftingItem() crafting_drop.start() if itemId == 0x7353DDF9 and SOUND_chaos == True: # Chaos Orb crafting_drop = PlaySoundCraftingItem() crafting_drop.start() if itemId == 0x2D8E7632 and SOUND_blessed == True: # Blessed Orb crafting_drop = PlaySoundCraftingItem() crafting_drop.start() if itemId == 0x7F0EF637 and SOUND_scour == True: # Orb of Scouring crafting_drop = PlaySoundCraftingItem() crafting_drop.start() if itemId == 0x9110493F and SOUND_alc == True: # Orb of Alchemy crafting_drop = PlaySoundCraftingItem() crafting_drop.start() if itemId == 0xC71BF58D and SOUND_fuse == True: # Orb of Fusing crafting_drop = PlaySoundCraftingItem() crafting_drop.start() if itemId == 0xDC217297 and SOUND_chis == True: # Cartographer's Chisel crafting_drop = PlaySoundCraftingItem() crafting_drop.start() if itemId == 0xC5732C85 and SOUND_chance == True: # Orb of Chance crafting_drop = PlaySoundCraftingItem() crafting_drop.start() if itemId == 0xDD917991 and SOUND_jew == True: # Jeweller's Orb crafting_drop = PlaySoundCraftingItem() crafting_drop.start() if itemId == 0xDD74C4BF and SOUND_glass == True: # Glassblower's Bauble crafting_drop = PlaySoundCraftingItem() crafting_drop.start() if itemId == 0x79C23B15 and SOUND_mirror == True: # Mirror of Kalandra crafting_drop = PlaySoundholy() crafting_drop.start() print >>self.logFile, '---------------------------------' return actual = buffer.nextByte() actual = buffer.nextByte() actual = buffer.nextByte() actual = buffer.nextDword() itemlevel = buffer.nextDword() if DEBUG: print >>self.logFile, str.format('itemlevel = {0}', itemlevel) if isGemItem(itemName) and ALERT_GEMS == True: actual = buffer.nextByte() quality = int(buffer.nextDword()) if DEBUG: print >>self.logFile, str.format('Gem quality = {0}', quality) if quality >= gemqual: print Fore.CYAN + str.format('GEM: {0}, quality: {1}',itemName,quality) if str(hex(itemId)) in specialGems and ALERT_SPECIALGEMS == True: print Fore.CYAN + str.format('Special GEM: {0}, quality: {1}',itemName,quality) if SOUND_specialgems == True: gem_drop = PlaySoundholy() gem_drop.start() print >>self.logFile, '---------------------------------' return req_lvl = buffer.nextDword() if DEBUG: print >>self.logFile, str.format('req lvl = {0}', req_lvl) if SEARCH_special: if isSearchItem(itemName,special_class): if itemlevel >= special_ilvl and special_rlvl <= req_lvl: sound = PlaySound6Sockets() sound.start() print Style.BRIGHT + Fore.RED + str.format('Special Item: {0}, itemlevel: {1}',itemName,itemlevel) actual = buffer.nextDword() actual = buffer.nextByte() rarity = buffer.nextDword() if DEBUG: print >>self.logFile, str.format('rarity = {0}', rarity) identified = buffer.nextDword() if DEBUG: print >>self.logFile, str.format('identified = {0}', identified) if isMapItem(itemName) and ALERT_MAPS == True: actual = buffer.nextDword() actual = buffer.nextDword() actual = buffer.nextByte() actual = buffer.nextDword() actual = buffer.nextDword() quality = int(buffer.nextDword()) actual = int(buffer.nextByte()) if DEBUG: print >>self.logFile, str.format('quality = {0}', quality) if quality == 0 and actual == 0: quality = int(buffer.nextDword()) if DEBUG: print >>self.logFile, str.format('quality new = {0}', quality) print Style.BRIGHT + Fore.BLUE + str.format('MAP: {0}, rarity: {1}, itemlevel: {2}, quality: {3}',itemName,rarity,itemlevel,quality) print >>self.logFile, '---------------------------------' if SOUND_maps == True: map = PlaySoundMaps() map.start() number_of_maps += 1 return if isBeltItem(itemName): if rarity == 3: print Fore.YELLOW + str.format('UNI BELT: {0}, rarity: {1}',itemName,rarity) if SOUND_uniques == True: unique = PlaySoundUnique() unique.start() number_of_uniques += 1 elif rarity == 2 and ALERT_RARES == True: print Style.BRIGHT + Fore.YELLOW + str.format('BELT: {0}, rarity: {1}, itemlevel: {2}',itemName,rarity,itemlevel) print >>self.logFile, '---------------------------------' return if isQuiverItem(itemName): if rarity == 3: print Fore.YELLOW + str.format('UNI Quiver: {0}, rarity: {1}',itemName,rarity) if SOUND_uniques == True: unique = PlaySoundUnique() unique.start() number_of_uniques += 1 elif rarity == 2 and ALERT_RARES == True: print Style.BRIGHT + Fore.YELLOW + str.format('QUIV: {0}, rarity: {1}, itemlevel: {2}',itemName,rarity,itemlevel) print >>self.logFile, '---------------------------------' return if isJewelleryItem(itemName): if rarity == 2 and ALERT_RARES == True: print Style.BRIGHT + Fore.YELLOW + str.format('JEW: {0}, rarity: {1}',itemName,rarity) number_of_rares += 1 if (rarity == 0 or rarity == 1) and (itemId == 0x29F77698 or itemId == 0xDE069771) and ALERT_JEW_VALUES == True: _implicitmods = int(buffer.nextDword()) _mod = buffer.nextDword() _modvalues = buffer.nextByte() _modvalue = int(buffer.nextDword()) if _modvalue >= 13 and itemId == 0x29F77698: print Fore.WHITE + str.format('JEW: {0}, Value: {1}',itemName,_modvalue) if _modvalue >= 18 and itemId == 0xDE069771: print Fore.WHITE + str.format('JEW: {0}, Value: {1}',itemName,_modvalue) elif rarity == 3: if identified == 1 and itemId == 0x29F77698: if RUN == False: RUN = True number_of_uniques = 0 number_of_rares = 0 number_of_orbs = 0 number_of_maps = 0 staTime="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") startTime = str.format('{0}',staTime) print Style.BRIGHT + Fore.GREEN + str.format('==== {0} ===== RUN started ===========',startTime) #print >>self.logFile, str.format('{0}', startTime) # measure runtime later on here, get the start time else: RUN = False stoTime ="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") stopTime = str.format('{0}',stoTime) print Style.BRIGHT + Fore.GREEN + str.format('==== {0} ===== RUN stopped ===========',stopTime) print >>self.statFile, str.format('{0},{1},{2},{3},{4}', stopTime,number_of_uniques,number_of_rares,number_of_orbs,number_of_maps) else: print Fore.YELLOW + str.format('UNI JEW: {0}, rarity: {1}',itemName,rarity) if SOUND_uniques == True: unique = PlaySoundUnique() unique.start() number_of_uniques += 1 print >>self.logFile, '---------------------------------' return if isArmourItem(itemName): if rarity == 0: if shouldNotify(itemName): print Fore.WHITE + str.format('SPC: {0}', itemName) # worker = PlaySoundWorker() # worker.start() print >>self.logFile, '---------------------------------' return elif rarity == 2: number_of_rares += 1 if identified == 1: if isShieldItem(itemName): if DEBUG: print >>self.logFile, str.format('identified as SHIELD', '1') _implicitmod = int(buffer.nextDword()) if _implicitmod == 2: actual=buffer.nextDword() _skipnext = int(buffer.nextByte()) if _skipnext >= 1: actual=buffer.nextDword() _impl_mod = int(buffer.nextDword()) if DEBUG: print >>self.logFile, str.format('implicit mod = {0}', _impl_mod) _impl_mod_values = int(buffer.nextByte()) for i in range(0,_impl_mod_values): # needs to be worked out _mod_value = int(buffer.nextDword()) _skipnext = int(buffer.nextByte()) if _skipnext >= 1: for i in range(0,_skipnext): actual = int(buffer.nextDword()) else: actual=buffer.nextDword() _skipnext = int(buffer.nextByte()) if _skipnext >= 1: for i in range(0,_skipnext): actual=buffer.nextDword() _skipnext = int(buffer.nextByte()) if _skipnext >= 1: for i in range(0,_skipnext): actual=buffer.nextDword() else: _implicitmods = int(buffer.nextDword()) if _implicitmods == 2: if DEBUG: print >>self.logFile, str.format('_implicitmods = {0}', _implicitmods) elif _implicitmods == 1: _implicitmod = buffer.nextDword() if DEBUG: print >>self.logFile, str.format('_implicitmod = {0}', _implicitmod) _impl_mod_values = int(buffer.nextByte()) if DEBUG: print >>self.logFile, str.format('_impl_mod_values = {0}', _impl_mod_values) for i in range(0,_impl_mod_values): # needs to be worked out _mod_value = int(buffer.nextDword()) unk_mod=int(buffer.nextByte()) if unk_mod >=0: for i in range(0,unk_mod): # needs to be worked out _mod_value = int(buffer.nextDword()) number_of_mods = int(buffer.nextDword()) else: if isShieldItem(itemName): if DEBUG: print >>self.logFile, str.format('identified as SHIELD', '1') _implicitmod = int(buffer.nextDword()) if _implicitmod == 2: actual=buffer.nextDword() _skipnext = int(buffer.nextByte()) if _skipnext >= 1: actual=buffer.nextDword() _impl_mod = int(buffer.nextDword()) if DEBUG: print >>self.logFile, str.format('implicit mod = {0}', _impl_mod) _impl_mod_values = int(buffer.nextByte()) if DEBUG: print >>self.logFile, str.format('_impl_mod_values = {0}', _impl_mod_values) if _impl_mod_values > 0: for i in range(0,_impl_mod_values): # needs to be worked out _mod_value = int(buffer.nextDword()) if DEBUG: print >>self.logFile, str.format('_mod_value = {0}', _mod_value) elif _implicitmod == 1: actual=buffer.nextDword() _skipnext = int(buffer.nextByte()) if _skipnext >= 1: for i in range(0,_skipnext): actual=buffer.nextDword() else: _implicitmods = int(buffer.nextDword()) if _implicitmods == 2: if DEBUG: print >>self.logFile, str.format('_implicitmods = {0}', _implicitmods) elif _implicitmods == 1: _implicitmod = buffer.nextDword() if DEBUG: print >>self.logFile, str.format('_implicitmod = {0}', _implicitmod) _impl_mod_values = int(buffer.nextByte()) if DEBUG: print >>self.logFile, str.format('_impl_mod_values = {0}', _impl_mod_values) for i in range(0,_impl_mod_values): # needs to be worked out _mod_value = int(buffer.nextDword()) number_of_mods = 0 if DEBUG: print >>self.logFile, str.format('number of explicit mods = {0}', number_of_mods) if number_of_mods > 6: print >>self.logFile, 'The last packet had an odd number_of_mods field:' print >>self.logFile, self.dbg.hex_dump(map(lambda x: chr(x), packetData)) print >>self.logFile, '---------------------------------' return for i in range(0,number_of_mods): mod_id = buffer.nextDword() if DEBUG: print >>self.logFile, str.format('mod id = {0}', mod_id) sub_mod_count = buffer.nextByte() if sub_mod_count > 3: print >>self.logFile, 'The last packet had an odd sub_mod_count field:' if DEBUG: print >>self.logFile, self.dbg.hex_dump(map(lambda x: chr(x), packetData)) print >>self.logFile, '---------------------------------' return for ii in range(0,sub_mod_count): mod_value=buffer.nextDword() if sub_mod_count == 1: if DEBUG: print >>self.logFile, str.format('Modifier: {0}{1}', mod_value, getModifierName(mod_id)) elif sub_mod_count == 2: if mod_value != 0: sub_mods = getModifierName(mod_id).split("/") sub_mod = sub_mods[ii] if DEBUG: print >>self.logFile, str.format('Modifier: {0}{1}', mod_value, sub_mod) quality = buffer.nextDword() if DEBUG: print >>self.logFile, str.format('quality = {0}', quality) actual = buffer.nextByte() sockets = int(buffer.nextDword()) if DEBUG: print >>self.logFile, str.format('sockets = {0}', sockets) if sockets == 0 or sockets > 6: print >>self.logFile, 'The last packet had an odd sockets field:' if DEBUG: print >>self.logFile, self.dbg.hex_dump(map(lambda x: chr(x), packetData)) print >>self.logFile, '---------------------------------' return _all_color = [] sock_color_tmp = "" sock_color_tmp = getSocketColor(int(buffer.nextByte())) actual = buffer.nextByte() _all_color.append(sock_color_tmp) for i in range(1,sockets): sock_color_tmp = getSocketColor(int(buffer.nextByte())) actual = buffer.nextByte() _all_color.append(sock_color_tmp) if DEBUG: print >>self.logFile, str.format('socket colors = {0}', _all_color) sock_fragments = int(buffer.nextDword()) if DEBUG: print >>self.logFile, str.format('socket fragments = {0}', sock_fragments) if sock_fragments > 6 or sock_fragments == 0: print >>self.logFile, 'The last packet had an odd sock_fragments field:' if DEBUG: print >>self.logFile, self.dbg.hex_dump(map(lambda x: chr(x), packetData)) print >>self.logFile, '---------------------------------' return listlen = len(_all_color) if sock_fragments == 1: if DEBUG: print >>self.logFile, str.format('Fully linked = {0}', sock_fragments) ii=0 for i in range(1,listlen): _all_color.insert(i+ii,"-") ii=ii+1 else: iii=0 maxfrag = 1 for i in range(0,sock_fragments): frag = int(buffer.nextByte()) if frag > 1: if maxfrag < frag: maxfrag = frag for ii in range(1,frag): _all_color.insert(ii+iii,"-") iii=iii+1 iii=iii+ii+1 else: iii=iii+1 socketsetup = ''.join(_all_color) if DEBUG: print >>self.logFile, str.format('Socket Setup = {0}', socketsetup) rare_alerted = False if ALERT_RACE: if any(i in socketsetup for i in race_sockets): if rarity == 0: print Style.BRIGHT + Fore.RED + "Race item" + Style.BRIGHT + Fore.WHITE + str.format(': {0}, rarity: {1}, itemlevel: {2}',itemName,rarity,itemlevel) if rarity == 1: print Style.BRIGHT + Fore.RED + "Race item" + Style.BRIGHT + Fore.BLUE + str.format(': {0}, rarity: {1}, itemlevel: {2}',itemName,rarity,itemlevel) if rarity == 2: print Style.BRIGHT + Fore.RED + "Race item" + Style.BRIGHT + Fore.YELLOW + str.format(': {0}, rarity: {1}, itemlevel: {2}',itemName,rarity,itemlevel) rare_alerted = True if SOUND_race: sound = PlaySoundRace() sound.start() if any(i in socketsetup for i in ('R-G-B','R-B-G','G-B-R','G-R-B','B-R-G','B-G-R','R-B-B-G','G-R-R-B','G-B-B-R','B-G-G-R','B-R-R-G','R-G-G-B')): if rarity == 0: print Style.BRIGHT + Fore.RED + "R" + Style.BRIGHT + Fore.GREEN + "G" + Style.BRIGHT + Fore.BLUE + "B" + Style.BRIGHT + Fore.WHITE + str.format(': {0}, rarity: {1}, itemlevel: {2}',itemName,rarity,itemlevel) if rarity == 1: print Style.BRIGHT + Fore.RED + "R" + Style.BRIGHT + Fore.GREEN + "G" + Style.BRIGHT + Fore.BLUE + "B" + Style.BRIGHT + Fore.BLUE + str.format(': {0}, rarity: {1}, itemlevel: {2}',itemName,rarity,itemlevel) if rarity == 2: print Style.BRIGHT + Fore.RED + "R" + Style.BRIGHT + Fore.GREEN + "G" + Style.BRIGHT + Fore.BLUE + "B" + Style.BRIGHT + Fore.YELLOW + str.format(': {0}, rarity: {1}, itemlevel: {2}',itemName,rarity,itemlevel) rare_alerted = True if SOUND_rgb: sound = PlaySoundRGB() sound.start() msg = "" if sockets == 5: if sock_fragments == 1: msg = "5-SLOT 5-LINK" if sockets == 6: if sock_fragments == 1: msg = "6-SLOT 6-LINK" elif sock_fragments == 2: if maxfrag == 5: msg = "6-SLOT 5-LINK" else: msg = "6-SLOT" else: msg = "6-SLOT" if msg != "": print >>self.logFile, msg if rarity == 0: print Style.BRIGHT + Fore.MAGENTA + msg + Style.BRIGHT + Fore.WHITE + str.format(' : {0}, rarity: {1}, ilvl: {2}, qual: {3}, sockets: {4}',itemName,rarity,itemlevel,quality, socketsetup) if rarity == 1: print Style.BRIGHT + Fore.MAGENTA + msg + Style.BRIGHT + Fore.BLUE + str.format(' : {0}, rarity: {1}, ilvl: {2}, qual: {3}, sockets: {4}',itemName,rarity,itemlevel,quality, socketsetup) if rarity == 2: print Style.BRIGHT + Fore.MAGENTA + msg + Style.BRIGHT + Fore.YELLOW + str.format(' : {0}, rarity: {1}, ilvl: {2}, qual: {3}, sockets: {4}',itemName,rarity,itemlevel,quality, socketsetup) rare_alerted = True if SOUND_slots == True and msg != "6-SLOT": sound = PlaySoundholy() sound.start() else: if SOUND_6sockets == True: sound = PlaySound6Sockets() sound.start() if rarity == 3: print >>self.logFile, 'UNIQUE !' number_of_uniques += 1 print Fore.YELLOW + str.format('UNI: {0}, rarity: {1}, ilvl: {2}, qual: {3}, sockets: {4}',itemName,rarity,itemlevel,quality, socketsetup) if SOUND_uniques == True: unique = PlaySoundUnique() unique.start() if rarity == 2 and ALERT_RARES == True and rare_alerted == False: print Style.BRIGHT + Fore.YELLOW + str.format('RARE: {0}, rarity: {1}, itemlevel: {2}',itemName,rarity,itemlevel) print >>self.logFile, '---------------------------------' return print >>self.logFile, '---------------------------------'
def parseWorldItemPacket(self, packetData): global number_of_uniques global number_of_rares global number_of_orbs global number_of_maps global RUN try: buffer = ByteBuffer(packetData) buffer.setEndian(ByteBuffer.BIG_ENDIAN) if DEBUG: print >>self.logFile, '---------------------------------' print >>self.logFile, 'packet:' print >>self.logFile, self.dbg.hex_dump(map(lambda x: chr(x), packetData)) id = buffer.nextByte() #print >>self.logFile, str.format('id = {0}', id) objectType = buffer.nextDword() #print >>self.logFile, str.format('ObjectType = {0}', objectType) unk1 = buffer.nextDword() #print >>self.logFile, str.format('unk1 = {0}', unk1) unk2 = buffer.nextByte() #print >>self.logFile, str.format('unk2 = {0}', unk2) if unk2 != 0: print >>self.logFile, 'The following packet has an odd unk2 field:' print >>self.logFile, self.dbg.hex_dump(map(lambda x: chr(x), packetData)) return x = buffer.nextDword() #print >>self.logFile, str.format('x = {0}', x) y = buffer.nextDword() #print >>self.logFile, str.format('y = {0}', y) rot = buffer.nextDword() #print >>self.logFile, str.format('rot = {0}', rot) unk3 = buffer.nextDword(ByteBuffer.LITTLE_ENDIAN) #print >>self.logFile, str.format('unk3 = {0}', unk3) unk4 = buffer.nextDword() #print >>self.logFile, str.format('unk4 = {0}', unk4) if unk3 >> 2 != 0: print >>self.logFile, 'The following packet has an odd unk3 field:' print >>self.logFile, self.dbg.hex_dump(map(lambda x: chr(x), packetData)) buffer.nextDword() buffer.nextDword() unk5 = buffer.nextDword() #print >>self.logFile, str.format('unk5 = {0}', unk5) unk6 = buffer.nextDword() #print >>self.logFile, str.format('unk6 = {0}', unk6) unk7 = buffer.nextByte() #print >>self.logFile, str.format('unk7 = {0}', unk7) unk8 = buffer.nextDword() #print >>self.logFile, str.format('unk8 = {0}', unk8) if unk8 >= 2: unk8 = buffer.nextDword() quantity = buffer.nextByte() #print >>self.logFile, str.format('quantity = {0}', quantity) itemId = buffer.nextDword() print >>self.logFile, str.format('itemId = {0}', itemId) #remaining = buffer.getRemainingBytes() itemName = getItemName(itemId) print >>self.logFile, str.format('itemName = {0}', itemName) if isCurrencyItem(itemName): print Fore.WHITE + str.format('CUR: {0}',itemName) number_of_orbs += 1 #Specified items (like gems) sPlayer = SoundPlayer() if itemId == 0xC04F5629: sPlayer.start('exaltedorb.wav'); if itemId == 0x07A992EB: sPlayer.start('gemcuttersprism.wav'); return actual = buffer.nextByte() actual = buffer.nextByte() actual = buffer.nextByte() actual = buffer.nextDword() itemlevel = buffer.nextDword() if DEBUG: print >>self.logFile, str.format('itemlevel = {0}', itemlevel) if isGemItem(itemName) and ALERT_GEMS == True: actual = buffer.nextByte() quality = int(buffer.nextDword()) #print >>self.logFile, str.format('quality = {0}', quality) if quality >= 5: print Fore.CYAN + str.format('GEM: {0}, quality: {1}',itemName,quality) #unique = PlaySoundUnique() #unique.start() print >>self.logFile, '---------------------------------' return req_lvl = buffer.nextDword() actual = buffer.nextDword() actual = buffer.nextByte() rarity = buffer.nextDword() if DEBUG: print >>self.logFile, str.format('rarity = {0}', rarity) identified = buffer.nextDword() if DEBUG: print >>self.logFile, str.format('identified = {0}', identified) if isMapItem(itemName) and ALERT_MAPS == True: actual = buffer.nextDword() actual = buffer.nextDword() actual = buffer.nextByte() actual = buffer.nextDword() actual = buffer.nextDword() quality = int(buffer.nextDword()) actual = int(buffer.nextByte()) if DEBUG: print >>self.logFile, str.format('quality = {0}', quality) if quality == 0 and actual == 0: quality = int(buffer.nextDword()) if DEBUG: print >>self.logFile, str.format('quality new = {0}', quality) print Style.BRIGHT + Fore.BLUE + str.format('MAP: {0}, rarity: {1}, itemlevel: {2}, quality: {3}',itemName,rarity,itemlevel,quality) print >>self.logFile, '---------------------------------' number_of_maps += 1 return if isBeltItem(itemName): if rarity == 3: print Fore.YELLOW + str.format('UNI BELT: {0}, rarity: {1}',itemName,rarity) unique = PlaySoundUnique() unique.start() number_of_uniques += 1 elif rarity == 2 and ALERT_RARES == True: print Style.BRIGHT + Fore.YELLOW + str.format('BELT: {0}, rarity: {1}, itemlevel: {2}',itemName,rarity,itemlevel) print >>self.logFile, '---------------------------------' return if isJewelleryItem(itemName): if rarity == 2 and ALERT_RARES == True: print Style.BRIGHT + Fore.YELLOW + str.format('JEW: {0}, rarity: {1}',itemName,rarity) number_of_rares += 1 if (rarity == 0 or rarity == 1) and (itemId == 0x29F77698 or itemId == 0xDE069771) and ALERT_JEW_VALUES == True: _implicitmods = int(buffer.nextDword()) _mod = buffer.nextDword() _modvalues = buffer.nextByte() _modvalue = int(buffer.nextDword()) if _modvalue >= 13 and itemId == 0x29F77698: print Fore.WHITE + str.format('JEW: {0}, Value: {1}',itemName,_modvalue) if _modvalue >= 18 and itemId == 0xDE069771: print Fore.WHITE + str.format('JEW: {0}, Value: {1}',itemName,_modvalue) elif rarity == 3: if identified == 1 and itemId == 0x29F77698: if RUN == False: RUN = True number_of_uniques = 0 number_of_rares = 0 number_of_orbs = 0 number_of_maps = 0 staTime="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") startTime = str.format('{0}',staTime) print Style.BRIGHT + Fore.GREEN + str.format('==== {0} ===== RUN started ===========',startTime) #print >>self.logFile, str.format('{0}', startTime) # measure runtime later on here, get the start time else: RUN = False stoTime ="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") stopTime = str.format('{0}',stoTime) print Style.BRIGHT + Fore.GREEN + str.format('==== {0} ===== RUN stopped ===========',stopTime) print >>self.statFile, str.format('{0},{1},{2},{3},{4}', stopTime,number_of_uniques,number_of_rares,number_of_orbs,number_of_maps) else: print Fore.YELLOW + str.format('UNI JEW: {0}, rarity: {1}',itemName,rarity) unique = PlaySoundUnique() unique.start() number_of_uniques += 1 print >>self.logFile, '---------------------------------' return if isArmourItem(itemName): if rarity == 0: if shouldNotify(itemName): print Fore.WHITE + str.format('SPC: {0}', itemName) # worker = PlaySoundWorker() # worker.start() print >>self.logFile, '---------------------------------' return elif rarity == 2: number_of_rares += 1 if identified == 1: if isShieldItem(itemName): if DEBUG: print >>self.logFile, str.format('identified as SHIELD', '1') _implicitmod = int(buffer.nextDword()) if _implicitmod == 2: actual=buffer.nextDword() _skipnext = int(buffer.nextByte()) if _skipnext >= 1: actual=buffer.nextDword() _impl_mod = int(buffer.nextDword()) if DEBUG: print >>self.logFile, str.format('implicit mod = {0}', _impl_mod) _impl_mod_values = int(buffer.nextByte()) for i in range(0,_impl_mod_values): # needs to be worked out _mod_value = int(buffer.nextDword()) _skipnext = int(buffer.nextByte()) if _skipnext >= 1: for i in range(0,_skipnext): actual = int(buffer.nextDword()) else: actual=buffer.nextDword() _skipnext = int(buffer.nextByte()) if _skipnext >= 1: for i in range(0,_skipnext): actual=buffer.nextDword() _skipnext = int(buffer.nextByte()) if _skipnext >= 1: for i in range(0,_skipnext): actual=buffer.nextDword() else: _skipnext = int(buffer.nextDword()) if _skipnext >= 1: actual=buffer.nextDword() _skipnext = int(buffer.nextByte()) if _skipnext >= 1: actual=buffer.nextDword() _skipnext = int(buffer.nextByte()) if _skipnext >= 1: actual=buffer.nextDword() else: _skipnext = int(buffer.nextByte()) if _skipnext >= 1: for i in range(0,_skipnext): actual=buffer.nextDword() number_of_mods = int(buffer.nextDword()) else: if isShieldItem(itemName): if DEBUG: print >>self.logFile, str.format('identified as SHIELD', '1') _implicitmod = int(buffer.nextDword()) if _implicitmod == 2: actual=buffer.nextDword() _skipnext = int(buffer.nextByte()) if _skipnext >= 1: actual=buffer.nextDword() _impl_mod = int(buffer.nextDword()) if DEBUG: print >>self.logFile, str.format('implicit mod = {0}', _impl_mod) _impl_mod_values = int(buffer.nextByte()) if DEBUG: print >>self.logFile, str.format('_impl_mod_values = {0}', _impl_mod_values) if _impl_mod_values > 0: for i in range(0,_impl_mod_values): # needs to be worked out _mod_value = int(buffer.nextDword()) if DEBUG: print >>self.logFile, str.format('_mod_value = {0}', _mod_value) elif _implicitmod == 1: actual=buffer.nextDword() _skipnext = int(buffer.nextByte()) if _skipnext >= 1: for i in range(0,_skipnext): actual=buffer.nextDword() else: _implicitmods = int(buffer.nextDword()) if _implicitmods == 2: if DEBUG: print >>self.logFile, str.format('_implicitmods = {0}', _implicitmods) elif _implicitmods == 1: _implicitmod = buffer.nextDword() if DEBUG: print >>self.logFile, str.format('_implicitmod = {0}', _implicitmod) _impl_mod_values = int(buffer.nextByte()) if DEBUG: print >>self.logFile, str.format('_impl_mod_values = {0}', _impl_mod_values) for i in range(0,_impl_mod_values): # needs to be worked out _mod_value = int(buffer.nextDword()) number_of_mods = 0 if DEBUG: print >>self.logFile, str.format('number of explicit mods = {0}', number_of_mods) if number_of_mods > 6: print >>self.logFile, 'The last packet had an odd number_of_mods field:' print >>self.logFile, self.dbg.hex_dump(map(lambda x: chr(x), packetData)) print >>self.logFile, '---------------------------------' return for i in range(0,number_of_mods): mod_id = buffer.nextDword() if DEBUG: print >>self.logFile, str.format('mod id = {0}', mod_id) sub_mod_count = buffer.nextByte() if sub_mod_count > 3: print >>self.logFile, 'The last packet had an odd sub_mod_count field:' if DEBUG: print >>self.logFile, self.dbg.hex_dump(map(lambda x: chr(x), packetData)) print >>self.logFile, '---------------------------------' return for ii in range(0,sub_mod_count): mod_value=buffer.nextDword() if sub_mod_count == 1: if DEBUG: print >>self.logFile, str.format('Modifier: {0}{1}', mod_value, getModifierName(mod_id)) elif sub_mod_count == 2: if mod_value != 0: sub_mods = getModifierName(mod_id).split("/") sub_mod = sub_mods[ii] if DEBUG: print >>self.logFile, str.format('Modifier: {0}{1}', mod_value, sub_mod) quality = buffer.nextDword() if DEBUG: print >>self.logFile, str.format('quality = {0}', quality) actual = buffer.nextByte() sockets = int(buffer.nextDword()) if DEBUG: print >>self.logFile, str.format('sockets = {0}', sockets) if sockets == 0 or sockets > 6: print >>self.logFile, 'The last packet had an odd sockets field:' if DEBUG: print >>self.logFile, self.dbg.hex_dump(map(lambda x: chr(x), packetData)) print >>self.logFile, '---------------------------------' return _all_color = [] sock_color_tmp = "" sock_color_tmp = getSocketColor(int(buffer.nextByte())) actual = buffer.nextByte() _all_color.append(sock_color_tmp) for i in range(1,sockets): sock_color_tmp = getSocketColor(int(buffer.nextByte())) actual = buffer.nextByte() _all_color.append(sock_color_tmp) if DEBUG: print >>self.logFile, str.format('socket colors = {0}', _all_color) sock_fragments = int(buffer.nextDword()) if DEBUG: print >>self.logFile, str.format('socket fragments = {0}', sock_fragments) if sock_fragments > 6 or sock_fragments == 0: print >>self.logFile, 'The last packet had an odd sock_fragments field:' if DEBUG: print >>self.logFile, self.dbg.hex_dump(map(lambda x: chr(x), packetData)) print >>self.logFile, '---------------------------------' return listlen = len(_all_color) if sock_fragments == 1: if DEBUG: print >>self.logFile, str.format('Fully linked = {0}', sock_fragments) ii=0 for i in range(1,listlen): _all_color.insert(i+ii,"-") ii=ii+1 else: iii=0 maxfrag = 1 for i in range(0,sock_fragments): frag = int(buffer.nextByte()) if frag > 1: if maxfrag < frag: maxfrag = frag for ii in range(1,frag): _all_color.insert(ii+iii,"-") iii=iii+1 iii=iii+ii+1 else: iii=iii+1 socketsetup = ''.join(_all_color) if DEBUG: print >>self.logFile, str.format('Socket Setup = {0}', socketsetup) if any(i in socketsetup for i in ('R-G-B','R-B-G','G-B-R','G-R-B','B-R-G','B-G-R')): print Style.BRIGHT + Fore.RED + "R" + Style.BRIGHT + Fore.GREEN + "G" + Style.BRIGHT + Fore.BLUE + "B" + Style.BRIGHT + Fore.WHITE + str.format(': {0}, rarity: {1}, itemlevel: {2}',itemName,rarity,itemlevel) msg = "" if sockets == 5: if sock_fragments == 1: msg = "5-SLOT 5-LINK" if sockets == 6: if sock_fragments == 1: msg = "6-SLOT 6-LINK" elif sock_fragments == 2: if maxfrag == 5: msg = "6-SLOT 5-LINK" else: msg = "6-SLOT" else: msg = "6-SLOT" if msg != "": print >>self.logFile, msg print Style.BRIGHT + Fore.MAGENTA + str.format('{5}: {0}, rarity: {1}, ilvl: {2}, quality: {3}, sockets: {4}',itemName,rarity,itemlevel,quality, socketsetup, msg) if rarity == 3: print >>self.logFile, 'UNIQUE !' number_of_uniques += 1 print Fore.YELLOW + str.format('UNI: {0}, rarity: {1}, ilvl: {2}, quality: {3}, sockets: {4}',itemName,rarity,itemlevel,quality, socketsetup) unique = PlaySoundUnique() unique.start() if rarity == 2 and ALERT_RARES == True: print Style.BRIGHT + Fore.YELLOW + str.format('RARE: {0}, rarity: {1}, itemlevel: {2}',itemName,rarity,itemlevel) print >>self.logFile, '---------------------------------' return print >>self.logFile, '---------------------------------' except: pass
def parseWorldItemPacket(self, packetData): try: buffer = ByteBuffer(packetData) buffer.setEndian(ByteBuffer.BIG_ENDIAN) id = buffer.nextByte() objectType = buffer.nextDword() unk1 = buffer.nextDword() unk2 = buffer.nextByte() if unk2 != 0: print >>self.logFile, 'The following packet has an odd unk2 field:' print >>self.logFile, self.dbg.hex_dump(map(lambda x: chr(x), packetData)) return x = buffer.nextDword() y = buffer.nextDword() rot = buffer.nextDword() unk3 = buffer.nextDword(ByteBuffer.LITTLE_ENDIAN) unk4 = buffer.nextDword() if unk3 >> 2 != 0: print >>self.logFile, 'The following packet has an odd unk3 field:' print >>self.logFile, self.dbg.hex_dump(map(lambda x: chr(x), packetData)) buffer.nextDword() buffer.nextDword() unk5 = buffer.nextByte() if unk5 != 0: print >>self.logFile, 'The following packet has an odd unk5 field:' print >>self.logFile, self.dbg.hex_dump(map(lambda x: chr(x), packetData)) return unk5 = buffer.nextDword() if unk5 != 0: buffer.nextDword() unk6 = buffer.nextByte() itemId = buffer.nextDword() itemName = getItemName(itemId) if shouldNotify(itemName): print str.format('Detected item drop: {0}', itemName) worker = PlaySoundWorker() worker.start() #Specified items (like gems) sPlayer = SoundPlayer() if itemId == 0xC04F5629: sPlayer.start('exaltedorb.wav'); if itemId == 0x07A992EB: sPlayer.start('gemcuttersprism.wav'); remaining = buffer.getRemainingBytes() actual = buffer.nextDword() actual = buffer.nextDword() actual = buffer.nextDword() actual = buffer.nextDword() if isGemItem(itemName): if actual & 0x0000FF00 > 0: superiorgem = PlaySoundSuperiorGem() superiorgem.start() else: worker = PlaySoundWorker() worker.start() if isFlaskItem(itemName): if actual & 0x0000FF00 > 0: superiorflask = PlaySoundSuperiorFlask() superiorflask.start() actual = buffer.nextDword() actual = buffer.nextDword() if actual == 0x00000300: unique = PlaySoundUnique() unique.start() except: pass
def parseWorldItemPacket(self, packetData): global number_of_uniques global number_of_rares global number_of_orbs global number_of_maps global RUN try: buffer = ByteBuffer(packetData) buffer.setEndian(ByteBuffer.BIG_ENDIAN) if DEBUG: print >> self.logFile, '---------------------------------' print >> self.logFile, 'packet:' print >> self.logFile, self.dbg.hex_dump( map(lambda x: chr(x), packetData)) id = buffer.nextByte() #print >>self.logFile, str.format('id = {0}', id) objectType = buffer.nextDword() #print >>self.logFile, str.format('ObjectType = {0}', objectType) unk1 = buffer.nextDword() #print >>self.logFile, str.format('unk1 = {0}', unk1) unk2 = buffer.nextByte() #print >>self.logFile, str.format('unk2 = {0}', unk2) if unk2 != 0: print >> self.logFile, 'The following packet has an odd unk2 field:' print >> self.logFile, self.dbg.hex_dump( map(lambda x: chr(x), packetData)) return x = buffer.nextDword() #print >>self.logFile, str.format('x = {0}', x) y = buffer.nextDword() #print >>self.logFile, str.format('y = {0}', y) rot = buffer.nextDword() #print >>self.logFile, str.format('rot = {0}', rot) unk3 = buffer.nextDword(ByteBuffer.LITTLE_ENDIAN) #print >>self.logFile, str.format('unk3 = {0}', unk3) unk4 = buffer.nextDword() #print >>self.logFile, str.format('unk4 = {0}', unk4) if unk3 >> 2 != 0: print >> self.logFile, 'The following packet has an odd unk3 field:' print >> self.logFile, self.dbg.hex_dump( map(lambda x: chr(x), packetData)) buffer.nextDword() buffer.nextDword() unk5 = buffer.nextDword() #print >>self.logFile, str.format('unk5 = {0}', unk5) unk6 = buffer.nextDword() #print >>self.logFile, str.format('unk6 = {0}', unk6) unk7 = buffer.nextByte() #print >>self.logFile, str.format('unk7 = {0}', unk7) unk8 = buffer.nextDword() #print >>self.logFile, str.format('unk8 = {0}', unk8) if unk8 >= 2: unk8 = buffer.nextDword() quantity = buffer.nextByte() #print >>self.logFile, str.format('quantity = {0}', quantity) itemId = buffer.nextDword() print >> self.logFile, str.format('itemId = {0}', itemId) #remaining = buffer.getRemainingBytes() itemName = getItemName(itemId) print >> self.logFile, str.format('itemName = {0}', itemName) if isCurrencyItem(itemName): print Fore.WHITE + str.format('CUR: {0}', itemName) number_of_orbs += 1 #Specified items (like gems) sPlayer = SoundPlayer() if itemId == 0xC04F5629: sPlayer.start('exaltedorb.wav') if itemId == 0x07A992EB: sPlayer.start('gemcuttersprism.wav') return