def main(odata, ldata, pdata1, cache, invodate, payment): # pdata1:Bid (Bill To) # pdata2:Lid (Load At) # pdata3:Did (Delv To) from reportlab.pdfgen import canvas from reportlab.lib.pagesizes import letter from reportlab.lib.pagesizes import landscape from reportlab.platypus import Image from reportlab.lib.units import inch import csv import math import datetime import shutil from CCC_system_setup import bankdata, scac joborder = odata.Jo file1 = f'tmp/{scac}/data/vinvoice/INV'+joborder+'.pdf' file2 = f'tmp/{scac}/data/vinvoice/INV'+joborder+'c'+str(cache)+'.pdf' today ='%m/%d/%Y') type = joborder[1] if invodate is None or invodate == 0: invodate = today else: invodate = invodate.strftime('%m/%d/%Y') def dollar(infloat): outstr = '$'+"%0.2f" % infloat return outstr def avg(in1, in2): out = (in1+in2)/2 return out def comporname(company, name): if company is None or company == '': nameout = name else: if len(company) < 4: nameout = name else: nameout = company return nameout def fullname(first, middle, last): if first is not None: nameout = first else: nameout = '' if middle is not None: nameout = nameout+' '+middle if last is not None: nameout = nameout+' '+last if len(nameout) > 55: nameout = first + ' ' + last return nameout def address(addr1, addr2, addr3): street = addr1 if addr3 is None or addr3 == '': cityst = addr2 else: if len(addr3) < 5: cityst = addr2 if addr2 is None or addr2 == '': cityst = addr3 if len(addr2) < 3: cityst = addr3 if addr2 and addr3: if len(addr2) > 3 and len(addr3) > 3: street = addr1 + ' ' + addr2 cityst = addr3 return street, cityst def nononestr(input): if input is None or input == 'None': input = '' return input def nonone(input): if input is None: input = 0 return input if payment != 0: try: paydate = payment[2].strftime('%m/%d/%Y') except: paydate = payment[2] billto = list(range(5)) if pdata1 is not None: billto[0] = comporname(pdata1.Company, fullname(pdata1.First, pdata1.Middle, pdata1.Last)) billto[1] = nononestr(pdata1.Addr1) billto[2] = nononestr(pdata1.Addr2) billto[3] = nononestr(pdata1.Telephone) billto[4] = nononestr(pdata1.Email) else: for i in range(5): billto[i] = ' ' us = list(range(4)) us[0] = 'HORIZON MOTORS INC' us[1] = '505 HAMPTON PARK BLVD UNIT N' us[2] = 'CAPITOL HEIGHTS MD 20743' us[3] = '301-909-1819 [email protected]' line1 = ['Quantity', 'Item Code', 'Description', 'Price Each', 'Amount'] note = list(range(2)) note[0] = '*Horizon Motors Auto License# X800013003087' note[1] = '*Hoizon Motors Car Sales Terms and Conditions' lab1 = 'Balance Due' lab2 = 'Add $39.00 for all international wires' nonote, bank = bankdata('HC') # ___________________________________________________________ ltm = 36 rtm = 575 ctrall = 310 left_ctr = 170 right_ctr = 480 dl = 17.6 tdl = dl*2 hls = 530 m1 = hls-dl m2 = hls-2*dl m3 = hls-3*dl m4 = hls-4*dl m5 = hls-18*dl m6 = hls-23*dl m7 = hls-27*dl fulllinesat = [m3, m4, m5, m6, m7] p1 = ltm+87 p2 = ltm+180 p3 = ctrall-25 p4 = rtm-220 p5 = rtm-120 sds1 = [p1, p2, p3, p4, p5] n1 = ltm+58 n2 = ltm+128 n3 = rtm-140 n4 = rtm-70 sds2 = [n1, n2, n3, n4] q1 = ltm+180 q2 = rtm-180 sds3 = [q1, q2] bump = 2.5 tb = bump*2 c = canvas.Canvas(file2, pagesize=letter) c.setLineWidth(1) logo = "tmp/felpics/hm.jpg" c.drawImage(logo, 220, 580, mask='auto', width=180, preserveAspectRatio=True) # Date and JO boxes dateline = m1+8.2*dl c.rect(rtm-150, m1+7*dl, 150, 2*dl, stroke=1, fill=0) c.line(rtm-150, dateline, rtm, dateline) c.line(rtm-75, m1+7*dl, rtm-75, m1+9*dl) # Address boxes ctm = 218 c.rect(ltm, m1+dl, 250, 5*dl, stroke=1, fill=0) #c.rect(ctm, m1+dl,175,5*dl, stroke=1, fill=0) #c.rect(rtm-175, m1+dl,175,5*dl, stroke=1, fill=0) level1 = m1+5*dl c.line(ltm, level1, ltm+250, level1) # c.line(ctm,level1,ctm+175,level1) # c.line(rtm-175,level1,rtm,level1) for i in fulllinesat: c.line(ltm, i, rtm, i) # for k in sds1: # c.line(k,m1,k,m3) for l in sds2: c.line(l, m3, l, m5) for m in sds3: c.line(m, m6, m, m7) c.line(ltm, m3, ltm, m7) c.line(rtm, m3, rtm, m7) h1 = avg(m6, m7)-3 c.line(q2, h1, rtm, h1) c.setFont('Helvetica-Bold', 24, leading=None) c.drawCentredString(rtm-75, dateline+1.5*dl, 'Invoice') c.setFont('Helvetica', 12, leading=None) c.drawCentredString(rtm-112.5, dateline+bump, 'Date') c.drawCentredString(rtm-37.7, dateline+bump, 'Invoice #') c.drawString(ltm+bump*3, m1+5*dl+bump*2, 'Bill To') # ctr=[avg(ltm,p1),avg(p1,p2),avg(p2,p3),avg(p3,p4),avg(p4,p5),avg(p5,rtm)] # for j,i in enumerate(line1): # c.drawCentredString(ctr[j],m2+tb,i) ctr = [avg(ltm, n1), avg(n1, n2), avg(n2, n3), avg(n3, n4), avg(n4, rtm)] for j, i in enumerate(line1): c.drawCentredString(ctr[j], m4+tb, i) dh = 12 ct = 305 top = m6-1.5*dh for i in bank: c.drawCentredString(ct, top, i) top = top-dh top = m1+9*dl-5 for i in us: c.drawString(ltm+bump, top, i) top = top-dh bottomline = m6-23 c.setFont('Helvetica-Bold', 12, leading=None) c.drawString(q2+tb, bottomline, 'Balance Due:') c.setFont('Helvetica', 10, leading=None) c.drawCentredString(avg(q2, rtm), m7+12, 'Add $39.00 for all international wires') c.setFont('Times-Roman', 9, leading=None) j = 0 dh = 9.95 top = m5-dh for i in note: c.drawString(ltm+tb, top, note[j]) j = j+1 top = top-dh # _______________________________________________________________________ # Insert data here # _______________________________________________________________________ c.setFont('Helvetica', 12, leading=None) dh = 13 top = level1-dh lft = ltm+bump*3 for i in billto: c.drawString(lft, top, i) top = top-dh x = avg(rtm-75, rtm) y = dateline-dh-bump c.drawCentredString(x, y, joborder) x = avg(rtm-75, rtm-150) c.drawCentredString(x, y, invodate) c.setFont('Helvetica', 9, leading=None) total = 0 top = m4-dh for data in ldata: qty = int(nonone(data.Qty)) each = float(nonone(data.Ea)) subtotal = qty*each total = total+subtotal line4 = [str(qty), data.Service] line5 = nononestr(data.Description) line6 = [each, subtotal] ctr = [avg(ltm, n1), avg(n1, n2)] for j, i in enumerate(line4): c.drawCentredString(ctr[j], top, i) c.drawString(n2+tb, top, line5) ctr = [n4-tb*2, rtm-tb*2] for j, i in enumerate(line6): c.drawRightString(ctr[j], top, dollar(i)) top = top-dh if payment != 0: c.setFont('Helvetica-Bold', 18, leading=None) c.drawCentredString(ct, top-2*dh, 'Payment Received') if payment != 0: c.setFont('Helvetica-Bold', 12, leading=None) try: thispay = float(payment[0]) except: thispay = 0.00 top = top-4*dh try: c.drawString(n2+bump, top, 'Your payment of ' + dollar(float(payment[0]))+', Ref No. '+payment[1]) except: c.drawString(ct, top, 'There is no payment data as of yet') try: c.drawString(n2+bump, top-dh, 'was applied on ' + paydate) except: c.drawString(ct, top-dh, 'There is a problem with the date') else: thispay = 0.00 total = total-thispay c.setFont('Helvetica-Bold', 12, leading=None) c.drawRightString(rtm-tb*2, bottomline, dollar(total)) c.showPage() # # Now make a cache copy shutil.copy(file2, file1)
