def scan_timezones(outfile, attr_in, *, loutf=False): # Include functions from CAMxtools.write.wrt_ioapi import wrt_ioapi from CAMxtools.write.wrt_uamiv import wrt_uamiv from CAMxtools._cnvt._data2fin import _data2fin from tzwhere import tzwhere # Get nx, ny, dxy, and lcc nx = attr_in['NCOLS'] ny = attr_in['NROWS'] dxy = float(attr_in['XCELL']) # Simply assume XCELL = YCELL lcc = get_lcc(attr_in) # Global variables related to timezone # timezone lookup, force nearest tz for coords outside of polygons #global WHERETZ WHERETZ = tzwhere.tzwhere() # daylight savings time (DST) in northern hemisphere starts in March and ends # in November and the opposite in southern hemisphere #global JAN1 JAN1 = datetime.datetime( 2016, 1, 1) # date with standard time in northern hemisphere #global JUN1 JUN1 = datetime.datetime( 2016, 6, 1) # date with standard time in southern hemisphere # Calculating timezones over the domain print("Calculating timezones over the domain") # If tz is set to auto, calculate a tshift array before the loop tzone_ji = np.zeros((ny, nx)).astype(int) # PST:-8 MST:-7 CST:-6 EST:-5 for i in range(nx): for j in range(ny): lat, lon = proj_latlon_single(i, j, dxy, lcc) tzone_ji[j, i], tz_info = tz_latlon( lat, lon, WHERETZ, JAN1, JUN1) #tz_cell is based on LST not LDT. for itz in (np.unique(-tzone_ji)): print("time zone = {}".format(itz)) # Data array preparation nspc = 1 nz = 1 nsteps = 1 data2sav = np.zeros((nspc, nsteps, nz, ny, nx)) data2sav[0, 0, 0, :, :] = -tzone_ji tracernames = "TZONE".split() # Write output to a binary file fout = _data2fin(data2sav, tracernames, attr_in) l2uam = False # Force to output to IOAPI format if loutf: # Write output to netcdf if l2uam: wrt_uamiv(outfile, fout) else: wrt_ioapi(outfile, fout) else: return tracernames, data2sav
def hxmdaz_naaqs(jdbeg, jdend, outfile, csvfile, comb, attr_in, nifiles, infile_h, infile_t, *, avg_hr=8, rank=4, lyyyyjjj=True, tzone=None, l2uam=False, lnew_mda8=False, tmpoutf=None): # Include functions from CAMxtools.combine.combine import combine import netCDF4 as ncdf4 from PseudoNetCDF.camxfiles.Memmaps import uamiv from CAMxtools.write.set_attr import set_attr from CAMxtools.tzone.scan_timezones import scan_timezones from CAMxtools.tzone.get_local_hrs import get_mda1s from CAMxtools.tzone.get_local_hrs import get_mda8 from CAMxtools._cnvt._data2fin import _data2fin from CAMxtools.write.wrt_ioapi import wrt_ioapi from CAMxtools.write.wrt_uamiv import wrt_uamiv from CAMxtools.write.wrt_uamiv import wrt_uamiv from CAMxtools.write.wrt_uamiv import wrt_uamiv from CAMxtools.write.wrt_uamiv import wrt_uamiv from CAMxtools.write.wrt_uamiv import wrt_uamiv from CAMxtools.naaqs.wrt_csv_for_naaqs import wrt_csv_for_naaqs import numpy as np import gc # Check arguments l1tzone = False if tzone != None: l1tzone = True # If users specify a specific time zone, MATS MDA8 O3 is calculated based on the time zone. # Scan time zone over the domain tzfile = None dum, tzone_stlji = scan_timezones(tzfile, attr_in, loutf=False) tzone_ji = tzone_stlji[0, 0, 0, :, :].astype( tzones = np.unique(tzone_ji) if l1tzone: print("A SINGLE TIMEZONE, {} will be applied".format(tzone)) if tzone in tzones: ny = attr_in['NROWS'] nx = attr_in['NCOLS'] tzone_ji = np.zeros((ny, nx)).astype( + tzone tzones = [tzone] else: exit("YOUR TIMEZONE SPECIFIED IS OUT OF DOMAIN") # Get attribute nx = attr_in['NCOLS'] ny = attr_in['NROWS'] # Set a variable name spec = "O3" # Daily loop jdate = jdbeg while (jdate <= jdend): print("Processing {}".format(jdate)) gdate = int( datetime.datetime.strptime(str(jdate), "%Y%j").strftime("%Y%m%d")) infile = [] for ifile in range(0, nifiles): if lyyyyjjj: infile.append(infile_h[ifile] + '.' + str(jdate) + '.' + infile_t[ifile]) else: infile.append(infile_h[ifile] + '.' + str(gdate) + '.' + infile_t[ifile]) print(" 1. PROCESSING COMBINE") tracernames, indata2, ovarunits = combine(None, comb, nifiles, infile, lverbose=False, loutf=False, lovarunits=True) if (jdate > jdbeg): # One time execution - Check 'O3' is the first output species and index output trcnames which excludes O3 from tracernames if jdate == jdbeg + 1: s = tracernames.index(spec) if s != 0: exit('O3 must be the first species in combine spec_def') ntracers = len(tracernames) trcnames = tracernames[1:] print(" 2. PROCESSING METRICS FOR PREVIOUS DAY") concs_48_utc = np.append(indata1[:, :, 0, :, :], indata2[:, :, 0, :, :], axis=1) conc_o3_48_utc = concs_48_utc[ np.newaxis, s, :, :, :] #concs_48_utc[nspc,nt,ny,nx], conc_o3_48_utc[1,nt,ny,nx] if avg_hr == 1: dmdaz_1day, dind_hr_1day = get_mda1( conc_o3_48_utc, tzone_ji, nx, ny) # dmda1_1day[1,ny,nx], dind_hr_1day[1,ny,nx] elif avg_hr == 8: dmdaz_1day, dind_hr_1day = get_mda8( conc_o3_48_utc, tzone_ji, nx, ny, lnew_mda8=lnew_mda8 ) # dmda1_1day[1,ny,nx], dind_hr_1day[1,ny,nx] else: exit("avg_hr must be either 1 or 8.") # Set trcs_dmdaz_1day trcs_dmdaz_1day = np.zeros((ntracers - 1, ny, nx)) for i in range(nx): for j in range(ny): if avg_hr == 1: trcs_dmdaz_1day[:, j, i] = concs_48_utc[ 1:, np.squeeze(dind_hr_1day)[j, i], j, i] elif avg_hr == 8: trcs_daz_1day_1cell = np.apply_along_axis( np.convolve, axis=1, arr=concs_48_utc[1:, tzone_ji[j, i]:tzone_ji[j, i] + 31, j, i], v=[1 / 8.] * 8, mode='valid') #trcs_daz_1day_1cell[nspc-1,24] trcs_dmdaz_1day[:, j, i] = trcs_daz_1day_1cell[:, np.squeeze( dind_hr_1day )[j, i]] else: exit("avg_hr must be either 1 or 8.") gc.collect() if jdate == jdbeg + 1: dmdazs = dmdaz_1day #dmdazs[nd,ny,nx] dind_hrs = dind_hr_1day #dind_hrs[nd,ny,nx] trcs_dmdazs = np.array([trcs_dmdaz_1day ]) #trcs_dmdazs[nd,nspc-1,ny,nx] if jdate > jdbeg + 1: dmdazs = np.append(dmdazs, dmdaz_1day, axis=0) dind_hrs = np.append(dind_hrs, dind_hr_1day, axis=0) trcs_dmdazs = np.append(trcs_dmdazs, np.array([trcs_dmdaz_1day]), axis=0) indata1 = indata2 jdate = int((datetime.datetime.strptime(str(jdate), "%Y%j") + datetime.timedelta(days=1)).strftime("%Y%j")) gc.collect() del indata2 del indata1 gc.collect() # Prepare MDAZ if asked lout_mdaz = False if not tmpoutf == None: lout_mdaz = True if lout_mdaz: nd = jdend - jdbeg data2sav = np.zeros((ntracers, nd, 1, ny, nx)) data2sav[0, :, 0, :, :] = dmdazs data2sav[1:, :, 0, :, :] = np.einsum('jikl->ijkl', trcs_dmdazs) # Write a binary file for MDAZ attr_in['TSTEP'] = 240000 fout = _data2fin(data2sav, tracernames, attr_in) if l2uam: wrt_uamiv(tmpoutf, fout, lsurf=True, ounits=ovarunits) else: wrt_ioapi(tmpoutf, fout, lsurf=True, ounits=ovarunits) gc.collect() # Find X highest if rank == 1: rank_name = "FIRST" elif rank == 4: rank_name = "FOURTH" elif rank == 0: rank_name = "AVERAGE" else: exit("rank must be either 1 or 4 or 0.") if rank == 0: print(" 3. PROCESSING AVERAGE") else: print(" 3. PROCESSING {} HIGHEST".format(rank_name)) data2sav = np.zeros((ntracers, 1, 1, ny, nx)) nd = jdend - jdbeg if (nd < rank): print('Your no. of days is less than the rank you specified.') print('No. of days from input files = {}'.format(nd)) print('Rank you select is = {}'.format(rank)) exit( 'Either reduce your rank or increase no. of days from input files') if rank == 0: data2sav[0, 0, 0, :, :] = np.mean( dmdazs, axis=0) #data2sav[nspc,nt,nz,ny,nx], dmdazs[nd,ny,nx] data2sav[1:, 0, 0, :, :] = np.mean(trcs_dmdazs, axis=0) #trcs_dmdazs[nd,nspc-1,ny,nx] else: ind = np.argsort(dmdazs, axis=0)[nd - rank, ...] #dmdazs[nd,ny,nx], ind[ny,nx] gr = np.ogrid[0:dmdazs.shape[0], 0:dmdazs.shape[1], 0:dmdazs.shape[2]] gr[0] = ind data2sav[0, 0, 0, :, :] = dmdazs[gr] #data2sav[nspc,nt,nz,ny,nx] for i in range(nx): for j in range(ny): data2sav[1:, 0, 0, j, i] = trcs_dmdazs[ind[j, i], :, j, i] # Write a csv file if rank == 0: jdays = np.zeros( (ny, nx)) + attr_in['SDATE'] # Average of MDAZ, set the beginning date hours = np.zeros((ny, nx)) # Average of MDAZ, set zeros. else: jdays = attr_in['SDATE'] + ind[:, :] hours = np.zeros( (ny, nx)) + dind_hrs[gr][0, :, :] #dind_hrs[gr].shape = (1,ny,nx) data2csv = np.zeros((ntracers, ny, nx)) data2csv = data2sav[:, 0, 0, :, :] wrt_csv_for_naaqs(csvfile, tracernames, data2csv, jdays, hours) gc.collect() # Write a binary file for HXMDAZ fout = _data2fin(data2sav, tracernames, attr_in) if l2uam: wrt_uamiv(outfile, fout, lsurf=True, ounits=ovarunits) else: wrt_ioapi(outfile, fout, lsurf=True, ounits=ovarunits) gc.collect()