actual = buffer.nextByte() actual = buffer.nextByte() actual = buffer.nextByte() actual = buffer.nextDword() itemlevel = buffer.nextDword() if DEBUG: print >> self.logFile, str.format('itemlevel = {0}', itemlevel) if isGemItem(itemName) and ALERT_GEMS == True: actual = buffer.nextByte() quality = int(buffer.nextDword()) #print >>self.logFile, str.format('quality = {0}', quality) if quality >= 5: print Fore.CYAN + str.format('GEM: {0}, quality: {1}', itemName, quality) #unique = PlaySoundUnique() #unique.start() print >> self.logFile, '---------------------------------' return req_lvl = buffer.nextDword() actual = buffer.nextDword() actual = buffer.nextByte() rarity = buffer.nextDword() if DEBUG: print >> self.logFile, str.format('rarity = {0}', rarity) identified = buffer.nextDword() if DEBUG: print >> self.logFile, str.format('identified = {0}', identified) if isMapItem(itemName) and ALERT_MAPS == True: actual = buffer.nextDword() actual = buffer.nextDword() actual = buffer.nextByte() actual = buffer.nextDword() actual = buffer.nextDword() quality = int(buffer.nextDword()) actual = int(buffer.nextByte()) if DEBUG: print >> self.logFile, str.format('quality = {0}', quality) if quality == 0 and actual == 0: quality = int(buffer.nextDword()) if DEBUG: print >> self.logFile, str.format( 'quality new = {0}', quality) print Style.BRIGHT + Fore.BLUE + str.format( 'MAP: {0}, rarity: {1}, itemlevel: {2}, quality: {3}', itemName, rarity, itemlevel, quality) print >> self.logFile, '---------------------------------' number_of_maps += 1 return if isBeltItem(itemName): if rarity == 3: print Fore.YELLOW + str.format( 'UNI BELT: {0}, rarity: {1}', itemName, rarity) unique = PlaySoundUnique() unique.start() number_of_uniques += 1 elif rarity == 2 and ALERT_RARES == True: print Style.BRIGHT + Fore.YELLOW + str.format( 'BELT: {0}, rarity: {1}, itemlevel: {2}', itemName, rarity, itemlevel) print >> self.logFile, '---------------------------------' return if isJewelleryItem(itemName): if rarity == 2 and ALERT_RARES == True: print Style.BRIGHT + Fore.YELLOW + str.format( 'JEW: {0}, rarity: {1}', itemName, rarity) number_of_rares += 1 if (rarity == 0 or rarity == 1) and ( itemId == 0x29F77698 or itemId == 0xDE069771) and ALERT_JEW_VALUES == True: _implicitmods = int(buffer.nextDword()) _mod = buffer.nextDword() _modvalues = buffer.nextByte() _modvalue = int(buffer.nextDword()) if _modvalue >= 13 and itemId == 0x29F77698: print Fore.WHITE + str.format('JEW: {0}, Value: {1}', itemName, _modvalue) if _modvalue >= 18 and itemId == 0xDE069771: print Fore.WHITE + str.format('JEW: {0}, Value: {1}', itemName, _modvalue) elif rarity == 3: if identified == 1 and itemId == 0x29F77698: if RUN == False: RUN = True number_of_uniques = 0 number_of_rares = 0 number_of_orbs = 0 number_of_maps = 0 staTime = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") startTime = str.format('{0}', staTime) print Style.BRIGHT + Fore.GREEN + str.format( '==== {0} ===== RUN started ===========', startTime) #print >>self.logFile, str.format('{0}', startTime) # measure runtime later on here, get the start time else: RUN = False stoTime = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") stopTime = str.format('{0}', stoTime) print Style.BRIGHT + Fore.GREEN + str.format( '==== {0} ===== RUN stopped ===========', stopTime) print >> self.statFile, str.format( '{0},{1},{2},{3},{4}', stopTime, number_of_uniques, number_of_rares, number_of_orbs, number_of_maps) else: print Fore.YELLOW + str.format( 'UNI JEW: {0}, rarity: {1}', itemName, rarity) unique = PlaySoundUnique() unique.start() number_of_uniques += 1 print >> self.logFile, '---------------------------------' return if isArmourItem(itemName): if rarity == 0: if shouldNotify(itemName): print Fore.WHITE + str.format('SPC: {0}', itemName) # worker = PlaySoundWorker() # worker.start() print >> self.logFile, '---------------------------------' return elif rarity == 2: number_of_rares += 1 if identified == 1: if isShieldItem(itemName): if DEBUG: print >> self.logFile, str.format( 'identified as SHIELD', '1') _implicitmod = int(buffer.nextDword()) if _implicitmod == 2: actual = buffer.nextDword() _skipnext = int(buffer.nextByte()) if _skipnext >= 1: actual = buffer.nextDword() _impl_mod = int(buffer.nextDword()) if DEBUG: print >> self.logFile, str.format( 'implicit mod = {0}', _impl_mod) _impl_mod_values = int(buffer.nextByte()) for i in range(0, _impl_mod_values): # needs to be worked out _mod_value = int(buffer.nextDword()) _skipnext = int(buffer.nextByte()) if _skipnext >= 1: for i in range(0, _skipnext): actual = int(buffer.nextDword()) else: actual = buffer.nextDword() _skipnext = int(buffer.nextByte()) if _skipnext >= 1: for i in range(0, _skipnext): actual = buffer.nextDword() _skipnext = int(buffer.nextByte()) if _skipnext >= 1: for i in range(0, _skipnext): actual = buffer.nextDword() else: _skipnext = int(buffer.nextDword()) if _skipnext >= 1: actual = buffer.nextDword() _skipnext = int(buffer.nextByte()) if _skipnext >= 1: actual = buffer.nextDword() _skipnext = int(buffer.nextByte()) if _skipnext >= 1: actual = buffer.nextDword() else: _skipnext = int(buffer.nextByte()) if _skipnext >= 1: for i in range(0, _skipnext): actual = buffer.nextDword() number_of_mods = int(buffer.nextDword()) else: if isShieldItem(itemName): if DEBUG: print >> self.logFile, str.format( 'identified as SHIELD', '1') _implicitmod = int(buffer.nextDword()) if _implicitmod == 2: actual = buffer.nextDword() _skipnext = int(buffer.nextByte()) if _skipnext >= 1: actual = buffer.nextDword() _impl_mod = int(buffer.nextDword()) if DEBUG: print >> self.logFile, str.format( 'implicit mod = {0}', _impl_mod) _impl_mod_values = int(buffer.nextByte()) if DEBUG: print >> self.logFile, str.format( '_impl_mod_values = {0}', _impl_mod_values) if _impl_mod_values > 0: for i in range(0, _impl_mod_values): # needs to be worked out _mod_value = int(buffer.nextDword()) if DEBUG: print >> self.logFile, str.format( '_mod_value = {0}', _mod_value) elif _implicitmod == 1: actual = buffer.nextDword() _skipnext = int(buffer.nextByte()) if _skipnext >= 1: for i in range(0, _skipnext): actual = buffer.nextDword() else: _implicitmods = int(buffer.nextDword()) if _implicitmods == 2: if DEBUG: print >> self.logFile, str.format( '_implicitmods = {0}', _implicitmods) elif _implicitmods == 1: _implicitmod = buffer.nextDword() if DEBUG: print >> self.logFile, str.format( '_implicitmod = {0}', _implicitmod) _impl_mod_values = int(buffer.nextByte()) if DEBUG: print >> self.logFile, str.format( '_impl_mod_values = {0}', _impl_mod_values) for i in range(0, _impl_mod_values): # needs to be worked out _mod_value = int(buffer.nextDword()) number_of_mods = 0 if DEBUG: print >> self.logFile, str.format( 'number of explicit mods = {0}', number_of_mods) if number_of_mods > 6: print >> self.logFile, 'The last packet had an odd number_of_mods field:' print >> self.logFile, self.dbg.hex_dump( map(lambda x: chr(x), packetData)) print >> self.logFile, '---------------------------------' return for i in range(0, number_of_mods): mod_id = buffer.nextDword() if DEBUG: print >> self.logFile, str.format( 'mod id = {0}', mod_id) sub_mod_count = buffer.nextByte() if sub_mod_count > 3: print >> self.logFile, 'The last packet had an odd sub_mod_count field:' if DEBUG: print >> self.logFile, self.dbg.hex_dump( map(lambda x: chr(x), packetData)) print >> self.logFile, '---------------------------------' return for ii in range(0, sub_mod_count): mod_value = buffer.nextDword() if sub_mod_count == 1: if DEBUG: print >> self.logFile, str.format( 'Modifier: {0}{1}', mod_value, getModifierName(mod_id)) elif sub_mod_count == 2: if mod_value != 0: sub_mods = getModifierName(mod_id).split("/") sub_mod = sub_mods[ii] if DEBUG: print >> self.logFile, str.format( 'Modifier: {0}{1}', mod_value, sub_mod) quality = buffer.nextDword() if DEBUG: print >> self.logFile, str.format('quality = {0}', quality) actual = buffer.nextByte() sockets = int(buffer.nextDword()) if DEBUG: print >> self.logFile, str.format('sockets = {0}', sockets) if sockets == 0 or sockets > 6: print >> self.logFile, 'The last packet had an odd sockets field:' if DEBUG: print >> self.logFile, self.dbg.hex_dump( map(lambda x: chr(x), packetData)) print >> self.logFile, '---------------------------------' return _all_color = [] sock_color_tmp = "" sock_color_tmp = getSocketColor(int(buffer.nextByte())) actual = buffer.nextByte() _all_color.append(sock_color_tmp) for i in range(1, sockets): sock_color_tmp = getSocketColor(int(buffer.nextByte())) actual = buffer.nextByte() _all_color.append(sock_color_tmp) if DEBUG: print >> self.logFile, str.format('socket colors = {0}', _all_color) sock_fragments = int(buffer.nextDword()) if DEBUG: print >> self.logFile, str.format('socket fragments = {0}', sock_fragments) if sock_fragments > 6 or sock_fragments == 0: print >> self.logFile, 'The last packet had an odd sock_fragments field:' if DEBUG: print >> self.logFile, self.dbg.hex_dump( map(lambda x: chr(x), packetData)) print >> self.logFile, '---------------------------------' return listlen = len(_all_color) if sock_fragments == 1: if DEBUG: print >> self.logFile, str.format( 'Fully linked = {0}', sock_fragments) ii = 0 for i in range(1, listlen): _all_color.insert(i + ii, "-") ii = ii + 1 else: iii = 0 maxfrag = 1 for i in range(0, sock_fragments): frag = int(buffer.nextByte()) if frag > 1: if maxfrag < frag: maxfrag = frag for ii in range(1, frag): _all_color.insert(ii + iii, "-") iii = iii + 1 iii = iii + ii + 1 else: iii = iii + 1 socketsetup = ''.join(_all_color) if DEBUG: print >> self.logFile, str.format('Socket Setup = {0}', socketsetup) if any(i in socketsetup for i in ('R-G-B', 'R-B-G', 'G-B-R', 'G-R-B', 'B-R-G', 'B-G-R')): print Style.BRIGHT + Fore.RED + "R" + Style.BRIGHT + Fore.GREEN + "G" + Style.BRIGHT + Fore.BLUE + "B" + Style.BRIGHT + Fore.WHITE + str.format( ': {0}, rarity: {1}, itemlevel: {2}', itemName, rarity, itemlevel) msg = "" if sockets == 5: if sock_fragments == 1: msg = "5-SLOT 5-LINK" if sockets == 6: if sock_fragments == 1: msg = "6-SLOT 6-LINK" elif sock_fragments == 2: if maxfrag == 5: msg = "6-SLOT 5-LINK" else: msg = "6-SLOT" else: msg = "6-SLOT" if msg != "": print >> self.logFile, msg print Style.BRIGHT + Fore.MAGENTA + str.format( '{5}: {0}, rarity: {1}, ilvl: {2}, quality: {3}, sockets: {4}', itemName, rarity, itemlevel, quality, socketsetup, msg) if rarity == 3: print >> self.logFile, 'UNIQUE !' number_of_uniques += 1 print Fore.YELLOW + str.format( 'UNI: {0}, rarity: {1}, ilvl: {2}, quality: {3}, sockets: {4}', itemName, rarity, itemlevel, quality, socketsetup) unique = PlaySoundUnique() unique.start() if rarity == 2 and ALERT_RARES == True: print Style.BRIGHT + Fore.YELLOW + str.format( 'RARE: {0}, rarity: {1}, itemlevel: {2}', itemName, rarity, itemlevel) print >> self.logFile, '---------------------------------' return print >> self.logFile, '---------------------------------' except: pass