def main(file1, keydata, grandtotal, pdata1, date1, date2): # pdata1:Bid (Bill To) # pdata2:Lid (Load At) # pdata3:Did (Delv To) from reportlab.pdfgen import canvas from reportlab.lib.pagesizes import letter from reportlab.lib.pagesizes import landscape from reportlab.platypus import Image from reportlab.lib.units import inch import csv import math import datetime import shutil from viewfuncs import parseline from CCC_system_setup import addpath, bankdata file1 = addpath(file1) print(file1) date1 = date1.strftime('%m/%d/%Y') date2 = date2.strftime('%m/%d/%Y') # ___________________________________________________________ def dollar(infloat): outstr = '$' + "%0.2f" % infloat return outstr def avg(in1, in2): out = (in1 + in2) / 2 return out def comporname(company, name): if company is None or company == '': nameout = name else: if len(company) < 4: nameout = name else: nameout = company return nameout def fullname(first, middle, last): if first is not None: nameout = first else: nameout = '' if middle is not None: nameout = nameout + ' ' + middle if last is not None: nameout = nameout + ' ' + last if len(nameout) > 55: nameout = first + ' ' + last return nameout def address(addr1, addr2, addr3): street = addr1 if addr3 is None or addr3 == '': cityst = addr2 else: if len(addr3) < 5: cityst = addr2 if addr2 is None or addr2 == '': cityst = addr3 if len(addr2) < 3: cityst = addr3 if addr2 and addr3: if len(addr2) > 3 and len(addr3) > 3: street = addr1 + ' ' + addr2 cityst = addr3 return street, cityst def nononestr(input): if input is None or input == 'None': output = ' ' else: output = input return output def nonone(input): if input is None: input = 0 return input billto = list(range(5)) if pdata1 is not None: billto[0] = comporname( pdata1.Company, fullname(pdata1.First, pdata1.Middle, pdata1.Last)) billto[1] = nononestr(pdata1.Addr1) billto[2] = nononestr(pdata1.Addr2) billto[3] = nononestr(pdata1.Telephone) billto[4] = nononestr(pdata1.Email) else: for i in range(5): billto[i] = ' ' line2 = ['Invoice', 'Booking', 'Container', 'Description', 'Amount'] qnote, note, bank, us, lab, logoi = bankdata('FC') ltm = 36 rtm = 575 ctrall = 310 left_ctr = 170 right_ctr = 480 dl = 17.6 tdl = dl * 2 hls = 530 # m1=hls-dl # m2=hls-2*dl m3 = hls - dl m4 = hls - 2 * dl m5 = hls - 18 * dl m6 = hls - 23 * dl m7 = hls - 27 * dl fulllinesat = [m3, m4, m5, m6, m7] p1 = ltm + 87 p2 = ltm + 180 p3 = ctrall p4 = rtm - 180 p5 = rtm - 100 # sds1 =[p1,p2,p3,p4,p5] n1 = ltm + 60 n2 = ltm + 150 n3 = ltm + 240 n4 = rtm - 70 sds2 = [n1, n2, n3, n4] q1 = ltm + 180 q2 = rtm - 180 sds3 = [q1, q2] bump = 2.5 tb = bump * 2 bottomline = m6 - 23 print('file1 is', file1) c = canvas.Canvas(file1, pagesize=letter) c.setLineWidth(1) #logo = addpath("tmp/pics/onestop.png") c.drawImage(logoi, 185, 680, mask='auto') # Date and JO boxes dateline = m3 + 8.2 * dl c.rect(rtm - 150, m3 + 7 * dl, 150, 2 * dl, stroke=1, fill=0) c.line(rtm - 150, dateline, rtm, dateline) # c.line(rtm-75,m3+7*dl,rtm-75,m3+8*dl) c.drawCentredString(rtm - 75, dateline - 13 - bump, 'to') ctm = 218 c.rect(ltm, m3 + dl, 175, 5 * dl, stroke=1, fill=0) #c.rect(ctm, m3+dl,175,5*dl, stroke=1, fill=0) #c.rect(rtm-175, m3+dl,175,5*dl, stroke=1, fill=0) level1 = m3 + 5 * dl c.line(ltm, level1, ltm + 175, level1) # c.line(ctm,level1,ctm+175,level1) # c.line(rtm-175,level1,rtm,level1) # All full horizontal lines for i in fulllinesat: c.line(ltm, i, rtm, i) # for k in sds1: # c.line(k,m1,k,m3) for l in sds2: c.line(l, m3, l, m5) for m in sds3: c.line(m, m6, m, m7) c.line(ltm, m3, ltm, m7) c.line(rtm, m3, rtm, m7) h1 = m6 - 3 c.line(q2, h1, rtm, h1) c.setFont('Helvetica-Bold', 24, leading=None) c.drawCentredString(rtm - 75, dateline + 3 * dl, 'Invoice') c.drawCentredString(rtm - 75, dateline + 1.5 * dl, 'Summary') c.setFont('Helvetica', 12, leading=None) c.drawCentredString(rtm - 112.5, dateline + bump, 'Date') c.drawCentredString(rtm - 37.7, dateline + bump, 'Range') c.drawString(ltm + bump * 3, m3 + 5 * dl + bump * 2, 'Bill To') #c.drawString(ctm+bump*3,m1+5*dl+bump*2,'Load At') #c.drawString(rtm-170+bump*2,m1+5*dl+bump*2,'Delv To') dh = 13 top = level1 - dh lft = ltm + bump * 3 c.setFont('Helvetica', 10, leading=None) for i in billto: c.drawString(lft, top, i) top = top - dh c.setFont('Helvetica', 12, leading=None) x = avg(rtm - 75, rtm) + 3 y = dateline - dh - bump c.drawCentredString(x, y, date2) x = avg(rtm - 75, rtm - 150) - 3 c.drawCentredString(x, y, date1) c.drawRightString(rtm - tb * 2, bottomline, dollar(grandtotal)) ctr = [avg(ltm, n1), avg(n1, n2), avg(n2, n3), avg(n3, n4), avg(n4, rtm)] for j, i in enumerate(line2): c.drawCentredString(ctr[j], m4 + tb, i) c.setFont('Helvetica', 10, leading=None) ctr = [avg(ltm, n1), avg(n1, n2), avg(n2, n3), avg(n4, rtm), avg(n3, n4)] top = m4 - dl for k, data in enumerate(keydata): dataline = keydata[k] print(dataline) for j, i in enumerate(dataline): if j == 4: dlen = len(i) if dlen > 35: pline = parseline(i, 32) for myline in pline: if 'STORE' in myline: myline = 'WAREHOUSE STORAGE' if 'None' in myline: myline = '' if 'TBD' in myline: myline = '' c.drawString(n3 + 5, top, myline) top = top - .6 * dl else: c.drawString(n3 + 5, top, i) top = top - .6 * dl else: if 'None' in str(i): i = '' if 'TBD' in str(i): i = '' c.drawCentredString(ctr[j], top, str(i)) top = top - .6 * dl c.setFont('Helvetica', 12, leading=None) dh = 12 ct = 305 top = m6 - 1.5 * dh for i in bank: c.drawCentredString(ct, top, i) top = top - dh top = m3 + 9 * dl - 5 for i in us: c.drawString(ltm + bump, top, i) top = top - dh c.setFont('Helvetica-Bold', 12, leading=None) c.drawString(q2 + tb, bottomline, 'Balance Due:') c.setFont('Helvetica', 10, leading=None) c.drawCentredString(avg(q2, rtm), m7 + 12, 'Add $39.00 for all international wires') c.setFont('Times-Roman', 9, leading=None) dh = 9.95 top = m5 - dh for j, i in enumerate(note): c.drawString(ltm + tb, top, note[j]) top = top - dh c.showPage()
def makemanifestT(odata, pdata1, pdata2, pdata3, tdata, drvdata, cache, jtype, commodity, packing, bol): #pdata1:Bid (Bill To) #pdata2:Lid (Load At) #pdata3:Did (Delv To) from reportlab.pdfgen import canvas from reportlab.lib.pagesizes import letter from reportlab.lib.pagesizes import landscape from reportlab.platypus import Image from reportlab.lib.units import inch import csv import math import datetime import shutil from viewfuncs import parseline, parselinenoupper from CCC_system_setup import manfile, addpath, bankdata, scac joborder=odata.Jo #file1='tmp/vmanifest/Manifest'+joborder+'.pdf' #file2='tmp/vmanifest/Manifest'+joborder+'c'+str(cache)+'.pdf' file1, file2 ,file3 = manfile(joborder,cache) today ='%m/%d/%Y') type=joborder[1] try: invodate = request.values.get('sigdate') invodate = datetime.datetime.strptime(invodate,'%Y-%m-%d') invodate = invodate.strftime('%m/%d/%Y') if invodate is None: invodate=today except: invodate = today qnote, note, bank, us, lab, logoi = bankdata('FC') def dollar(infloat): outstr='$'+"%0.2f" % infloat return outstr def catline(instring,j): if len(instring)>j: instring=instring[0:j-1] return instring def avg(in1,in2): out=(in1+in2)/2 return out def comporname(company,name): if company is None or company=='': nameout=name else: if len(company)<3: nameout=name else: nameout=company return nameout def fullname(first,middle,last): if first is not None: nameout=first else: nameout='' if middle is not None: nameout=nameout+' '+middle if last is not None: nameout=nameout+' '+last if len(nameout)>55: nameout=first + ' ' + last return nameout def address(addr1,addr2,addr3): street=addr1 if addr3 is None or addr3=='': cityst=addr2 else: if len(addr3)<5: cityst=addr2 if addr2 is None or addr2=='': cityst=addr3 if len(addr2)<3: cityst=addr3 if addr2 and addr3: if len(addr2)>3 and len(addr3)>3: street=addr1 + ' ' + addr2 cityst=addr3 return street,cityst def nononestr(input): if input is None or input=='None': input='' return input def nonone(input): if input is None: input=0 return input billto=list(range(5)) if pdata1 is not None: billto[0]=comporname(pdata1.Company, fullname(pdata1.First, pdata1.Middle, pdata1.Last)) billto[1]=nononestr(pdata1.Addr1) billto[2]=nononestr(pdata1.Addr2) billto[3]=nononestr(pdata1.Telephone) billto[4]=nononestr(pdata1.Email).lower() else: for i in range(5): billto[i]=' ' for j,bill in enumerate(billto): billto[j]=catline(bill,25) if jtype=='Overseas': loadat=list(range(5)) if pdata2 is not None: loadat[0]=comporname(pdata2.Company, fullname(pdata2.First, pdata2.Middle, pdata2.Last)) loadat[1]=nononestr(pdata2.Addr1) loadat[2]=nononestr(pdata2.Addr2) loadat[3]=nononestr(pdata2.Telephone) loadat[4]=nononestr(pdata2.Email) else: for i in range(5): loadat[i]=' ' shipto=list(range(5)) if pdata3 is not None: shipto[0]=comporname(pdata3.Company, fullname(pdata3.First, pdata3.Middle, pdata3.Last)) shipto[1]=nononestr(pdata3.Addr1) shipto[2]=nononestr(pdata3.Addr2) shipto[3]=nononestr(pdata3.Telephone) shipto[4]=nononestr(pdata3.Email) else: for i in range(5): shipto[i]=' ' elif jtype=='Moving' or jtype=='Trucking': loadat=[' ']*5 p2=odata.Dropblock1 p2=p2.splitlines() for j,p in enumerate(p2): if j<5: loadat[j]=p.title() shipto=[' ']*5 p2=odata.Dropblock2 p2=p2.splitlines() for j,p in enumerate(p2): if j<5: shipto[j]=p.title() for j,bill in enumerate(shipto): shipto[j]=catline(bill,25) for j,bill in enumerate(loadat): loadat[j]=catline(bill,25) driver=str(drvdata.Name) truck=str(tdata.Unit) tag=str(tdata.Plate) container=str(odata.Container) book=str(odata.Booking) if jtype=='Trucking' or jtype=='Moving': order=str(odata.Order) pickup=str(odata.Pickup) date1=odata.Date date2=odata.Date2 type=odata.Type else: order=str(odata.Booking) pickup='' date1=odata.PuDate date2=odata.RetDate type=odata.ContainerType seal=str(odata.Seal) try: date1s=date1.strftime('%m/%d/%Y') except: date1s='Nodate' try: date2s=date2.strftime('%m/%d/%Y') except: date2s='Nodate' #chassis='S019762' type=str(type) #deliver='82890104' loaddatetime=date1s deliverdatetime=date2s if '53' in type: labc='Trailer No.' else: labc='Container No.' line1=['SCAC', 'Driver', 'Truck #', 'Tag #', 'Size/Type', labc, 'Bill of Lading', 'Seal'] line1a=[scac, driver, truck, tag, type, container, bol, seal] for j,item in enumerate(line1a): if item is None: line1a[j]=' ' line2=['Biller Load/Order','Booking', 'Pickup/ShipperID', 'PU Date/Time', 'DEL Date/Time'] line2a=[order, book, pickup, loaddatetime, deliverdatetime] line3=['Commodity and Units', 'Packaging and Description'] line3a=[str(commodity), str(packing)] desclines = odata.Description if desclines is None: desclines = 'No description provided' note=list(range(4)) note[0]='All appointments must be met. If late the load may be refused or worked in without detention.' note[1]='If shipper and receiver addresses do not match BOL contact office immediately' note[2]='Dates for arrivals and departures are local.' note[3]='Dates, times, and estimates are given without any gurantee and are subject to change without prior notice.' #___________________________________________________________ ltm=36 rtm=575 ctrall=310 left_ctr=170 right_ctr=480 dl=17.6 tdl=dl*2 hls=500 t1=765 t2=735 m1=hls-dl m2=hls-2*dl m3=hls-3*dl m4=hls-4*dl m5=hls-5*dl m6=hls-6*dl m7=hls-7*dl m8=hls-18*dl m9=hls-23*dl m10=hls-27*dl fulllinesat=[m1, m2, m3, m4, m5, m6, m7, m8, m9, m10] width=rtm-ltm delta1=width/8 p1=ltm+delta1-25 p2=ltm+2*delta1+5 p3=ltm+3*delta1-20 p4=ltm+4*delta1-25 p5=ltm+5*delta1-25 p6=ltm+6*delta1 p7=rtm-delta1+18 sds1 =[p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7] delta2=width/5 n1=ltm+delta2 n2=ltm+2*delta2 n3=ltm+3*delta2 n4=rtm-delta2 sds2 =[n1,n2,n3,n4] bump=2.5 tb=bump*2 c=canvas.Canvas(file1, pagesize=letter) c.setLineWidth(1) c.drawImage(logoi, 185, 650, mask='auto') #Date and JO boxes dateline=m1+8.2*dl c.rect(rtm-150,m1+7*dl,150,2*dl,stroke=1,fill=0) c.line(rtm-150,dateline,rtm,dateline) c.line(rtm-75,m1+7*dl,rtm-75,m1+9*dl) #Top Box c.setLineWidth(1.5) c.rect(rtm,t2,ltm-rtm,30,stroke=1,fill=0) c.setFont('Helvetica-Bold',24,leading=None) c.drawCentredString(avg(rtm,ltm),t2+8,'Straight Bill of Lading') #Address boxes c.setLineWidth(1) ctm=218 c.rect(ltm, m1+dl,175,5*dl, stroke=1, fill=0) c.rect(ctm, m1+dl,175,5*dl, stroke=1, fill=0) c.rect(rtm-175, m1+dl,175,5*dl, stroke=1, fill=0) level1=m1+5*dl c.line(ltm,level1,ltm+175,level1) c.line(ctm,level1,ctm+175,level1) c.line(rtm-175,level1,rtm,level1) cl1=m7-dl cl2=cl1-dl cl3=cl2-dl cl4=cl3-dl cl5=cl4-dl commfulllines=[cl1,cl2,cl3,cl4,cl5] for i in fulllinesat: c.line(ltm,i,rtm,i) for i in commfulllines: c.line(ltm,i,rtm,i) for k in sds1: c.line(k,m1,k,m3) for l in sds2: c.line(l,m3,l,m5) c.line(ctrall,m5,ctrall,cl1) c.line(ltm,t1,ltm,m10) c.line(rtm,t1,rtm,m10) #h1=avg(m6,m7)-3 #c.line(q2,h1,rtm,h1) c.setFont('Helvetica',12,leading=None) c.drawCentredString(rtm-112.5,dateline+bump,'Date') c.drawCentredString(rtm-37.7,dateline+bump,'Job Order') c.drawString(ltm+bump*3,m1+5*dl+bump*2,'Bill To') c.drawString(ctm+bump*3,m1+5*dl+bump*2,'Load At') c.drawString(rtm-170+bump*2,m1+5*dl+bump*2,'Delv To') c.setFont('Helvetica',10,leading=None) ctr=[avg(ltm,p1),avg(p1,p2),avg(p2,p3),avg(p3,p4),avg(p4,p5),avg(p5,p6),avg(p6,p7),avg(p7,rtm)] for j, i in enumerate(line1): c.setFont('Helvetica-Bold',10,leading=None) c.drawCentredString(ctr[j],m2+tb,i) c.setFont('Helvetica',10,leading=None) c.drawCentredString(ctr[j],m3+tb,line1a[j]) ctr=[avg(ltm,n1),avg(n1,n2),avg(n2,n3),avg(n3,n4),avg(n4,rtm)] for j, i in enumerate(line2): c.setFont('Helvetica-Bold',10,leading=None) c.drawCentredString(ctr[j],m4+tb,i) c.setFont('Helvetica',10,leading=None) c.drawCentredString(ctr[j],m5+tb,line2a[j]) ctr=[avg(ltm,ctrall),avg(ctrall,rtm)] for j, i in enumerate(line3): c.setFont('Helvetica-Bold',10,leading=None) c.drawCentredString(ctr[j],m6+tb,i) c.setFont('Helvetica',10,leading=None) c.drawCentredString(ctr[j],m7+tb,line3a[j]) dh=12 ycoor = m7+tb - 2*dl xcoor = 40 c.setFont('Helvetica-Bold',10,leading=None) c.drawString(xcoor,ycoor,'Special Instructions:') ycoor=ycoor-dl for desc in desclines.splitlines(): c.drawString(xcoor,ycoor,desc) ycoor=ycoor-dl dh=12 ct=305 top=m1+9*dl-5 for i in us: c.drawString(ltm+bump,top,i) top=top-dh bottomline=m9-23 c.setFont('Helvetica-Bold',10,leading=None) j=0 dh=11 top=m8-dh c.drawString(ltm+tb,top,'Driver Notes:') c.setFont('Helvetica',10,leading=None) top=top-dh for i in note: c.drawString(ltm+tb,top,note[j]) j=j+1 top=top-dh #_______________________________________________________________________ #Insert data here #_______________________________________________________________________ c.setFont('Helvetica',11,leading=None) dh=13 top=level1-dh lft=ltm+bump*3 for i in billto: c.drawString(lft,top,i) top=top-dh top=level1-dh lft=ctm+bump*3 for i in loadat: thisstr=parselinenoupper(i,35) for j in thisstr: c.drawString(lft,top,j) top=top-dh top=level1-dh lft=rtm-175+bump*3 for i in shipto: c.drawString(lft,top,i) top=top-dh x=avg(rtm-75,rtm) y=dateline-dh-bump c.drawCentredString(x,y,joborder) x=avg(rtm-75,rtm-150) c.drawCentredString(x,y,invodate) total=0 top=m4-dh x=ctrall+110 y = cl5 - 2 * dl c.drawRightString(x,y,'Date:') c.drawString(x+20, y+bump, invodate) c.line(x+4,y,x+150,y) y=y-dl*1.5 c.drawRightString(x,y,' Arrival Time:') c.line(x+4,y,x+150,y) y=y-dl*1.5 c.drawRightString(x,y,'Depart Time:') c.line(x+4,y,x+150,y) x=ltm+5 c.drawString(x,y,'Received By:') c.line(x + 75, y, ctrall + 35, y) c.showPage() # #Now make a cache copy shutil.copy(file1,file2) print('returning file',file3) return file3