def hxmdaz(jdbeg,jdend,outfile,comb,attr_in,nifiles,infile_h,infile_t,*,avg_hr=8,rank=4,lyyyyjjj=True,tzone=None,l2uam=False,lnew_mda8=False,tmpoutf=None): # Include functions from CAMxtools.combine.combine import combine import netCDF4 as ncdf4 from PseudoNetCDF.camxfiles.Memmaps import uamiv from CAMxtools.write.set_attr import set_attr from CAMxtools.tzone.scan_timezones import scan_timezones from CAMxtools.tzone.get_local_hrs import get_mda1s from CAMxtools.tzone.get_local_hrs import get_mda8s from CAMxtools.tzone.get_local_hrs import get_mda8s_a0 from CAMxtools._cnvt._data2fin import _data2fin from CAMxtools.write.wrt_ioapi import wrt_ioapi from CAMxtools.write.wrt_uamiv import wrt_uamiv import numpy as np # Check arguments l1tzone = False if tzone != None: l1tzone = True # If users specify a specific time zone, MATS MDA8 O3 is calculated based on the time zone. # Scan time zone over the domain tzfile = None dum, tzone_stlji = scan_timezones(tzfile, attr_in, loutf = False) tzone_ji = tzone_stlji[0,0,0,:,:].astype( tzones = np.unique(tzone_ji) if l1tzone: print("A SINGLE TIMEZONE, {} will be applied".format(tzone)) if tzone in tzones: ny = attr_in['NROWS'] nx = attr_in['NCOLS'] tzone_ji = np.zeros((ny,nx)).astype( + tzone tzones = [tzone] else: exit("YOUR TIMEZONE SPECIFIED IS OUT OF DOMAIN") # Get attribute nx = attr_in['NCOLS'] ny = attr_in['NROWS'] # Set a variable name spec = "O3" # Daily loop print (" 1. PROCESSING COMBINE") jdate = jdbeg while (jdate <= jdend): print ("Processing {}".format(jdate)) gdate = int(datetime.datetime.strptime(str(jdate),"%Y%j").strftime("%Y%m%d")) infile = [] for ifile in range(0,nifiles): if lyyyyjjj: infile.append(infile_h[ifile]+'.'+str(jdate)+'.'+infile_t[ifile]) else: infile.append(infile_h[ifile]+'.'+str(gdate)+'.'+infile_t[ifile]) tracernames, indata, ovarunits = combine(None,comb,nifiles,infile,lverbose=False,loutf=False,lovarunits=True) s = tracernames.index(spec) if jdate == jdbeg : conc_hrs_utc = indata[s,:,0,:,:] if jdate > jdbeg : conc_hrs_utc = np.append(conc_hrs_utc,indata[s,:,0,:,:],axis=0) #As len(s) = 1, the 2nd dimension, nt is axis=0 jdate = int((datetime.datetime.strptime(str(jdate),"%Y%j") + datetime.timedelta(days=1)).strftime("%Y%j")) del indata print (" 2. PROCESSING MDA{} FOR ALL DAYS".format(avg_hr)) nd = jdend - jdbeg if avg_hr == 1: mdaz = get_mda1s(conc_hrs_utc, tzone_ji, nd, nx, ny) elif avg_hr == 8: if lnew_mda8: mdaz = get_mda8s_a0(conc_hrs_utc, tzone_ji, nd, nx, ny) else: mdaz = get_mda8s(conc_hrs_utc, tzone_ji, nd, nx, ny) else: exit("avg_hr must be either 1 or 8.") # Prepare MDAZ if asked lout_mdaz = False if not tmpoutf == None: lout_mdaz = True if lout_mdaz: data2sav = np.zeros((1,nd,1,ny,nx)) data2sav[0,:,0,:,:] = mdaz # Write a binary file for MDAZ attr_in['TSTEP']=240000 fout = _data2fin(data2sav, tracernames, attr_in) if l2uam: wrt_uamiv(tmpoutf, fout, lsurf = True, ounits = ovarunits) else: wrt_ioapi(tmpoutf, fout, lsurf = True, ounits = ovarunits) # Find X highest if rank == 1: rank_name = "FIRST" elif rank == 4: rank_name = "FOURTH" else: exit("rank must be either 1 or 4.") print (" 3. PROCESSING {} HIGHEST".format(rank_name)) data2sav = np.zeros((1,1,1,ny,nx)) data2sav[0,0,0,:,:] = np.sort(mdaz,axis=0)[mdaz.shape[0]-rank,...] #data2sav[nspc,nt,nz,ny,nx] # Write a binary file for HXMDAZ fout = _data2fin(data2sav, tracernames, attr_in) if l2uam: wrt_uamiv(outfile, fout, lsurf = True, ounits = ovarunits) else: wrt_ioapi(outfile, fout, lsurf = True, ounits = ovarunits)
