ques_num = "" #question file name, contains '.txt'
sus_path = main_path + "sus_user" # folders that contains all suspicious community data
sus_user_set = set() #save the id of suspicious users
sus_name_set = set() #save the name of suspicious community user
answered_user_set = set() #save the id of users who answered this question
ques_path = main_path + "all_questions" #path for question folder
ques_list = os.listdir(ques_path) #get all question list name
# print("")
# print("question list = %r" % ques_list)
# print("")
result_path = main_path + "result/" #store files of results for each question
# `ques_list.remove(".DS_Store") #remove invisible files
match_user_set = set() #suspicious users who answered this question
sus_user_group_list = os.listdir(sus_path)
# sus_user_group_list.remove(".DS_Store")
cal_CAR = CAR()
cal_QAR = QAR()
cal_AMAR = AMAR()
all_user_dic = {}
read_path = "/Users/AlanLi/Desktop/Zhihu_data/all_userlist.txt"
result_path = main_path + "/result/"
all_user_name_set = set() #store all vip's username
reverse_user_dic = {} # key is username, value is id
original_dic = {} #store the original suspicious user id and
data_set = set() #check if one data file has exisited before

num_of_question = len(ques_list) #total number of questions we analysis for each specific group of people
num_of_noMatched = 0 #number of questions that has 0 matched users
num_of_matchedQue = 0 #number of questions that have non-empty match_user_set
num_of_noAMAR = 0 #number of questions that AMAR cannot be calculated
num_of_allData = 0 #number of questions with all three data non-zero
car_qar = "CAR_QAR"
amar = "AMAR"
question = "/all_questions/"
ques_num = "" #question file name, contains '.txt'
sus_path = main_path + "sus_user_group" # folders that contains all suspicious community data
sus_user_set = set() #save the id of suspicious users
sus_name_set = set() #save the name of suspicious community user
answered_user_set = set() #save the id of users who answered this question
ques_path = main_path + "all_questions" #path for question folder
ques_list = os.listdir(ques_path) #get all question list name
result_path = main_path + "result/" #store files of results for each question
ques_list.remove(".DS_Store") #remove invisible files
match_user_set = set() #suspicious users who answered this question
sus_user_group_list = os.listdir(sus_path)
cal_CAR = CAR()
cal_QAR = QAR()
cal_AMAR = AMAR()
all_user_dic = {}
read_path = "/Users/AlanLi/Desktop/Zhihu_data/all_userlist.txt"
result_path = main_path + "/result/"

num_of_question = len(ques_list) #total number of questions we analysis for each specific group of people
num_of_noMatched = 0 #number of questions that has 0 matched users
num_of_matchedQue = 0 #number of questions that have non-empty match_user_set
num_of_noAMAR = 0 #number of questions that AMAR cannot be calculated
num_of_allData = 0 #number of questions with all three data non-zero

""" get all users name and id into dictionary """
oh_my_god = "/Users/AlanLi/Desktop/Zhihu_data/all_user_list.txt"
ohmyfile = open(oh_my_god, 'r')
def main():
    dataset = Train_DataSet("../pytorch-3d-semseg/data_road")
    dataset_loader = DataLoader(dataset,

    dataset_test = Test_DataSet("../pytorch-3d-semseg/data_road")
    dataset_loader_test = DataLoader(dataset_test,

    model = CAR().to(device)
    # checkpoint_filename = './model_CAR7/model_epoch_200.pth'
    # if os.path.exists(checkpoint_filename):
    #     model.load_state_dict(torch.load(checkpoint_filename))

    optimizer = torch.optim.AdamW(model.parameters(),
                                  betas=(0.9, 0.999),
    scheduler = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.CosineAnnealingWarmRestarts(optimizer,

    loss_plt = vis.line(Y=torch.Tensor(1).zero_(),
                        opts=dict(title='ResNeSt Test',
                                  legend=['loss Semantic Segmentation'],

    iters = len(dataset_loader)
    epochs = 1800
    start = time.time()
    for epoch in range(epochs):
        running_loss = 0.0
        for i, data in enumerate(dataset_loader, 0):
            images, labels, name = data

            images = images.to(device)
            labels = labels.to(device)

            # zero the parameter gradients

            # forward + backward + optimize
            output, loss = model(images, labels)



            scheduler.step(epoch + i / iters)

            # print statistics
            running_loss += loss.item()

            if i % 20 == 19:
                              torch.Tensor([i + epoch * len(dataset_loader)]),
                              torch.Tensor([running_loss / 10]), loss_plt)
                print("[%d, %5d] loss: %.3f lr: %f, time: %.3f" %
                      (epoch + 1, i + 1, running_loss / 10,
                       optimizer.param_groups[0]['lr'], time.time() - start))
                start = time.time()

            running_loss = 0.0
            del loss, output

        # Check Accuracy
        if epoch == 0 or epoch % 100 == 99:
            save_path = "./output/"
            acc_check(model, device, dataset_loader_test, epoch, save_path)
                       "./model/model_epoch_{}.pth".format(epoch + 1))

        start = time.time()
    print("Finished Training...!")