def reportmaker(type,thiscomp): cache = request.values.get('cache') cache=nonone(cache) file2=addpath(f'tmp/{scac}/data/vreport/background.pdf') file3=addpath(f'tmp/{scac}/data/vreport/headers.pdf') file4=addpath(f'tmp/{scac}/data/vreport/contents.pdf') qnote, note, bank, us, lab, logoi = bankdata('FC') file1=addpath(f'tmp/{scac}/data/vreport/pagestart.pdf') c=canvas.Canvas(file1, pagesize=letter) c.setLineWidth(1) #logo = addpath("tmp/pics/logo3.jpg") c.drawImage(logoi, 185, 680, mask='auto') c.showPage() if type=='mtick': ticketbackground(file2) ticketheaders(file3) itemlist=ticketcalcs() ticketcontents(file4,itemlist) cache,docref=pagemerger([file1,file2,file3,file4],cache) if type=='jay': invobackground(file2) jayheaders(file3) paiditems,servicelist,itemlist,bitemlist,total,btotal,nettotal=jaycalcs() pages,multioutput=jaycontents(file4,paiditems,servicelist,itemlist,bitemlist,total,btotal,nettotal,cache) if len(pages)>1: cache,docref=pagemergermp([file1,file2,file3],cache,pages,multioutput) else: cache,docref=pagemerger([file1,file2,file3,file4],cache) if type=='income': ticketbackground(file2) ticketheaders(file3) itemlist=incomecalcs() pages,multioutput=incomecontents(file4,itemlist,cache) if len(pages)>1: cache,docref=pagemergermp([file1,file2,file3],cache,pages,multioutput) else: cache,docref=pagemerger([file1,file2,file3,file4],cache) if type=='expenses': ticketbackground(file2) ticketheaders(file3) itemlist=incomecalcs() pages,multioutput=incomecontents(file4,itemlist,cache) if len(pages)>1: cache,docref=pagemergermp([file1,file2,file3],cache,pages,multioutput) else: cache,docref=pagemerger([file1,file2,file3,file4],cache) if type=='customer': custbackground(file2) custheaders(file3,thiscomp) print('thiscompany=',thiscomp) itemlist,headerlist,pstops=custcalcs(thiscomp) pages,multioutput=custcontents(file4,itemlist,headerlist,pstops,cache) if len(pages)>1: cache,docref=pagemergermp([file1,file2,file3],cache,pages,multioutput) else: cache,docref=pagemerger([file1,file2,file3,file4],cache) if type=='pl': custbackground(file2) plheaders(file3) itemlist,blist=plcalcs() pages,multioutput=plcontents(file4,itemlist,blist,cache) if len(pages)>1: cache,docref=pagemergermp([file1,file2,file3],cache,pages,multioutput) else: cache,docref=pagemerger([file1,file2,file3,file4],cache) if type=='deposit' or type=='recdeposit': if type=='recdeposit': stamp=1 else: stamp=0 file2=addpath(f'tmp/{scac}/data/vreport/depositslip.pdf') print('thiscomp=',thiscomp) itemlist=depositcalcs(thiscomp) # We are creating a deposit for review so get the account to deposit into depojo = request.values.get('depojo') acdeposit = request.values.get('acdeposit') print(itemlist,depojo) pages,multioutput=depositcontents(file4,itemlist,cache,depojo,acdeposit,stamp) cache,docref=pagemerger([file4,file2,file1],cache) if stamp == 1: savefile = addpath(f'tmp/{scac}/data/vdeposits/' + depojo + '.pdf') shutil.copyfile(addpath(docref), savefile) return cache,docref
def main(odata, ldata, pdata1, invojo, involine, paidline, refline, balline, invodate, cache, payment): # pdata1:Bid (Bill To) # pdata2:Lid (Load At) # pdata3:Did (Delv To) from reportlab.pdfgen import canvas from reportlab.lib.pagesizes import letter from reportlab.lib.pagesizes import landscape from reportlab.platypus import Image from reportlab.lib.units import inch import csv import math import datetime import shutil from viewfuncs import sdiff, sadd, dollar, nodollar, nononef from CCC_system_setup import myoslist, addpath, bankdata, scac joborder = invojo file1 = addpath(f'tmp/{scac}/data/vinvoice/INV'+joborder+'.pdf') file2 = addpath(f'tmp/{scac}/data/vinvoice/INV'+joborder+'c'+str(cache)+'.pdf') type = joborder[1] #today ='%m/%d/%Y') # if invodate is None or invodate==0: # invodate=today # else: try: invodate = invodate.strftime('%m/%d/%Y') except: err = 'ivodate already a string' billhistory = involine payhistory = paidline openbalance = balline custref = refline pyopenbal = odata.BalFwd pyopenbal = nononef(pyopenbal) pyopenbal = nodollar(pyopenbal) a = pyopenbal for j, i in enumerate(openbalance): if billhistory[j] != '' or payhistory[j] != '': openbalance[j] = sadd(a, i) a = openbalance[j] if j > 0: b = openbalance[j-1] else: b = pyopenbal # 'a' is the last open balance and should be added to the bill try: prevbal = float(b) except: prevbal = 0.00 def avg(in1, in2): out = (in1+in2)/2 return out def comporname(company, name): if company is None or company == '': nameout = name else: if len(company) < 4: nameout = name else: nameout = company return nameout def fullname(first, middle, last): if first is not None: nameout = first else: nameout = '' if middle is not None: nameout = nameout+' '+middle if last is not None: nameout = nameout+' '+last if len(nameout) > 55: nameout = first + ' ' + last return nameout def address(addr1, addr2, addr3): street = addr1 if addr3 is None or addr3 == '': cityst = addr2 else: if len(addr3) < 5: cityst = addr2 if addr2 is None or addr2 == '': cityst = addr3 if len(addr2) < 3: cityst = addr3 if addr2 and addr3: if len(addr2) > 3 and len(addr3) > 3: street = addr1 + ' ' + addr2 cityst = addr3 return street, cityst def nononestr(input): if input is None or input == 'None': input = '' return input def nonone(input): if input is None: input = 0 return input billto = list(range(5)) if pdata1 is not None: billto[0] = comporname(pdata1.Company, fullname(pdata1.First, pdata1.Middle, pdata1.Last)) billto[1] = nononestr(pdata1.Addr1) billto[2] = nononestr(pdata1.Addr2) billto[3] = nononestr(pdata1.Telephone) billto[4] = nononestr(pdata1.Email) else: for i in range(5): billto[i] = ' ' us = list(range(4)) us[0] = 'FIRST EAGLE LOGISTICS INC' us[1] = '505 HAMPTON PARK BLVD UNIT O' us[2] = 'CAPITOL HEIGHTS MD 20743' us[3] = '301-516-3000 [email protected]' line1 = ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'] line2 = ['Quantity', 'Item Code', 'Description', 'Price Each', 'Amount'] line3 = billhistory line41 = payhistory line42 = custref line5 = openbalance note = list(range(3)) note[0] = '*All invoices that are 15 days past due will incurr a $35.00 late fee.' note[1] = '*After 60 days an additional late fee will be assessed in the amount of $100.00.' note[2] = '*If your account reaches 90 days past due it will be submitted for collection.' lab1 = 'Balance Due' lab2 = 'Add $39.00 for all international wires' nonote, bank = bankdata('FC') # ___________________________________________________________ ltm = 36 rtm = 575 ctrall = 310 left_ctr = 170 right_ctr = 480 dl = 17.6 tdl = dl*2 hls = 530 m1 = hls-dl m2 = hls-2*dl m3 = hls-3*dl m4 = hls-4*dl m5 = hls-5*dl m61 = hls-6*dl m62 = hls-7*dl m63 = hls-8*dl m7 = hls-20*dl m8 = hls-23*dl m9 = hls-27*dl fulllinesat = [m1, m2, m3, m4, m5, m61, m62, m63, m7, m8, m9] p = [0]*13 p[0] = ltm+87 for i in range(1, 13): p[i] = p[i-1]+37.7 n1 = ltm+58 n2 = ltm+128 n3 = rtm-140 n4 = rtm-70 sds2 = [n1, n2, n3, n4] q1 = ltm+180 q2 = rtm-180 sds3 = [q1, q2] bump = 2.5 tb = bump*2 c = canvas.Canvas(file1, pagesize=letter) c.setLineWidth(1) logo = addpath("tmp/felpics/logo3.jpg") c.drawImage(logo, 185, 680, mask='auto') # Date and JO boxes dateline = m1+8.2*dl c.rect(rtm-150, m1+7*dl, 150, 2*dl, stroke=1, fill=0) c.line(rtm-150, dateline, rtm, dateline) c.line(rtm-75, m1+7*dl, rtm-75, m1+9*dl) if type == 'S': # Address boxes ctm = 218 c.rect(ltm, m1+dl, 175, 5*dl, stroke=1, fill=0) #c.rect(ctm, m1+dl,175,5*dl, stroke=1, fill=0) #c.rect(rtm-175, m1+dl,175,5*dl, stroke=1, fill=0) level1 = m1+5*dl c.line(ltm, level1, ltm+175, level1) # c.line(ctm,level1,ctm+175,level1) # c.line(rtm-175,level1,rtm,level1) for i in fulllinesat: c.line(ltm, i, rtm, i) for k in p[0:12]: c.line(k, m1, k, m61) for l in sds2: c.line(l, m62, l, m7) for m in sds3: c.line(m, m8, m, m9) c.line(ltm, m1, ltm, m9) c.line(rtm, m1, rtm, m9) h1 = avg(m8, m9)-3 c.line(q2, h1, rtm, h1) c.setFont('Helvetica-Bold', 24, leading=None) c.drawCentredString(rtm-75, dateline+1.5*dl, 'Invoice') if payment != 0: c.setFont('Helvetica-Bold', 18, leading=None) c.drawCentredString(rtm-75, dateline-50, 'Payment Received') c.setFont('Helvetica', 12, leading=None) c.drawCentredString(rtm-112.5, dateline+bump, 'Date') c.drawCentredString(rtm-37.7, dateline+bump, 'Invoice #') c.drawString(ltm+bump*3, m1+5*dl+bump*2, 'Bill To') # c.drawString(ctm+bump*3,m1+5*dl+bump*2,'Load At') # c.drawString(rtm-170+bump*2,m1+5*dl+bump*2,'Delv To') dh = 12 ct = 305 if payment != 0: try: thispay = float(payment[0]) except: thispay = 0.00 top = m1+4*dl-5 try: c.drawString(ct, top, 'Your payment of '+payment[0]+', Ref No. '+payment[1]) c.drawString(ct, top-dh, 'was applied on '+payment[2]) except: c.drawString(ct, top, 'There is no payment data as of yet') else: thispay = 0.00 c.drawString(ct, m1+dl, 'Balance Fwd from 2018: $'+pyopenbal) j = 0 ctr = [avg(ltm, n1), avg(n1, n2), avg(n2, n3), avg(n3, n4), avg(n4, rtm)] for i in line2: c.drawCentredString(ctr[j], m63+tb, i) j = j+1 top = m8-1.5*dh for i in bank: c.drawCentredString(ct, top, i) top = top-dh top = m1+9*dl-5 for i in us: c.drawString(ltm+bump, top, i) top = top-dh bottomline = m8-23 c.setFont('Helvetica-Bold', 12, leading=None) c.drawString(q2+tb, bottomline, 'Balance Due:') c.setFont('Helvetica', 10, leading=None) c.drawCentredString(avg(q2, rtm), m9+12, 'Add $39.00 for all international wires') c.setFont('Times-Roman', 9, leading=None) j = 0 dh = 9.95 top = m7-dh for i in note: c.drawString(ltm+tb, top, note[j]) j = j+1 top = top-dh # _______________________________________________________________________ # Insert data here # _______________________________________________________________________ c.setFont('Helvetica', 12, leading=None) dh = 13 top = level1-dh lft = ltm+bump*3 for i in billto: c.drawString(lft, top, i) top = top-dh x = avg(rtm-75, rtm) y = dateline-dh-bump c.drawCentredString(x, y, joborder) x = avg(rtm-75, rtm-150) try: c.drawCentredString(x, y, invodate) except: err = 'Date not set yet' c.setFont('Helvetica', 9, leading=None) c.drawCentredString(avg(ltm, p[0]), m2+tb, '2019 by Month:') c.drawCentredString(avg(ltm, p[0]), m3+tb, 'Bill History') c.drawCentredString(avg(ltm, p[0]), m4+tb, 'Pay History') c.drawCentredString(avg(ltm, p[0]), m5+tb, 'Cust Ref No.') c.drawCentredString(avg(ltm, p[0]), m61+tb, 'Open Balances') for j, i in enumerate(line1): ctr = avg(p[j], p[j+1]) c.drawCentredString(ctr, m2+tb, i) c.drawCentredString(ctr, m3+tb, line3[j]) c.drawCentredString(ctr, m4+tb, line41[j]) c.drawCentredString(ctr, m5+tb, line42[j]) c.drawCentredString(ctr, m61+tb, line5[j]) total = 0 top = m63-dh for data in ldata: qty = int(nonone(data.Qty)) each = float(nonone(data.Ea)) subtotal = qty*each total = total+subtotal line4 = [str(qty), data.Service] line5 = nononestr(data.Description) line6 = [each, subtotal] ctr = [avg(ltm, n1), avg(n1, n2)] for j, i in enumerate(line4): c.drawCentredString(ctr[j], top, i) ctr = [n4-tb*2, rtm-tb*2] for j, i in enumerate(line6): c.drawRightString(ctr[j], top, dollar(i)) line5a = line5.splitlines() for line in line5a: c.drawString(n2+tb, top, line) top = top-dh top = top-dh if prevbal > 0: c.drawString(n2+tb, top, 'Open balance from previous month') c.drawRightString(rtm-tb*2, top, dollar(prevbal)) total = total+prevbal-thispay c.drawRightString(rtm-tb*2, bottomline, dollar(total)) c.showPage() # # Now make a cache copy shutil.copy(file1, file2)
def T_invoice(odata, ldata, pdata1, pdata2, pdata3, cache, invodate, payment): # pdata1:Bid (Bill To) # pdata2:Lid (Load At) # pdata3:Did (Delv To) # All dates must begin in datetime format and will be converted to strings as required joborder = odata.Jo file1 = addpath(f'tmp/{scac}/data/vinvoice/INV' + joborder + '.pdf') file2 = addpath(f'tmp/{scac}/data/vinvoice/INV' + joborder + 'c' + str(cache) + '.pdf') today ='%m/%d/%Y') type = joborder[1] if invodate is None or invodate == 0: invodate = today else: invodate = invodate.strftime('%m/%d/%Y') date1 = odata.Date.strftime('%m/%d/%Y') date2 = odata.Date2.strftime('%m/%d/%Y') if payment != 0: try: paydate = payment[2].strftime('%m/%d/%Y') except: paydate = payment[2] billto = list(range(5)) if pdata1 is not None: billto[0] = comporname( pdata1.Company, fullname(pdata1.First, pdata1.Middle, pdata1.Last)) billto[1] = nononestr(pdata1.Addr1) billto[2] = nononestr(pdata1.Addr2) billto[3] = nononestr(pdata1.Telephone) # billto[4]=nononestr(pdata1.Email) billto[4] = ' ' else: for i in range(5): billto[i] = ' ' loadat = list(range(5)) if pdata2 is not None: loadat[0] = pdata2.Entity.title() loadat[1] = nononestr(pdata2.Addr1).title() loadat[2] = nononestr(pdata2.Addr2).title() loadat[3] = '' loadat[4] = '' else: for i in range(5): loadat[i] = ' ' shipto = list(range(5)) if pdata3 is not None: shipto[0] = pdata3.Entity.title() shipto[1] = nononestr(pdata3.Addr1).title() shipto[2] = nononestr(pdata3.Addr2).title() shipto[3] = '' shipto[4] = '' else: for i in range(5): shipto[i] = ' ' if type == 'T': line1 = [ 'Order #', 'Booking #', 'Job Start', 'Job Finish', 'Bill of Lading', 'Container No.' ] line2 = ['Quantity', 'Item Code', 'Description', 'Price Each', 'Amount'] if type == 'T': chassis = ' ' try: line3 = [ odata.Order, odata.Booking, date1, date2, odata.BOL, odata.Container ] except: line3 = [odata.Order, odata.Booking, date1, date2, ' ', ' '] qnote, note, bank, us, lab, logoi = bankdata('FC') lab1 = lab[0] lab2 = lab[1] # ___________________________________________________________ ltm = 36 rtm = 575 ctrall = 310 left_ctr = 170 right_ctr = 480 dl = 17.6 tdl = dl * 2 hls = 530 m1 = hls - dl m2 = hls - 2 * dl m3 = hls - 3 * dl m4 = hls - 4 * dl m5 = hls - 18 * dl m6 = hls - 23 * dl m7 = hls - 27 * dl fulllinesat = [m1, m2, m3, m4, m5, m6, m7] p1 = ltm + 87 p2 = ltm + 180 p3 = ctrall p4 = rtm - 180 p5 = rtm - 100 sds1 = [p1, p2, p3, p4, p5] n1 = ltm + 58 n2 = ltm + 128 n3 = rtm - 140 n4 = rtm - 70 sds2 = [n1, n2, n3, n4] q1 = ltm + 180 q2 = rtm - 180 sds3 = [q1, q2] bump = 2.5 tb = bump * 2 c = canvas.Canvas(file1, pagesize=letter) c.setLineWidth(1) c.drawImage(logoi, 180, 670, mask='auto') # Date and JO boxes dateline = m1 + 8.2 * dl c.rect(rtm - 150, m1 + 7 * dl, 150, 2 * dl, stroke=1, fill=0) c.line(rtm - 150, dateline, rtm, dateline) c.line(rtm - 75, m1 + 7 * dl, rtm - 75, m1 + 9 * dl) if type == 'T': # Address boxes ctm = 218 c.rect(ltm, m1 + dl, 175, 5 * dl, stroke=1, fill=0) c.rect(ctm, m1 + dl, 175, 5 * dl, stroke=1, fill=0) c.rect(rtm - 175, m1 + dl, 175, 5 * dl, stroke=1, fill=0) level1 = m1 + 5 * dl c.line(ltm, level1, ltm + 175, level1) c.line(ctm, level1, ctm + 175, level1) c.line(rtm - 175, level1, rtm, level1) for i in fulllinesat: c.line(ltm, i, rtm, i) for k in sds1: c.line(k, m1, k, m3) for l in sds2: c.line(l, m3, l, m5) for m in sds3: c.line(m, m6, m, m7) c.line(ltm, m1, ltm, m7) c.line(rtm, m1, rtm, m7) h1 = avg(m6, m7) - 3 c.line(q2, h1, rtm, h1) c.setFont('Helvetica-Bold', 24, leading=None) c.drawCentredString(rtm - 75, dateline + 1.5 * dl, 'Invoice') c.setFont('Helvetica', 11, leading=None) c.drawCentredString(rtm - 112.5, dateline + bump, 'Date') c.drawCentredString(rtm - 37.7, dateline + bump, 'Invoice #') c.drawString(ltm + bump * 3, m1 + 5 * dl + bump * 2, 'Bill To') c.drawString(ctm + bump * 3, m1 + 5 * dl + bump * 2, 'Load At') c.drawString(rtm - 170 + bump * 2, m1 + 5 * dl + bump * 2, 'Deliver To') ctr = [ avg(ltm, p1), avg(p1, p2), avg(p2, p3), avg(p3, p4), avg(p4, p5), avg(p5, rtm) ] for j, i in enumerate(line1): c.drawCentredString(ctr[j], m2 + tb, i) ctr = [avg(ltm, n1), avg(n1, n2), avg(n2, n3), avg(n3, n4), avg(n4, rtm)] for j, i in enumerate(line2): c.drawCentredString(ctr[j], m4 + tb, i) dh = 12 ct = 305 top = m6 - 1.5 * dh for i in bank: c.drawCentredString(ct, top, i) top = top - dh top = m1 + 9 * dl - 5 for i in us: c.drawString(ltm + bump, top, i) top = top - dh bottomline = m6 - 23 c.setFont('Helvetica-Bold', 12, leading=None) c.drawString(q2 + tb, bottomline, 'Balance Due:') c.setFont('Helvetica', 10, leading=None) c.drawCentredString(avg(q2, rtm), m7 + 12, 'Add $39.00 for all international wires') c.setFont('Times-Roman', 9, leading=None) j = 0 dh = 9.95 top = m5 - dh for i in note: c.drawString(ltm + tb, top, note[j]) j = j + 1 top = top - dh # _______________________________________________________________________ # Insert data here # _______________________________________________________________________ c.setFont('Helvetica', 10, leading=None) if type == 'T': dh = 13 top = level1 - dh lft = ltm + bump * 3 for i in billto: c.drawString(lft, top, i) top = top - dh top = level1 - dh lft = ctm + bump * 3 for i in loadat: c.drawString(lft, top, i) top = top - dh top = level1 - dh lft = rtm - 175 + bump * 3 for i in shipto: c.drawString(lft, top, i) top = top - dh x = avg(rtm - 75, rtm) y = dateline - dh - bump c.drawCentredString(x, y, joborder) x = avg(rtm - 75, rtm - 150) c.drawCentredString(x, y, invodate) c.setFont('Helvetica', 9, leading=None) j = 0 for i in line3: ctr = [ avg(ltm, p1), avg(p1, p2), avg(p2, p3), avg(p3, p4), avg(p4, p5), avg(p5, rtm) ] i = nononestr(i) c.drawCentredString(ctr[j], m3 + tb, i) j = j + 1 total = 0 top = m4 - dh for data in ldata: qty = float(float(data.Qty)) each = float(float(data.Ea)) subtotal = qty * each total = total + subtotal line4 = [str(qty), data.Service] line5 = nononestr(data.Description) line6 = [each, subtotal] j = 0 for i in line4: ctr = [avg(ltm, n1), avg(n1, n2)] c.drawCentredString(ctr[j], top, i) j = j + 1 c.drawString(n2 + tb, top, line5) j = 0 for i in line6: ctr = [n4 - tb * 2, rtm - tb * 2] c.drawRightString(ctr[j], top, dollar(i)) j = j + 1 top = top - dh if payment != 0: c.setFont('Helvetica-Bold', 18, leading=None) c.drawCentredString(ct, top - 2 * dh, 'Payment Received') if payment != 0: c.setFont('Helvetica-Bold', 12, leading=None) try: thispay = float(payment[0]) except: thispay = 0.00 top = top - 4 * dh try: c.drawString( n2 + bump, top, 'Your payment of ' + payment[0] + ', Ref No. ' + payment[1]) except: c.drawString(ct, top, 'There is no payment data as of yet') try: c.drawString(n2 + bump, top - dh, 'was applied on ' + paydate) except: c.drawString(ct, top - dh, 'There is a problem with the date') else: thispay = 0.00 total = total - thispay c.drawRightString(rtm - tb * 2, bottomline, dollar(total)) c.showPage() # # Now make a cache copy shutil.copy(file1, file2) return file2
def invoiceM(oder, payment): myo = Moving.query.get(oder) today = # Check to see if we have the required data to make an invoice: pdata1 = People.query.filter((People.Company == myo.Shipper) & (People.Ptype == 'Moving')).first() if pdata1 is not None: invo = 1 leftsize = 8 cache = myo.Cache + 1 # These are the services we wish to add to the invoice sdata = Services.query.order_by(Services.Price.desc()).all() total = 0 for data in sdata: testone = request.values.get('serv' + str( if testone: servid = int(testone) mys = Services.query.get(servid) qty = 1 total = total + mys.Price input = Invoices(Jo=myo.Jo, SubJo=None, Pid=0, Service=mys.Service, Description=' ', Ea=mys.Price, Qty=qty, Amount=myo.Amount, Total=myo.Amount, Date=today, Original=None, Status='New') db.session.add(input) db.session.commit() idat = Invoices.query.filter(Invoices.Jo == myo.Jo).first() if idat is None: descript = 'Job Order ' + myo.Jo + ' Moving from ' + myo.Drop1 + ' to ' + myo.Drop2 total = myo.Amount input = Invoices(Jo=myo.Jo, SubJo=None, Pid=0, Service='Moving Services', Description=descript, Ea=myo.Amount, Qty=1, Amount=myo.Amount, Total=myo.Amount, Date=today, Original=None, Status='New') db.session.add(input) db.session.commit() ldat = Invoices.query.filter(Invoices.Jo == myo.Jo).first() if ldat is None: invo = 0 leftsize = 10 err = [ ' ', ' ', 'No services on invoice yet and none selected', ' ', ' ' ] else: invo = 1 leftsize = 8 invodate = ldat.Date dt = ldat.Date err = [' ', ' ', 'Created invoice for JO= ' + myo.Jo, ' ', ' '] ldata = Invoices.query.filter(Invoices.Jo == myo.Jo).order_by( Invoices.Ea.desc()).all() pdata1 = People.query.filter(People.Company == myo.Shipper).first() joborder = myo.Jo file1 = addpath(f'tmp/{scac}/data/vinvoice/INV' + joborder + 'c0.pdf') file2 = addpath(f'tmp/{scac}/data/vinvoice/INV' + joborder + 'c' + str(cache) + '.pdf') file3 = addpath(f'tmp/{scac}/data/vinvoice/INV' + joborder + 'c' + str(cache - 1) + '.pdf') today ='%m/%d/%Y') type = joborder[1] if invodate is None or invodate == 0: invodate = today else: invodate = invodate.strftime('%m/%d/%Y') date1 = myo.Date.strftime('%m/%d/%Y') date2 = myo.Date2.strftime('%m/%d/%Y') if payment != 0: try: paydate = payment[2].strftime('%m/%d/%Y') except: paydate = payment[2] billto = list(range(5)) if pdata1 is not None: billto[0] = comporname( pdata1.Company, fullname(pdata1.First, pdata1.Middle, pdata1.Last)) billto[1] = nononestr(pdata1.Addr1) billto[2] = nononestr(pdata1.Addr2) billto[3] = nononestr(pdata1.Telephone) billto[4] = nononestr(pdata1.Email) else: for i in range(5): billto[i] = ' ' loadat = [' '] * 5 p2 = myo.Dropblock1 p2 = p2.splitlines() for j, p in enumerate(p2): if j < 5: loadat[j] = p.title() shipto = [' '] * 5 p2 = myo.Dropblock2 p2 = p2.splitlines() for j, p in enumerate(p2): if j < 5: shipto[j] = p.title() us = list(range(4)) us[0] = 'FIRST EAGLE LOGISTICS INC' us[1] = '505 HAMPTON PARK BLVD UNIT O' us[2] = 'CAPITOL HEIGHTS MD 20743' us[3] = '301-516-3000 [email protected]' line1 = [ 'No. Stops', 'Terms', 'Job Start', 'Job Finish', 'Bill of Lading', 'Container No.' ] line2 = [ 'Quantity', 'Item Code', 'Description', 'Price Each', 'Amount' ] due = 'Due Upon Receipt' bol = myo.BOL if len(bol) < 2: bol = myo.Jo line3 = [myo.Booking, due, date1, date2, bol, myo.Container] note, bank = bankdata('FC') lab1 = 'Balance Due' lab2 = 'Add $39.00 for all international wires' ltm = 36 rtm = 575 ctrall = 310 left_ctr = 170 right_ctr = 480 dl = 17.6 tdl = dl * 2 hls = 530 m1 = hls - dl m2 = hls - 2 * dl m3 = hls - 3 * dl m4 = hls - 4 * dl m5 = hls - 18 * dl m6 = hls - 23 * dl m7 = hls - 27 * dl fulllinesat = [m1, m2, m3, m4, m5, m6, m7] p1 = ltm + 87 p2 = ltm + 180 p3 = ctrall p4 = rtm - 180 p5 = rtm - 100 sds1 = [p1, p2, p3, p4, p5] n1 = ltm + 58 n2 = ltm + 128 n3 = rtm - 140 n4 = rtm - 70 sds2 = [n1, n2, n3, n4] q1 = ltm + 180 q2 = rtm - 180 sds3 = [q1, q2] bump = 2.5 tb = bump * 2 c = canvas.Canvas(file1, pagesize=letter) c.setLineWidth(1) logo = addpath("tmp/pics/logo3.jpg") c.drawImage(logo, 185, 680, mask='auto') # Date and JO boxes dateline = m1 + 8.2 * dl c.rect(rtm - 150, m1 + 7 * dl, 150, 2 * dl, stroke=1, fill=0) c.line(rtm - 150, dateline, rtm, dateline) c.line(rtm - 75, m1 + 7 * dl, rtm - 75, m1 + 9 * dl) # Address boxes ctm = 218 c.rect(ltm, m1 + dl, 175, 5 * dl, stroke=1, fill=0) c.rect(ctm, m1 + dl, 175, 5 * dl, stroke=1, fill=0) c.rect(rtm - 175, m1 + dl, 175, 5 * dl, stroke=1, fill=0) level1 = m1 + 5 * dl c.line(ltm, level1, ltm + 175, level1) c.line(ctm, level1, ctm + 175, level1) c.line(rtm - 175, level1, rtm, level1) for