def psd_pm10_2nddavg_annavg(jdbeg, jdend, out_anndavg, out_2nddavg, csv_anndavg, csv_2nddavg, comb, attr_in, nifiles, infile_h, infile_t, *, lyyyyjjj=True, tzone=None, l2uam=False, tmpoutf=None): # Include functions from CAMxtools.combine.combine import combine import netCDF4 as ncdf4 from PseudoNetCDF.camxfiles.Memmaps import uamiv from CAMxtools.write.set_attr import set_attr from CAMxtools.tzone.scan_timezones import scan_timezones from CAMxtools.tzone.get_local_hrs import get_davg from CAMxtools._cnvt._data2fin import _data2fin from CAMxtools.write.wrt_ioapi import wrt_ioapi from CAMxtools.write.wrt_uamiv import wrt_uamiv from CAMxtools.psd.wrt_csv_for_psd import wrt_csv_for_psd import numpy as np # Check arguments l1tzone = False if tzone != None: l1tzone = True # If users specify a specific time zone, MATS MDA8 O3 is calculated based on the time zone. # Scan time zone over the domain tzfile = None dum, tzone_stlji = scan_timezones(tzfile, attr_in, loutf=False) tzone_ji = tzone_stlji[0, 0, 0, :, :].astype( tzones = np.unique(tzone_ji) if l1tzone: print("A SINGLE TIMEZONE, {} will be applied".format(tzone)) if tzone in tzones: ny = attr_in['NROWS'] nx = attr_in['NCOLS'] tzone_ji = np.zeros((ny, nx)).astype( + tzone tzones = [tzone] else: exit("YOUR TIMEZONE SPECIFIED IS OUT OF DOMAIN") # Get attribute nx = attr_in['NCOLS'] ny = attr_in['NROWS'] # Daily loop jdate = jdbeg while (jdate <= jdend): print("Processing {}".format(jdate)) gdate = int( datetime.datetime.strptime(str(jdate), "%Y%j").strftime("%Y%m%d")) infile = [] for ifile in range(0, nifiles): if lyyyyjjj: infile.append(infile_h[ifile] + '.' + str(jdate) + '.' + infile_t[ifile]) else: infile.append(infile_h[ifile] + '.' + str(gdate) + '.' + infile_t[ifile]) print(" 1. PROCESSING COMBINE") tracernames, indata2, ovarunits = combine(None, comb, nifiles, infile, lverbose=False, loutf=False, lovarunits=True) if (jdate > jdbeg): print(" 2. PROCESSING DAILY AVERAGE FOR PREVIOUS DAY") concs_48_utc = np.append(indata1[:, :, 0, :, :], indata2[:, :, 0, :, :], axis=1) davg_1day = get_davg(concs_48_utc, tzone_ji, nx, ny) if jdate == jdbeg + 1: davgs = np.array([davg_1day]) #davgs[nd,nspc,ny,nx] if jdate > jdbeg + 1: davgs = np.append(davgs, np.array([davg_1day]), axis=0) indata1 = indata2 jdate = int((datetime.datetime.strptime(str(jdate), "%Y%j") + datetime.timedelta(days=1)).strftime("%Y%j")) del indata2 del indata1 # Prepare DAVG if asked nspc = len(tracernames) lout_davg = False if not tmpoutf == None: lout_davg = True if lout_davg: nd = jdend - jdbeg data2sav = np.zeros((nspc, nd, 1, ny, nx)) for ispc in range(nspc): data2sav[ispc, :, 0, :, :] = davgs[:, ispc, :, :] # Write a binary file for DAVG attr_in['TSTEP'] = 240000 fout = _data2fin(data2sav, tracernames, attr_in) if l2uam: wrt_uamiv(tmpoutf, fout, lsurf=True, ounits=ovarunits) else: wrt_ioapi(tmpoutf, fout, lsurf=True, ounits=ovarunits) # Calculate 2nd highest daily average print(" 3. PROCESSING 2ND HIGHEST DAILY AVERAGE") data2sav = np.zeros((nspc, 1, 1, ny, nx)) rank = 2 #data2sav[:,0,0,:,:] = np.sort(davgs,axis=0)[davgs.shape[0]-rank,...] #data2sav[nspc,nt,nz,ny,nx], davgs[nd,nspc,ny,nx] ind = np.argsort(davgs, axis=0)[ davgs.shape[0] - rank, ...] #data2sav[nspc,nt,nz,ny,nx], davgs[nd,nspc,ny,nx], ind[nsp,ny,nx] gr = np.ogrid[0:davgs.shape[0], 0:davgs.shape[1], 0:davgs.shape[2], 0:davgs.shape[3]] gr[0] = ind data2sav[:, 0, 0, :, :] = davgs[gr] #data2sav[:,0,0,:,:] = np.mean(davgs,axis=0) #data2sav[nspc,nt,nz,ny,nx], davgs[nd,nspc,ny,nx] # Write a csv file jdays = attr_in['SDATE'] + ind[ 0, :, :] # Annual average, set the beginning date hours = np.zeros((ny, nx)) # daily average, set zeros data2csv = np.zeros((nspc, ny, nx)) data2csv = data2sav[:, 0, 0, :, :] wrt_csv_for_psd(csv_2nddavg, tracernames, data2csv, jdays, hours) # Write a binary file fout = _data2fin(data2sav, tracernames, attr_in) if l2uam: wrt_uamiv(out_2nddavg, fout, lsurf=True, ounits=ovarunits) else: wrt_ioapi(out_2nddavg, fout, lsurf=True, ounits=ovarunits) # Calculate grand average print(" 4. PROCESSING GRAND AVERAGE") data2sav = np.zeros((nspc, 1, 1, ny, nx)) data2sav[:, 0, 0, :, :] = np.mean( davgs, axis=0) #data2sav[nspc,nt,nz,ny,nx], davgs[nd,nspc,ny,nx] # Write a csv file jdays = np.zeros( (ny, nx)) + attr_in['SDATE'] # Annual average, set the beginning date hours = np.zeros((ny, nx)) # Annual average, set zeros data2csv = np.zeros((nspc, ny, nx)) data2csv = data2sav[:, 0, 0, :, :] wrt_csv_for_psd(csv_anndavg, tracernames, data2csv, jdays, hours) # Write a binary file fout = _data2fin(data2sav, tracernames, attr_in) if l2uam: wrt_uamiv(out_anndavg, fout, lsurf=True, ounits=ovarunits) else: wrt_ioapi(out_anndavg, fout, lsurf=True, ounits=ovarunits)