i in fulllinesat: c.line(ltm, i, rtm, i) for k in sds1: c.line(k, m1, k, m3) for l in sds2: c.line(l, m3, l, m5) for m in sds3: c.line(m, m6, m, m7) c.line(ltm, m1, ltm, m7) c.line(rtm, m1, rtm, m7) h1 = avg(m6, m7) - 3 c.line(q2, h1, rtm, h1) c.setFont('Helvetica-Bold', 24, leading=None) c.drawCentredString(rtm - 75, dateline + 1.5 * dl, 'Invoice') c.setFont('Helvetica', 11, leading=None) c.drawCentredString(rtm - 112.5, dateline + bump, 'Date') c.drawCentredString(rtm - 37.7, dateline + bump, 'Invoice #') c.drawString(ltm + bump * 3, m1 + 5 * dl + bump * 2, 'Bill To') c.drawString(ctm + bump * 3, m1 + 5 * dl + bump * 2, 'Load At') c.drawString(rtm - 170 + bump * 2, m1 + 5 * dl + bump * 2, 'Delv To') ctr = [ avg(ltm, p1), avg(p1, p2), avg(p2, p3), avg(p3, p4), avg(p4, p5), avg(p5, rtm) ] for j, i in enumerate(line1): c.drawCentredString(ctr[j], m2 + tb, i) ctr = [ avg(ltm, n1), avg(n1, n2), avg(n2, n3), avg(n3, n4), avg(n4, rtm) ] for j, i in enumerate(line2): c.drawCentredString(ctr[j], m4 + tb, i) dh = 12 ct = 305 top = m6 - 1.5 * dh for i in bank: c.drawCentredString(ct, top, i) top = top - dh top = m1 + 9 * dl - 5 for i in us: c.drawString(ltm + bump, top, i) top = top - dh bottomline = m6 - 23 c.setFont('Helvetica-Bold', 12, leading=None) c.drawString(q2 + tb, bottomline, 'Balance Due:') c.setFont('Helvetica', 10, leading=None) c.drawCentredString(avg(q2, rtm), m7 + 12, 'Add $39.00 for all international wires') c.setFont('Times-Roman', 9, leading=None) j = 0 dh = 9.95 top = m5 - dh for i in note: c.drawString(ltm + tb, top, note[j]) j = j + 1 top = top - dh # _______________________________________________________________________ # Insert data here # _______________________________________________________________________ c.setFont('Helvetica', 12, leading=None) dh = 13 top = level1 - dh lft = ltm + bump * 3 for i in billto: c.drawString(lft, top, i) top = top - dh top = level1 - dh lft = ctm + bump * 3 for i in loadat: c.drawString(lft, top, i) top = top - dh top = level1 - dh lft = rtm - 175 + bump * 3 for i in shipto: c.drawString(lft, top, i) top = top - dh x = avg(rtm - 75, rtm) y = dateline - dh - bump c.drawCentredString(x, y, joborder) x = avg(rtm - 75, rtm - 150) c.drawCentredString(x, y, invodate) c.setFont('Helvetica', 9, leading=None) j = 0 for i in line3: ctr = [ avg(ltm, p1), avg(p1, p2), avg(p2, p3), avg(p3, p4), avg(p4, p5), avg(p5, rtm) ] c.drawCentredString(ctr[j], m3 + tb, i) j = j + 1 total = 0 top = m4 - dh for data in ldata: qty = float(data.Qty) each = float(data.Ea) subtotal = qty * each total = total + subtotal line4 = [str(qty), data.Service] line5 = nononestr(data.Description) line5lines = line5.splitlines() line6 = [each, subtotal] j = 0 for i in line4: ctr = [avg(ltm, n1), avg(n1, n2)] c.drawCentredString(ctr[j], top, i) j = j + 1 j = 0 for i in line6: ctr = [n4 - tb * 2, rtm - tb * 2] c.drawRightString(ctr[j], top, dollar(i)) j = j + 1 for line in line5lines: c.drawString(n2 + tb, top, line) top = top - dh #top = top-dh if payment != 0: c.setFont('Helvetica-Bold', 18, leading=None) c.drawCentredString(ct, top - 2 * dh, 'Payment Received') if payment != 0: c.setFont('Helvetica-Bold', 12, leading=None) try: thispay = nononef(payment[0]) except: thispay = 0.00 top = top - 4 * dh try: c.drawString( n2 + bump, top, 'Your payment of ' + payment[0] + ', Ref No. ' + payment[1]) except: c.drawString(ct, top, 'There is no payment data as of yet') try: c.drawString(n2 + bump, top - dh, 'was applied on ' + paydate) except: c.drawString(ct, top - dh, 'There is a problem with the date') else: thispay = 0.00 total = total - thispay c.drawRightString(rtm - tb * 2, bottomline, dollar(total)) c.showPage() # try: # Now make a cache copy shutil.copy(file1, file2) except: print('Could not find', file1, file2) # Remove old cache company try: shutil.move(file3, file1) except: print('Could not find', file3, file1) if cache > 1: docref = f'tmp/{scac}/data/vinvoice/INV' + myo.Jo + 'c' + str( cache) + '.pdf' # Store for future use else: docref = f'tmp/{scac}/data/vinvoice/INV' + myo.Jo + 'c0.pdf' if payment == 0: for ldatl in ldata: ldatl.Pid = ldatl.Original = docref db.session.commit() myo.Path = docref myo.Cache = cache db.session.commit() return invo, err, docref, leftsize, dt
def invoiceO(ship, payment): today = myo = OverSeas.query.get(ship) # Check to see if we have the required data to make an invoice: pdat = People.query.get(myo.Pid) if pdat is not None: invo = 1 leftsize = 8 if myo.Cache is not None: cache = myo.Cache + 1 else: cache = 1 # if no invoice has been created add all the basics: idat = Invoices.query.filter(Invoices.Jo == myo.Jo).first() if idat is None: descript = 'Job ' + myo.Jo + ': ' + myo.Pol + ' to ' + myo.Pod try: total = myo.Charge.replace('$', '').replace(',', '') total = float(total) except: total = 0.00 input = Invoices(Jo=myo.Jo, SubJo=None, Pid=0, Service='Overseas Shipping', Description=descript, Ea=total, Qty=1, Amount=total, Total=total, Date=today, Original=None, Status='New') db.session.add(input) db.session.commit() # These are the services we wish to add to the invoice sdata = Services.query.order_by(Services.Price.desc()).all() total = 0 for data in sdata: testone = request.values.get('serv' + str( if testone: servid = int(testone) mys = Services.query.get(servid) qty = 1 total = total + mys.Price input = Invoices(Jo=myo.Jo, SubJo=None, Pid=myo.Pid, Service=mys.Service, Description='', Ea=mys.Price, Qty=qty, Amount=mys.Price, Total=None, Date=today, Original=None, Status='New') db.session.add(input) db.session.commit() adata = Autos.query.filter(Autos.Jo == myo.Jo).all() for data in adata: ihave = Invoices.query.filter( Invoices.SubJo == str( if ihave is None: qty = 1 towcost = data.TowCostEa if towcost is None: data.TowCostEa = '0.00' towcost = '0.00' towcharge = nononef(towcost) total = total + towcharge descript = data.Year + ' ' + data.Color + ' ' + data.Make + ' ' + data.Model + ' VIN:' + data.VIN input = Invoices(Jo=myo.Jo, SubJo=str(, Pid=myo.Pid, Service='Towing', Description=descript, Ea=towcharge, Qty=qty, Amount=towcharge, Total=None, Date=today, Original=None, Status='New') db.session.add(input) db.session.commit() total = 0.0 ldata = Invoices.query.filter(Invoices.Jo == myo.Jo).all() for ldat in ldata: qty = float(ldat.Qty) each = float(ldat.Ea) amount = qty * each total = total + amount ldat.Amount = d2s(amount) db.session.commit() for ldat in ldata: ldat.Total = d2s(total) db.session.commit() ldat = Invoices.query.filter(Invoices.Jo == myo.Jo).first() if ldat is None: invo = 0 leftsize = 10 err = [ ' ', ' ', 'No services on invoice yet and none selected', ' ', ' ' ] else: invo = 1 leftsize = 8 dt = ldat.Date invodate = ldat.Date.strftime('%m/%d/%Y') err = [' ', ' ', 'Created invoice for JO= ' + myo.Jo, ' ', ' '] ldata = Invoices.query.filter(Invoices.Jo == myo.Jo).order_by( Invoices.Ea.desc()).all() pdata1 = People.query.get(myo.Pid) pdata2 = People.query.get(myo.ExportID) pdata3 = People.query.get(myo.ConsigID) pdata4 = People.query.get(myo.NotifyID) # _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ joborder = myo.Jo file1 = addpath(f'tmp/{scac}/data/vinvoice/INV' + joborder + '.pdf') file2 = addpath(f'tmp/{scac}/data/vinvoice/INV' + joborder + 'c' + str(cache) + '.pdf') file3 = addpath(f'tmp/{scac}/data/vinvoice/INV' + joborder + 'c' + str(cache - 1) + '.pdf') today ='%m/%d/%Y') type = joborder[1] myb = Bookings.query.filter( myo.Booking == Bookings.Booking).first() if myb is not None: loadat1 = myo.Pol saildate = myb.SailDate.strftime('%m/%d/%Y') shipto1 = myo.Pod arrival = myb.EstArr.strftime('%m/%d/%Y') theline = myb.Line vessel = myb.Vessel else: loadat1 = myo.Pol saildate = 'TBD' shipto1 = myo.Pod arrival = 'TBD' theline = ' ' vessel = ' ' if payment != 0: try: paydate = payment[2].strftime('%m/%d/%Y') except: paydate = payment[2] billto = list(range(5)) if pdata1 is not None: billto[0] = comporname( pdata1.Company, fullname(pdata1.First, pdata1.Middle, pdata1.Last)) billto[1] = nononestr(pdata1.Addr1) billto[2] = nononestr(pdata1.Addr2) billto[3] = nononestr(pdata1.Telephone) billto[4] = nononestr(pdata1.Email) else: for i in range(5): billto[i] = ' ' loadat = list(range(5)) if pdata2 is not None: loadat[0] = parselinenoupper(loadat1, 34) loadat[1] = parselinenoupper('Depart Date: ' + saildate, 28) loadat[2] = ' ' loadat[3] = parselinenoupper(shipto1, 28) loadat[4] = parselinenoupper('Est. Arrival Date: ' + arrival, 28) else: for i in range(5): loadat[i] = ' ' shipto = list(range(5)) if pdata3 is not None: shipto[0] = comporname( pdata3.Company, fullname(pdata3.First, pdata3.Middle, pdata3.Last)) shipto[0] = shipto[0].title() shipto[1] = nononestr(pdata3.Addr1).title() shipto[2] = nononestr(pdata3.Addr2).title() shipto[3] = nononestr(pdata3.Telephone) shipto[4] = nononestr(pdata3.Email).lower() else: for i in range(5): shipto[i] = ' ' us = list(range(4)) us[0] = 'FIRST EAGLE LOGISTICS INC' us[1] = '505 HAMPTON PARK BLVD UNIT O' us[2] = 'CAPITOL HEIGHTS MD 20743' us[3] = '301-516-3000 [email protected]' line1 = [ 'Booking #', 'Container No.', 'Ship', 'Via', 'Vessel', 'Terms' ] line2 = [ 'Quantity', 'Item Code', 'Description', 'Price Each', 'Amount' ] line3 = [ myo.Booking, myo.Container, theline, myo.MoveType, vessel, 'Due Upon Receipt' ] note, bank = bankdata('FC') lab1 = 'Balance Due' lab2 = 'Add $39.00 for all international wires' ltm = 36 rtm = 575 ctrall = 310 left_ctr = 170 right_ctr = 480 dl = 17.6 tdl = dl * 2 hls = 530 m1 = hls - dl m2 = hls - 2 * dl m3 = hls - 3 * dl m4 = hls - 4 * dl m5 = hls - 18 * dl m6 = hls - 23 * dl m7 = hls - 27 * dl fulllinesat = [m1, m2, m3, m4, m5, m6, m7] p1 = ltm + 87 p2 = ltm + 168 p3 = ctrall - 25 p4 = rtm - 220 p5 = rtm - 120 sds1 = [p1, p2, p3, p4, p5] n1 = ltm + 50 n2 = ltm + 130 n3 = rtm - 140 n4 = rtm - 70 sds2 = [n1, n2, n3, n4] q1 = ltm + 180 q2 = rtm - 180 sds3 = [q1, q2] bump = 2.5 tb = bump * 2 c = canvas.Canvas(file1, pagesize=letter) c.setLineWidth(1) logo = addpath("tmp/pics/logo3.jpg") c.drawImage(logo, 185, 680, mask='auto') # Date and JO boxes dateline = m1 + 8.2 * dl c.rect(rtm - 150, m1 + 7 * dl, 150, 2 * dl, stroke=1, fill=0) c.line(rtm - 150, dateline, rtm, dateline) c.line(rtm - 75, m1 + 7 * dl, rtm - 75, m1 + 9 * dl) ctm = 218 c.rect(ltm, m1 + dl, 175, 5 * dl, stroke=1, fill=0) c.rect(ctm, m1 + dl, 150, 5 * dl, stroke=1, fill=0) c.rect(rtm - 200, m1 + dl, 200, 5 * dl, stroke=1, fill=0) level1 = m1 + 5 * dl c.line(ltm, level1, ltm + 175, level1) c.line(ctm, level1, ctm + 150, level1) c.line(rtm - 200, level1, rtm, level1) for i in fulllinesat: c.line(ltm, i, rtm, i) for k in sds1: c.line(k, m1, k, m3) for l in sds2: c.line(l, m3, l, m5) for m in sds3: c.line(m, m6, m, m7) c.line(ltm, m1, ltm, m7) c.line(rtm, m1, rtm, m7) h1 = avg(m6, m7) - 3 c.line(q2, h1, rtm, h1) c.setFont('Helvetica-Bold', 24, leading=None) c.drawCentredString(rtm - 75, dateline + 1.5 * dl, 'Invoice') c.setFont('Helvetica', 12, leading=None) c.drawCentredString(rtm - 112.5, dateline + bump, 'Date') c.drawCentredString(rtm - 37.7, dateline + bump, 'Invoice #') c.drawString(ltm + bump * 3, m1 + 5 * dl + bump * 2, 'Bill To') c.drawString(ctm + bump * 3, m1 + 5 * dl + bump * 2, 'Port to Port') c.drawString(rtm - 200 + bump * 2, m1 + 5 * dl + bump * 2, 'Customer/Consignee') ctr = [ avg(ltm, p1), avg(p1, p2), avg(p2, p3), avg(p3, p4), avg(p4, p5), avg(p5, rtm) ] for j, i in enumerate(line1): c.drawCentredString(ctr[j], m2 + tb, i) ctr = [ avg(ltm, n1), avg(n1, n2), avg(n2, n3), avg(n3, n4), avg(n4, rtm) ] for j, i in enumerate(line2): c.drawCentredString(ctr[j], m4 + tb, i) dh = 12 ct = 305 top = m6 - 1.5 * dh for i in bank: c.drawCentredString(ct, top, i) top = top - dh top = m1 + 9 * dl - 5 for i in us: c.drawString(ltm + bump, top, i) top = top - dh bottomline = m6 - 23 c.setFont('Helvetica-Bold', 12, leading=None) c.drawString(q2 + tb, bottomline, 'Balance Due:') c.setFont('Helvetica', 10, leading=None) c.drawCentredString(avg(q2, rtm), m7 + 12, 'Add $39.00 for all international wires') c.setFont('Times-Roman', 9, leading=None) dh = 9.95 top = m5 - dh for j, i in enumerate(note): c.drawString(ltm + tb, top, note[j]) top = top - dh # _______________________________________________________________________ # Insert data here # _______________________________________________________________________ c.setFont('Helvetica', 10, leading=None) dh = 13 top = level1 - dh lft = ltm + bump * 3 for i in billto: i = i.title() c.drawString(lft, top, i) top = top - dh top = level1 - dh lft = ctm + bump * 3 for i in loadat: for k in i: c.drawString(lft, top, k) top = top - dh top = level1 - dh lft = rtm - 205 + bump * 3 for i in shipto: c.drawString(lft, top, i) top = top - dh x = avg(rtm - 75, rtm) y = dateline - dh - bump c.drawCentredString(x, y, joborder) x = avg(rtm - 75, rtm - 150) c.drawCentredString(x, y, invodate) c.setFont('Helvetica', 9, leading=None) ctr = [ avg(ltm, p1), avg(p1, p2), avg(p2, p3), avg(p3, p4), avg(p4, p5), avg(p5, rtm) ] for j, i in enumerate(line3): c.drawCentredString(ctr[j], m3 + tb, i) total = 0 top = m4 - dh for data in ldata: qty = data.Qty if qty != -1: qty = int(nonone(data.Qty)) each = float(nonone(data.Ea)) subtotal = qty * each if subtotal == 0: sqty = '' theservice = 'Included/NoTow' theeach = '' thesubtotal = '' else: sqty = str(qty) theservice = data.Service theeach = dollar(each) thesubtotal = dollar(subtotal) total = total + subtotal line4 = [sqty, theservice] line5 = nononestr(data.Description) line6 = [theeach, thesubtotal] ctr = [avg(ltm, n1), avg(n1, n2)] for j, i in enumerate(line4): c.drawCentredString(ctr[j], top, i) c.drawString(n2 + tb, top, line5) ctr = [n4 - tb * 2, rtm - tb * 2] for j, i in enumerate(line6): c.drawRightString(ctr[j], top, i) top = top - dh if payment != 0: c.setFont('Helvetica-Bold', 18, leading=None) c.drawCentredString(ct, top - 2 * dh, 'Payment Received') if payment != 0: c.setFont('Helvetica-Bold', 12, leading=None) try: thispay = dollar(float(payment[0])) except: thispay = '$0.00' # dollar(float(payment[0])) top = top - 4 * dh try: c.drawString( n2 + bump, top, 'Your payment of ' + thispay + ', Ref No. ' + payment[1]) except: c.drawString(ct, top, 'There is no payment data as of yet') try: c.drawString(n2 + bump, top - dh, 'was applied on ' + paydate) except: c.drawString(ct, top - dh, 'There is a problem with the date') thispay = nononef(thispay) else: thispay = 0.00 baldue = total - thispay c.drawRightString(rtm - tb * 2, bottomline, dollar(baldue)) c.showPage() # # Now make a cache copy shutil.copy(file1, file2) try: shutil.move(file3, file1) except: err = 'No file there' # _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ if cache > 1: docref = f'tmp/{scac}/data/vinvoice/INV' + myo.Jo + 'c' + str( cache) + '.pdf' # Store for future use else: docref = f'tmp/{scac}/data/vinvoice/INV' + myo.Jo + '.pdf' if payment == 0: for ldatl in ldata: ldatl.Pid = ldatl.Original = docref db.session.commit() myo.Ipath = docref myo.Cache = cache db.session.commit() leftscreen = 0 #err[4]='Viewing '+docref return invo, err, leftscreen, leftsize, docref, dt