def combine(outfile, comb, nifiles, infile, *, lsurf=True, lverbose=False, loutf=True, l2uam=False, lovarunits=False): """ Linearly combine multiple variables in single or multiple input files - Input file can be UAM or IOAPI. - Output file format is IOAPI. Arguments: outfile - IOAPI or UAMIV formatted output file comb - species definition text file which has output species name, unit, and the equation of linear combination from species in input files. Follow the same syntax of CMAQ species definition file. nifiles - no. of input files infile - python list of multiple input files lsurf - if True, create only surface layer regardless of no. of layers from input file. lverbose - if True, print more messages to screen loutf - if True, create an output file l2uam - if True, output file format is UAM. Otherwise, IOAPI. lovarunits - if True, return output variable units, ovarunits. """ # Include functions to call from CAMxtools.combine._exprparse import ExpressionEvaluator from CAMxtools.write.wrt_ioapi import wrt_ioapi from CAMxtools.write.wrt_uamiv import wrt_uamiv from CAMxtools.write.set_attr import set_attr from CAMxtools._cnvt._data2fin import _data2fin # Handle input files if lverbose: print("no. of input files = {}".format(nifiles)) fin = [] for ifile in range(0, nifiles): try: fin.append(uamiv(infile[ifile])) if ifile == 0: ftype = 'uam' except: try: fin.append(xr.open_dataset(infile[ifile])) if ifile == 0: ftype = 'netcdf' except: print("Check whether your input file exists") print(infile[ifile]) exit() # Used for variable names to recognize variables from equations NAME = r'(?P<NAME>[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9\[\]]*)' # Outmost block begins with opening species definition file, comb. with open(comb) as csvfile: # Initialize tracernames which will be used for 'VAR-LIST' of output file at the end of this function. tracernames = [] ovarunits = [] # Scan the species defnition file to know no. of output variables. lines = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='|') nspc = sum(1 for row in lines if not ((''.join(row).strip().replace(" ", "") == '') or (row[0][0] == '/') or (row[0][0] == '#') or (row[0][0] == '!'))) # no. of output variables # rewind the species definition file # If an output file does not exist, get fin0 and nsteps lnew = False # flag for the new output if loutf: if not os.path.exists(outfile): lnew = True if ftype == 'uam': fin0 = fin[0] nsteps = len(fin[0].dimensions['TSTEP']) else: fin0 = ncdf4.Dataset(infile[0]) nsteps = fin[0].dims['TSTEP'] lfin0 = True attr_in = set_attr(lfin0, fin0, {}) # Set data2sav lgrdded = False if attr_in['FTYPE'] == 1: lgrdded = True ny = attr_in['NROWS'] nx = attr_in['NCOLS'] nz = attr_in['NLAYS'] if lsurf: nz = 1 if lgrdded: # GRIDDED data2sav = np.zeros((nspc, nsteps, nz, ny, nx)) else: # BOUNDARY CONDITION ncells = 2 * (nx + ny) + 4 data2sav = np.zeros((nspc, nsteps, nz, ncells)) # Main loop - process the species definition file line by line lines = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='|') for line in lines: # Skip unnecessary lines if ''.join(line).strip().replace(" ", "") == '': continue # skip blank line if ((line[0][0] == '/') or (line[0][0] == '#') or (line[0][0] == '!')): continue # skip the lines starting with /, #, or blank # Set ovar, ovarunit, and formula. Append tracernames. ovar = line[0].split()[0] ovarunit = line[1].split()[0] formula = line[2].split()[0] tracernames.append(ovar) ovarunits.append(ovarunit) # Find vars from formula, which are either an input file or ovar from previous lines, (i.e. [0]) p = re.compile( NAME ) # Declare pattern match that include alphabet and/or number and ends with "[ number ]" vars = p.findall( formula ) # Find continuous blocks of p defined above. For example, if formula = 'NO_DD[1]+NO_DD[2]+NO2_DD[1]', vars = ['NO_DD[1]', 'NO_DD[2]', 'NO2_DD[1]'] # Loop through individual var in vars for var in vars: # Delimit by [ or ] and store the first element to varname and the second element to fins. For example, varname[0] = NO_DD and fins[0] = 1. Do this for varname[1] and fins[1], and so on. varname = (re.findall(r"\w+", var)[0]) findx = (int(re.findall(r"\w+", var)[1])) # If the var in formula is not defined, do sanity check fins and define. For example, NO_DD_1 = fin.variables[NO_DD][0:nstamps,:,:,:] var_findx = "".join([varname, "_", str(findx)]) if not var_findx in locals(): if findx < 0: print('File index is negative! {}'.format(findx)) exit() elif findx == 0: # if [0] in the var, use a variable that is already calculated. s = tracernames.index(varname) if lgrdded: # GRIDDED exec("".join( [var_findx, " = data2sav[s,:,0:nz,:,:]"])) else: # BOUNDARY CONDITION exec("".join( [var_findx, " = data2sav[s,:,0:nz,:]"])) elif findx <= nifiles: exec("".join([ var_findx, " = fin[int(findx)-1].variables[varname][0:nsteps,0:nz,:,:]" ])) else: print( 'File index is larger than no. of input files! {}'. format(findx)) print('no. of input files {}'.format(nifiles)) exit() # Change formular to an easy expression to deal with. For exmaple, NO_DD[1]+NO_DD[2]+NO2_DD[1] to NO_DD_1+NO_DD_2+NO2_DD_1 for i in range(0, nifiles + 1): # replace [] to _. (e.g. NO_DD[1] -> NO_DD_1) formula = formula.replace("".join(["[", str(i), "]"]), "".join(["_", str(i)])) # Construct dict_vars such as {'NO_DD_1':NO_DD_1, 'NO_DD_2':NO_DD_2, 'NO2_DD_1':NO2_DD_1} dict_vars = {} vars = p.findall(formula) # return all the variables in formula for var in vars: exec("".join(["dict_vars['", var, "']=", var])) # Generate class e. To declare variables in dic_vars in the ExpressionEvaluator class. dic_vars is passed as an argument. e = ExpressionEvaluator(dict_vars) # Evaluate formula s = tracernames.index(ovar) if lgrdded: # GRIDDED data2sav[s, 0:nsteps, 0:nz, :, :] = e.parse(formula) else: # BOUNDARY CONDITION data2sav[s, 0:nsteps, 0:nz, :] = e.parse(formula) # Del files in fin lists if ftype == 'netcdf': for ifile in range(0, nifiles): fin[ifile].close() del fin # Return results if loutf: # if creating an output file fout = _data2fin(data2sav, tracernames, attr_in) lounit = True if l2uam: wrt_uamiv(outfile, fout, lsurf=lsurf, lapp=not lnew, ounits=ovarunits) else: wrt_ioapi(outfile, fout, lsurf=lsurf, lapp=not lnew, ounits=ovarunits) else: if lovarunits: return tracernames, data2sav, ovarunits else: return tracernames, data2sav
def regrid(outfile, project, utmzon, plon, plat, tlat1, tlat2, xorg, yorg, dxy_out, nx_out, ny_out, comb, attr_in, nstep, nifiles, infile, *, lno_edges=True, l2uam=False, lnearest=False, ijfile=None): # Include functions from CAMxtools.combine.combine import combine import netCDF4 as ncdf4 from PseudoNetCDF.camxfiles.Memmaps import uamiv from CAMxtools.write.set_attr import set_attr from CAMxtools.tzone.scan_timezones import get_lcc from CAMxtools.regrid.projection import ll2latlon from CAMxtools.regrid.projection import lcp2latlon from CAMxtools.regrid.projection import ll2lcp from CAMxtools._cnvt._data2fin import _data2fin from CAMxtools.write.wrt_ioapi import wrt_ioapi from CAMxtools.write.wrt_uamiv import wrt_uamiv import numpy as np import csv # 1. COMBINE print(" 1. PROCESSING COMBINE") tracernames, indata, ovarunits = combine(None, comb, nifiles, infile, lsurf=False, lverbose=False, loutf=False, lovarunits=True) # 2. REGRID print(" 2. PROCESSING REGRID") # 2.1 Set attributes of output file if l2uam: NA_val = 0. else: NA_val = -9.999E36 attr_out = {} for key, value in attr_in.items(): if key == 'XCELL': attr_out[key] = dxy_out elif key == 'YCELL': attr_out[key] = dxy_out elif key == 'XORIG': attr_out[key] = xorg elif key == 'YORIG': attr_out[key] = yorg elif key == 'NCOLS': attr_out[key] = nx_out elif key == 'NROWS': attr_out[key] = ny_out elif key == 'GDTYP': if project == 'LATLON': attr_out[key] = 1 elif project == 'LAMBERT': attr_out[key] = 2 else: exit() elif key == 'P_ALP': if project == 'LATLON': attr_out[key] = NA_val elif project == 'LAMBERT': attr_out[key] = tlat1 else: exit() elif key == 'P_BET': if project == 'LATLON': attr_out[key] = NA_val elif project == 'LAMBERT': attr_out[key] = tlat2 else: exit() elif key == 'P_GAM': if project == 'LATLON': attr_out[key] = NA_val elif project == 'LAMBERT': attr_out[key] = plon else: exit() elif key == 'XCENT': if project == 'LATLON': attr_out[key] = NA_val elif project == 'LAMBERT': attr_out[key] = plon else: exit() elif key == 'YCENT': if project == 'LATLON': attr_out[key] = NA_val elif project == 'LAMBERT': attr_out[key] = plat else: exit() else: attr_out[key] = value if ijfile == None: # 2.2a.1 Get lat and lon at center of grid cells for output if attr_out['GDTYP'] == 1: lats_out, lons_out = ll2latlon(xorg, yorg, dxy_out, nx_out, ny_out, lno_edges=False) elif attr_out['GDTYP'] == 2: lcc_out = get_lcc(attr_out) lats_out, lons_out = lcp2latlon(lcc_out, dxy_out, nx_out, ny_out, lno_edges=False) else: print("Your GDTYP is {}".format(attr_in['GDTYP'])) exit( "This program currently supports LATLON (GDTYP = 1) and LCP (GDTYP = 2) only." ) # 2.2a.2 Get x and y values of input file corresponding to each output grid cell if attr_in['GDTYP'] == 1: xpos = lons_out ypos = lats_out elif attr_in['GDTYP'] == 2: x0_in = attr_in['XORIG'] y0_in = attr_in['YORIG'] lcc_in = get_lcc(attr_in) xpos, ypos = ll2lcp(lons_out, lats_out, lcc_in, ny_out, nx_out, x0_in, y0_in) else: print("Your GDTYP is {}".format(attr_in['GDTYP'])) exit( "This program currently supports LATLON (GDTYP = 1) and LCP (GDTYP = 2) only." ) # 2.2a.3 Get grid index of input file corresponding to each output grid cell dxy_in = attr_in['XCELL'] x0 = attr_in['XORIG'] y0 = attr_in['YORIG'] nx_in = attr_in['NCOLS'] ny_in = attr_in['NROWS'] if lnearest: if attr_in['GDTYP'] == 1: lats_in, lons_in = ll2latlon(x0, y0, dxy_in, nx_in, ny_in, lno_edges=False) elif attr_in['GDTYP'] == 2: lats_in, lons_in = lcp2latlon(lcc_in, dxy_in, nx_in, ny_in, lno_edges=False) else: print("Your GDTYP is {}".format(attr_in['GDTYP'])) exit( "This program currently supports LATLON (GDTYP = 1) and LCP (GDTYP = 2) only." ) iloc, jloc = find_ij(dxy_in, x0, y0, nx_in, ny_in, nx_out, ny_out, xpos, ypos, lno_edges=True, lnearest=lnearest, lats_in=lats_in, lons_in=lons_in, lats_out=lats_out, lons_out=lons_out) else: iloc, jloc = find_ij(dxy_in, x0, y0, nx_in, ny_in, nx_out, ny_out, xpos, ypos, lno_edges=True) else: # 2.2b Read index mapping from ijfile iloc = np.zeros((ny_out, nx_out), dtype=int) jloc = np.zeros((ny_out, nx_out), dtype=int) with open(ijfile) as csvfile: lines = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='|') # skip the first header line for line in lines: if line[0][0] == 'i': continue # skip the first header line i = int(line[0].split()[0]) j = int(line[1].split()[0]) iloc[j, i] = int(line[2].split()[0]) jloc[j, i] = int(line[3].split()[0]) # 2.5 Mapping and prepare data to save nspc = len(tracernames) nz = attr_out['NLAYS'] data2sav = np.zeros((nspc, nstep, nz, ny_out, nx_out)) for j in range(ny_out): for i in range(nx_out): data2sav[:, :, :, j, i] = indata[:, :, :, jloc[j, i], iloc[j, i]] del indata # 3. WRITE A BINARY FILE fout = _data2fin(data2sav, tracernames, attr_out) if l2uam: wrt_uamiv(outfile, fout, lsurf=False, ounits=ovarunits) else: wrt_ioapi(outfile, fout, lsurf=False, ounits=ovarunits)
def calc_W126(outfile, fileh, filet, year, smo, emo, tz, *, lyyyyjjj=True, loutf=True, lverbose=True): # Include functions from CAMxtools.tzone.get_local_hrs import get_ozone_12hr from CAMxtools.write.wrt_ioapi import wrt_ioapi from CAMxtools.write.wrt_uamiv import wrt_uamiv from CAMxtools.write.set_attr import set_attr from CAMxtools._cnvt._data2fin import _data2fin # Check the first day file to figure out nx and ny jdate =, smo, 1).strftime("%Y%j") gdate = year * 10000 + smo * 100 + 1 if lyyyyjjj: infile = fileh + '.' + str(jdate) + '.' + filet else: infile = fileh + '.' + str(gdate) + '.' + filet if not os.path.exists(infile): print("{} does not exist!".format(infile)) print('Program exits from calc_W126 at point 1') exit() try: fin = uamiv(infile) ftype = 'avg' except: try: fin = ncdf4.Dataset(infile) ftype = 'netcdf' except: print("Unrecognized file type") print("infile = {}".format(infile)) exit() nx = len(fin.dimensions['COL']) ny = len(fin.dimensions['ROW']) # Loop to get monthly sums of W126 nmo = emo - smo + 1 monsum = np.zeros((nmo, ny, nx)) imo = 0 mo = smo print("Calculating monthly sum of W126") while imo < nmo: print("Processing month :{}".format(calendar.month_name[mo])) jbdate = int(, mo, 1).strftime("%Y%j")) edd = calendar.monthrange(year, mo)[1] jedate = int(, mo, edd).strftime("%Y%j")) print("jedate={}".format(str(jedate))) jdate = jbdate while (jdate <= jedate): jdatep1 = jdate + 1 if lyyyyjjj: infile1 = fileh + '.' + str(jdate) + '.' + filet infile2 = fileh + '.' + str(jdatep1) + '.' + filet else: gdate = year * 10000 + mo * 100 + (jdate - jbdate + 1) infile1 = fileh + '.' + str(gdate) + '.' + filet if (jdate < jedate): gdatep1 = gdate + 1 else: gdatep1 = year * 10000 + (mo + 1) * 100 + 1 infile2 = fileh + '.' + str(gdatep1) + '.' + filet for infile in [infile1, infile2]: if not os.path.exists(infile): print("{} does not exist!".format(infile)) print('Program exits from calc_W126 at point 2') exit() if ftype == 'avg': fin1 = uamiv(infile1) fin2 = uamiv(infile2) else: fin1 = ncdf4.Dataset(infile1) fin2 = ncdf4.Dataset(infile2) # get ozone conc. from 8am-8pm local time if (lverbose): print(" Processing Julian day :{}".format(str(jdate))) o3_48_utc = np.append(fin1.variables["O3"], fin2.variables["O3"], axis=0) o3 = get_ozone_12hr(o3_48_utc, tz, nx, ny) # calculate W126 W126 = calc_daily_W126(o3, nx, ny) # calculate monthly sum of W126 for i in range(nx): for j in range(ny): monsum[imo, j, i] += W126[j, i] # increase day by one date = datetime.datetime.strptime(str(jdate), "%Y%j") date += datetime.timedelta(days=1) jdate = int(date.strftime("%Y%j")) # increase month by one imo += 1 # increase month counter mo += 1 # increase the order of month in the year # Loop to calculate three months sum nmo = emo - smo - 1 # remove two from the total number of months mon3sum = np.zeros((nmo, ny, nx)) imo = 0 mo = smo print("Calculating three monthly sum of W126") while imo < nmo: print("Processing month :{}".format(calendar.month_name[mo])) for i in range(nx): for j in range(ny): mon3sum[imo, j, i] = monsum[imo, j, i] + monsum[imo + 1, j, i] + monsum[imo + 2, j, i] # increase month by one imo += 1 # increase month counter mo += 1 # increase the order of month in the year # Find the highest three monthly sum h1mon3sum = np.zeros((ny, nx)) imo = 0 print("Finding the highest three monthly sum of W126") while imo < nmo: for i in range(nx): for j in range(ny): if h1mon3sum[j, i] < mon3sum[imo, j, i]: h1mon3sum[j, i] = mon3sum[imo, j, i] # increase month by one imo += 1 # increase month counter mo += 1 # increase the order of month in the year # write output to netcdf fin0 = fin # to copy file header nspc = 1 nz = 1 nsteps = 1 data2sav = np.zeros((nspc, nsteps, nz, ny, nx)) data2sav[0, 0, 0, :, :] = h1mon3sum tracernames = "O3".split() beghr = 8 #file attributes from an argument lfin0 = True attr_fed = {} attr_in = set_attr(lfin0, fin0, attr_fed, beghr=beghr) # Write output to a binary file fout = _data2fin(data2sav, tracernames, attr_in) l2uam = False # Force to output to IOAPI format if loutf: if l2uam: wrt_uamiv(outfile, fout) else: wrt_ioapi(outfile, fout) else: return tracernames, data2sav